Der blev fundet 54 produkter som matchede din søgning efter clank i 4 butikker:
Sony Ratchet and Clank (Playstation Hits) (PS4)
Sælger: Pris: 188.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Ratchet & Clank udkommer for første gang på PlayStation®4 med et nyt spil baseret på elementer fra det originale Ratchet & Clank (PS2™).; Ratchet & Clank (PS4™); ser nærmere på karakterernes oprindelseshistorie og moderniserer det originale gameplay. Med flere nye planeter, helt nye bosser, nyt Clank-gameplay, nye flyvesekvenser og meget mere - med helt ny grafik, der er konstrueret til at udnytte PS4's kraft.Et nyt Ratchet & Clank-eventyr baseret på filmen (baseret på PS2-spillet fra 2002)En dybere version af oprindelseshistorien med over en times cinematics, herunder optagelser fra spillefilmenHelt ny grafik viser kraften i PlayStation 4Saml et massivt arsenal med nye våben og fanfavoritter fra hele serienFlere nye planeter, nye og opdaterede gameplay-segmenter, helt nye flyvesekvenser, helt nyt Clank-gameplay og helt nye bosskampeSprog på omslaget: EngelskDenne tekst er automatisk oversat, og der kan forekomme fejl.
Ratchet & Clank HITS
Sælger: Pris: 149.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)En helt ny begyndelse - Intergalaktisk vidunderSådan bliver en PlayStation legende født - og du skal opleve det selv på en fantastisk, ny måde. Du kan helt tæt følge visionen bag den animerede film. Genoplev den ufattelig morsomme historie om, hvordan den pelsklædte Lombax-mekaniker Ratchet blev venner med den oprørske vagtrobot Clank.På med rumdragten, og gå i gang med dette gendigtede, adrenalinfyldte eventyr, proppet med nyt gameplay, bosser og baner, som ikke var med i det oprindelige PlayStation-spil. Red galaksen med helt nye våben og gadgets, ud over seriens i forvejen opfindsomme arsenal - og fornøj dig med fantastiske optagelser fra selve filmen og den pragtfulde spilgrafik, som anvender PS4-systemets revolutionerende kraft.
pakke Sony playstation 4 Slim Black 1TB + 3 spil : Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End Game + DriveClub + Ratchet and Clank ( brugt, god stand ) ( ps4)
Sælger: Pris: 1,791.00 dkrPS4 Slim Black 1TB + 3 spel : Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End Game + DriveClub + Ratchet and Clank1 ÅRS GARANTIInkluderer: konsol, kabler, controller og 3 spil.Indeholder ikke den originale boks og gamepad.
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
Sælger: Pris: 499.00 dkrPRE-ORDER BONUS:Carbonox ArmorPixelizer WeaponFor more information - Click here! Information on how to redeem your pre-order bonus will be send out via e-mail when the game is released. Skyd dig gennem et interdimensionelt eventyr.Hop gennem dimensionerne med Ratchet og Clank, mens de kæmper mod en ond kejser fra en anden virkelighed. Spring rundt mellem actionmættede verdener og videre ud i det uvisse med vanvittig fart – komplet med blændende grafik og et fuldkommen vildt våbenarsenal – når de intergalaktiske eventyrere indtager PS5™-konsollen.Vilde våbenEn ond robotkejser forsøger at udrydde alt organisk liv, og Ratchet og Clanks dimension er hans næste mål. Du skal støve den dynamiske duos vilde våbenarsenal af og være klar til at forhindre et totalt dimensionssammenbrud. Skyd dig hjem til din egen dimension med et arsenal af eksplosive nye våben, blandt andet Burst Pistol, Topiary Sprinkler og Shatterbomb. Sus hen over bylandskaber, spring ud i kamp, og bevæg dig gennem dimensionerne med fysikfornægtende nyt udstyr.Nye ansigterForen det overlegne team med både en række velkendte allierede og helt nye ansigter – blandt andet en helt ny lombax-modstandskriger, der sætter alt ind på at udrydde truslen fra robotterne.Du kan spille som enten Ratchet eller den mystiske nye kvindelige lombax fra en anden dimension. Oplev Clanks helt nye interdimensionelle mekanik.Blændende grafikOplev et visuelt mageløst interdimensionelt eventyr i afsindigt højt tempo med alt, hvad PlayStation®5-konsollen kan byde på. Spillet er bygget helt fra bunden af det anerkendte studie Insomniac Games, og med den trådløse DualSense™-controller i hænderne vil du få helt nye actionoplevelser.Rejs med stilOplev alle de nye verdener og spilelementer, der opstår i dimensionsåbningernes intergalaktiske dans. Spring hen over slagmarkerne for at opnå fordele i kamp, og reparér dimensionsåbninger ved at løse store hovedbrud.Besøg hidtil usete planeter, og se alternative dimensionsvarianter af gamle favoritter, som virker mere livagtige og fyldt med eksotisk flora og fauna i en detaljegrad, kun PlayStation®5-konsollen kan levere.
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters - Essentials - Sony PSP (brugt)
Sælger: Pris: 222.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Brugt Sony PSP game Complete with box and instructionsAfter four successful games for PS2, Ratchet and Clank have now taken the step over to PSP (PlayStation Portable) in their first portable adventure.Size Matters is a return to the series origins after the battle-focused Gladiator. There are plenty of new planets to visit, an arsenal of weapons that is a mix of old favorites and new technology, as well as wireless multiplayer modes.Ratchet and Clank make their PSP debut, going back to the franchise ?s roots with classic Ratchet & Clank gameplay as playable Clank returns with all-new gameplay.Set in the franchise ?s signature style sci-fi universe, players will take on the roles of both Ratchet and Clank in a journey across the galaxy full of new destinations to explore and conquer.Featuring new and returning weapons and gadgets, including the Blitz Cannon, Agents of Doom and Shrink Ray, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters packs all of the combat and destruction fans have come to expect from the series.Players can utilize the all-new customizable armor system themed for various gameplay to gain upgrades and advance through challenging action-packed areas.Gain access to different vehicles to compete in races and combat enemies in intense battlefield missions.With wireless multiplayer gaming, up to four players can connect for intense combat and head-to-head action.
Mediatronixs Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and Loaded - Ratchet & Clank 2: Lock… - Game KRVG Pre-Owned
Sælger: Pris: 490.00 dkrProduct Details:Category:Video GameEAN:0711719689010Title:Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and Loaded - Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked & Loaded (PS2)Artist:Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and LoadedCondition:VERYGOOD
Secret Agent Clank - Essentials - Sony PSP
Sælger: Pris: 253.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Sony PSP game Complete with box and instructionsFor the first time in the Ratchet & Clank series, our diminutive robotic hero Clank takes the lead - starring in his own hilarious game as the worlds greatest undercover agent.As Clank, youre hot on the trail of clues that will prove the innocence of Ratchet, who is jailed for a crime he didnt commit. With a super spys collection of guns, gadgets and gizmos at your disposal can you free your best pal?
Secret Agent Clank - Essentials - Sony PSP
Sælger: Pris: 253.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Sony PSP game Complete with box and instructionsFor the first time in the Ratchet & Clank series, our diminutive robotic hero Clank takes the lead - starring in his own hilarious game as the worlds greatest undercover agent.As Clank, youre hot on the trail of clues that will prove the innocence of Ratchet, who is jailed for a crime he didnt commit. With a super spys collection of guns, gadgets and gizmos at your disposal can you free your best pal?
Ratchet & Clank HITS
Sælger: Pris: 149.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)En helt ny begyndelse - Intergalaktisk vidunderSådan bliver en PlayStation legende født - og du skal opleve det selv på en fantastisk, ny måde. Du kan helt tæt følge visionen bag den animerede film. Genoplev den ufattelig morsomme historie om, hvordan den pelsklædte Lombax-mekaniker Ratchet blev venner med den oprørske vagtrobot Clank.På med rumdragten, og gå i gang med dette gendigtede, adrenalinfyldte eventyr, proppet med nyt gameplay, bosser og baner, som ikke var med i det oprindelige PlayStation-spil. Red galaksen med helt nye våben og gadgets, ud over seriens i forvejen opfindsomme arsenal - og fornøj dig med fantastiske optagelser fra selve filmen og den pragtfulde spilgrafik, som anvender PS4-systemets revolutionerende kraft.
Sony Ratchet and Clank (Playstation Hits) (PS4)
Sælger: Pris: 188.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Ratchet & Clank udkommer for første gang på PlayStation®4 med et nyt spil baseret på elementer fra det originale Ratchet & Clank (PS2™).; Ratchet & Clank (PS4™); ser nærmere på karakterernes oprindelseshistorie og moderniserer det originale gameplay. Med flere nye planeter, helt nye bosser, nyt Clank-gameplay, nye flyvesekvenser og meget mere - med helt ny grafik, der er konstrueret til at udnytte PS4's kraft.Et nyt Ratchet & Clank-eventyr baseret på filmen (baseret på PS2-spillet fra 2002)En dybere version af oprindelseshistorien med over en times cinematics, herunder optagelser fra spillefilmenHelt ny grafik viser kraften i PlayStation 4Saml et massivt arsenal med nye våben og fanfavoritter fra hele serienFlere nye planeter, nye og opdaterede gameplay-segmenter, helt nye flyvesekvenser, helt nyt Clank-gameplay og helt nye bosskampeSprog på omslaget: EngelskDenne tekst er automatisk oversat, og der kan forekomme fejl.
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
Sælger: Pris: 499.00 dkrPRE-ORDER BONUS:Carbonox ArmorPixelizer WeaponFor more information - Click here! Information on how to redeem your pre-order bonus will be send out via e-mail when the game is released. Skyd dig gennem et interdimensionelt eventyr.Hop gennem dimensionerne med Ratchet og Clank, mens de kæmper mod en ond kejser fra en anden virkelighed. Spring rundt mellem actionmættede verdener og videre ud i det uvisse med vanvittig fart – komplet med blændende grafik og et fuldkommen vildt våbenarsenal – når de intergalaktiske eventyrere indtager PS5™-konsollen.Vilde våbenEn ond robotkejser forsøger at udrydde alt organisk liv, og Ratchet og Clanks dimension er hans næste mål. Du skal støve den dynamiske duos vilde våbenarsenal af og være klar til at forhindre et totalt dimensionssammenbrud. Skyd dig hjem til din egen dimension med et arsenal af eksplosive nye våben, blandt andet Burst Pistol, Topiary Sprinkler og Shatterbomb. Sus hen over bylandskaber, spring ud i kamp, og bevæg dig gennem dimensionerne med fysikfornægtende nyt udstyr.Nye ansigterForen det overlegne team med både en række velkendte allierede og helt nye ansigter – blandt andet en helt ny lombax-modstandskriger, der sætter alt ind på at udrydde truslen fra robotterne.Du kan spille som enten Ratchet eller den mystiske nye kvindelige lombax fra en anden dimension. Oplev Clanks helt nye interdimensionelle mekanik.Blændende grafikOplev et visuelt mageløst interdimensionelt eventyr i afsindigt højt tempo med alt, hvad PlayStation®5-konsollen kan byde på. Spillet er bygget helt fra bunden af det anerkendte studie Insomniac Games, og med den trådløse DualSense™-controller i hænderne vil du få helt nye actionoplevelser.Rejs med stilOplev alle de nye verdener og spilelementer, der opstår i dimensionsåbningernes intergalaktiske dans. Spring hen over slagmarkerne for at opnå fordele i kamp, og reparér dimensionsåbninger ved at løse store hovedbrud.Besøg hidtil usete planeter, og se alternative dimensionsvarianter af gamle favoritter, som virker mere livagtige og fyldt med eksotisk flora og fauna i en detaljegrad, kun PlayStation®5-konsollen kan levere.
Sony Ratchet & Clank - Playstation 2 (brugt)
Sælger: Pris: 207.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Brugt Playstation 2 game Complete with box and instructionsSet in a futuristic world filled with spaceships, robots and high-tech gadgets, Ratchet and Clank moves from planet to planet across a vast solar system. Ratchet lives on an abandoned backwater planet and dreams of someday striking out on a magnificent space adventure. Closer to the center of the galaxy, Chairman Drek rules a polluted planet, Orxon, inhabited by an ugly race called the Blarg. He too has dreams, but his concern is conquest and domination. Tired of his polluted world, Chairman Drek comes up with the ultimate solution to build a new planet using the best parts from many of the other worlds in the galaxy. If he cant convince the inhabitants to part with a few thousand hectares of their worlds, the army of robots and Blarg warriors can eliminate any resistance.In one of the factories creating Chairman Dreks evil armies, a computer glitch creates a small but smart robot Clank. Learning about the Chairman Dreks plans, Clank flees the factory seeking help, but his ship is shot down over Ratchets homeworld. Forced together by circumstance, Ratchet and Clank blast off from planet to planet through an extraordinary sci-fi universe. The unlikely pals encounter imaginative characters, acquire a plethora of weapons and gadgets, and blow up everything in their path, as they uncover more of the Chairman Dreks plan.* Developed and created by Insomniac Games, this is an all-new action-adventure platformer, available exclusively for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. This superstar development team includes Mark Cerny of Cerny Games who has been heavily involved with Ratchet and Clank from the beginning of the project.* The player can acquire over 35 different weapons and gadgets in the game. Each has a unique function and the game is structured so that the acquisition of these items is spread out evenly over the players entire experience.* Ratchet has one of the most comprehensive sets of moves of any character on any platform. Ratchet can perform more than 20 standard moves and as the player begins to acquire the many gadgets in the game, the number of moves Ratchet can perform will grow astronomically.* Weapons, weapons and more weapons! The game offers more than 35 weapons and gadgets that the player can acquire and equip. Each ultra-destructive weapon, while easy to use, has a different function and allows players to devise their own strategies when taking on hordes of enemies.* The games economic system requires gamers to frequently purchase gadgets infobots (clues to new levels) , weapons and their respective ammunition Players have the option to spend their time collecting money to build up their inventory of weapons to eliminate the tougher enemies, or they can plow ahead with a minimal weapon selection, facing a more difficult time as they advance to later levels. Players can earn money by destroying enemies, searching their surroundings and solving puzzles.* Gamers...
Sony Ratchet & Clank: QForce - Playstation 3
Sælger: Pris: 231.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Playstation 3 game Complete with box and instructionsCaptain Qwark has had his ups and downs, but no one can deny his success when he founded QForce with Ratchet and elite team of heroes who managed to put an end to Dr. Nefariouss evil plans. But now QForce has a whole new enemy to face - one with a nasty surprise planned for Captain Qwark. Can QForce stop this plot and save Qwark, not to mention the entire universe, from total anarchy?Classic third-person co-op action: team up with a friend, play as Ratchet, Clank or Captain QwarkConfront an alien army in six levels on three different planets: defend your base against invasions with out-of-this-world weapons and gadgetsPlay again and again: tons of upgrades, extra character skins and unlockable content will keep you coming back for more
Sony Ratchet & Clank: QForce - Playstation 3
Sælger: Pris: 231.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Playstation 3 game Complete with box and instructionsCaptain Qwark has had his ups and downs, but no one can deny his success when he founded QForce with Ratchet and elite team of heroes who managed to put an end to Dr. Nefariouss evil plans. But now QForce has a whole new enemy to face - one with a nasty surprise planned for Captain Qwark. Can QForce stop this plot and save Qwark, not to mention the entire universe, from total anarchy?Classic third-person co-op action: team up with a friend, play as Ratchet, Clank or Captain QwarkConfront an alien army in six levels on three different planets: defend your base against invasions with out-of-this-world weapons and gadgetsPlay again and again: tons of upgrades, extra character skins and unlockable content will keep you coming back for more
Sony Ratchet & Clank - Playstation 2 (brugt)
Sælger: Pris: 207.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Brugt Playstation 2 game Complete with box and instructionsSet in a futuristic world filled with spaceships, robots and high-tech gadgets, Ratchet and Clank moves from planet to planet across a vast solar system. Ratchet lives on an abandoned backwater planet and dreams of someday striking out on a magnificent space adventure. Closer to the center of the galaxy, Chairman Drek rules a polluted planet, Orxon, inhabited by an ugly race called the Blarg. He too has dreams, but his concern is conquest and domination. Tired of his polluted world, Chairman Drek comes up with the ultimate solution to build a new planet using the best parts from many of the other worlds in the galaxy. If he cant convince the inhabitants to part with a few thousand hectares of their worlds, the army of robots and Blarg warriors can eliminate any resistance.In one of the factories creating Chairman Dreks evil armies, a computer glitch creates a small but smart robot Clank. Learning about the Chairman Dreks plans, Clank flees the factory seeking help, but his ship is shot down over Ratchets homeworld. Forced together by circumstance, Ratchet and Clank blast off from planet to planet through an extraordinary sci-fi universe. The unlikely pals encounter imaginative characters, acquire a plethora of weapons and gadgets, and blow up everything in their path, as they uncover more of the Chairman Dreks plan.* Developed and created by Insomniac Games, this is an all-new action-adventure platformer, available exclusively for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. This superstar development team includes Mark Cerny of Cerny Games who has been heavily involved with Ratchet and Clank from the beginning of the project.* The player can acquire over 35 different weapons and gadgets in the game. Each has a unique function and the game is structured so that the acquisition of these items is spread out evenly over the players entire experience.* Ratchet has one of the most comprehensive sets of moves of any character on any platform. Ratchet can perform more than 20 standard moves and as the player begins to acquire the many gadgets in the game, the number of moves Ratchet can perform will grow astronomically.* Weapons, weapons and more weapons! The game offers more than 35 weapons and gadgets that the player can acquire and equip. Each ultra-destructive weapon, while easy to use, has a different function and allows players to devise their own strategies when taking on hordes of enemies.* The games economic system requires gamers to frequently purchase gadgets infobots (clues to new levels) , weapons and their respective ammunition Players have the option to spend their time collecting money to build up their inventory of weapons to eliminate the tougher enemies, or they can plow ahead with a minimal weapon selection, facing a more difficult time as they advance to later levels. Players can earn money by destroying enemies, searching their surroundings and solving puzzles.* Gamers...
Ratchet & Clank (Playstation Hits) -spillet, PS4
Sælger: Pris: 258.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Bli med i det mest fantastiske galaksepar i det helt nye spillet, som gjenskaper den adrenalinfylte historien om hvordan de møttes. Enten du er en langvarig fan eller en nykommer, vil du komme deg på en actionfylt, teknologisk reise når historien om Ratchet og Clanks opprinnelse blir gjenfortalt på PS4. Nyt den klassiske spillmekanikken som er oppdatert med en fersk og grundig historie inspirert av den nye Ratchet and Clank-animasjonsfilmen. Forbered deg på å bli forbløffet når den imponerende eventyret vises like spektakulært som filmen på kinolerretet.1 x Ratchet & Clank (Playstation Hits) -spillet, PS4
Ratchet & Clank (Playstation Hits) -spillet, PS4
Sælger: Pris: 258.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Bli med i det mest fantastiske galaksepar i det helt nye spillet, som gjenskaper den adrenalinfylte historien om hvordan de møttes. Enten du er en langvarig fan eller en nykommer, vil du komme deg på en actionfylt, teknologisk reise når historien om Ratchet og Clanks opprinnelse blir gjenfortalt på PS4. Nyt den klassiske spillmekanikken som er oppdatert med en fersk og grundig historie inspirert av den nye Ratchet and Clank-animasjonsfilmen. Forbered deg på å bli forbløffet når den imponerende eventyret vises like spektakulært som filmen på kinolerretet.1 x Ratchet & Clank (Playstation Hits) -spillet, PS4
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters - Essentials - Sony PSP (brugt)
Sælger: Pris: 222.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Brugt Sony PSP game Complete with box and instructionsAfter four successful games for PS2, Ratchet and Clank have now taken the step over to PSP (PlayStation Portable) in their first portable adventure.Size Matters is a return to the series origins after the battle-focused Gladiator. There are plenty of new planets to visit, an arsenal of weapons that is a mix of old favorites and new technology, as well as wireless multiplayer modes.Ratchet and Clank make their PSP debut, going back to the franchise ?s roots with classic Ratchet & Clank gameplay as playable Clank returns with all-new gameplay.Set in the franchise ?s signature style sci-fi universe, players will take on the roles of both Ratchet and Clank in a journey across the galaxy full of new destinations to explore and conquer.Featuring new and returning weapons and gadgets, including the Blitz Cannon, Agents of Doom and Shrink Ray, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters packs all of the combat and destruction fans have come to expect from the series.Players can utilize the all-new customizable armor system themed for various gameplay to gain upgrades and advance through challenging action-packed areas.Gain access to different vehicles to compete in races and combat enemies in intense battlefield missions.With wireless multiplayer gaming, up to four players can connect for intense combat and head-to-head action.
Mediatronixs Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and Loaded - Ratchet & Clank 2: Lock… - Game KRVG Pre-Owned
Sælger: Pris: 490.00 dkrProduct Details:Category:Video GameEAN:0711719689010Title:Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and Loaded - Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked & Loaded (PS2)Artist:Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and LoadedCondition:VERYGOOD
Bengans Wu-Tang Clan - Enter The Wu-Tang Clan (LP)
Sælger: Pris: 332.00 dkrArticle number: 07863663361Artist: Wu-Tang ClanBarcode: 0078636633619Distributor: Bengans AMSLabel: BMGMedia: LPRelease date: 1993-11-09Units in packaging: 1
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