Byly nalezeny 40 produkty odpovídající vašemu vyhledávání ezshop v 4 obchodech:
Ezshop EZ2001
Prodejce: Cena: 1,349.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Masážní přístroj Ezshop EZ2001:
Ezshop Shiatsu PREMIUM
Prodejce: Cena: 3,599.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Masážní podložka Ezshop Shiatsu PREMIUM:Masážní podložka Ezshop představuje efektivní a pohodlné řešení pro relaxaci a zmírnění svalového napětí. Postará se o vaše celé tělo. Shiatsu je masážní technika, která spočívá v tlaku na akupresurní body, díky čemuž uvolnění nastane téměř okamžitě. Nabízí se vám také tlaková metoda masáže, označovanou též jako bodová. Vibrační motor uvnitř masážní podložky vás zbaví pocitu únavy a těžkosti. Masážní podložka Ezshop je vybavena 5 programy a 3 úrovněmi intenzity. Není vhodná pro osoby s epilepsií. Dokáže se zaměřit hned na 4 masážní oblasti. Hlavní vlastnosti masážní podložky Ezshop Shiatsu PREMIUM Masážní podložka na celé tělo Ezshop je ideálním prostředkem k relaxaci v domácím prostředí Mezi druhy masáže patří bodová masáž, shiatsu masáž a vibrační masáž Je opatřena 5 programy a 3 úrovněmi intenzity Není vhodná pro osoby s epilepsií Určení: masáž a relaxace Zajisté vám přijde vhod automatické vypnutí, nastavení intenzity, vibrace a nastavení frekvence Zvládne ošetřit 4 masážní oblasti Poskytuje příkon o...
Ezshop UV Sterilizační taška P5
Prodejce: Cena: 1,590.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sterilizátor Ezshop UV Sterilizační taška P5:Sterilizátor Ezshop bude zárukou dokonalé čistoty. Využijete jej k velmi účinné sterilizaci, díky které zničíte na předmětech veškeré bakterie, viry či mikroby. Během práce UV světlo a na celý proces čištění potřebuje přibližně 3 min. Model Ezshop UV Sterilizační taška P5 slouží pro předměty jako mobilní telefon, sluchátka, klíče, peněženka, šperky, brýle a dudlík. S jednoduchou obsluhou a nastavením sterilizátoru pomůže časovač, jenž je jednou ze základních funkcí. Ptáte-li se na napájení, sterilizátor Ezshop dostanete s dobíjecí baterií. Podstatné parametry sterilizátoru Ezshop UV Sterilizační taška P5 Praktický boxový typ, do něhož lze vložit předměty Maximálně spolehlivá a rychlá sterilizace Sterilizátor Ezshop používá UV světlo K jeho nastavení lze použít časovač Délka cyklu sterilizátoru Ezshop bude 3 min Pracuje díky dobíjecí baterii
Ezshop UVC Sterilizační háček
Prodejce: Cena: 329.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sterilizátor Ezshop UVC Sterilizační háček:Sterilizátor Ezshop se postará o absolutní čistotu. Dokáže provést opravdu efektivní sterilizaci, díky které zničíte na předmětech veškeré bakterie, viry či mikroby. Během práce UV světlo a na jeden cyklus čištění potřebuje zhruba 5 min. K jednoduché obsluze a nastavení pomáhá velmi praktický časovač, jehož řadíme mezi základní funkce. Pokud mluvíme o napájení, sterilizátor Ezshop je nutné vložit 2 ks baterii typu AAA. Rozhodující parametry sterilizátoru Ezshop UVC Sterilizační háček Lampový model pro sterilizaci rozměrnějších ploch Rychlá, spolehlivá a efektivní sterilizace Sterilizátor Ezshop používá UV světlo K nastavení můžete použít časovač Délka cyklu sterilizátoru Ezshop bude 5 min Funguje na AAA baterie
Ezshop UV Sterilizační taška KV24
Prodejce: Cena: 1,119.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sterilizátor Ezshop UV Sterilizační taška KV24:Sterilizátor Ezshop bude zárukou dokonalé čistoty. Využijete jej k velmi účinné sterilizaci, s níž zbavíte předměty před virů, mikrobů či bakterií. Pro práci využívá UV světlo a doba jednoho cyklu je asi 7,5 min. Model Ezshop UV Sterilizační taška KV24 se dá používat pro předměty jako mobilní telefon, sluchátka, klíče, peněženka, šperky, brýle a dudlík. Pro snadnou obsluhu a nastavení sterilizátoru použijete velmi praktický časovač, jenž se počítá k základním funkcím. Bezpečný provoz zajišťuje spolehlivý detektor pohybu. Máte-li děti, oceníte dětskou pojistku. Zajímá-li vás napájení, sterilizátor Ezshop dostanete s dobíjecí baterií. Nejdůležitější parametry sterilizátoru Ezshop UV Sterilizační taška KV24 Má tvar boxu pro vložení předmětů Velmi účinná a rychlá sterilizace Sterilizátor Ezshop využívá UV světlo Práci můžete nastavit časovačem Pro vaši bezpečnost dokáže detekovat pohyb Nepostrádá ani dětský zámek Délka cyklu sterilizátoru Ezshop disponuje 7,5 min Disponuje dobíjecí baterií
Ezshop Přenosný UVC sterilizátor
Prodejce: Cena: 285.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sterilizátor Ezshop Přenosný UVC sterilizátor:Sterilizátor Ezshop vám poslouží k zajištění absolutní čistoty. Poslouží pro opravdu účinnou sterilizaci, díky které snadno zbavíte předměty virů či bakterií. Během práce UV světlo a jeden čistící cyklus trvá zhruba 0,25 min. Model Ezshop Přenosný UVC sterilizátor slouží pro předměty jako mobilní telefon, sluchátka, klíče, peněženka, šperky, brýle a dudlík. Pokud je řeč o napájení, sterilizátor Ezshop je vybaven vlastní dobíjecí baterií. Základní vlastnosti sterilizátoru Ezshop Přenosný UVC sterilizátor Lampový model pro sterilizaci větších ploch Maximálně účinná a rychlá sterilizace Sterilizátor Ezshop používá UV světlo Délka cyklu sterilizátoru Ezshop činí 0,25 min Funguje díky dobíjecí baterii
Ezshop Tyčový UV sterilizátor KVL001
Prodejce: Cena: 489.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sterilizátor Ezshop Tyčový UV sterilizátor KVL001:Sterilizátor Ezshop vám pomůže zajistit absolutní čistotu. Dokáže provést opravdu efektivní sterilizaci, díky níž rychle a snadno zbavíte předměty virů, bakterií či mikrobů. Při práci mu poslouží UV světlo a celý čisticí cyklus trvá přibližně 0,25 min. Model Ezshop Tyčový UV sterilizátor KVL001 se dá používat pro předměty jako mobilní telefon, sluchátka, klíče, peněženka, šperky, brýle a dudlík. Pokud mluvíme o napájení, sterilizátor Ezshop je třeba pořídit 4 ks baterii typu AA. Významné přednosti sterilizátoru Ezshop Tyčový UV sterilizátor KVL001 Praktický lampový sterilizátor Rychlá a maximálně efektivní sterilizace Sterilizátor Ezshop využívá UV světlo Délka cyklu sterilizátoru Ezshop je 0,25 min K jeho fungování jsou nutné AA baterie
Ezshop Masážní podložka s vyhříváním
Prodejce: Cena: 1,599.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Masážní podložka Ezshop Masážní podložka s vyhříváním:Masážní podložka Ezshop je ideální pro relaxaci a uvolnění svalového napětí. Postará se o vaše celé tělo. Bodová neboli tlaková masáž se postará o opravdový odpočinek. Má za cíl uvolnit měkké svalové tkáně. Vibrační motor uvnitř masážní podložky zahání únavu a pomáhá snižovat pocit těžkosti. Masážní podložka Ezshop disponuje 5 programy a 3 úrovněmi intenzity. Při činnosti se zvládá soustředit hned na 5 masážních oblastí. Hlavní přednosti masážní podložky Ezshop Masážní podložka s vyhříváním Masážní podložka na celé tělo Ezshop skvěle poslouží při domácí relaxaci Mezi druhy masáže patří bodová masáž a vibrační masáž Je opatřena 5 programy a 3 úrovněmi intenzity Zajisté vás mile překvapí automatické vypnutí, nastavení intenzity a vyhřívání Umí ošetřit 5 masážních oblastí Má příkon o velikosti 14,4 W Napájení: elektrická síť Masážní podložka Ezshop je černá Nechte se překvapit dalšími zajímavými funkcemi masážní podložky Masážní podložka Ezshop nabízí příjemnou relaxaci. Samozřejmostí je funkce automatického...
Ezshop UV Sterilizační box KV20 Pro+ s funkcí bezdrátového nabíjení
Prodejce: Cena: 1,169.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sterilizátor Ezshop UV Sterilizační box KV20 Pro+ s funkcí bezdrátového nabíjení:Sterilizátor Ezshop slouží k zajištění absolutní čistoty. Provádí velmi efektivní sterilizaci, která ničí všechny viry, bakterie či mikroby. Při práci využívá UV světlo a celý čisticí cyklus trvá přibližně 5 min. Model Ezshop UV Sterilizační box KV20 Pro+ s funkcí bezdrátového nabíjení je ideální pro předměty jako mobilní telefon, sluchátka, klíče, peněženka, šperky, brýle a dudlík. Zajímá-li vás napájení, sterilizátor Ezshop je vybaven vlastní dobíjecí baterií. Nejdůležitější přednosti sterilizátoru Ezshop UV Sterilizační box KV20 Pro+ s funkcí bezdrátového nabíjení Má tvar boxu pro vložení předmětů Velmi spolehlivá a efektivní sterilizace Sterilizátor Ezshop využívá UV světlo Zajisté oceníte bezdrátové nabíjení telefonu během sterilizace Délka cyklu sterilizátoru Ezshop bude 5 min Pracuje díky dobíjecí baterii
EASTPAK TRANZSHELL S kufr, 67 x 35,5 x 30 cm, 78 l, černá, TRANZSHELL S
Prodejce: Cena: 3,099.82 kčDvě vnitřní přihrádky se zipy a elastickými pásky pomáhají, aby vše zůstalo na svém místě Výška: 54 cm, šířka: 39 cm, hloubka: 20 cm Vyrobeno z inovativního hybridního materiálu z pěny a látky pro bezpečné uložení vašich věcí Kola, která lze pohybovat o 360°, umožňují cestování s tímto kufrem bez stresu Díky ergonomickým držadlům a designu, který jej nechá volně stát, je vhodný zejména pro dojíždění
K2 Raider Boa Print Shop 290 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 6,485.61 kč (+353.75 kč)K2 RAIDER BOAHey rider, here you will find in summary everything you need to know about the K2 RAIDER BOA SNOWBOARD SHOOTBOOT.I am looking for nice stuff to write but here next door is the megadirector who is fretting like the guys who land fighter jets on aircraft carriers to organize your damn outings, I have a headache of the devil and I can't think of anything. Since two things anyway I have to tell you and the Raider actually is a great shoe I make an effort, the Raider is a great shoe. You want to know about the other one? Oh what a pain in the ass you are, it's basically a nice shoe with the front Boa. I understand that's not enough for you, and that's fine. The Raider is K2's answer to all those who, like you ball-busters, want a high-performance, sturdy, perfectly supportive shoe whether your purpose is the park or the slope or fresh air or your favorite singer is Sia. And maybe you also want to spend cheaply. Again you got away with it because the Raider is the answer to all this, also thanks to the Harshmellow sole you can make two more attempts in the park without splitting your heels while the Intuition liner molds itself to your ugly foot so in addition to being obnoxious you will also be comfortable. In the end I didn't feel like telling you anything but you forcibly snatched the info from me, at least bring a drink when you come to pick up these boots from the store.K2 RAIDER SNOWBOARD BOOTRAIDER, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.RAIDER BOA Boa Fit : come on again with this BOA suckers that break down? Stop it, they're guaranteed for life and your boot lacing will be firmer than ever.RAIDER BOA Intuition Comfort Foam 3D : bootie built with one thing in mind, all-day comfort. Soft materials with the addition of internal and external J Bars for added ankle support.RAIDER BOA Fast-In : No-frills adjustment and solid locks for all-day fit and comfort. RAIDER BOA Harshmellow : Magic material that replaces common absorption systems. Harshmellow dampens a specific target of vibrations for each type of product, thus giving you a smooth and controlled rideRAIDER BOA Rollsole Outsole Sole : Rollsole sole aims to increase range of motion without sacrificing grip and support, and in all this it even manages to keep weight to a minimum!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
K2 Maysis Boa Print Shop 270 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 9,102.71 kč (+353.75 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }K2 MAYSIS BOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 MAYSIS BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.While the office (store?) is debating whether or not Instagram stories are the future based on 21 people looking at them in K2 isn't beating around the bush and whipping out the shoe that can quell any battle between laces, buoys, pulls, hoists and similar amenities. Take the best of the K2 knowledge melt it all into one boot and then get the hell out of the way and let K2 do it I wouldn't put a boot made by you even to go to the gallows. Here in K2 they took all their knowledge they drank on it and only two things could happen, absolute degradation or the most brilliant coolness that human mind had ever conceived. Here the wheel of fortune did not stop on Mr. Giancarlo with his Amazons but turned all the way to the M of Maysis, giving birth to the coolest and smartest boot that has ever come among us. The flex is perfect for leading between slope and powder thanks in part to the Endo construction, park entries are super quiet stuff and it's easy to manage the closure with the two BOAs to get the perfect fit at all times. The rest of the construction is Arab emirates, between Vibram sole super grippy shock absorbers Harshmellow system Conda to lock the ankle finish in leather type but without beast tears thermoformable bootie very warm in short the top of the top.MAYSIS K2 SNOWBOARD BOOTMAYSIS, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.MAYSIS BOA TX3 Boa : classic BOA system comdo and quick but using a fabric lace, all to convey a more flexible feel similar to traditional laces, but with the safety of BOA.MAYSIS BOA Reinforced Rubber : thanks to the addition of abrasion-resistant rubber placed at the points of greatest wear and tear, the boot's lifespan and durability is increased.MAYSIS BOA Intuition Control Foam 3D : The Intuition Control Foam liner is lightweight and responsive, with the perfect flex for your snow days.MAYSIS BOA Boa Conda Internal Lacing: The Boa Conda system takes care of hugging and securing the ankle inside the boot for a firm, responsive riding feel.MAYSIS BOA Harshmellow pro/plus : vibration absorption and superior comfort for daily backcountry excursions,MAYSIS BOA This grips! Premium Freesstyle Outsole w Harshmelloe : Premium dual-density rubber outsole with This Grips compound. Inspired by modern skate shoes, the outsole features a rounded heel to reduce resistance while walking, a wrapped arch support for support and stability, and Harshmellow vibration cushioning in the heel and forefoot.MAYSIS BOA Recycled Coffee Mesh : this material helps control moisture and odor inside the boot, and is made of 95% recycled materials so doubly positive!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you are guaranteed...
K2 Maysis Boa Print Shop 280 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 9,102.71 kč (+353.75 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }K2 MAYSIS BOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 MAYSIS BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.While the office (store?) is debating whether or not Instagram stories are the future based on 21 people looking at them in K2 isn't beating around the bush and whipping out the shoe that can quell any battle between laces, buoys, pulls, hoists and similar amenities. Take the best of the K2 knowledge melt it all into one boot and then get the hell out of the way and let K2 do it I wouldn't put a boot made by you even to go to the gallows. Here in K2 they took all their knowledge they drank on it and only two things could happen, absolute degradation or the most brilliant coolness that human mind had ever conceived. Here the wheel of fortune did not stop on Mr. Giancarlo with his Amazons but turned all the way to the M of Maysis, giving birth to the coolest and smartest boot that has ever come among us. The flex is perfect for leading between slope and powder thanks in part to the Endo construction, park entries are super quiet stuff and it's easy to manage the closure with the two BOAs to get the perfect fit at all times. The rest of the construction is Arab emirates, between Vibram sole super grippy shock absorbers Harshmellow system Conda to lock the ankle finish in leather type but without beast tears thermoformable bootie very warm in short the top of the top.MAYSIS K2 SNOWBOARD BOOTMAYSIS, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.MAYSIS BOA TX3 Boa : classic BOA system comdo and quick but using a fabric lace, all to convey a more flexible feel similar to traditional laces, but with the safety of BOA.MAYSIS BOA Reinforced Rubber : thanks to the addition of abrasion-resistant rubber placed at the points of greatest wear and tear, the boot's lifespan and durability is increased.MAYSIS BOA Intuition Control Foam 3D : The Intuition Control Foam liner is lightweight and responsive, with the perfect flex for your snow days.MAYSIS BOA Boa Conda Internal Lacing: The Boa Conda system takes care of hugging and securing the ankle inside the boot for a firm, responsive riding feel.MAYSIS BOA Harshmellow pro/plus : vibration absorption and superior comfort for daily backcountry excursions,MAYSIS BOA This grips! Premium Freesstyle Outsole w Harshmelloe : Premium dual-density rubber outsole with This Grips compound. Inspired by modern skate shoes, the outsole features a rounded heel to reduce resistance while walking, a wrapped arch support for support and stability, and Harshmellow vibration cushioning in the heel and forefoot.MAYSIS BOA Recycled Coffee Mesh : this material helps control moisture and odor inside the boot, and is made of 95% recycled materials so doubly positive!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you are guaranteed...
K2 Maysis Boa Print Shop 300 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 9,102.71 kč (+353.75 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }K2 MAYSIS BOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 MAYSIS BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.While the office (store?) is debating whether or not Instagram stories are the future based on 21 people looking at them in K2 isn't beating around the bush and whipping out the shoe that can quell any battle between laces, buoys, pulls, hoists and similar amenities. Take the best of the K2 knowledge melt it all into one boot and then get the hell out of the way and let K2 do it I wouldn't put a boot made by you even to go to the gallows. Here in K2 they took all their knowledge they drank on it and only two things could happen, absolute degradation or the most brilliant coolness that human mind had ever conceived. Here the wheel of fortune did not stop on Mr. Giancarlo with his Amazons but turned all the way to the M of Maysis, giving birth to the coolest and smartest boot that has ever come among us. The flex is perfect for leading between slope and powder thanks in part to the Endo construction, park entries are super quiet stuff and it's easy to manage the closure with the two BOAs to get the perfect fit at all times. The rest of the construction is Arab emirates, between Vibram sole super grippy shock absorbers Harshmellow system Conda to lock the ankle finish in leather type but without beast tears thermoformable bootie very warm in short the top of the top.MAYSIS K2 SNOWBOARD BOOTMAYSIS, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.MAYSIS BOA TX3 Boa : classic BOA system comdo and quick but using a fabric lace, all to convey a more flexible feel similar to traditional laces, but with the safety of BOA.MAYSIS BOA Reinforced Rubber : thanks to the addition of abrasion-resistant rubber placed at the points of greatest wear and tear, the boot's lifespan and durability is increased.MAYSIS BOA Intuition Control Foam 3D : The Intuition Control Foam liner is lightweight and responsive, with the perfect flex for your snow days.MAYSIS BOA Boa Conda Internal Lacing: The Boa Conda system takes care of hugging and securing the ankle inside the boot for a firm, responsive riding feel.MAYSIS BOA Harshmellow pro/plus : vibration absorption and superior comfort for daily backcountry excursions,MAYSIS BOA This grips! Premium Freesstyle Outsole w Harshmelloe : Premium dual-density rubber outsole with This Grips compound. Inspired by modern skate shoes, the outsole features a rounded heel to reduce resistance while walking, a wrapped arch support for support and stability, and Harshmellow vibration cushioning in the heel and forefoot.MAYSIS BOA Recycled Coffee Mesh : this material helps control moisture and odor inside the boot, and is made of 95% recycled materials so doubly positive!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you are guaranteed...
K2 Raider Boa Print Shop 285 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 6,485.61 kč (+353.75 kč)K2 RAIDER BOAHey rider, here you will find in summary everything you need to know about the K2 RAIDER BOA SNOWBOARD SHOOTBOOT.I am looking for nice stuff to write but here next door is the megadirector who is fretting like the guys who land fighter jets on aircraft carriers to organize your damn outings, I have a headache of the devil and I can't think of anything. Since two things anyway I have to tell you and the Raider actually is a great shoe I make an effort, the Raider is a great shoe. You want to know about the other one? Oh what a pain in the ass you are, it's basically a nice shoe with the front Boa. I understand that's not enough for you, and that's fine. The Raider is K2's answer to all those who, like you ball-busters, want a high-performance, sturdy, perfectly supportive shoe whether your purpose is the park or the slope or fresh air or your favorite singer is Sia. And maybe you also want to spend cheaply. Again you got away with it because the Raider is the answer to all this, also thanks to the Harshmellow sole you can make two more attempts in the park without splitting your heels while the Intuition liner molds itself to your ugly foot so in addition to being obnoxious you will also be comfortable. In the end I didn't feel like telling you anything but you forcibly snatched the info from me, at least bring a drink when you come to pick up these boots from the store.K2 RAIDER SNOWBOARD BOOTRAIDER, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.RAIDER BOA Boa Fit : come on again with this BOA suckers that break down? Stop it, they're guaranteed for life and your boot lacing will be firmer than ever.RAIDER BOA Intuition Comfort Foam 3D : bootie built with one thing in mind, all-day comfort. Soft materials with the addition of internal and external J Bars for added ankle support.RAIDER BOA Fast-In : No-frills adjustment and solid locks for all-day fit and comfort. RAIDER BOA Harshmellow : Magic material that replaces common absorption systems. Harshmellow dampens a specific target of vibrations for each type of product, thus giving you a smooth and controlled rideRAIDER BOA Rollsole Outsole Sole : Rollsole sole aims to increase range of motion without sacrificing grip and support, and in all this it even manages to keep weight to a minimum!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
K2 Maysis Boa Print Shop 285 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 9,102.71 kč (+353.75 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }K2 MAYSIS BOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 MAYSIS BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.While the office (store?) is debating whether or not Instagram stories are the future based on 21 people looking at them in K2 isn't beating around the bush and whipping out the shoe that can quell any battle between laces, buoys, pulls, hoists and similar amenities. Take the best of the K2 knowledge melt it all into one boot and then get the hell out of the way and let K2 do it I wouldn't put a boot made by you even to go to the gallows. Here in K2 they took all their knowledge they drank on it and only two things could happen, absolute degradation or the most brilliant coolness that human mind had ever conceived. Here the wheel of fortune did not stop on Mr. Giancarlo with his Amazons but turned all the way to the M of Maysis, giving birth to the coolest and smartest boot that has ever come among us. The flex is perfect for leading between slope and powder thanks in part to the Endo construction, park entries are super quiet stuff and it's easy to manage the closure with the two BOAs to get the perfect fit at all times. The rest of the construction is Arab emirates, between Vibram sole super grippy shock absorbers Harshmellow system Conda to lock the ankle finish in leather type but without beast tears thermoformable bootie very warm in short the top of the top.MAYSIS K2 SNOWBOARD BOOTMAYSIS, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.MAYSIS BOA TX3 Boa : classic BOA system comdo and quick but using a fabric lace, all to convey a more flexible feel similar to traditional laces, but with the safety of BOA.MAYSIS BOA Reinforced Rubber : thanks to the addition of abrasion-resistant rubber placed at the points of greatest wear and tear, the boot's lifespan and durability is increased.MAYSIS BOA Intuition Control Foam 3D : The Intuition Control Foam liner is lightweight and responsive, with the perfect flex for your snow days.MAYSIS BOA Boa Conda Internal Lacing: The Boa Conda system takes care of hugging and securing the ankle inside the boot for a firm, responsive riding feel.MAYSIS BOA Harshmellow pro/plus : vibration absorption and superior comfort for daily backcountry excursions,MAYSIS BOA This grips! Premium Freesstyle Outsole w Harshmelloe : Premium dual-density rubber outsole with This Grips compound. Inspired by modern skate shoes, the outsole features a rounded heel to reduce resistance while walking, a wrapped arch support for support and stability, and Harshmellow vibration cushioning in the heel and forefoot.MAYSIS BOA Recycled Coffee Mesh : this material helps control moisture and odor inside the boot, and is made of 95% recycled materials so doubly positive!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you are guaranteed...
K2 Raider Boa Print Shop 265 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 6,485.61 kč (+353.75 kč)K2 RAIDER BOAHey rider, here you will find in summary everything you need to know about the K2 RAIDER BOA SNOWBOARD SHOOTBOOT.I am looking for nice stuff to write but here next door is the megadirector who is fretting like the guys who land fighter jets on aircraft carriers to organize your damn outings, I have a headache of the devil and I can't think of anything. Since two things anyway I have to tell you and the Raider actually is a great shoe I make an effort, the Raider is a great shoe. You want to know about the other one? Oh what a pain in the ass you are, it's basically a nice shoe with the front Boa. I understand that's not enough for you, and that's fine. The Raider is K2's answer to all those who, like you ball-busters, want a high-performance, sturdy, perfectly supportive shoe whether your purpose is the park or the slope or fresh air or your favorite singer is Sia. And maybe you also want to spend cheaply. Again you got away with it because the Raider is the answer to all this, also thanks to the Harshmellow sole you can make two more attempts in the park without splitting your heels while the Intuition liner molds itself to your ugly foot so in addition to being obnoxious you will also be comfortable. In the end I didn't feel like telling you anything but you forcibly snatched the info from me, at least bring a drink when you come to pick up these boots from the store.K2 RAIDER SNOWBOARD BOOTRAIDER, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.RAIDER BOA Boa Fit : come on again with this BOA suckers that break down? Stop it, they're guaranteed for life and your boot lacing will be firmer than ever.RAIDER BOA Intuition Comfort Foam 3D : bootie built with one thing in mind, all-day comfort. Soft materials with the addition of internal and external J Bars for added ankle support.RAIDER BOA Fast-In : No-frills adjustment and solid locks for all-day fit and comfort. RAIDER BOA Harshmellow : Magic material that replaces common absorption systems. Harshmellow dampens a specific target of vibrations for each type of product, thus giving you a smooth and controlled rideRAIDER BOA Rollsole Outsole Sole : Rollsole sole aims to increase range of motion without sacrificing grip and support, and in all this it even manages to keep weight to a minimum!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
K2 Maysis Boa Print Shop 290 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 9,102.71 kč (+353.75 kč).iframe-responsive{position: relative; width: 90%; padding-bottom: 42%; height: 0; }.iframe-responsive iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 5%; width: 100%; height: 100%; }K2 MAYSIS BOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 MAYSIS BOA SNOWBOARD BOA.While the office (store?) is debating whether or not Instagram stories are the future based on 21 people looking at them in K2 isn't beating around the bush and whipping out the shoe that can quell any battle between laces, buoys, pulls, hoists and similar amenities. Take the best of the K2 knowledge melt it all into one boot and then get the hell out of the way and let K2 do it I wouldn't put a boot made by you even to go to the gallows. Here in K2 they took all their knowledge they drank on it and only two things could happen, absolute degradation or the most brilliant coolness that human mind had ever conceived. Here the wheel of fortune did not stop on Mr. Giancarlo with his Amazons but turned all the way to the M of Maysis, giving birth to the coolest and smartest boot that has ever come among us. The flex is perfect for leading between slope and powder thanks in part to the Endo construction, park entries are super quiet stuff and it's easy to manage the closure with the two BOAs to get the perfect fit at all times. The rest of the construction is Arab emirates, between Vibram sole super grippy shock absorbers Harshmellow system Conda to lock the ankle finish in leather type but without beast tears thermoformable bootie very warm in short the top of the top.MAYSIS K2 SNOWBOARD BOOTMAYSIS, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.MAYSIS BOA TX3 Boa : classic BOA system comdo and quick but using a fabric lace, all to convey a more flexible feel similar to traditional laces, but with the safety of BOA.MAYSIS BOA Reinforced Rubber : thanks to the addition of abrasion-resistant rubber placed at the points of greatest wear and tear, the boot's lifespan and durability is increased.MAYSIS BOA Intuition Control Foam 3D : The Intuition Control Foam liner is lightweight and responsive, with the perfect flex for your snow days.MAYSIS BOA Boa Conda Internal Lacing: The Boa Conda system takes care of hugging and securing the ankle inside the boot for a firm, responsive riding feel.MAYSIS BOA Harshmellow pro/plus : vibration absorption and superior comfort for daily backcountry excursions,MAYSIS BOA This grips! Premium Freesstyle Outsole w Harshmelloe : Premium dual-density rubber outsole with This Grips compound. Inspired by modern skate shoes, the outsole features a rounded heel to reduce resistance while walking, a wrapped arch support for support and stability, and Harshmellow vibration cushioning in the heel and forefoot.MAYSIS BOA Recycled Coffee Mesh : this material helps control moisture and odor inside the boot, and is made of 95% recycled materials so doubly positive!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you are guaranteed...
K2 Raider Boa Print Shop 295 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 6,485.61 kč (+353.75 kč)K2 RAIDER BOAHey rider, here you will find in summary everything you need to know about the K2 RAIDER BOA SNOWBOARD SHOOTBOOT.I am looking for nice stuff to write but here next door is the megadirector who is fretting like the guys who land fighter jets on aircraft carriers to organize your damn outings, I have a headache of the devil and I can't think of anything. Since two things anyway I have to tell you and the Raider actually is a great shoe I make an effort, the Raider is a great shoe. You want to know about the other one? Oh what a pain in the ass you are, it's basically a nice shoe with the front Boa. I understand that's not enough for you, and that's fine. The Raider is K2's answer to all those who, like you ball-busters, want a high-performance, sturdy, perfectly supportive shoe whether your purpose is the park or the slope or fresh air or your favorite singer is Sia. And maybe you also want to spend cheaply. Again you got away with it because the Raider is the answer to all this, also thanks to the Harshmellow sole you can make two more attempts in the park without splitting your heels while the Intuition liner molds itself to your ugly foot so in addition to being obnoxious you will also be comfortable. In the end I didn't feel like telling you anything but you forcibly snatched the info from me, at least bring a drink when you come to pick up these boots from the store.K2 RAIDER SNOWBOARD BOOTRAIDER, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.RAIDER BOA Boa Fit : come on again with this BOA suckers that break down? Stop it, they're guaranteed for life and your boot lacing will be firmer than ever.RAIDER BOA Intuition Comfort Foam 3D : bootie built with one thing in mind, all-day comfort. Soft materials with the addition of internal and external J Bars for added ankle support.RAIDER BOA Fast-In : No-frills adjustment and solid locks for all-day fit and comfort. RAIDER BOA Harshmellow : Magic material that replaces common absorption systems. Harshmellow dampens a specific target of vibrations for each type of product, thus giving you a smooth and controlled rideRAIDER BOA Rollsole Outsole Sole : Rollsole sole aims to increase range of motion without sacrificing grip and support, and in all this it even manages to keep weight to a minimum!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
K2 Raider Boa Print Shop 280 Print Shop
Prodejce: Cena: 6,485.61 kč (+353.75 kč)K2 RAIDER BOAHey rider, here you will find in summary everything you need to know about the K2 RAIDER BOA SNOWBOARD SHOOTBOOT.I am looking for nice stuff to write but here next door is the megadirector who is fretting like the guys who land fighter jets on aircraft carriers to organize your damn outings, I have a headache of the devil and I can't think of anything. Since two things anyway I have to tell you and the Raider actually is a great shoe I make an effort, the Raider is a great shoe. You want to know about the other one? Oh what a pain in the ass you are, it's basically a nice shoe with the front Boa. I understand that's not enough for you, and that's fine. The Raider is K2's answer to all those who, like you ball-busters, want a high-performance, sturdy, perfectly supportive shoe whether your purpose is the park or the slope or fresh air or your favorite singer is Sia. And maybe you also want to spend cheaply. Again you got away with it because the Raider is the answer to all this, also thanks to the Harshmellow sole you can make two more attempts in the park without splitting your heels while the Intuition liner molds itself to your ugly foot so in addition to being obnoxious you will also be comfortable. In the end I didn't feel like telling you anything but you forcibly snatched the info from me, at least bring a drink when you come to pick up these boots from the store.K2 RAIDER SNOWBOARD BOOTRAIDER, K2 's kick-ass SNOWBOARD BOOT for MEN.RAIDER BOA Boa Fit : come on again with this BOA suckers that break down? Stop it, they're guaranteed for life and your boot lacing will be firmer than ever.RAIDER BOA Intuition Comfort Foam 3D : bootie built with one thing in mind, all-day comfort. Soft materials with the addition of internal and external J Bars for added ankle support.RAIDER BOA Fast-In : No-frills adjustment and solid locks for all-day fit and comfort. RAIDER BOA Harshmellow : Magic material that replaces common absorption systems. Harshmellow dampens a specific target of vibrations for each type of product, thus giving you a smooth and controlled rideRAIDER BOA Rollsole Outsole Sole : Rollsole sole aims to increase range of motion without sacrificing grip and support, and in all this it even manages to keep weight to a minimum!Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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