Es wurden 1085 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff grammar in 3 Shops gefunden:
Grammar Essentials For Dummies
Anbieter: Preis: 1,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)For students competing for the decreasing pool of college scholarships, writing a stellar entrance essay can make all the difference.
Red Wheel Awesome Grammar
Anbieter: Preis: 21,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)In addition to knowing what to say, it is also important to know how to say it correctly. This book explains how to work with the structure and rules of English to construct powerful, effective sentences that communicate clearly and correctly. Targeted to an intelligent audience with a basic understanding of the parts of speech, Awesome Grammar discusses the most frequent grammar mistakes and the principles underlying correct usage. Readers will discover: * A foolproof strategy for choosing the correct pronoun * Focus on all the important parts of grammar, from style and appearance to appropriateness and correctness * How to ensure verb, subject, and number agreement * The "whys" of the rules of grammar, not just the "hows" * How to handle, and, more importantly, not to mishandle the most important elements of writing * Sure-fire fixes for participle, preposition, possessives, and punctuation errors * Ungrammatical word use: words confused, misused, and abused
Wiley Grammar of Raising and Control
Anbieter: Preis: 8,59 CHFWhere most syntax texts and readers provide a broad introduction to the components of a particular theory, The Grammar of Raising and Control: A Course in Syntactic Argumentation uses a particular class of grammatical constructions as a means of examining the evolution of syntactic theory since the 1960s. A distillation of a very successful graduate course in syntax, this book focuses primarily on raising-to-object structures, but does not fail to consider control constructions, as well as data from a wide variety of languages. The volume includes excerpts from six important works that allow students to familiarize themselves with the original literature while also providing discussion of the theoretical contexts in which they were written.
Mellon Press A Greek Grammar
Anbieter: Preis: 116,00 CHFMany of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
Routledge Grammar of Colloquial Tibetan
Anbieter: Preis: 7,49 CHFThe grammar uses throughout a particularly legible and attractively typeset Tibetan script.
Barrons Barron E-Z Grammar 2/e
Anbieter: Preis: 23,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)Written primarily for high school seniors and college freshmen, "Barron's E-Z Grammar" emphasizes the simple logic underlying correct grammar and clear expression. Mulvey covers all parts of speech and correct sentence structure.
Schroedel Grammar Explorer
Anbieter: Preis: 2,59 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Ein zweisprachiges Grammatik-Trainingsbuch zum Wiederholen, Üben und Selbstlernen ab dem 3. Lernjahr. Die alphabetische Gliederung des Buches mit Querverweisen und einem ausführlichen Index sorgt für eine schnelle Orientierung. Sehr gut als Nachschlagewerk für Schüler geeignet!
Pearson ELT Key Grammar Pupil Book 2
Anbieter: Preis: 26,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)Essential skills practice for better reading and writing
Pearson Studium Grammar Practice for Intermediate Student Book with Key Pack
Anbieter: Preis: 3,79 CHFToday's students and teachers want a grammar book that helps the learner make the leap from practice to production. With 100% new content across all four levels, 'Grammar Practice for....' (3rd edition) meets this need.
Nebraska Osage Grammar
Anbieter: Preis: 109,00 CHFWhen Europeans first made contact with the Osages, they lived in present-day Missouri, along the Osage River. After being forced onto a reservation, the Osages purchased land from the Cherokees in Indian Territory and resettled in northeastern Oklahoma in the later part of the nineteenth century. Today the Osage tribe numbers about 18,000, but only two elders still speak the traditional language, a member of the Siouan family of languages. Osage Grammar is the first documentation of how the Osage language works, including more than two thousand sentences from Osage speakers, and a detailed description of its phonology, morphology, and syntax. Also featured are such components as verb conjugations, derivation, and suffixes; kinship terms; and the nominal system. The importance of documenting a language, especially when on the verge of extinction, can hardly be overstated. Growing up in Osage County, Oklahoma, Carolyn Quintero has been documenting the Osage language for twenty years, speaking to more than a dozen elders and transcribing hundreds of hours of interviews. Her research could not now be repeated since most of the elders whose words appear on these pages are gone. This book will become an essential reference and guide for all scholars and students interested in the Osage language and in other Siouan languages of the West. Osage Grammar will also serve as a bedrock for the present revitalization of Osage culture and language within the community.
Cambridge Academic Grammar of the Latin Language - Volume 2
Anbieter: Preis: 8,39 CHFAn 1870s descriptive grammar of Latin, still remarkable for its breadth of examples and depth of analysis.
Heinemann The Power of Grammar
Anbieter: Preis: 16,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)Grammar is the gatekeeper to a culture of power, yet it is also the power behind the startling beauty and robustness of the English language. In The Power of Grammar, Mary Ehrenworth and Vicki Vinton show you how these two notions of power can help your grammar instruction address the practical and aesthetic needs of your student writers.
Highroads Media Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips to Clean Up Your Writing
Anbieter: Preis: 1,39 CHF (+0,35 CHF)The author tackles some of the most commn mistakes people make while communicating. From "lay vs. lie" and "affect vs. effect" to split infinitives and run-on sentences, Grammar Girl offers clear explanations and effective memory tricks to help listeners write (and say) it right.
GRIN Is the acquisition of a first grammar guided by an innate, grammar-specific device?
Anbieter: Preis: 24,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2005 in the subject Speech Science / Linguistics, grade: A-, University of London (School of Languages, Linguistics and Culture), course: Linguistic Anakysis, language: English, abstract: Children all over the world seem to acquire their first language in much the same manner. The stages in their highly structured First Language Acquisition (FLA) process that involve making hypotheses and testing them against the linguistic input they are exposed to, appear to be universal in all children. However, Chomsky¿s nativist theory of a Language Faculty that is innate in every healthy human being has been challenged vigorously - especially by advocates of the behaviouristic school. Alas, there are certain arguments that strongly support the Innateness Hypothesis (IH) and the existence of a Language Faculty1: 1. FLA is uniform 2. FLA is untutored 3. FLA is underdetermined by exposure/data 4. FLA draws from degenerated input 5. FLA features no negative evidence 6. FLA is always successful
Klett Schulbuchverlag Grammar Practice. Zusatzmaterialien zu Let's Go
Anbieter: Preis: 1,39 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Kurz-Überblick der wichtigsten Grammatikregeln, gefolgt von zahlreichen Übungen zu allen zentralen Grammatikthemen. Mit umfassendem Lösungsteil. Für die gezielte Vorbereitung auf Klassenarbeiten oder auf die Abschlussprüfung. Grammar Practice ist geeignet für lernschwächere Schülerinnen und Schüler. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Present simple – einfache Gegenwart Present progressive – Verlaufsform der Gegenwart Present perfect – Perfekt Present perfect progressive – Verlaufsform im Perfekt Past simple– einfache Vergangenheit Past progressive – Verlaufsform der Vergangenheit Past perfect – Vorvergangenheit Going to-future – Zukunft mit going-to Will-future – Zukunft mit will If-clauses – Bedingungssätze Modal auxiliaries – Modalverben Passive – Passiv Adjectives and adverbs – Adjektive und Adverbien Pronouns – Pronomen Who or which – Relativpronomen Some or any – unbestimmte Begleiter This or that – Demonstrativpronomen One or ones – Stützwörter Prepositions – Präpositionen Lösungen 80 Seiten"
Evertype Breton Grammar
Anbieter: Preis: 23,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)This book is for the most part a straightforward translation of the ninth edition of Roparz Hemon's Grammaire bretonne. In preparing this edition, a number of sections in the grammar had to be changed for the benefit of the English-speaking reader. Many, but not all, of these additions may be found in the notes to the various sections.
De Gruyter Construction Grammar und Gesprochene-Sprache-Forschung
Anbieter: Preis: 181,00 CHFAnhand einer empirischen Analyse von Konstruktionen mit zehn matrixsatzfähigen Verben im gesprochenen Deutsch werden die Ansätze der „Gesprochene-Sprache-Forschung“; der „Konversationsanalyse“ und der „Interaktionalen Linguistik“ mit der Sprach- und Grammatiktheorie der „Construction Grammar“ verbunden. Wolfgang Imo fragt, welchen Vorteil eine Rahmentheorie für die theoriearme „Gesprochene-Sprache-Forschung“ hat, und überprüft , ob die„Construction Grammar“ geeignet ist, diesen Rahmen überhaupt zur Verfügung zu stellen, d.h. ob sie in der Lage ist, gesprochensprachliche Einheiten zu beschreiben.,Schon seit ihrer Gründung in den 1970er-Jahren ist die Reihe Germanistische Linguistik (RGL) exponiertes Forum des Faches, dessen Namen sie im Titel führt. Hinsichtlich der thematischen Breite (Sprachebenen, Varietäten, Kommunikationsformen, Epochen), der Forschungsperspektiven (Theorie und Empirie, Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung, Inter- und Transdisziplinarität) und des methodologischen Spektrums ist die Reihe offen angelegt. Das Aufgreifen neuer Trends hat in ihr ebenso Platz wie das Fortführen von Bewährtem. Die Publikationsformen reichen von Monographien und Sammelbänden bis zu Wörterbüchern. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat (ab November 2011): Prof. Dr. Karin Donhauser (Berlin)Prof. Dr. Stephan Elspass (Augsburg)Prof. Dr. Helmuth Feilke (Giessen)Prof. Dr. Jürg Fleischer (Marburg)Prof. Dr. Stephan Habscheid (Siegen)Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Harnisch (Passau)
Belitha Press Grammar is Great
Anbieter: Preis: 11,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)With the younger child in mind this illustrated book shows how to use grammar to improve writing skills. All aspects of grammar are introduced and explained, using games and tasks to reinforce what has been learned.
Heinle & Heinle Grammar Booster 1
Anbieter: Preis: 4,29 CHFGrammar Booster is a four-level, full-colour series of grammar reference and practice books. The series is suitable for use on its own or with any Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate course. Grammar points are clearly presented through a fun cartoon strip featuring Jim and Tonic, two endearing cartoon characters, who not only appeal to students imagination, but also help them to understand and practise the grammar points presented.
Collins Spanish Grammar
Anbieter: Preis: 21,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)Unlike traditional textbooks, which leave students without a clear understanding of the different tenses and moods, the "Collins College Outline" for "Spanish Grammar" is organized conceptually, explaining in detail subjunctive and imperative moods, passive voice, negatives, idioms, and the rules of accentuation. With sections on articles, adjectives, nouns, and verbs, along with a comprehensive vocabulary appendix for quick and easy reference, this is the essential guide to understanding Spanish. Completely revised and updated by Professor Ana Fairchild, this book includes a test yourself section with answers and complete explanations at the end of each chapter. Also included are bibliographies for further reading, as well as numerous vocabulary lists, exercises, and examples. The "Collins College Outlines" are a completely revised, in-depth series of study guides for all areas of study, including the Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, Language, History, and Business. Featuring the most up-to-date information, each book is written by a seasoned professor in the field and focuses on a simplified and general overview of the subject for college students and, where appropriate, Advanced Placement students. Each "Collins College Outline" is fully integrated with the major curriculum for its subject and is a perfect supplement for any standard textbook.
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