Es wurden 883 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff politics in 6 Shops gefunden:
Verb Human Skateboard Deck (Politics)
Anbieter: Preis: 64,00 CHF (+1,95 CHF)Aufgrund von Variationen in den Furnierfarben können wir nicht garantieren, dass Sie die auf dem Produktbild abgebildete Farbe erhalten. Das Verb Human repräsentiert ein Skateboard Deck, das gut funktioniert.
HarperCollins God's Politics CD: God's Politics CD
Anbieter: Preis: 39,90 CHFA leading voice of Christians in this country offers a prophetic indictment against America's pursuit of individual spiritualities to the exclusion of any social responsibility for the common good, as well as the lack of political options for believers who want to link their personal ethics to social justice. Abridged. 6 CDs.
The Politics of Space Security: Strategic Restraint and the Pursuit of National Interests, Third Edition - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 29,17 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Brand : Stanford University Press, Binding : paperback, Edition : 3 ed, Label : The Politics of Space Security : Strategic Restraint and the Pursuit of National Interests, Third Edition, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 400, publicationDate : 2019-04-16, releaseDate : 2019-04-16, languages : english, ISBN : 150360893X
Gta Trans 18. politics
Anbieter: Preis: 15,00 CHF (+3,50 CHF)trans 18 stellt die Beziehung von Architektur und Politik in den Fokus. Die Ereignisse der letzten Jahre erschütterten nicht nur die Märkte, sondern auch die Fundamente unseres gesellschaftlichen Selbstverständnisses. Dies ist Anlass genug, grundsätzlich über die Liaison zwischen Architektur und Politik nachzudenken und kritische Vorstösse zu wagen. Politik bedeutet immer auch Ideologiekritik und ist somit das öffentliche Verhandeln der Konzepte unserer Existenz. Doch in der Architektur der letzten Jahre wurden diese Konzepte oft zu Gunsten von 'grafischen Experimenten' vernachlässigt. Stimmen werden laut, dass die Architektur aus den Künstlerateliers wieder hinaus in die Strassen getragen werden soll. Was ist politische Architektur? trans 18 focuses on the relationship between architecture and politics. The events of the past few years did not only shake the markets but also shattered the very bases of our social self-concept. This fact shall be taken as a reason for a general reassessment of the liaison between architecture and politics and to have a dare at critical approaches. Politics is always also a criticism of ideologies and therefore a public debate of the concepts of our existence. In recent architecture, however, these concepts have been neglected in favour of what might be called 'graphic experiments.' People are asking for architecture to be brought from studios back into the streets. What is political architecture?
GRIN The politics of English in South Africa
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, grade: 2,0, Humboldt-University of Berlin (Department of English and American Studies), course: The Politics of English as a Global Language, language: English, abstract: Before one can start discussing the language policy of South Africa, it is important to stress its diversity of language and culture groups. Around 25 languages are used in South Africa by more than 44.8 million people. That is the result of the influx of various groups of people to that region over the last centuries, meaning not only the by the African themselves, but also by people from Europe (Portuguese, Dutch, French, Germans, and British) and also from the East (Malaysia, Indonesia and India). Nevertheless, the majority of South Africans, almost 80% of the population, use an African language as their home language. The language situation in South Africa hasfor a long time been, and still is, quite difficult. Here, the indigenous languages of the South African people met with the European languages of the colonists, intermixed and coexisted with the many languages that were already spoken as mother tongues or as first languages. Like in many other former colonies, the European languages had then been used by those who held political power, and who considered the African languages as inferior. Both the European (English and Afrikaans) and the African languages were therefore distinguished into two varieties of prestige and referred to as H (high) or L (low) languages. [...] However, until today, the linguistic situation in South Africa is still quite difficult. Especially the use of English is a problematic one. Therefore this paper intends to give an overview of the politics of English in South Africa. Even though this paper wants to concentrate on the current status of English in South Africa, it is necessary to make a digression into the language policy of the country first, and to explain its varieties to British English. Moreover, it is important to allude to the history of the use of the English language in South Africa, in order to fully understand why it is so controversially debated, and why English is seen as a bearer of hope for many black people on the one hand, but has failed to fulfil these dreams on the other.
Import No politics
Anbieter: Preis: 40,90 CHFInclus titre bonus
Yellowjackets - Politics - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 24,25 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Brand : GRP RECORDS, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Grp (Universal), Publisher : Grp (Universal), NumberOfDiscs : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 1992-07-28, artists : Yellowjackets
The Politics Of Ectasy
Anbieter: Preis: 27,90 CHFThe Politics Of Ectasy - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
American Trade Politics: System Under Stress - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 0,38 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Binding : paperback, Label : American Trade Politics : System Under Stress, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 380, publicationDate : 1986-11-01, releaseDate : 1986-11-01, languages : english, ISBN : 0881320579
Tauris, I.B. Art & Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 34,90 CHFContemporary art is incresingly concerned with swaying the opinions of its viewier. To do so, the art employs various strategies to convey a political message. This book provides readers with the tools to decode and appreciate political art, a crucial and understudied direction in post-war art.
Politics vs. Literature (Orwell's Essays, Band 4) - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 8,73 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Binding : paperback, Label : Politics vs. Literature (Orwell's Essays, Band 4), PackageQuantity : 1, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2021-01-01, releaseDate : 2021-01-01, languages : english, ISBN : 1913724328
Office Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 24,90 CHFOffice Politics - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
The Politics Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained) - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 31,39 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : New., Label : Dk Pub, Publisher : Dk Pub, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 352, publicationDate : 2013-02-18, languages : english, ISBN : 1465402144
New Politics - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: Preis: 1,13 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Binding : Audio CD, Label : Rca Int. (Sony Music), Publisher : Rca Int. (Sony Music), NumberOfDiscs : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2011-02-04, artists : New Politics
Politics in Contemporary Indonesia: Institutional Change, Policy Challenges and Democratic Decline - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 0,95 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Routledge, Publisher : Routledge, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2022-03-22, releaseDate : 2022-03-22, ISBN : 1138626082
Office Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 20,90 CHFOffice Politics - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
Kodaline - Politics of Living - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 4,26 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Brand : B-UNIQUE/RCA, Binding : Audio CD, Edition : Standard Version, Label : Rca Int. (Sony Music), Publisher : Rca Int. (Sony Music), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2018-09-28, artists : Kodaline
Office Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 40,90 CHFOffice Politics - Vinyle album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
Yellowjackets - Politics - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 19,49 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Binding : Audio CD, Label : Mca, Publisher : Mca, NumberOfDiscs : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Import, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 1989-10-30, artists : Yellowjackets
Haleh Afshar - Women and Politics in the Third World (Women in Politics) - Preis vom 05.03.2025 06:05:07 h
Anbieter: Preis: 3,32 CHF (+4,99 CHF)Brand : Routledge, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Routledge, Publisher : Routledge, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 1996-03-07, releaseDate : 1996-03-07, publishers : Haleh Afshar, ISBN : 0415138612
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