Es wurden 187 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff accounting in 6 Shops gefunden:
GEBRAUCHT Accounting for Intangible Assets:A New Perspective on the True and Fair View (The Eiu Series) - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 8,49 € (+1,99 €)Binding : paperback, Edition : 1, Label : Accounting for Intangible Assets : A New Perspective on the True and Fair View (The Eiu Series), NumberOfItems : 1, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 254, publicationDate : 1995-09-26, releaseDate : 1995-09-26, languages : english, ISBN : 0201422735
Accounting Fraud
Anbieter: Preis: 44,99 €Dieses Buch beschreibt, welche typischen Fälle von Bilanzmanipulationen auch im Alltag von Konzernen und KMUs vorkommen können, durch Mitarbeiter und Dienstleister. Das Bewusstsein für Accounting Fraud ist oft nicht vorhanden. In diesem Buch werden branchentypische Besonderheiten der Bilanz und GuV aufgegriffen. Die Autoren erläutern verschiedene Manipulationsarten und zeigen, wie diese aufgedeckt werden können. Zudem wird erklärt, welche Maßnahmen Unternehmen zur Früherkennung und Prävention ergreifen können, beispielsweise durch den Einsatz forensischer Datenanalyse. Dieses Buch veranschaulicht, wie wichtig es für Praktiker ist, sich dem Thema zu widmen, auch anhand von Praxisbeispielen.
GEBRAUCHT Intermediate Accounting - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 45,99 €Binding : hardcover, Edition : 5, Label : Intermediate Accounting, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : hardcover, numberOfPages : 1201, publicationDate : 1995-01-01, releaseDate : 1995-01-01, languages : english, ISBN : 0070110875
Hedge Accounting nach IFRS 9
Anbieter: Preis: 64,99 €Gerhard Hochreiter analysiert in normativer Hinsicht, inwieweit bestimmte Anwendungskriterien unter Berücksichtigung der Grundsätze einer ökonomischen Risikokompensation und der IFRS 9 Hedge Accounting Systematik gerechtfertigt sind. Im Mittelpunkt dabei stehen die sub-LIBOR-Vorschrift sowie das Verbot, einzelne Laufzeitkomponenten von Derivaten als Sicherungsinstrument designieren zu dürfen. Des Weiteren untersucht er die Auswirkungen des Cash Flow Hedge auf die Preisbildung am europäischen Kapitalmarkt im Kontext von Fremdwährungsrisiken. Der Cash Flow Hedge zeichnet sich durch eine asynchrone Behandlung der Wertänderungen von Grundgeschäft und Sicherungsinstrument bei der Absicherung künftiger Transaktionen oder bindender Verpflichtungen im Abschluss aus. Diese asynchrone Behandlung, gepaart mit unvollständigen Informationen zum Ausmaß der Absicherung von Fremdwährungsrisiken, verursacht möglicherweise Marktineffizienzen, denen mit dieser Untersuchung auf den Grund gegangen wird.
Mike Piper - GEBRAUCHT Accounting Made Simple: Accounting Explained in 100 Pages or Less - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 8,49 € (+1,99 €)Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Simple Subjects, LLC, Publisher : Simple Subjects, LLC, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 114, publicationDate : 2010-06-01, authors : Mike Piper, languages : english, ISBN : 0981454224
German Accounting
Anbieter: Preis: 29,95 €German Accounting – The perfect starting point! This is the definitive English textbook to provide you with relevant basic knowledge on German accounting in a brief and structured manner. The updated second edition includes numerous practical exercises for both students and professionals. - Fundamentals of accounting: functions, German statutory requirements (i.e., HGB) as well as generally accepted accounting principles - Accounting techniques and account assignment: detailed presentation of the most important accounts and entry formulas - Preparation of financial statements: systematics and contents of relevant accounting topics “A great textbook – the ideal introduction for students, trainees and accountants who are looking for a quick and clear overview, a solid stepping stone for beginners and beyond.” Dr. Andreas Focke (Partner at a Big Four accounting firm)
GEBRAUCHT Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods, & Uses - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 20,49 €Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, ISBN : 0155274813
Basics of Accounting
Anbieter: Preis: 39,99 €Accountants support managers to control their businesses. Companies report to their investors and creditors in form of financial statements derived from bookkeeping records. In business, Accounting actually is the Language managers talk. This text book teaches you the vocabulary and grammar of international Accounting from the scratch on. Students and managers who strive to understand and apply IFRSs need to know the fundamentals of international Accounting, starting from easy bookkeeping and continued by Financial Accounting and Management Accounting (Controlling). The book also closes the gap between German bookkeeping/Accounting and IFRSs courses taught in Germany and abroad. The text book is based on more than 60 mini-case studies, such as you find in exams. The approach of teaching is like being coached by an experienced Accountant who shows and explains how Accounting is done, step by step. In order to pick up technical terms in international Accounting and class room Language, the text book is written in English by an international team of Accounting experts and authored by an Accounting professor of a German university of applied sciences with international experience as visiting professor in numerious partner universities worldwide.
GEBRAUCHT International Accounting Standards - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 2,02 € (+1,99 €)Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Schäffer-Poeschel, Publisher : Schäffer-Poeschel, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2002-01-01, languages : german, ISBN : 3791021001
Accounting Comes Alive Inc The Joy Of Accounting
Anbieter: Preis: 61,99 €*The Joy of Accounting * - A Game-Changing Approach That Makes Accounting Easy / Taschenbücher für 61.99€ / Aus dem Bereich: Bücher-Wissenschaft-Wirtschaftswissenschaft Taschenbücher
GEBRAUCHT Bookkeeping and Accounting in a Week (In a Week S.) - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 4,49 € (+1,99 €)Binding : paperback, Edition : 2, Label : Bookkeeping and Accounting in a Week (In a Week S.), NumberOfItems : 1, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 96, publicationDate : 2003-03-28, releaseDate : 2003-03-28, languages : english, ISBN : 0340849614
Basic Accounting Simplified
Anbieter: Preis: 21,99 €Basic Accounting Simplified is for beginning or struggling accounting students and bookkeepers. When the basics are understood, the more advanced aspects of accounting are easier to understand. By simplifying complex concepts, Basic Accounting Simplified helps students of accounting to think through, understand, and master the more difficult issues that will be taught as their accounting education progresses. Basic Accounting Simplified also provides a practical approach to solving problems. Straightforward instructions will guide the student through this process and will engage the student every step of the way. The objective of this book is to impart an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of accounting to the beginning or struggling accounting student. It presents an easy-to-grasp technique that can be mastered in a short time. Basic Accounting Simplified is the 'safety net' every accounting student should have in order to be successful in this field.
GEBRAUCHT Financial Accounting & Reporting - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 5,49 € (+1,99 €)Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, ISBN : 0075609746
Financial Accounting for Dummies
Anbieter: Preis: 47,99 €Financial Accounting for Dummies
GEBRAUCHT ACCA Accounting Technician Textbook: Office Practice and Procedure Level A2 (ACCA Accounting Technician Textbooks) - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 2,02 € (+1,99 €)Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : AT Foulks Lynch Ltd, Publisher : AT Foulks Lynch Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 350, publicationDate : 1998-07-01, ISBN : 0748337369
Financial Accounting for Dummies
Anbieter: Preis: 30,99 €Learn to speak fluent finance--and ace your exams! Warren Buffett said that 'accounting is the language of business.'' And for many accounting and business students, the obscure terminology of accounting makes fluency hard to achieve. Financial Accounting For Dummies can help to demystify abstract concepts in a straightforward, friendly way. With step-by-step examples and real-world scenarios practice, it helps you grasp the fundamentals of accounting until you're ready to interpret, analyze, and evaluate corporate financial statements like you've been doing it all your life. Packed with easy-to-understand examples, this book takes you from the big three financial statements all the way through to income taxes. Or join the anti-fraud squad by discovering how to spot the ten most common accounting shenanigans. * Grasp introductory financial accounting course material * Explore common concepts financial professionals use to compile reports * Understand leases, free cash flow, and statement analysis * Learn accounting for small businesses Whether you're studying for your bachelor's, MBA, or MAcc, you'll find everything you need to speak the language of finance like a native--and use it to get to wherever you want to go!
GEBRAUCHT Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 15,45 € (+1,99 €)Binding : paperback, Edition : 5, Label : Cost Accounting : A Managerial Emphasis, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 928, publicationDate : 1982-02-01, releaseDate : 1982-02-01, languages : english, ISBN : 0131796550
Financial Accounting
Anbieter: Preis: 31,99 €Every German student of business administration needs to have a basic understanding of accounting according to German GAAP. Thanks to globalization, many courses in German accounting are nowadays conducted in English. In addition, many foreign subsidiaries of German companies have to prepare their part of consolidated financial statements according to German GAAP. So far students taking these accounting courses and professionals preparing these financial statements have had to rely on German literature only and did not have an English textbook to refer to that covers German GAAP accounting topics in detail. To fill this gap, the first edition of this book offered a compact introduction to financial statements according to German GAAP, and exercises on individual topics with solutions and case studies for in-depth and effective learning. The revised and extended second edition with updated references and text, adds a complete translation of the parts of the German Commercial Code that are directly relevant for accounting. Students and professionals can now go back to the original source when working out accounting problems. It provides ideal support for German-speaking students and is furthermore valuable for professionals looking for explanations when preparing the data for consolidated financial statements. Includes exercises and case studies for practice Ideal textbook for students of German universities attending English-speaking lectures in financial management Ideal introduction for professionals with succinct explanations and additional support in the form of a glossary and list of vocabulary terms
International Accounting Standards Board - GEBRAUCHT 2016 IFRS (Blue Book) Consolidated Without Early Application - Preis vom 18.01.2025 05:53:52 h
Anbieter: MEDIMOPS Preis: 2,02 € (+1,99 €)Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 01, Label : International Accounting Stand, Publisher : International Accounting Stand, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 3968, publicationDate : 2015-12-07, authors : International Accounting Standards Board, languages : english, ISBN : 1911040006
English for Accounting and Auditing
Anbieter: Preis: 47,99 €English for Accounting and Auditing is a coursebook for upper-intermediate and advance level students whose professional or academic practice demands a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of accounting concepts and vocabulary. It addresses the greater part of relevant accounting topics, starting from basic concepts and gradually moving to more advanced issues, such as accrual-basis accounting or valuation of intangible assets. With exercises designed to improve their all-round English skills, the course enables students to become competent speakers and writers, effectively interpret accounting information in English and provide expert advice to their clients. Key features: classroom tested; careful selection of relevant topics; systematic vocabulary building by thematic areas; guided speaking and writing exercises; grammar revision in accounting context; clear and recognisable unit pattern; complete glossary of terms; collocation bank; numerous 'free practice' extra activities. Components: Student's Book & Teacher's Book.
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