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失落的卫星:深入中亚大陆的旅程 (Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.05 $Like New condition. Great condition, but not exactly fully crisp. The book may have been opened and read, but there are no defects to the book, jacket or pages. 1.2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.48 $Language:Chinese.Paperback.Pub Date:2021-10-01 Publisher:Shanghai Science and Technology Literature Publishing House Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19. 1473 in a wealthy family in Torun on the Vistula River in Poland. At the age of 18. he studied at the University of Kleikau in the old capital of Poland. and became interested in astronomy while studying medicine. In 1496. the 23-year-old Copernicus came to Italy. the birthplace of the Renaissance. to study law. medicine and theology.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.67 $Ship out in 2 business day, And Fast shipping, Free Tracking number will be provided after the shipment.Japan 's ups and downs from the Tokugawa shogunate to modernFour Satisfaction guaranteed,or money back.
給入廚新鮮人的大廚小貼士 Cook Like a Master Chef - Tips for Kitchen Novice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.99 $There should be nothing mysterious about the most ordinary Cantonese homestyle dishes. You have seen others churning out the same dishes that look, smell and taste impeccable without breaking a sweat. But how come yours always end up in disasters, even though you have used exactly the same ingredients? In fact, being ordinary does not mean these dishes do not require skills. This book is especially written for novice cooks with emphasis on their most commonly encountered problems. In this book, the authors Eric Lai and Alvin Liu, veteran chefs with nationwide recognised qualifications and over 30 years of kitchen experience, patiently answered all questions any beginner may have. They also compiled a collection of 50 easy and delectable Cantonese homestyle recipes, covering meat, seafood, vegetables, eggs, ,soup, staple and sweet soup. With a concise and witty language, this book lets the readers grasp the keys to making a dish right away while enjoying the real fun of cooking. 家常小菜看似平常,但為甚麼同一道菜,有些人煮來色香味俱全,有些人卻一敗塗地?其實烹調家常小菜同樣有難度,也有很多不為人知的秘訣。 本書針對廚房新丁的奇難雜症,由兩位具有30多年入廚和烹飪培訓經驗的國家級大廚廖教賢和黎耀成一一解答,並示範50多道美味又易學的家常菜餚,包括肉類、海鮮、蔬菜、蛋、湯水、粥粉麵飯和糖水,用詞簡潔有趣,讓讀者即時掌握煮食秘訣,享受入廚樂。 世界御廚楊貫一全力推薦:《大廚小貼士》內的示範菜式暗藏原汁原味的概念,是家常小菜的基本功。
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.00 $19世纪初,英属印度和沙皇俄国中间横陈着广袤的沙漠和群山。这些地带不为人知,也未被测绘,只有布哈拉、撒马尔罕和塔什干这些蒙古汗国时代的古老地名还残存在人们遥远的记忆中。随着俄国不断向南扩张进入中亚腹地,英属印度不断向北扩张逼进克什米尔,两大帝国逐渐显示出碰撞的态势。在一个世纪的时间内,围绕潜在的威胁,英俄两大帝国在中亚展开了一场波澜壮阔而又如履薄冰的勘探、间谍、军事与外交博弈,史称"大博弈"。 本书讲述的就是这些参与者的故事。
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.65 $Paperback. Pub Date: 2021-06-01 Pages: 167 Language: Chinese Publisher: China Civil Aviation Press Co. Ltd. The transition from the role of pioneer to booster. Through the decomposition and sorting out of China's civil aviation-related development history. policies and guidelines. and reform and construction. the book aims to summarize the roles. tasks and functions of China's civil aviation in my country's opening to the outside world. and look forward to the future development direction of.
会走路的钱 (上) 简体大字版 Money Walks (Part I), Simplified Chinese Large Print (Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.12 $Book is in Used-VeryGood condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain very limited notes and highlighting. 0.79
会走路的钱 (上) 简体大字版 Money Walks (Part I), Simplified Chinese Large Print (Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.45 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 0.79
爱在无爱的硅谷 (Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.00 $ “人生如果没有一点矫情,是不是挺没劲的?”小说里,美丽优雅的苏菊说。 她是硅谷一家高科技公司的程序员。公司上市成功,她和同事一起成了硅谷“一天生产60个百万富翁”神话的一部分。长期同居的男友爱她懂她,事业成功,一切可谓完美。 她却总是快乐不起来。 她渴望生活中除了上市、金钱、房产等话题之外,还有别的。比如艺术。 直到“扎眼的,脱俗的,泼喇喇的”画家王夏闯入她的生活,她无处安置的心灵,终于找到了落脚点。 问题是,她有勇气去追求“矫情”的人生吗? 更大的问题是,她能承担“矫情”的代价吗?
鸢飞戾天: 一位国军少将的抗战军旅实录 (壹嘉个人史) (Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.67 $Book is in Used-VeryGood condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain very limited notes and highlighting. 1.26
【诺拉图书】正版2022新版 中西印哲学导论 张祥龙 当代西方哲学思潮 接续梁漱溟百年话题 语言塑造哲学 西方政治哲学 道德哲学 北京大学旗舰店正版BJDXCHBSH
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 159.33 $Language:Chinese.HardCover. Pub Date: 2022-05-01 Pages: 568 Publisher: Peking University Press A century ago. Mr. Liang Shuming published a masterpiece in the history of modern philosophy Eastern and Eastern Cultures and Their Philosophy. creating Chinese philosophy. Western philosophy and Indian philosophy The first of its kind in comparative research. Over the past century. comparative philosophy has made great progress. among which Chinese philosophers have made great contributions. and In.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.25 $李秀清编写的《中法西绎(中国丛报与十九世纪西方人的中国法律观)》是主要基于《中国丛报》(1832-1851),探讨19世纪西方人的中国法律观的专题论著。 《中国丛报》是外国人在中国境内创办的第一份成熟的英文期刊,共20卷,内容丰富,是美国最早的汉学刊物,也是早期中西交流的主导性传播媒介。分析《中国丛报》在中西法律文化交流史研究中的应有价值,并从三个断面具体探析《中国丛报》作者笔下的中国的政制、刑事法律和诉讼制度,勾勒出西方人的中国法律观,进而深入阐述其所呈现之真实与想象,且力究个中原因,这些构成了本书的主体内容。 同时,本书开篇以法律史视角解读著名的"特拉诺瓦案"(1821年),详尽论述了此案所引起的中外分歧、冲突的解决及其深远的影响,从而提供了《中国丛报》刊行之前中美交往及其法律冲突的历史背景。此外,首度辑译成中文的两则"附录",即"'小斯当东英译《大清律例》'述评"和"美国报纸有关'蒲安臣使团'、'李鸿章使团'之报道选译",均是19世纪西方人评述中国法律、政治、社会的宝贵资料,有助于读者进一步理解中国法律的形象如何在他们的绎述和传播之下被不断塑造及变迁的历程。
审视中国 张英进 南京大学出版社 9787305044366
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.91 $Language:Chinese.Author:ZHANG YING JIN.Binding:Soft cover.Publisher:Nanjing University Press; 1 (February 1. 2006).
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.67 $安然像个'假小子',有人喜欢她,有人讨厌她,在她身上体现着时代的印迹和未来的光辉。一场围绕'评三好'引起的思想冲突由学校带到家庭,打破了这个家庭的正常气氛。对于姐姐的窥探、妈妈的责骂,安然自有主张。尽管评上了'三好',但安然并没有逃脱一场污泥浊水铺天盖地而来的人身攻击,连她身上那件红衬衫也成了罪状。她感到委屈,而当她得知姐姐安静与韦老师在'评三好'背后所做的微妙'交易'时,她陷入更深的痛苦和思索之中。生活并不等于冰棍、足球、迪斯科,生活也有猜忌、困惑和冷漠。这就是生活,既很美,也很累。她,安然也要勇敢地去走,用自己的勇气去拉开人生的序幕。
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 177.67 $在欧洲中世纪,英法百年战争是一部激烈、漫长而且曲折离奇的历史。英国和法国在这场旷日持久的战争中塑造了自己的国家和民族的身份。沃尔夫森历史奖得主乔纳森·萨姆欣教授的这部巨著以宏大的视角、丰富的细节为世人展示了这场人类历史上的重大事件。《百年战争》这部巨著共有五卷,二十多年来已经出版了前四卷,乔纳森·萨姆欣著的《炼试的战争(上下)(精)》为第一卷。
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success / 终身成长:重新定义成功的思维模式 - 后浪(Post Wave)出品
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.62 $After decades of research, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset. In this brilliant book, she shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and almost every area of human endeavor can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. People with a fixed mindsetthose who believe that abilities are fixedare less likely to flourish than those with agrowth mindsetthose who believe that abilities can be developed. Mindset reveals how great parents, teachers, managers, and athletes can put this idea to use to foster outstanding accomplishment.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 390.33 $该书以青海历史发展为主线,以农耕与游牧的大视角切入,展示青海由于自然地理及人文环境的特殊性所蕴含的文化特征为主题,展现一带一路中的青海所蕴含的文化交流交融信息。内容以历史发展脉络为序,分源远流长、汉风羌道、吐谷浑国、吐蕃东进、海纳百川五个单元,各单元间衔接紧密,环环相扣,充分展示了青海在"一带一路"中的重要历史地位与作用。
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 122.67 $Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2020-12-01 Publisher: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House Zhongkui refers to women's food and beverages at home. The ancient Chinese recipes named after Zhongkulu include (Yuan) Pujiang Wu's Zhong There are two kinds of Zhoulu and (Qing) Zeng Yi's Zhongzulu. both of which are female.?The women who are the main source of feed have always received little attention. and there are few written records of the cooking experience of ancient Chinese women.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 99.33 $程莘农中国中医科学院院士。当代优秀中医专家,国家级名老中医。我国首届30位"国医大师"之一。 程薪莘教授一生致力于中医临床和教学工作,在传统针灸的诊治和疑难病症治疗方面积累了丰富的经验,并在长期临床医疗和教学实践中,总结出一种简便、易学、易教、让患者痛苦小的进针法,--"程氏三才进针法",即取意灭、人、地三才。程莘农教授独特的针法,临床疗效好,冶愈了众多的病人。为了继承发扬他的学术思想,和临床经验,由弟子王宏才、冯春祥、王红伟等人,将程教授临床辨证立法,施术取穴,进针手法,留针取针,以及各种行针催气方法及验案精华等编写成册,希望本书对中医同仁有所启迪。 王红伟、冯春祥、王贵春编写的《国医大师程莘农临证指针》可供针灸教学、科研人员、临床医生参阅。
被操控的海外文革文学汉译—以程乃珊、潘佐君译《上海生死劫》为例 (Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.55 $在20世纪80年代,以文革为题材的“伤痕文学”和“反思文学”成了大陆文坛的主流,而与此同时一些海外华人也在用英文进行着文革写作,成了文革文学的海外映照。这些海外文革文学在西方世界获得成功后又被相继译成中文,在大陆出版,成了一种特殊的文化现象。海外文革文学作者大多是移居海外的华人,深受中西两种文化的影响,而且他们向西方读者讲述的是“文革”这一颇为敏感的中国故事,因此这些作品的汉译不仅仅是简单的语言转换,更是一次中西社会文化的正面交锋。 《上海生死劫》为郑念所著的英文自传性作品,记述了她从文革开始到八十年代初出国这段时间的个人遭遇。由于此书题材的敏感性和郑念本身独特的中西视角,译者和出版社在中文版中对原文进行了较大程度上的修改,这实际上是社会文化因素对翻译的一种操控。因此,本书选取勒菲弗尔的操控理论为支撑,从主流意识形态、赞助人、诗学形态这三个角度出发,通过大量译例探究了社会文化因素是如何对翻译进行操控的。
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