Es wurden 2138 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff which in 3 Shops gefunden:
Balenciaga Stiefel & Boots - Which Ankle Boot - Gr. 36 (EU) - in Schwarz - für Damen
Anbieter: Preis: 101,25 CHFAußenmaterial aus edlem, schwarzem Leder mit glattem Finish Gunmetalfarbene, moderne Metalldetails sorgen für einen edlen Look Angenehme innere Sohle gefertigt aus Leder Stilvolle Optik durch Ledersohle Sehr hoher, ästhetischer Stiletto-Absatz von ca. 12,5 cm Höhe Schafthöhe beträgt ca. 19,5 cm Schaftumfang misst ca. 28,5 cm (am oberen Rand des Stiefelschafts gemessen) Mit eleganter, spitz zulaufender Zehenkappe Verschluss durch strapazierfähige Reißverschlüsse Vor dem ersten Tragen mit geeignetem Pflegemittel imprägnieren und in einem Staubbeutel oder im Schuhkarton aufbewahren Gefertigt in Italien Material Obermaterial: Leder Futter: Leder Decksohle: Leder Laufsohle: Leder
GRIN Which system is better? One-tier or two-tier-board system? Where is the COMI of ThyssenKrupp AG
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Essay from the year 2009 in the subject Law - European and International Law, Intellectual Properties, grade: 1,7, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences, language: English, abstract: Which system is better? It¿s a matter of fact, that in stock company the management leads the business and not the shareholders itself. In Germany, we have a Management Board (MB) and a Supervisory Board (SB). The SB should monitor the MB, to anticipate that the MB doesn¿t act in the interest of the shareholders and creditors. For Example, in the form of inadequate salary payment, inadequate redundancy payments and nepotism. In the unitary-board system of the UK aren¿t exist a SB, but there are so- called Executive directors which operates beside the Non-executive directors. The Executive directors have the same function like the SB in the German stock company. The dual board system is prescribed by law for German stock corporations. The Management Board (MB) is appropriate for managing the enterprise. Its members are jointly accountable for the management of the concern. The Chairman of the MB coordinates the work of the MB. The Supervisory Board (SB) appoints, supervises and advises the member of the MB and is directly involved in decisions of fundamental importance to the company. The Members of the SB are chosen by the shareholders at the General Meeting. In enterprises having more than 500 or 2000 employees in Germany, employees are also represented in the SB. In practice, the dual-board system is also established in other continental European countries. The unitary-board system, which exists in the UK, has only one organ, the board... Where is the COMI? One of the performances of cross-border insolvency is that debtors may seek to open proceedings in a state having insolvency legislation more favourable to their particular circumstances. This is labelled as ¿forum shopping¿. The Regulation attempts to stop forum shopping by requiring that the main proceeding be opened in the member state where the debtor¿s ¿centre of main interests¿ (COMI) is situated. According to Art. 3 EU Insolvency Regulation, the international Courts of the particular Member state are responsible for the opening of an insolvency proceeding, where the debtor¿s centre of main interest is. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) assumes that this is basically there, where ¿the debtor¿s registered office ¿is. It¿s where the administration of its interests "on a regular basis¿is and it must be ¿therefore ascertainable by third parties."
Capstone Which Seed Is This?
Anbieter: Preis: 1,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Text and full-color photographs ask multiple-choice questions about which plants seeds grow into.
GRIN Which identity for Europe?
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Sociology - Political Sociology, Majorities, Minorities, grade: 1,0, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), language: English, abstract: In the last decades, debates about the existence and the meaning of an European idetity raised all the time more. Some scholars approached the theme, focussing on a ¿common historical heritage¿, which points to a basis for a collective identity (Habermas 2001; Giesen 2003), others based their arguments on political and institutional similarities among European countries like human rights protection, democracy and rule of law (Risse 2001). In other cases, the studies on the topic focussed on the ambivalent employ of the term ¿identity¿, arguing its (ab)-use, above all in EU-Treaties, instead of more obviously expressions as ¿legitimacy¿ or ¿sovereignty¿ (Bruha/ Rau 2000). The aim of this paper is to examine the topic from two distinctive perspectives: a post-national and a postmodern. The paper suggests a sort of ¿back to the roots¿ of the en-quiry, approaching the subject neither with pre-existent assumptions nor with the goal to order puzzled arguments. The study will not pursue the question about the existence of a collective European identity, but will search for possible ways and circumstances, in which ¿identity¿ in Europe (restricting the focus on the European Union) may emerge. The central question of the paper will be if the development of an European identity is plausible and if a widespread process of socialisation may prevail on the national structures of the member states (hereafter MSs) and lead to the growth of common ¿procedures¿ and ¿functions¿ among European populations. In order to answer the question the more satisfactory as possible, the dissertation proposes two differing angles for the analysis with the intend to compare the findings resulting from dissimilar criteria of examination. In a first part the EU will be considered as a post-national political order, deriving from the dissolution of its MSs. After a short explanation on the political nature of the Union from this standpoint, the dissertation will explore the option of an emerging post-national identity in the European Union, adopting the criteria proposed by Anthony Smith in his study of national identities (Smith 1991). The analysis will evaluate if the EU attends the proposed criteria in order to assess the coming out of a post-national form of social identification. [...]
GRIN Which political forces are responsible for retrenchment in social services in social democratic welfare states?
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2006 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: Western Europe, grade: 1, University of Zurich, language: English, abstract: A new impact to welfare state research was given by the crisis and the resulting, far-reaching changes during the past two decades. Not only the development and extension of the welfare state, but also the retrenchment became a topic of theorists and researchers. There exist a lot of explanations about the reasons of the crisis of the welfare state: globalization and the liberalization of the economy, heavily state-debts and the ageing society were some of the most dominant. In this paper, I¿m not primary interested in the reasons of retrenchment. I¿ll focus on how they were realized. Which groups are interested in a smaller welfare state? How does retrenchment work on the political level? The paper discusses these questions on the basis of the situation in Sweden during the early 1990's. The analysis bases on an (rational choice orientated) historical institutionalism approach, stressing the effects of path dependency. The results show, that mainly market-liberal tended to favor retrenchment. But also the Social Democratic party was partly in favor for some reforms, having chosen a pragmatic strategy to defend the core of the Swedish welfare system. All in all, the economic crisis in the 90s changed the character of the Swedish welfare state. It lost a lot of its universalism, private sectors were introduced and ¿quasi-markets¿ established. Also the unemployment rate is still very high, compared with the ones before the crisis. Furthermore, the tendency of the welfare state seems to go into the direction of more costumer-choice - and thus more quasi-markets and private sectors.
Bloomsbury Audio Suspicions of Mr. Whicher
Anbieter: Preis: 3,49 CHFIt is a summer's night in 1860. In an elegant detached Georgian house in the village of Road, Wiltshire, all is quiet. Behind shuttered windows the Kent family lies sound asleep. At some point after midnight a dog barks. / / / The family wakes the next morning to a horrific discovery: an unimaginably gruesome murder has taken place in their home. The household reverberates with shock, not least because the guilty party is surely still among them. Jack Whicher of Scotland Yard, the most celebrated detective of his day, reaches Road Hill House a fortnight later. He faces an unenviable task: to solve a case in which the grieving family are the suspects. The murder provokes national hysteria. The thought of what might be festering behind the closed doors of respectable middle-class homes - scheming servants, rebellious children, insanity, jealousy, loneliness and loathing - arouses fear and a kind of excitement. But when Whicher reaches his shocking conclusion there is uproar and bewilderment./ / A true story that inspired a generation of writers such as Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens and Arthur Conan Doyle, this has all the hallmarks of the classic murder mystery - a body; a detective; a country house steeped in secrets. In i The Suspicions of Mr Whicher /i Kate Summerscale untangles the facts behind this notorious case, bringing it back to vivid, extraordinary life.
Live Oak Media Horace and Morris Say Cheese (Which Makes Dolores Sneeze!) [With Paperback Book]
Anbieter: Preis: 3,19 CHFA mouse who's allergic to cheese?! Poor Dolores seems to have developed a reaction to her favorite food. And, the Everything Cheese Festival is coming to town! Kids with allergies will relate to Dolores' struggle and champion her creativity as the resourceful rodent comes up with her own creative solution in the third book in this spirited series.
Live Oak Media Horace and Morris Say Cheese (Which Makes Dolores Sneeze!) [With Hardcover Book(s)]
Anbieter: Preis: 3,79 CHFA mouse who's allergic to cheese?! Poor Dolores seems to have developed a reaction to her favorite food. And, the Everything Cheese Festival is coming to town! Kids with allergies will relate to Dolores' struggle and champion her creativity as the resourceful rodent comes up with her own creative solution in the third book in this spirited series.
Pearson ELT Rigby Star Non-fiction Guided Reading Red Level: Which is Di
Anbieter: Preis: 1,39 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Specially built for Foundation and Key Stage 1 guided reading
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing God's Comfort: Bible Passages Which Bring Strength and Hope in Times of Suffering
Anbieter: Preis: 1,19 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Offering solace and strength in times of sorrow and misfortune, when hope is most elusive, these passages from Romans, Job, Psalms, and other books of the Bible reaffirm God's purpose and reestablish faith when it is most challenged. Abridged. 1 CD.
GRIN Discussion: With Reference to the Copyright Laws of at least two Countries evaluate the Extent to which Changes to the L
Anbieter: Preis: 2,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2004 in the subject Law - Media, Multimedia Law, Copyright, grade: First, distinction, University of Wales, Aberystwyth (Law Faculty), course: Seminar: International Copyright Law, 24 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: This paper tries to examine the impact of technological change and thus asks, in how far copyright laws have developed as a direct answer to technological inventions and which other factors supported or delayed its development. After a short presentation of the concept of copyright, it is argued that worldwide technological change was and still is one of the most important factors influencing the development of copyright laws. However, it is also shown that this impact has not always been the same. This paper identifies four distinguishable 'epochs' which reflect different impacts of technology on the development of copyright law and it can be seen that basically the following 'epochs' can be found in various jurisdictions: 1. from 1445-1500 technological change was the initial drive for copyright law; 2. from 1500-1700 the stabilisation of political power through censorship determined copyright law; 3. from 1700-1886 technological progress is again in the centre of copyright developments and 4. from 1886-today technological progress is still highly influential, but the aim of international uniformity and economic considerations are of equally strong influence. Having a closer look on these four 'epochs' , it is also shown that they cannot be seen as fixed, as not all countries fit nicely into this scheme.
GRIN In what ways and to what extent are the establishment of the Single Market and the Euro changing the ways in which the E
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Essay from the year 2006 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: 75%, Swansea University, course: After Democracy: The EU and the Governance of Europe, language: English, abstract: Since the beginnings of the European Community, economic integration has led the way in the process of European integration as a whole. From its first outline in the 1957 Treaty of Rome to its final implementation into the first pillar of the European Union in the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, the creation of a single market and eventually a single currency has been central to the idea of creating a unified Europe and significantly shaped the European communities¿ institutions and ways of governance. The coming into effect of the Single European Market (SEM) in 1993 and establishment of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in 1999 have probably been the most far-reaching and incisive steps on the way to the economic and following political integration of Europe. In this essay, I will first discuss the impact of the SEM on the governance of the EU¿s institutions and its member states, especially with regards to the process of setting common rules and regulations and their subsequent implementation into national law. In a second step, I will analyse the significance of EMU for the economic governance of the EU¿s member states and its further implications for national sovereignty in this field. Finally, I will summarise the results of this essay and discuss the advantages as well as the political and economic problems that exist or might arise out of SEM and EMU in the future.
Mustilli Aglianico Sannio 2021
Anbieter: Xtrawine Preis: 15,57 CHF (+3,31 CHF)Champagne Brut Grand Cru by Arnould Michel & Fils is a blanc de noir, which represents the perfect blend of pinot noir and the terroir of Verzenay's Grand Cru. The town of Verzenay is 17km south-east of Reims and has been famous for centuries for the quality of pinot noir grapes grown in its vineyards, covering an overall surface of about 500 hectares. The vineyards surround the whole country, except to the south where the Reims Mountains are located.
Cusumano Chardonnay Jale 2022
Anbieter: Xtrawine Preis: 24,54 CHF (+3,31 CHF)From the beautiful yellow color, it offers intense scents, opened, rich of hints of yellow peaches, apricots, pineapple and flowers of broom. Wine of intense personality in which the correct use of the wood allows to the scents progressive and complex expressions. In mouth it develops a complex tasting weft of which delineating is appraised concentration and the interminable end.
Planeta Moscato Bianco Passito di Noto 0.5L 2023
Anbieter: Xtrawine Preis: 21,18 CHF (+3,31 CHF)This Passito di Noto is produced from one of the oldest vines in the world, Moscato Bianco. The Passito is a very ancient wine which is now produced with the modern system of grape drying. Explosive aromas of exotic fruit, jasmine, and candied citrus fruit are complex but easy to admire. The ideal companion for the great Sicilian tradition of sweets and ice creams.
San Polo Azienda Agricola (Allegrini) San Polo Brunello di Montalcino 2017
Anbieter: Xtrawine Preis: 54,91 CHF (+3,31 CHF)Brunello from San Polo has a lengthy ageing potential and can further improve with extended bottle ageing. This is due both to the characteristics of the soils on which the grapes are grown - the calcareous content provides ideal conditions for Sangiovese - and the position of the vineyards on the beautiful hills at San Polo.
Tellier Champagne Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs Vignes de Cramant Extra Brut 2018
Anbieter: Xtrawine Preis: 6,14 CHF (+3,31 CHF)The pale-yellow robe with gorgeous green reflections is intensely vibrant, joyful and petulant. The first nose is addictive, offering an open bouquet of pear, jasmine, lemongrass and biscuit, which herald both the freshness and the complexity of the wine. Upon aeration, the smoky/wooden base notes stand out more clearly, accompanied by luscious exotic aromas (mango and vanilla), roasted hazelnuts, a iodine whiff and delicate roasting. The attack is wide and pleasant, and the palate offers a delicious, well-structured and mellow texture. Thickness and energy infuse the wine, while the effervescence and the dosage are perfectly blended into this expressive body, endowed with a lovely grain, a texture akin to linen. Once again, the palate reveals aromas of grapefruit, vanilla and pear. The second part of the tasting is mainly driven by the qualitative and extremely palatable acidity. The finish is remarkably long (persistence of around 10 seconds), clean and pure, and lingers like a limestone caress adorned with silky tannins. It concludes the tasting with a delightful and salty aftertaste.
Casa E. Di Mirafiore Mirafiore Langhe Nascetta 2022
Anbieter: Xtrawine Preis: 18,05 CHF (+3,31 CHF)Straw yellow with greenish highlights. Intense aroma of white fruit and apricot which may evolve into scents of aromatic herbs. Enveloping on the palate, with a crisp, slightly acidic note that gives it a very pleasant persistence and delicious savoury nuance.
Casa E. Di Mirafiore Mirafiore Langhe Nascetta 2021
Anbieter: Xtrawine Preis: 18,92 CHF (+3,31 CHF)Straw yellow with greenish highlights. Intense aroma of white fruit and apricot which may evolve into scents of aromatic herbs. Enveloping on the palate, with a crisp, slightly acidic note that gives it a very pleasant persistence and delicious savoury nuance.
Di Majo Norante Apianae Moscato del Molise 0,50 L 2018
Anbieter: Xtrawine Preis: 2,27 CHF (+3,31 CHF)This old vine, which was dear to the Popes, has been cultivated in Italy since 200 B.C. and was named Apicia, Apicius or Apianae - according to Colummella and the other Georgics.
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