Byly nalezeny 114 produkty odpovídající vašemu vyhledávání shock v 10 obchodech:
Salomon S/max 10 Xt + M12 Black Tumeric Shock 163 Black Tumeric Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 13,983.16 kč (+353.75 kč)SALOMON S/MAX 10 XT + M12Hey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the SALOMON S/MAX 10 XT + M12 FREESTYLE SKISTS.Designed for skiers just waiting to experience the thrill of the descent regardless of the conditions, this ski is ready to offer you the right alternation between fun and technical precision in turns and at speed. Experience this stable and powerful ski/attachment system, take full advantage of the combination of progressive technologies and innovative design, and make your mark on every descent.FREESTYLE SKI S/MAX 10 XT + M12 SALOMONS/MAX 10 XT + M12, UNISEX FREESTYLESKI from SALOMON that rocks.Skis for structured, safe and performance freeride use off-piste. Product refers to the setup including skis and bindings. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact customer service! Directional skis have a light or more pronounced directionality, and a sidecut calibrated to encourage more aggressive riding. The sidecut is therefore asymmetrical, the ski in question will be extremely stable and powerful on the slope and have excellent floatation in powder. Medium sustained flex the value that indicates the flex strength of a ski. A stiff ski (high flex) is more responsive and gives a more immediate, safe and stable response while a soft ski (low flex) is more maneuverable and devoted to performing freestyle maneuvers. Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Casio G-SHOCK GA 100-1A1
Prodejce: Cena: 2,599.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Pánské hodinky CASIO G-SHOCK GA 100-1A1:Pánské náramkové hodinky Casio GA 100-1A1 jsou díky svým funkcím a vzhledu určeny pro náruživé sportovce, stejně tak dobře poslouží i všem, kteří mají rádi o všem přehled. Jako zdroj energie slouží hodinkám baterie. Kombinovaný ciferník s 12 indexy nabízí jak klasické ručičky, tak digitální displeje a informuje nejen o čase v místě, kde se právě nacházíte, ale i o dalších světových časech, které se budete přát.K dispozici jsou také stopky či stopky s odpočítáváním, datum a až 5 budíků. Celý displej má automatické LED podsvícení. Pouzdro je ve tvaru kruhu, jako materiál byl použit vysoce kvalitní plast, sklíčko hodinek je minerální. Hodinky jsou odolné proti vodě při potápění bez kyslíkového přístroje.Parametry a specifikace:Určení:Pánské náramkové hodinkyNapájení:BateriePrůměr pouzdra: 51 mmMateriál:Plastové pouzdroMinerální skloPouzdro: Ve tvaru kruhuFunkce:KOmbinovaný ciferník s 12 indexyOdolné proti vodě při potápění bez kyslíkového...
Yss Bi-Amortisseur Tc302 Ecoline Twin Shock Honda Nss 300 Forza
Prodejce: Cena: 7,578.47 kč (+202.51 kč)položek: YSS Bi-amortisseur TC302 Ecoline Twin Shock Honda NSS 300 Forza
Casio G-SHOCK GA 100-1A4
Prodejce: Cena: 2,890.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Pánské hodinky CASIO G-SHOCK GA 100-1A4:Pánské náramkové hodinky Casio GA 100-1A4 jsou díky svým funkcím a vzhledu určeny pro náruživé sportovce, stejně tak dobře poslouží i všem, kteří mají rádi o všem přehled. Jako zdroj energie slouží hodinkám baterie. Kombinovaný ciferník s 12 indexy nabízí jak klasické ručičky, tak digitální displeje a informuje nejen o čase v místě, kde se právě nacházíte, ale i o dalších světových časech, které se budete přát.K dispozici jsou také stopky či stopky s odpočítáváním, datum a až 5 budíků. Celý displej má automatické LED podsvícení. Pouzdro je ve tvaru kruhu, jako materiál byl použit vysoce kvalitní plast, sklíčko hodinek je minerální. Hodinky jsou odolné proti vodě při potápění bez kyslíkového přístroje.Parametry a specifikace:Určení:Pánské náramkové hodinkyNapájení:BateriePrůměr pouzdra: 51 mmMateriál:Plastové pouzdroMinerální skloPouzdro: Ve tvaru kruhuFunkce:Kombinovaný ciferník s 12 indexyOdolné proti vodě při potápění bez kyslíkového...
NYX Professional Makeup Make-up očí Eyeliner Epic Wear Semi-Perm Graphic Liner Stick Magenta Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 141.00 kč (+60.00 kč)Praktická Epic Wear Semi-Perm Graphic Liner Stick od NYX Professional Makeup okouzlí ženy širokou škálou barev. K dispozici je celkem 14 barevných odstínů od All Time Olive po Gold Plated a Pure White pro moderní styling. Praktická oční linka je voděodolná a nerozmazává se až 36 hodin po nalíčení. Každá z matných a metalických barev tužky na oči navíc zůstává intenzivně zářivá, protože tento make-up nevybledne. Tužka na oči vyvinutá exkluzivně kosmetickou značkou NYX Professional Makeup je ideální pro barevné a stylové líčení. Epic Wear Semi-Perm Graphic Liner Stick - luxusní make-up pro náročné ženyInovativní oční linky od značky NYX Professional Makeup je nejlépe vybrousit před úpravou. Čím je tužka na líčení ostřejší, tím přesnější bude oční linka. Pro graficky přesné a poutavé linky by se tužka Epic Wear Semi-Perm Graphic Liner Stick měla nanášet buď nad základnu řas, nebo podél záhybu očního víčka. Dámy používají krásné barvy také v kombinaci pro extravagantní líčení. Všechny barevné odstíny lze použít také pro body art líčení. Po dlouhém dni odstraňte oční linky jemným čisticím tonikem.
Casio G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER
Prodejce: Cena: 3,499.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Pánské hodinky CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER:CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER jsou prezicní pánské hodinky, které budou na vašem zápěstí lichotivým prvkem. Najdete na nich průměru 46 mm. Takzvané Quartz řešení strojku je synonymem nadstandardní přesnosti měření a velmi dlouhé výdrže baterie. Materiálem zvoleným k výrobě řemínku je pryskyřice a dodává jim šmrnc, aniž by se snížilo pohodlí při nošení. Náramkové hodinky CASIO vydrží díky své vysoké voděodolnosti i hlubší potápění. Celkový stupeň krytí mají 200 m (20 ATM) . Hlavní znaky pánských hodinek CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER Strojek s Quartz technologií běží na baterii, která má dlouhou výdrž Příjemně překvapí funkce stopek Základní funkcí hodinek CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER je ukazatel aktuálního data Po obvodu sklíčka je drobná stupnice tachymetru pro počítání rychlosti Řemínek tvoří pryskyřice Kategorie vodotěsnosti hodinek CASIO: 200 m (20 ATM) Ciferník nese barvu: černá Barva řemínku: černá Pánské hodinky mají strojek quartz Náramkové hodinky CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER nabízí i další funkci Každému...
skimishak hustilka MAX1 Shock s manometrem
Prodejce: Cena: 899.00 kč (+88.00 kč)hustilka na huštění tlumičů a odpružených vidlic, max tlak 21bar (300psi), s možností odpuštění
Casio G-SHOCK GBD-200-9ER
Prodejce: Cena: 3,590.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Pánské hodinky CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-9ER:CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-9ER jsou zajímavé pánské hodinky, které spolehlivě nebudete chtít sundat ze zápěstí. Nabídnou velikosti 45,9 mm. Strojek s technologií Quartz bude vždy zárukou vysoké spolehlivosti a dlouhé výdrže baterie. Řemínek tvoří plast, to designerům umožnilo dosáhnout příjemného vzhledu bez jakékoli ztráty pohodlí při nošení. Náramkové hodinky CASIO si díky vysoké odolnosti poradí i s hlubinným potápěním. Stupeň krytí hodinek má hodnotu 200 m (20 ATM) . Klíčové znaky pánských hodinek CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-9ER Strojek s Quartz technologií běží na baterii, která má dlouhou výdrž Můžete využít stopky k měření času Zásadní funkcí hodinek CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-9ER je ukazatel data Řemínek tvoří plast Stupeň vodotěsnosti hodinek CASIO: 200 m (20 ATM) Barva ciferníku: černá Barva řemínku: žlutá Pánské hodinky mají strojek quartz Náramkové hodinky CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-9ER nabízí i další funkci Každému určitě přijde vhod budík. Zpoždením a pozdním příchodům kvůli zaspání bude konec. Hodinky vás...
Yss Tb222 Plynový Tlumič Dtg Twin Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 3,041.51 kč (+202.51 kč)položek: YSS TB222 Plynový tlumič DTG Twin Shock
Casio G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER
Prodejce: Cena: 3,890.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Pánské hodinky CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER:CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER jsou prezicní pánské hodinky, které budou na vašem zápěstí lichotivým prvkem. Najdete na nich průměru 46 mm. Takzvané Quartz řešení strojku je synonymem nadstandardní přesnosti měření a velmi dlouhé výdrže baterie. Materiálem zvoleným k výrobě řemínku je pryskyřice a dodává jim šmrnc, aniž by se snížilo pohodlí při nošení. Náramkové hodinky CASIO vydrží díky své vysoké voděodolnosti i hlubší potápění. Celkový stupeň krytí mají 200 m (20 ATM) . Hlavní znaky pánských hodinek CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER Strojek s Quartz technologií běží na baterii, která má dlouhou výdrž Příjemně překvapí funkce stopek Základní funkcí hodinek CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER je ukazatel aktuálního data Po obvodu sklíčka je drobná stupnice tachymetru pro počítání rychlosti Řemínek tvoří pryskyřice Kategorie vodotěsnosti hodinek CASIO: 200 m (20 ATM) Ciferník nese barvu: černá Barva řemínku: černá Pánské hodinky mají strojek quartz Náramkové hodinky CASIO G-SHOCK GBD-200-1ER nabízí i další funkci Každému...
Volcom Voluxe Beanie Orange Shock One Size Orange Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 910.04 kč (+353.75 kč)VOLCOM VOLUXE BEANIEHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the VOLCOM VOLUXE BEANIE.Ah the crasis between volcom and deluxe, puke.VOLCOM VOLUXE BEANIEVOLUXE BEANIE, WOMEN 'S BEARSHIRT by VOLCOM that rocks. If you're in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Casio G-SHOCK GA 100-1A1
Prodejce: Cena: 2,890.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Pánské hodinky CASIO G-SHOCK GA 100-1A1:Pánské náramkové hodinky Casio GA 100-1A1 jsou díky svým funkcím a vzhledu určeny pro náruživé sportovce, stejně tak dobře poslouží i všem, kteří mají rádi o všem přehled. Jako zdroj energie slouží hodinkám baterie. Kombinovaný ciferník s 12 indexy nabízí jak klasické ručičky, tak digitální displeje a informuje nejen o čase v místě, kde se právě nacházíte, ale i o dalších světových časech, které se budete přát.K dispozici jsou také stopky či stopky s odpočítáváním, datum a až 5 budíků. Celý displej má automatické LED podsvícení. Pouzdro je ve tvaru kruhu, jako materiál byl použit vysoce kvalitní plast, sklíčko hodinek je minerální. Hodinky jsou odolné proti vodě při potápění bez kyslíkového přístroje.Parametry a specifikace:Určení:Pánské náramkové hodinkyNapájení:BateriePrůměr pouzdra: 51 mmMateriál:Plastové pouzdroMinerální skloPouzdro: Ve tvaru kruhuFunkce:KOmbinovaný ciferník s 12 indexyOdolné proti vodě při potápění bez kyslíkového...
Volcom 91 Goretex Mitt Orange Shock S Orange Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 2,144.00 kč (+353.75 kč)VOLCOM 91 GORETEX MITTHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the VOLCOM 91 GORETEXMITT.The original mitts of Doraemon who was a madonna snowboarder and wanted the top of warmth and waterproofness. So Volcom put a Gore Tex insert and a Primaloft mitt on it, problem solved.91 GORETEX MITT VOLCOM GLOVE91 GORETEX MITT, VOLCOM 'S MEN 'S GLOVES that rock.Its list price is 105.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come and try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Volcom Stone 91 Youth Orange Shock L Orange Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 2,730.64 kč (+353.75 kč)VOLCOM STONE 91 YOUTHHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the VOLCOM STONE 91 YOUTH JACKET.The Stone is mega warm and has a waterproof pack. The styling is superb and the technical equipment is killer.STONE 91 YOUTH VOLCOM JACKETSTONE 91 YOUTH, CHILD 'S JACKET from VOLCOM that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.STONE 91 YOUTH DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps, and bad jokes. STONE 91 YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.STONE 91 YOUTH 10,000GR Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.STONE 91 YOUTH VERY HOT Lining: Padding over 100gr per square meter on the body, these garments are ideal for dealing with very cold temperatures or if you are very cold.STONE 91 YOUTH ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The hood is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.STONE 91 YOUTH SNOW GAITFeatures: The microfiber snow gaiter protects your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to the butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.STONE 91 YOUTH HATCHED SEAMSFeatures: Heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in all the right places for your comfort.STONE 91 YOUTH SKIPASS POCKETFeatures: Convenient ski pass pocket positioned on the right side for bipping at turnstiles. Except for some who mount them on the wrong side.STONE 91 YOUTH INTERFACE WITH PANTS Features: Convenient interface for clipping or zipping jacket and pants of the same brand together, snow stays out and warm inside. Only in case of diarrhea it might be complicated to disassemble the suit in time.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Amphibious Anti-Shock Vložka Pro Atom Jedna Velikost Šedá
Prodejce: Cena: 607.04 kč (+202.51 kč)* Vybaveno držadly pro rychlé vytažení * Přihrádky proti otřesům * 1 kapsa na zip položek: Amphibious Anti-Shock Vložka pro Atom
Volcom Aw 3 In 1 Goretex Orange Shock S Orange Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 10,442.87 kč (+353.75 kč)VOLCOM AW 3 IN 1 GORETEXHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the VOLCOM AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX JACKET.Two jackets in one or maybe three. Yes because you have a totally waterproof Gore Tex outer shell, and a very warm padded inner jacket. You can use them separately or zipper them together to form a gundam of total waterproofness and warmth, supported by the Recco, sealed pockets, taped seams and a thousand other top-quality devilries.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX VOLCOM JACKETAW 3 IN 1 GORETEX, WOMEN 'S JACKET from VOLCOM that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX Waterproofness: The laminate of GORETEX consists of an outer membrane that protects the garment and an inner membrane of real GORETEX that provides waterproofness well above the maximum limits of 20,000mm. Applied to this laminate is an inner lining that makes the garment comfortable to the touch.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, blows and bad jokes. AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX >20K Waterproofness: Official tests stop at a water column of 20,000mm, but this fabric manages to go beyond that by ensuring ultimate waterproofness.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX VERY HOT Lining: Padding in excess of 100gr per square meter on the body, these garments are ideal for dealing with very cold temperatures or if you're very cold.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX SNOW GAITERFeatures: The microfiber snow gaiter protects your ass from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to your butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX MICROFIBER POLOS Features: Comfortable microfiber inner cuffs leave snow out and arms in. Delicate.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX ADJUSTABLE CAP Features: The hood is adjustable to fit your crooked head and keep snow from falling down your cup.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX HATCHED SEAMSFeatures: Heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water getting in through the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX AIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to drain away excess sweat.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX MEDIUM POCKETFeatures: It's a pocket neither big nor small. It's medium. Come on what a joke, put ipod phone or stuff like that in it that is its life purpose. AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX MASK POCKET Features: Large and convenient pocket for storing your mask away from scratches and stealing.AW 3 IN 1 GORETEX INTERFACE WITH PANTS Features: Convenient interface for clipping or zipping jacket and pants of the same brand together, the snow stays out and the warmth in. Only in case of diarrhea it might be complicated to disassemble the suit in time.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Volcom Longo Anorak Orange Shock L Orange Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 3,641.18 kč (+353.75 kč)VOLCOM LONGO ANORAKHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the VOLCOM LONGO ANORAK JACKET.Arthur Longo, master of style on the board and in apparel, has nifilated his little hands into the Volcom catalog and planted his jacket and pant collection. The jacket is cool, with a super street cut and 10k of waterproofing to withstand all conditions. The improved side opening makes it easy to get in and out, with the super convenient pockets you have no trouble, and the zippable gaiter joins the pants in a flash.LONGO ANORAK VOLCOM JACKETLONGO ANORAK, VOLCOM 's kick-ass MEN 'S JACKET. If you're in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.LONGO ANORAK 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.LONGO ANORAK 10,000GR Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.LONGO ANORAK HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: Heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is the entry of water from the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.LONGO ANORAK SHELL Lining: No padding present in this jacket, usually garments of this type have breathability far above the norm. By calibrating the underwear appropriately, they are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.LONGO ANORAK INTERFACE WITH PANTS Features: Convenient interface for clipping or zipping jacket and pant of the same brand together, snow stays outside and warm inside. Only in case of diarrhea it might be complicated to disassemble the anorak in time.LONGO ANORAK AIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent out excess sweat.LONGO ANORAK SNOW GAITFeatures: Microfiber snow gaiter protects your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to your butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.Its list price is 239.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Volcom Stone 91 Youth Orange Shock M Orange Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 2,730.64 kč (+353.75 kč)VOLCOM STONE 91 YOUTHHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the VOLCOM STONE 91 YOUTH JACKET.The Stone is mega warm and has a waterproof pack. The styling is superb and the technical equipment is killer.STONE 91 YOUTH VOLCOM JACKETSTONE 91 YOUTH, CHILD 'S JACKET from VOLCOM that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.STONE 91 YOUTH DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps, and bad jokes. STONE 91 YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.STONE 91 YOUTH 10,000GR Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.STONE 91 YOUTH VERY HOT Lining: Padding over 100gr per square meter on the body, these garments are ideal for dealing with very cold temperatures or if you are very cold.STONE 91 YOUTH ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The hood is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.STONE 91 YOUTH SNOW GAITFeatures: The microfiber snow gaiter protects your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to the butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.STONE 91 YOUTH HATCHED SEAMSFeatures: Heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in all the right places for your comfort.STONE 91 YOUTH SKIPASS POCKETFeatures: Convenient ski pass pocket positioned on the right side for bipping at turnstiles. Except for some who mount them on the wrong side.STONE 91 YOUTH INTERFACE WITH PANTS Features: Convenient interface for clipping or zipping jacket and pants of the same brand together, snow stays out and warm inside. Only in case of diarrhea it might be complicated to disassemble the suit in time.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Volcom Longo Goretex Orange Shock M Orange Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 6,220.36 kč (+353.75 kč)VOLCOM LONGO GORETEXHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the VOLCOM LONGO GORETEX JACKET.A street twist was needed in Volcom's style, and with the Longo that twist comes in a big way. Beautiful and super high-performance, the Longo uses Gore Tex in manatees to keep water or wind from getting in the way of your fun. Roomy pockets, stretch cuffs, wide hood, comfortable fit, and go.LONGO GORETEX JACKET VOLCOMLONGO GORETEX, VOLCOM 's kick-ass MEN 'S JACKET. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.LONGO GORETEX Waterproofness: The laminate of GORETEX consists of an outer membrane that protects the garment and an inner membrane of real GORETEX that provides waterproofness well above the maximum limits of 20,000mm. Applied to this laminate is an inner lining that makes the garment comfortable to the touch.LONGO GORETEX SHELL Lining: No padding present in this jacket, usually garments of this type have breathability well above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, they are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while remaining perfectly dry.LONGO GORETEX FULLY HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, namely the entry of water from the seams. Fully sealed for your comfort. LONGO GORETEX MASK POCKET Features: Large, convenient pocket for storing your mask away from scratches and pilferage.LONGO GORETEX SNOW GAITFeatures: Microfiber snow gaiter protects your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to your butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.LONGO GORETEX AIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.LONGO GORETEX INTERFACE WITH PANTS Features: Convenient interface for clipping or zipping jacket and pants of the same brand together, snow stays out and warmth in. Only in case of diarrhea it might be complicated to disassemble the suit in time.Its list price is 409.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Volcom Stone 91 Youth Orange Shock Xl Orange Shock
Prodejce: Cena: 2,730.64 kč (+353.75 kč)VOLCOM STONE 91 YOUTHHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the VOLCOM STONE 91 YOUTH JACKET.The Stone is mega warm and has a waterproof pack. The styling is superb and the technical equipment is killer.STONE 91 YOUTH VOLCOM JACKETSTONE 91 YOUTH, CHILD 'S JACKET from VOLCOM that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.STONE 91 YOUTH DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps, and bad jokes. STONE 91 YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.STONE 91 YOUTH 10,000GR Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.STONE 91 YOUTH VERY HOT Lining: Padding over 100gr per square meter on the body, these garments are ideal for dealing with very cold temperatures or if you are very cold.STONE 91 YOUTH ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The hood is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.STONE 91 YOUTH SNOW GAITFeatures: The microfiber snow gaiter protects your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to the butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.STONE 91 YOUTH HATCHED SEAMSFeatures: Heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water ingress from the seams. Sealed in all the right places for your comfort.STONE 91 YOUTH SKIPASS POCKETFeatures: Convenient ski pass pocket positioned on the right side for bipping at turnstiles. Except for some who mount them on the wrong side.STONE 91 YOUTH INTERFACE WITH PANTS Features: Convenient interface for clipping or zipping jacket and pants of the same brand together, snow stays out and warm inside. Only in case of diarrhea it might be complicated to disassemble the suit in time.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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