Der blev fundet 2109 produkter som matchede din søgning efter economic i 10 butikker:
Economics Of Global Business - Rodrigo Zeidan - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 484.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
MONACOR Højttalerkabel 2x2.5 100m Economic SPC-525CA højttaler speaker economy økonomi
Sælger: Pris: 1,280.00 dkr (+59.00 dkr)Højttalerkabel "Økonomi" "ØKONOMIUDGAVE" . 100 m rulle Kobberbelagt aluminiumslitzetråd (CCA) Leder beskyttet af stofindlæg og fleecebeklædning Intended use s... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 1280,00 (før 1799,00) højttaler speaker economy økonomi kabel cable quot
Den diskreta världsmakten : så blev World Economic Forum världens mäktigaste lobbyorganisation
Sælger: Pris: 201.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Under några dagar i januari varje år står den schweiziska vinterorten Davos i centrum för världens blickar. Då samlas på inbjudan av World Economic Forum (WEF) tusentals företagsledare, ministrar och andra makthavare för att diskutera globala politiska och ekonomiska frågor.Fastän stiftelsen har funnits i över femtio år har dess verksamhet förblivit märkvärdigt förborgad för en allmänhet. I medierna framställs den mestadels som ett vanligt konferenscenter eller en tankesmedja bland andra. Själv anser man sig vara en opartisk organisation i det globala allmänintressets tjänst.I sin bok Den diskreta världsmakten gör den tyske journalisten Ernst Wolff en genomlysning av World Economic Forums historia och inflytande. Han beskriver hur forumet successivt har byggts upp och idag är den globala elitens lobbyorganisation nummer ett.I styrelsen sitter representanter från såväl världens största företag och världens mäktigaste organisationer som centralbanker och Europeiska kommissionen. Många av de bolag som är WEF:s stöttepelare, »strategiska partner«, hör till de rikaste i världen.Under decennierna har World Economic Forum vid sidan av det nationellt baserade demokratiska systemet formulerat politiska idéer och utformat politiska kampanjer som förändrat våra samhällen. WEF har spelat en nyckelroll i den internationella diskussionen om ämnen som digitalisering, klimatförändringar, massvaccinationer och transhumanism.Två reformförslag som forumet för närvarande arbetar på att förverkliga är universell basinkomst och digitala centralbanksvalutor. De sistnämnda ses som själva kärnan i projektet »The Great Reset«, Den stora återställningen, som lanserades under covidpandemin 2020.I särskilda kaderskolor har WEF utbildat generationer av ledare från politik och näringsliv. Enligt stiftelsens ordförande Klaus Schwab har denna skolning varit mycket framgångsrik i sitt syfte att »penetrera världens regeringar«. Här har skolats politiker som Jacinda Ardern, Annalena Baerbock, Emmanuel Macron, Sanna Marin, Angela Merkel och Justin Trudeau. BONUSKAPITEL 1: WEF:s 117 strategiska partner BONUSKAPITEL 2: WEF:s 2518 Young Global Leaders OM ERNST WOLFFErnst Wolff är en tysk författare och journalist. Han har tidigare utgivit flera böcker om vad han anser vara det viktigaste området i det globala samhället, den finansiella sektorn. År 2020 utgav han Wolff of Wall Street: Ernst Wolff erklärt das globale Finanzsystem, år 2017 Finanz-Tsunami: Wie das globale Finanzsystem uns alle bedroht (på svenska 2020) och år 2014 Weltmacht IWF [IMF]: Chronik eines Raubzugs. ERNST WOLFF OM SIN BOKHur kunde World Economic Forum få sådan stor makt?Därför att de allra flesta människor inte ägnat någon uppmärksamhet åt stiftelsen. Till detta finns två tänkbara förklaringar: antingen har inte känt till att det handlar om världens största och mäktigaste lobbyorganisation för den globala eliten,...
MONACOR Højttalerkabel 2x1.5 100m Economic SPC-515CA højttaler speaker economy økonomi
Sælger: Pris: 948.00 dkr (+59.00 dkr)Højttalerkabel "Økonomiudgave". 100 m rulle Kobberbelagt aluminiumslitzetråd (CCA) Leder beskyttet af stofindlæg og fleecebeklædning Intended use speakers Conn... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 948,00 (før 1299,00) højttaler speaker economy økonomi kabel cable quot
MONACOR Højttalerkabel 2x2.5 100m Economic SPC-525CA højttaler speaker economy økonomi
Sælger: Pris: 1,280.00 dkr (+59.00 dkr)Højttalerkabel "Økonomi" "ØKONOMIUDGAVE" . 100 m rulle Kobberbelagt aluminiumslitzetråd (CCA) Leder beskyttet af stofindlæg og fleecebeklædning Intended use s... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 1280,00 (før 1799,00) højttaler speaker economy økonomi kabel cable quot
Covalliero Economic- Children's Riding Breeches, blue, 116
Sælger: Pris: 208.16 dkr (+29.77 dkr)The all-year jodhpurs for beginners leave nothing to be desired for the novice and price-conscious buyer! Tight-fitting cut with 4-way elasticity for maximum comfort. Calf cuffs with Velcro fastening. Belt loops and non-slip rubber waistband. Skin-friendly and temperature regulating thanks to natural cotton fabric.
MONACOR Højttalerkabel 2x1.5 100m Economic SPC-515CA højttaler speaker economy økonomi
Sælger: Pris: 948.00 dkr (+59.00 dkr)Højttalerkabel "Økonomiudgave". 100 m rulle Kobberbelagt aluminiumslitzetråd (CCA) Leder beskyttet af stofindlæg og fleecebeklædning Intended use speakers Conn... - TILBUD NU, pris kun 948,00 (før 1299,00) højttaler speaker economy økonomi kabel cable quot
Covalliero Economic- Children's Riding Breeches, black, 116
Sælger: Pris: 181.97 dkr (+29.77 dkr)The all-year jodhpurs for beginners leave nothing to be desired for the novice and price-conscious buyer! Tight-fitting cut with 4-way elasticity for maximum comfort. Calf cuffs with Velcro fastening. Belt loops and non-slip rubber waistband. Skin-friendly and temperature regulating thanks to natural cotton fabric.
Economics For Investment Decision Makers - Christopher D. Piros - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 709.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The economics background investors need to interpret global economic news distilled to the essential elements: A tool of choice for investment decision-makers. Written by a distinguished academics and practitioners selected and guided by CFA Institute, the world’s largest association of finance professionals, Economics for Investment Decision Makers is unique in presenting microeconomics and macroeconomics with relevance to investors and investment analysts constantly in mind. The selection of fundamental topics is comprehensive, while coverage of topics such as international trade, foreign exchange markets, and currency exchange rate forecasting reflects global perspectives of pressing investor importance. Concise, plain-English introduction useful to investors and investment analysts Relevant to security analysis, industry analysis, country analysis, portfolio management, and capital market strategy Understand economic news and what it means All concepts defined and simply explained, no prior background in economics assumed Abundant examples and illustrations Global markets perspective
Covalliero Economic Riding Breeches Full Seat Ladies Riding Breeches, Blue, 38
Sælger: Pris: 220.62 dkrThe all-year riding breeches for beginners leave nothing to be desired for the novice and price-conscious buyer! Body-hugging cut with high wearing comfort thanks to 4-way elasticity. Skin-friendly feel-good atmosphere thanks to natural cotton fabric. Features: ElastoSoft leg cuffs, belt loops, non-slip elastic waistband, one zip pocket. Material: Fabric: 95% cotton, 5% elastane; trim; 60% polyester; 40% polyester; leg cuffs: 89% polyester, 11% elastane.
Economic Growth - Brugt Bog- Xavier I. Sala-I-Martin
Sælger: Pris: 475.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Covalliero Economic Riding Breeches Full Seat Ladies Riding Breeches, Blue, 42
Sælger: Pris: 225.02 dkrThe all-year riding breeches for beginners leave nothing to be desired for the novice and price-conscious buyer! Body-hugging cut with high wearing comfort thanks to 4-way elasticity. Skin-friendly feel-good atmosphere thanks to natural cotton fabric. Features: ElastoSoft leg cuffs, belt loops, non-slip elastic waistband, one zip pocket. Material: Fabric: 95% cotton, 5% elastane; trim; 60% polyester; 40% polyester; leg cuffs: 89% polyester, 11% elastane.
Economic Sociology - Alejandro Portes - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The sociological study of economic activity has witnessed a significant resurgence. Recent texts have chronicled economic sociology's nineteenth-century origins while pointing to the importance of context and power in economic life, yet the field lacks a clear understanding of the role that concepts at different levels of abstraction play in its organization. Economic Sociology fills this critical gap by surveying the current state of the field while advancing a framework for further theoretical development. Alejandro Portes examines economic sociology's principal assumptions, key explanatory concepts, and selected research sites. He argues that economic activity is embedded in social and cultural relations, but also that power and the unintended consequences of rational purposive action must be factored in when seeking to explain or predict economic behavior. Drawing upon a wealth of examples, Portes identifies three strategic sites of research--the informal economy, ethnic enclaves, and transnational communities--and he eschews grand narratives in favor of mid-range theories that help us understand specific kinds of social action. The book shows how the meta-assumptions of economic sociology can be transformed, under certain conditions, into testable propositions, and puts forward a theoretical agenda aimed at moving the field out of its present impasse.
Covalliero Economic Riding Breeches Full Seat Ladies Riding Breeches, Blue, 44
Sælger: Pris: 215.92 dkr (+29.77 dkr)The all-year riding breeches for beginners leave nothing to be desired for the novice and price-conscious buyer! Body-hugging cut with high wearing comfort thanks to 4-way elasticity. Skin-friendly feel-good atmosphere thanks to natural cotton fabric. Features: ElastoSoft leg cuffs, belt loops, non-slip elastic waistband, one zip pocket. Material: Fabric: 95% cotton, 5% elastane; trim; 60% polyester; 40% polyester; leg cuffs: 89% polyester, 11% elastane.
Economic Analysis Of Accident Law - Steven Shavell - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 329.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)“[This] is certainly a masterpiece.”—Thomas S. Ulen, Journal of Economic Literature “The strength of Shavell’s book is its lucid, structured development and explication of the economic model. It represents the best systematic presentation of the relevance of economic argument for issues of risk allocation.”—Jules L. Coleman, Yale Law Journal “Steven Shavell…[has] drawn upon [his] previous path-breaking work to issue [one of] the most important books in the law and economics of tort law since the release in 1970 of Guido Calabresi’s The Costs of Accidents …The work is a masterful tribute to the power of economic modelling and the use of optimization techniques…I, for one, was immensely impressed by the richness of the insights that Shavell’s theoretical approach provided into the fundamental issues of tort law.”—John J. Donohue III, Harvard Law Review Accident law, if properly designed, is capable of reducing the incidence of mishaps by making people act more cautiously. Scholarly writing on this branch of law traditionally has been concerned with examining the law for consistency with felt notions of right and duty. Since the 1960s, however, a group of legal scholars and economists have focused on identifying the effects of accident law on people’s behavior. Steven Shavell’s book is the definitive synthesis of research to date in this new field.
Covalliero Economic Riding Breeches Full Seat Ladies Riding Breeches, Blue, 34
Sælger: Pris: 237.40 dkrThe all-year riding breeches for beginners leave nothing to be desired for the novice and price-conscious buyer! Body-hugging cut with high wearing comfort thanks to 4-way elasticity. Skin-friendly feel-good atmosphere thanks to natural cotton fabric. Features: ElastoSoft leg cuffs, belt loops, non-slip elastic waistband, one zip pocket. Material: Fabric: 95% cotton, 5% elastane; trim; 60% polyester; 40% polyester; leg cuffs: 89% polyester, 11% elastane.
Economics For The Ib Diploma Coursebook With Digital Access (2 Years) - Ellie Tragakes - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 419.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Develop the next generation of economic minds with this thought-provoking series for first examinations 2022. Written by a highly experienced author, teacher, former IB Economics Chief Examiner and current senior examiner, the third edition has been fully updated to meet the requirements of the new guide for first examinations in 2022. It is a thought-provoking account of economic theory and policy with numerous real-world applications, encouraging international-mindedness, development of critical and independent thinking, and inquiry-based learning. This all-in-one print and digital coursebook includes a broad variety of features ensuring students will flourish in the subject and apply their skills in a diverse and practical way. Answers to coursebook activities are found in the teacher's resource.
Covalliero Economic Riding Breeches, Full Seat Ladies Riding Breeches, Black, 42
Sælger: Pris: 215.92 dkr (+29.77 dkr)The all-year riding breeches for beginners leave nothing to be desired for the novice and price-conscious buyer! Body-hugging cut with high wearing comfort thanks to 4-way elasticity. Skin-friendly feel-good atmosphere thanks to natural cotton fabric. Features: ElastoSoft leg cuffs, belt loops, non-slip elastic waistband, one zip pocket. Material: Fabric: 95% cotton, 5% elastane; trim; 60% polyester; 40% polyester; leg cuffs: 89% polyester, 11% elastane.
Economic Forecasting - Brugt Bog- Graham Elliott
Sælger: Pris: 268.75 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Economic forecasting involves choosing simple yet robust models to best approximate highly complex and evolving data-generating processes. This poses unique challenges for researchers in a host of practical forecasting situations, from forecasting budget deficits and assessing financial risk to predicting inflation and stock market returns. Economic Forecasting presents a comprehensive, unified approach to assessing the costs and benefits of different methods currently available to forecasters. This text approaches forecasting problems from the perspective of decision theory and estimation, and demonstrates the profound implications of this approach for how we understand variable selection, estimation, and combination methods for forecasting models, and how we evaluate the resulting forecasts. Both Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods are covered in depth, as are a range of cutting-edge techniques for producing point, interval, and density forecasts. The book features detailed presentations and empirical examples of a range of forecasting methods and shows how to generate forecasts in the presence of large-dimensional sets of predictor variables. The authors pay special attention to how estimation error, model uncertainty, and model instability affect forecasting performance. * Presents a comprehensive and integrated approach to assessing the strengths and weaknesses of different forecasting methods* Approaches forecasting from a decision theoretic and estimation perspective* Covers Bayesian modeling, including methods for generating density forecasts* Discusses model selection methods as well as forecast combinations* Covers a large range of nonlinear prediction models, including regime switching models, threshold autoregressions, and models with time-varying volatility* Features numerous empirical examples* Examines the latest advances in forecast evaluation* Essential for practitioners and students alike
Covalliero Economic Riding Breeches Full Seat Ladies Riding Breeches, Black, 38
Sælger: Pris: 206.81 dkr (+29.77 dkr)The all-year riding breeches for beginners leave nothing to be desired for the novice and price-conscious buyer! Body-hugging cut with high wearing comfort thanks to 4-way elasticity. Skin-friendly feel-good atmosphere thanks to natural cotton fabric. Features: ElastoSoft leg cuffs, belt loops, non-slip elastic waistband, one zip pocket. Material: Fabric: 95% cotton, 5% elastane; trim; 60% polyester; 40% polyester; leg cuffs: 89% polyester, 11% elastane.
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