Es wurden 214 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff policy in 1 Shops gefunden:
Ibidem Policy Arrangements für Biodiversitätsschutz
Anbieter: Preis: 6,89 CHFDer Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt zählt zu den besonders drängenden Umweltproblemen. Dennoch setzen sich beim Schutz der Biodiversität kurzfristige Partikularinteressen vielfach gegen langfristige Allgemeininteressen durch. Anders im Nationalpark Unteres Odertal, Bundesland Brandenburg: Hier haben nichtstaatliche Akteure das Kräfteparallelogramm zu ihren Gunsten verschieben können. Die vielfältigen Aktivitäten des "Vereins der Freunde des Deutsch-Polnischen Europa-Nationalparks Unteres Odertal e.V." haben neue Handlungsspielräume eröffnet. Die politische Wirkung dieser Dritte-Sektor-Organisation ist jedoch nur unter Berücksichtigung weiterer Faktoren zu verstehen: Der Transformationsprozess der DDR hat die Entstehung des Nationalparks massgeblich beeinflusst. Zudem hat das spezifische Policy Arrangement wesentliche Weichen für die umweltpolitische Interessenvertretung gestellt. Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert die Bedeutung der Akteure, Diskurse, politischen Ressourcen und institutionellen Spielregeln als wesentliche Determinanten von Governance. Die detailliert aufgearbeitete Fallstudie arbeitet das seit Jahren hohe Konfliktniveau des politischen Geschehens im Unteren Odertal auf. Das Buch befasst sich mit einer der aktuellsten Fragestellungen der Politikwissenschaft: Wie verlaufen Politikprozesse, in denen öffentliche Aufgaben an Vereine und Stiftungen delegiert werden?
Campus Policy Debates on Reprogenetics
Anbieter: Preis: 4,19 CHFIn vielen europäischen Ländern wurden reprogenetische Praktiken, wie embryonale Stammzellenforschung, Präimplantationsdiagnostik oder das Klonen zu Forschungszwecken kontrovers diskutiert. Inwieweit haben diese öffentlichen Debatten Einfluss auf politische Steuerung wissenschaftlicher Entwicklung? An Deutschland und Grossbritannien zeigt die Autorin, dass der Ausweitung »bioethischer« öffentlicher Debatten nicht notwendigerweise eine Demokratisierung der Forschungspolitik folgt.
GRIN Competition Policy in Bulgaria
Anbieter: Preis: 2,89 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Essay from the year 2007 in the subject Business economics - Economic Policy, grade: (5) excellent, University of Pécs (International PhD Program), course: Public Policy I, language: English, abstract: Already in the 18th century Adam Smith recognised that the free market system has at least one fault in its construction: People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be consistent with liberty and justice. (Adam Smith, 2007) In order to overcome what Adam Smith called a ¿conspiracy against the public¿, countries or groups of countries, such as the European Union, make use of the various instruments of competition policy. Through this, the state defines the ¿laws of the game¿ and how a breach of such rules will be sanctioned. The present assignments will explore the measures in the area of competition policy taken by the Republic of Bulgaria. In order to do so, this assignment is divided into four parts. Follow-ing this introduction, restraints of competition, the objectives of competition policy and finally the term competition policy are defined. The third and main part of this assignment will focus on competition policy in Bulgaria. It will start with a brief historical and economical review of Bulgaria, leading over to the development of the national competition policy, mainly after the fall of the ¿iron curtain¿ and explore the actual application of the corresponding legislations. Finally, the most important findings and interactions will be summarised and conclusions will be derived. 2. Definitions 2.1. Restraints on competition With regard to Olten (1998, pp. 155-156), there are three major types of strategies (...)
GRIN Foreign Policy of the United States
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2006 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, grade: A, University of Malta, language: English, abstract: Since the period of American Revolution, the idea of democracy has become rooted in American culture and traditions. Democracy was and is still considered as a successful means for order, peace and prosperity in a country but also internationally among democratic nations. Prosperity is for instance found in the establishment of free trade, as it suggests that democratic countries would rather seek the benefits of trading with each other rather than waging a war and face its costs. Regarding US foreign policy, democracy has evolved as being a foreign policy objective, which implies contradicting types of interventions, i.e. the need to spread democracy and even wage war for it as opposed to the toppling of democratically elected government which are not keen to contribute to US interests. Democracy has thus raised criticisms and praises, with those seeing it as part of the US rhetoric to respond to corporations interests or that the US has been ineffective in spreading it, and those who see it as part of a US liberal strategy for international order. The export of democracy hence became a controversial question since it has been argued that democracy need to grow locally and thus a mission to spread it is part of an unrealistic policy. In the context of these different issues, this assignment will address the question as to whether ¿the spread of democracy has always been a cornerstone of US foreign policy.¿
GRIN Language Policy and Planning and the Sociohistorical Context
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2003 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics, grade: 1,0 (A), University of Stuttgart (Institute for Anglo Linguistics), course: Language Contact, language: English, abstract: Offers an overview over the fields of language policy and language planning and examines the German "Verein deutscher Sprache" and its strategies to influence on the development of the German language as an NGO without legal competences.
Campus Mikro-Policy-Analyse
Anbieter: Preis: 4,29 CHFWie funktioniert Politik in ihrer Alltäglichkeit? Auf welche Weise vollzieht sich Politik innerhalb von Institutionen und Organisationen jenseits inszenierter Grossereignisse? Diese Fragen beantworten die Autoren mit der Untersuchung der Mikroprozesse eines Politikfeldes, in dieser Studie am Beispiel der Hochschulpolitik. Sichtbar werden dabei dessen innere Mechanismen sowie das Beharren der Akteure auf einmal festgesetzten Politikprinzipien durch ständige Umdeutung und Umgehung.
GRIN Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Volatility in a Small Open Economy
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Business economics - Economic Policy, grade: 1,3, University of Bonn (Wirtschaftspolitische Abteilung der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät), course: Geldtheorie- und politik, language: English, abstract: Does inflation reduce welfare? What is worse, a volatile exchange rate or a high inflation rate? And is the central bank able to drive these variables? These questions are the topic of a paper by Jordi Gali and Tommaso Monacelli, published in 2005 and titled ¿Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Volatility in a Small Open Economy¿. As apparent by the title Gali and Monacelli (G+M) analyze the influence of monetary policy on the volatility of the exchange rate, more precisely the nominal exchange rate and the terms of trade. For this purpose they create a small open economy with sticky prices of Calvo-type. Due to its minor size this economy does not influence the world economy. However, depending on the degree of openness this economy is affected by the rest of the world. Having specified this framework, G+M introduce three different monetary regimes and evaluate the resulting exchange rate volatilities . Using a central bank loss function G+M rank these three rules according to the implied welfare which shows a positive correlation between welfare and exchange rate volatility. Thence G+M prefer Taylor rules over an exchange rate pegging. To get a general idea of Gali and Monacelli`s argumentation this expose will start in chapter 2 with an abbreviated overlook over G+M¿s model of a small open economy. In the following chapter there will be the introduction of the three central bank rules, necessary to close the model, as well as an analysis of the underlying welfare levels. Since the welfare evaluation is based on some special assumptions, chapter 4 will give an overview of recent literature which discusses possible extensions as well as their implications for G+M¿s ranking of implied welfare. Concluding chapter 5 will summarize G+M¿s most important results as well as evaluate if the possible extensions render G+M¿s analysis, respectively their results, worthless.
GRIN Delineating an Educational Policy Framework for the Developing Nations in Meeting the Emerging Global Challenges by year 2050
Anbieter: Preis: 2,89 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Scientific Essay from the year 2008 in the subject Business economics - Economic Policy, , language: English, abstract: School based general education aught to be a future oriented subject. However, over the years, due to parental and grand-parental generations setting policies of education for the younger generation, education is always more past oriented than future oriented. This trend did not cause much of a problem when the change over time was moderate. As Alvin Toffler (1970) says we are in a turning point of human history. In the changing perspective in the world with speed of change, speed of inventions and speed of knowledge and speed of threat on living education got to change to prepare the next generation to face these new challenges. The climatic change, depletion of resources, growing energy crisis, threat of terrorism, rapid of growth of population and the changing structure of population are new challenges the young generation would face. The world in year 2050 would not be a different place to live. Unless and otherwise education policy is framed to address the 'gloom and doom' side of world by 2050, the next generation would face a serious threat of existence. The positive futurists show that technology and science will not allow the world to laps its primitive past once again. It is clear that science and technology is the only answer to human survival. Therefore, it is important that education policy makers taking a fresh look at the policy challenges for the future. This paper makes an analysis based on the published and documented evidence what policy framework would be required in the developing countries in view of the emerging challenges to ensure a survival of the generations to come.
GRIN Foreign Trade Policy and Growth: A Comparison of Mexico and Costa Rica
Anbieter: Preis: 2,89 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Economics - Foreign Trade Theory, Trade Policy, grade: A-, University of Auckland (Business School - Faculty of Economics), course: Trade & Development, language: English, abstract: There has been a lot of work on the relation between openness and economic growth, with results being ambiguous. A study done by Sachs and Warner (1995), using a sample of 135 countries, has shown that there is a positive correlation between openness and growth, e.g. that trade liberalisation fosters economic performance. The assumptions and country categorisations of this study have been criticised by Rodriguez and Rodrik (2000); they concluded that low tariff rates do not necessarily imply higher growth rates but that tariff protection exceeding a certain level stifles growth. Dollar and Kray (cited in Santos-Paulino and Thirlwall, 2004) compared different sets of countries with each other and found out that changes in growth rates are positively correlated with the share of trade and thus greater openness has accelerated economic growth. This essay compares the foreign trade policy of Mexico and Costa Rica. Even though both countries pursued the same policies, some differences can be found. Both implemented a strategy of import-substituting industrialisation until the serious crisis at the beginning of the 1980s, followed by a period of extensive trade liberalisation. This was due to pressure put on by the international institutions such as IMF or World Bank. While Mexico opened up its market, Costa Rica went further and lowered the import barriers. They put a strong emphasis on attracting foreign direct investment. With an average annual growth rate of 4.78 percent in Costa Rica and 4.43 percent in Mexico over the last four decades both countries achieved a strong economic growth exceeding the average of all other Latin American countries. However a positive interrelation between openness and growth could not be found in this study. This essay is structured in four main parts. Section II of this paper deals with the fundamental comparability of Mexico and Costa Rica. Section III portrays the foreign trade policies of both countries and illustrates the main similarities and differences. The development of growth is outlined in Section IV. Section V concludes the paper.
VDM Pirker, M: Policy-Maßnahmen zur Suchtprävention
Anbieter: Preis: 7,79 CHFDie Flucht aus dem stressigen Alltag, der oft mit scheinbar unlösbaren Problemen verbunden ist, ist nur einer der Gründe, die hinter Suchtverhalten stehen können. In einer immer unsicherer werdenden Zeit greifen viele Menschen zu verschiedenen Substanzen, um den Anforderungen, die an sie gestellt werden, gewachsen zu sein. Das Drogen- und Suchtproblem stellt daher eine grosse Bedrohung für die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung dar. Aus diesem Grund ist es unerlässlich, gegen dieses Problem anzukämpfen. In ihrem Werk beschäftigt sich die Autorin insbesondere mit Süchten in Bezug auf in Österreich als illegal geltende Substanzen. Sie gibt einen Überblick über Policy-Massnahmen, die von nationalen und internationalen Körperschaften diesbezüglich empfohlen werden. Ausserdem zeigt sie anhand verschiedener Beispiele aus europäischen Ländern auf, welche Erfahrungen mit der Umsetzung solcher Massnahmen bereits existieren. Das Buch richtet sich an Menschen, die sich in der Suchtprävention engagieren, an EntscheidungsträgerInnen, die die Situation positiv beeinflussen können sowie an all jene, die mehr über mögliche Massnahmen zur Suchtprävention und über Erfahrungen mit deren Umsetzung erfahren wollen.
GRIN The differing foreign policy perspectives of Senators John McCain, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, grade: 1,0, Munich University of Policy, course: Hauptseminar "America and the world", 3 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: Dr. Charles Doran, Professor of International Relations, titled his speech given on June 10th 2008 at the America House Munich "How Americans Choose - The most important Presidential Election in a Century". Maybe - as we are still at the beginning of this century - this sounds somewhat exaggerated at first, but on a second look the upcoming presidential election in the United States indeed appears to be a unique and path-breaking event for the future (...) As the topic of our seminar was "America and the world", this term paper will focus on the nominees' foreign policy perspectives, which show surprisingly few differences but many similarities.
Taylor and Francis Environmental Policy and NEPA
Anbieter: Preis: 209,00 CHFThis excellent reference brings together 28 contributing authors who combine their expertise to address a multitude of topics. Divided into three main parts, the book covers the historical background and trends of NEPA; addresses the current substantive and conceptual issues associated with the environmental impact assessment process; and discusses future opportunities.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften Policy-Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Anbieter: Preis: 7,49 CHFAm 22. /23. November 1984 fand, finanziert durch die Stiflung Vol- wagenwerk, im Leibniz-Haus zu Hannover ein Wissenschaftliches Symposium "Zum Verhaltnis der Policy-Forschung/Policy-Studies zu den 'Kernbereichen' des Faches" statt. Die Idee zu einer solchen wissenschaftlichen Abklarung innerhalb der Kollegenschaft geht auf meine Kritik an den Politikfeldanalysen des Berliner Kongresses der DEUTSCHEN VEREINIGUNG FOR POLITISCHE WISSENSCHAFT im Jahre 1982 und die Replik Frieder Nascholds zurUck. Als 1983 gewahlter Vorsit zender dieser Vereinigung habe ich dann sogleich eine Initiative in Form eines Antrages an die Stiftung Volkswagenwerk ergriffen und vor allem die Fachkollegen aus der PolicY-Forschung und aus den neu gebildeten "Sektionen" der Vereinigung, die ja eine Art "BUndelung" von "Kernbereichen" der Politikwissenschaft darstellen, eingeladen. Es ging schliefilich bei dem Symposium auch urn eine Bestandsaufnahme der Disziplin nach stUrmischen Jahren des Ausbaus an den wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen der Bundesrepublik Deutsch land. 1. Das Symposium wurde durch zwei umfassend angelegte Ausarbeitun gen von Klaus von Beyme und Joachim Hesse vorbereitet. Rund die Halfte der aktiven Teilnehmer am Symposium reich ten dazu und zu den Unterpunkten des Besprechungsprogramms umfangmafiig begrenzte Statements ein. Aufierdem waren fUr die drei Untergliederungen des Programms in "Leistungen der Policy-Forschung", "Was ist tradi tionelle Politikwissenschaft?" und "Moglichkeiten und Grenzen der Verklammerung" (s. das vollstandig abgedruckte Programm im An hang dieses Bandes) Frau Adrienne Windhoff-Heritier sowie die Kolle gen Wilhelm Hennis und GUnther Schmid urn pointierende "EinfUhrun gen" in die Diskussion gebeten worden.
Taylor and Francis Racino, J: Policy, Program Evaluation, and Research in Disab
Anbieter: Preis: 8,39 CHFPolicy, Program Evaluation, and Research in Disability: Community Support for All is an essential research reference on how community support systems can greatly assist people with diverse disabilities to live fuller lives outside of institutions. Based on qualitative research methods, Policy, Program Evaluation, and Research in Disability reflects over a decade of technical assistance and research in state, regional, and local communities throughout the United States. Community service managers, policy makers, researchers, activists, individuals with disabilities, and their families will benefit from the numerous studies that promote a better quality of life for those living with disabilities.
VDM Bukari, J: Language Policy in West Africa
Anbieter: Preis: 6,99 CHFThis book provides a new perspective by examining the language policies of Ghana and Burkina Faso and supplements existing studies on language policy in West Africa. The study reports the social attitudes of Ghanaians towards the French language and whether or not there is the need for their country to adopt a pragmatic national language policy that enforces its vicarious teaching and learning in schools, as a way of linguistically empowering the country and thereby making it fully reap the economic, political and socio-cultural dividends offered by 21st century regional and global trade. The study combines phenomenology and naturalistic inquiry as theoretical frameworks and uses the business tool of benchmarking to compare the language policies of the two countries. The methodological crowbar with which the study is pried and crafted is a mixed design in which qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis procedures are used. The study should add to West Africa's intellectual capital and serve as a significant reference to policy makers and researchers in Language Policy.
Oxford University Press Connecting Policy To Prac in T
Anbieter: Preis: 6,69 CHFTraditionally, human services policy has been made by people whose own lives are unaffected by their decisions. As a consequence, that policy often fails to meet the needs of service users. In this third edition of Connecting Policy to Practice in the Human Services, Brad McKenzie and Brian Wharf suggest that a more inclusive process will produce better results. Following a careful examination of current practices, they look at a number of alternative strategies, including shared decision-making, policy communities, and community governance. This edition has been updated throughout and features a new chapter presenting a case study analysis of policy resistance, new chapter summaries, end-of-chapter critical thinking questions, and an online glossary, making it the most current and engaging text available. Linking Canadian social welfare policy with social welfare practice, this indispensable resource encourages and facilitates participation in a process that has significant consequences for many lives.
GRIN India's Nuclear Policy
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Essay from the year 2008 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: South Asia, grade: 80%= good, University of Kerala (Department of Political Science), course: India's Foreign Policy, language: English, abstract: This essay presents an outline of the evolution of India's Nuclear Policy with a special reference to the India- US Nuclear Deal. However, more recent developments such as the passing of the Deal, withdrawal of Left support and the vote of confidence in the Lok Sabha are not included. On April 8th 2008 The Hindu published an article titled ¿Potential consequences of a regional nuclear conflict¿ in which the author convincingly illustrates the dangers a nuclear- armed South Asia presents.1 The fact that both India and Pakistan, but of course also China, possess nuclear weapons has been an alarming reality since 1998. The relative progress that has been achieved in India- Pakistan relations should not lead one to forget that two conflicts in 1999 and 2001 could easily have escalated into a nuclear confrontation. India had embarked upon a civilian nuclear program right after her independence but the ¿weapon option¿ has always been present. Indiäs nuclear policy has been an evolutionary, sometimes painful process equally shaped by domestic and international factors. This paper attempts to analyse some of these factors and argues that the development of nuclear weapons was a logical, albeit not planned, consequence of them. It is interesting that even those in India fiercely opposed to nuclear weapons subconsciously seemed to have realised that Indiäs nuclear program could not be limited to civilian application forever. A constant in Indiäs nuclear policy is the strong wish to become and remain as independent as possible. For this independent nuclear policy India had to pay a high price. Isolated from international nuclear cooperation, confronted with sharp criticism and even sanctions, India had to rely on herself. While Indiäs success has been a great source of national pride Indiäs isolation in nuclear issues also contributed to a lack of strategic planning regarding Indiäs place in both the region and the world, and the role the nuclear weapons should or should not play in this. The (possible) India- US nuclear deal has provoked an intense debate among Indian actors that creates the chance that India will finally come to terms with its nuclear potential as she prepares for assuming the status of a world power.
BoD – Books on Demand Deutsche Policy of Pretention
Anbieter: Preis: 3,49 CHFIn diesem Sammelband geht es um die Europäische Krise von 1914. Ob die deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft den Gedenktag im Jahre 2014 feiern wird oder nicht, stellen muss sie sich der Kontroverse um den Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges. Dieser Aufsatzband, der 1983 in erster Auflage erschien ("Europäische Krise und Erster Weltkrieg. Beiträge zur Militärpolitik des Kaiserreiches, 1871-1914" - jetzt als E-Boo k), schlägt mit dem neuen Beitrag zur "Policy of Pretention. Krisenkonferenzen und informelles Regierungssystem im Kaiserreich, 1905-1914" den Bogen über 25 Jahre Weltkriegforschung. Dass in diesem Zusammenhang dem Problem der Krisenkonferenzen allgemein, und im November/Dezember 1912 im Besonderen, innerhalb des Entscheidungsprozesses der politischen und militärischen Führungselite des Deutschen Reiches, entscheidende Bedeutung, im Hinblick auf einen Krieg in absehbarer Frist, zukommt, belegen die hier vorgelegten neuen Quellen. Die deutsche Historiker-Zunft mag es begrüssen oder nicht: es geht um den Entschluss des Kaiserreiches von 1912, den grossen Krieg bei nächster sich bietender Gelegenheit zu führen. Dazu wird das Spektrum des innenpolitischen Kräftespiels im Deutschen Reich von 1871, unter dem dezidiert entwickelten Blickwinkel des Einsatzes der Armee im Inneren (Staatsstreich-, Anarchismus-, Streik-, Revolutions- und Bürgerkriegsdrohung), aus der Sicht der Militärbehörden schärfer konturiert und damit der Weg in den Ersten Weltkrieg ergänzend, unter dem Aspekt der Kriegsvorbereitung, beleuchtet. Die These der Düsseldorfer Schule, es sei auf Grund der inneren Strukturen des Reiches (informeller Regierungsstil Wilhelms II.) von einer "Polykratie", d. h. der vielfach behaupteten, jede Entscheidung paralysierenden "Zerklüftetheit der Entscheidungsträger" in Berlin, auszugehen, dieser Theorie im Gefolge Gerhard Ritters, wird hier, mit dem Blick auf die Institution20der "Krisenkonferenzen"(1875-1912) im Kaiserreich, der Boden entzogen. Wie dieser Begriff, durch Wolfgang Mommsen zunächst adaptiert, die Düsseldorfer Argumentation zu Fall bringt, ist in dem abschliessenden Beitrag zur "Policy of Pretention" des Reichs für die Jahre 1871 bis 1914 entwickelt. Dass das Deutsche Reich im Kriege nicht den allseits erwarteten militärischen Erfolg erzielte, war u.a. in den tiefliegenden Defekten des deutschen Staatswesens und dessen Streitkräften begründet. Ein in den gesellschaftlichen Strukturen erstarrtes Staatswesen hatte die Zeichen der Zeit nicht erkannt. Mittelmässiges "Management", veranlasste u.a. im September 1914 Fehlschläge (Marneschlacht) die irreparabel waren. Der Krieg, so wie er politisch und militärisch zuvor gedacht gewesen war, ging verloren. Ein vierjähriges, verlustreiches und nutzloses Ringen folgte. Alle Beteiligten büssten in der Folge ihre - bis dato - errungenen Positionen als Gross- oder Weltmächte ein.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates State Assessment Policy and Practice for English Language Learners: A National Perspective
Anbieter: Preis: 9,99 CHFThis volume fills a gap in scholarship by offering a focused and extensive examination of states' policies and practices for including English language learners in state educational assessment programs.
GRIN Japan's Foreign and Security Policy in the Twenty First Century: Challenges and Alternatives
Anbieter: Preis: 6,69 CHFBachelor Thesis from the year 2008 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: Other States, grade: 72% - First Class Honours, University of Greenwich, language: English, abstract: This paper argues that because of the new reality of the twenty-first century where the United States is beginning to decline, China is rising and North Korea has acquired nuclear capabilities, Japan may need to rethink its foreign and security policy which are deeply anchored on its alliance with Washington. In the light of these new challenges, this paper considers potential problems and constrains in Tokyös current strategy and suggests it may not be in Japan¿s best interest to continue pursuing them. Finally, alternatives to Japan¿s security policy are considered and this paper concludes that no single alternative could replace the U.S.-Japan alliance as an effective security policy in the foreseeable future. Rather, all the alternatives pursued together would potentially lead to an efficacious option, consequently providing Japan¿s foreign policy with greater independence from the United States.
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