Byly nalezeny 183 produkty odpovídající vašemu vyhledávání approach v 6 obchodech:
Garmin Approach G80 GPS radarem pro trénink úderů
Prodejce: Cena: 10,440.00 kčGarmin Approach G80 GPS radarem pro trénink úderů Approach® G80 je první univerzální golfový GPS počítač s integrovaným vyhodnocením odpalů, díky němuž můžete pohodlně sledovat rychlost hlavy hole, rychlost míčku, smash factor, tempo švihu i odhadovanou vzdálenost. Velký, 3,5” dotykový displej je přehledný a jednoduše ovladatelný. Více, než 42 000 golfových hřišť v paměti. Žádné dohrávání z internetu. Zapnete a hrajete. Integrované vyhodnocení odpalů vám pomůže vypilovat techniku. Zlepšete svou hru na cvičné louce pomocí analýzy odpalu. S aplikací Garmin Golf™ můžete soutěžit, porovnávat a komunikovat. Výdrž až 15 hodin hry na jedno nabití. - unikátní...
Garmin Approach Z82
Prodejce: Cena: 15,890.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Laserový dálkoměr Garmin Approach Z82:Garmin Approach Z82 — Vysoce přesný dálkoměr s pokročilými funkcemiGarmin Approach Z82 je laserový dálkoměr s GPS pro hráče golfu s funkcí automatického zacílení na jamku a zvukovým potvrzením. Tento vysoce přesný dálkoměr vám umožní zobrazit vzdálenost na začátek, střed a konec greenu, a také si poradí s rychlostí a směrem větru. Změřit dokáže i vzdálenosti k dalším objektům na hřišti a ukáže směr a vzdálenost k jamce. Díky funkci PinPointer vám dálkoměr u hry naslepo poradí jakým směrem se nachází jamka a zvukovým signálem ji potvrdí. Dále je zde přesná lokalizace vlajky a 41 tisíc předinstalovaných hřišť z celého světa. Garmin Approach Z82 přichází s aplikací Garmin Golf, pomocí které si lze zapisovat výsledky a sdílet je na výsledkové tabuli.Klíčové vlastnosti laserového dálkoměru Garmin Approach Z82Signalizace turnajového režimuFunkce pro nalezení ztraceného dálkoměruGarmin Approach Z82 je přesný na 25 cmPouzdro pro přenášení s karabinou v baleníFunkce PinPointer vám ukáže směr k jamce...
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Torment 275 Torment
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
VIPOLE Approach Long DLX
Prodejce: Cena: 2,399.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Trekingové hole VIPOLE Approach Long DLX:Duralové trekingové hole VIPOLE Approach Long DLX vám zajistí oporu při chůziSháníte kvalitní trekingovou holi, která nabízí komfortní držení? Hole VIPOLE Approach Long DLX se perfektně hodí pro pěší turistiku, túry i výšlapy. Jsou vyrobeny z duralu, který se pyšní svou lehkostí. Rukojeť je vybavena poutkem, který dobře zafixuje ruku při větším záběru. Trekingová hůl VIPOLE Approach Long DLX je ve složeném stavu dlouhá 33 cm. Díky teleskopickému provedení ji lze vysunout až do délky 130 cm. Trekingové hole do každého terénuHole VIPOLE Approach Long DLX disponují rukojetí z EVA pěny. Díky tomu je zaručeno jejich komfortní držení. Rukojeť nabízí možnost držet hůl i za vrchní část. Součástí trekingových holí VIPOLE Approach Long DLX je zámek TwistLock, který zajistí zafixování nastavené délky. Najdete zde také hrot z tvrdého kovu spolu s gumovou krytkou.Klíčové vlastnosti trekingových holí VIPOLE Approach Long DLX Výborný pomocník pro pěší turistiku Hole VIPOLE Approach...
Skialpové lyže BLIZZARD Zero G 084 Approach+binding MARKER ALPINIST DEMO 10 21/22 vel.150
Prodejce: Cena: 19,699.00 kčSkialpové lyže BLIZZARD Zero G 084 Approach – Ideální lyže pro lehčí tour a pro ty kteří chtějí skitouring vyzkoušet. Díky 84 mm pod vázáním jsou tyto lyže perfektním společníkem do kopce. Při sjezdu spolehlivě tlumí nárazy a přesvědčí svou shovívavou povahou. Hravé ovládání lyží má na svědomí měkký flex.
VIPOLE Approach Long DLX
Prodejce: Cena: 1,749.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Trekingové hole VIPOLE Approach Long DLX:Duralové trekingové hole VIPOLE Approach Long DLX vám zajistí oporu při chůziSháníte kvalitní trekingovou holi, která nabízí komfortní držení? Hole VIPOLE Approach Long DLX se perfektně hodí pro pěší turistiku, túry i výšlapy. Jsou vyrobeny z duralu, který se pyšní svou lehkostí. Rukojeť je vybavena poutkem, který dobře zafixuje ruku při větším záběru. Trekingová hůl VIPOLE Approach Long DLX je ve složeném stavu dlouhá 33 cm. Díky teleskopickému provedení ji lze vysunout až do délky 130 cm. Trekingové hole do každého terénuHole VIPOLE Approach Long DLX disponují rukojetí z EVA pěny. Díky tomu je zaručeno jejich komfortní držení. Rukojeť nabízí možnost držet hůl i za vrchní část. Součástí trekingových holí VIPOLE Approach Long DLX je zámek TwistLock, který zajistí zafixování nastavené délky. Najdete zde také hrot z tvrdého kovu spolu s gumovou krytkou.Klíčové vlastnosti trekingových holí VIPOLE Approach Long DLX Výborný pomocník pro pěší turistiku Hole VIPOLE Approach...
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Black 275 Black
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach, which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Merco Approach dalekohled
Prodejce: Cena: 490.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Dalekohled Approach dalekohled:Patříte k příležitostným pozorovatelům a u dalekohledu požadujete co nejmenší rozměry? Monokulární dalekohled Merco je určen pro pozorování jedním okem a poskytuje až 12násobné přiblížení. V balení se také nachází popruh, kompas, čisticí hadřík, krytka objektivu, krytka okuláru a pouzdro. Klíčové znaky produktu Approach dalekohled Monokulární dalekohled Merco využijete při sledování jedním okem Approach dalekohled umožňuje až 12násobné zvětšení Průměr objektivu 40 mm Monukulární dalekohled není tak velký a těžký Hmotnost činí 310 g V balení se nachází také popruh, kompas, čisticí hadřík, krytka objektivu, krytka okuláru a pouzdro Další výbava v balení dalekohledu Approach dalekohled Aby nebylo třeba dalekohled pořád držet, lze ho připnout na popruh, jenž je součástí. Až skončíte s pozorováním, je možné objektiv chránit krytkou. Balení obsahuje pouzdro, které zabraňuje odření dalekohledu při přenášení. Pro jednodušší údržbu je součástí čisticí utěrka. Výbava obsahuje také krytku okuláru.
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Torment 280 Torment
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Black 275 Black
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach, which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Black 270 Black
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach, which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Black 280 Black
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach, which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Torment 295 Torment
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Black 270 Black
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach, which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Black 295 Black
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach, which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Black 285 Black
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach, which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Torment 285 Torment
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Black 295 Black
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach, which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Black 285 Black
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach, which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Salomon X Approach Lace Sj Boa Desert 290 Desert
Prodejce: Cena: 7,527.51 kč (+354.59 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOAHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SALOMON X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.The problem sibling of the family is the X Approach which takes the park friendly features of the Launch and puts that extra something in it to ensure the best possible performance in jib and mid-freestyle. intermediate flex and mixed lace boa closure so you have the top two lacing where and how you need it at all times, the fit is super customizable and the Ortholite C2 liner is really comfortable.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA SALOMON SNOWBOARD BOOTX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA, UNISEX SNOWBOARD BOOT from SALOMON that rocks.X APPROACH LACESJ BOA Boa STR8JKT Boa Buckle: This lacing arrangement provides a Boa for lacing the outside of the boot while the Boa positioned on the side acts on the STR8JKT buckle, which is a band that passing over the ankle takes care of holding the foot firmly inside the boot while preventing the heel from rising.X APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Ortholite : this insole creates a cooler, drier place for your foot, plus it is constructed in such a way that it always stays soft without sagging over timeX APPROACH LACE SJ BOA Feather Sole: EVA and lightweight rubber composites to provide comfort and cushioning in landings.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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