Es wurden 36945 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff publishers in 4 Shops gefunden:
Bis Publishers Design Journeys through Complex Systems
Anbieter: Preis: 39,99 €Hier geht es um intelligente (Benutzer-)Oberflächen für Information und Interaktion. Das „Systemische Design“ nutzt Systemdenken und Dienstleistungsdesign, um große gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge und komplexe sozio-technische Systeme darzustellen und veränderbar zu machen. Dies ist ein Handbuch für Designer, das ihnen hilft, Werkzeuge des systemischen Designs zu erlernen, um unterschiedliche Interessengruppen in die gemeinschaftliche Gestaltung komplexer gesellschaftlicher Systeme einzubinden. Es basiert auf dem Systemic Design Toolkit der Autoren. Unter Verwendung einer Reiseführer-Metapher trainiert das Buch die Denkweise der Menschen und bietet Werkzeuge für den Umgang mit Hyperkomplexität. So wird Verständnis für systemische Probleme ermöglicht und die Fähigkeit zur Zusammenarbeit in Teams aufgebaut.
Anbieter: Preis: 16,99 €Microsoft Publisher 2021 Mit Microsoft Publisher 2021 stellt der Entwickler eine leistungsstarke Software für kreative Köpfe bereit. Zahlreiche Werkzeuge in einer aufgeräumten Oberfläche stehen bereit, um Ihnen beim Erstellen individueller Publikationen für jeden Zweck zu dienen. Die Software setzt sich durch umfassende gestalterische Möglichkeiten bei einer gleichzeitig einfachen Bedienung deutlich von der Konkurrenz auf dem Markt ab, unter anderem auch zum hauseigenen Programm Word. Lassen Sie mit Microsoft Publisher 2021 Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf Die Kreativität des Anwenders steht bei Microsoft Publisher 2021 im Mittelpunkt. Die Software eignet sich für die Planung, Gestaltung und Veröffentlichung individueller Kreationen und richtet sich an private Anwender und kleinere Unternehmen. Wer beispielsweise eine Speisekarte für den eigenen Imbiss erstellen und gestalten möchte, erhält mit Microsoft Publisher 2021 für diesen Zweck die richtigen Werkzeuge. Auch für Grußkarten, Etiketten oder Materialien aus dem Marketingbereich eignet sich die Software aus dem Hause Microsoft hervorragend. Sind die Projekte erst einmal fertig, eignen sich die vorliegenden Dateien hervorragend für die Publikation in unterschiedlichen Bereichen. Die Software Publisher zeigt sich in diesem Bereich sehr vielfältig und erlaubt Ihnen die Nutzung auf Papier, direkt online oder auch in E-Mails. Durch die hohen Standards und die spezielle Verarbeitung ist dafür gesorgt, dass die Ergebnisse in allen Umgebungen gleich aussehen, die Qualität der fertigen Arbeit überzeugt also in jedem Bereich. Die technischen Möglichkeiten bei der Nutzung der Software lassen so gut wie keine Wünsche offen und erlauben beispielsweise einen Foto-Import aus zahlreichen Quellen. Durch die aktuelle Überarbeitung stellen selbst hochauflösende Bilder professioneller Kameras kein Problem dar, diese lassen sich ohne Qualitätsverlust direkt in das Projekt übernehmen und zusätzlich individuell anpassen. Publisher unterstützt für diesen Teil der Arbeit zudem ein breites Spektrum verschiedener Dateitypen. Hochauflösende Hintergründe und viele weitere Werkzeuge für die ausgiebige Nutzung der Software lassen bei der Gestaltung keine Wünsche offen und setzen Ihrer Kreativität keine Grenzen. Profitieren Sie von einer einfachen und intuitiven Bedienung Die Software Microsoft Publisher 2021 richtet sich ganz klar nicht nur an professionelle Nutzer, sondern ist auch im Hinblick auf die Nutzung im privaten Segment optimiert. Unter anderem profitieren Sie von der intuitiven und einfachen Bedienung und Microsoft teilt die zahlreichen Werkzeuge in die gewohnten Registerkarten ein. Mit wenigen Klicks navigieren Sie innerhalb der zahlreichen Werkzeuge und finden sich schnell zurecht. Wer viel mit Bildern aus anderen Quellen arbeitet, profitiert zudem von einer praktischen Drag-and-Drop-Funktion. Die gewünschten Vorlagen fügen Sie mit wenigen Handgriffen in Ihr Projekt ein. Je nach Bedarf müssen Sie zudem das Projekt nicht von Beginn an aufbauen, für die einfache Nutzung im privaten Umfeld stehen vielfältige Vorlagen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen zur Verfügung. Diese durchsuchen Sie zu Beginn des Projekts bequem innerhalb der Software oder profitieren von noch mehr Auswahl bei einer Online-Suche. Die Werkzeuge innerhalb der Software sind ebenfalls auf die einfache und intuitive Anwendung ausgelegt. Eine integrierte Führung und ein Lineal ermöglichen beispielsweise besonders akkurate und saubere Ergebnisse. Damit während der Arbeit keine Fortschritte verloren gehen, können Sie die automatische Speicherfunktion nutzen. Die Software sichert alle Arbeiten und Schritte permanent im Cloud-Dienst OneDrive. Mit weiteren Einzelanwendungen aus Office 2021 können Sie die Nutzung in Publisher 2021 also noch effizienter und sicherer gestalten. Auch eine Nutzung der Software in der Cloud ist prinzipiell möglich, erfordert allerdings ein Office 365 Abonnement und ein Microsoft-Konto. Aktuelle Änderungen der leistungsstarken Software <p
Planeta Publishers - Ortografia de la lengua espanola - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 4,34 € (+1,49 €)Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Espasa, Publisher : Espasa, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 1999-03-01, authors : Planeta Publishers, Real Academia Espa Nola, languages : spanish, ISBN : 8423992500
Publishers Group Uk Save the Cat!
Anbieter: Preis: 15,99 € (+3,95 €)This ultimate insider's guide reveals the secrets that none dare admit, told by a show biz veteran who's proven that you can sell your script if you can save the cat!
HarperCollins Publishers - Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind: Malbuch - Magische Geschöpfe - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 9,99 € (+1,49 €)Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : HarperCollins, Publisher : HarperCollins, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 80, publicationDate : 2016-12-01, releaseDate : 2016-12-01, authors : HarperCollins Publishers, translators : Tania Krätschmar, languages : german, ISBN : 3959670818
Osprey Publishers D-Day 1944 (1)
Anbieter: Preis: 25,99 € (+3,95 €)The first title in Osprey's survey of the D-Day landings of World War II (1939-1945). The D-Day landings of 6 June 1944 were the largest amphibious military operation ever mounted. The greatest armada the world had ever seen was assembled to transport the Allied invasion force across the Channel and open the long-awaited second front against Hitler's Third Reich. Of the landings on the five assault beaches, Omaha Beach was the only one ever in doubt. Within moments of the first wave landing a third of the assault troops were casualties. Yet by the end of D-Day the Atlantic Wall had been breached and the US Army's V Corps was firmly entrenched on French soil.
Summersdale Publishers - 365 Days of Yoga: Daily Guidance for a Healthier, Happier You - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 6,49 € (+1,49 €)Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Summersdale Publishers, Publisher : Summersdale Publishers, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 160, publicationDate : 2022-01-04, authors : Summersdale Publishers, ISBN : 178783641X
Osprey Publishers D-Day 1944 (2)
Anbieter: Preis: 25,99 € (+3,95 €)On their western flank, the Allied landings on D-Day combined a parachute drop by the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions with an amphibious assault on "Utah" Beach by the US 4th Infantry Division. The landings came ashore in the wrong place but met weaker German resistance as a result. The heaviest fighting took place inland where the badly scattered paratroopers gradually gathered in small groups and made for their objectives. This book traces the story of D-Day on Utah beach, revealing how the infantry pushed inland and linked up with the Airborne troops in a beachhead five miles deep. Now the battle to break out and seize the key port of Cherbourg could begin.
Bis Publishers Visual Doing
Anbieter: Preis: 20,00 € (+3,95 €)After the success of 2017’s Visual Thinking, the author noticed that people enjoy discovering how easy it is to use drawings in business communication. But they still have no guide to satisfy their desire to tell a visual story in a very simple way. That is why the author has now written Visual Doing. This book will fulfil this desire, not by drilling deeper into the advice in the first book, but by ‘undeepening’ Chapters 3 and 4. These chapters, both about drawing in visual business settings, are now broken down into ready-to-implement skills and tools. Visual Doing will improve your visual craftsmanship and broaden your skillset. It’s a practical and accessible handbook for incorporating visual thinking into your daily business and communication. The author leads you through a new range of exercises, techniques and subjects which will help you to tell your own visual story. It takes a look at these subjects from different perspectives: ‘me as an individual’; ‘we as a team’ and ‘us as a company.’ It helps you to clarify complex information, pitch innovative strategies and foster a visual culture within your organisation. Learn how to show and share your ideas in a fun, clear and compelling way so you can inspire, engage and activate yourself and others.
Osprey Publishers D-Day 1944 (3)
Anbieter: Preis: 25,99 € (+3,95 €)At 0016hrs on 6 June 1944 a Horsa glider ground to a halt a mere 60 yards from the Orne Canal bridge at Bénouville in Normandy. A small group of British paratroopers burst from it and stormed the bridge within minutes. The Allied liberation of Nazi-occupied Europe had begun. Within a few hours landing craft would swarm towards Ouistreham as British 3rd Division stormed ashore at Sword Beach. The battle would then begin to break through to relieve the paratroopers. In the third of the D-Day volumes Ken Ford details the assault by British 6th Airborne Division and the British landings on Sword Beach that secured the vital left flank of the invasion.
Bis Publishers Visual Doing Workbook
Anbieter: Preis: 12,99 € (+3,95 €)As a follow-up to the bestseller Visual Thinking and the second book Visual Doing, the author is releasing two workbooks. These books are great tools to help you kick-start your visual journey and gain the confidence to produce amazing, compelling drawings. The books are crammed with tons of visual exercises, ranging from tracing illustrations to drawing hacks. It will inspire you to design and share your own icons!
Owl's Nest Publishers, LLC The Right Move
Anbieter: Preis: 21,99 € (+3,95 €) -
Publishers Group Uk Shinto: The Kami Spirit World of Japan
Anbieter: Preis: 12,67 € (+3,95 €)Japanese Shinto is the simple belief that the divine dwells in all things around us! Shinto: The Japanese World of Kami Spirits is a concise guide to the fundamental elements of the Shinto religion--its rich mythology and symbols, intricate rituals, festivals, ancestral spirits, awe-inspiring architecture and a profound belief in the divine presence in the natural world around us. Readers will discover here the pervasive influence of Shinto on all aspects of contemporary Japanese life and culture. From the hallowed shrines nestled in wooded landscapes to the vibrant tapestry of contemporary Japanese manga, films and video games featuring Kami spirits and characters--Shinto is ever-present. This modernized classic, with new color and b&w; images and a new foreword by bestselling author Hector Garcia, reminds us of the intrinsic connection between humanity and nature. Shinto's reverence for the divine in all aspects of nature can inspire and guide us to achieve a more harmonious and sustainable future.
Tarcher, J.P. Publishers I Am
Anbieter: Preis: 18,99 € (+3,95 €)"I AM is a fascinating, in-depth and eye-opening look at the very essence of how each of our lives are created in every moment." - Hale Dwoskin, author of the New York Times bestseller, The Sedona Method and featured teacher in The Secret For centuries humankind has been asking fervent questions about the meaning of life. As Howard Falco learned, the answers to these questions can ultimately be found in the answer to just one: "Who am I?" In late 2002, in the middle of an ordinary life, Falco-a thirty- five-year-old investment manager with a wife and two children-sought the answer to this powerful question and remarkably this quest resulted in a sudden and all-encompassing shift in his awareness that revealed more about life and how we each create it than he ever imagined knowing. Startled by this new understanding and its implications for his own life and the lives of all others, Falco set out to share his discoveries. The stunning result is this book. I AM takes readers on a life-changing journey in which they will discover the incredible power they have over their experience of life, finding that the doorway to eternal peace, happiness, and fulfillment lies in one of the shortest sentences in the written word but the most powerful in the universe: I AM.
Publishers Group Uk Film Directing: Shot by Shot
Anbieter: Preis: 28,99 € (+3,95 €)A go-to guide to directing films, updated here on the twenty-fifth anniversary of its initial release. Looks at processes of celebrated auteurs.
LAPA Publishers The Time-Thief
Anbieter: Preis: 11,90 €It's mid-summer's day and thirteen-year-old Elle and her Leapling classmates are visiting the Museum of the Past, the Present and the Future. But on the day of the school trip, disaster strikes, and the most unique and valuable piece in the museum, the Infinity-Glass, is stolen! And worse still, Elle's friend and fellow Infinite, MC² is arrested for the crime! To prove his innocence Elle must leap back centuries in time, to a London very different from today. Along the way she will meet new friends, face dangers unlike any she has ever known, and face an old enemy who is determined to destroy her. Can Elle find the missing Infinity-Glass and return it to its rightful home before it's too late?
Publishers Group Uk Save the Cat!
Anbieter: Preis: 15,99 € (+3,95 €)This ultimate insider's guide reveals the secrets that none dare admit, told by a show biz veteran who's proven that you can sell your script if you can save the cat!
Bis Publishers Visual Doing
Anbieter: Preis: 20,00 € (+3,95 €)After the success of 2017’s Visual Thinking, the author noticed that people enjoy discovering how easy it is to use drawings in business communication. But they still have no guide to satisfy their desire to tell a visual story in a very simple way. That is why the author has now written Visual Doing. This book will fulfil this desire, not by drilling deeper into the advice in the first book, but by ‘undeepening’ Chapters 3 and 4. These chapters, both about drawing in visual business settings, are now broken down into ready-to-implement skills and tools. Visual Doing will improve your visual craftsmanship and broaden your skillset. It’s a practical and accessible handbook for incorporating visual thinking into your daily business and communication. The author leads you through a new range of exercises, techniques and subjects which will help you to tell your own visual story. It takes a look at these subjects from different perspectives: ‘me as an individual’; ‘we as a team’ and ‘us as a company.’ It helps you to clarify complex information, pitch innovative strategies and foster a visual culture within your organisation. Learn how to show and share your ideas in a fun, clear and compelling way so you can inspire, engage and activate yourself and others.
Publishers Group Uk Tunisian Crochet - The Japanese Way
Anbieter: Preis: 17,99 € (+3,95 €)Combine the best of knitting and crochet using Japan's visual notation style! Tunisian crochet is the knitwork style that combines the cast-on method of knitting with the hook method of crochet, resulting in fabrics that look woven as well as knitted. Tunisian Crochet--The Japanese Way gives knitting and crochet enthusiasts a chance to create beautiful patterns and textures using the clear chart-and-symbol method of visual notation pioneered in Japan and now popular worldwide. Step-by-step illustrations for 13 classic stitches are provided, along with the 20 stylish projects: Wave Stitch--Used to create an intricate multi-colored shrug Seed Stitch--Perfect fun bags of all sizes, from a fabulous drawstring bucket bag (with a scallop stitch) to a beautifully patterned pencil case Cube Stitch-- You'll enjoy using this to make a colorful vest and splashy tippet Domino Stitch--A versatile stitch that can be used to create an elegant beret And many more! Each project comes with complete instructions and schematics. A dedicated section at the end shows you in detail how to execute each stitch, providing visual references to help you perfect your skills. Perfect for "technique collectors" and needlecrafters looking for new angles and new challenges, Tunisian Crochet--The Japanese Way is a fantastic adventure that you'll enjoy for years to come.
Hurst Publishers Ransom War
Anbieter: Preis: 25,70 €Ransom War delves into the alarming rise of ransomware, a type of malicious software that prevents users from accessing their systems or data. Victims are coerced into paying ransoms to regain access or to prevent the release of sensitive information. The issue presents formidable challenges to national security. For instance, in May 2022, a series of devastating ransomware attacks prompted the President of Costa Rica to declare a national emergency, stating that the country was in a 'state of war.' Ransomware also imposes severe hardship on individuals, often impacting the most vulnerable the hardest. One chilling example took place in March 2023 when hackers targeted Lehigh Valley Health Network in Pennsylvania. By stealing and encrypting their data, the cyber criminals attempted to extort a payment. When the healthcare organisation refused to yield, the hackers resorted to a despicable act by leaking personal data and private photographs of topless female breast cancer patients.
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