Der blev fundet 108 produkter som matchede din søgning efter bloodlines i 9 butikker:
Cnd Vinylux Bloodline #106 Neglelak, 15 Ml.
Sælger: Pris: 8.75 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Farve: Mørk blodrødDækkevne: HeldækkendeEffekt: CreamCND VINYLUX™ - Første Long Wear Polish med styrkende keratin for sunde og stærke naturnegle CND™ VINYLUX™ Long Wear Polish er et prisvindende 2-trins system med indbygget base coat og en hurtig påføring med den kurvede pensel, 8 1/2 minuts tørretid og let aftagning. Det er den første Long Wear Polish med plejende egenskaber (styrkende keratin, vitamin E og Jojoba olie), som sikrer sunde og stærke naturnegle. VINYLUX™ Long Wear Top coat hærder i naturligt dagslys takket være en avanceret teknologi, der giver ekstra styrke og holdbarhed. CND™ VINYLUX™ er skabt uden formaldehyd, toluene, DBP, formaldehyd resin, camphor, xylene og parabener. Hvad kan du forvente af VINYLUX™ systemet: Long Wear Polish: Smukke, keramisk forseglede, langtidsholdbare lakeringer, der ikke skaller og som er lette at påføre og aftage. 2-trins system: Base coat er indbygget i farven. Gel-like shine: Smuk Gel-like shine takket være avanceret fotoinitiator-tekonologi. 8.5 minutters tørretid: Luftørrer til et fejlfrit resultat på kun 8,5 minut. Stærkere naturnegle: Indbygget complex med E-vitamin, Jojoba olie og styrkende keratin som sikrer stærke, fleksible og sunde negle.
Cnd Vinylux Bloodline #106 Neglelak, 15 Ml.
Sælger: Pris: 87.50 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Farve: Mørk blodrødDækkevne: HeldækkendeEffekt: CreamCND VINYLUX™ - Første Long Wear Polish med styrkende keratin for sunde og stærke naturnegle CND™ VINYLUX™ Long Wear Polish er et prisvindende 2-trins system med indbygget base coat og en hurtig påføring med den kurvede pensel, 8 1/2 minuts tørretid og let aftagning. Det er den første Long Wear Polish med plejende egenskaber (styrkende keratin, vitamin E og Jojoba olie), som sikrer sunde og stærke naturnegle. VINYLUX™ Long Wear Top coat hærder i naturligt dagslys takket være en avanceret teknologi, der giver ekstra styrke og holdbarhed. CND™ VINYLUX™ er skabt uden formaldehyd, toluene, DBP, formaldehyd resin, camphor, xylene og parabener. Hvad kan du forvente af VINYLUX™ systemet: Long Wear Polish: Smukke, keramisk forseglede, langtidsholdbare lakeringer, der ikke skaller og som er lette at påføre og aftage. 2-trins system: Base coat er indbygget i farven. Gel-like shine: Smuk Gel-like shine takket være avanceret fotoinitiator-tekonologi. 8.5 minutters tørretid: Luftørrer til et fejlfrit resultat på kun 8,5 minut. Stærkere naturnegle: Indbygget complex med E-vitamin, Jojoba olie og styrkende keratin som sikrer stærke, fleksible og sunde negle.
Bloodlines (Book 1) - Richelle Mead - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 109.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The first book in Richelle Mead's bestselling Bloodlines series, set in the world of the international #1 bestselling Vampire Academy series - NOW A MAJOR SERIES ON SKY AND NOWTV. SYDNEY PROTECTS VAMPIRE SECRETS - AND HUMAN LIVES. Sydney belongs to a secret group who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the world of humans and vampires. But when Sydney is torn from her bed in the middle of the night, she fears she's still being punished for her complicated alliance with dhampir Rose Hathaway. What unfolds is far worse. The sister of Moroi queen Lissa Dragomir is in mortal danger, and goes into hiding. Now Sydney must act as her protector. The last thing Sydney wants is to be accused of sympathizing with vampires. And now she has to live with one . . . 'Exciting, empowering and un-put-downable.' MTV's Hollywood Crush 'We're suckers for it!' - Entertainment Weekly Also available in the Bloodlines series: Bloodlines (Book 1) Bloodlines: The Golden Lily (Book 2) Bloodlines: The Indigo Spell (Book 3) Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart (Book 4) *And don't miss: Bloodlines: Silver Shadows (Book 5)* Discover where the story began in the bestselling Vampire Academy series: Vampire Academy (Book 1) Vampire Academy: Frostbite (Book 2) Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss (Book 3) Vampire Academy: Blood Promise (Book 4) Vampire Academy: Spirit Bound (Book 5) Vampire Academy: Last Sacrifice (Book 6)
GooBay LED Floodlight 10W 800 lm
Sælger: Pris: 59.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Udendørs LED-projektør Slim Classic som optimal belysningsløsning til husindgange, garager, carporte og adgangsvejej. Også velegnet til haver. IP65. • Ekstremt flad konstruktion og høj energieffektivitet • robust aluminiumshus beskytter mod vejr og vind • justerbar bøjle til vægmontering og ca. 15 cm ledning med trådendemuffer
CND Vinylux Nail Polish 15 ml - Bloodline #106
Sælger: Pris: 125.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)CND Vinylux Nail Polish - Bloodline #106 er en utrolig flot neglelak, i en smuk dybrød farve. Denne lækre, blodrøde farve, som signalerer glæde, lidenskab og kærlighed, kan med fordel benyttes til neglene for at give hænderne opmærksomhed og fokus. Derudover går farven rød godt i spænd sammen med de grå og mørke nuancer. Denne lækre neglelak er specielt lavet til dig, som ønsker en chic og moderne neglelak, der holder. Med neglelakkerne fra CND VINYLUX behøver du ingen basecoat – den er nemlig indbygget i lakken, hvilket sikrer, at du undgår misfarvede negle. Lakken lægger sig perfekt på naturneglen, og er fuldstændig tør efter blot 8,5 minutter. CND Vinylux Nail Polish er en funktionel og banebrydende neglelak i en skøn farve, som er en sikker vinder til både hverdag og fest. Fordele: Neglelak Heldækkende Op til 7 dages holdbarhed med VINYLUX Weekly Top Coat Tørretiden er på blot 8,5 minutter Basecoaten er indbygget i lakken Fjernes som traditionel neglelak Anvendelse: For optimal hæftning af lakken anvendes neglelakfjerner inden påføring for at fjerne fedt, olie og snavs fra neglene Ryst neglelakken i 30 sekunder inden brug Påfør kun 3-4 tynde lakeringsstrøg pr. negl. Undgå striber og hold penslen helt vandret ned på neglen, når du lakerer For en uges holdbarhed påføres VINYLUX Weekly Top Coat. Husk at forsegle siderne og spidsen af neglen
EuroLite LED KKL-30 Floodlight 4100K black TILBUD NU
Sælger: Pris: 609.00 dkr (+48.00 dkr)30 W LED floodlight with extension arm and screw terminal for fixation Head tiltable 90° Unique design Easy mounting via screw clamp For tabletops with up to 40 mm strength 1 powerful LED 30 W COB (chip-on-board... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 609,00 (før 799,00)
Bloodline - James Rollins - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 114.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A page-turning, high-concept adventure from the king of the genre. Galilee, 1025. Infiltrating an ancient citadel, a Templar knight uncovers a holy treasure long hidden within the fortress's labyrinth: the Bachal Isu - the staff of Jesus Christ - a priceless icon that holds a mysterious and terrifying power. A power that will change humankind for ever. A millennium later, Somali pirates kidnap the President's daughter. Commander Gray Pierce is enlisted for a covert rescue mission in the African jungle. And halfway around the world a firebombing at a fertility clinic in South Carolina exposes a conspiracy that goes back centuries and lies within our genetic code. SIGMA must race to save an innocent unborn baby whose very existence raises questions about the nature of humanity, asking: could you live for ever? Would you live for ever?
EuroLite LED KKL-30 Floodlight 4100K white TILBUD NU
Sælger: Pris: 609.00 dkr (+48.00 dkr)30 W LED floodlight with extension arm and screw terminal for fixation Head tiltable 90° Unique design Easy mounting via screw clamp For tabletops with up to 40 mm strength 1 powerful LED 30 W COB (chip-on-board... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 609,00 (før 799,00)
Bloodline - Conn Iggulden - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)THE EPIC HISTORICAL NOVEL FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR CONN IGGULDEN - FANS OF GAME OF THRONES AND WOLF HALL WILL BE HOOKED 'Superbly plotted and paced' THE TIMES ________ Winter 1461. Richard Duke of York is dead, his ambitions in ruins, his head spiked on the walls of the city. King Henry VI is still held prisoner. His Lancastrian Queen rides south with an army of victorious northerners, accompanied by painted warriors from the Scottish Highlands. With the death of York, Margaret and her army seem unstoppable. Yet in killing the father, Margaret has unleashed the sons. Edward of March, now Duke of York, proclaims himself England's rightful king. Through blood and treason, through broken men and vengeful women, brother shall confront brother, king shall face king. Two men can always claim a crown. But only one can keep it . . . ________ Praise for the Wars of the Roses series: 'Pacey and juicy, and packed with action' Sunday Times 'Energetic, competent stuff; Iggulden knows his material and his audience' Independent 'A novel that seamlessly combines narrative, historical credence and great knowledge of the period' Daily Express 'A page-turning thriller' Mail on Sunday
EuroLite LED KKL-50 Floodlight 4100K black TILBUD NU
Sælger: Pris: 1,199.00 dkr (+55.00 dkr)50 W LED floodlight with extension arm and screw terminal for fixation 50-W-LED-Fluter an Auslegerarm mit Schraubklemme zur Befestigung Unique design For tabletops with up to 40 mm strength 1 powerful LED 50 W... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 1199,00 (før 1499,00)
Bloodlines: The Indigo Spell (Book 3) - Richelle Mead - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 109.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Bloodlines: The Indigo Spell is the heart-stopping third book in the bestselling Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead, set in the world of the soon-to-be global movie sensation, Vampire Academy . A thrilling world of magic, alchemy, vampires and true love awaits . . . Sydney Sage she protects vampire secrets - and human lives. AN ANCIENT MAGIC. A HEART-WRENCHING DECISION . . . In the aftermath of a forbidden moment that rocked Sydney to her core, she is struggling to decide between following her Alchemist teachings - or her heart. Then she meets alluring, rebellious Marcus Finch, a former Alchemist who is now on the run. As Marcus pushes her to rebel, Sydney finds that breaking free is harder than she thought. There is an old and mysterious magic rooted deeply within her. And as Sydney searches for the person attacking powerful young witches, she realizes that she must embrace her magical blood - or else she will be next. Praise for Richelle Mead: 'Exciting, empowering and un-put-downable.' MTV's Hollywood Crush 'We're suckers for it!' - Entertainment Weekly Also available in the Bloodlines series: Bloodlines (Book 1) Bloodlines: The Golden Lily (Book 2) Bloodlines: The Indigo Spell (Book 3) Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart (Book 4) And don't miss: Bloodlines: Silver Shadows (Book 5) Discover where the story began in the Vampire Academy series: *NOW A MAJOR FILM* Vampire Academy (Book 1) Vampire Academy: Frostbite (Book 2) Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss (Book 3) Vampire Academy: Blood Promise (Book 4) Vampire Academy: Spirit Bound (Book 5) Vampire Academy: Last Sacrifice (Book 6)
EuroLite LED KKL-50 Floodlight 4100K white TILBUD NU
Sælger: Pris: 1,199.00 dkr (+55.00 dkr)50 W LED floodlight with extension arm and screw terminal for fixation 50-W-LED-Fluter an Auslegerarm mit Schraubklemme zur Befestigung Unique design For tabletops with up to 40 mm strength 1 powerful LED 50 W... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 1199,00 (før 1499,00)
Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart (Book 4) - Richelle Mead - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 84.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart is the smouldering fourth book in the bestselling Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead, set in the world of Vampire Academy - NOW A MAJOR FILM. A pulse-pounding world of magic, alchemy, vampires and true love awaits . . .WHEN PULSES QUICKEN NO SECRET IS SAFE.Sydney always believed that alchemists were born to protect vampire secrets and human lives - until she met Marcus and turned her back on everything she once knew.But she's not free yet. When her sister Zoe arrives, Sydney can only tell half-truths about her past. And with every word she risks exposure - and the fatal consequences.Consumed by passion and vengeance, Sydney must choose her path once and for all. Even if that means harnessing her magical powers to destroy the way of life she was raised to defend . . .Praise for Richelle Mead:'Exciting, empowering and un-put-downable.' MTV's Hollywood Crush'We're suckers for it!' - Entertainment WeeklyAlso available in the Bloodlines series:Bloodlines (Book 1)Bloodlines: The Golden Lily (Book 2)Bloodlines: The Indigo Spell (Book 3)Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart (Book 4)And don't miss: Bloodlines: Silver Shadows (Book 5)Discover where the story began in the Vampire Academy series:*NOW A MAJOR FILM*Vampire Academy (Book 1)Vampire Academy: Frostbite (Book 2) Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss (Book 3)Vampire Academy: Blood Promise (Book 4)Vampire Academy: Spirit Bound (Book 5) Vampire Academy: Last Sacrifice (Book 6)
LED PIR Motion Sensor Floodlight Udendørs Væg Lys Hvid Lys
Sælger: Pris: 385.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)LED PIR Motion Sensor Floodlight Udendørs Væg Lys Hvid Lys
Bloodlines: The Golden Lily (Book 2) - Richelle Mead - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 109.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Bloodlines: The Golden Lily is the second book in the bestselling Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead, set in the world of Vampire Academy - NOW A MAJOR FILM. A pulse-pounding world of magic, alchemy, vampires and true love awaits . . . Sydney Sage protects vampire secrets - and human lives. WILL LOVE LOSE HER EVERYTHING SHE KNOWS? In hiding in a Californian boarding school, Sydney's life has become irrevocably intertwined with Jill Dragomir, the vampire Moroi princess she has been tasked with protecting. She has grown close to those in Jill's royal circle - and to someone in particular. Someone that forces her to question everything the alchemists believe in. Someone forbidden. When a shocking secret threatens to tear the vampire world - her new world - apart, Sydney's loyalties are tested more than ever. Should she trust the alchemists - or her heart? Praise for Richelle Mead: 'Exciting, empowering and un-put-downable .' MTV's Hollywood Crush 'We're suckers for it!' - Entertainment Weekly Also available in the Bloodlines series: Bloodlines (Book 1) Bloodlines: The Golden Lily (Book 2) Bloodlines: The Indigo Spell (Book 3) Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart (Book 4) And don't miss: Bloodlines: Silver Shadows (Book 5) Discover where the story began in the Vampire Academy series: *NOW A MAJOR FILM* Vampire Academy (Book 1) Vampire Academy: Frostbite (Book 2) Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss (Book 3) Vampire Academy: Blood Promise (Book 4) Vampire Academy: Spirit Bound (Book 5) Vampire Academy: Last Sacrifice (Book 6)
EuroLite LED KKL-12 Floodlight 3200K black TILBUD NU
Sælger: Pris: 669.00 dkr (+48.00 dkr)Warm white 12 W LED light on an extension arm with clamp holder Warmweiße 12-Watt-LED-Leuchte an Auslegerarm mit Klemmhalterung Inclination-angle of the device head: horizontally approx. 320°, vertically approx.... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 669,00 (før 799,00)
Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart (Book 4) - Richelle Mead - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 109.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart is the smouldering fourth book in the bestselling Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead, set in the world of Vampire Academy - NOW A MAJOR FILM. A pulse-pounding world of magic, alchemy, vampires and true love awaits . . . WHEN PULSES QUICKEN NO SECRET IS SAFE. Sydney always believed that alchemists were born to protect vampire secrets and human lives - until she met Marcus and turned her back on everything she once knew. But she's not free yet. When her sister Zoe arrives, Sydney can only tell half-truths about her past. And with every word she risks exposure - and the fatal consequences. Consumed by passion and vengeance, Sydney must choose her path once and for all. Even if that means harnessing her magical powers to destroy the way of life she was raised to defend . . . Praise for Richelle Mead: 'Exciting, empowering and un-put-downable.' MTV's Hollywood Crush 'We're suckers for it!' - Entertainment Weekly Also available in the Bloodlines series: Bloodlines (Book 1) Bloodlines: The Golden Lily (Book 2) Bloodlines: The Indigo Spell (Book 3) Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart (Book 4) And don't miss: Bloodlines: Silver Shadows (Book 5) Discover where the story began in the Vampire Academy series: *NOW A MAJOR FILM* Vampire Academy (Book 1) Vampire Academy: Frostbite (Book 2) Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss (Book 3) Vampire Academy: Blood Promise (Book 4) Vampire Academy: Spirit Bound (Book 5) Vampire Academy: Last Sacrifice (Book 6)
EuroLite LED KKL-30 Floodlight 4100K silver TILBUD NU
Sælger: Pris: 609.00 dkr (+48.00 dkr)30 W LED floodlight with extension arm and screw terminal for fixation Head tiltable 90° Unique design Easy mounting via screw clamp For tabletops with up to 40 mm strength 1 powerful LED 30 W COB (chip-on-board... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 609,00 (før 799,00)
Bloodlines: The Ruby Circle (Book 6) - Richelle Mead - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 109.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Bloodlines: The Ruby Circle is the epic conclusion to Richelle Mead's bestselling Bloodlines series , set in the world of Vampire Academy - NOW A MAJOR FILM. Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets - and human lives. After their secret romance is exposed, Sydney and Adrian find themselves facing the wrath of both the Alchemists and the Moroi in this electrifying conclusion to Richelle Mead's New York Times bestselling Bloodlines series. When the life of someone they both love is put on the line, Sydney risks everything to hunt down a deadly former nemesis. Meanwhile, Adrian becomes enmeshed in a puzzle that could hold the key to a shocking secret about spirit magic, a secret that could shake the entire Moroi world . . . Praise for Richelle Mead: 'Exciting, empowering and un-put-downable.' MTV's Hollywood Crush 'We're suckers for it!' - Entertainment Weekly Also available in the Bloodlines series: Bloodlines (Book 1) Bloodlines: The Golden Lily (Book 2) Bloodlines: The Indigo Spell (Book 3) Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart (Book 4) Bloodlines: Silver Shadows (Book 5) Discover where the story began in the Vampire Academy series: *NOW A MAJOR FILM* Vampire Academy (Book 1) Vampire Academy: Frostbite (Book 2) Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss (Book 3) Vampire Academy: Blood Promise (Book 4) Vampire Academy: Spirit Bound (Book 5) Vampire Academy: Last Sacrifice (Book 6)
EuroLite LED KKL-50 Floodlight 4100K silver TILBUD NU sølv
Sælger: Pris: 1,199.00 dkr (+55.00 dkr)50 W LED floodlight with extension arm and screw terminal for fixation 50-W-LED-Fluter an Auslegerarm mit Schraubklemme zur Befestigung Unique design For tabletops with up to 40 mm strength 1 powerful LED... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 1199,00 (før 1499,00) sølv
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