Es wurden 777 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff workbook in 1 Shops gefunden:
HarperCollins Student Workbook Grade 5
Anbieter: Preis: 3,89 CHFThis student workbook accompanies "Math in Focus"'s Student Text 5A. Complementing the student text, this workbook features word problems, riddles, challenging practice questions, and plenty of practice exercises to help students really understand what they're learning. 264 non-reproducible, perforated pages, softcover. This Workbook is for Text 5A.
Pearson ELT Workbook
Anbieter: Preis: 5,19 CHFThis CAE exam-preparation course features 14 theme-based units which provide systematic training in all CAE exam tasks, plus up-front guidance in exam file boxes. The course employs a flexible unit structure to maintain student interest and provides systematic practice of collocations and verbs.
Cengage Learning Workbook for Bridge to IELTS
Anbieter: Preis: 2,99 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Level one of IELTS Express covers the IELTS bands 4.5 to 5.5 and level two covers the IELTS band 5.5 and above. The course is easy to adapt to different needs with several components: the course book builds on skills areas; the workbook provides additional language build and extra listening practise; the teacher's book provides detailed information about the exam as well as support, challenge and extension activities; the DVD demystifies the speaking section of the exam for students.
HarperCollins Student Workbook, Book a Grade 3
Anbieter: Preis: 3,59 CHFThis consumable student workbook is part of the Math in Focus: The Singapore Approach curriculum series. Book 3A, this workbook accompanies Math in Focus' Math in Focus Singapore Grade 3, Book A, and provides opportunities for practice, assessment, and skill-development. Cheery illustrations and easy-to-understand text give kids a fun atmosphere to work in. This book's exercises focus on numbers/addition/subtraction to 10,000, mental math & estimation, bar models, multiplication tables, and division . Each chapter includes "Put on Your Thinking Cap" problem solving exercises and often a math journal exercise. 200 perforated pages, softcover. Grade 3. Student Book A.
Cengage Idioms Workbook
Anbieter: Preis: 1,59 CHF (+0,35 CHF)2nd Edition with Answer Key Übungen zu: Collins Cobuild Idioms Dictionary ISBN 9780007134014
Barrons SAT Writing Workbook
Anbieter: Preis: 1,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Leads students step-by-step through writing an SAT essay and answering the exam's three distinct multiple-choice question types. This title teaches students to organise their thoughts quickly, then draft and edit a winning essay - all within the 25 minutes allotted on the SAT. It also contains five complete writing tests for practice.
Gabal Der 8. Weg Workbook
Anbieter: Preis: 4,19 CHFDas Workbook zum Bestseller „Der 8. Weg“ Sie erfahren: Wie wir unser inneres Feuer wieder entdecken und persönliche und berufliche Sinnhaftigkeit finden. Wie wir zu wahrer Erfüllung, Relevanz und zu echten Beiträgen in der heutigen Welt gelangen - nicht nur im Beruf, sondern im ganzen Leben. Wie wir als Coach in anderen (Mitarbeiter, Partner, Freunde) Leidenschaft und Talent freisetzen können. „Stephen R. Covey ist seit Langem ein trittsicherer Führer für alle, die sich verbessern wollen. Der 8. Weg zeigt uns, wie wir den Gipfel der Erfüllung und der Leistung erklimmen können.“ Steve Forbes, Präsident und CEO von Forbes und Chefredakteur des Magazins Forbes
Schroedel Bumblebee 4. Workbook plus Portfolio- / Sprachheft und Pupil's Audio-CD
Anbieter: Preis: 1,79 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Aktuelle Ausgabe Individuell – differenzieren – fit für Klasse 5! Bumblebee 1-4 ist das Erfolgskonzept für Englisch ab Klasse 1. Von Anfang an wird jedes Kind individuell gefördert: Extra ausgewiesene Differenzierungsaufgaben auf fast jeder Seite, Schrift von Anfang an (lernunterstützend), Portfolioseite pro Kapitel, ab Klasse 3 ein extra Sprach- und Portfolioheft Feedbackkapitel "See what I can do" und "Fit for five!" Klasse 1/2: günstiges Kompaktpaket mit Schülerheft, Mappe und Pupil's Audio-CD. Klasse 3/4: Workbook + Pupil's Audio-CD + heraustrennbares Sprach- und Portfolioheft. Flexible Teacher’s box mit Karteikarten, editierbaren Arbeitsblättern, Copys und Differenzierungsmaterial.
McGraw-Hill Companies Workbook/Lab Manual (Manual de Actividades) Volume 2 for Sol Y Viento
Anbieter: Preis: 163,00 CHFIntroduction to Geographic Information Systems, 6e is designed to provide students in a first or second GIS course with a solid foundation in both GIS concepts and the use of GIS. Introduction to GIS strikes a careful balance between GIS concepts and hands-on applications. The main portion of the chapter presents GIS terms and concepts and helps students learn how each one fits into a complete GIS system. At the end of each chapter, an application section with 2-7 tasks presents students with actual GIS exercises and the necessary data to solve the problem.
McGraw-Hill Companies Workbook/Lab Manual (Manual de Actividades) Volume 1 for Sol Y Viento
Anbieter: Preis: 213,00 CHFHuman Diversity in Education: An Integrative Approach is a research-based, comprehensive text designed to provide an introduction to multicultural education and diversity in society. It provides an updated and broad treatment of the various forms of human diversity found in todays schools including nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, class, language, sexual orientation, and ability levels.
Oxford University Press Workbook, without Key
Anbieter: Preis: 4,19 CHF"New Headway Upper-Intermediate: Upper-Intermediate: Workbook" is a new edition with a revised syllabus and completely new material.
Barrons Spanish Verb Workbook
Anbieter: Preis: 2,19 CHF (+0,35 CHF)This brand-new workbook makes a fine supplementary classroom text for high school and college-level courses in Spanish. Filled with exercises, its focus is on verbs and correct verb usage.
Klett Schulbuchverlag Freeway Workbook/Wirtschaft
Anbieter: Preis: 1,99 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Das Workbook speziell zur Freeway Ausgabe Wirtschaft.
Verlag Handwerk und Technik Workbook English for Medical Assistants
Anbieter: Preis: 2,39 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Das Lern- und Arbeitsbuch für Medizinische Fachangestellte ist auf den handlungsorientierten Unterricht in der Berufsschule zugeschnitten und trainiert die Patientenbegleitung in englischer Sprache. Den Schwerpunkt bilden typische Kommunikationssituationen im Praxisalltag in den Bereichen Verwaltung, Diagnose und Therapie. Der Einstieg in die jeweiligen Kapitel erfolgt über einen Beispieldialog, der auf der Audio-CD angehört werden kann. Durch Fragen zum Gehörten wird das Hörverstehen geschult. Nachfolgend werden medizinische Sachinformationen vertieft und über methodisch abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben Vokabel- und Textsicherheit geübt. Den Abschluss bildet die Aufforderung, selbst einen Dialog zu erarbeiten. Die Aufgabe bietet Hilfestellungen an, sodass die Dialogübung auch von Schülern mit niedriger sprachlicher Niveaustufe bewältigt werden kann. Im Zusammenspiel von Audio-Texten, Lesetexten und Dialogübungen werden die Kompetenzen Hörverstehen, Leseverstehen und Sprechfertigkeit optimal trainiert. Darüber hinaus kann die Aussprache von englischen medizinischen Fachwörtern gesondert über die Audio-Aussprachehilfe auf der CD geübt werden. Dies und das separate Lösungsheft machen English for Medical Assistants auch für das Selbststudium attraktiv, und so kann das Buch z. B. auch medizinischem Pflegepersonal zur Weiterbildung nützen.
McGraw-Hill Companies Workbook for Prego!
Anbieter: Preis: 173,00 CHFPrego! is easy to use! For this exciting new edition, we listened to our many adopters and made significant revisions to adapt Prego! to the changing needs of your students. Every aspect of this program is based on the strong foundation of vocabulary and grammar presentations unique to Prego along with communicative activities and expanded cultural material to help students develop language proficiency. As a result, the program is even stronger, offering a truly integrated approach to presenting culture that inspires students to develop their communication skills.
Harper Collins (US) Workbook for Wheelock's Latin, 3rd Edition, Revised (Revised)
Anbieter: Preis: 2,79 CHF (+0,35 CHF)When Professor Frederic M. Wheelock's Latin first appeared in 1956, the reviews extolled its thoroughness, organization, and conciseness; at least one reviewer predicted that the book ?might well become the standard text? for introducing students to elementary Latin. Now, decades later, that prediction has certainly proved accurate. Workbook for Wheelock's Latin is an essential companion to the classic introductory textbook. Designed to supplement the course of study in Wheelock's Latin, 7th Edition, each of the forty chapters in this newly updated edition features: Transformation drills, word and phrase translations, and other exercises to test and sharpen the student's skills ?Word Power? sections that focus on vocabulary and derivatives Reading comprehension questions and sentences for translation practice Perforated pages for hand-in homework assignments and space for the student's name and date
Beijing University Press Workbook
Anbieter: Preis: 1,69 CHF (+0,35 CHF)NPCR is a new series of textbooks designed for native English speakers to learn Chinese. It consists of seventy lessons in s'ix volumes, covering beginning to intermediate levels, for three years of instruction. It has been compiled under the guidance of the new NOTCFL Syllabus and in consultation with the HSK Guicleline. The objective of this series is to develop the student's ability to communicate using Chinese through the study of language structure, language function, and related cultural knowledge along with the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. In order to make the study of Chinese easier and more interesting, this textbook has the following features: - The student will be in the cultural setting of Chinese society with several international students, Ding Libo (son of Gubo and Ding Yun), Lin Na and Ma Dawei. Through many interesting experiences, the student will not only learn authentic Chinese but also understand Chinese society and culture. - The instruction of functional items is emphasized. The student will learn to use Chinese from the very beginning of the learning process. - Attention is paid to the instruction of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and discourse and a gradual increase in difficulty, orderly advances and multiple repeats are stessed along with the usage of four large cycles to help students understand the language structure of Chinese. - A new method of teaching Chinese characters is utilized to help students read and write intriguing characters. - Combined instruction of the four basic skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, is emphasized. - Offering tremendous flexibility, the instructional materials are suitable for users at different starting points and with different goals. - Abundant practice materials are supplied for the student to use inside and outside the classroom. - Each volume comes with a student's Workbook and an Instructor's Manual along with audio cassette and CD-ROM. Texts in traditional characters are provided.
Oxford University Press Elt Workbook (without Key), w. Multi-CD-ROM
Anbieter: Preis: 3,29 CHFFour-skills English course with fun lessons, digital resources, and strong online support - loved by students and teachers at all levels.
Oxford University Press Elt Workbook, with Key
Anbieter: Preis: 3,79 CHF"New Headway Upper-Intermediate: Upper-Intermediate: Workbook" is a new edition with a revised syllabus and completely new material.
Klett Schulbuchverlag Orange Line. Workbook Teil 6 (6. Lernjahr) Grundkurs
Anbieter: Preis: 2,19 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Interessante Übungen zu allen LernbereichenSystematisches Üben und WiederholenTest yourself! Seiten mit Lösungen für die SelbstkontrolleAudio-CD: Hörverstehenstexte sowie der komplette Lernwortschatz von Orange Line 6
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