Der blev fundet 78 produkter som matchede din søgning efter cybernetics i 14 butikker:
Cybernetic Revolutionaries - Eden Medina - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 334.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)17 b&w; photos, 24 b&w; illus., 2 tables; 19 Illustrations, unspecified PRIZES: Winner of Honorable Mention "Young Investigator", 2014 Recent History and Memory Book Prize, awarded by the Recent History and Memory Section of the Latin American Studies Association 2014 Winner of Winner of the 2012 Edelstein Prize, given by the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) 2014 Winner of Awarded the 2012 Computer History Museum Prize 2014
MAC Lip Pencil Cyber World
Sælger: Pris: 162.00 dkrLæbeblyant, der er designet til at give læberne form, farve og definition. Lip Pencils har en glat, cremet konsistens, der er perfekt til at tegne læberne op med og give dem farve. Holder længe og fås i en lang række farver, der hver især fungerer godt sammen med forskellige læbestiftfarver. Farverne i Lip Pencils beskyttes af antioxidanten E-vitamin, og Lip Pencils indeholder fugtgivende ingredienser, der giver dig bløde, kysseklare læber. Lip Pencils kan bruges alene eller sammen med Lipstick eller Lipglass.
Cybernetics For The 21st Century Vol. 1 - Katherine Hayles - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Cybernetics for the 21 st Century Vol.1 is dedicated to the epistemological reconstruction of cybernetics, consisting of a series of historical and critical reflections on the subject - which according to Martin Heidegger marked the completion of Western metaphysics. In this anthology, historians, philosophers, sociologists and media studies scholars explore the history of cybernetics from Leibniz to artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as the development of twentieth-century cybernetics in various geographical regions in the world, from the USA to the Soviet Union, Latin America, France, Poland, China and Japan. The reconstruction shows the various paths of cybernetics and their socio-political implications, which remain unfamiliar to us today. It reveals more than what we thought we knew -- and yet we hardly know - and allows us to understand where we are and to reflect on the future of technology, ecology and planetary politics. With texts by Brunella Antomarini, Slava Gerovitch, Daisuke Harashima, N. Katherine Hayles, Yuk Hui, Dylan Levi King, Michal Krzykawski, David Maulen de los Reyes, Andrew Pickering, Dorion Sagan and Mathieu Triclot.
Cyber City Oedo 808 (Blu-ray) (Import)
Sælger: Pris: 179.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)The year is 2808. The place: Oedo, a cybernetic megalopolis of the future where the dreams of a brighter tomorrow are drowning in a tide of violence, vice and villainy. Driven to breaking point, the forces of law and order are left with no choice but to use the very criminals they capture to help hunt their own kind.Enter hardened cyber criminals Sengoku, Gogul, and Benten. Presented by Police chief Hasegawa with a stark choice, they must decide to either rot in jail for the rest of their lives or join a special force of the Cyber Police and possibly get one more chance at freedom.With their less than subtle blend of extreme violence and excessive swearing, some hard justice is coming to Oedo. With each criminal apprehended and each successful mission completed, the state will agree to reduce their sentences. But with each of them serving a 300-year stretch, and Hasegawa keeping them in line with explosive collars, will they survive long enough to be free men once again?The video featured on the disc is a brand new and enhanced master to that used on the previously released Blu-ray edition of this OVA.Contains: Full OVA Series, 3 EpisodesAudio: Japanese, EnglishSubtitles: English
Cybernetics, Second Edition - Norbert Wiener - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 314.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)CYBERNETICS , in its authoritative and final Second Edition, and available in a modern and highly legible presentation - not a "facsimile edition" (photocopy) of the printing as are cheap recreations. Instead, the Quid Pro Books edition allows the reader to experience the best version of the work in a contemporary but affordable printing, not just as a facsimile or reprint. [ NOTE : Only the Quid Pro edition offers these features, even if this description erroneously appears under other press's versions or older, used copies of the work.] A quality, affordable ebook version of this classic work is also available from Quid Pro Books. CYBERNETICS is on virtually everyone's short list of the most important and influential nonfiction books of the last century. First published by MIT mathematics professor Norbert Wiener in 1948, and later in its Second Edition in 1961, this groundbreaking account of systems, thought processes, AI, and the use of "feedback" foreshadowed intelligent and replicating machines, complex organizational organisms, and the physiology and failure of the human nervous system. Its 1961 Second Edition is the same version republished in many printed paperback editions since (such as the 1965 printing by MIT Press), and represents the culmination of the author's work on this project. No small wonder this has been widely read by scientists and lay readers alike, to understand the origins and future of computers, wider communication pathways, the use of feedback to refine actions and thought processes, and the logic and math behind non-linear systems. Educated readers know the term "cybernetics"; this book coined the term and created an entire field of interdisciplinary study that resonates today, and led to the "cyber"-everything that we know. Norbert Wiener, known as the "Father of Cybernetics," has influenced such fields of study as game theory, system theory, sociology, psychology and neuroscience, modern philosophy, organizational theory, and even architecture.
CyberGhost VPN
Sælger: Pris: 399.00 dkrCyberGhost: Beskyttelse af dit digitale liv CyberGhost er en førende VPN-udbyder, der tilbyder robust sikkerhed, uovertruffen anonymitet og ubegrænset adgang til internettet. Med over 7.000 servere i 91 lande giver CyberGhost dig mulighed for at omgå geo-blokeringer, kryptere din internettrafik og beskytte din online privatliv. Hovedfunktioner: Sikkerhed: CyberGhost bruger OpenVPN-protokollen, som er den mest sikre VPN-protokol, der findes. Derudover tilbyder de en række andre sikkerhedsfunktioner, herunder en kill switch, DNS-lækagebeskyttelse og automatisk malware-blokering. Anonymitet: CyberGhost har en streng no-logs-politik, hvilket betyder, at de ikke gemmer nogen data om din onlineaktivitet. Dette sikrer, at din anonymitet er fuldstændig beskyttet. Frihed: CyberGhost giver dig mulighed for at omgå geo-blokeringer og få adgang til websteder og tjenester, der er begrænset i dit land. Dette inkluderer streamingtjenester som Netflix, Hulu og BBC iPlayer. Nem at bruge: CyberGhost er nem at installere og bruge. Deres brugervenlige app er tilgængelig på alle platforme, herunder Windows, Mac, iOS og Android. Fordele ved at bruge CyberGhost: Beskyt din online privatliv og sikkerhed Omgå geo-blokeringer og få adgang til begrænset indhold Skjul din IP-adresse og forbliv anonym online Krypter din internettrafik og beskyt dine data Få adgang til over 6.800 servere i mere end 100 lande Nyd ubegrænset båndbredde og hastighed CyberGhost er den perfekte VPN-løsning til alle, der ønsker at beskytte deres online privatliv og sikkerhed. Uanset om du er bekymret for din online sikkerhed, ønsker at omgå geo-blokeringer eller bare ønsker at forblive anonym online, har CyberGhost en løsning til dig.
Cybernetics And The Origin Of Information - Raymond Ruyer - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 279.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)One of the lost classics of French philosophy, Cybernetics and the Origin of Information has never before been published in English. Raymond Ruyer—who was a major influence on Simondon and Deleuze, among others—originally wrote this book, one of the first critiques of Norbert Wiener’s cybernetics program, in 1954. At once critical and analytical, it is a deep exploration of information theory, cybernetics, and the philosophical assumptions and implications of both. Among the themes covered in the book are the main types of information machines, information’s relationship to behavior and communication, and the nature of entropy and time in cybernetics. This translation contributes to understanding the rich history of cybernetics and the philosophy of information. A true hidden gem in the history of philosophical thought, this text will help readers understand foundational criticisms of ideas that have led to artificial intelligence.
Cyberpunk 2077: You Have My Word
Sælger: Pris: 233.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Created in close collaboration with CD Projekt Red, this graphic novel collecting the comic series based on the hit video game takes you deeper into the ruthless underbelly of Night City and the moral code of the streets. A family is torn apart following an assignment from one of Night City's largest gangs. A new urban development proposal is being pushed through city council--a flagrant infraction on those safeguarded by the Valentinos gang--one to indulge the selfish and decadent lifestyles of the wealthy and displace the eldery in a historic housing block. They enlist the service of three cyberpunks to discreetly and strategically terminate the project. With a mole on the inside, a waitress who dishes out more than meals, a government official with a fetish--everyone has their secrets, and each one is about to get exposed. Collects Cyberpunk 2077: You Have My Word #1-#4.
Cybernetics, Second Edition - Norbert Wiener - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 359.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Kobbernet, rent kobbernet, klippbart havenet kobbernet til snegle mus fugle flagermus insekt gnavere(9M)
Sælger: Pris: 231.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)STÆRK OG HOLDbar: Vores kobbernet er strikket af 100% ren kobbertråd, Hver tråd løkke er forbundet med en anden, dobbeltlags rørformet design, mere fleksibel og stærkere, dette kobbernet er næsten umuligt at gnave igennem og fjerne EFFEKTIV BLOKERINGSHUL: Let at skære, du skal blot klippe det med en almindelig saks i enhver størrelse og form for at blokere hullerne, for at forhindre uønskede gæster eller luft i at komme ind i dit hjem og have det fungerer også godt til at forsegle grædehuller, mellemrum omkring rør, vægsprækker, loftsventil og andre steder BREDE ANVENDELSER: Kobberulden kan bruges til destillation for at fjerne svovlforbindelser fra dit destillat, Den kan også bruges som rengøringsbørste til at tørre pletter og madpartikler af pander eller andet køkkengrej, Kobbernettet til haven kan også bruges til at beskytte haveplanterne, Det er let, og det fine net tillader luften og fugten at komme ind, men holder generne ude GENBRUG - Kobberstofnettet ruster ikke, det hårde materiale gør, at det ikke korroderer af regn, så du kan bruge det overalt uden at bekymre dig om den grimme lugt af rust og det har ingen potentiel fare for, at ståluld nemt fanger ild, Det er meget holdbart Så det kan genbruges mange gange
Psycho-Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 194.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Cybernetics (loosely translated from the Greek): "a helmsman who steers his ship to port." Psycho-Cybernetics is a term coined by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, which means, "steering your mind to a productive, useful goal so you can reach the greatest port in the world, peace of mind." Since its first publication in 1960, Maltz's landmark bestseller has inspired and enhanced the lives of more than 30 million readers. In this updated edition, with a new introduction and editorial commentary by Matt Furey, president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, the original text has been annotated and amplified to make Maltz's message even more relevant for the contemporary reader. "Before the mind can work efficiently, we must develop our perception of the outcomes we expect to reach. Maxwell Maltz calls this Psycho-Cybernetics; when the mind has a defined target it can focus and direct and refocus and redirect until it reaches its intended goal." -Tony Robbins (from Unlimited Power) Maltz was the first researcher and author to explain how the self-image (a term he popularized) has complete control over an individual's ability to achieve (or fail to achieve) any goal. And he developed techniques for improving and managing self-image-visualization, mental rehearsal, relaxation-which have informed and inspired countless motivational gurus, sports psychologists, and self-help practitioners for more than fifty years. The teachings of Psycho-Cybernetics are timeless because they are based on solid science and provide a prescription for thinking and acting that lead to quantifiable results.
Lego 31111 - Cyberdrone
Sælger: Pris: 99.00 dkr (+41.00 dkr)31111 - Cyberdrone
Psycho-Cybernetics The Magic Power Of Self Image Psychology - Maxwell Maltz - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 164.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Here, at last, is the secret of bridging the gap between what you have now and what you desire. This book shows you what you must do to unleash the colossal forces of your mind and drive forward to greater prosperity. This classic reprint from the Dr. Maxwell Maltz Psycho-Cybernetics Library shows you the new way to a bright, full life. Poverty miraculously transformed into riches... Loneliness into love... Disgrace into glory... Failure into success... all by using The Magic Power of Self-Image Psychology Some examples: The Secret Strength in Relaxation Sex and the Self-Image Master your habits and control your destiny And other ways to find peace of mind in a troubled world.
Bengans Cyber People - Best Of (LP)
Sælger: Pris: 229.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Article number: ZYX230521Artist: Cyber PeopleBarcode: 0194111031678Distributor: BertusLabel: ZyxMedia: LPRelease date: 2024-09-06Units in packaging: 1
Psycho-Cybernetics Deluxe Edition - Maxwell Maltz - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 299.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A magnificent, deluxe edition of one of the greatest and top-selling self-help books ever written, suited to a lifetime of reading, rereading, notetaking, and display. Since 1960, Maxwell Maltz's Psycho-Cybernetics has sold millions of copies in dozens of editions and gained the loyalty of generations of artists, athletes, and high achievers who atrribute their success to the book's mind-conditioning program. Maltz's avowed admirers ranged from artist Salvatore Dali to first lady Nancy Reagan to actress Jane Fonda. Now -- in the only edition featuring Maltz's original, unexpuragated text -- Psycho-Cybernetics joins TarcherPerigee's highly successful line of Deluxe Editions in a keepsake volume that can be treasured for a lifetime. Psycho-Cybernetics Deluxe Edition features: shrink-wrapped, vegan-leather hardbound casing; acid-free paper; o-card with vintage cover art; marbled endpapers; gold-stamped lettering on the casing; a bibliography of Maltz's work; and the original 1960 text, which is available nowhere else.
Cyber-Physical Systems
Sælger: Pris: 449.00 dkrLearn the State of the Art in Embedded Systems and Embrace the Internet of Things The next generation of mission-critical and embedded systems will be “cyber physical”: They will demand the precisely synchronized and seamless integration of complex sets of computational algorithms and physical components. Cyber-Physical Systems is the definitive guide to building cyber-physical systems (CPS) for a wide spectrum of engineering and computing applications. Three pioneering experts have brought together the field’s most significant work in one volume that will be indispensable for all practitioners, researchers, and advanced students. This guide addresses CPS from multiple perspectives, drawing on extensive contributions from leading researchers. The authors and contributors review key CPS challenges and innovations in multiple application domains. Next, they describe the technical foundations underlying modern CPS solutions—both what we know and what we still need to learn. Throughout, the authors offer guiding principles for every facet of CPS development, from design and analysis to planning future innovations. Comprehensive coverage includesUnderstanding CPS drivers, challenges, foundations, and emerging directionsBuilding life-critical, context-aware, networked systems of medical devicesCreating energy grid systems that reduce costs and fully integrate renewable energy sourcesModeling complex interactions across cyber and physical domainsSynthesizing algorithms to enforce CPS controlAddressing space, time, energy, and reliability issues in CPS sensor networksApplying advanced approaches to real-time schedulingSecuring CPS: preventing “man-in-the-middle” and other attacksEnsuring logical correctness and simplifying verificationEnforcing synchronized communication between distributed agentsUsing model-integration languages to define formal semantics for CPS models Register your product at for convenient access to downloads, updates, and corrections as they become available.
The Cybernetic Tea Shop - Meredith Katz - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 104.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Clara Gutierrez is an AI repair technician and a wanderer. Her childhood with her migrant worker family has left her uncomfortable with lingering for too long, so she moves from place to place across retro-futuristic America. Sal is a fully autonomous robot. Older than the law declaring her kind illegal due to ethical concerns, she is at best out of place in society and at worst vilified. She continues to run the tea shop previously owned by her long-dead master, lost in memories of the past, struggling to fulfill her master's dream for the shop while slowly breaking down. They meet by chance, but as they begin to spend time together, they both start to wrestle with the concept of moving on... A F/F retro-future sci-fi asexual romance. A story about artificial intelligence and real kindness, about love, and the feeling of watching steam rising softly from a teacup on a bright and quiet morning.
KLIM Kasket Corp, Cabernet/Punch Pink
Sælger: Pris: 239.00 dkr (+79.00 dkr)Snapback- stil. Broderet 3D Puff- logo.
The Cybernetic Brain - Andrew Pickering - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 434.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Cybernetics is often thought of as a grim military or industrial science of control. But as Andrew Pickering reveals in this surprising book, a much more lively and experimental strain of cybernetics can be traced from the 1940s to the present. "The Cybernetic Brain" explores a largely forgotten group of British thinkers, including Grey Walter, Ross Ashby, Gregory Bateson, R.D. Laing, Stafford Beer, and Gordon Pask, and their singular work in a dazzling array of fields. Psychiatry, engineering, management, politics, music, architecture, education, tantric yoga, the Beats, and the sixties counterculture all come into play as Pickering follows the history of cybernetics' impact on the world, from contemporary robotics and complexity theory to the Chilean economy under Salvador Allende. What underpins this fascinating history, Pickering argues, is a shared but unconventional vision of the world as ultimately unknowable, a place where genuine novelty is always emerging. And thus, Pickering suggests, the history of cybernetics provides us with an imaginative model of open-ended experimentation in stark opposition to the modern urge to achieve domination over nature and each other.
Kobbernet, 1 rulle med 6 meter kobbernet, kobbernet mod snegle, mus, fugle og nematoder, havebeskyttelse mod gnavere, strikket kobber
Sælger: Pris: 108.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)【Effektiv skadedyrsbekæmpelse】 Kobbernet forvandler passiv fangst til aktiv forebyggelse. Vores kobbernet er bedre end traditionelle rotte-/muse- og skadedyrsfælder. Det er nemt at klippe, forme og installere. Det er designet til at fylde alle typer af åbninger for at stoppe skadedyr, mus, insekter, snegle, insekter, gnavere og andre lignende uønskede dyr.【Sikrere og mere miljøvenligt】 Kobbernet er sikrere end traditionelle skadedyrsfælder og stålull, ikke-mekanisk fangst, ikke-brandfarligt, sikkert for din familie og kæledyr. Miljøvenligt, ruster aldrig som stålull/net og efterlader ingen rustpletter på mursten eller træ.【Høj kvalitet】 Vores netblokkerer er lavet af kobber af høj kvalitet, rustfri og højtemperaturbestandig, sej og elastisk. den måler omtrent; 12,7 cm / 5 tommer bred, kan bruges til at blokere huller i alle former og størrelser.【Nem at bruge】 Du kan klippe den længde, du har brug for, med en saks og stikke den ind i det hul, du vil blokere. Du kan nemt forstærke med lim eller søm efter behov.【Bred anvendelse】 Vores kobbernet er ikke kun egnet til skadedyrsbekæmpelse, men kan også bruges som et sofistikeret emballeringsmateriale, elegant kobberornament og kunstmateriale, rengøringsværktøjer til alle dine husholdningsrengøringsbehov. Produktbeskrivelse Kobbernettet forvandler passiv fangst til aktiv forebyggelse. Vores kobbernet er bedre end traditionelle rotte-/muse- og skadedyrsfælder. Det er nemt at klippe, forme og installere. Det er designet til at fylde alle typer af åbninger for at stoppe skadedyr, mus, insekter, snegle, insekter, gnavere og andre lignende uønskede dyr. Funktioner: Materiale: kobber Pakken indeholder: 1 x kobbernet Tips: Vær forsigtig ved brug og hold væk fra børn og kæledyr. Tillad en lille størrelsesforskel på grund af manuel måling. p> Bemærk: På grund af manuel måling kan størrelsen have en fejl på 2 cm/1 tomme; På grund af forskellige skærme og vinkler kan farve og størrelse variere lidt, tak for din forståelse! Vores service: Vi stræber efter at forsyne kunderne med produkter og tjenester af høj kvalitet. Hvis du ikke kan finde den rigtige størrelse eller størrelse, bedes du kontakte os via e-mail for at finde et link til dig, eller du kan kontakte os via e-mail for at ændre størrelse eller størrelse efter at du har afgivet din ordre. Vi vil besvare dine e-mails så hurtigt som muligt inden for 24 timer. Vi byder dig også varmt velkommen til vores butik for at købe produkter. Tak for din støtte.
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