Byly nalezeny 40 produkty odpovídající vašemu vyhledávání zerojr v 4 obchodech:
BUVIK Trojruža
Prodejce: Cena: 269.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Kniha Trojruža:Rozprávky zo zbierky Trojruža patria k tým literárnym skvostom pre deti, ktoré vďaka veľkému typu písma prečítajú aj malí začínajúci čitatelia na jeden dúšok. Kniha prináša čarovné rozprávky Pavla Dobšinského v podaní Márie Ďuríčkovej a s majstrovskými ilustráciami Ľudovíta Fullu: O Veternom kráľovi, O troch grošoch, Zlatá podkova, zlaté pero, zlatý vlas, ale najmä nezabudnuteľnú rozprávku Trojruža, v ktorej dievčina pobozká medveďa a tým oslobodí mládenca zo zakliatia. Krásu Fullových ilustrácií umocnil akademický maliar Svetozár Mydlo zaujímavou a modernou grafickou úpravou.
Nyx Trojrozměrný Třpytivý Lesk Na Rty
Prodejce: Cena: 1,043.00 kč (+49.00 kč)Nyx Trojrozměrný Třpytivý Lesk Na Rty
Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk bílý
Prodejce: Cena: 590.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sada na otisky Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk bílý: Všimli jste si, jak drobné ručičky a nožičky má vaše miminko a chtěli byste si vzpomínku na první měsíce uchovat co nejdéle? Děti rostou před očima a čas rychle utíká, tak proč si neuchovat aspoň malý suvenýr, který vám vzácné chvíle vždy připomene. Se sadou Pearhead snadno vytvoříte fotografickou koláž s dvěma otisky nožičky či ručičky vašeho děťátka, který vám zůstane navždy památkou nebo jej můžete darovat hrdým prarodičům. Po vytvoření je společně s fotkou miminka vložte do připraveného trojrámečku ze dřeva. Narodilo se ve vašem okolí miminko a vy nemáte vhodný dárek? Darujte sadu na vytvoření otisku. Výrobek je samozřejmě zdravotně nezávadný, takže se nemusíte bát alergií a podráždění. Díky bezdotykové technologii je vhodný i pro nejmenší miminka Klíčové vlastnosti fotorámečku s otisky Pearhead Snadné vytvoření dvou bezdotykových otisků ruky či nohy miminkaSkvělé jako dárek či památka na první měsíceSada Pearhead obsahuje vše, co je k vytvoření třebaDřevěný rámeček pro...
Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk stolní, bílý
Prodejce: Cena: 839.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sada na otisky Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk stolní, bílý : Chcete si uchovat památku na to, jak mělo vaše miminko neuvěřitelné malinké, roztomilé ručičky a nožičky? Udělejte si věrný otisk ručičky i nožičky a vystavte si jej spolu s fotografií pomocí Stolního trojrámečku Pearhead. Trojrámeček Pearhead má tři okénka přizpůsobené vystavení otisků vašeho miminka. Součástí balení je i zdravotně nezávadný materiál pro rychlou a bezpečnou tvorbu věrných otisků. Pod otisky si vyberte modré nebo růžové pozadí, podle pohlaví vašeho miminka. Obě barvy pozadí jsou součástí balení. Kvalitně zpracovaný dřevěný trojrámeček Pearhead je ideální pro umístění na komodu nebo polici. Sada na otisk testována na zdravotní nezávadnost. Díky této sadě budete mít milou vzpomínku na celý život. Klíčové vlastnosti Stolního trojrámečku na otisk Pearhead Rámeček pro vystavení otisku ručičky a nožičky s fotografií vašeho miminkaZdravotně nezávadná sada...
Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk stolní, šedý
Prodejce: Cena: 899.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sada na otisky Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk stolní, šedý: Všimli jste si, jak drobné ručičky a nožičky má vaše miminko a chtěli byste si vzpomínku na první měsíce uchovat co nejdéle? Děti rostou před očima a čas rychle utíká, tak proč si neuchovat aspoň malý suvenýr, který vám vzácné chvíle vždy připomene. Se sadou Pearhead snadno vytvoříte dva otisky nožičky či ručičky vašeho děťátka, který vám zůstane navždy památkou nebo jej můžete darovat hrdým prarodičům. Po vytvoření je společně s fotkou miminka vložte do připraveného šedého trojrámečku ze dřeva. Narodilo se ve vašem okolí miminko a vy nemáte vhodný dárek? Darujte sadu na vytvoření otisku. Výrobek je samozřejmě zdravotně nezávadný, takže se nemusíte bát alergií a podráždění. Klíčové vlastnosti trojrámečku na otisk Pearhead Snadné vytvoření dvou otisků ruky či nohy miminkaSkvělé jako dárek či památka na první měsíceSada Pearhead obsahuje vše, co je k vytvoření třebaŠedý dřevěný trojrámeček pro uchování otisků a fotografieZdravotně nezávadné Vzpomínka, která...
Nitro Zero Zero Bad Days L Zero Bad Days
Prodejce: Cena: 4,930.52 kč (+353.75 kč)NITRO ZEROHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about theNITRO ZERO SNOWBOARD ATTACK.Named directly after Japanese fighter jets since you'll be using it for your resounding swoops on the park, landing way better than a kamikaze thanks to the nicely padded base and spoiler that can give you great control in all freestyle phases. Also perfect for your allmountain setup if you're aiming to play and dick around on all parts of the slope, the straps are thin and comfortable to let you have movement and control.NITRO ZERO SNOWBOARD BASEZERO, SNOWBOARD BASE for MEN from NITRO that rocks. Bindings are sold in pairs including discs and screws for attachment. These bindings use a minidisc system, so they not are compatible with 4X4 bushings.ZERO Air Dampening : using an air pad in the footbed, the Air Dampening system cushions every impact and filters vibration for smooth, comfortable riding without sacrificing precision. ZERO 3 CantedFootbed : canting of 3 on the footbed aligns knees and ankles for a natural and highly effective riding position. Less effort and more riding ease! ZERO2x4 Mini Disc : the mini disc system provides less contact with the board for a more natural flex and optimal compatibility. ZEROBoard Saver Technology : the lower corners of the base of the binding are chamfered to reduce friction on the board and affect the topsheet less during use. ZEROPremium Comfort Ankle Strap: the ankle strap is built to provide excellent support while ensuring optimal comfort. The combination of 3D foams and a rigid internal structure give perfect comfort. ZEROB.e.s.t. Convertible Toe Strap: for those nostalgic for the past, Nitro leaves the option of attaching the strap above the shoe or at the toe without a difference thanks to the B.E.S.T. Convertible Strap.ZERO ReinforcedRatchets & Connectors : the steel cable-reinforced straps promise virtually eternal durability and flex-free precision. ZEROForged Aluminum Speedwheel Buckles : the alloy ratchets are extremely lightweight and high-performance. ZEROEasy Entry Buckles & Ratchets : the pre-curved straps stay out of the bales when you put your foot inside the binding, and the invitations on the ratchets allow for quick closure.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk, přírodní
Prodejce: Cena: 699.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sada na otisky Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk, přírodní:Uchovejte si vzpomínky na první dny vašeho novorozeného miminka a zarámujte si jedinečný otisk jeho ručičky a nožičky. Sada na otisky Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk přírodní obsahuje vše, co k tomu budete potřebovat. Dva unikátní bezdotykové inkoustové polštářky umožní vytvořit otisky, aniž by miminko přišlo do kontaktu s inkoustem. Vytvoření otisku je velmi rychlé a ručička nebo nožička miminka zůstává po celou dobu zcela čistá a suchá. K otisknutí tak můžete využít i chvíle, kdy miminko spí a mívá uvolněné prstíky. Na kartičku můžete obtisknout ručičku nebo nožičku o rozměrech maximálně 8,9 × 5,7 cm, sada je tedy vhodná pouze pro ta nejmenší miminka. Do dřevěného trojrámečku Pearhead se skleněnou krycí vrstvou se vejdou dva otisky a jedna fotka o rozměrech 10 × 15 cm. Součástí balení je i háček na zavěšení rámečku.Klíčové vlastnosti trojrámečku na otisky PearheadPearhead trojrámeček na otisk vám umožní uchovat si otisk ručičky a nožičky vašeho novorozeného miminkaRámeček nabízí prostor na 2 otisky a...
Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk nástěnný, šedý
Prodejce: Cena: 713.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sada na otisky Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk nástěnný, šedý: Všimli jste si, jak drobné ručičky a nožičky má vaše miminko a chtěli byste si vzpomínku na první měsíce uchovat co nejdéle? Děti rostou před očima a čas rychle utíká, tak proč si neuchovat aspoň malý suvenýr, který vám vzácné chvíle vždy připomene. Se sadou Pearhead snadno vytvoříte dva otisky nožičky či ručičky vašeho děťátka, který vám zůstane navždy památkou nebo jej můžete darovat hrdým prarodičům. Po vytvoření je společně s fotkou miminka vložte do připraveného šedého trojrámečku ze dřeva. Narodilo se ve vašem okolí miminko a vy nemáte vhodný dárek? Darujte sadu na vytvoření otisku. Výrobek je samozřejmě zdravotně nezávadný, takže se nemusíte bát alergií a podráždění. Klíčové vlastnosti trojrámečku na otisk Pearhead k zavěšeníSnadné vytvoření dvou otisků ruky či nohy miminkaSkvělé jako dárek či památka na první měsíceSada Pearhead obsahuje vše, co je k vytvoření třebaŠedý dřevěný trojrámeček pro uchování otisků a fotografieZdravotně nezávadné Vzpomínka, která...
Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk nástěnný, bílý
Prodejce: Cena: 729.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Sada na otisky Pearhead Trojrámeček na otisk nástěnný, bílý : Chcete si uchovat památku na to, jak mělo vaše miminko neuvěřitelné malinké, roztomilé ručičky a nožičky? Udělejte si věrný otisk ručičky i nožičky a vystavte si jej spolu s fotografií pomocí Nástěnného trojrámečku Pearhead. Trojrámeček Pearhead má tři okénka přizpůsobené vystavení otisků vašeho miminka. Součástí balení je i zdravotně nezávadný materiál pro rychlou a bezpečnou tvorbu věrných otisků. Pod otisky si vyberte modré nebo růžové pozadí, podle pohlaví vašeho miminka. Obě barvy pozadí jsou součástí balení. Kvalitně zpracovaný dřevěný trojrámeček Pearhead je ideální pro umístění na zeď. Sada na otisk testována na zdravotní nezávadnost. Díky této sadě budete mít milou vzpomínku na celý život. Klíčové vlastnosti Nástěnného trojrámečku na otisk Pearhead Rámeček pro vystavení otisku ručičky a nožičky s fotografií vašeho miminkaZdravotně nezávadná sada pro otiskKvalitní bílý rámRozměr: 42 × 24...
Prodejce: Cena: 379.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Kojenecká láhev SUAVINEX ZERO ZERO 270 ml:Zvažujete další možnosti výživy pro své miminko kromě mateřského mléka? Kojenecká láhev Suavinex o objemu 270 ml bude tou správnou volbou. S ní bude krmení miminka snadným úkolem. Je určena děťátkům od narození a k její výrobě slouží silikon. Silikonová kojenecká láhev je oblíbená pro svou nízkou hmotnost, navíc je těžké ji rozbít. Součástí je také kvalitní silikonová savička se středním průtokem. Kojenecká láhev Suavinex je transparentní. Zásadní vlastnosti produktu SUAVINEX ZERO ZERO 270 ml Kojenecká láhev Suavinex poskytne komfort během krmení miminka Její objem činí 270 ml Je ideální pro děťátka od narození Silikonová kojenecká láhev nabízí komfort díky své nízké hmotnosti Antikolikový systém zabraňuje nadýmání Je vybavena průhlednou silikonovou savičkou Střední průtok savičky Savička je vyvinuta pro děti, které jsou kojeny Lahvička přizpůsobená potřebám nejmenších dětí Kojenecká láhev Suavinex vás oslní svými dalšími možnostmi. Antikolikovou láhev oceníte, kdykoliv vaše miminko cítí bolest v bříšku....
Prodejce: Cena: 339.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Kojenecká láhev SUAVINEX ZERO ZERO 180 ml:Nemůžete kojit nebo vašemu děťátku již mateřské mléko nestačí? Kojenecká láhev Suavinex o objemu 180 ml bude tou nejlepší možností. Díky ní bude krmení miminka bez komplikací. Je určena pro děťátka od narození a k její výrobě slouží silikon. Silikonová kojenecká láhev vyniká nízkou hmotností, navíc vydrží i tvrdší zacházení. Samozřejmou součástí je také silikonová savička s variabilním průtokem. Kojenecká láhev Suavinex je průhledná. Hlavní vlastnosti produktu SUAVINEX ZERO ZERO 180 ml Kojenecká láhev Suavinex podporuje harmonii během krmení miminka Disponuje objemem 180 ml Je přizpůsobena děťátkům od narození Silikonová kojenecká láhev je prakticky nerozbitná Díky antikolikovému systému je minimalizováno riziko spolknutí vzduchu Součástí je průhledná silikonová savička bez vůně a chuti Variabilní průtok savičky Savičku můžete použít pro kojené děti Lahvička, která splňuje všechny požadavky nejmenších dětí Kojenecká láhev Suavinex se pyšní celou řadou praktických vlastností. Antikoliková láhev vám určitě...
Čepel Zero- Pro Zero Cutting head Red Deer
Prodejce: Cena: 2,372.00 kč (+49.00 kč)Čepel Zero- Pro Zero Cutting head Red Deer
Ride Zero Jr U 147 U
Prodejce: Cena: 3,731.96 kč (+353.75 kč)RIDE ZERO JRHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE ZERO JR TABLE.As the US culture bring out the ferr... No pardon, we were saying US culture teaches us if you have your smallest photocopy call it JR it solves the problem of thinking of a new name. The ZERO JR is Ride's vision for future riders who want to give their freestyle riding a boost, designed for younger riders it encapsulates all Ride technologies designed for easy, stable and fun riding. Maybe you won't be (your kid won't be) Shaun White or maybe you will! If you don't get him a Zero Jr, you'll never know.ZERO JR RIDE BOARDZERO JR, A BOARD FOR KIDS , KIDS AND RIDERS FROM THE LIGHT WEIGHT of RIDE that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.ZERO JR Twin Standard Camber Profile: large rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board a beast in powder and maneuvering, not to mention a camber zone in the middle of the bindings to maintain pop and precision. ZEROJR Asymmetric Shaping Sidecut: as you well know the other half of the apple is the one with the worm, and in the case of snow from frontside to backside there are an avalanche of differences. Ride solves the dilemma by equipping the board with its Asym Shaping, with a narrower sidecut on the backside edge to help you in the backside turn initiation and feel the board exactly the same. ZEROJR Quadratic Sidecut: a union of three spokes that not even in Star Trek, the Quadratic sidecut increases grip and ease of changing edges.ZERO JR ExtrudedSole: composed of extruded PTex 1500 this base is definitely sturdy and easy to repair. ZEROJR Foundation Core: aspen woods from tip to tail for a lightweight and responsive Foundation Core.ZERO JR Cleave Edge Steel : this lamita uses almost 50 percent more steel making it extremely resistant to breakage and extending its durability ZEROJR Slim walls : lightweight yet strong sidewall capable of giving excellent energy transfer but without compromising vibration and impact absorption ZEROJR Impact Plates Inserts: if you suck a little or turn really big (more likely the former) every now and then Impact Plates placed under the bindings will save your ass and board on the worst impacts or least successful tricks.ZERO JR Biaxial Glass Inserts: thanks to the glass fibers positioned at 90 the board gets pop without affecting maneuverability and ease in tricks.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Ride Zero Jr U 135 U
Prodejce: Cena: 3,731.96 kč (+353.75 kč)RIDE ZERO JRHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE ZERO JR TABLE.As the US culture bring out the ferr... No pardon, we were saying US culture teaches us if you have your smallest photocopy call it JR it solves the problem of thinking of a new name. The ZERO JR is Ride's vision for future riders who want to give their freestyle riding a boost, designed for younger riders it encapsulates all Ride technologies designed for easy, stable and fun riding. Maybe you won't be (your kid won't be) Shaun White or maybe you will! If you don't get him a Zero Jr, you'll never know.ZERO JR RIDE BOARDZERO JR, A BOARD FOR KIDS , KIDS AND RIDERS FROM THE LIGHT WEIGHT of RIDE that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.ZERO JR Twin Standard Camber Profile: large rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board a beast in powder and maneuvering, not to mention a camber zone in the middle of the bindings to maintain pop and precision. ZEROJR Asymmetric Shaping Sidecut: as you well know the other half of the apple is the one with the worm, and in the case of snow from frontside to backside there are an avalanche of differences. Ride solves the dilemma by equipping the board with its Asym Shaping, with a narrower sidecut on the backside edge to help you in the backside turn initiation and feel the board exactly the same. ZEROJR Quadratic Sidecut: a union of three spokes that not even in Star Trek, the Quadratic sidecut increases grip and ease of changing edges.ZERO JR ExtrudedSole: composed of extruded PTex 1500 this base is definitely sturdy and easy to repair. ZEROJR Foundation Core: aspen woods from tip to tail for a lightweight and responsive Foundation Core.ZERO JR Cleave Edge Steel : this lamita uses almost 50 percent more steel making it extremely resistant to breakage and extending its durability ZEROJR Slim walls : lightweight yet strong sidewall capable of giving excellent energy transfer but without compromising vibration and impact absorption ZEROJR Impact Plates Inserts: if you suck a little or turn really big (more likely the former) every now and then Impact Plates placed under the bindings will save your ass and board on the worst impacts or least successful tricks.ZERO JR Biaxial Glass Inserts: thanks to the glass fibers positioned at 90 the board gets pop without affecting maneuverability and ease in tricks.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Ride Zero Jr U 147 U
Prodejce: Cena: 5,689.10 kč (+353.75 kč)RIDE ZERO JRHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE ZERO JR TABLE.As the US culture bring out the ferr... No pardon, we were saying US culture teaches us if you have your smallest photocopy call it JR it solves the problem of thinking of a new name. The ZERO JR is Ride's vision for future riders who want to give their freestyle riding a boost, designed for younger riders it encapsulates all Ride technologies designed for easy, stable and fun riding. Maybe you won't be (your kid won't be) Shaun White or maybe you will! If you don't get him a Zero Jr you'll never know.ZERO JR RIDE BOARDZERO JR, CHILD 'S BOARD from RIDE that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.ZERO JR Twin Standard Camber Profile: large rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board a beast in powder and in maneuvers, not to mention a camber zone in the middle of the bindings to maintain pop and precision. ZEROJR Asymmetric Shaping Sidecut: as you well know the other half of the apple is the one with the worm, and in the case of snow from frontside to backside there are an avalanche of differences. Ride solves the dilemma by equipping the board with its Asym Shaping, with a narrower sidecut on the backside edge to help you in the backside turn initiation and feel the board exactly the same. ZEROJR Quadratic Sidecut: a union of three spokes that not even in Star Trek, the Quadratic sidecut increases grip and ease of changing edges.ZERO JR ExtrudedSole: composed of extruded PTex 1500 this base is definitely sturdy and easy to repair. ZEROJR Foundation Core: aspen woods from tip to tail for a lightweight and responsive Foundation Core.ZERO JR Cleave Edge Steel : this lamita uses almost 50 percent more steel making it extremely resistant to breakage and extending its durability ZEROJR Slim walls : lightweight yet strong sidewall capable of giving excellent energy transfer but without compromising vibration and impact absorption ZEROJR Impact Plates Inserts: if you suck a little or turn really big (more likely the former) every now and then Impact Plates placed under the bindings will save your ass and board on the worst impacts or least successful tricks.ZERO JR Biaxial Glass Inserts: thanks to the glass fibers positioned at 90 the board gets pop without affecting maneuverability and ease in tricks.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Ride Zero U 151 U
Prodejce: Cena: 12,061.17 kč (+353.75 kč)RIDE ZEROHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE ZERO TABLE.I don't know if this board owes its name to Rodriguez's movie of the same name but one thing is for sure, in common with the bloody Mexican vigilante it has a passion for arrogant entrances and special effects. Don't think you'll jump off a 20-meter tooth clutching your master's guts like a liana, however, with this mine under your butt you might have the push you need to seriously close a few lines. Rearranged with a microcamber in the middle of the bindings for better tone, sharper response and increased stability it gains even more versatility by bringing its talents to the track as well. Standing out among the mass of Hollywood blockbusters with never-before-seen creativity is a piece of cake accompanied by the ZERO, thanks in part to the latest generation of technologies such as carbon arrays 3, fast-as-wind slab, carbon slimerods 1 and double impact plates that absorb bumps and clumsy landings making you appear confident in taking your tricks to another level.ZERO RIDE BOARDZERO, UNISEX board from RIDE that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.ZERO Twin Standard Camber Profile: large rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board a beast in powder and in maneuvers, not to mention a camber zone in the middle of the bindings to maintain pop and precision. ZEROAsymmetric Shaping Sidecut: as you well know the other half of the apple is the one with the worm, and in the case of snow from frontside to backside there are an avalanche of differences. Ride solves the dilemma by equipping the board with its Asym Shaping, with a narrower sidecut on the backside edge to help you in the backside turn initiation and feel the board exactly the same. ZEROQuadratic Sidecut: a union of three spokes that not even in Star Trek, the Quadratic sidecut increases grip and ease of edge change.ZERO SinteredSole: the sintered base composed of PTex 4000 is strong and very fast. ZEROPerformance Core Core: to the time-tested Aspen in its Performance Core Ride has expertly added Bamboo strips and and Paulonia woods to combine responsiveness and lightness.ZERO Cleave Edge Steel : this lamita uses almost 50 percent more steel making it extremely resistant to breakage and lengthening its durability ZEROSlim walls : light but strong sidewall capable of giving great energy transfer but without compromising vibration and impact absorption ZEROImpact Plates Inserts: if you suck a little or turn really big (more likely the former) every now and then the Impact Plates placed under the bindings will save your ass and board on the worst impacts or least successful tricks.ZERO Carbon Array Inserts: the Carbon Array inserts comb out from the bindings to the contact lines on the edge, increasing the board's leading feel and torsional flex for precise riding and pinpoint maneuvers. ZEROBiaxial Glass Inserts: thanks to the glass...
Ride Zero Jr U 135 U
Prodejce: Cena: 5,689.10 kč (+353.75 kč)RIDE ZERO JRHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE ZERO JR TABLE.As the US culture bring out the ferr... No pardon, we were saying US culture teaches us if you have your smallest photocopy call it JR it solves the problem of thinking of a new name. The ZERO JR is Ride's vision for future riders who want to give their freestyle riding a boost, designed for younger riders it encapsulates all Ride technologies designed for easy, stable and fun riding. Maybe you won't be (your kid won't be) Shaun White or maybe you will! If you don't get him a Zero Jr you'll never know.ZERO JR RIDE BOARDZERO JR, CHILD 'S BOARD from RIDE that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.ZERO JR Twin Standard Camber Profile: large rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board a beast in powder and in maneuvers, not to mention a camber zone in the middle of the bindings to maintain pop and precision. ZEROJR Asymmetric Shaping Sidecut: as you well know the other half of the apple is the one with the worm, and in the case of snow from frontside to backside there are an avalanche of differences. Ride solves the dilemma by equipping the board with its Asym Shaping, with a narrower sidecut on the backside edge to help you in the backside turn initiation and feel the board exactly the same. ZEROJR Quadratic Sidecut: a union of three spokes that not even in Star Trek, the Quadratic sidecut increases grip and ease of changing edges.ZERO JR ExtrudedSole: composed of extruded PTex 1500 this base is definitely sturdy and easy to repair. ZEROJR Foundation Core: aspen woods from tip to tail for a lightweight and responsive Foundation Core.ZERO JR Cleave Edge Steel : this lamita uses almost 50 percent more steel making it extremely resistant to breakage and extending its durability ZEROJR Slim walls : lightweight yet strong sidewall capable of giving excellent energy transfer but without compromising vibration and impact absorption ZEROJR Impact Plates Inserts: if you suck a little or turn really big (more likely the former) every now and then Impact Plates placed under the bindings will save your ass and board on the worst impacts or least successful tricks.ZERO JR Biaxial Glass Inserts: thanks to the glass fibers positioned at 90 the board gets pop without affecting maneuverability and ease in tricks.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Ride Zero U 159 U
Prodejce: Cena: 7,737.26 kč (+353.75 kč)ZERO RIDEHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE ZERO BOARD.I don't know if this board owes its name to the Rodriguez movie of the same name but one thing is for sure, in common with the bloody Mexican vigilante it has a passion for arrogant entrances and special effects. Don't think you'll jump off a 20-meter tooth clutching your master's guts like a liana, however, with this mine under your butt you might get the boost you need to seriously close a few lines. Rearranged with a microcamber in the middle of the bindings for better tone, sharper response and increased stability it gains even more versatility by bringing its talents to the track as well. Standing out among the mass of Hollywood blockbusters with never-before-seen creativity is a piece of cake accompanied by the ZERO, thanks in part to the latest generation of technologies such as carbon arrays 3, the fast-as-wind slab, carbon slimerods 1 and double impact plates that absorb bumps and clumsy landings making you appear confident in taking your tricks to another level.ZERO RIDE BOARDZERO, RIDE 'S UNISEX BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.ZEROTwin Standard Camber Profile: large rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board a beast in powder and maneuvering, not to mention a camber zone in the middle of the bindings to maintain pop and precision.ZERO Asymmetric Shaping Sidecut: as you well know the other half of the apple is the one with the worm, and in the case of snow from frontside to backside there are an avalanche of differences. Ride solves the dilemma by equipping the board with its Asym Shaping, with a narrower sidecut on the backside edge to help you in the backside turn initiation and feel the board exactly the same.ZERO Quadratic Sidecut: a union of three spokes that not even in Star Trek, the Quadratic sidecut increases grip and ease of edge change.ZERO SinteredSole: the sintered base composed of PTex 4000 is strong and very fast.ZEROPerformance Core Core: to the time-tested Aspen in its Performance Core Ride has expertly added Bamboo strips and and Paulonia woods to combine responsiveness and lightness.ZERO Cleave Edge Steel : this lamita uses almost 50 percent more steel making it extremely resistant to breakage and lengthening its durabilityZEROSlim walls : light but strong sidewall capable of giving great energy transfer but without compromising vibration and impact absorptionZEROImpact Plates Inserts: if you suck a little or ride really big (more likely the former) every once in a while the Impact Plates placed under the bindings will save your ass and board on the worst impacts or least successful tricks.ZERO Carbon Array Inserts: the Carbon Array inserts comb out from the bindings to the contact lines on the edge, increasing the board's conduction sensitivity and torsional flex for precise riding and pinpoint maneuvers.ZERO Biaxial Glass Inserts: thanks to...
Red Bull Zero 24x 0,25l
Prodejce: Cena: 759.00 kč (+99.00 kč)Energetický nápoj Red Bull Zero 24x 0,25l: Změna barevného stylu šablony pro potraviny Red Bull Zero 24× 0,25 l Red Bull Zero představuje nealkoholický sycený nápoj, který vás potěší svojí nezaměnitelnou chutí. Obsahuje taurin, kofein i vitamíny B6 a B12. Ve 100 ml se ukrývá pouze 9 kJ a žádný cukr. Praktické balení v plechovce o objemu 250 ml je ideální i na cesty. Klíčové vlastnosti nápoje Red Bull Zero Nealkoholický sycený nápojVarianta se sladidly bez cukruObsahuje taurin a kofein Ve 100 ml se ukrývá 9 kJ V balení je 24 plechovekS vitamíny B6 a B12 Složení Voda, kyselina (kyselina citronová), oxid uhličitý, taurin (0,4%), regulátory kyselosti (uhličitany sodné, uhličitany hořečnaté), sladidla (acesulfam K, sukralóza,...
Ride Zero Jr U 142 U
Prodejce: Cena: 3,731.96 kč (+353.75 kč)RIDE ZERO JRHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the RIDE ZERO JR TABLE.As the US culture bring out the ferr... No pardon, we were saying US culture teaches us if you have your smallest photocopy call it JR it solves the problem of thinking of a new name. The ZERO JR is Ride's vision for future riders who want to give their freestyle riding a boost, designed for younger riders it encapsulates all Ride technologies designed for easy, stable and fun riding. Maybe you won't be (your kid won't be) Shaun White or maybe you will! If you don't get him a Zero Jr, you'll never know.ZERO JR RIDE BOARDZERO JR, A BOARD FOR KIDS , KIDS AND RIDERS FROM THE LIGHT WEIGHT of RIDE that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.ZERO JR Twin Standard Camber Profile: large rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board a beast in powder and maneuvering, not to mention a camber zone in the middle of the bindings to maintain pop and precision. ZEROJR Asymmetric Shaping Sidecut: as you well know the other half of the apple is the one with the worm, and in the case of snow from frontside to backside there are an avalanche of differences. Ride solves the dilemma by equipping the board with its Asym Shaping, with a narrower sidecut on the backside edge to help you in the backside turn initiation and feel the board exactly the same. ZEROJR Quadratic Sidecut: a union of three spokes that not even in Star Trek, the Quadratic sidecut increases grip and ease of changing edges.ZERO JR ExtrudedSole: composed of extruded PTex 1500 this base is definitely sturdy and easy to repair. ZEROJR Foundation Core: aspen woods from tip to tail for a lightweight and responsive Foundation Core.ZERO JR Cleave Edge Steel : this lamita uses almost 50 percent more steel making it extremely resistant to breakage and extending its durability ZEROJR Slim walls : lightweight yet strong sidewall capable of giving excellent energy transfer but without compromising vibration and impact absorption ZEROJR Impact Plates Inserts: if you suck a little or turn really big (more likely the former) every now and then Impact Plates placed under the bindings will save your ass and board on the worst impacts or least successful tricks.ZERO JR Biaxial Glass Inserts: thanks to the glass fibers positioned at 90 the board gets pop without affecting maneuverability and ease in tricks.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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