Es wurden 288 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff foreign in 4 Shops gefunden:
Foreign Me Chlini Prinzässin - Die kompletti Staffle 1
Anbieter: Preis: 6,49 CHFDie kleine Prinzessin ist vier Jahre alt und das einzige Kind in einem grossen Schloss mit einem grossen Park. Hier kann sie sich überall frei bewegen, ungestört spielen und sich ungehindert entfalten. Sie sprüht vor Energie und Abenteuerlust, ist enorm selbstbewusst und wissbegierig. Sie kann auch sehr störrisch sein, wenn etwas nicht so läuft, wie sie sich das in den Kopf gesetzt hat. Aber niemand kann ihr lange böse sein, wenn sie ihr charmantes Lächeln aufsetzt und versucht, einen angerichteten Schaden wiedergutzumachen. Die Geschichten von 6 DVDs sind nun als DVD-Box erhältlich: Ich weiss ned was i wott werde Ich cha das alles ganz elei Ich wott ned is Bett Ich wott pfiife Ich wott min Zah Ich wott min Nuggi Ich wott ned bade Ich bis ned gsi Ich wott mini Schtimm wider Ich wott mi ned schträhle Ich wott kei Salat Ich wott zaubere Ich wott ned ufruume Ich wott e Trompete Ich wott ned teile Ich ha ned gern Würm Ich has vergässe Ich wott min Teddy Ich wott es Zält Ich wott kei Verchältig Ich wott günne Ich wott Huusmeitli sii Ich wott das bhalte Ich wott bache Ich ha de Herbscht ned gern Ich wott kei Lüüs Ich wott mini neue Schueh Ich wott min Schnägg Ich wott das ned weg gäh Ich wott en neue Schlitte
Foreigner LP -
Anbieter: Preis: 51,95 CHF (+9,95 CHF)Foreigner bei EMP - Foreigner Foreigner Unisex LP..
Foreign Me Chlini Prinzässin - Vol. 6 - De Geburtstagschueche
Anbieter: Preis: 2,29 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Di chli Prinzässin isch vier Johr alt und wohnt ime grosse Schloss. Sie dörf überall und immer spile wo sie wott, im Schloss oder im grosse Park. Di chli Prinzässin isch es chlises Energiebündel wo alles wott wüsse. Sie cha aber au rächt schtörrisch si, wenn öppis ned eso lauft, wiä sie sich das vorgschtellt het. Aber niemert chan ihre lang bös si, wenn sie mit ihrem Scharme alli Lüüt um de Finger wickled.
Foreigner LP - 4 -
Anbieter: Preis: 40,95 CHF (+9,95 CHF)Foreigner bei EMP - Foreigner 4 Unisex LP. Hauptmaterial.
Foreign Me Chlini Prinzässin: Vol. 2
Anbieter: Preis: 2,29 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Auf SF2 spielte sich die wohl charmanteste Nachwuchs-Adlige der Welt im Handumdrehen in die Herzen von den Schweizer Vorschulkindern. Nach dem grossen Erfolg der DVD Chlini Prinzässin – Gwaggelzah gibt es jetzt fünf weitere Episoden der "Chlini Prinzässin" zum immer und immer wieder Anschauen! Ab dem 10. Juli 2008 sind in der Schweiz mit Chlini Prinzässin – Abentüür im Schloss endlich auch die Folgen 6 bis 10 rund um die selbstbewusste, wissbegierige Vierjährige und ihre Freunde überall auf DVD erhältlich!
Foreign Affair
Anbieter: Preis: 28,90 CHFForeign Affair - Vinyle album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
Foreign Me Chlini Prinzässin: Vol. 5
Anbieter: Preis: 2,29 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Di chli Prinzaessin isch vier Johr alt und wohnt ime grosse Schloss. Sie doerf ueberall und immer spile wo sie wott, im Schloss oder im grosse Park. Di chli Prinzaessin isch es chlises Energiebuendel wo alles wott wuesse.
Metro The Foreigner Blu-ray
Anbieter: Preis: 22,90 CHFThe Foreigner Blu-ray - Blu-ray. Dvd & Blu-ray : achetez films, séries tv US et françaises, documentaires, dessin-animés…
IUniverse Foreign Language Made Easy
Anbieter: Preis: 1,99 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Many high school and university students find foreign language classes difficult. Although learning a language is a natural process, students study languages inefficiently and they lack effective strategies for language learning. Foreign Language Made Easy is designed to make studying a foreign language an easy and enjoyable experience. The best techniques for foreign language success are explained in a simple format that anyone can follow. Effective techniques for note taking specifically designed for the foreign language classroom are addressed, as are successful methods to learn grammatical structures and effectively increase vocabulary. The last sections of Foreign Language Made Easy are language-specific, and include the most common languages taught in the United States, such as Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, German, Japanese, and Chinese. Common errors are explained, and simple techniques are presented that will help students to succeed. Everyone can learn a foreign language. By following the suggestions presented in this text, even students that previously found learning a foreign language difficult will meet with success.
Foreign Masters
Anbieter: Preis: 31,90 CHFForeign Masters - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
GRIN Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - Necessary Considerations of a Transnational Company
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject Business economics - Investment and Finance, grade: 1,7, Berlin School of Economics and Law (Institute of Management), course: International Finance, language: English, abstract: Geneva, 24 June 2009 -- Global foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As); - the main mode of FDI - drastically declined in the last quarter of 2008, and the fall has continued into 2009, UNCTAD data reveal. FDI inflows dropped by 54% and M&As; by 77% during the first quarter of 2009 as compared to the same period last year. Prospects for FDI will remain gloomy for the rest of the year, UNCTAD economists say (UNCTAD, 2009). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is defined by the IMF as an international investment of one company with the intention of lasting relationship. This investment has to exceed 10% of equity of the target company. Also an ambition of the management for influence should be visible. This makes the difference to a portfolio investment (IMF, 1993). The following list summarizes major requirements: · Transfer of capital · Control investment · A source of funds for foreign operations · A balance of payments flow Before the financial crisis hit the world economy, FDI was one of the major drivers of globalization and continuously increasing with high growth rates. FDI flows over a long period of time even increased faster than world GDP growth. But as reported from the UNCTAD World Investment Report 2009 85% of Transnational Corporations (TNC)3 worldwide are negatively affected by the financial crisis with respective negative impacts on their investment decisions. This shortfall has also consequences to the landscape of FDI. The USA are still number one in FDI flows but a lot of emerging countries have risen in the list of top FDI inflows. This is another hint for the changes in the world. The emerging markets will more and more take over a leading position in world economics and also a stabilizing function. They will also head the recovery in FDI flow which is expected to take place in 2010. This paper will primarily deal with the TNC and their decision for FDI. Starting with the motivations, the following process and evaluation criteria, also associated risks have to be taken into account. For a complete picture including the environment a short look at the host country and the effects of FDI will be done at the end (the decision of the TNC is always connected with espective influences from outside). Finally, all major considerations of a TNC in combination with FDI should be described.
Foreign affairs
Anbieter: Preis: 35,90 CHFForeign affairs - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
GRIN Foreign Aid-Corruption Nexus in Cambodia: Its Consequences on the Propensity of Civil War
Anbieter: Preis: 5,89 CHFMaster's Thesis from the year 2009 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Peace and Conflict Studies, Security, grade: A, University for Peace (Department of Peace and Conflict Studies), course: International Peace Studies, language: English, abstract: Contemporary Cambodia is most likely best known for two things, aid dependency and corruption. The thesis initially seeks to examine the nexus between foreign aid and corruption in Cambodia since 1993, the time when a huge influx of foreign aid injected into the country following the withdrawal of UNTAC, then explores if the correlation of the two encourages the propensity of civil war, and ultimately analyzes if the onset of civil war is attainable in the case that the propensity of civil war is feasible. Drawing from the analysis, the thesis concludes that ¿Foreign aid, particularly loans, indirectly instigates civil war by partly generating corruption, particularly political corruption, because corruption makes aid ineffective in contributing to economic growth and poverty reduction, while encourages huge economic inequality and chronic poverty, which makes Cambodia more vulnerable and prone to civil war¿. However, the civil war in Cambodia is manifested or not depends on the motivation and initiative to be resisted and the means of financing the resistant group. Given the status quo of Cambodia, it is possible that the prominent opposition groups such as the opposition political parties can initiate the resistant movement; but it seems improbable. Concerning the ways of financing the rebel movement, by applying the Collier and Hoeffler Model of Civil War, although the opportunity of recruiting the members of the rebel group, the given natural geography, and the cohesion of the movement seems merely attainable, the way of financing the rebellion, through three fundamental means¿extortion from the primary commodities-natural resources, donation from diaspora, and subvention from hostile governments¿is unlikely feasible. If motivation and finance were not achievable, the rebel movement could not even be formed. However, sometimes unpredictable things might happen.
Anbieter: Preis: 36,90 CHFFOREIGN AFFAIRS - Vinyle album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
GRIN Foreign Currency Translation according to IAS 21 and IAS 39 in Consolidated Financial Statements
Anbieter: Preis: 160,00 CHFDiploma Thesis from the year 2004 in the subject Business economics - Accounting and Taxes, grade: 1,7, University of Hohenheim (FB Betriebswirtschaftslehre), course: Betriebliches Rechnungswesen, language: English, abstract: This book deals with foreign currency translation under IAS/IFRS considering hedging strategies that help to minimize foreign currency exposures. It is broadly described, which currency exposures companies face, which basic hedging strategies exist and how they are accounted for in consolidated financial statements of international groups. After the foreign currency exposures are introduced and basic hedging strategies for each of these exposures are provided, the procedure of foreign currency translations according to IAS 21 (revised 2003) is introduced. The paper deals with the translation of transactions denominated in currencies other than the company¿s home currency as well as with the inclusion of foreign subsidiaries in the consolidated financial statements. Therefore, various examples are provided. As the topic of the thesis is foreign currency hedging, a closer look is taken on IAS 39 (revised 2003) which includes introduction of the three kinds of hedging and their accounting as required by IAS 39. Especially the links between IAS 21 and IAS 39 are pointed out and analyzed. Also the section dealing with IAS 39 provides various examples that make the reader understand the accounting and consolidation procedures. At the end, exposure drafts of the IASB dealing with IAS 39 are introduced and the possible effects are briefly mentioned. This paper also includes a case study, based on the example of a big Chilean incorporated Company. This case study provides the problems and possible solutions of foreign currency risks a ¿real¿ company faces as well as the related accounting issues. Furthermore, the case study shows, how foreign currency hedges are accounted for using other accounting principles (here Chilean GAAP) and which steps have to be taken to perform a reconciliation from Chilean GAAP to IFRS. As the thesis has been presented at a German university, all questions and important points are seen from both, a theoretic view and a practical view. It provides the reader a comprehensive knowledge of currency translation and hedge accounting and makes him able to understand where these two topics are linked and which problems related to this topic companies face when preparing (consolidated) financial statements under IFRS.
Fables In A Foreign Land
Anbieter: Preis: 27,90 CHFFables In A Foreign Land - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
Penguin Foreign Body
Anbieter: Preis: 4,89 CHFIn the latest chilling tale from the "New York Times"-bestselling master of the medical thriller, a series of unexplained deaths in foreign hospitals sends an idealistic UCLA medical student on a desperate search for answers. Unabridged. 11 CDs.
Anbieter: Preis: 37,90 CHFFOREIGN AFFAIRS - Vinyle album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
GRIN Foreign Policy of the United States
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2006 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, grade: A, University of Malta, language: English, abstract: Since the period of American Revolution, the idea of democracy has become rooted in American culture and traditions. Democracy was and is still considered as a successful means for order, peace and prosperity in a country but also internationally among democratic nations. Prosperity is for instance found in the establishment of free trade, as it suggests that democratic countries would rather seek the benefits of trading with each other rather than waging a war and face its costs. Regarding US foreign policy, democracy has evolved as being a foreign policy objective, which implies contradicting types of interventions, i.e. the need to spread democracy and even wage war for it as opposed to the toppling of democratically elected government which are not keen to contribute to US interests. Democracy has thus raised criticisms and praises, with those seeing it as part of the US rhetoric to respond to corporations interests or that the US has been ineffective in spreading it, and those who see it as part of a US liberal strategy for international order. The export of democracy hence became a controversial question since it has been argued that democracy need to grow locally and thus a mission to spread it is part of an unrealistic policy. In the context of these different issues, this assignment will address the question as to whether ¿the spread of democracy has always been a cornerstone of US foreign policy.¿
Metro The Foreigner DVD
Anbieter: Preis: 19,90 CHF (+5,00 CHF)The Foreigner DVD - DVD Zone 2. Dvd & Blu-ray : achetez films, séries tv US et françaises, documentaires, dessin-animés…
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