Es wurden 19 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff augmented in 3 Shops gefunden:
Shiseido - Technosatin Gel Lipstick, Technosatin, Augmented Nude
Anbieter: Preis: 49,95 CHF (+0,65 CHF)Der neue TechnoSatin Gel Lipstick ist die perfekte Kombination aus Kunst und Wissenschaft. Dank seiner ultra-komfortablen und leichten Formel werden die Lippen sofort in eine satinierte, langanhaltende Farbe und 24-Stunden-Feuchtigkeitspflege gehüllt. - INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIE: Mit der Stretch-Flex-Technologie, die wie eine zweite Haut wirkt, werden Ihre Lippen in eine flexible, lang anhaltende und komfortable Farbschicht gehüllt. - NÄHRENDE FORMEL: Angereichert mit mehr als 68% SKINCARE INGREDIENTS, einschliesslich Benibana-Öl, sorgt diese einzigartige Formel dafür, dass sich Ihre Lippen 24 Stunden lang geglättet und mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt fühlen. Benannt nach unserer technologischen Ära und der langjährigen Leidenschaft von SHISEIDO für Wissenschaft und Innovation, gibt es den TechnoSatin Gel-Lippenstift in 15 ultrastarken Farbtönen. Welchen werden Sie für Ihren perfekten Look wählen? Volle Deckkraft. Satiniertes Finish. Lang anhaltende Farbe. Ganztägige Feuchtigkeitszufuhr. Dermatologisch getestet. - Modellname: Technosatin - Marketingfarbe: AUGMENTED NUDE - Marke: SHISEIDO
Shiseido TechnoSatin Gel Lipstick 4 GR 403 Augmented Nude 4 g
Anbieter: Preis: 2,58 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Der neue TechnoSatin Gel Lipstick von Shiseido ist die perfekte Kombination aus Kunst und Wissenschaft. Die angenehme und schwerelose Formulierung umhüllt die Lippen mit intensiver Farbe und spendet 24 Stunden Feuchtigkeit - für ein seidig glänzendes Finish. Dank der innovativen Stretch-Flex-Technologie werden die Lippen mit einer langanhaltenden, schwerelosen Farbschicht umhüllt und mit maximalem Komfort verwöhnt. Die Formulierung enthält über 68% pflegende Inhaltsstoffe, wie beispielsweise Benibana-Öl, welches die Lippen pflegt und ein angenehmes und mit Feuchtigkeit versorgtes Gefühl auf den Lippen hinterlässt. Volle Deckkraft. Seidig glänzendes Finish. Langanhaltende Farbe. 24 Stunden Feuchtigkeit. Dermatologisch getestet.
Springer Berlin Augmented Reality
Anbieter: Preis: 3,69 CHFDieses Buch befasst sich mit der Überlagerung der realen Welt durch computergenerierte virtuelle Objekte. Die drei grundlegenden Bausteine dieser Erweiterten Realität, Darstellung, Tracking und Benutzerinteraktion, werden Schritt für Schritt eingeführt und miteinander in Zusammenhang gebracht. Übungen vertiefen den Stoff. Ein Überblick über existierende Anwendungen aus Forschung und Industrie rundet das Thema ab und gibt Anregungen für eigene Systeme. Ein Ausblick auf mögliche weitere Entwicklungen und Probleme schliesst das Buch.
AV Akademikerverlag Augmented Reality Bone Viewer
Anbieter: Preis: 6,29 CHFÄrzte, welche täglich viele Menschen mit schwierigen Brüchen und anderen Krankheiten operieren müssen, stehen heutzutage vor vielen organisatorischen und technischen Schwierigkeiten, welche ihre tägliche Arbeit stark behindern. Die Situation in den Operationssälen der Krankenhäusern ist verbesserungswürdig. Mit dem Projekt "Augmented Reality Bone Viewer" wurde eine präklinische Vorstudie für ein Produkt gemacht, welches die heutige manuelle und nicht durch Computer unterstützte Operation verbessern soll. Den Benutzern des Systems soll als Prototyp ein zielgerichtetes, einfaches und innovatives Hilfsmittel zur Operation des Oberschenkel-Knochens bereitgestellt werden. Hierbei soll dem Arzt auf einem Retina Display ein präoperativ aufgenommenes 3D-Modell passgenau auf dem Knochen Knochens angezeigt werden. Dadurch soll der Arzt bei der Operation in mehreren Belangen unterstützt werden. Die prä-operativen Daten können somit auch inter-operativ in einer ergonomischen Art zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Dem Arzt soll somit der Gang weg vom Patienten erspart werden.
Taylor and Francis Cindio, F: Augmented Urban Spaces
Anbieter: Preis: 252,00 CHFThere have been numerous possible scenarios depicted on the impact of the internet on urban spaces. Considering ubiquitous/pervasive computing, mobile, wireless connectivity and the acceptance of the Internet as a non-extraordinary part of our everyday lives mean that physical urban space is augmented, and digital in itself. This poses new problems as well as opportunities to those who have to deal with it. This book explores the intersection and articulation of physical and digital environments and the ways they can extend and reshape a spirit of place. It considers this from three main perspectives: the implications for the public sphere and urban public or semi-public spaces; the implications for community regeneration and empowerment; and the dilemmas and challenges which the augmentation of space implies for urbanists. Grounded with international real -life case studies, this is an up-to-date, interdisciplinary and holistic overview of the relationships between cities, communities and high technologies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Professional Augmented Reality Browsers for Smartphones
Anbieter: Preis: 5,69 CHFIn clear, plain English, Professional Augmented Reality Apps for SmartPhones explains what mobile augmented Reality (AR) is as well as the amazing opportunities lying ahead. The expert author positions each of the clients, focussing on development, with brief look at what other players are doing (such as Google/Nokia). The book will further include a small feature on mobile barcodes (they are making a comeback and are useful for developers) and finally covers some ideas on how AR will change our lives in the future. The book will focus on three key augmented reality technologies and show how programmers can: * create cross-platform augmented reality browsers that determine the user's current location and overlay nearby points of interest with live video from the camera view. Primarily focusing on building content for the top 3 industry recognized mobile augmented reality clients, Junaio, Layar and Wikitude. * use image recognition to create compelling applications that display 3D content when images are recognized. * build visual search applications that enable users to shop for products by taking a picture of items such as a book or DVD cover. Professional Augmented Reality Apps for SmartPhones features fully workable and downloadable source code and will enable developers to understand how to build augmented reality applications for the iPhone and Android platforms.
Manchester University Press Duchess of Malfi
Anbieter: Preis: 1,59 CHF (+0,35 CHF)More widely studied and more frequently performed than ever before, John Webster's The Duchesss of Malfi is here presented in an accessible and thoroughly up-to-date edition. Based on the often reprinted Revels Plays Edition of 1964, the notes have been augmented to cast further light on Webster's amazing dialogue and on the stage action which it implies. An entirely new introduction sets the tragedy in the context of pre-Civil War England and gives a revealing view of its themes, action and visual imagery. From its well-documented early performances to the two productions seen in the West End of London in the 1995-96 season, a stage history gives an account of the play in performance. Students, actors, directors and theatre-goers will find here a reappraisal of Webster's artistry in the tragedy which stands in the very first rank of plays from perhaps the greatest age of English theatre, and reasons why it has lived on stage with renewed force in the last decades of the twentieth century.
Taylor & Francis Human-Computer Interaction Fundamentals
Anbieter: Preis: 259,00 CHFFocuses on the fundamental issues involved in the technology of human-computer interactions as well as the users themselves. This work delineates the underlying cognitive principles of HCI. It emphasizes topics such as sensor based interactions, tangible interfaces, augmented cognition, cognition under stress and ubiquitous and wearable computing.
CRC Press Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Anbieter: Preis: 257,00 CHFThe Handbook of Chemistry and Physics on CD-ROM, Version 2007 provides a thorough range of critically evaluated data in a convenient, electronic format. This CD-ROM edition contains all of the information found in the 87th print edition augmented by a range of special utilities, such as structure searching, interactive data management, cross-table searching by topic or structure, and powerful data selection tools that allow you to customize the display and export data. This year updates and expands many of the most heavily used tables in the book, including Physical Properties of Inorganic Compounds, Table of the Isotopes, Bond Dissociation Energies, Global temperature trends, and Chemical Carcinogens.
Yale University Press Biblical Hebrew 2nd Ed (text &
Anbieter: Preis: 6,89 CHFThis revised edition of the best-selling "Biblical Hebrew is thoroughly updated and augmented for a new generation of students. Designed for use in a two-semester course, the book's fifty-five lessons are constructed around Biblical verses or segments and arranged in order of increasing complexity. At the successful completion of the course, students will be well equipped to tackle prose passages on their own. "Biblical Hebrew is part of a comprehensive learning program that includes a 3-CD audio program and a companion volume, the "Supplement for Enhanced Comprehension. The CDs present the alphabet, vowels, readings and cantillations of biblical passages, songs to assist with memorizing grammar concepts, selections from Psalms performed in a variety of musical styles, and all the vocabulary words from English to Hebrew. The "Supplement offers reinforcement and review exercises along with more detailed and deeper discussion of topics treated briefly in the textbook.
CRC Press Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Anbieter: Preis: 132,00 CHFAugmented by a series of practical utilities, the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics on CD-ROM, Version 2008 contains all of the information found in the most recent print edition-in a convenient, electronic format. A mainstay for scientists around the world for more than 90 years, this edition contains NEW tables on Properties of Ionic Liquids, Solubilities of Hydrocarbons in Sea Water, Solubility of Organic Compounds in Superheated Water, and Nutritive Value of Foods. It also updates many tables including Critical Constants, Heats of Vaporization, Aqueous Solubility of Organic Compounds, Vapor Pressure of Mercury, Scientific Abbreviations and Symbols, and Bond Dissociation Energies. It also features a brand new foreword written by Nobel Laureate Sir Harold Kroto.
Yale University Press Biblical Hebrew 2nd Ed (aud 3d
Anbieter: Preis: 5,19 CHFThis revised edition of the best-selling "Biblical Hebrew "is""thoroughly updated and augmented for a new generation of students. Designed for use in a two-semester course, the book's fifty-five lessons are constructed around Biblical verses or segments and arranged in order of increasing complexity. At the successful completion of the course, students will be well equipped to tackle prose passages on their own. "Biblical Hebrew "is""part of a comprehensive learning program that includes a 3-CD audio program and a companion volume, the "Supplement for Enhanced Comprehension. "The""CDs present the alphabet, vowels, readings and cantillations of biblical passages, songs to assist with memorizing grammar concepts, selections from Psalms performed in a variety of musical styles, and all the vocabulary words from English to Hebrew. The "Supplement "offers""reinforcement and review exercises along with more detailed and deeper discussion of topics treated briefly in the textbook.
Yale University Press Biblical Hebrew Set 2/e W/
Anbieter: Preis: 6,59 CHFThis revised edition of the best-selling "Biblical Hebrew is thoroughly updated and augmented for a new generation of students. Designed for use in a two-semester course, the book's fifty-five lessons are constructed around Biblical verses or segments and arranged in order of increasing complexity. At the successful completion of the course, students will be well equipped to tackle prose passages on their own. "Biblical Hebrew is part of a comprehensive learning program that includes a 3-CD audio program and a companion volume, the "Supplement for Enhanced Comprehension. The CDs present the alphabet, vowels, readings and cantillations of biblical passages, songs to assist with memorizing grammar concepts, selections from Psalms performed in a variety of musical styles, and all the vocabulary words from English to Hebrew. The "Supplement offers reinforcement and review exercises along with more detailed and deeper discussion of topics treated briefly in the textbook.
Vieweg & Teubner Optimization Theory and Applications
Anbieter: Preis: 105,00 CHFThis book is a slightly augmented version of a set of lec tures on optimization which I held at the University of Got tingen in the winter semester 1983/84. The lectures were in tended to give an introduction to the foundations and an im pression of the applications of optimization theory. Since in finite dimensional problems were also to be treated and one could only assume a minimal knowledge of functional analysis, the necessary tools from functional analysis were almost com pletely developed during the course of the semester. The most important aspects of the course are the duality theory for convex programming and necessary optimality conditions for nonlinear optimization problems; here we strive to make the geometric background particularly clear. For lack of time and space we were not able to go into several important problems in optimization - e. g. vector optimization, geometric program ming and stability theory. I am very grateful to various people for their help in pro ducing this text. R. Schaback encouraged me to publish my lec tures and put me in touch with the Vieweg-Verlag. W. BrUbach and O. Herbst proofread the manuscript; the latter also pro duced the drawings and assembled the index. I am indebted to W. LUck for valuable suggestions for improvement. I am also particularly grateful to R. Switzer, who translated the German text into English. Finally I wish to thank Frau P. Trapp for her Gare and patience in typing the final version.
VDM Tjaden, H: Stabile Erkennung von Wurzelkanaleingängen in Vid
Anbieter: Preis: 6,99 CHFDie wachsende Verbreitung von Intraoralkameras eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für Software-Entwicklung im zahnmedizinischen Bereich. Neben simplen Vergrösserungen erlauben die Intraoralkameras die simultane Dokumentation eines Befundes und die Möglichkeit für Anwendung von Augmented Reality. Darunter versteht man die Ergänzung von Bildern oder Videos der Realität mit computergenerierten Zusatzinformationen oder virtuellen Objekten mittels Überlagerung. Diese Zusatzinformationen können hierbei sowohl den Operateur als auch dem Patienten während der Therapie in Echtzeit neue Informationen liefern. Ein Beispiel für eine solche Anwendung wird im Rahmen dieses Buches vorgestellt. Das hier vorgestellte System ist eine konzeptuell neue Entwicklung, welche die zahnmedizinische Bildanalyse in den Bereich der computergestützten Bildverarbeitung und Augmented Reality erweitert. Aufbauend auf den bisher bekannten Techniken zur automatischen Detektion von Wurzelkanaleingängen in Videobildern kann eine stabile Erkennung des vorliegenden Zahntyps und seine Klassifikation durchgeführt werden.
Kingfisher Publications How Things Work
Anbieter: Preis: 3,69 CHFFeaturing innovative augmented reality, this covers 250 objects, appliances and machines. Ages: 9+
VDM Lenz, F: My Inner Body
Anbieter: Preis: 113,00 CHFAus menschlicher Sicht besteht die reale Welt aus einer Zusammensetzung von physischen Objekten, die mit Hilfe der fünf Sinne wahrgenommen werden können. Augmented Reality (AR), zu Deutsch angereicherte Realität, beschreibt eine Technologie, mit der diese fünf Sinne und damit die Wahrnehmung der Realität erweitert werden kann. Augmented Reality entwickelt sich gegenwärtig zu einer Technologie, die für den alltäglichen Einsatz sehr interessant ist. Neben der Verwendung von AR in Bereichen wie Medizin und Architektur, zeigt sich zunehmend auch grosses Potenzial für den Einsatz von Augmented Reality im Umfeld des Lernens. Aus diesem Grund wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit das so genannte My Inner Body-Buch entwickelt. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Augmented Reality Buch, das das menschliche Verdauungssystem auf vier Seiten dreidimensional darstellt. Unter Verwendung des Buches als Schnittstelle zwischen Virtualität und Realität kann der/die Anwender/in innere Organe von allen Seiten betrachten und erkunden. Aufgebaut als interaktive Geschichte, steuert der/die Anwender/in so das Verdauungssystem und lernt spielerisch die Funktionsweise des menschlichen Körpers kennen.
Yale University Press Hoffer, V: Biblical Hebrew, Second Ed. (Supplement for Advan
Anbieter: Preis: 4,99 CHFThis revised edition of the best-selling "Biblical Hebrew is "thoroughly updated and augmented for a new generation of students. Designed for use in a two-semester course, the book's fifty-five lessons are constructed around Biblical verses or segments and arranged in order of increasing complexity. At the successful completion of the course, students will be well equipped to tackle prose passages on their own. "Biblical Hebrew is "part of a comprehensive learning program that includes a 3-CD audio program and a companion volume, the "Supplement for Enhanced Comprehension. The "CDs present the alphabet, vowels, readings and cantillations of biblical passages, songs to assist with memorizing grammar concepts, selections from Psalms performed in a variety of musical styles, and all the vocabulary words from English to Hebrew. The "Supplement offers "reinforcement and review exercises along with more detailed and deeper discussion of topics treated briefly in the textbook.
Alfred Music Publishing Company Patterns for Jazz - A Theory Text for Jazz Composition and Improvisation
Anbieter: Preis: 4,49 CHFPatterns for Jazz stands as a monument among jazz educational materials. Condensed charts and pertinent explanations are conveniently inserted throughout the book to give greater clarity to the application of more than 400 patterns built on chords and scales---from simple (major) to complex (lydian augmented scales).
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