Der blev fundet 103 produkter som matchede din søgning efter borderline i 3 butikker:
Borderline Editions Kluster: Det magnetiske dygtighedspartspil, der kan spilles på enhver overflade
Sælger: Pris: 139.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Kluster er et dygtighedsspil for 1 til 4 spillere, meget kort, let at transportere, utroligt sjovt, virkelig simpelt, tilgængeligt for alle og alligevel fyldt med strategi. Kluster-reglerne kan forklares på ingen tid: Magnetiske stenarter deles ligeligt mellem spillerne, som til gengæld skal placere en sten inden for området afgrænset af snoren. Den første spiller, der bliver af med sine magneter, vinder. Men pas på, når stenarter klumper sig sammen under en spillers tur, samler han eller hun dem ind. Det er alt, du behøver at vide for at spille Kluster.
Levi's 501 Original Jeans On The Borderline men W33L30 Blå
Sælger: Pris: 639.00 dkrFremstillet i bomuld, polyester og elastan. Levi's originalmodel. Gylp med knapper. Lys vask. Ikoniske buede søm henover baglommerne samt det røde Levi's mærke ved højre baglomme. Kontrastfarvet læderpatch med logo bagpå linningen.
Borderline, Narcissistic, And Schizoid Adaptations - Elinor Greenberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 484.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Levi's 501 Original Jeans On The Borderline men W32L30 Blå
Sælger: Pris: 639.00 dkrFremstillet i bomuld, polyester og elastan. Levi's originalmodel. Gylp med knapper. Lys vask. Ikoniske buede søm henover baglommerne samt det røde Levi's mærke ved højre baglomme. Kontrastfarvet læderpatch med logo bagpå linningen.
Levi's 501 Original Jeans On The Borderline men W34L34 Blå
Sælger: Pris: 639.00 dkrFremstillet i bomuld, polyester og elastan. Levi's originalmodel. Gylp med knapper. Lys vask. Ikoniske buede søm henover baglommerne samt det røde Levi's mærke ved højre baglomme. Kontrastfarvet læderpatch med logo bagpå linningen.
Levi's 501 Original Jeans On The Borderline men W33L34 Blå
Sælger: Pris: 639.00 dkrFremstillet i bomuld, polyester og elastan. Levi's originalmodel. Gylp med knapper. Lys vask. Ikoniske buede søm henover baglommerne samt det røde Levi's mærke ved højre baglomme. Kontrastfarvet læderpatch med logo bagpå linningen.
HKWWW Kluster Borderline Editions Spilbræt Klynge Magnetisk Skakspil Legetøj Magnetbræt Skakspil[HK]
Sælger: Pris: 178.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Kluster er et fingerfærdighedsspil for 1 til 4 spillere, meget kort, nemt at transportere, utroligt sjovt, virkelig simpelt, tilgængeligt for alle og stadig fuld af strategi. Klusters regler kan forklares på ingen tid: Magnetiske sten deles ligeligt mellem spillerne, som skiftevis skal placere en sten inden for det område, der er afgrænset af snoren. Den første spiller, der slipper af med sine magneter, vinder. Men pas på, når stenene klumper sig sammen under en spillers tur, samler han eller hun dem op. Det er alt, du behøver at vide for at spille Kluster.
Borderline Personality Disorder - Amanda Allan - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 169.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the most misunderstood disorders, and it can be especially difficult for loved ones to cope with and understand. People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are almost constantly experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. Even the smallest of things can trigger some really strong emotions, which can be incredibly difficult for these people to regulate. As with most mental disorders, there is a lot of confusion, misunderstanding, and stigma surrounding BPD. This book aims to remove this stigma by educating the reader on what it actually means to have BPD, as well as through detailing what the treatment process may look like. There is a lot of hope for people with BPD. As you will soon find out, there are numerous treatment methods including pharmaceutical, therapeutic, and alternative treatment options. These treatments, along with the education and support of loved ones can often provide transformative relief from BPD symptoms and help to keep the person with BPD safe, healthy, and living an enjoyable life.
Borderline Personality Disorder - I Love You, I Hate You, But I Need You - Austen Lennon - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 179.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Begin The Life-Long Loving And Healing Process With Someone Living With Borderline Personality Today Borderline personality disorder is an extremely serious mental disorder ofimpulsive actionsand usually has a chain ofunstable relationships. You can see the disorder with marks ofongoing mood instabilitiesand other instabilities such as behavior, self-image, and function. The person with BPD has very high anger,depression, andanxiety episodesthat can last from a few hours to a few days. Are you living with someone suffering fromBorderline Personality? Do you crave for yourrelationship with the person to return to a healthy and happy one? Are you looking tolove this person unconditionallyregardless of the condition that he or she is unintentionally putting you through? Discover how you can begin the healing process through first treating them asuniqueandcapable individual persons. Learn the ways you canaffirmandvalidatethe feelings of your loved one going through this debilitating condition. It is not so much a set of rules and guidelines as it is away of life. At its heart is a belief thathe or she is enough and doesn't need to be anything more than he or she already is. It begins with theemotional healthof you and your partner or loved one to get through the tough time and daily challenges the relationship will bring you. In"I LOVE YOU, BUT I HATE YOU, BUT I NEED YOU" You Will Learn: WhatBorderline Personality DisorderReally Is How ToIdentifyIf Someone You Care About Has BPD WhatTriggersand How One Gets This Disoder How To ProvideLoving Guidance To Treat The SufferorAs Valued Family Members Who Can Contribute To Decisions And WhoseInput Is Valued How To Cope With BPDin 5 Steps Learn How To Accept Yourself If You Are The Sufferor of BPD Advice On ProvidingGenuine Encouragement and SupportWithout Flattery How To BuildSelf-Esteemand Confidence To Face Challenges To Develop A Deep andMeaningful ConnectionBetween You And Your Kid(s) And so much more... ***Bonus*** Cutting Edge Treatments And Cures How To Build Strong and Sustainable Relationships Stories About People With Borderline Personality That Have Overcome It All Pick up your copy of the bookright now by clicking theBUY NOWbutton at the top of this page!
Borderline - Bob Herzberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 219.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)He upholds the law, even when it might cost him everything... Shortly after the turn of the century on the Colorado range near the town of Sage, Will Landry, an African-American land agent empowered to enforce the Van Wyck Fence Law, finds himself in a precarious position. He and his assistant, Jake Hoge, find the body of a lynched nester swinging out on the prairie. Angered, Landry realizes that the victim is on land owned by German immigrant cattle baron Joachim Lang-a bad man if there ever was one. To bring the powerful cattleman to justice, Landry faces an uphill fight against both racism and a town bureaucracy reluctant to challenge Lang. Throughout his fight, Landry picks up other allies; all outcasts or people with their own personal vendettas against Lang. Gradually, Landry's persistence and respect for the law cause cracks in Lang's armor, setting the stage for a final showdown that will test one man's mettle and resolve like no other challenge he's ever faced.
Borderline-Behandling Og Modoverføring - Glen O. Gabbard - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 299.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Bogen giver en yderst kompetent og grundig indføring i den psykoterapeutiske behandling af borderline-patienter. Omhandler forhold, som alt behandlende personale på psykiatriske institutioner vil have udbytte af at læse om. Forord af Henning Paikin.
Borderline - Rikke Bøye - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 274.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"Borderline". Du har muligvis hørt ordet før uden rigtigt at have forstået hele betydningen bag ordet. Er borderline en personlighedsforstyrrelse og hvad vil det sige at have en personlighedsforstyrrelse? Kan man overvinde en personlighedsforstyrrelse som bordline og hvilke vanskeligheder kommer der med personlighedsforstyrrelsen? I Rikke Bøyes bog "Borderline" kan du læse svarene til ovenstående spørgsmål. Du kan også læse om patienter, som har levet med denne personlighedsforstyrrelse og ikke mindst om deres pårørende som behandlere. Rikke Bøyes primære formål med bogen er at informere om borderline og i særdeleshed om de baggrundsfaktorer, de psykologiske problemer og de vanskeligheder, som forstyrrelsen indebærer.
Complex Borderline Personality Disorder - Daniel Fox - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 184.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)There's no one-size-fits-all treatment for BPD-especially if you have a coexisting condition. BPD rarely occurs alone. For the first time, this groundbreaking guide offers a tailored approach to managing the symptoms of complex BPD. If you've been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), or suspect that you might have it, you should know that not everyone experiences the condition in the same way. BPD actually manifests on a spectrum, and while some people may encounter extreme symptoms and consequences on one end, others may be less affected on the other. In addition, if you're struggling with other conditions-such as bipolar disorder, depression, psychotic symptoms, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or Complex PTSD (C-PTSD)-you may have complex BPD (C-BPD), and may benefit from expanding your knowledge and building your skills, so you can seek out a symptom management plan that is tailored to your unique needs. In Complex Borderline Personality Disorder, psychologist and BPD expert Daniel J. Fox offers a new understanding and awareness of the complexity of BPD, and helps you lay the groundwork needed to manage your symptoms more effectively. You'll find checklists of specific symptoms to help you identify coexisting conditions related to BPD. And with this guide, you'll feel more empowered to move forward in your life with all the knowledge, skills, and abilities you've learned. A clinician's guide is available as a downloadable resource for therapists wishing to use this book with their clients.
The Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook - Daniel Fox - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 239.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Introducing a breakthrough, integrative approach to managing your borderline personality disorder (BPD). If you've been diagnosed with BPD you may feel a number of emotions - including shock, shame, sadness, abandonment, emptiness, or even anger. Even worse, you may be tempted to research your diagnosis online, only to find doomsday scenarios and terrible prognoses everywhere you click. Take a deep breath. You can get through this - and this workbook will help guide you. Despite what you may have read or been told, BPD is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Like many mental health issues, it manifests on a continuum and while some people may experience extreme symptoms and consequences on one end, others may be less affected on the other. What do you all have in common? You likely experience difficulty balancing your emotions, thoughts and behaviours that disrupt how you see yourself and the success you have in relationships. And you may even have trouble seeing yourself clearly - continuously switching from the hero to the villain of the story you've written about your life. So, how can you make sense of it all and start on the road to healing? Rather than utilizing a one-size-fits-all treatment, this ground-breaking and comprehensive workbook meets you where you are on your therapeutic journey and provides an integrative approach to treating BPD drawing on evidence-based dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy. With this compassionate workbook, you'll gain a greater understanding of your BPD, uncover your own emotional triggers and discover your own personal motivators for positive change. Your BPD has determined how you see and live your life but it doesn't have to define you forever. With this workbook as your guide, you'll be ready to face your diagnosis head-on, and take those important first steps toward lasting wellness.
The Borderline Personality - Salant Nathan Schwartz - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 424.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book offers insights into the inner life of the so-called borderline patient that are unparalleled in the psychoanalytic or Jungian literature. Its grasp of the deep anxieties selfhood poses for the deeply wounded person is thoroughly clinical in its relevance to treatment and yet almost religious in its respect for the soul-struggle of the individual caught in this painful syndrome. Dr. Salant's empathy lifts his work into a class entirely by itself, as the text to which most psychotherapists will turn when they want to understand some of their most difficult patients from the inside. -JOHN BEEBE, Editor of The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal In this book, Nathan Schwartz-Salant describes how he applies a Jungian archetypal and imaginal approach to the therapy of borderline clients- especially to the transference-countertransference field. His work presents a challenge to readers of all schools of psychoanalysis to reflect more clearly and deeply on symbolic issues as they intersect with clinical dynamics. -SYLVIA BRINTON PERERA, Author of Descent to the Goddess The Borderline Personality: Vision and Healing by Nathan Schwartz-Salant is an important contribution to understanding not only borderline personality, but basic structures and problems of the human condition. It is imaginative, profound, and clinically sound. Workers of all clinical persuasions will be enriched by Dr. Schwartz-Salant's case discussions and by his determination to follow his vision as far as he can. His courage to say what he sees will help the reader engage more of the experiences, aims and structures adumbrated by the term "Borderline." Dr. Schwartz-Salant's explorations enhance and sharpen awareness of possibilities inherent in the therapy relationship in general. -MICHAEL EIGEN, Ph.D.. Author of The Psychotic Core Nathan Schwartz-Salant, Ph.D. is a Jungian analyst, trained in Zurich, Switzerland, and in private practice in New York City. He is the author of Narcissism and Character Transformation, numerous clinical papers, and is co-editor of the Chiron Clinical Series. He is the director of the Foundation for Research in Jungian Psychology.
Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder - Jennifer C. Dove - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)If you feel like you're on an unstable emotional rollercoaster with no end in sight, OR if you are involved with someone with BPD and don't know what to say or do, then keep reading. Do you often feel so happy and excited one minute, then upset and sad the next without even knowing why? Are you having a hard time making romantic relationships work because you're terribly afraid that your partner will leave? Have you physically hurt a loved one - or yourself - out of extreme anger that you failed to control or stop? Or are you related to or are concerned about someone with BPD and you don't understand the disorder and want help? You're not alone - over four million people in the US are also experiencing erratic emotions, intense fear of abandonment, and extreme rage, which are some of the hallmarks of borderline personality disorder (BPD). In today's harsh and overcritical world, labeling someone as "manipulative," "dangerous," or even "crazy" is quite easy without knowing how painful it is... especially for someone with BPD. What's worse, the symptoms of BPD are not limited to one aspect of your life - it can manifest in several areas including your mood, behavior, and self-image. This may be the reason you find it challenging to keep your emotions in check, sustain relationships, succeed at work, or even control your finances. Thankfully, contrary to popular belief, living with BPD is not hopeless - it can be managed and treated. The secret lies in educating yourself about BPD and harnessing that knowledge to cope with this condition. Fortunately, this book covers what you need to know. Inside, here is just a fraction of what you will discover: Why borderline personality disorder carries a stigma ... even among professionals who are trained to help you For those involved with someone with BPD , strategies to take care of yourself, as well as the person with BPD Things you should never say to a person with BPD - know how to avoid triggers that could lead to conflict Practical techniques to manage BPD symptoms in various aspects of your life Different approaches you can take to overcome BPD ... from self-help to medical treatments TAKEAWAYS at the end of each chapter to summarize the main points before moving on to the next chapter How one psychologist's own ordeal with BPD led to the development of a widely successful type of therapy Effective ways to be successful at the workplace despite BPD - plus a whole range of jobs that could be just right for you! What to put in your SELF-CARE BOX ... think of it as your personalized mental first-aid kit And much more. Don't let BPD and the misconceptions that are associated with it rule your life. Remember: You did not choose to have this condition. What you CAN choose is the right and healthy way to deal with your symptoms, as well as the methods that will work best for you to overcome BPD. It may feel like everything around you is unstable now - your moods, your relationships, your behaviors - but...
Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic And Histrionic Workbook - Daniel J Ph.D. Fox - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 329.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Developed from years of experience working with complex and challenging clients, Daniel J. Fox, PhD has created the ultimate workbook to effectively treat clients with antisocial, histrionic, narcissistic and borderline personality disorders. Utilize unique worksheets, checklists and other exercises to diagnose, tackle specific issues, reduce problematic symptoms and keep therapy moving forward. Take advantage of concrete methods to: * Reduce self-mutilation and other risky behaviors Improve attachment, collaboration and trust * Conquer maladaptive beliefs and diffuse narcissistic resistance * Assess transference/countertransference issues * Determine narcissistic drives for perfection and excellence * Lessen flirtatious behaviors * Apply DBT strategies and skills into treatment
Bag Om Borderline - Karin Dyhr Daugaard - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Mere end 100.000 danskere lider af borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse, og de er krævende patienter i det psykiatriske system. Det kræver tid og tålmodighed at trænge ind til årsagen til deres forstyrrelse. Gennem en årrække blev Karin Dyhr indlagt mere end 70 gange med diagnosen borderline. I dag er hun kommet ud på den anden side og har overskud, humor og livskraft. Karins helbredelse skyldes i høj grad, at en sygeplejerske troede på, at tålmodig og forstående terapi kunne sætte hende fri fra de sjælelige pinsler, der skyldtes oplevelser i barndommen. Siden har hun holdt omkring 350 foredrag og har gennem sin hjemmeside kontakt med talrige andre borderlinere, hvilket har givet hende en exceptionel indsigt i en af de mest udbredte psykiske lidelser, som det ofte er svært for systemet at rumme. Det er disse erfaringer og denne store indsigt hun deler med læseren i "Bag om borderline". "Bag om borderline" er en bog med både kritik og håb. Den har et vægtigt budskab til både fagfolk og brugere i det psykiatriske system.
The Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide - Alexander L. Chapman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 184.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide is organized as a series of answers to questions common to BPD sufferers: What is BPD? How long does it last? What other problems co-occur with BPD? Overviews what we currently know about BPD make up the first section of the book. Later chapters cover several common treatment approaches to BPD: dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), mentalization-based therapy (MBT), and medical treatment using psychoactive drugs. In the last sections of the book, readers learn a range of day-to-day coping skills that can help moderate the symptoms of BPD.
Mindfulness For Borderline Personality Disorder - Blaise Aguirre - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)If you have borderline personality disorder (BPD), you know that the intensity of your emotions can be suffocating, and can lead to self destructive behavior and relationship difficulties. Fluctuating emotions, black and white thinking, and a tendency to self-harm can make BPD especially difficult to treat. As an answer to the lack of effective treatment available, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was founded by Marsha Lineham-who suffered from BPD herself-to treat BPD with a combination of behavioral science and concepts of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Since its creation, DBT has proven extremely successful in the treatment of BPD. Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder offers a new, mindfulness-based approach to emotion regulation and the common symptoms associated with BPD. If you are suffering from BPD, the practice of mindfulness can offer comfort, calm, and hope. This book will look at the ways in which mindfulness can be used to address the specific symptoms of BPD, teaching the basics of mindfulness, providing specific mindfulness exercises, application to the symptoms of BPD, and examples from patients as they have begun the path out of suffering using mindfulness. If you are ready to change your life and minimize your symptoms, this book is a powerful, evidence-based tool that can help.
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