Der blev fundet 94 produkter som matchede din søgning efter devops i 11 butikker:
Devops For Dummies - Freeman Emily Freeman - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 194.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Develop faster with DevOps DevOps embraces a culture of unifying the creation and distribution of technology in a way that allows for faster release cycles and more resource-efficient product updating. DevOps For Dummies provides a guidebook for those on the development or operations side in need of a primer on this way of working. Inside, DevOps evangelist Emily Freeman provides a roadmap for adopting the management and technology tools, as well as the culture changes, needed to dive head-first into DevOps. Identify your organization s needs Create a DevOps framework Change your organizational structure Manage projects in the DevOps world DevOps For Dummies is essential reading for developers and operations professionals in the early stages of DevOps adoption.
Postkasse Brevopbevaringsboks F F F
Sælger: Pris: 286.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Farve: Som vist på billedet Materiale: Jern Vægt: cirka 1000g Navn: Postkasse Størrelse: 30 * 22 * 7 cm (11,81 * 8,66 * 2,76 tommer) Emballagen inkluderer: 1 * Postkasse Funktioner: 1. Jern: Lavet af passende jern, robust og holdbart. 2. Flere farver: Flere farver, som du kan vælge imellem. 3. Kan hænges: Med to kroge på bagsiden kan den hænges op, hvor du har brug for den. 4. Låst: Udstyret med lås for nem åbning og lukning.
Devops For Dummies - Emily Freeman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 184.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Develop faster with DevOps DevOps embraces a culture of unifying the creation and distribution of technology in a way that allows for faster release cycles and moreresource-efficient product updating. DevOps For Dummies provides a guidebook for those on the development or operations side in need of a primer on this way of working. Inside, DevOps evangelist Emily Freeman provides a roadmap for adopting the management and technology tools, as well as the culture changes, needed to dive head-first into DevOps. Identify your organization’s needs Create a DevOps framework Change your organizational structure Manage projects in the DevOps world DevOps For Dummies is essential reading for developers and operations professionals in the early stages of DevOps adoption.
It Devours!
Sælger: Pris: 168.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)The creators of the wildly successful Welcome to Night Vale podcast bring their genius to the page once more with this follow-up to the New York Times bestselling Welcome to Night Vale: A Novel. For fans of Stranger Things, Twin Peaks and Stephen King.
Devops Patterns For Private Equity - Dave Mangot - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 194.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)As many of the top Private Equity investors know, software companies can be a great investment. Whether as a platform with add-ons, or as a profitable company that needs help to "nail it and scale it", there are many opportunities for great returns. But that doesn't make it easy. With compressed time schedules, closely watched budgets, legacy software, and massive amounts of complexity, transforming these companies can be a challenge. In DevOps Patterns for Private Equity , Dave Mangot describes patterns that are common in technology organizations from the perspective of the international DevOps movement. By applying core principles, he gives practical advice to mature these organizations and maximize the value of software investments. Using anecdotes, contrasting theory and practice, and focusing on business value, Dave's hard learned lessons give private equity backed technology leaders patterns they can recognize, and approaches they can use, to transform their technology organizations for peak performance and value creation.
HOTO Selvoppustelig sofa
Sælger: Pris: 179.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Sov blandt skyerneBredden er øget til 90 cm for at forhindre, at den vælter. Designet med en kurve i ryggen for at give maksimal komfort. Nyd absolut fred og komfort.120 sekunders øjeblikkelig oppustningAutomatisk oppustning/tømning med et klik. Luftpumpe med et 2000mAh højkapacitetsbatteri med kraft til at fylde en oppustelig sofa + oppustelig seng. Det tager kun 120 sekunder at fylde sofaen og starte en afslappende ferie.Multifunktionel pumpeTrådløs madrasopblæser med 3 dyser.Kompakt og nem at opbevareTøm for luft med et klik. Kan foldes til enhver form og opbevares i tasken. Let at bære og pladsbesparende.Indbygget litiumpumpeAutomatisk oppumpningTrådløst litiumbatterimaksimal vægtkapacitet på 150Automatisk deflation, kan opbevaresBredt design for større stabilitet120 sekunders hurtig oppustningDenne tekst er automatisk oversat, og der kan forekomme fejl.
Devops Handbook - Patrick Debois - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 184.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
NovoPen 6 Blå Medicinsk udstyr 1 stk
Sælger: Pris: 399.00 dkrNovoPen 6 De nye intelligente insulinpenne fra Novo Nordisk er endelig her! Tænk, hvis livet kunne handle lidt mindre om diabetes og lidt mere om alt det andet. Det kan den nye NovoPen 6 hjælpe med. Pennen husker blandt andet automatisk alle injektionsdata og holder styr på op til de seneste 800 injektioner. Data kan nemt og trådløst deles* med behandleren ved behov. Med denne intelligente flergangspen har både du og din behandler adgang til de informationer, der er nødvendige for at have en personlig tilgang til din insulinbehandling. Registrerer op til seneste 800 injektionerDisplay viser både antal enheder og tid siden sidste injektion (tt:mm:ss)Mulighed for automatisk at dele* injektionsdata til sundhedspersonalet for mere produktive og personlige konsultationerKan genbruges Insulinpennen skal anvendes sammen med cylinderampul og nål. Læs altid brugervejledningen, der følger med NovoPen 6 eller NovoPen Echo Plus inden brug. Følg altid lægens eller sygeplejerskens injektionsteknik. NovoPen 6 leverer insulindoser fra 1 til 60 enheder, stigende med 1 enhed. Pakning
Devops For The Modern Enterprise - Mirco Hering - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 234.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Winner of the 2018 DevOps Dozen Best DevOps Book! In this award-winning title, thought leader Mirco Hering lays out a roadmap to success for IT managers of legacy organizations, showing them how to create the right ecosystem, how to empower people to bring their best to work every day, and how to put the right technology in the driver's seat to propel their organization to success. Many organizations are facing the uphill battle of modernizing their legacy IT infrastructure. Most have evolved over the years by taking lessons from traditional or legacy manufacturing: creating a production process that puts the emphasis on the process instead of the people performing the tasks, allowing the organization to treat people like resources to try to achieve high-quality outcomes. But those practices and ideas are failing modern IT, where collaboration and creativeness are required to achieve high-performing, high-quality success. But just having the right methods and tools will not magically transform an organization; the cultural change that is the hardest is also the most impactful. Using principles from Agile, Lean, and DevOps as well as first-hand examples from the enterprise world, Hering addresses the different challenges that legacy organizations face as they transform into modern IT departments.
IKA Poseløs støvopsamler NC-2WH
Sælger: Pris: 299.00 dkrRevolutionér din hjemmelavning med GourmetChef Air FryerVi præsenterer GourmetChef Air Fryer, den ultimative køkkenledsager designet til at forvandle din kulinariske oplevelse. Dette avancerede apparat kombinerer banebrydende teknologi med brugervenlige funktioner, hvilket gør det til et uundværligt værktøj for både nybegyndere og garvede kokke. Med sit slanke design og kompakte mål på 24 x 23 x 7,5 cm passer GourmetChef Air Fryer problemfrit ind i ethvert køkkenrum og tilbyder en perfekt blanding af stil og funktionalitet.Kompakt og stilfuldt designAvanceret luftcirkulationsteknologiNem at bruge digital grænsefladeSundere madlavning med mindre olieAlsidige tilberedningsmulighederGourmetChef Air Fryer er konstrueret med avanceret luftcirkulationsteknologi, der sikrer, at dine måltider tilberedes jævnt og til perfektion hver gang. Denne innovative funktion giver dig mulighed for at nyde dine yndlingsstegte fødevarer med op til 80 % mindre olie, hvilket gør det til et sundere alternativ til traditionelle stegningsmetoder. Den brugervenlige digitale grænseflade tilbyder en række forudindstillede tilberedningsprogrammer, der giver dig mulighed for ubesværet at tilberede en række retter, fra sprøde pommes frites til saftige kyllingevinger, med et tryk på en knap.Designet med alsidighed i tankerne, er GourmetChef Air Fryer ikke kun til stegning. Dens multifunktionelle muligheder giver dig mulighed for at bage, grille og stege, hvilket giver uendelige muligheder for dine kulinariske kreationer. Den rummelige kogekurv rummer generøse portioner, hvilket gør den ideel til familiemåltider eller underholdende gæster. Plus, non-stick belægningen sikrer nem rengøring, hvilket sparer dig tid og kræfter i køkkenet.Mål: 24 x 23 x 7,5 cmPakkemål: 30 x 10 x 24 cmStrøm: 1500WKapacitet: 3,5 literTemperaturområde: 80°C til 200°CForudindstillede tilberedningsprogrammer: 8Non-stick, opvaskemaskinesikker kurvMed sin kombination af innovative funktioner og praktisk design er GourmetChef Air Fryer den perfekte tilføjelse til ethvert køkken. Uanset om du ønsker at lave sundere måltider eller udforske nye madlavningsteknikker, leverer dette alsidige apparat enestående resultater hver gang. Oplev fremtidens madlavning med GourmetChef Air Fryer og løft din hjemmemadoplevelse.
Devops - Ethan Thorpe - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 239.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)DevOps has been one of the hottest IT trends in the past several years. In fact, there are plenty of success stories which testify to DevOps effectiveness with software developments for any size of organization, IT levels and any industry around the globe. By embracing DevOps strategies and practices, organizations and companies can easily achieve a rapid, streamlined production at every enterprise scale. It should be noted that every enterprise comes with different capabilities, unique needs, challenges, and limitations, but when utilizing valuable DevOps strategies, every company, no matter its size, can greatly benefit. In fact, the major DevOps paradigm can easily revolutionize the entire IT enterprise by its high-value systems and applications, by its great velocity and agility. As companies and organizations adopt those necessary DevOps practices, those automation tools as well as different cultural and organizational changes, they can definitely achieve more and better. DevOps provides: More rapid, streamlined production and speed. Focus on both quality and speed. Speed never comes at the expense of the best quality. DevOps practices also teach us how to keep different teams working together towards the same business goals and objectives always lined up. Moreover, adopting DevOps comes with certain challenges as well, but with the book, you will learn how to easily and less painfully overcome them. Once you complete the book, you will be able to stay ahead of your competition while keeping your risks, costs, and quality under control. In this book you will learn.... Its practices and its amazing impact on both small and large IT organizations. How to adopt DevOps to your business. How to achieve high-value optimization and innovation with both low risk and low cost. How to exceed those traditional business objectives and business goals. How to properly implement DevOps practices in both large and small-scale ITenvironments. How to get your company or organization ahead of your competition as you slip your production directly into the fast line innovating. How to get ahead of your competition. DevOps includes tools, some cultural philosophies, and practices. These combinations are used in order to increase a company's ability to deliver specific services and applications at high velocity. In fact, DevOps makes it possible for companies to evolve and improve their products at a much faster pace than those organizations and companies which use traditional infrastructure management and traditional software development. This speed enables these organizations to better serve and compete more effectively in the overall market. In other words, when you learn to deploy Devops you are faster, more efficient and will have happy, long term customers. So what are you waiting for? Click the "BUY NOW" button today to set your company apart from your competiaion.
Dolce & Gabbana - Devotion Pour Homme - Eau De Parfum - Devotion Him Devotion Male Edp 10ml - For Women
Sælger: Pris: 279.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Dolce&gabbana devotion pour homme eau de parfum er en hyldest til ubetinget hengivenhed, kærlighedens kraft og urokkelig livsglæde. duften, som kendetegnes af det tidløse sacred heart emblem, afspejler essensen af en beslutsom mand, der trygt lader sig styre af sine instinkter.designetdevotion pour homme flakonen har samme elegante silhuet som sin kvindelige pendant, her med nyfortolkede signaturelementer. Den lyse, gyldne essens er smukt indkapslet i en flakon prydet med sacred heart emblemet og en stilren duftprop, begge sølvfarvede.dolce&gabbana devotion pour homme eau de parfum er en duft, som afslører en fængslende woody spicy akkord.duften er skabt eksklusivt for dolce&gabbana af olivier cresp. topduften åbner med friske og saftige noter af citron.hjerteti hjertet vækkes den krydrede og energigivende essens af kaffe til live.basepatchouli tilfører et jordnært strejf af karakter og dybde.citron: frisk og syrligkaffe: krydret og energigivendepatchouli: jordnær og dybduftfamilie: woody spicy 763018-devotion Him Devotion Male Edp 10ml - Devotion Pour Homme - Eau De Parfum - Dolce & Gabbana
Devops With Openshift - Stefano Picozzi - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 369.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)For many organizations, a big part of DevOps' appeal is software automation using infrastructure-as-code techniques. This book presents developers, architects, and infra-ops engineers with a more practical option. You'll learn how a container-centric approach from OpenShift, Red Hat's cloud-based PaaS, can help your team deliver quality software through a self-service view of IT infrastructure. Three OpenShift experts at Red Hat explain how to configure Docker application containers and the Kubernetes cluster manager with OpenShift's developer- and operational-centric tools. Discover how this infrastructure-agnostic container management platform can help companies navigate the murky area where infrastructure-as-code ends and application automation begins. Get an application-centric view of automation-and understand why it's important Learn patterns and practical examples for managing continuous deployments such as rolling, A/B, blue-green, and canary Implement continuous integration pipelines with OpenShift's Jenkins capability Explore mechanisms for separating and managing configuration from static runtime software Learn how to use and customize OpenShift's source-to-image capability Delve into management and operational considerations when working with OpenShift-based application workloads Install a self-contained local version of the OpenShift environment on your computer
TG Støvopsamler til Manikyr Hvid
Sælger: Pris: 233.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)En brugervenlig støvopsamler, der modstår overskydende støv, der dannes under manikyr. Tre kraftfulde blæsere placeret langs enheden gør, at støvopsamleren effektivt opsamler støvet i de medfølgende poser. Støvopsamleren holder omgivelserne rene, samtidig med at den sikrer, at støvet ikke indåndes, hvilket eliminerer risikoen for allergier. \n \n- Støvopsamler til manikyr \n- Tre kraftfulde blæsere \n- Undgå at indånde støv \n \nSpecifikationer: \nFarve: Hvid \nMateriale: Plast \nMål: 34 x 28 x 9,5 cm \nKabellængde: 130 cm \nStrøm: 40W \nStrømforsyning: 220-240V; 50-60Hz \n \nPakken indeholder: \n1x Støvopsamler \n2x Ekstra poser Farve Hvid Vægt, gram 1072
The Devops Handbook - Jez Humble - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 324.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This award-winning and bestselling business handbook for digital transformation is now fully updated and expanded with the latest research and new case studies! “[The DevOps Handbook] remains a must-read for any organization seeking to scale up its IT capability and expand DevOps practices across multiple departments or lines of business.” —Mike Perrow, TechBeacon For years, The DevOps Handbook has been the definitive guide for taking the successes laid out in the bestselling The Phoenix Project and applying them in any organization. Now, with this fully updated and expanded edition, it's time to take DevOps out of the IT department and apply it across the full business. Technology is now at the core of every company, no matter the business model or product. The theories and practices laid out in The DevOps Handbook are tools to be used by anyone from across the organization to create joy and succeed in the marketplace. The second edition features 15 new case studies, including stories from Adidas, American Airlines, Fannie Mae, Target, and the US Air Force. In addition, renowned researcher and coauthor of Accelerate, Dr. Nicole Forsgren, provides her insights through new and updated material and research. With over 100 pages of new content throughout the book, this expanded edition is a must read for anyone who works with technology. “[The DevOps Handbook is] a practical roadmap to improving IT in any organization. It's also the most valuable book on software development I've read in the past 10 years.” —Adam Hawkins, software developer and host of the podcast SmallBatches
NovoPen 6 Sølv Medicinsk udstyr 1 stk
Sælger: Pris: 399.00 dkrDe nye intelligente insulinpenne fra Novo Nordisk er endelig her! Tænk, hvis livet kunne handle lidt mindre om diabetes og lidt mere om alt det andet. Det kan den nye NovoPen 6 hjælpe med. Pennen husker blandt andet automatisk alle injektionsdata og holder styr på op til de seneste 800 injektioner. Data kan nemt og trådløst deles* med behandleren ved behov. Med denne intelligente flergangspen har både du og din behandler adgang til de informationer, der er nødvendige for at have en personlig tilgang til din insulinbehandling. Registrerer op til seneste 800 injektionerDisplay viser både antal enheder og tid siden sidste injektion (tt:mm:ss)Mulighed for automatisk at dele* injektionsdata til sundhedspersonalet for mere produktive og personlige konsultationerKan genbruges Insulinpennen skal anvendes sammen med cylinderampul og nål. Læs altid brugervejledningen, der følger med NovoPen 6 eller NovoPen Echo Plus inden brug. Følg altid lægens eller sygeplejerskens injektionsteknik. NovoPen 6 leverer insulindoser fra 1 til 60 enheder, stigende med 1 enhed. Pakning
Accelerate Devops With Github - Michael Kaufmann - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 529.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Take your DevOps and DevSecOps game to the next level by leveraging the power of the GitHub toolset in practice Key Features: Release software faster and with confidenceIncrease your productivity by spending more time on software delivery and less on fixing bugs and administrative tasksDeliver high-quality software that is more stable, scalable, and secure Book Description: This practical guide to DevOps uses GitHub as the DevOps platform and shows how you can leverage the power of GitHub for collaboration, lean management, and secure and fast software delivery. The chapters provide simple solutions to common problems, thereby helping teams that are already on their DevOps journey to further advance into DevOps and speed up their software delivery performance. From finding the right metrics to measure your success to learning from other teams' success stories without merely copying what they've done, this book has it all in one place. As you advance, you'll find out how you can leverage the power of GitHub to accelerate your value delivery - by making work visible with GitHub Projects, measuring the right metrics with GitHub Insights, using solid and proven engineering practices with GitHub Actions and Advanced Security, and moving to event-based and loosely coupled software architecture. By the end of this GitHub book, you'll have understood what factors influence software delivery performance and how you can measure your capabilities, thus realizing where you stand in your journey and how you can move forward. What You Will Learn: Effectively measure software delivery performanceAdopt DevOps and lean management techniques in your teamsPlan, track, and visualize your work using GitHub Issues and ProjectsUse continuous delivery with GitHub Actions and PackagesScale quality through testing in production and chaos engineering"Shift left" security and secure your entire software supply chainUse DevSecOps practices with GitHub Advanced SecuritySecure your code with code scanning, secret scanning, and Dependabot Who this book is for: This book is for developers, solutions architects, DevOps engineers, and SREs, as well as for engineering or product managers who want to enhance their software delivery performance. Whether you're new to DevOps, already have experience with GitHub Enterprise, or come from a platform such as Azure DevOps, Team Foundation Server, GitLab, Bitbucket, Puppet, Chef, or Jenkins but struggle to achieve maximum performance, you'll find this book beneficial.
Bengans Devo - Dome Uni Bl
Sælger: Pris: 183.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Artist: DevoDistributor: RockofftradeLabel: RockoffMedia: T-shirtRelease date: 2024-03-27Units in packaging: 1
Lean Devops - Robert Benefield - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 254.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Deliver Any Service Far More Effectively, Based on What Customers Really Want As service stacks grow more complex, it becomes even tougher to deliver on-demand IT services that meet customers' expectations for speed, consistency, reliability, security, privacy, and value. Layering on new cloud technologies, architectural approaches, or methodologies can aggravate the problem by widening the gap between what delivery teams think they're delivering and what customers actually experience. In Lean DevOps, technical leader Robert Benefield helps you escape this spiral, reverse bad habits, and regain the situational awareness you need to deliver the right services in the right way. Writing for delivery team members and their leaders, Benefield shows how to improve information flow throughout your organization, so you can move toward your customers' target outcomes. He identifies problems arising from traditional approaches to managing teams, debunks excuses often used to prevent progress, and offers realistic recommendations for everything from requirements to incentives. * Understand key dynamics that impact service delivery, and avoid focusing on the wrong issues * Give your delivery teams stronger abilities to learn and improve * Improve team maturity and implement prerequisites for effective use of automation and AI/ML * Optimize key service delivery elements, from instrumentation to queue masters and cycles * Organize and manage workflows more effectively * Handle governance associated with internal controls and external legal/regulatory requirements * Leverage the power of Lean and Mission Command to accelerate innovation, empower subordinates, and drive the outcomes you want
NovoPen Echo Plus Blå Medicinsk udstyr 1 stk
Sælger: Pris: 399.00 dkrNovoPen Echo Plus De nye intelligente insulinpenne fra Novo Nordisk er endelig her! Tænk, hvis livet kunne handle lidt mindre om diabetes og lidt mere om alt det andet. Det kan den nye NovoPen Echo Plus hjælpe med. Pennen husker blandt andet automatisk alle injektionsdata og holder styr på op til de seneste 800 injektioner. Data kan nemt og trådløst deles* med behandleren ved behov. Med denne intelligente flergangspen har både du og din behandler adgang til de informationer, der er nødvendige for at have en personlig tilgang til din insulinbehandling. Registrerer op til seneste 800 injektioner Display viser både antal enheder og tid siden sidste injektion (tt:mm:ss)Mulighed for automatisk at dele* injektionsdata til sundhedspersonalet for mere produktive og personlige konsultationerKan genbruges Insulinpennen skal anvendes sammen med cylinderampul og nål. Læs altid brugervejledningen, der følger med NovoPen 6 eller NovoPen Echo Plus inden brug. Følg altid lægens eller sygeplejerskens injektionsteknik. NovoPen Echo Plus leverer insulindoser fra ½ til 30 enheder, stigende med ½ enhed. Pakning
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