Byly nalezeny 58 produkty odpovídající vašemu vyhledávání fragile v 9 obchodech:
Tangle Teezer Kartáče na vlasy Original Fine & Fragile Berry Bright
Prodejce: Cena: 257.00 kč (+60.00 kč) -
Dc Snowstar Aw Red Fragile Xl Red Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 1,683.79 kč (+353.75 kč)This sweatshirt looks like the perfect fit to wear after spending the evening between a mental breakdow, a comfort movie from childhood, and 7kg of vanilla ice cream from the discount store. At least your colleagues at the cabin will know to go easy on you!
Sk8 Deska Delta Fragile Streets Fire Plu - Bílá - 8.0
Prodejce: Cena: 1,251.00 kč (+95.00 kč)Model fragile streets fire od značky Delta. Kolekce 2024. Barva bílá + červená. Materiál: 7mi vrstvý kanadský javor.
Dc Snowstar Aw Red Fragile Xs Red Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 1,683.79 kč (+353.75 kč)This sweatshirt looks like the perfect fit to wear after spending the evening between a mental breakdow, a comfort movie from childhood, and 7kg of vanilla ice cream from the discount store. At least your colleagues at the cabin will know to go easy on you!
Dc Aw Vista Black Fragile S Black Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 3,580.24 kč (+353.75 kč)DC AW VISTAHey rider! Here's everything you need to know about DC AW VISTAIt looks like a snowboard jacket, will it be that it's a snowboard jacket? Its 10k waterproofness is perfect, forgoing padding to gain the ability to be used in any season by adapting layers underneath. As features we go big, from the taped seams to the adjustable hood via the DWR treatment to the crafty inner pockets.DC AW VISTA SNOWBOARD JACKETVISTA 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is able to provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.VISTA 5,000 GR : Able to evaporate 5,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.VISTA DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes.VISTA HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.VISTA ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.VISTAHATCHED SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.VISTAAIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.
Dc Snowstar Aw Red Fragile M Red Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 1,683.79 kč (+353.75 kč)This sweatshirt looks like the perfect fit to wear after spending the evening between a mental breakdow, a comfort movie from childhood, and 7kg of vanilla ice cream from the discount store. At least your colleagues at the cabin will know to go easy on you!
Perricone MD - Cold Plasma + Fragile Skin Therapy Tělová mléka 177 ml unisex
Prodejce: Cena: 1,449.00 kčTrápí vás časté modřiny, praskliny či slabá, povadlá a citlivá pokožka na pažích, holeních a dalších částech těla? Krém pro choulostivou pleť s patentovaným systémem tekutých krystalů okamžitě a hloubkově hydratuje, vyživuje a podporuje nejviditelnější znaky pružné a silné pokožky. Zanechává pleť zpevněnou, hladkou a omlazenou.
Dc Snowstar Aw Red Fragile S Red Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 1,683.79 kč (+353.75 kč)This sweatshirt looks like the perfect fit to wear after spending the evening between a mental breakdow, a comfort movie from childhood, and 7kg of vanilla ice cream from the discount store. At least your colleagues at the cabin will know to go easy on you!
Estee Lauder Make Up Líčidla na rty Double Wear Fragile Ego
Prodejce: Cena: 791.00 kč (+60.00 kč)Rtěnka Estée Lauder Double Wear umně zvýrazňuje rty. Vysoce kvalitní konturovací tužka je k dispozici v různých barvách, které dokonale zvýrazní ráty. Díky krémové textuře se make-up na rty snadno a nekomplikovaně nanáší. Konturovací tužka zabraňuje stékání rtěnky, která se snadno nanáší pomocí integrovaného štětečku. Zároveň je prodloužena výdrž. Make-up je vhodný pro všechny typy pleti a zvýrazňuje rty s maximální přesností. Vysoké krytí rtěnky podtrhuje dlouhotrvající účinek až 12 hodin a korunuje ho jemně třpytivý lesk v závěru.Olejová konturovací tužka na rty od Estée Lauder pro dokonalé nalíčení Líčidlo na rty Estée Lauder Double Wear neobsahuje mikroplasty, palmový olej ani sulfáty. Konturovací tužka na rty definuje kontury rtů, vydrží dlouhé hodiny a rty hydratuje. Integrovaný štěteček lze použít nejen k nanášení rtěnky nebo lesku, ale také k jemnému rozmazání rtěnky pro vytvoření efektu jemného rozostření rtů. Konturovací tužka na rty Double Wear od Estée Lauder zajistí dokonale konturované a lesklé rty. Bezchybný výsledek pro výrazný vzhled. S tímto nástrojem přispějete ke každému líčení okouzlujícím vzhledem.
Dc Aw Vista Black Fragile S Black Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 3,580.24 kč (+353.75 kč)DC AW VISTAHey rider! Here's everything you need to know about DC AW VISTAIt looks like a snowboard jacket, will it be that it's a snowboard jacket? Its 10k waterproofness is perfect, forgoing padding to gain the ability to be used in any season by adapting layers underneath. As features we go big, from the taped seams to the adjustable hood via the DWR treatment to the crafty inner pockets.DC AW VISTA SNOWBOARD JACKETVISTA 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is able to provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.VISTA 5,000 GR : Able to evaporate 5,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.VISTA DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes.VISTA HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.VISTA ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.VISTAHATCHED SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.VISTAAIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.
Dc Snowstar Aw Red Fragile Xl Red Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 1,683.79 kč (+353.75 kč)This sweatshirt looks like the perfect fit to wear after spending the evening between a mental breakdow, a comfort movie from childhood, and 7kg of vanilla ice cream from the discount store. At least your colleagues at the cabin will know to go easy on you!
Dc Aw Vista Black Fragile Xl Black Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 3,580.24 kč (+353.75 kč)DC AW VISTAHey rider! Here's everything you need to know about DC AW VISTAIt looks like a snowboard jacket, will it be that it's a snowboard jacket? Its 10k waterproofness is perfect, forgoing padding to gain the ability to be used in any season by adapting layers underneath. As features we go big, from the taped seams to the adjustable hood via the DWR treatment to the crafty inner pockets.DC AW VISTA SNOWBOARD JACKETVISTA 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is able to provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.VISTA 5,000 GR : Able to evaporate 5,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.VISTA DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes.VISTA HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.VISTA ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.VISTAHATCHED SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.VISTAAIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.
Dc Snowstar Aw Red Fragile S Red Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 1,683.79 kč (+353.75 kč)This sweatshirt looks like the perfect fit to wear after spending the evening between a mental breakdow, a comfort movie from childhood, and 7kg of vanilla ice cream from the discount store. At least your colleagues at the cabin will know to go easy on you!
Dc Aw Vista Black Fragile M Black Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 3,580.24 kč (+353.75 kč)DC AW VISTAHey rider! Here's everything you need to know about DC AW VISTAIt looks like a snowboard jacket, will it be that it's a snowboard jacket? Its 10k waterproofness is perfect, forgoing padding to gain the ability to be used in any season by adapting layers underneath. As features we go big, from the taped seams to the adjustable hood via the DWR treatment to the crafty inner pockets.DC AW VISTA SNOWBOARD JACKETVISTA 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is able to provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.VISTA 5,000 GR : Able to evaporate 5,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.VISTA DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes.VISTA HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.VISTA ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.VISTAHATCHED SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.VISTAAIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.
Dc Snowstar Aw Red Fragile Xs Red Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 1,683.79 kč (+353.75 kč)This sweatshirt looks like the perfect fit to wear after spending the evening between a mental breakdow, a comfort movie from childhood, and 7kg of vanilla ice cream from the discount store. At least your colleagues at the cabin will know to go easy on you!
Dc Aw Ply Red Fragile U 156 U
Prodejce: Cena: 8,867.55 kč (+353.75 kč)DC AW PLY RED FRAGILEHey rider! Here's everything you need to know about DC AW PLY RED FRAGILEDon't be fooled by the big, recurring FRAGILE words, this board is anything but a lady in distress and delicate. The Ply AW FRAGILE is as versatile as a skateboard but powerful and stable enough to dominate any mountain, it's one of the highest performing in its field and offers you the most modern technology DC can think of. Plus it's also a limited edition dedicated to Andy Warhol-what more could you ask for?DC AW PLY RED FRAGILE BOARDAWPLY RED FRAGILE, DC 's MAN BOARD that rocksPLY Lock N Load Profile: Central microcamber with flat zones under the bindings, great mix of precision and grip combined with a skatey, playful feel. Perfect for truly versatile freestyle riding.PLY Stratus Core Core: Using poplar and Balsa along with biaxial glass fibers results in a lightweight and strong core.PLY Biaxial Glass Core: Biaxially arranged glass fibers do not weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Dc Snowstar Aw Red Fragile M Red Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 1,683.79 kč (+353.75 kč)This sweatshirt looks like the perfect fit to wear after spending the evening between a mental breakdow, a comfort movie from childhood, and 7kg of vanilla ice cream from the discount store. At least your colleagues at the cabin will know to go easy on you!
Dc Aw Ply Red Fragile U 153 U
Prodejce: Cena: 8,867.55 kč (+353.75 kč)DC AW PLY RED FRAGILEHey rider! Here's everything you need to know about DC AW PLY RED FRAGILEDon't be fooled by the big, recurring FRAGILE words, this board is anything but a lady in distress and delicate. The Ply AW FRAGILE is as versatile as a skateboard but powerful and stable enough to dominate any mountain, it's one of the highest performing in its field and offers you the most modern technology DC can think of. Plus it's also a limited edition dedicated to Andy Warhol-what more could you ask for?DC AW PLY RED FRAGILE BOARDAWPLY RED FRAGILE, DC 's MAN BOARD that rocksPLY Lock N Load Profile: Central microcamber with flat zones under the bindings, great mix of precision and grip combined with a skatey, playful feel. Perfect for truly versatile freestyle riding.PLY Stratus Core Core: Using poplar and Balsa along with biaxial glass fibers results in a lightweight and strong core.PLY Biaxial Glass Core: Biaxially arranged glass fibers do not weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Dc Aw Vista Black Fragile M Black Fragile
Prodejce: Cena: 3,580.24 kč (+353.75 kč)DC AW VISTAHey rider! Here's everything you need to know about DC AW VISTAIt looks like a snowboard jacket, will it be that it's a snowboard jacket? Its 10k waterproofness is perfect, forgoing padding to gain the ability to be used in any season by adapting layers underneath. As features we go big, from the taped seams to the adjustable hood via the DWR treatment to the crafty inner pockets.DC AW VISTA SNOWBOARD JACKETVISTA 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is able to provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.VISTA 5,000 GR : Able to evaporate 5,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.VISTA DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes.VISTA HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.VISTA ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.VISTAHATCHED SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.VISTAAIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.
Dc Aw Ply Red Fragile Wide U 154 U
Prodejce: Cena: 8,849.85 kč (+353.75 kč)DC AW PLY RED FRAGILE WIDEHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the DC AW PLY RED FRAGILE WIDE BOARD.Don't be fooled by the big, recurring FRAGILE words, this board is anything but a lady in distress and delicate. The Ply AW FRAGILE is as versatile as a skateboard but powerful and stable enough to dominate any mountain, it's one of the highest performing in its field and offers you the most modern technology DC can think of. Plus it's also a limited edition deDCated to Andy Wharol, what more could you ask for?AW PLY RED FRAGILE WIDE DC BOARDAW PLY RED FRAGILE WIDE, UNISEX board from DC that rocks. Insole colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.Board for all mountain use safe and stable on-piste and performing freeride off-piste. Boards wider than average, to accommodate boots larger than size 44 (290MP). Wider-than-average boards, to accommodate boots larger than size 44 (290MP). Twin like boards have slight directionality due to the setback of the bushings, and a sidecut centered with respect to the rider's position. They have properties very similar to twins, with very good feel in switch as well. They are stable at speed and good flotation, favoring pacing with your lead foot without disadvantaging the other too much. Traditional camber, a classic deck, with contact points on the snow away from the bindings. This arch unloads your weight exactly on the points of contact with the snow, amplifying the force imparted to the edge. For this reason it is definitely the most precise camber and one that provides better grip. Moreover, being precisely an arc, it stores the force imparted by your legs and shoots you like an arrow at the slightest hint of ollie. the value that inDCa the flex strength of a snowboard. A stiff board (high flex) is more responsive and gives a more immediate, safe and stable response while a soft board (low flex) is more maneuverable and devoted to performing freestyle maneuvers. The medium and balanced flex gives great pop, stability and maneuverability. Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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