Byly nalezeny 409 produkty odpovídající vašemu vyhledávání stone v 12 obchodech:
Kšiltovka Volcom Full Stone Flexfit - Černá - L/xl
Prodejce: Cena: 899.00 kč (+95.00 kč)Model full stone od značky Volcom. Kolekce 2024. Barva černá. Materiál: 98% bavlna, 2% elastan.
Ride Hera Boa Stone 255 Stone
Prodejce: Cena: 5,916.67 kč (+353.75 kč)RIDE HERA BOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE HERA BOA SNOWBOARD BOOSTER.We all know the drama of having to try small sizes of men's shoes because there are no shoes with enough support in women's models. Ride, however, thinks in pink and gives you the Hera, a beautiful technical shoe with the ideal support for surfing in any situation without sagging. The dual BOA handles the upper and lower lacing separately for precise grip and consistent comfort, and the sole is cushioned and provides perfect grip in all conditions.HERA BOA RIDE SNOWBOARD SHOEHERA BOA, WOMEN 'S SNOWBOARD BOOSTER from RIDE that rocks.HERA BOA In2Grated Construction : In2grated Construction technology creates the most compact, high-performance boots possible by making the structure even lighter. HERABOA Heat Reflective Foil : an insert under the sole takes care of reflecting heat from your foot by redistributing it to the rest of the shoe. Warm all day long without sticking weird stuff between your toes. HERABOA Boa Tongue Tied Focus Buckle: the Boa Tongue Tied FocusBuckle quick closure takes care of locking the bottom lacing part with a side boa system, while the front one acts on the top and ankle for precise and firm riding. HERABOA Internal J Bars : two J inserts on the cheeks increase support and precision, a stable fit and powerful riding.HERA BOA Intuition Support Foam Bootee: high-density Intuition Support Foam provides perfect support if you like to push. HERABOA Black Gold Liner Mesh : if your feet stink quietly, Ride has thought of you and the antibacterial and odor-resistant BLACK GOLD LINER MESH allows you to keep your roommates intact even after a day on the snow.HERA BOA Impacto Insole Support: the multidensity Impacto Sole supports fit and absorbs impact for aggressive and comfortable riding.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Dainese Denim Stone Slim Dámské Motocyklové Džíny 34 Modrá
Prodejce: Cena: 4,307.55 kč (+202.51 kč)* EN-17092, třída ochrany A. * Kapsy na kyčelní chrániče Pro-Shape 2.0 EN 1621.1 * Odnímatelné a nastavitelné chrániče kolen Pro-Shape 2.0 EN 1621.1 položek: Dainese Denim Stone Slim Dámské motocyklové džíny
Ride Hera Boa Stone 235 Stone
Prodejce: Cena: 5,916.67 kč (+353.75 kč)RIDE HERA BOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE HERA BOA SNOWBOARD BOOSTER.We all know the drama of having to try small sizes of men's shoes because there are no shoes with enough support in women's models. Ride, however, thinks in pink and gives you the Hera, a beautiful technical shoe with the ideal support for surfing in any situation without sagging. The dual BOA handles the upper and lower lacing separately for precise grip and consistent comfort, and the sole is cushioned and provides perfect grip in all conditions.HERA BOA RIDE SNOWBOARD SHOEHERA BOA, WOMEN 'S SNOWBOARD BOOSTER from RIDE that rocks.HERA BOA In2Grated Construction : In2grated Construction technology creates the most compact, high-performance boots possible by making the structure even lighter. HERABOA Heat Reflective Foil : an insert under the sole takes care of reflecting heat from your foot by redistributing it to the rest of the shoe. Warm all day long without sticking weird stuff between your toes. HERABOA Boa Tongue Tied Focus Buckle: the Boa Tongue Tied FocusBuckle quick closure takes care of locking the bottom lacing part with a side boa system, while the front one acts on the top and ankle for precise and firm riding. HERABOA Internal J Bars : two J inserts on the cheeks increase support and precision, a stable fit and powerful riding.HERA BOA Intuition Support Foam Bootee: high-density Intuition Support Foam provides perfect support if you like to push. HERABOA Black Gold Liner Mesh : if your feet stink quietly, Ride has thought of you and the antibacterial and odor-resistant BLACK GOLD LINER MESH allows you to keep your roommates intact even after a day on the snow.HERA BOA Impacto Insole Support: the multidensity Impacto Sole supports fit and absorbs impact for aggressive and comfortable riding.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Oakley Wanderlust Pom Beanie Stone Gray One Size Stone Gray
Prodejce: Cena: 682.47 kč (+353.75 kč)OAKLEY WANDERLUST POM BEANIEHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the OAKLEY WANDERLUST POM BEANIE.WANDERLUST POM BEANIE OAKLEY BEANIEWANDERLUST POM BEANIE, UNISEX beanie by OAKLEY that rocks.only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Dc Command 45k Grey Stone M Grey Stone
Prodejce: Cena: 5,158.09 kč (+353.75 kč)DC COMMAND 45KHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the DC COMMAND 45K JACKET.The Command is a scary jacket, with 45k of waterproofing and super compact when you pack it. It's perfect for aggressive expeditions and when the weather gets aggressive for real, as not a drop of water gets through and it breathes like crazy. In short, you always have ideal comfort and super-powerful style.COMMAND 45K DC JACKETCOMMAND 45K, DC 's kick-ass MEN 'S JACKET. If you are in doubt about the size check the inDCations provided by the manufacturer.COMMAND45K >20K Waterproofness: Official tests stop at a water column of 20,000mm, but this fabric manages to go beyond that by providing ultimate waterproofness.COMMAND 45K >20,000GR Breathability: The finest fabrics capable of evaporating over 20.000gr of water vapor in 24h are designed for intensive snow sports practice to stay dry and comfortable all day long.COMMAND 45K SYMPATEX Waterproofness: Ia SYMPATEX membrane has exceptional waterproofness, internal tests set the seal at a water column of 45,000mm. Breathability is also at the highest level thanks to perfectly calibrated porosity.COMMAND 45K DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, blows and bad jokes. COMMAND 45K SHELL Lining: No padding present in this jacket, usually garments of this type have breathability far above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments for tackling intense activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.COMMAND 45K ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The hood is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your hood.COMMAND 45K FULLY HATCHED SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, namely water from entering the seams. Fully sealed for your comfort. COMMAND 45K AIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
NARS Make-up obličeje Powder Light Reflecting Loose Setting Powder Stone
Prodejce: Cena: 846.00 kč (+60.00 kč)Ultralehký nastavovací pudr NARS Light Reflecting Loose Setting Powder pro všechny typy pleti dodá vašemu make-upu matný, ale zároveň nádherně rozjasněný vzhled. To je možné díky technologii Photochromic. Ta zajišťuje, že sypký pudr láme světlo, které na něj dopadá. Pleť získá zářivě krásný vzhled a jemné linky, vrásky a rozšířené póry jsou během okamžiku opticky redukovány. Výrobek však neposkytuje pouze matný povrch plný rozjasnění! Sypký nastavovací pudr také fixuje dříve nanesený make-up, aniž by mu ubíral na barvě a intenzitě. Kromě mikrojemných minerálních pudrů je nastavovací pudr obohacen o vitamin E a glycerin, které chrání pleť před vysoušením. Pudr neobsahuje oleje, je dermatologicky testován a neobsahuje škodlivé složky, jako jsou parabeny, alkohol a syntetické vonné látky. Výrobek je také nekomedogenní. Tipy pro aplikaci NARS Light Reflecting Loose Setting PowderNaberte sypký pudr pomocí štětce na pudr a lehce vyklepejte přebytečné množství. Nyní nanášejte nastavovací pudr krouživými pohyby od středu obličeje směrem ven. Pro optimálně hydratovanou pleť s bezchybným odstínem můžete produkt kombinovat například s tónovacím hydratačním krémem Pure Radiant od NARS.
Tom Stone Tome Stone R1251 kožená
Prodejce: Cena: 3,887.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Ledvinka Tome Stone R1251 kožená :Mobilní telefon, peněženku a jiné nezbytné věci, jež potřebujete mít stále u sebe, si bezpečně uložíte díky ledvince Tom Stone. Tento typ je vhodný zejména pro městská účely. Proto, aby vám mohla dlouho sloužit, zhotovuje se z velmi kvalitního materiálu, kterým je kůže. Díky nastavitelnosti popruhu si můžete kdykoliv upravit jeho délku. Jestliže si potřebujete uschovat nějaké cennosti, pro tento účel vám poslouží skrytá kapsa. Rozměry ledvinky Tom Stone činí 14 × 4,5 × 23 cm. Rozhodující funkce ledvinky Tome Stone R1251 kožená Ledvinka Tom Stone se vám bude hodit pro uschování potřebných věcí Využijete ji zejména pro městská účely Vyrobena z kvalitního materiálu, jímž je kůže Ledvinka se může pochlubit i délkově nastavitelným popruhem Ledvinka má skrytou kapsu na cennosti Rozměry dosahují 14 × 4,5 × 23 cm Ledvinka Tom Stone se stane vaším nepostradatelným společníkem
GLOV - On-The-Go Silver Stone Čističe na štětce 1 pieces Béžová unisex
Prodejce: Cena: 447.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Díky velikosti a praktickému tvaru je ideálním pomocníkem na cesty a je nejprodávanější produkt značky Glov. Odstraňuje make-up pouze pomocí vody a současně nahrazuje 6 různých produktů: odličovací vodu odličovač očí pleťové mléko pleťové tonikum peeling kosmetické tampony Produkt je bezpečný pro všechny typy pleti - nedráždí pleť a nezanechává pleť zarudlou. Ideální pro alergiky, atopickou pokožku a pro nositele kontaktních čoček. Dermatologické testy potvrdily ve 100% její antialergičnost. Glov posiluje přirozenou hydrolipidovou bariéru. Používáním Glov ušetříte peníze a čas, protože odstranění make-upu tímto způsobem vám zabere jen 2 minuty. Kromě toho se staráte o naši planetu - jedna Glov rukavice stačí na každodenní použití až po dobu 3 měsíců. Během této doby by bylo použito asi 400 vatových tamponů. Krok za krokem - jak používat odličovací rukavici? Rukavici namočte do teplé nebo studené vody (teplejší rozpouští make-up rychleji), přiložte ji na obličej a několik sekund podržte, pak začněte jemně masírovat obličej. Neotírejte! Tajemství tkví v mikro technologii. Elektrostatické vlastnosti působí jako magnet na nečistoty pleti. Pokožka po použití zůstává dokonale čistá. Po odstranění make-upu rukavici "vyperte" pomocí speciálního mýdla Glov Magnet nebo tuhého mýdla a nechte uschnout. Nedávejte ji na radiátor, pouze ji zavěste na háček. Když je rukavice opotřebená, můžete ji kreativně používat doma, například k čištění oken. Další informace Rukavice neobsahují žádné škodlivé látky, proto jsou vhodné pro recyklaci materiálu. Produkt byl organizací Vegan Society zaregistrován jako veganský - neobsahuje materiály získané ze zvířat a není testován na zvířatech. Perte pouze v ruce. Doba použitelnosti až 3 měsíce. Složení 80% polyester, 20% polyamid.
Dc Command 45k Grey Stone L Grey Stone
Prodejce: Cena: 5,158.09 kč (+353.75 kč)DC COMMAND 45KHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the DC COMMAND 45K JACKET.The Command is a scary jacket, with 45k of waterproofing and super compact when you pack it. It's perfect for aggressive expeditions and when the weather gets aggressive for real, as not a drop of water gets through and it breathes like crazy. In short, you always have ideal comfort and super-powerful style.COMMAND 45K DC JACKETCOMMAND 45K, DC 's kick-ass MEN 'S JACKET. If you are in doubt about the size check the inDCations provided by the manufacturer.COMMAND45K >20K Waterproofness: Official tests stop at a water column of 20,000mm, but this fabric manages to go beyond that by providing ultimate waterproofness.COMMAND 45K >20,000GR Breathability: The finest fabrics capable of evaporating over 20.000gr of water vapor in 24h are designed for intensive snow sports practice to stay dry and comfortable all day long.COMMAND 45K SYMPATEX Waterproofness: Ia SYMPATEX membrane has exceptional waterproofness, internal tests set the seal at a water column of 45,000mm. Breathability is also at the highest level thanks to perfectly calibrated porosity.COMMAND 45K DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, blows and bad jokes. COMMAND 45K SHELL Lining: No padding present in this jacket, usually garments of this type have breathability far above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments for tackling intense activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.COMMAND 45K ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The hood is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your hood.COMMAND 45K FULLY HATCHED SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, namely water from entering the seams. Fully sealed for your comfort. COMMAND 45K AIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Flair Rugs koberce Kusový koberec Softie Stone - 160x230 cm
Prodejce: Cena: 3,639.00 kčSvětle šedý koberec, který se vyznačuje neskutečně hebkým povrchem. Vyrábí se totiž z jemného polyesteru a má vyšší střižený vlas. Tyto parametry zajišťují, že je koberec příjemný na dotek a komfortní na došlap, což oceníte zejména v ložnici u postele nebo v obývacím pokoji u pohovky.
Dc Command 45k Grey Stone Xl Grey Stone
Prodejce: Cena: 5,158.09 kč (+353.75 kč)DC COMMAND 45KHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the DC COMMAND 45K JACKET.The Command is a scary jacket, with 45k of waterproofing and super compact when you pack it. It's perfect for aggressive expeditions and when the weather gets aggressive for real, as not a drop of water gets through and it breathes like crazy. In short, you always have ideal comfort and super-powerful style.COMMAND 45K DC JACKETCOMMAND 45K, DC 's kick-ass MEN 'S JACKET. If you are in doubt about the size check the inDCations provided by the manufacturer.COMMAND45K >20K Waterproofness: Official tests stop at a water column of 20,000mm, but this fabric manages to go beyond that by providing ultimate waterproofness.COMMAND 45K >20,000GR Breathability: The finest fabrics capable of evaporating over 20.000gr of water vapor in 24h are designed for intensive snow sports practice to stay dry and comfortable all day long.COMMAND 45K SYMPATEX Waterproofness: Ia SYMPATEX membrane has exceptional waterproofness, internal tests set the seal at a water column of 45,000mm. Breathability is also at the highest level thanks to perfectly calibrated porosity.COMMAND 45K DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, blows and bad jokes. COMMAND 45K SHELL Lining: No padding present in this jacket, usually garments of this type have breathability far above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments for tackling intense activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.COMMAND 45K ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The hood is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your hood.COMMAND 45K FULLY HATCHED SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, namely water from entering the seams. Fully sealed for your comfort. COMMAND 45K AIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Zoom Weather pánská golfová rukavice, stone
Prodejce: Cena: 323.00 kč (+150.00 kč)Zoom Weather pánská golfová rukavice - stone - voštinový design na dlani pro lepší přilnavost za všech povětrnostních podmínek - prodyšný materiál Lycra - univerzální velikost, perfektně padnoucí od prvního švihu - Flexx-Fit se přizpůsobí tvaru ruky a padne jako druhá kůže pro všechny velikosti rukou - Shape-Fit dokonalé přizpůsobení po celou dobu životnosti rukavic FLEXX-FITTechnologie FLEXX-FIT zajišťuje, že rukavice kopírují kontury vaší ruky a přirozeně vám padnou. Zoom rukavice kopírují linie vaší ruky díky důmyslné kombinaci ohybových zón navržených tak, aby se přizpůsobily různým velikostem ruky a vytvořily přirozený střih jako druhá kůže. INSTANT-FITRukavice Zoom jsou v...
Ride Montlake Stone Sage S Stone Sage
Prodejce: Cena: 2,844.68 kč (+353.75 kč)RIDE MONTLAKEHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE MONTLAKE JACKET.Cool jacket, very nice, waterproof, with all the features in the world blah blah blah please I'm out of ideas, read the technical specs below and bring me a coffee at the office.MONTLAKE RIDE JACKETThe MONTLAKE is a RIDE MEN 'S JACKET that rocks.RIDEMONTLAKE 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it delivers all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.RIDE MONTLAKE DWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps, and bad jokes.RIDE MONTLAKE HIDDED SEAMSFeatures: Heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is the ingress of water from the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.RIDE MONTLAKE AIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.RIDE MONTLAKE MEDIUM POCKETFeatures: It's a pocket neither big nor small. It's medium. Come on what a joke, put ipod phone or stuff like that in it that is its life purpose.RIDE MONTLAKE INTERFACE WITH PANTS Features: Convenient interface for clipping or zipping jacket and pants of the same brand together, snow stays out and warm inside. Only in case of diarrhea it might be complicated to disassemble the jacket in time.RIDE MONTLAKE SNOW GAITERFeatures: The microfiber snow gaiter protects your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to your butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.RIDE MONTLAKE SKIPASS POCKETFeatures: Convenient ski pass pocket positioned on the right side for bipping at turnstiles. Except for some that mount them on the wrong side.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price. If you liked this jacket take a look at all the jackets similar to the RIDE MONTLAKE or take a tour in the pants category.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Wolf of Wilderness konzervy 6 x 400 g , 5 + 1 zdarma! - Stony Creek - drůbež s hovězím
Prodejce: Cena: 257.00 kč (+79.00 kč)Přednosti krmiva Wolf of Wilderness
Thirtytwo Shifty Boa Wmn Stone 240 Stone
Prodejce: Cena: 4,273.08 kč (+353.75 kč)THIRTYTWO SHIFTY BOA WMNHey rider, here's a rundown of everything you need to know about the THIRTYTWO SHIFTY BOA WMN SNOWBOARD BOOSTER SHOOT.Basic price and scary performance, the Shifty is a slipper but has the perfect support for your first day on snow. But also for the first month, or year, anyway this shoe won't quit. The Boa system makes the closure super comfortable and fast, and the inner bootie is super comfortable. What more do you want?SHIFTY BOA WMN THIRTYTWO SNOWBOARD BOOTSHOOTSHIFTY BOA WMN, WOMEN 'S SNOWBOARD SH OOTBOOT from THIRTYTWO that rocks. SHIFTY BOA STI Evolution Foam : ultra-lightweight foam that acts as a cushion by absorbing all shocks and vibrations, whether riding or walking to the bar SHIFTY BOA Comfy Tongue : more padded tongue gives better comfort throughout the day and cushions more. SHIFTY BOA Internal Lacing : the internal bootie closure ensures a firm hold throughout the day.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Dainese Denim Stone Slim Dámské Motocyklové Džíny 3xl Modrá
Prodejce: Cena: 4,307.55 kč (+202.51 kč)* EN-17092, třída ochrany A. * Kapsy na kyčelní chrániče Pro-Shape 2.0 EN 1621.1 * Odnímatelné a nastavitelné chrániče kolen Pro-Shape 2.0 EN 1621.1 položek: Dainese Denim Stone Slim Dámské motocyklové džíny
L1 Nitro Winston Ls Flannel Brown Stone L Brown Stone
Prodejce: Cena: 1,592.77 kč (+353.75 kč)L1 NITRO WINSTON LS FLANNELHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the L1 NITRO WINSTON LS FLANNELSHIRT.If your hobby is cutting trees this can't miss in your collection.WINSTON LS FLANNEL L1 NITRO SHIRTWINSTON LS FLANNEL, L1 NITRO 's men's shirt that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions. Long-sleeved shirt. Garments with the classic proportions you see worn by most riders. Since these are snowboard brands the look will be slightly more plump than the fits you have in your closet. Especially the sleeves will look longer than usual, to cover the gloves and prevent snow entry. Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you are guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Dainese Denim Stone Slim Dámské Motocyklové Džíny 35 Modrá
Prodejce: Cena: 4,307.55 kč (+202.51 kč)* EN-17092, třída ochrany A. * Kapsy na kyčelní chrániče Pro-Shape 2.0 EN 1621.1 * Odnímatelné a nastavitelné chrániče kolen Pro-Shape 2.0 EN 1621.1 položek: Dainese Denim Stone Slim Dámské motocyklové džíny
Dakine Elsman Stone Night Sky S Stone Night Sky
Prodejce: Cena: 2,022.63 kč (+353.75 kč)DAKINE ELSMANHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the DAKINE ELSMAN JACKET. My mom believed in beatings as a method of education, and having grown up with slaps and Crystal Ball I always had trouble understanding anything about technical equipment. Then came the Elsman, few pretensions so much substance and the winter issue was finally solved. Very waterproof, warm enough to let you work with layers for optimal comfort at any temperature thanks to Primaloft padding. Pockets, hood and similar items are obviously included. DAKIN ELSMANJACKETThe ELSMAN isa DAKINE MEN'S JACKET that rocks.ELSMAN 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, providing all-day comfort and performance. And the perfect value for a sporty garment.ELSMAN TAPE SEAMSFeatures: The heat-sealed seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, the ingression of water from the seams. Sealed in the right places for your comfort.ELSMAN PRIMALOFT Lining: The primaloft lining is thin in relation to the heat retained and does not absorb moisture, preventing a feeling of dampness. Maximum breathability for total comfort throughout use.ELSMAN MEDIUM POCKETFeatures: It is a pocket neither big nor small. It's medium. Just kidding, put in your ipod phone or similar stuff that is its purpose in life. ELSMAN ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The adjustable cap adjusts to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling off your head.ELSMAN AIR VENTS Features: Comfortable underarm zips to wick away excess sweat.ELSMAN MASK POCKET Features: Large, convenient pocket for storing your mask and keeping it safe from scratches and theft.ELSMAN SNOW GAITERFeatures: The microfiber snow gaiter protects your ass from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to the butt to leave the gaiter in place and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.Its list price is £219.99 but only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best-price guarantee. If you liked this jacket take a look at all the jackets similar to the DAKINE ELSMAN or have a look in the pants category.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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