Es wurden 115 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff diary in 9 Shops gefunden:
Bettwäsche Diary Rose ca. 140x200cm
Anbieter: Mömax AT Preis: 19,16 € (+4,95 €)Bringen Sie Romantik in Ihr Schlafzimmer mit dieser attraktiven Bettwäsche im Rosendesign. Die Bettwäsche aus 100 % Baumwolle in Renforcé-Oberfläche in Weiß und Rosa ist anschmiegsam weich und ein echter Blickfang mit dekorativen Rosen und verschnörkelten Schriftzügen. Zudem ist die Bettwäsche pflege- und bügelleicht und die Bezüge können per Zippverschluss abgenommen und bis 40° C in der Maschine gewaschen werden. Im Bettwäscheset enthalten sind 1 Deckenbezug (ca. 140 x 200 cm) und 1 Kopfkissenbezug (ca. 70 x 90 cm).
NEONAIL Kollektionen Woman's Diary Color UV Nagellack Hit Dreamer
Anbieter: Preis: 9,36 € (+4,49 €)Unter den NEONAIL Color-UV-Nagellack Kollektionen nimmt Woman's Diary einen besonderen Platz ein. Die klaren Signalfarben in Blau, Pink, Orange und Hell-Orange setzen überzeugende, vitale Akzente beim Make-up. Das Pink mit der Bezeichnung HiT Dreamer spiegelt das fantasievolle Ich der Trägerin in besonderem Maße wider. Mehr als NagellackNEONAIL Color-UV-Nagellack zeichnet sich durch eine Vielzahl von Farben aus. Das System lässt sich leicht verarbeiten und erspart den Besuch im Nagelstudio. Mit einer Haltbarkeit von bis zu 21 Tagen muss sich der Nagellack nicht hinter anderen professionellen Lösungen für die Nägel verstecken. So wird es möglich, sich mit fantasievollen Farbtönen in allen Facetten der eigenen Persönlichkeit auszudrücken. Den Sommer zurückholen und erhalten? Mit Farben wie Hit Dreamer gelingt das einfach. Das expressive Pink rückt das Make-up der Nägel in den Fokus. Dieser NEONAIL Color-UV-Nagellack hebt die eigene Laune zu allen Jahreszeiten, besonders aber wenn es draußen kalt und dunkel ist. Lacke aus der Woman's Diary Kollektion sind nicht nur eine modische Aussage. Sie sind ein Lebensgefühl, das wie mit einem Tagebuch der Farben verschiedene Alltagsgefühle und Situationen aufnimmt. Der Woman's Diary Lack macht das Nagel-Make-up zu einem beständigen Quell der Lebensfreude.
Miss Melody Diary With Code And Sound
Anbieter: Preis: 26,96 € (+5,99 €)For secret thoughts and dreams: The diary has a beautiful cover with Miss Melody and a herd of galloping horses. The lock only opens when the correct four-digit code (personally adjustable) is entered. Then the top hit Infinity also plays for about 20 seconds. Inside, the diary has 80 lovingly illustrated, finely lined pages.
Tagesdecke Diary Rose Rosa/Weiß ca. 220x240cm
Anbieter: Mömax AT Preis: 16,66 € (+4,95 €)Tagesdecke Diary Rose Rosa/Weiß ca. 220x240cm
Vermilion The Diary of a CEO
Anbieter: Preis: 13,99 € (+3,95 €)This is not a book about business strategy. Strategy changes like the seasons. This is a book about something much more permanent. At the very heart of all the success and failure I've been exposed to - both my own entrepreneurial journey and through the thousands of interviews I've conducted on my podcast - are a set of principles that can stand the test of time, apply to any industry, and be used by anyone who is search of building something great or becoming someone great. These are the fundamental laws that will ensure excellence. They are rooted in psychology and behavioral science, are based on the wisdom of tens of thousands of people I've surveyed across every continent and age group, and of course, drawn from the conversations I've had on my chart-topping podcast with the world's most successful people. These laws will work now or in 100 years from now. Are you ready to get started?
unbekannt - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess (Book 19) (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, 19) - Preis vom 20.03.2025 06:09:50 h
Anbieter: Preis: 8,43 € (+1,49 €)Binding : hardcover, Edition : 1, Label : Diary of a Wimpy Kid : Hot Mess (Book 19) (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, 19), medium : hardcover, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 2024-10-22, releaseDate : 2024-10-22, languages : english, ISBN : 0241583160
CANUN Terra Diary Light 18 kg für ältere Hunde
Anbieter: Preis: 35,73 €Alleinfuttermittel für ältere Hunde. Zusammensetzung:Fleisch und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse (Rind min. 25), Vollmais, Weizennebenerzeugnisse, Gerstenmalz, Hülsenfrüchte (min. 4%), Geflügelfett, hydrolysierte Leber, Vitamine und Mineralstoffe. Analytische Zusammensetzung:Rohprotein 20%Rohöle und -fette 6%Rohfaser 4%Rohasche 8%Energiewert (Stoffwechselenergie): 3420 kcal/kg ZUSATZSTOFFE PRO KGVitamine: Vitamin A 8000 I.E., Vitamin D3 950 I.E., Vitamin E 65 mg.Spurenelemente: Eisen (Eisen-II-Karbonat) 90 mg; Jod (Kaliumjodid) 2 mg; Kupfer (Kupfersulfat-Pentahydrat) 9 mg; Mangan (Manganoxid) 35 mg; Zink (Zinkoxid) 65 mg; Selen (Natriumselenit) 0,2 mg.Technologische Zusatzstoffe: Antioxidantien Dosierung: Gewicht des Hundes Aktivität 1h/Tag Aktivität 2h/Tag Aktivität >4h/Tag15kg 255g 280g 325g20 kg 340 g 390 g 450 g30 kg 510 g 550 g 585 g35 kg 535 g 590 g 635 g40 kg 590 g 635 g 680 g45 kg 655g 710g 755g50kg 720g 760g 790g60 kg 860 g 890 g 935 g
Vermilion The Diary of a CEO
Anbieter: Preis: 16,49 € (+3,95 €)Runaway No.1 Bestseller by STEVEN BARTLETT: entrepreneur, podcaster and Dragon's Den star This is not a book about business strategy. Strategy changes like the seasons. This is a book about something much more permanent. At the very heart of all the success and failure I've been exposed to - both my own entrepreneurial journey and through the thousands of interviews I've conducted on my podcast - are a set of principles that can stand the test of time, apply to any industry, and be used by anyone who is search of building something great or becoming someone great. These are the fundamental laws that will ensure excellence. They are rooted in psychology and behavioral science, are based on the wisdom of tens of thousands of people I've surveyed across every continent and age group, and of course, drawn from the conversations I've had on my chart-topping podcast with the world's most successful people. These laws will work now or in 100 years from now. Are you ready to get started? Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, September 2023
Jeff Kinney - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 11) - Preis vom 20.03.2025 06:09:50 h
Anbieter: Preis: 6,49 € (+1,49 €)Binding : Audio CD, Edition : Unabridged edition, Label : Penguin, Publisher : Penguin, Format : Audiobook, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2016-11-01, runningTime : 129 minutes, authors : Jeff Kinney, narrators : Dan Russell, languages : english, ISBN : 0141373237
Vermilion The Diary of a CEO
Anbieter: Preis: 24,99 € (+3,95 €)Runaway No.1 Bestseller by STEVEN BARTLETT: entrepreneur, podcaster and Dragon's Den star This is not a book about business strategy. Strategy changes like the seasons. This is a book about something much more permanent. At the very heart of all the success and failure I've been exposed to - both my own entrepreneurial journey and through the thousands of interviews I've conducted on my podcast - are a set of principles that can stand the test of time, apply to any industry, and be used by anyone who is search of building something great or becoming someone great. These are the fundamental laws that will ensure excellence. They are rooted in psychology and behavioral science, are based on the wisdom of tens of thousands of people I've surveyed across every continent and age group, and of course, drawn from the conversations I've had on my chart-topping podcast with the world's most successful people. These laws will work now or in 100 years from now. Are you ready to get started? Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, September 2023
Jeff Kinney - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 11) - Preis vom 20.03.2025 06:09:50 h
Anbieter: Preis: 2,99 € (+1,49 €)Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Puffin, Publisher : Puffin, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 2018-01-25, authors : Jeff Kinney, ISBN : 014137666X
Ariston The Diary of a CEO – Die Entdeckung des Erfolgs
Anbieter: Preis: 2,35 € (+3,95 €)Die 33 Gesetze für Leben und Arbeit In diesem Buch geht es nicht um Strategie. Strategien ändern sich wie das Wetter. In diesem Buch geht es um etwas viel Dauerhafteres: um die 33 fundamentalen Gesetze des Lebens und der Arbeit, die auch in 100 Jahren noch gültig sein werden. Die Gesetze, die darüber entscheiden, ob Sie große Dinge verwirklichen und selbst zu einer großartigen Persönlichkeit werden. Ganz egal, in welcher Branche Sie sind oder in welcher Position. Die 33 Gesetze beruhen auf Erkenntnissen aus der Psychologie, den Naturwissenschaften und jahrhundertelanger Forschung. Sie wurden validiert durch Umfragen unter Zehntausenden Menschen aus der ganzen Welt, jeder Altersklasse und aus allen möglichen Berufszweigen. Und das Schönste ist: Einmal verstanden, sind sie ganz einfach umzusetzen. Sind Sie bereit, Ihr Leben zu einem großartigen zu machen? 33 Gesetze für Leben und Arbeit - prägnant, intelligent und unterhaltsam Millionen-Reichweite des Social-Media-Stars und hohes Engagement seiner Follower*innen: Podcast The Diary of a CEO bald auch auf Deutsch Für die Leser*innen von Rolf Dobelli, Christian Bischoff und Ray Dalio
Tinka Plush Diary with Lock - Unicorn
Anbieter: Preis: 13,28 € (+5,99 €)Trendenz 8-802127 Notizbuch Mehrfarbig
Ebury Publishing Diary of a Drag Queen
Anbieter: Preis: 10,99 €Longlisted for the Polari First Book Prize 2020 Life's a drag... Why not be a queen? 'Stories like the one where you shagged a 79-year-old builder and knocked over his sister's ashes while feeding him a Viagra. Or the time you crashed your car because you were giving a hand job in barely moving traffic and took your eye off the car in front. That's the kind of dinner-party ice-breaker I'm talking about.' Northern, working-class and shagging men three times her age, Crystal writes candidly about her search for 'the one'; sleeping with a VIP in an attempt to become a world famous journalist; getting hired and fired by a well-known fashion magazine; being torn between losing weight and gorging on KFC; and her need for constant sexual satisfaction (and where that takes her). Charting her day-to-day adventures over the course of a year, we encounter tucks, twists and sucks, heinous overspending and endless nights spent sprinting from problem to problem in a full face of make-up. This is a place where the previously unspeakable becomes the commendable - a unique portrayal of the queer experience. (c) 2019, Crystal Rasmussen (P) 2019 Penguin Audio
Tinka Plush Diary with Lock - Horse w/ Crown
Anbieter: Preis: 13,91 € (+5,99 €)The diary that holds all secrets! Diaries are the real thing, for the young people who love to keep secrets that no one else should know about. One of the most liberating things for children as well as adults is to be able to write down all the thoughts of the world without having to answer or share with others. A diary always guarantees acceptance, and what is written down in a diary stays there forever. This beautiful diary has the motif of a horse - it has a soft fur, and it is equipped with a lock, to which a key is included. Thus, no secrets slip out of the diary. Enjoy the sweet and beautiful motif in a glorious color, and get rid of the rumbling thoughts.
Péridot VISUAL DIARY (Giverny-Grün)
Anbieter: Preis: 12,00 € (+3,95 €)Was, wenn ein Tagebuch mit Zeichnungen festhalten könnte, was in Worten nur schwer auszudrücken ist? - Auf über 90 Seiten Anregungen, die Umwelt achtsam wahrzunehmen und zu zeichnen - Neue Art, das Erlebte festzuhalten und zu erinnern - Klimaneutral in der EU gedruckt Das grüne Titelbild ist inspiriert von Claude Monets Haus in Giverny.
Jeff Kinney - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown (Book 13) (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 13) - Preis vom 20.03.2025 06:09:50 h
Anbieter: Preis: 3,49 € (+1,49 €)Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 01, Label : Puffin, Publisher : Puffin, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 2020-01-23, authors : Jeff Kinney, ISBN : 0241389313
Amulet Books Diary of a Wimpy Kid Box of Books 1-10 Hardcover Gift Set
Anbieter: Preis: 136,99 €This exclusive hardcover gift set features the first TEN books in the beloved bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney. Perfect for both new readers and longtime fans, this hardcover gift set includes books 1 through 10. Each book is packed with laugh-out-loud moments, relatable situations, and engaging illustrations that bring Greg's adventures to life. This beautifully designed box set makes an ideal gift for young readers aged 7-12 and is a must-have addition to any Diary of a Wimpy Kid collection. Key Features: * Hardcover editions of books 1-10 (these are fresh hardcovers, not used editions) * Specially designed collectible box * Perfect for gifting and collecting * Particularly suitable for ages 7-12 Join Greg Heffley on his unforgettable journey through middle school with this gift-ready box set featuring: Diary of a Wimpy Kid : Meet Greg Heffley and his family, friends, and foes as he navigates the trials and tribulations of middle school. Rodrick Rules : Greg's older brother, Rodrick, is determined to make Greg's life miserable, but Greg has a few tricks up his sleeve. The Last Straw : Greg's dad decides it's time for Greg to toughen up and enlists him in organized sports and other "manly" endeavors. Dog Days : Summer vacation is supposed to be a time for fun and relaxation, but Greg's plans don't quite go as expected. The Ugly Truth : Greg faces the awkward realities of growing up and learns some hard truths about life. Cabin Fever : A snowstorm traps Greg and his family indoors, leading to a series of hilarious and chaotic events. The Third Wheel : Greg navigates the tricky waters of middle school romance and friendship. Hard Luck : Greg's luck seems to have run out, and he must find a way to turn things around. The Long Haul : A family road trip goes hilariously off course, testing the Heffleys' patience and sanity. Old School : Greg's town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free, leading to unexpected adventures and challenges.
Diary Sow - Je pars - Preis vom 20.03.2025 06:09:50 h
Anbieter: Preis: 4,49 € (+1,49 €)Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : ROBERT LAFFONT, Publisher : ROBERT LAFFONT, Format : Blaues Buch, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 216, publicationDate : 2021-11-04, authors : Diary Sow, ISBN : 2221257855
Andrews McMeel Publishing Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior Diamond Box Set
Anbieter: Preis: 71,99 €Collect all six illustrated novels of the best-selling Diary of an8-Bit Warrior series in this ultimate box set. A Minecraft Movie opens in theaters April 4, 2025!
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