Der blev fundet 421 produkter som matchede din søgning efter coaching i 2 butikker:
Coaching - Læring Og Udvikling - Brugt Bog- Stig Eiberg Hansen
Sælger: Pris: 123.88 dkr (+29.95 dkr)I bogen gøres rede for, hvad coaching er, hvordan coaching kan bidrage til læring og udvikling. Hvilken betydning coaching har for ledelse, samarbejde og teamudvikling og ikke mindst, hvordan man kan lære coaching og anvende den i praksis som leder, medarbejder, underviser, træner og rådgiver. Forfatterne kommer fra såvel idrættens verden som fra erhvervslivet og har hentet deres viden og erfaring fra bl.a. skiløb, supervision, volleyball, lederudvikling, sejlsport og teambuilding.
Simplifying Coaching: How to Have More Transformational Conversations by Doing Less
Sælger: Pris: 262.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Fundamentally, coaching is about enabling someone to feel heard and to access new insights into their own life. But how can you facilitate someone else’s thinking when you don’t know what they already know? It is almost impossible to remember models and questions whilst giving your companion your full attention at the same time. Coaching simply means that you can listen and notice more, getting quickly to the heart of the conversation. Whether you are brand new to coaching, are a trained coach who has lost confidence, or have many years’ experience coaching at a senior level, this deeply practical book will teach you how to:• Do less so that your companion can do more• Understand why saying what you see is more useful than listening to any particular story• Put boundaries around a conversation, making it more effective for your companion and easier for you• Tailor how you sit and how you speak to allow a collaborative environment• End any conversation in partnershipTailored to help the practising coach, this deeply practical book is nonetheless useful for anyone who has conversations with people.“Claire stimulated a desire to know more about how to use existing skills in new and simplified ways. An altogether great book.”Clive Avril, Executive Coach and Mentor (ACC)“This is the kind of book that, after reading, you will want to have nearby for easy reference and reminders. I suspect that the well-worn pages will be a symbol of the book’s lasting contribution to coaching – and to transformational conversations. A clear, concise summation of coaching that will benefit the new and the seasoned coach alike.” J. Val Hastings, MCC and President of Coaching4TodaysLeaders and Coaching4Clergy“This book is written for anyone with an interest in coaching who is looking to improve their coaching style in the workplace. It is ideal for people who are working to complete their studies and gain accreditation from any of the coaching bodies… This is now one of my all time favourite coaching books… I found something new in every chapter of the book.” Claire Caine, EMCC Book Club Review“Simplifying Coaching is great at bringing you back to basics and reflecting on trying to resist the urge to ‘actively help’, rather than allowing the client to do the thinking. In a small book, it covers a lot of ground, and I would recommend reading the whole book and then dipping into it periodically for practical advice on particular topics. It is a brilliant and simple book that every coach should read.” Sally Twisleton, EMCC Book Club ReviewClaire Pedrick has been coaching for over 30 years. A coach, mentor coach and coaching supervisor, she trains managers, leaders and experienced coaches across multiple sectors to reap the benefits of working more simply. Claire is the Founding Partner of 3D Coaching. Claire received an award from Henley Business School for Outstanding Contribution to Coaching 2022
Coaching I Organisationer - Brugt Bog- Margrethe Gade
Sælger: Pris: 233.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Coaching i organisationer skiller sig ud fra andre coachingbøger på tre områder: 1.En grundig gennemgang af reflekterende tilgange til coaching med rod i den systemiske, socialkonstruktionistiske og narrative teori. 2.Et stort, unikt, erfaringsbaseret materiale fra danske virksomheder og organisationer. 3.En konstruktiv how-to-do-guide med velafprøvede og letanvendelige værktøjer. Målgruppen er akademi- og diplomstuderende, samt virksomheder og konsulenter, der ønsker at arbejde målrettet med strategisk organisationscoaching.
Coaching For Performance - John Whitmore - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 239.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)C oaching for Performance is the #1 book for coaches, leaders, talent managers and professionals around the world. This is the definitive, updated and expanded edition. " The proven resource for all coaches and pioneers of the future of coaching." Magdalena N. Mook, CEO, International Coach Federation (ICF) An international bestseller, featuring the powerful GROW model, this book is the founding text of the coaching profession. It explains why enabling people to bring the best out of themselves is the key to driving productivity, growth, and engagement. A meaningful coaching culture has the potential to transform the relationship between organizations and employees and to put both on the path to long-term success. Written by Sir John Whitmore, the pioneer of coaching, and Performance Consultants, the global market leaders in performance coaching, this extensively revised and extended edition will revolutionize the traditional approach to organizational culture. Brand new practical exercises, corporate examples, coaching dialogues, and a glossary, strengthen the learning process, whilst a critical new chapter demonstrates how to measure the benefits of coaching as a return on investment, ensuring this landmark new edition will remain at the forefront of professional coaching and leadership development. "Shines a light on what it takes to create high performance." John McFarlane, Chairman, Barclays, Chairman, TheCityUK
Coaching - Harvey Ratner - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 329.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Beskrivelse af en praksis der hjælper mennesker med at skabe forandringer i deres liv på den hurtigste måde.
Coaching I Perspektiv - Brugt Bog- Trine Wulff
Sælger: Pris: 126.25 dkr (+29.95 dkr)I en tid hvor ”coaching” er på alles læber – og bruges i stadig flere sammenhænge – er dette en bog om coaching, som er andet og mere end ”endnu en praksisbog”. Bogen er en grundbog, der sætter coaching ind i et større perspektiv og en bredere sammenhæng. I bogen favnes coachingfeltet med fokus på tre centrale områder, og bogen består af 19 kapitler. De er overordnet inddelt med ni praksisorienterede artikler fordelt i delen ”Coaching i praksis – retninger og metoder” og ni mere teoriorienterede artikler i delene ”Perspektiver på coaching – refleksioner og forklaringsrammer” samt ”Effekter af coaching – dokumentation og vidnesbyrd”. Antologien afrundes af efterord, der perspektiverer coachingens muligheder og risici fremover. Bogens målgruppe er deltagere på private og universitære uddannelser i og om coaching, der har brug for bred lærebog. Virksomheder, som bruger coaching og arbejder på at implementere værktøjer, praksis og tænkning i arbejdsfunktionen. Foruden alle med interesse for (og undren over) coaching, der har brug for et overblik, en samfundsmæssig perspektivering og en større forståelse for, hvorfor coaching virker. Bogen er redigeret af Kim Gørtz, uddannet på Københavns Universitet (1997) i filosofi og psykologi. Har siden efteråret 2005 været tilknyttet Learning Lab Denmark og Nordea som erhvervs-Ph.d. Anette Prehn er erhvervssociolog og indehaver af where2next, der arbejder med lederudvikling. Uddannet coach fra ITS, London og ICF-certificeret coach (ACC).
Coaching The Creative Impulse - Thea Mikkelsen - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 274.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In Coaching the Creative Impulse, Thea Mikkelsen presents an accessible and engaging guide to understanding and utilizing creativity at work. This unique book will give professionals and creative individuals a set of tools to help tackle and understand more deeply the psychological obstacles that may arise when navigating their career path, allowing them to thrive in their roles and master their craft.Based both in practice and in theory, Mikkelsen's innovative approach is framed around Freud's structural model of the superego, ego and id and Mikkelsen's decade worth of experience as a coach and leadership developer. She begins by clearly defining creativity and goes on to identify the psychological processes involved, considering the contribution of language, professional relationships, motivation and working as a group. Using case studies throughout, Mikkelsen also assesses the causes of creative blocks, the value of external feedback and the challenge of balancing experiences of success and failure. Featuring rewritings of real examples from her own work with professional creatives, this book provides a framework for managing inner conflicts and discovering a creative destiny.This state-of-the-art guide will be essential reading for all people who want to use their creativity and their personality in their work, and those who coach, lead and manage them. It will be of great interest to anyone working in a creative, technological or innovation-led industry, to HR and L&D; professionals and to coaches of all backgrounds.
Coaching And Mentoring For Academic Development - Kay Guccione - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Learning through dialogue brings a powerful opportunity for individuals to connect to colleagues, navigate professional demands, and meet the challenges posed by a turbulent world. Written for all who mentor or coach in universities, this book addresses a critical question: how can mentoring and coaching conversations be effective and accessible ways to support researcher and academic development? Drawing on their wide range of experiences of coaching and mentoring, and designing and leading institutional programmes and policy, Guccione and Hutchinson provide an insight into the founding principles of reflective ethical practice, as well as a pragmatic and easy to navigate toolkit supporting you to understand the needs of the people you want to develop. Including bite-sized chapters packed full of applied solutions, the authors help you to design, re-design, or troubleshoot your mentoring or coaching approach, and offer up go-to guidance for building and enhancing a culture of developmental dialogue at the individual, programme and organisational level.
Coaching And Mentoring Supervision: Theory And Practice, 2e - Tatiana Bachkirova - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 339.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The new edition of this indispensable book provides insights into the role of supervision and a fresh perspective on the fundamentals of the discipline. Coaching supervision is now widely recognised as essential to effective coaching and professional development of coaches. This book uncovers current research and explains the established ideas for practice. It also: •Contains a comprehensive overview of coaching supervision, from both theoretical underpinnings to practical guidance on different perspectives and approaches •Allows both students of coaching and experienced coaches to compare approaches and develop their own, unique ways of being supervised •Supports supervisors in planning their own developmental journey towards a more integrated, evidence-based practice •Includes leading thinkers from across the field and many emerging authorities Coaching and Mentoring Supervision is the definitive text for coaching supervisors, supervisees and those working toward qualifications in coaching supervision. It will also be of value both to HR professionals and those participating in mentoring programmes. "This book is a central contribution to the further professional development of coaching and mentoring, where supervision should play a central role that cannot be underestimated." Reinhard Stelter, accred. coaching psychologist and Professor of Coaching Psychology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark "The overarching strength of this book is the abundance of stimulation justifying this as an essential read on the topic of coaching and mentoring supervision." Dr Lise Lewis, Founder of Bluesky International provider of EMCC Accredited Coach and Author of Relational Feedback "An outstanding book, updated to 2021, with contributions from the biggest names in the field, and skillfullyedited by three of the finest thought leaders in evidenced based practice in coaching supervision. This book is an essential read for those interested in coaching supervision whether as a student or as a practitioner." Professor Jonathan Passmore, Director Henley Centre for Coaching, Henley Business School, UK "This is a well-researched and multidisciplinary-grounded book by leading authors in the field who offer theoretical and practical knowledge for coaching practitioners to rethink, reset, and continue their professional development through supervision." Charline S. Russo, EdD, Senior Lecturer, Organizational Dynamics Program, University of Pennsylvania Tatiana Bachkirova is Professor of Coaching Psychology and Co-Director of the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies at Oxford Brookes University, UK. She is a recognised author, international speaker and an active researcher. Peter Jackson is Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies at Oxford Brookes University, UK. His research interests are in embodiment and learning in coaching practice, reflective learning and professional development. He...
Coaching In Three Dimensions - Paul Lawrence - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 314.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Traditional approaches to coaching fail to account for the way organizations really work. Attempts to enhance leadership capability one person at a time, through private one-to-one coaching sessions, are unlikely to succeed by themselves. Coaching in Three Dimensions: Meeting the Challenges of a Complex World offers a more connected, systemic approach, aligning coaching with the realities and challenges of organizations operating in an ever more complex world.Coaching in Three Dimensions is structured around a central model: the three dimensions of coaching. Using stories and case studies, the book enables readers to: Consider their current and desired approach to coaching: is it traditional, dialogic, or systemic? Identify which areas of practice they work in and wish to work in: one-to-one coaching, group/team coaching, and/or organizational coaching? Think about stretching their development as a coach in terms of competence, capability, and perspective: how do you enhance your capacity to manage the challenges of increasing complexity? The book explains complexity using simple language and easy-to-recognize examples, and suggests pragmatic approaches going forwards. Coaches will learn how to expand their scope and impact, and to navigate the new and difficult challenges posed by contemporary businesses. Clients wishing to use coaching in complex change work will learn what to look out for in prospective coaches and how to best deploy them in their organizations.Coaching in Three Dimensions will appeal greatly to all coaches, including those working with organisations, students and those in training, as well as HR and OD professionals and senior leaders.
Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change The Way You Lead Forever - Michael Bungay Stanier - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 69.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Coaching I Praksis - Birgitte Jepsen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 324.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"Coaching i praksis" er en guide til coaching, der redegør for fagets fænomener og giver et kvalificeret bud på professionel coaching. Forfatteren Birgitte Jepsen redegør for sit syn på coachinguniverset og gennem "Coaching i praksis" formidler hun værktøjer, som er funderet i teori. Bogen giver en grundig introduktion til coaching, modeller, værktøjer og eksempler på anvendt coaching. Modeller, værktøjer og redskaber i bogen bliver eksemplificeret med cases og situationer, så læseren får et indblik i den praktiske brug af disse i forskellige sammenhænge som coach.
Coaching I Perspektiv - Brugt Bog- Trine Wulff
Sælger: Pris: 204.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)I en tid hvor ”coaching” er på alles læber – og bruges i stadig flere sammenhænge – er dette en bog om coaching, som er andet og mere end ”endnu en praksisbog”. Bogen er en grundbog, der sætter coaching ind i et større perspektiv og en bredere sammenhæng. I bogen favnes coachingfeltet med fokus på tre centrale områder, og bogen består af 19 kapitler. De er overordnet inddelt med ni praksisorienterede artikler fordelt i delen ”Coaching i praksis – retninger og metoder” og ni mere teoriorienterede artikler i delene ”Perspektiver på coaching – refleksioner og forklaringsrammer” samt ”Effekter af coaching – dokumentation og vidnesbyrd”. Antologien afrundes af efterord, der perspektiverer coachingens muligheder og risici fremover. Bogens målgruppe er deltagere på private og universitære uddannelser i og om coaching, der har brug for bred lærebog. Virksomheder, som bruger coaching og arbejder på at implementere værktøjer, praksis og tænkning i arbejdsfunktionen. Foruden alle med interesse for (og undren over) coaching, der har brug for et overblik, en samfundsmæssig perspektivering og en større forståelse for, hvorfor coaching virker. Bogen er redigeret af Kim Gørtz, uddannet på Københavns Universitet (1997) i filosofi og psykologi. Har siden efteråret 2005 været tilknyttet Learning Lab Denmark og Nordea som erhvervs-Ph.d. Anette Prehn er erhvervssociolog og indehaver af where2next, der arbejder med lederudvikling. Uddannet coach fra ITS, London og ICF-certificeret coach (ACC).
Coaching - Brugt Bog- Tobias Dam Hede
Sælger: Pris: 251.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Coaching – samtalekunst og ledelsesdisciplin er det første større bidrag til forskningen i coaching og ledelse, der er skrevet på dansk. Bogen diskuterer de moderne coachingmodellers tilblivelse, deres dominerende ledelsesparadigmer og de centrale tilgange i coachingpsykologi. Endelig indeholder bogen en række cases hentet fra organisatorisk praksis, der belyser coaching fra sektor- og koncernniveau til selve samtalerummet. "Jeg har endnu ikke læst en bog der gør læseren bedre rustet til at forstå, hvorfor coaching blev til, hvad dens opgaver er, og hvordan den er – og kunne være. (…) Denne bog bør ikke blot være et must for alle ledere og for alle coaches, men også for alle politikere og embedsmænd.” Ole Fogh Kirkeby, professor ved CBS, i forordet til Coaching.
Coaching Questions For Every Situation - Jeremy Kourdi - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)**Powerful coaching questions to get the best out of any situation.** In coaching, questions are the route to progress. Questions enable the people being coached to arrive at their own solutions and, crucially, to 'own' them as well. The effectiveness of this tool applies to anyone in a coaching role, whether as a leader, a professional coach, or a people management executive. A good question, asked at the right moment, can be transformative. Great questions allow coaches to influence, develop and shape someone's thinking far beyond that of their own knowledge or area of expertise, propelling the learner to new levels of insight, awareness, action and effectiveness. Coaching Questions for Every Situation delivers bags of context-specific questions to leaders and coaches right when they need them most, equipping them with the essential tools to deal with a difficult situation, raise performance or offer a moment of motivation. It includes sections on both virtual coaching and coaching across cultures . The book explains the guiding principles behind great questions as well as the pitfalls to avoid, serving as a practical guide to becoming a highly effective questioner.
Coaching - Ace Mccloud - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 169.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Coaching - Hvad, Hvorfor, Hvordan - Brugt Bog- Susann Gjerde
Sælger: Pris: 205.63 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Coaching er en måde, hvorpå man kan frigøre menneskers potentiale. Denne bog handler om; hvad coaching egentlig er, og hvordan coaching er opstået. Susann Gjerde beskriver coachingens rødder og dens beslægtede fagområder og rydder op i de mange begreber, der omgiver coaching: - Hvorfor coaching er et vigtigt værktøj til både lederrollen og personlig udvikling - Hvordan man coacher i form af en grundig indføring i coachingens metoder, færdigheder og teknikker. Gjerde giver masser af gode råd og advarer om de mest almindelige faldgruber, og gennem hele bogen er der desuden mange praktiske coachingeksempler og forslag til øvelser. Coaching - hvad, hvorfor, hvordan henvender sig til alle, der arbejder eller ønsker at arbejde med coaching på enten et erhvervsmæssigt eller et personligt plan.
Coaching - Jonathan C. Adler - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 169.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)COACHINGThe 9 Laws of Transformational Life CoachingThis book is survey of some of the basic information for getting started in life coaching. This is a burgeoning field and has applications across nearly every facet of social life. From deeply personal forms of self-transformation to gender specific needs within the process of self-transformation to the open life of the work place, there is a demonstrated need for transformational life coaching. This book is an introduction to most of the major themes and ideas that comprise the field transformational life coaching. Though it is an introduction, you will also find some quite specific areas for further exploration. Since life coaches are charged with the responsibility of guiding individuals through moments of difficulty and even crisis, the need for a deep understanding of sensitive aspects of human life becomes essential. What you can expect to achieve by reading this book is a kind of road map for how to begin a more focused inquiry into the field of transformational life coaching. You will be equipped with not only the basic terminology and conceptual framework but also some of the more in-depth aspects of this growing field. Here is a preview of what you'll learn: Key terms of life coaching. Explorations of the idea of the
Coaching - Hvad, Hvorfor, Hvordan - Brugt Bog- Susann Gjerde
Sælger: Pris: 113.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Coaching er en måde, hvorpå man kan frigøre menneskers potentiale. Denne bog handler om; hvad coaching egentlig er, og hvordan coaching er opstået. Susann Gjerde beskriver coachingens rødder og dens beslægtede fagområder og rydder op i de mange begreber, der omgiver coaching: - Hvorfor coaching er et vigtigt værktøj til både lederrollen og personlig udvikling - Hvordan man coacher i form af en grundig indføring i coachingens metoder, færdigheder og teknikker. Gjerde giver masser af gode råd og advarer om de mest almindelige faldgruber, og gennem hele bogen er der desuden mange praktiske coachingeksempler og forslag til øvelser. Coaching - hvad, hvorfor, hvordan henvender sig til alle, der arbejder eller ønsker at arbejde med coaching på enten et erhvervsmæssigt eller et personligt plan.
Coaching With Nlp For Dummies - Kate Burton - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 284.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)How to become an NLP practitioner?or supercharge your coaching skills with NLP One of the most popular methods for helping people achieve their life aspirations?Neuro-Linguistic Programmming, or NLP, holds the key to remaking one's future. NLP encourages users to re-create the thought patterns common to those who excel, a process that helps gradually weed out negative or habitual thinking. Using the key elements of NLP?developing a coaching relationship, shedding light on patterns, managing emotional states, and shaping an agenda for change?this practical, inspiring guide offers the tools for helping your clients upgrade the quality of their personal or professional lives. Reveals ten powerful coaching questions, ten traps to avoid in coaching, and ten ways to enhance your coaching skills Offers tips on laying the foundation for success and quick win sessions Insights on how to tap into passion and purpose?and making goals come alive Methods for coaching yourself or your team and coaching through conflict Other books by Burton: NLP For Dummies, NLP Workbook For Dummies, and Building Self-Confidence For Dummies Ideal for those working towards becoming an NLP practitioner or master coach, Coaching with NLP For Dummies is a guidebook to life transformation?for both client and practitioner.
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