Byly nalezeny 109 produkty odpovídající vašemu vyhledávání geometrií v 12 obchodech:
Lyže Sporten TALENT 20/21 vel.130cm
Prodejce: Cena: 3,900.00 kčLyže, která má nezastupitelnou roli v progresu začínajícího mladého lyžaře, s kombinovaným jádrem a geometrií orientovanou na „točivost“. Lyže se dodává v setu s vázáním VIST LIGHT 29
IMPAR Geometrie
Prodejce: Cena: 379.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Polštář IMPAR Geometrie:Dekorační polštář IMPAR bude skvěle vypadat na sedací soupravě v obývacím pokoji, ale také se hodí jako dekorační polštářek do ložnice. Oblíbené čtvercové zpracování vám nabídne rozměry 40 × 40 cm. Ke zhotovení povlaku byl zvolen kvalitní materiál, konkrétně polyester. Jeho výplň tvoří duté vlákno. Hlavní přednosti produktu IMPAR Geometrie Polštář IMPAR je velice příjemný Je zařazen mezi dekorační polštáře Má vkusné čtvercové vyhotovení Jeho rozměry činí 40 × 40 cm Ke zhotovení výplně posloužil kvalitní materiál, konkrétně duté vlákno Jeho povlak tvoří polyester Zajímavé ztvárnění navíc umocňuje vícebarevné provedení Charakterizuje jej sublimačně tištěné provedení Slouží jako polštář pod hlavu Vylepšete svůj domov dekoračním polštářem Polštář IMPAR byl zhotoven s důrazem na speciální požadavky zákazníků. Charakterizuje jej sublimačně tištěné provedení, které jednoznačně zútulní váš domov. Tento polštář je skvělou volbou pro relaxaci nebo uvolnění páteře a krku, ať už ho použijete jako podhlavník, nebo...
Guerlain Pánské vůně Habit Rouge Eau de Toilette Spray
Prodejce: Cena: 1,457.00 kč (+60.00 kč)Toaletní voda Habit Rouge je elegantní klasika se svěžími citrusovými tóny.Vůně Habit Rouge byla vytvořena v roce 1965 a je první orientální vůní pro muže v historii parfémů. Tato pocta vášni rodiny Guerlain pro jezdecký sport překvapí smyslnou, ale zároveň silnou vanilkovou vůní. Moderní ve své geometrii, strohá ve své formě, Habit Rouge je nadčasovým svědkem francouzské elegance. Habit Rouge ztělesňuje muže plného odvahy a se sklonem k výstřednosti, který ví, jak spojit výstřednost s rafinovaností. Žije svůj život s oddaností a vyznačuje se mimořádně smyslnou aurou.
K2 Geometric U 148 U
Prodejce: Cena: 6,539.01 kč (+354.59 kč)K2 GEOMETRICHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 GEOMETRIC BOARD.Totally new fresh off the drawing board from the K2 R&D labs the geometric is meant to position itself somewhere between the ultimate jibbing board and the first set-up for the freestyler rider who doesn't want to leave a kidney on it. Price and performance are meant to appeal to those of you who can't wait to rail every structure that comes your way or who are looking for an all-around board with a twin profile and center camber designed to provide pop. the rocker at the tip and tail makes it less aggressive in edge grip so you don't find yourself with your terga on the ground with every try. In short, you spend little and take home everything you need whether you're an infused jibber or a first-time rider who already knows what he wants to do when he grows up.GEOMETRIC K2 BOARDGEOMETRIC, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.GEOMETRIC Twin Combination Camber : Combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a center classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder.GEOMETRIC Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been the top when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.GEOMETRIC Biaxial Glass : Biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.GEOMETRIC Ext ruded 2000 : The Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
DeLonghi Brillante KBJ2001.W
Prodejce: Cena: 1,290.00 kčPřineste do své kuchyně klenot s geometrií, designem a precizním povrchem této konvice
K2 Geometric U 148 U
Prodejce: Cena: 10,036.76 kč (+354.59 kč)K2 GEOMETRICHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 GEOMETRIC BOARD.Totally new fresh off the drawing board from the K2 R&D labs the geometric is meant to position itself somewhere between the ultimate jibbing board and the first set-up for the freestyler rider who doesn't want to leave a kidney on it. Price and performance are meant to appeal to those of you who can't wait to rail every structure that comes your way or who are looking for an all-around board with a twin profile and center camber designed to provide pop. the rocker at the tip and tail makes it less aggressive in edge grip so you don't find yourself with your terga on the ground with every try. In short, you spend little and take home everything you need whether you're an infused jibber or a first-time rider who already knows what he wants to do when he grows up.GEOMETRIC K2 BOARDGEOMETRIC, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.GEOMETRIC Twin Combination Camber : Combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a classic center camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder.GEOMETRIC Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been the top when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.GEOMETRIC Biaxial Glass : Biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.GEOMETRIC Ext ruded 2000 : The Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Oriental Weavers koberce Kusový koberec Lotto 923 FM7 X - 133x190 cm
Prodejce: Cena: 1,149.00 kčKusový koberec lotto 923 FM7X vkusně kombinuje oblíbenou geometrii a barevnou jednoduchost. Koberec je módní a elegantní a nepůsobí přezdobeně. Vhodně proto doplní soudobé interiéry ložnic i prostor před pohovkou v obývacím pokoji. Použité polypropylenové vlákno je oblíbené pro svou možnost snadného a účinného čištění a nenáročnou údržbu.
K2 Geometric U 152 U
Prodejce: Cena: 10,036.76 kč (+354.59 kč)K2 GEOMETRICHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 GEOMETRIC BOARD.Totally new fresh off the drawing board from the K2 R&D labs the geometric is meant to position itself somewhere between the ultimate jibbing board and the first set-up for the freestyler rider who doesn't want to leave a kidney on it. Price and performance are meant to appeal to those of you who can't wait to rail every structure that comes your way or who are looking for an all-around board with a twin profile and center camber designed to provide pop. the rocker at the tip and tail makes it less aggressive in edge grip so you don't find yourself with your terga on the ground with every try. In short, you spend little and take home everything you need whether you're an infused jibber or a first-time rider who already knows what he wants to do when he grows up.GEOMETRIC K2 BOARDGEOMETRIC, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.GEOMETRIC Twin Combination Camber : Combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a classic center camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder.GEOMETRIC Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been the top when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.GEOMETRIC Biaxial Glass : Biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.GEOMETRIC Ext ruded 2000 : The Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Dvouruční nůžky na větve Felco 211-60
Prodejce: Cena: 2,202.00 kčZákladní specifikace Dvouruční nůžky na větve Felco 211-60 Bypass obouruční větvové nůžky švýcarského výrobce v délce 50 cm Průměr střihu do 35 mm Hmotnost : 885 g Vysoce odolné a lehké hliníkové rukojeti s „I“ profilem Protiskluzová úprava rukojetí Díky nové geometrii stříhací nabízejí nůžky 40% úsporu síly uživatele ve srovnání s modely FELCO 200 a 210 Mikrometrické nastavení stříhací hlavice Ostří z kvalitní tvrzené oceli Protiostří z kované kvalitní oceli Měkké tlumící dorazy pro šetření paží Detailní popis Dvouruční nůžky na větve Felco 211-60 S průměrem řezu do 35mm jsou nůžky FELCO 211 perfektním nástrojem vhodným pro střih tvrdých dřevin v sadech, vinohradech, v zahradách a při péči o dřeviny v parcích. Nůžky FELCO 211 jsou co do hmotnosti nástroj lehký a díky protiskluzové úpravě sedí v dlaních příjemně a jistě. Trubka rukojeti s „I“ profilem vyrobená z kvalitního hliníku nabízí optimální odolnost při zátěži a umístěné měkké nárazníky významně tlumí nárazy při střihu a chrání tak proti nadměrnému opotřebení a zánětům pohybového aparátu ruky.
Roxy Jetty True Black New Geometric Xs True Black New Geometric
Prodejce: Cena: 2,395.20 kč (+354.59 kč)ROXY ROXY JETTYHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the ROXY ROXY JETTY JACKET.Roxy's mega-historic model every year outdoes itself by giving girls on the snow comfort, waterproofness, warmth above all else. It also costs just the right amount of money, has a nice wide hood, on-trend coloring, ultra-comfortable Lycra cuffs, tactical pockets and record-breaking padding.ROXY JETTY JETTY JACKETROXY JETTY, WOMEN 'S JACKET by ROXY that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.ROXY JETTY 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it delivers all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.ROXY JETTY 10,000GR Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.ROXY JETTY ADJUSTABLE CAP Features: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.ROXY JETTY HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Klim Viper Pro Sněžné Skútry Jedna Velikost Černá Šedá
Prodejce: Cena: 2,279.87 kč (+202.51 kč)* Geometrie rámu Fov+ pro maximální zorné pole * Trojitě testovaná dvojitá čočka Polycarb Uv400 * Fogtech HD protimlhová vrstva položek: Klim Viper Pro Sněžné skútry
K2 Geometric Wide U 157 U
Prodejce: Cena: 10,036.76 kč (+354.59 kč)K2 GEOMETRIC WIDEHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 GEOMETRIC WIDE BOARD.Totally new fresh from the K2 R&D labs the geometric is meant to position itself somewhere between the ultimate jibbing board and the first set-up for the freestyler rider who doesn't want to leave a kidney on it. Price and performance are meant to appeal to those of you who can't wait to rail every structure that comes your way or who are looking for an all-around board with a twin profile and center camber designed to provide pop. the rocker at the tip and tail makes it less aggressive in edge grip so you don't find yourself with your terga on the ground with every try. In short, you spend little and take home everything you need whether you're an infused jibber or a first-time rider who already knows what he wants to do when he grows up.GEOMETRIC WIDE K2 BOARDGEOMETRIC WIDE, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be randomly alternated among those offered in the product image.GEOMETRIC Twin Combination Camber : Combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a classic center camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder.GEOMETRIC Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been the top when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.GEOMETRIC Biaxial Glass : Biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.GEOMETRIC Ext ruded 2000 : The Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Mizuno Golf Mizuno Pro Fli-Hi pánské železo, grafit, pánské, pravé, Aerotech Steelfibre HLS880 Steel/Graphite, Regular, 4 železo, grafit
Prodejce: Cena: 5,918.00 kčMizuno Pro Fli-Hi pánské železo - grafit Přesunutí svařovací linie na čelní stranu umožňuje tenčí geometrii horní linie. Odstranění tryskání z horní linie dále zvyšuje štíhlý vzhled. Kompaktní hlava s tenčím profilem na úderové ploše. Technologie Harmonic Impact. Zvýšení rychlosti míče díky novým materiálům a konstrukci. Zvýšený launch (start) díky optimalizovanému wolframu. Černý iontový plně saténový kartáčový povrch. Shaft SteelFiber HLS 880 Graphite shaft - F4 (Stiff), F5 (X-stiff) Specifikace 2i 3i 4i Loft 16.5° 19° 21.5° Lie 59° 59.5° 60°
K2 Geometric Wide U 154 U
Prodejce: Cena: 6,539.01 kč (+354.59 kč)K2 GEOMETRIC WIDEHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 GEOMETRIC WIDE BOARD.Totally new fresh from the K2 R&D labs the geometric is meant to position itself somewhere between the ultimate jibbing board and the first set-up for the freestyler rider who doesn't want to leave a kidney on it. Price and performance are meant to appeal to those of you who can't wait to rail every structure that comes your way or who are looking for an all-around board with a twin profile and center camber designed to provide pop. the rocker at the tip and tail makes it less aggressive in edge grip so you don't find yourself with your terga on the ground with every try. In short, you spend little and take home everything you need whether you're an infused jibber or a first-time rider who already knows what he wants to do when he grows up.GEOMETRIC WIDE K2 BOARDGEOMETRIC WIDE, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be randomly alternated among those offered in the product image.GEOMETRIC Twin Combination Camber : Combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a classic center camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder.GEOMETRIC Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been the top when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.GEOMETRIC Biaxial Glass : Biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.GEOMETRIC Ext ruded 2000 : The Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Sandy Shapes Ribelle Rocker Noce 143 Noce
Prodejce: Cena: 13,458.47 kč (+354.59 kč)SANDY SHAPES REBEL ROCKERHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SANDY SHAPES RIBELLE ROCKER BOARD. Wider geometries, structural reinforcements, very short spokes and details combined with long transition zones are the essence of these boards, all pure twin tip dedicated to riders who want pure fun machines. Much lighter and skateable, these boards are capable of generating new riding emotions. I'll translate it in case you don't know how to do it: Master Sandy makes all his boards by hand, ok? By hand means that he takes the wood with pegs and nzomma you understand. The rebel is a bomb, width increased so you can take it shorter and have fun like a rebel. Flat profile with rocker at the tip and tail for more progressive turns and perfect floatability in the fresh air. The tip also has a spoon shape, in other words a three-dimensional rocker to make rotations and flat tricks even more comfortable. The longitudinal reinforcements in the high-quality core of this board make it super-poppy and perfect for high-level freestyle. SANDY SHAPES RIBELLE ROCKER BOARDThe RIBELLE ROCKER is a VERSATILE FREESTYLE BOARD for MEN by SANDY SHAPES: maneuverability is its bread and butter, combining intuitiveness and completeness unique to its kind. It doesn't disdain the piste and off-piste. RIBELLE ROCKER Twin Tip Shape: completely symmetrical board, i.e. identical tip and tail, this allows you to find yourself completely balanced even in switch. This shape was created for freestyle but is also used in many all-mountain events.RIBELLE ROCKER Reduced Rocker Profile: flat underfoot that transforms into two rockers at the tip and tail, for maximum maneuverability without affecting floatability even in fresh snow.RIBELLE ROCKER Negative Core Core: the thickness of the core is reduced right in the middle of the feet, perfect for feeling the board deform a little more, thus leaving greater freedom of movement for the legs. Suitable for those who are looking for something more playful and lively even at low speedsRIBELLEROCKER Nug : 8/10 cm shorter boards that go just like their longer sisters? The Nug technology makes the boards wider and shorter, with reinforcements in the right places and shorter spokes it increases manoeuvrability and fun without affecting pure performance . Its list priceis 589.99euro but only on Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee. If you liked this board, take a look at all the boards similar to SANDY SHAPES RIBELLE ROCKER or have a look at the snowboard bindings category.Choose your equipment and come and try it with Farmily at one of the Fresh Farm snowcamps!!!
K2 Geometric Wide U 154 U
Prodejce: Cena: 10,036.76 kč (+354.59 kč)K2 GEOMETRIC WIDEHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 GEOMETRIC WIDE BOARD.Totally new fresh from the K2 R&D labs the geometric is meant to position itself somewhere between the ultimate jibbing board and the first set-up for the freestyler rider who doesn't want to leave a kidney on it. Price and performance are meant to appeal to those of you who can't wait to rail every structure that comes your way or who are looking for an all-around board with a twin profile and center camber designed to provide pop. the rocker at the tip and tail makes it less aggressive in edge grip so you don't find yourself with your terga on the ground with every try. In short, you spend little and take home everything you need whether you're an infused jibber or a first-time rider who already knows what he wants to do when he grows up.GEOMETRIC WIDE K2 BOARDGEOMETRIC WIDE, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be randomly alternated among those offered in the product image.GEOMETRIC Twin Combination Camber : Combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a classic center camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder.GEOMETRIC Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been the top when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.GEOMETRIC Biaxial Glass : Biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.GEOMETRIC Ext ruded 2000 : The Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Lyže Sporten TALENT 20/21 vel.120cm
Prodejce: Cena: 3,900.00 kčLyže, která má nezastupitelnou roli v progresu začínajícího mladého lyžaře, s kombinovaným jádrem a geometrií orientovanou na „točivost“. Lyže se dodává v setu s vázáním VIST LIGHT 29
MTR 56 cm AL truck GEOMETRY
Prodejce: Cena: 599.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Penny board MTR 56 cm AL truck GEOMETRY: Penny board MTR zaručí hladkou jízdu po městě i možnost zkoušet nové triky ve skateparku. Kromě toho jízda na něm rozvíjí koordinaci a zapojuje také téměř všechny svaly na těle. Deska penny boardu disponuje délkou 56 cm a vyrobená je z polypropylenu. Opatřená je hliníkovým truckem, který zajistí nosnost až 100 kg. Polyuretanová kolečka s tvrdostí 78A jsou osázená vysoce kvalitními ložisky ABEC-7, která umožní větší rychlost a nabízí přesnou jízdu. Penny board vyniká rovněž svými kompaktními rozměry, díky čemuž ho snadno uschováte do batohu. Na penny boardu MTR si užijete spoustu zábavy a navíc vás pohodlně dopraví po městě. Klíčové vlastnosti penny boardu MTR 56 cm AL truck GEOMETRYPenny board vhodný pro jízdu po městě i trikyDeska disponuje délkou 56 cm a vyrobená je z polypropylenuHliníkový truck zajistí nosnost až 100 kgPolyuretanová kolečka s tvrdostí 78A jsou osázená vysoce kvalitními ložisky ABEC-7Ložiska umožní větší rychlost a nabízí přesnou jízduPenny board MTR vyniká svými...
kolo AMULET 29 Cool cat 3.0, light blue/black, 2022
Prodejce: Cena: 10,360.00 kčAMULET Cool Cat 3.0 disponuje novou generací hliníkového rámu AMULET 29" ALLOY SG4. Nové profily trubek pro ještě nižší hmotnost a vylepšená geometrie přináší skvělé jízdní vlastnosti. V kombinaci s pohonem S-RIDE 3X8 a hydraulickými brzdami je Cool Cat 3.0 skvělou volbou pro začínající cyklisty. Užijte si jízdu na maximum! Amulet Cool Cat 3.0 29", barva světle modrá/černá Dostupné velikosti rámů: S/15" - od cca 158 - 169 cm M/17" - od cca 168 -179 cm
Magformers Geometrie 1 CZ
Prodejce: Cena: 2,790.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Stavebnice Magformers Geometrie 1 CZ:Je vaše dítě milovníkem stavebnicí různého formátu? Stavebnice Magformers má velmi dobrý vliv na duševní rozvoj dětí a podporu jejich jemné motoriky, kreativity a fantazie. Tato aktivita dítka zabaví na dlouhé chvíle, a navíc volný čas využijí efektivně. Těšit se můžete na celkem 45 dílků. Výrobním materiálem stavebnice je plast. Stavebnice Magformers je ideální pro děti od 3 let. Hlavní přednosti stavebnice Magformers Geometrie 1 CZ Stavebnice nabízí zábavu i možnost vzdělávání Je nápomocná při rozvíjení kreativity, jemné motoriky i logického myšlení Ke kompletnímu složení máte k dispozici 45 dílků Materiálem je plast Stavebnice Magformers je určena dětem od 3 let
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