Es wurden 1082 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff writing in 4 Shops gefunden:
Routledge Writing Sense
Anbieter: Preis: 5,19 CHFWriting Sense outlines the classroom conditions necessary for successful writing instruction with English language learners, whether in writing workshop and/or small-group instruction. It includes 68 classroom-tested lessons for grades K-8 that show kids at all levels of language acquisition how to make connections, ask questions, visualize (make mental images), infer, determine importance, synthesize, monitor meaning and comprehension, and use fix-up strategies.
Lost art of letter writing
Anbieter: Preis: 27,90 CHFLost art of letter writing - Super Audio CD - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
Wiley The Writing Teacher's Book of Lists
Anbieter: Preis: 4,49 CHFThis is the second edition of the unique information source and timesaver for English and language arts teachers. "The Writing Teacher' s Book of Lists with Ready-to-Use Activities and Worksheets includes 90 useful lists for developing instructional materials and planning lessons for elementary and secondary students. In addition, the book includes innovative activities and reproducible black line masters that help students to improve their writing skills, word usage, and vocabulary. For quick access and easy use, all of these lists and activities are organized into seven sections and individually printed in a format that can be photocopied as many times as required for individual or group instruction. This handy resource is filled with helpful lists, activities, teaching suggestions, and reproducible worksheets.
GRIN Writing history
Anbieter: Preis: 24,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 1,3, University of Bamberg, course: African American Drama, language: English, abstract: History is an issue of great meaning within the works of August Wilson. In this paper shall be analysed through which channels and with which methods the author transports not only the history of a family, but also the history of slavery interwoven with the experiences of the characters and their ancestors in the award winning novel The Piano Lesson. In this process of analysis we will find, that Wilson proposes a concept of memory that can be summed up with the term ¿kommunikatives Gedächtnis¿ which was coined by Jan and Aleida Assmann and further developed by Harald Welzer. For better understanding the term ¿communicative memory¿ will be used instead. In his play Wilson uses the method of storytelling. Through this we can see how the characters within the play communicate with each other and on one level transport communicative memory. But on the other level the reader becomes a silent listener participating in these conversations and in this role is able to read historical elements from the subtext of the stories told. In the last chapter August Wilson¿s way of communicating memory will be compared to Toni Morrison¿s approach in Site of Memory. What the reader finds in the first lines of the play is a short description of the setting. This short text tells about the Charles¿ house and the people who live in it. Most of the description however is concerned with the piano. ¿What time or period is the setting for The Piano Lesson? That was the first question asked by the late great Chinese actor and director Ying Roucheng after he read the play in 1991.¿ His confusion concerning the time in which the action of the play is set can be understood easily, because nothing in the secondary text informs the reader about the temporal conditions of the play. It is necessary to take a closer look at the primary text to find the hints Wilson gives to define the temporal situation. The most prominent of those hints can be found in Doaker¿s story about the piano when he says, that his older brother Boy Charles ¿would have been fifty-seven if he had lived. He died in 1911 when he was thirty-one years old.¿ Subsequently the reader has to do the math. Knowing this, the play must take place in the year 1936 or 1937.
Riverhead Writing to Change the World
Anbieter: Preis: 2,39 CHF (+0,35 CHF)From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Reviving Ophelia, Another Country, and The Shelter of Each Other comes an inspirational book that shows how words can change the world. Words are the most powerful tools at our disposal. With them, writers have saved lives and taken them, brought justice and confounded it, started wars and ended them. Writers can change the way we think and transform our definitions of right and wrong. Writing to Change the World is a beautiful paean to the transformative power of words. Encapsulating Mary Pipher's years as a writer and therapist, it features rousing commentary, personal anecdotes, memorable quotations, and stories of writers who have helped reshape society. It is a book that will shake up readers' beliefs, expand their minds, and possibly even inspire them to make their own mark on the world.
Import Writings on the wall
Anbieter: Preis: 25,90 CHFWritings on the wall - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
Cengage Writing Essentials
Anbieter: Preis: 4,99 CHFIdeal as a classroom or self-study text, WRITING ESSENTIALS reviews basic English skills needed for proper spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and writing. Offering brief, clear explanations, and a wealth of exercises, students can practice what they've learned, receive feedback, and apply it to their writing.
Joined up writing - Sitting room
Anbieter: Preis: 19,90 CHF (+5,00 CHF)Joined up writing - Sitting room - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
GRIN Writing history
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 1,3, University of Bamberg, course: African American Drama, language: English, abstract: History is an issue of great meaning within the works of August Wilson. In this paper shall be analysed through which channels and with which methods the author transports not only the history of a family, but also the history of slavery interwoven with the experiences of the characters and their ancestors in the award winning novel The Piano Lesson. In this process of analysis we will find, that Wilson proposes a concept of memory that can be summed up with the term ¿kommunikatives Gedächtnis¿ which was coined by Jan and Aleida Assmann and further developed by Harald Welzer. For better understanding the term ¿communicative memory¿ will be used instead. In his play Wilson uses the method of storytelling. Through this we can see how the characters within the play communicate with each other and on one level transport communicative memory. But on the other level the reader becomes a silent listener participating in these conversations and in this role is able to read historical elements from the subtext of the stories told. In the last chapter August Wilson¿s way of communicating memory will be compared to Toni Morrison¿s approach in Site of Memory. What the reader finds in the first lines of the play is a short description of the setting. This short text tells about the Charles¿ house and the people who live in it. Most of the description however is concerned with the piano. ¿What time or period is the setting for The Piano Lesson? That was the first question asked by the late great Chinese actor and director Ying Roucheng after he read the play in 1991.¿ His confusion concerning the time in which the action of the play is set can be understood easily, because nothing in the secondary text informs the reader about the temporal conditions of the play. It is necessary to take a closer look at the primary text to find the hints Wilson gives to define the temporal situation. The most prominent of those hints can be found in Doaker¿s story about the piano when he says, that his older brother Boy Charles ¿would have been fifty-seven if he had lived. He died in 1911 when he was thirty-one years old.¿ Subsequently the reader has to do the math. Knowing this, the play must take place in the year 1936 or 1937.
TV Smith LP - Handwriting -
Anbieter: Preis: 36,95 CHF (+9,95 CHF)TV Smith bei EMP - TV Smith Handwriting Unisex LP. Hauptmaterial.
HarperCollins Writing
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)A range of books for those learning English, each with 2 CDs. They all feature 4 page units with exercises and vocabulary work to help improve various English skills.
Alligator Writing On The Wall
Anbieter: Preis: 27,90 CHFWriting On The Wall - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
De Gruyter Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Rome, and Greece
Anbieter: Preis: 151,00 CHFWissenschaftliche Texte der „vormodernen“ Welt konfrontieren die modernen Bearbeiter und Rezipienten mit besonderen Problemen: Eine Übertragung in den zeitgenössischen Wissenschaftsjargon ebnet womöglich die Fremdheit der Konzepte ungebührlich ein, während eine die Perspektive der Texte selbst betonende Wiedergabe Gefahr läuft, fachfremde Interessenten an inadäquate, oft veraltete, wenn auch leichter lesbare Übersetzungen zu verweisen. Wie wird man den Texten gerecht, ohne in die Falle einer gut gemeinten, aber fehlerhaften relativistischen Perspektive zu geraten? Was macht überhaupt die Wissenschaftlichkeit einer antiken Erkenntnisbemühung aus? Sind die Texte über die Feststellung hinaus, „wie es einst gewesen“; für uns von Interesse? Ausgewiesene Kenner ihrer jeweiligen Fachgebiete bieten Fallstudien u. a. aus den Bereichen der Medizin, Astronomie, Mathematik sowie methodologische Überlegungen zur Lösung des Übersetzungsproblems.
Random House N.Y. Writing to Heal the Soul
Anbieter: Preis: 18,90 CHF (+3,50 CHF)Susan Zimmermann experienced a devastating loss when her first child, Katherine, developed a neurological disorder that left her unable to walk or talk. Faced with her daughter's disability, Susan struggled with fear, denial, guilt, bitterness, and despair. She began to heal only through writing. Working through conflicting emotions with paper and pen enabled her to transform her sadness into acceptance and even joy. Writing to Heal the Soul is Susan's gift to others—everyone; not just writers—who are suffering any kind of grief or loss, whether the injury, disability, or death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the end of a relationship. Lyrically illustrated with true stories from the author and others, the book offers simple yet inspiring writing exercises to help you resolve your pain as you transform your grief into words of hope and healing.
KNV Besorgung Writing With Power
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Writing with Power is a guide for the student writing an essay, the professional writer working on a story, or the manager writing a memo for a tight deadline. As Elbow explains, "Writing with power doesn't just mean getting power over readers. It means getting power over yourself and over the writing process: knowing what you are doing as you write; figuring out what you really mean; being in charge, having control; not feeling stuck or helpless or intimidated. I am particularly interested in this second kind of power in writing, and I have found that without it you seldom achieve the first kind". For the second edition, Elbow has written a new introduction in which he discusses in detail the "mysterious" dimensions of "Writing with Power" - voice, quality and bad writing, wrongness and felt sense, and sharing written work with others.
Pentatone The Writings
Anbieter: Preis: 20,90 CHFThe Writings - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
GRIN Academic writing in ESL composition classes - Academic discourse community
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Other, grade: 1, West Virginia University, language: English, abstract: This paper discusses the concept of Academic Writing and the role of the importance in the ESL classroom. The different perspectives that have to be considered while teaching writing for an Academic purpose and some teaching approaches will be mentioned and evaluated. Thereby the focus will be on the different opinions and methods, as well as constraints and problems that scholars investigated about the notion of Academic Writing. There are a lot of discussions and some research has recently tried to define how the particluar and varied academic discourse communities have to be considered in the curriculum of ESL learners, but still there is a lot of uncertainty of how effective classroom teaching in composition or content classes lead to a the demanded knowledge transformation that the ESL students need in order to fit successfully into a special academic field and write with respect to the expectations of that special audience. This paper tries to mention the most important articles and findings in order to understand the notion of Academic writing and examines some of the constraints students as well as teachers have to deal with and summarizes also some opportunities of making students aware of specific styles, formats, and conventions that are needed in their particular discourse communities and that can and should be involved in ESL composition and content classes with English for an academic purpose to achieve a desired participation in the higher-educational level through fullfilment of the writing standards of educational and academical conventions and values of a particular discourse community. A working definition of Godev explains the notion of Academic writing: ¿The term ¿academic writing¿ seems to escape any definition that may try to encompass every writing task likely to be encountered in any of the academic disciplines.¿ (Godev 2000, 636). The reason for this is that the style of a given academic product is defined by conventions that are ultimately dicipline specific as Spack pointed out. (Spack 1988, 32). Nevertheless there are four different perspectives that have to be considered to get a wider understanding of the term academic writing. The notions of a) audience, b) task, c) communicative functions, and d) style are very crucial in order to conceive a working definition of academic writing. The four different perspectives have different views of and about academic writing. Gajdusek & van Dommelen 1993, 202) as well as Silva (1991) stated that from the perspective of the audience, academic writing is a kind of writing accepted by the faculty of a particular discourse community when discussing a topic in a published material or when the members of the special discourse community adress themselves to others of the same one orally. Silva explained the notion of...
Import Handwriting on the wall/
Anbieter: Preis: 17,90 CHF (+5,00 CHF)Handwriting on the wall/ - Maxi vinyle - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
GRIN Graffiti Writing in Deutschland. Seine Ästhetik und sein sozialer Kontext
Anbieter: Preis: 6,69 CHFExamensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Kunst - Sonstiges, Note: 1,0, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Fahrt von der S-Bahnstation Berlin Schönhauser Allee über den ehemaligen Grenzstreifen, der bis 1989 die Stadt teilte, bis zur Station Gesundbrunnen im Wedding dauert heute nur noch knapp anderthalb Minuten. Aber in diesen anderthalb Minuten rauscht der arglose Passagier an einer Menge visuellen Inputs vorbei, der seinesgleichen sucht. BAD, DISTER, AKIM, EHSONE ... Namen von unmissverständlicher Intensität. Meterhoch und dichtgedrängt kleben sie an den Wänden der Tunnel, an den Brückenpfeilern und Häuserfassaden, an den Schallschutzmauern und den Betonabdichtungen. Gross, bunt und ins Auge stechend - man kann sich ihrer optischen Präsenz gar nicht entziehen, selbst wenn man es wollte. Das Schauen aus dem Fenster rückt ohne Ausweichmöglichkeit Bilder ins Blickfeld des Betrachters, die heutzutage in mindestens ähnlicher Grösse wie die alten Meister des Louvre um die Aufmerksamkeit des Schauenden kämpfen. Urbanes Graffiti zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Oder besser gesagt: in erster Instanz kryptisch anmutende Zeichen, die sich neben- und übereinander lagernd die Wände entlang schlängeln, so dass aus dem vorbei rauschenden Zug eine Art zweiter Haut, ein Überzug aus Farben, an den Mauern suggeriert wird. [...] Daher gilt es in dieser Arbeit zunächst, das Zeichensystem der urbanen Graffiti-Kultur in seinen einzelnen Ausprägungen vorzustellen und anhand exemplarischer Abbildungen ein Fazit zu treffen, inwiefern durch die ästhetische Komponente von Graffiti-Zeichen diese als verbindliche visuelle Ausdrucksform aufgefasst werden. Und zwar aufgefasst als ein neues Zeichensystem, das sich in den vergangenen fünfundzwanzig Jahren in Deutschland etabliert hat und möglicherweise als ein weltweit verständlicher Code anzusehen ist. Zu diesem Zweck werde ich mich nach einem historischen Abriss über die Entwicklung der Graffiti-Kultur auf die Hauptstadt Berlin konzentrieren, da hier nicht nur das politische Zentrum zu finden ist, sondern Berlin daneben als eine der Graffiti-Metropolen Europas angesehen wird. Einleitend wird ein Überblick über den Forschungsstand gegeben, denn die Graffiti-Szene zeichnet sich - dabei beziehe ich mich nur auf Deutschland - nicht durch eine differenzierte Darstellung im zeitgenössischen Diskurs aus, und nicht zuletzt dies zu ändern ist mein Anliegen mit der vorliegenden Arbeit. [...]
Import Writing Of Blues And Yellow
Anbieter: Preis: 28,90 CHFWriting Of Blues And Yellow - CD album - Musique CD, Vinyl : tous les albums pop, rock, variété, rap, R'n'B, classique, jazz, metal, electro ...
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