Byly nalezeny 64 produkty odpovídající vašemu vyhledávání climbing v 4 obchodech:
Vosk ELAN Climbing SKINS WAX 40g na pásy
Prodejce: Cena: 220.00 kč (+88.00 kč)Vosk na stoupací pásy. Parafínovaný vosk ELAN CLIMBING SKINS WAX 40g pro skialpové pásy pro zlepšení životnosti pásů. Chrání proti namrzání a zlepšuje skluz.
Jungle Gym -Climbing Rope - šplhací lano
Prodejce: Cena: 714.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Lano na šplhání Jungle Gym -Climbing Rope - šplhací lano:Děti milují pohyb a skotačení na dětském hřišti. Udělejte jim proto radost a pořiďte jim zelené šplhací lano Jungle Gym - Climbing Rope. Šplhací lano představuje zajímavý herní prvek. Dá se připevnit na jakoukoliv dřevěnou konstrukci a skvěle se hodí ke hracím sestavám Jungle Gym. Měří 3,5 metru a je opatřeno plastovým zakončením zabraňujícím třepení. Dětské šplhací lano Jungle Gym - Climbing Rope je vyrobeno z kvalitního materiálu, který zaručuje bezpečné šplhání a zároveň je odolný vůči povětrnostním vlivům a UV záření. Získalo certifikaci jako hračka dle ČSN EN 71, která je vhodná pro děti od 3 do 10 let, a je určeno výhradně pro soukromou zahradu. V balení obdržíte kromě lana také zavrtávací vrt s okem.Klíčové vlastnosti dětského lana pro šplhání Jungle Gym - Climbing Rope zelené barvyŠplhací lano pro děti Jungle Gym - Climbing Rope v zeleném provedeníJedná se o zábavný doplněk k hracím sestavám Jungle GymLze ho připevnit na jakoukoliv dřevěnou konstrukci Lano je vybaveno plastovým...
K2 Marauder Split With Climbing Skin And Pucks U 159 U
Prodejce: Cena: 17,748.42 kč (+355.02 kč)K2 MARAUDER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 MARAUDER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.The Marauder is a complete little split pack that's perfect for exploring your resort's secret spots or launching into long days in search of the perfect line. You don't have to worry about a thing since skins and pucks are already included, and the construction is nice and directional with carbon and lightweight fibers to keep it from weighing you down. The flotation is super as you'd expect from a board like this, and the uphill grip thanks to its torsional precision is fantastic MARAUDER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2MARAUDER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.MARAUDER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight, durable sandwich.MARAUDER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: the combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a center classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.MARAUDER SPLIT Bap Core: Three different species of woods make the Bap Core light, strong and precise.MARAUDERSPLIT BiaxialGlass Inserts: biaxially arranged glass fibers do not weigh down the board and give it responsiveness and pop.MARAUDER SPLIT Sintered 4000 Base: thanks to its top-quality PTex, the sintered sintered 4000 base is fast and durable.Its list price is 1075.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Climbing Technology Lime SG lime
Prodejce: Cena: 188.30 kčKlasický tvar, obzvlášť robustní a s dlouhou životností; Mnohostranně použitelný a s dlouhou životností Nosní nos, aby se zabránilo zadržování při krájení a na zahradě. Hmotnost: 46 gramů
Climbing skins ELAN HYBRID CLEANING SPRAY 100ml na pásy
Prodejce: Cena: 990.00 kč (+88.00 kč)Slouží k odstranění špíny z lepicí vrstvy lepidla HYBRID a zároveň k aktivaci lepící vrstvy.Spray s pumpičkou - nádobka není pod tlakem.Objem: 100 ml
Climbing Technology Aerial Pro B
Prodejce: Cena: 578.60 kčOhnivě kovaná lehká slitina karabiny Zakřivená páková verze s ergonomickým designem, který umožňuje jednoduché a rychlé zavedení lana Kompaktní a lehký, lehce zpracovaný a tvarovaný pro lepší uchopení Ideální pro sport a tradiční lezení, sport a horolezectví
K2 Freeloader Split With Climbing Skin U 159 U
Prodejce: Cena: 22,268.06 kč (+355.02 kč)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Climbing Technology 8 C Plus Chalk Ball, 35 g
Prodejce: Cena: 172.56 kčVyrobeno podle normy ISO9001 Máme různé velikosti Chalk Ball je hořčíkový míč, který je ovinutý gázou, která umožňuje potřebné množství bez prachu při lezení nebo jiných sportech, které tento produkt používají Snadná přeprava Méně znečištění, snížené využití: mírným tlakem získáte optimální množství hořčíku
K2 Freeloader Split With Climbing Skin U 162 U
Prodejce: Cena: 22,268.06 kč (+355.02 kč)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Samsonite Litebeam 66 cm Climbing Ivy vel. M
Prodejce: Cena: 4,299.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Cestovní kufr SAMSONITE Litebeam 66 cm Climbing Ivy vel. M:Potřebujete cestovní kufr, který bude dokonalou kombinací funkčnosti a moderního stylu? SAMSONITE Litebeam 66 cm Climbing Ivy vel. M vám bude zajisté vyhovovat. K jeho zhotovení byl použitý kvalitní materiál, jakým je polyester. Textilní kufr Samsonite je příjemně lehký, odolný a má elegantní vzhled. Váží 2,4 kg. Při rozhodování, jakou velikost pořídit, vám mohou pomoci rozměry, které činí 66 × 43 × 29 cm (vך×h) a objem, díky kterému do něj můžete uložit všechny důležité věci je 77 l. Díky své velikosti M je tento kufr ideální jako osobní zavazadlo na týdenní letní pobyty. Jeho barva je zelená. Hlavní vlastnosti cestovního kufru SAMSONITE Litebeam 66 cm Climbing Ivy vel. M K jeho výrobě byl zvolen kvalitní materiál, konkrétně polyester Jde o textilní kufr Velikost kufru odpovídá M Rozměry cestovního kufru odpovídají 66 × 43 × 29 cm (vך×h) Disponuje hmotností 2,4 kg Nabízí objem 77 l Jeho barva je zelená Expander umožňuje snadno zvětšit objem kufru a usnadnit tak cestování K pohodlné manipulaci dopomáhají...
K2 Freeloader Split With Climbing Skin U 147 U
Prodejce: Cena: 22,268.06 kč (+355.02 kč)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Climbing Technology Skále háčky
Prodejce: Cena: 329.65 kčVe 3 délkách
K2 Marauder Split With Climbing Skin And Pucks U 147 U
Prodejce: Cena: 17,748.42 kč (+355.02 kč)K2 MARAUDER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 MARAUDER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.The Marauder is a complete little split pack that's perfect for exploring your resort's secret spots or launching into long days in search of the perfect line. You don't have to worry about a thing since skins and pucks are already included, and the construction is nice and directional with carbon and lightweight fibers to keep it from weighing you down. The flotation is super as you'd expect from a board like this, and the uphill grip thanks to its torsional precision is fantastic MARAUDER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2MARAUDER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.MARAUDER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight, durable sandwich.MARAUDER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: the combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a center classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.MARAUDER SPLIT Bap Core: Three different species of woods make the Bap Core light, strong and precise.MARAUDERSPLIT BiaxialGlass Inserts: biaxially arranged glass fibers do not weigh down the board and give it responsiveness and pop.MARAUDER SPLIT Sintered 4000 Base: thanks to its top-quality PTex, the sintered sintered 4000 base is fast and durable.Its list price is 1075.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
PLAYSTEM Climbing Cat & Hopping Mouse
Prodejce: Cena: 449.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Stavebnice PLAYSTEM Climbing Cat & Hopping Mouse:Zásadní přednosti stavebnice PLAYSTEM Climbing Cat & Hopping Mouse Stavebnice poskytuje dítěti možnost smysluplného trávení volného času Podpoří rozvoj dětské motoriky a představivosti Materiálem je plast a kov Kovová stavebnice PLAYSTEM zaručí dokonalou kompatibilitu jednotlivých částí Stavebnice PLAYSTEM je přizpůsobena dětem od 6 let
K2 Marauder Split With Climbing Skin And Pucks U 162 U
Prodejce: Cena: 17,748.42 kč (+355.02 kč)K2 MARAUDER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 MARAUDER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.The Marauder is a complete little split pack that's perfect for exploring your resort's secret spots or launching into long days in search of the perfect line. You don't have to worry about a thing since skins and pucks are already included, and the construction is nice and directional with carbon and lightweight fibers to keep it from weighing you down. The flotation is super as you'd expect from a board like this, and the uphill grip thanks to its torsional precision is fantastic MARAUDER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2MARAUDER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.MARAUDER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight, durable sandwich.MARAUDER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: the combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a center classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.MARAUDER SPLIT Bap Core: Three different species of woods make the Bap Core light, strong and precise.MARAUDERSPLIT BiaxialGlass Inserts: biaxially arranged glass fibers do not weigh down the board and give it responsiveness and pop.MARAUDER SPLIT Sintered 4000 Base: thanks to its top-quality PTex, the sintered sintered 4000 base is fast and durable.Its list price is 1075.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Climbing Technology Skále háčky, 7
Prodejce: Cena: 300.97 kčVe 3 délkách
K2 Freeloader Split With Climbing Skin U 156 U
Prodejce: Cena: 22,268.06 kč (+355.02 kč)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Climbing Technology Duetto – šedá
Prodejce: Cena: 1,496.99 kčUdržuje chlad a pohodlně Přináší vám dodatečný komfort Kvalitní materiál Dlouhá životnost
K2 Freeloader Split With Climbing Skin U 151 U
Prodejce: Cena: 22,268.06 kč (+355.02 kč)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Climbing Technology Venus Plus Helm, grün, 50-61 cm
Prodejce: Cena: 1,332.29 kčVielseitiger Helm, entwickelt für den Einsatz in Bergwegen, Felsen, Canyoning und Abenteuerparks Wickelhaube mit geringem Packmaß Verstellbare Größe, geeignet für Männer, Frauen und Kinder, leichte ABS-Schale und Innenschale aus Polyester, nicht saugfähiges Innenfutter
64 výsledky za 0.425 sekund
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