Byly nalezeny 40 produkty odpovídající vašemu vyhledávání nstroj v 5 obchodech:
Tender Leaf Sada stavebních strojů Construction Site
Prodejce: Cena: 699.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sada autíček Tender Leaf Sada stavebních strojů Construction Site:Sada stavebních strojů Tender Leaf Construction Site přináší dětem neomezenou zábavu a možnost kreativního hraní. Každý kus je navržen s ohledem na detail a bezpečnost, což zaručuje, že si děti mohou hrát bez obav. Pěkně zpracovaná vozidla inspirují malé stavebníky k tomu, aby se ponořili do světa konstrukce a inženýrství. Při hře si rozvíjejí nejen motorické dovednosti, ale také schopnost spolupracovat a komunikovat s ostatními. Díky atraktivnímu designu a kvalitnímu materiálu je sada Tender Leaf ideálním dárkem pro každého malého milovníka staveb a dobrodružství. Klíčové vlastnosti sady stavebních strojů Tender Leaf Construction SiteSada stavebních strojů Tender Leaf Construction Site přináší dětem zábavu a kreativní hraníKaždý kus je navržen s ohledem na bezpečnostPři hře si děti rozvíjejí motorické dovednosti a schopnost spolupracovatKvalitní materiál zajišťuje dlouhou životnostStandardní šířka kol se hodí na všechna dřevěná vlaková kolejištěSada Tender Leaf je vhodná pro děti od 3...
Bruder Konstrukční vozy - CAT válcovací stroj při pokládání asfaltu 1:16
Prodejce: Cena: 407.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Auto Bruder Konstrukční vozy - CAT válcovací stroj při pokládání asfaltu 1:16: Pro správné položení asfaltu se neobejdete bez CAT válcovacího stroje od Auto Bruder v měřítku 1:16. Válcovací stroj disponuje dvěma tandemovými vibračními válci, které se pohybují současně a pohyb dopředu i dozadu je tak snadný. Vychutnejte si jeho dokonalou repliku od Auto Bruder, jež se může chlubit moderním žluto-černým designem a skvělými funkcemi včetně ruční brzdy nebo úzkého poloměru otáčení pro snadné manévrování. Válcovací stroj Auto Bruder je kompatibilní s figurkou, je vyroben z kvalitního ABS plastu a skvěle zapadá do rodiny silničářských vozů Bruder. Hodí se na hraní venku i uvnitř. Pro ještě lepší zábavu přikupte kompaktní nakladač CAT 02431 a mini rypadlo Schaeff HR16 02432. Klíčové vlastnosti CAT válcovacího stroje při pokládání asfaltu Auto BruderCAT válcovací stroj při pokládání asfaltu Auto Bruder pro kluky i holkyDokonalá replika s moderním žluto-černým designemŘada skvělých funkcí včetně ruční brzdy nebo úzkého poloměru otáčení pro snadné manévrováníVálcovací stroj...
K2 Instrument U 151 U
Prodejce: Cena: 8,495.84 kč (+353.75 kč)K2 INSTRUMENTHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 INSTRUMENT BOARD.Meee regaz the carving future present past of generations of snowboarders who got tired of slaughtering their kneecaps in the parks. The Instrument is a plaything for stylish turns, soft enough to inhale confidence in packs and precise enough to plant you lying down and waving at skiers' ankles up close. The carbon placed at the tip and tail helps the transition from edge to edge, thanks to the increased width the camber angle is superb and the sintered 4000 slab runs as smooth as beers on the Coop cash register before the cashier gives you a dirty look since it's the third time you've bought a 15-crate this week. Ah with the directional camber and extra width it floats in powder that's a pleasure baby.K2 INSTRUMENT BOARDINSTRUMENT, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.INSTRUMENT Directional Combination Camber : The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version features a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.INSTRUMENT A1 Core : a super light, super energy-charged and even super reistant core, what more could you want? 3 different types of woods allow you to pull the most, Aspen woods to give you energy, bamboo underfoot to increase responsiveness in edge changes and finally paulownia at the tip and tail to lighten the package.INSTRUMENT ICG Carbon Glass : add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the ultra-lightweight and durable sandwich.INSTRUMENT Carbon Darkweb : the Carbon Darwkeb places carbon strings under the bindings to transmit any impulse from tip to tail in an instant, giving the board unprecedented responsiveness and stability.INSTRUMENT Sintered 4000 : thanks to its top-quality PTex, the sintered sintered 4000 base is fast and durable.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
K2 Instrument U 160 U
Prodejce: Cena: 13,199.04 kč (+353.75 kč)K2 INSTRUMENTHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 INSTRUMENT BOARD.Meee regaz the carving future present past of generations of snowboarders who got tired of slaughtering their kneecaps in the parks. The Instrument is a plaything for stylish turns, soft enough to inhale confidence in packs and precise enough to plant you lying down and waving at skiers' ankles up close. The carbon placed at the tip and tail helps the transition from edge to edge, thanks to the increased width the camber angle is superb and the sintered 4000 slab runs as smooth as beers on the Coop cash register before the cashier gives you a dirty look since it's the third time you've bought a 15-crate this week. Ah with the directional camber and extra width it floats in powder that's a pleasure baby.K2 INSTRUMENT BOARDINSTRUMENT, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.INSTRUMENT Directional Combination Camber : The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version features a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.INSTRUMENT A1 Core : a super light, super energy-charged and even super reistant core, what more could you want? 3 different types of woods allow you to pull the most, Aspen woods to give you energy, bamboo underfoot to increase responsiveness in edge changes and finally paulownia at the tip and tail to lighten the package.INSTRUMENT ICG Carbon Glass : add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the ultra-lightweight and durable sandwich.INSTRUMENT Carbon Darkweb : the Carbon Darwkeb places carbon strings under the bindings to transmit any impulse from tip to tail in an instant, giving the board unprecedented responsiveness and stability.INSTRUMENT Sintered 4000 : thanks to its top-quality PTex, the sintered sintered 4000 base is fast and durable.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
K2 Instrument U 157 U
Prodejce: Cena: 13,199.04 kč (+353.75 kč)K2 INSTRUMENTHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 INSTRUMENT BOARD.Meee regaz the carving future present past of generations of snowboarders who got tired of slaughtering their kneecaps in the parks. The Instrument is a plaything for stylish turns, soft enough to inhale confidence in packs and precise enough to plant you lying down and waving at skiers' ankles up close. The carbon placed at the tip and tail helps the transition from edge to edge, thanks to the increased width the camber angle is superb and the sintered 4000 slab runs as smooth as beers on the Coop cash register before the cashier gives you a dirty look since it's the third time you've bought a 15-crate this week. Ah with the directional camber and extra width it floats in powder that's a pleasure baby.K2 INSTRUMENT BOARDINSTRUMENT, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.INSTRUMENT Directional Combination Camber : The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version features a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.INSTRUMENT A1 Core : a super light, super energy-charged and even super reistant core, what more could you want? 3 different types of woods allow you to pull the most, Aspen woods to give you energy, bamboo underfoot to increase responsiveness in edge changes and finally paulownia at the tip and tail to lighten the package.INSTRUMENT ICG Carbon Glass : add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the ultra-lightweight and durable sandwich.INSTRUMENT Carbon Darkweb : the Carbon Darwkeb places carbon strings under the bindings to transmit any impulse from tip to tail in an instant, giving the board unprecedented responsiveness and stability.INSTRUMENT Sintered 4000 : thanks to its top-quality PTex, the sintered sintered 4000 base is fast and durable.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
K2 Instrument U 157 U
Prodejce: Cena: 8,495.84 kč (+353.75 kč)K2 INSTRUMENTHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 INSTRUMENT BOARD.Meee regaz the carving future present past of generations of snowboarders who got tired of slaughtering their kneecaps in the parks. The Instrument is a plaything for stylish turns, soft enough to inhale confidence in packs and precise enough to plant you lying down and waving at skiers' ankles up close. The carbon placed at the tip and tail helps the transition from edge to edge, thanks to the increased width the camber angle is superb and the sintered 4000 slab runs as smooth as beers on the Coop cash register before the cashier gives you a dirty look since it's the third time you've bought a 15-crate this week. Ah with the directional camber and extra width it floats in powder that's a pleasure baby.K2 INSTRUMENT BOARDINSTRUMENT, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.INSTRUMENT Directional Combination Camber : The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version features a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.INSTRUMENT A1 Core : a super light, super energy-charged and even super reistant core, what more could you want? 3 different types of woods allow you to pull the most, Aspen woods to give you energy, bamboo underfoot to increase responsiveness in edge changes and finally paulownia at the tip and tail to lighten the package.INSTRUMENT ICG Carbon Glass : add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the ultra-lightweight and durable sandwich.INSTRUMENT Carbon Darkweb : the Carbon Darwkeb places carbon strings under the bindings to transmit any impulse from tip to tail in an instant, giving the board unprecedented responsiveness and stability.INSTRUMENT Sintered 4000 : thanks to its top-quality PTex, the sintered sintered 4000 base is fast and durable.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
MASTER 140 x 80 cm s konstrukcí
Prodejce: Cena: 4,999.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Basketbalový koš MASTER 140 x 80 cm s konstrukcí: Basketbalový koš MASTER vám umožní zahrát si basketbal na hřišti, zahradě i v tělocvičně. Tvořený je robustní ocelovou konstrukcí, deskou a obroučkou se síťkou. Obroučka je určená pro míče do velikosti 7 a její výšku lze nastavit od země v rozmezí od 230 do 305 cm. Deska o síle 3 mm je vyrobená z kvalitního polykarbonátu. Basketbalový koš MASTER je vhodný pro vnitřní i venkovní použití. Klíčové vlastnosti basketbalového koše s konstrukcí MASTER 140 × 80 cmBasketbalový koš vhodný pro vnitřní i venkovní použitíTvořený je robustní ocelovou konstrukcí, deskou a obroučkou se síťkouObroučka je určená pro míče do velikosti 7Její výšku lze nastavit od země v rozmezí od 230 do 305 cmDeska o síle 3 mm je vyrobená z kvalitního polykarbonátuBarevné provedení: šedo-bílo-modro-červeno-černé Rozměry desky:140 × 80 cm Hmotnost:34 kg
Ellune Paingone Kapesní Přístroj Na Zmírnění Menstruační Bolesti ID276
Prodejce: Cena: 1,844.00 kč (+49.00 kč)Ellune Paingone Kapesní Přístroj Na Zmírnění Menstruační Bolesti ID276
Nino Percussion Wood Block Instrument Středně velký hudební nástroj pro děti od 3 let Siam Eiche, Natur (NINO21)
Prodejce: Cena: 429.83 kčJednoduché hraní - Tento dřevěný blok nástroj je vhodný pro děti od 3 let pro hudební předškolní výchovu Nápad na dárek - Díky své všestrannosti je tato vychytávka praktickým dárkem pro děti a mládež Středně velký - Tento ruční buben je k dispozici ve 2 různých velikostech, tento je o délce 16 cm střední velikosti Pro menší ruce - ergonomická dřevěná palička obsažená v rozsahu dodávky padne při hraní pevně v ruce Dětský hudební nástroj – Tento dřevěný blok nástroj byl vyvinut tak, aby podpořil zvědavé děti hudební vzdělávání
Boty Dc Construct - Bílá - Us9.5
Prodejce: Cena: 1,832.00 kčModel construct od značky DC. Kolekce 2024. Barva bílá + černá. Materiál: kůže, nubuk, textil, guma.
Boty Dc Construct - Bílá - Us9
Prodejce: Cena: 1,832.00 kčModel construct od značky DC. Kolekce 2024. Barva bílá + černá. Materiál: kůže, nubuk, textil, guma.
Boty Dc Construct - Bílá - Us8
Prodejce: Cena: 1,832.00 kčModel construct od značky DC. Kolekce 2024. Barva bílá + černá. Materiál: kůže, nubuk, textil, guma.
Boty Dc Construct - Bílá - Us8.5
Prodejce: Cena: 1,832.00 kčModel construct od značky DC. Kolekce 2024. Barva bílá + černá. Materiál: kůže, nubuk, textil, guma.
L1 Nitro Snowblind Anorak Moonstruck M Moonstruck
Prodejce: Cena: 4,247.80 kč (+353.75 kč)L1 NITRO SNOWBLIND ANORAKHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the L1 NITRO SNOWBLIND ANORAK.Here we're talking about pure padding. If on stormy days you're drinking hot chocolates but when it's sunny and -20 you're first on the slopes, the Snowblind is perfect. Super warm and super comfortable, with huge pockets, adjustments everywhere, and most of all, super warm. Did I already say that?SNOWBLIND ANORAK L1 NITRO JACKETSNOWBLIND ANORAK, WOMEN 'S JACKET from L1 NITRO that rocks. If you have any doubts about size check the manufacturer's directions.SNOWBLIND ANORAK DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. SNOWBLIND ANORAK 15/20,000GR Breathability: Beyond the expected standard for technical garments, sweat evaporation is constant and guaranteed to keep you feeling totally comfortable when the activity gets intense.SNOWBLIND ANORAK VERY HOT Lining: Padding in excess of 100gr per square meter on the body, these garments are ideal for dealing with very cold temperatures or if you're very cold.SNOWBLIND ANORAK HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: Heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in all the right places for your comfort.SNOWBLIND ANORAK SNOWPROOF GAITFeatures: Microfiber snow gaiter protects your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to your butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.SNOWBLIND ANORAK ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
L1 Nitro Snowblind Anorak Moonstruck L Moonstruck
Prodejce: Cena: 4,247.80 kč (+353.75 kč)L1 NITRO SNOWBLIND ANORAKHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the L1 NITRO SNOWBLIND ANORAK.Here we're talking about pure padding. If on stormy days you're drinking hot chocolates but when it's sunny and -20 you're first on the slopes, the Snowblind is perfect. Super warm and super comfortable, with huge pockets, adjustments everywhere, and most of all, super warm. Did I already say that?SNOWBLIND ANORAK L1 NITRO JACKETSNOWBLIND ANORAK, WOMEN 'S JACKET from L1 NITRO that rocks. If you have any doubts about size check the manufacturer's directions.SNOWBLIND ANORAK DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. SNOWBLIND ANORAK 15/20,000GR Breathability: Beyond the expected standard for technical garments, sweat evaporation is constant and guaranteed to keep you feeling totally comfortable when the activity gets intense.SNOWBLIND ANORAK VERY HOT Lining: Padding in excess of 100gr per square meter on the body, these garments are ideal for dealing with very cold temperatures or if you're very cold.SNOWBLIND ANORAK HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: Heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in all the right places for your comfort.SNOWBLIND ANORAK SNOWPROOF GAITFeatures: Microfiber snow gaiter protects your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to your butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.SNOWBLIND ANORAK ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Meinl Percussion The Roar Instrument efektní nástroj se zvukem klapání dřevo, černá (RO3BK)
Prodejce: Cena: 1,441.19 kčChrastící zvuk - Konec koule zašitý proti dlani vytváří dlouhotrvající, chrastící efekt Jednoduché hraní - Percussion Instrument je vhodný pro Jam Sessions, Live vystoupení a natáčení studia Pro malé i velké ruce - Díky kompaktní výšce cca 12 cm padne nástroj pevně v ruce Rytmický doprovod - Tento efektní nástroj je kompaktním hudebním doplňkem pro všechny zpěváky a skladatele Nápad na dárek - Tento nástroj je mnohostranným dárkem pro hudebnice a hudebníky, aby rozšířili své nastavení
Nino Percussion Wood A-Go-Go Instrument zvonky hudební nástroj pro děti od 3 let 2 řady siam dub, přírodní (NINO560)
Prodejce: Cena: 477.87 kčJednoduché hraní - Toto Wood A-Go-Go je vhodné pro děti od 3 let pro hudební předškolní výchovu Nápad na dárek - Díky své všestrannosti je tato vychytávka praktickým dárkem pro děti a mládež Silný zvuk - Tento nástroj lze s dřevěnou paličkou hrát jako guiro a vytvořit tak silné zvuky Pro menší ruce - ergonomická dřevěná palička obsažená v rozsahu dodávky padne při hraní pevně v ruce Dětský hudební nástroj - Toto dřevo A-Go-Go bylo vyvinuto pro výuku hudby zvědavých dětí
Boty Dc Construct - Bílá - Us11.5
Prodejce: Cena: 1,832.00 kčModel construct od značky DC. Kolekce 2024. Barva bílá + černá. Materiál: kůže, nubuk, textil, guma.
Remo PinStripe Clear 18'' BD
Prodejce: Cena: 1,061.93 kčSe středními tóny s hlubokou a zvýšenou trvanlivostí 2vrstvá transparentní fólie 7 Mil Ideální pro použití pop, R a B a Rock K dostání ve velikostech 15,2 cm – 76,2 cm Remo Pinstripe Pinstripe transparentní bass buben 18 palců Ps-1318-00
Boty Dc Construct - Černá - Us8
Prodejce: Cena: 1,832.00 kčModel construct od značky DC. Kolekce 2024. Barva černá. Materiál: nubuk, semiš, textil, guma.
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