Der blev fundet 532 produkter som matchede din søgning efter chemistry i 5 butikker:
Clementoni Mystery Chemistry (SE+FI)
Sælger: Pris: 202.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Rolig vetenskapslåda, blev bara roligare med detta speciella kit som är halvvägs vetenskapligt och halvvägs mystiskt!Precis som riktiga kemister kommer barn att vara inblandade i ett äventyr och måste lösa gåtor och avslöja ledtrådar.Setet innehåller allt som behövs för att utföra experiment på Ph med lackmuspapper, blandningar och filter. En liten tratt, filterpapper, spatel och mycket mer levereras med satsen.Och du kan till och med använda ett magiskt "dekrypteringshjul" i kartong för att hjälpa dig dechiffrera ledtrådarna.Det här spelet hjälper barn att skärpa sina sinnen och introducerar dem till kemins principer på ett enkelt, roligt och mycket engagerande sätt!Designad, designad och utvecklad i Italien.Rekommenderas från 9 år.
Clementoni Mystery Chemistry (SE+FI)
Sælger: Pris: 202.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Rolig vetenskapslåda, blev bara roligare med detta speciella kit som är halvvägs vetenskapligt och halvvägs mystiskt!Precis som riktiga kemister kommer barn att vara inblandade i ett äventyr och måste lösa gåtor och avslöja ledtrådar.Setet innehåller allt som behövs för att utföra experiment på Ph med lackmuspapper, blandningar och filter. En liten tratt, filterpapper, spatel och mycket mer levereras med satsen.Och du kan till och med använda ett magiskt "dekrypteringshjul" i kartong för att hjälpa dig dechiffrera ledtrådarna.Det här spelet hjälper barn att skärpa sina sinnen och introducerar dem till kemins principer på ett enkelt, roligt och mycket engagerande sätt!Designad, designad och utvecklad i Italien.Rekommenderas från 9 år.
Chemistry Demystified, Second Edition - Brugt Bog- Linda Williams
Sælger: Pris: 173.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A PROVEN formula for mastering CHEMISTRY Trying to understand chemistry but feel like the information's just not bonding with your brain? Here's your solution. Chemistry Demystified , Second Edition, helps you grasp both fundamental and complex concepts with ease. Written in a step-by-step format, this practical guide first covers atomic theory, elements, symbols, and the Periodic Table of the Elements. The book then delves into solids, liquids, gases, solutions, orbitals, chemical bonds, acids, and bases. Electrochemistry, thermodynamics, biochemistry, and organic, environmental, and nuclear chemistry are discussed. In-depth examples, detailed illustrations, and worked-out problems make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce learning. It's a no-brainer! You'll learn about: Molecular and structural formulas Metallurgy Gas laws Molar mass Molecular orbital theory Covalent and ionic bonds Oxidation/reduction The laws of thermodynamics Organic reactions Biological and environmental markers Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, Chemistry Demystified , Second Edition, helps you master this fascinating subject.
Clementoni Science & Play Super Chemistry (SE/FI)
Sælger: Pris: 422.00 dkrClementoni Science & Play Chemistry Box. Experiment and discover the exciting world of chemistry with this experiment kit with which you can perform lots of exciting labs in different levels of difficulty! An illustrated user manual makes it easier to set up and carry out the experiments. Put on your safety glasses and gloves and get started. A perfect start for the aspiring chemist.Contents: safety glasses, gloves, filter paper, colored stickers, balloons, petri dish, test tube with cork, syringes, pipette, spatula, stirrer, funnel, measuring glass with lid, clear tube, cork screw for test tube, measuring pipettes, three-way diverter, color cakes, challenge card , universal indicator paper, chemical substances (tartaric acid, calcium chloride, sodium carbonate) and an instruction manual with pictures. The building parts are made of plastic.Languages: Swedish and FinnishPackage dimensions: 45x7,3x31 cm.Ages 8+Not suitable for children under 8 years of age.
Clementoni Science & Play Super Chemistry (SE/FI)
Sælger: Pris: 422.00 dkrClementoni Science & Play Chemistry Box. Experiment and discover the exciting world of chemistry with this experiment kit with which you can perform lots of exciting labs in different levels of difficulty! An illustrated user manual makes it easier to set up and carry out the experiments. Put on your safety glasses and gloves and get started. A perfect start for the aspiring chemist.Contents: safety glasses, gloves, filter paper, colored stickers, balloons, petri dish, test tube with cork, syringes, pipette, spatula, stirrer, funnel, measuring glass with lid, clear tube, cork screw for test tube, measuring pipettes, three-way diverter, color cakes, challenge card , universal indicator paper, chemical substances (tartaric acid, calcium chloride, sodium carbonate) and an instruction manual with pictures. The building parts are made of plastic.Languages: Swedish and FinnishPackage dimensions: 45x7,3x31 cm.Ages 8+Not suitable for children under 8 years of age.
MediaTronixs Fullmetal Alchemist: Volume 1 - The Alchemist’s Curse DVD (2005) Seiji Pre-Owned Region 2
Sælger: Pris: 224.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Fullmetal Alchemist: Volume 1 - The Alchemist's Curse DVD (2005) Seiji Pre-Owned Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.
Chemistry - Brugt Bog- William Masterton
Sælger: Pris: 476.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Discover all of the fundamental topics of general chemistry with this brief, reader-oriented book. CHEMISTRY: PRINCIPLES AND REACTIONS, 8e, provides a clear, concise presentation based on the authors' more than 50 years of combined teaching experience. The book includes graded and concept-driven examples as well as examples that focus on molecular reasoning and understanding, as well as "Chemistry: Beyond the Classroom" essays that demonstrate the relevance of the concepts and highlight some of the most up-to-date uses of chemistry. A strong, enhanced art program helps readers visualize chemical concepts. Integrated end-of-chapter questions and Key Concepts correlate to OWLv2, the #1 online homework and tutorial system for chemistry.
Rene Rofe With Love Chemise Set S/M
Sælger: Pris: 230.00 dkrWith Love Chemise Set S/MMateriale: 90% Nylon, 10% SpandexBlød og silkeblød babydoll chemise med rem og blonde bh-skåle. Leveres med matchende g-streng trusse.Vasketemperatur: Håndvask Blegning: Nej Strygning: Nej Renseri: Nej Tørretumbler: Nej
Chemistry(3) - Brugt Bog- Andrew Parsons
Sælger: Pris: 12.25 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Chemistry is widely considered to be the central science: it encompasses concepts from which other branches of science are developed. Yet, for many students entering university, gaining a firm grounding in chemistry is a real challenge. Chemistry(3) responds to this challenge, providing students with a full understanding of the fundamental principles of chemistry on which to build later studies. Uniquely amongst the introductory chemistry texts currently available, Chemistry(3) is written by a team of chemists to give equal coverage of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry - coverage that is uniformly authoritative. The approach to organic chemistry is mechanistic, rather than the old-fashioned 'functional group' approach, to help students achieve a fuller understanding of the underlying principles. The expertise of the author team is complemented by two specialists in chemistry education, who bring to the book a wealth of experience of teaching chemistry in a way that students enjoy and understand, and who understand the challenges of the transition from school to university. The result is a text that builds on what students know already from school and tackles their misunderstandings and misconceptions, thereby providing a seamless transition from school to undergraduate study. The authors achieve unrivalled accessibility through the provision of carefully-worded explanations and reminders of students' existing knowledge; the introduction of concepts in a logical and progressive manner; and the use of annotated diagrams and step-by-step worked examples. Students are encouraged to engage with the text and appreciate the central role that chemistry plays in our lives through the unique use of real-world context and photographs. Chemistry(3) tackles head-on two issues pervading chemistry education: students' mathematical skills, and their ability to see the subject as a single, unified discipline. Instead of avoiding the maths, Chemistry(3) provides structured support, in the form of careful explanations, reminders of key mathematical concepts, step-by-step calculations in worked examples, and a Maths Toolkit, to help students get to grips with the essential mathematical element of chemistry. Frequent cross-references highlight the connections between each strand of chemistry and explain the relationship between the topics, so students can develop an understanding of the subject as a whole.
Rene Rofe Out Front Lace & Mesh Chemise S/M
Sælger: Pris: 243.00 dkrOut Front Lace & Mesh ChemiseMateriale: 90% Nylon og 10% SpandexHold intet tilbage og vis, hvor fantastisk du ser ud i denne Out Front Lace & Mesh Chemise, der handler om wow-faktor! Der er kun ét sted, hvor din partners øjne vil være på vej i det øjeblik, du ryger op med dette sexede nummer på, og det er dine bryster. Med fantastiske stropper og et stort set åbent design vil du vise dine bryster i deres fulde pragt!Parret med betagende kontrasterende blonder, der hjælper med at tilføje elegance og skønhed til outfittet, vil du præsentere dig selv som skandaløst hot og utvivlsomt elegant, alt på samme tid. Den gennemsigtige chemise del af outfittet er også en fin lille touch, der lader dig virkelig svaje hofterne og slippe ud af din vilde side!Vasketemperatur: Håndvask Blegning: Nej Strygning: Nej Renseri: Nej Tørretumbler: Nej
Chemistry - Brugt Bog- Siegbert Schmid
Sælger: Pris: 99.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Illustrations (chiefly col.), ports. (some col.)
Rene Rofe Out Front Lace & Mesh Chemise M/L
Sælger: Pris: 243.00 dkrOut Front Lace & Mesh ChemiseMateriale: 90% Nylon og 10% SpandexHold intet tilbage og vis, hvor fantastisk du ser ud i denne Out Front Lace & Mesh Chemise, der handler om wow-faktor! Der er kun ét sted, hvor din partners øjne vil være på vej i det øjeblik, du ryger op med dette sexede nummer på, og det er dine bryster. Med fantastiske stropper og et stort set åbent design vil du vise dine bryster i deres fulde pragt!Parret med betagende kontrasterende blonder, der hjælper med at tilføje elegance og skønhed til outfittet, vil du præsentere dig selv som skandaløst hot og utvivlsomt elegant, alt på samme tid. Den gennemsigtige chemise del af outfittet er også en fin lille touch, der lader dig virkelig svaje hofterne og slippe ud af din vilde side!Vasketemperatur: Håndvask Blegning: Nej Strygning: Nej Renseri: Nej Tørretumbler: Nej
Chemistry - Brugt Bog- William Masterton
Sælger: Pris: 459.38 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Discover all of the fundamental topics of general chemistry with this brief, reader-oriented book. CHEMISTRY: PRINCIPLES AND REACTIONS, 8e, provides a clear, concise presentation based on the authors' more than 50 years of combined teaching experience. The book includes graded and concept-driven examples as well as examples that focus on molecular reasoning and understanding, as well as "Chemistry: Beyond the Classroom" essays that demonstrate the relevance of the concepts and highlight some of the most up-to-date uses of chemistry. A strong, enhanced art program helps readers visualize chemical concepts. Integrated end-of-chapter questions and Key Concepts correlate to OWLv2, the #1 online homework and tutorial system for chemistry.
Rene Rofe Sneak Peak Chemise Set Blue S/M
Sælger: Pris: 243.00 dkrSneak Peak Chemise Set BlueMaterial: 90% Nylon / 10% SpandexSneak Peak chemise sæt. Det ultra feminine, men alligevel forførende sensuelle chemisesæt, du kan få! Vores Sneak Peak-kollektion byder på knaldfarvede blonder hele vejen igennem og fremhævet med gennemtænkt designede stropper og satinsløjfer foran.Vasketemperatur: Håndvask Blegning: Nej Strygning: Nej Renseri: Nej Tørretumbler: Nej
Chemistry - Brugt Bog- Cecile N. Hurley
Sælger: Pris: 221.88 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Discover all of the fundamental topics of general chemistry with this brief, reader-oriented book. Masterton/Hurley/Neth's CHEMISTRY: PRINCIPLES AND REACTIONS, 7e, provides a clear, concise presentation based on the authors' more than 50 years of combined teaching experience. The book includes new concept-driven examples, updated examples that focus on molecular reasoning and understanding, and "Chemistry: Beyond the Classroom" essays that demonstrate the relevance of the concepts and highlight some of the most up-to-date uses of chemistry. A strong, enhanced art program helps readers visualize chemical concepts. Integrated end-of-chapter questions and Key Concepts correlate to OWL Online Learning, the #1 online homework and tutorial system for chemistry. OWL also includes an interactive eBook for the 7th edition of the textbook and an optional eBook for the Student Study Guide. Also available are Go Chemistry mini-video lectures and learning tools available for video iPods, personal video players, and iTunes.
Rene Rofe Sneak Peak Chemise Set Blue M/L
Sælger: Pris: 243.00 dkrSneak Peak Chemise Set BlueMaterial: 90% Nylon / 10% SpandexSneak Peak chemise sæt. Det ultra feminine, men alligevel forførende sensuelle chemisesæt, du kan få! Vores Sneak Peak-kollektion byder på knaldfarvede blonder hele vejen igennem og fremhævet med gennemtænkt designede stropper og satinsløjfer foran.Vasketemperatur: Håndvask Blegning: Nej Strygning: Nej Renseri: Nej Tørretumbler: Nej
Chemistry - Brugt Bog- Cecile N. Hurley
Sælger: Pris: 297.13 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Discover all of the fundamental topics of general chemistry with this brief, reader-oriented book. Masterton/Hurley/Neth's CHEMISTRY: PRINCIPLES AND REACTIONS, 7e, provides a clear, concise presentation based on the authors' more than 50 years of combined teaching experience. The book includes new concept-driven examples, updated examples that focus on molecular reasoning and understanding, and "Chemistry: Beyond the Classroom" essays that demonstrate the relevance of the concepts and highlight some of the most up-to-date uses of chemistry. A strong, enhanced art program helps readers visualize chemical concepts. Integrated end-of-chapter questions and Key Concepts correlate to OWL Online Learning, the #1 online homework and tutorial system for chemistry. OWL also includes an interactive eBook for the 7th edition of the textbook and an optional eBook for the Student Study Guide. Also available are Go Chemistry mini-video lectures and learning tools available for video iPods, personal video players, and iTunes.
Koei Tecmo Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland ( Import) (PS3)
Sælger: Pris: 349.00 dkrDen populære alkymistiske RPG-serie fra Gust foretager en evolutionær ændring med Atelier Rorona. Figurerne og baggrundene i anime-stil er bevaret, men de er blevet opgraderet med en fantastisk cell-shaded animationsstil. Det grundlæggende gameplay viderefører traditionen fra Atelier-serien og bruger alkymi som det vigtigste omdrejningspunkt. Ligesom i den tidligere serie kan spillerne fremstille nye genstande og også bekæmpe fjender ved hjælp af alkymiens kraft.Støt kampen: Atelier Roronaadopterer en unik type turbaseret kampsystem. Du har et sæt angribere, som kan støttes af dit hold under hele kampen med støtteaktioner.Massiv fremstilling af genstande: Over 100 genstande at lave. Spillerne kan søge efter ingredienser i hele verden og skabe nye genstande ved hjælp af det, de har fundet.Over 30 forskellige slutninger: Afhængigt af hvordan du interagerer med karaktererne og gennemfører dine missioner, vil slutningen ændre sig, hvilket giver en ekstremt høj genspilningsværdi.Sprog på coveret: EngelskDenne tekst er automatisk oversat, og der kan forekomme fejl.
Chemistry Of The Elements - Brugt Bog- N. N. Greenwood
Sælger: Pris: 36.85 dkr (+29.95 dkr)When this innovative textbook first appeared in 1984 it rapidly became a great success throughout the world and has already been translated into several European and Asian languages. Now the authors have completely revised and updated the text, including more than 2000 new literature references to work published since the first edition. No page has been left unaltered but the novel features which proved so attractive have been retained. The book presents a balanced, coherent and comprehensive account of the chemistry of the elements for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. This crucial central area of chemistry is full of ingenious experiments, intriguing compounds and exciting new discoveries. The authors specifically avoid the term `inorganic chemistry' since this evokes an outmoded view of chemistry which is no longer appropriate in the final decade of the 20th century. Accordingly, the book covers not only the 'inorganic' chemistry of the elements, but also analytical, theoretical, industrial, organometallic, bio-inorganic and other cognate areas of chemistry. The authors have broken with recent tradition in the teaching of their subject and adopted a new and highly successful approach based on descriptive chemistry. The chemistry of the elements is still discussed within the context of an underlying theoretical framework, giving cohesion and structure to the text, but at all times the chemical facts are emphasized. Students are invited to enter the exciting world of chemical phenomena with a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject, to approach experimentation with an open mind, and to assess observations reliably. This is a book that students will not only value during their formal education, but will keep and refer to throughout their careers as chemists.
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie 2: The Sacred Star of Milos (Blu-ray) (import)
Sælger: Pris: 119.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Second feature length version of the anime TV series that mixes history and science fiction. The Elric brothers, Edward (voice of Romi Pak) and Alphonse (Rie Kugimiya), lead an attempt to recapture a prisoner who has escaped from a facility in Amestris. When the brothers track down the fugitive, known as Melvin Voyager (Toshiyuki Morikawa), they are impressed by his alchemy abilities and intrigued by his story.Apparently Melvin broke free from the prison despite only being weeks away from a legal release. Melvin also has connections to another intriguing figure, Julia Crichton (Maaya Sakamoto). The Elrics set out to track down the girl but are waylaid on the way when their train is hijacked by a wolf-chimera.Will the brothers be able to recover control of their own destiny and get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding Melvin?
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