Es wurden 386 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff politics in 4 Shops gefunden:
Verb Human Skateboard Deck (Politics)
Anbieter: Preis: 64,00 CHF (+0,95 CHF)Aufgrund von Variationen in den Furnierfarben können wir nicht garantieren, dass Sie die auf dem Produktbild abgebildete Farbe erhalten. Das Verb Human repräsentiert ein Skateboard Deck, das gut funktioniert.
HarperCollins God's Politics CD: God's Politics CD
Anbieter: Preis: 39,90 CHFA leading voice of Christians in this country offers a prophetic indictment against America's pursuit of individual spiritualities to the exclusion of any social responsibility for the common good, as well as the lack of political options for believers who want to link their personal ethics to social justice. Abridged. 6 CDs.
GRIN The politics of English in South Africa
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, grade: 2,0, Humboldt-University of Berlin (Department of English and American Studies), course: The Politics of English as a Global Language, language: English, abstract: Before one can start discussing the language policy of South Africa, it is important to stress its diversity of language and culture groups. Around 25 languages are used in South Africa by more than 44.8 million people. That is the result of the influx of various groups of people to that region over the last centuries, meaning not only the by the African themselves, but also by people from Europe (Portuguese, Dutch, French, Germans, and British) and also from the East (Malaysia, Indonesia and India). Nevertheless, the majority of South Africans, almost 80% of the population, use an African language as their home language. The language situation in South Africa hasfor a long time been, and still is, quite difficult. Here, the indigenous languages of the South African people met with the European languages of the colonists, intermixed and coexisted with the many languages that were already spoken as mother tongues or as first languages. Like in many other former colonies, the European languages had then been used by those who held political power, and who considered the African languages as inferior. Both the European (English and Afrikaans) and the African languages were therefore distinguished into two varieties of prestige and referred to as H (high) or L (low) languages. [...] However, until today, the linguistic situation in South Africa is still quite difficult. Especially the use of English is a problematic one. Therefore this paper intends to give an overview of the politics of English in South Africa. Even though this paper wants to concentrate on the current status of English in South Africa, it is necessary to make a digression into the language policy of the country first, and to explain its varieties to British English. Moreover, it is important to allude to the history of the use of the English language in South Africa, in order to fully understand why it is so controversially debated, and why English is seen as a bearer of hope for many black people on the one hand, but has failed to fulfil these dreams on the other.
Gta Trans 18. politics
Anbieter: Preis: 15,00 CHF (+3,50 CHF)trans 18 stellt die Beziehung von Architektur und Politik in den Fokus. Die Ereignisse der letzten Jahre erschütterten nicht nur die Märkte, sondern auch die Fundamente unseres gesellschaftlichen Selbstverständnisses. Dies ist Anlass genug, grundsätzlich über die Liaison zwischen Architektur und Politik nachzudenken und kritische Vorstösse zu wagen. Politik bedeutet immer auch Ideologiekritik und ist somit das öffentliche Verhandeln der Konzepte unserer Existenz. Doch in der Architektur der letzten Jahre wurden diese Konzepte oft zu Gunsten von 'grafischen Experimenten' vernachlässigt. Stimmen werden laut, dass die Architektur aus den Künstlerateliers wieder hinaus in die Strassen getragen werden soll. Was ist politische Architektur? trans 18 focuses on the relationship between architecture and politics. The events of the past few years did not only shake the markets but also shattered the very bases of our social self-concept. This fact shall be taken as a reason for a general reassessment of the liaison between architecture and politics and to have a dare at critical approaches. Politics is always also a criticism of ideologies and therefore a public debate of the concepts of our existence. In recent architecture, however, these concepts have been neglected in favour of what might be called 'graphic experiments.' People are asking for architecture to be brought from studios back into the streets. What is political architecture?
De Gruyter Religion and Politics in the Middle Ages
Anbieter: Preis: 176,00 CHFThe increased interest in religion as a phenomenon and its various cultural contexts is encouraging a focus on the relationship between religion and politics. However, the political relevance of the religious and the interdependence between political and religious spheres has always been a major area of medieval research. The articles in this volume consider not only the principle inseparability of both spheres as previously established by research, but also the beginnings of a differentiation and relative autonomy of religion and politics within the framework of a comparison between Germany and the United Kingdom. This allows the identification of restrictions within the research traditions that are due to national histories and points to ways of overcoming these restrictions.
Office Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 24,90 CHFOffice Politics - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
Ibidem Cultural Politics of Ethnicity. Discourses on Roma in Communist Czechoslovakia
Anbieter: Preis: 6,19 CHFThis book maps out the history of Czechoslovak linguistic and social practices directed at Roma during the communist period. It explains how contemporary Czech society has come to understand the Romani population in terms of inherited social, medical and juridical ideas. Rather than focusing on the Roma people as an object of analysis, the book problematizes assumed notions of “Gypsiness” and “Czechness” in mainstream society by highlighting the role of different socialist discourses in constructing images of Roma as socially deviant and abnormal. By uncovering the lines of continuity in the intersections of ethnic discrimination, social deviance and citizenship from the 1950s to the collapse of communism, this book comes to terms with a variety of questions that have not yet been adequately addressed in the literature: What underlying assumptions informed the socialist regime’s understanding of “Gypsiness;” and how did these conceptions relate to notions of citizenship, equality and normality? How and why did the meaning of the terms “Gypsies” and “Roma” become imbued in popular discourse with ideas of unhealthiness and social deviance? What implications does translating perceived cultural traits and lifestyles of Roma into non-ethnic frames of reference have for understanding racism and ethnic sensibilities in the country today? The work emphasizes historical continuities between contemporary xenophobia and the strategies which the communist regime used to deal with the “Gypsy question.” Focusing on the discrepancies between written laws and policies as well as their implementation, this study exposes the intricate relationships between official beliefs, institutional policies and popular consciousness under the communist regime. For it was these relationships which together created the mechanisms of social control that facilitated discrimination of Czechoslovak Roma under the guise of social welfare.
The Politics Of Ectasy
Anbieter: Preis: 27,90 CHFThe Politics Of Ectasy - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
GRIN "Identity Politics" und Islam - die Umma als translokale politische Identität von Muslimen in der westlichen Diaspora
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Allgemeines und Theorien, Note: 1,0, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Seminar für Politikwissenschaft ), Veranstaltung: Einführung in den politischen Islam und seine Weltanschauung, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Hypothese, die ich in dieser Arbeit prüfen möchte, ist folgende: Es gibt eine islamische Identität, die viele Muslime in westlichen Gesellschaften miteinander verbindet. Sie konstituiert sich über die Abgrenzung von einem westlichen Lebensstil und westlichen Werten und möchte einen als "authentisch" verstandenen Islam gegen diese Einflüsse beschützen. Zentral für die Herstellung dieser Idenitität ist die Gemeinschaftsideologie der "Umma". Muslime, die diese Identität teilen, sind deswegen nicht zwangsläufig selber politisch aktiv. Islamisten finden in ihnen jedoch einen Resonanzboden für ihre Politik und potentielle Ziele für ihre Rekrutierungsversuche. In dieser Hausarbeit werde ich mich darum besonders mit der "Umma" als translokaler politischer Identität beschäftigen. Ich gehe davon aus, dass sie einen Bezugspunkt für Muslime in aller Welt darstellt und so eine imaginäre Gemeinschaft konstituiert. Islamisten begreifen sich dabei als politisch Handelnde im Sinne dieser Gemeinschaft. Besonderes Augenmerk wird in dieser Arbeit auf die Beziehung islamischer Identität und den Bewegungen des politischen Islam gelegt werden, ohne dabei Phänomene auf den Islam als Religion zu reduzieren. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf den islamisch-politischen Bewegungen in Europa und den USA, also in der westlichen Diaspora, und nicht auf muslimischen Gesellschaften.
Office Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 40,90 CHFOffice Politics - Vinyle album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
Oxford University Press Politics in the Developing World
Anbieter: Preis: 3,99 CHFThis well respected textbook is fully up-to-date with recent development policies and important global events. New chapters on the role of institutions, the transition of the state from conflict to post-conflict, and the impact of international aid ensure it remains the most comprehensive introduction to politics in the developing world.
Tauris, I.B. Art & Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 34,90 CHFContemporary art is incresingly concerned with swaying the opinions of its viewier. To do so, the art employs various strategies to convey a political message. This book provides readers with the tools to decode and appreciate political art, a crucial and understudied direction in post-war art.
Duncker & Humblot Law, Politics, and Morality: European Perspectives II.
Anbieter: Preis: 101,00 CHFTeaching and study of law is based on the premises of formal dogma. Discussion centres on what the law says, and less on the Instruments enabling its application, such as legal argumentation and reasoning. The approach to the new legal and institutional challenges facing the European Union is not immune to this problem. Little public attention is paid to actual law emanating from EU institutions, and even less to its application. However, at least three issues of vital importance can easily be seen to originate in this field: (1) Does legal harmonisation among EU countries also mean harmonisation of criteria and forms of justification of judicial reasoning? (2) What is the relationship between each country's internal laws and European law at the application stage? And (3) what is the relationship between the application of law by European-level legal bodies and national bodies, which may, for example, assume differing levels of protection of individual rights? These and other questions concerning application of the law in the European Union were the objective of a European congress, The Judiciary and its Role in the European Construction Process, held in Girona, Spain, from 14 to 16 November 2002. The congress was funded by the European Commission via the Human Potential Programme within the European Community's 5th Framework Programme. It was part of the PhD Euroconferences in Legal Philosophy: Current Challenges to the European Legal Thought project. This book brings together the results of that congress, yet cannot be termed Proceedings, since the papers presented at the congress were later modified by the authors in light of the discussion.
Import No politics
Anbieter: Preis: 40,90 CHFInclus titre bonus
Lit Verlag Knowledge, Politics and the History of Education
Anbieter: Preis: 4,49 CHFThe humanities and social science disciplines have always been embedded in and responsive to their contexts in cultural and political ways. The discipline of the history of education is no exception. However, a change has occurred where these disciplines are increasingly expected to prove their relevance faced with the politics of knowledge in the knowledge economy. This tendency is investigated in this book regarding the discipline of the history of education in America and Europe. As a reaction, the contributions positively address the question of the raison d'être of the history of education. Is the discipline to serve educationalists, the general public, social scientists, historians or all of them at the same time?
Office Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 20,90 CHFOffice Politics - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
Columbia Univers. Press Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique
Anbieter: Preis: 5,19 CHFThis book of tightly woven dialogues engages prominent thinkers in a discussion about the role of culture-broadly construed-in contemporary society and politics. Faced with the conceptual inflation of the notion of 'culture,' which now imposes itself as an indispensable issue in contemporary moral and political debates, these dynamic exchanges seek to rethink culture and critique beyond the schematic models that have often predominated, such as the opposition between "mainstream multiculturalism" and the "clash of civilizations." Prefaced by an introduction relating current cultural debates to the critical theory tradition, this book examines the politics of culture and the spirit of critique from three different vantage points. To begin, Gabriel Rockhill and Alfredo Gomez-Muller provide a stage-setting dialogue, followed by discussions with two major representatives of contemporary critical theory: Seyla Benhabib and Nancy Fraser. Working at the horizons of this tradition, Judith Butler, Immanuel Wallerstein, and Cornel West then provide important critical perspectives on cultural politics. The book's concluding section engages with Michael Sandel and Will Kymlicka, who work out of the Rawlsian tradition yet are uniquely concerned with the issue of culture, broadly understood. The epilogue, an interview with Axel Honneth, returns to the core issue of critical theory in cultural politics. Ranging from recent developments and progressive interventions in critical theory to dialogues that incorporate its insights into larger discussions of social and political philosophy, this book sharpens old critical tools while developing new strategies for rethinking the role of 'culture' in contemporary society.
VDM Khattak, M: Pakistan Unpolitic Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 69,90 CHFPakistan, as a society and as a polity, has been a representation of history's cyclic characteristic. Unfortunately, these repetitions have been rather too fast-track. Pakistan's history has been a decade to decade phenomenon a decade for quasi-democracy and a decade for stern dictatorial regime. The present work attempts to relate the country's political deviations with the dynamics of Cold War and Post Cold War global compulsions.
Cambridge University Press Politics and the Russian Army
Anbieter: Preis: 4,89 CHFThis book is a comprehensive overview of the political role of the Russian military, from the time of Peter the Great to the present, explaining why Russia has not experienced a military coup in over two centuries.
Import More Politics
Anbieter: Preis: 23,90 CHFMore Politics - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
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