Der blev fundet 242 produkter som matchede din søgning efter einstein i 3 butikker:
Baby Einstein Opus's Ocean of Discovery - vandmåtte til mavetid (12628)
Sælger: Pris: 286.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Udforskning af havet er lige ved hånden for dit barn med Opuss Ocean of Discovery Tummy Time Water Mat med blæksprutten Opus fra Baby Einstein. Du skal blot fylde midten af legemåtten med vand og blæse den ydre kant op med luft. Under siddende leg og mavetid kan barnet arbejde med muskeludvikling, mens det får de 6 flydende havdyr og figurer til at bevæge sig under overfladen.Denne praktiske aktivitet er perfekt til nysgerrige børn fra nyfødte og opefter, og den introducerer årsag og virkning, når de rører ved måtten og ser undervandsdyrene svømme. Den er med til at engagere og underholde spædbørn og småbørn, samtidig med at den fremmer udviklingen af grovmotoriske færdigheder. Det er nemt at rengøre, bare tøm vandet og luften ud, tør måtten af og fold den sammen til opbevaring eller transport. Brug den derhjemme, eller tag den med på eventyr, så din baby kan opdage vandets forunderlighed og den sanselige leg, uanset hvor I er.Størrelse: 60 x 60 cmDenne tekst er automatisk oversat, og der kan forekomme fejl.
Baby Einstein Sticky Spinner aktivitetslegetøj
Sælger: Pris: 121.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Indhold: Sticky Spinner aktivitetslegetøj\nForvandl ethvert bord til et aktivitetscenter\nSugeskålen holder legetøjet på plads på flade overflader\nFlotte løkker er sjove at gribe og dreje\nHolder baby underholdt i stille øjeblikke\nPerfekt til rejser\nAftørres for nem rengøring\n \nFra måltider til rejsetid vil din baby elske at dreje baby legetøjet. Når dette bordlegetøj til babyer drejer og hvirvler, pisker de farverige løkker op i en sjov sensorisk oplevelse.\nFarve og bevægelse\nAt se bolden og løkkerne dreje i modsatte retninger er fantastisk til babyens fokus og nysgerrighed. Disse farverige bånd er sjove at gribe og dreje, hvilket fremmer hånd-øje-koordination og finmotorik.\nNem at fastgøre\nBaby legetøjet har en kraftig sugekopfod for at holde spinneren på plads, uanset hvor du har brug for at underholde baby. Brug den som et højstolslegetøj, eller smid den i en pusletaske for at have det sjovt på farten.\nSensorisk leg\nSensoriske legetøj er enormt gavnlige for din babys udvikling. legetøj hjælper med at understøtte babyens sensoriske udvikling med farver og bevægelse.
Einstein’s Fridge - Paul Sen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 119.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)‘Hugely readable and entertaining’ JIM AL-KHALILI ‘An accessible and crystal-clear portrait of this discipline’s breadth, largely told through its history’ PHIL BALL, PHYSICS WORLD Einstein’s Fridge tells the story of how scientists uncovered the least known and yet most consequential of all the sciences, and learned to harness the power of heat and ice. The laws of thermodynamics govern everything from the behaviour of atoms to that of living cells, from the engines that power our world to the black hole at the centre of our galaxy. Not only that, but thermodynamics explains why we must eat and breathe, how the lights come on, and ultimately how the universe will end. The people who decoded its laws came from every branch of the sciences – they were engineers, physicists, chemists, biologists, cosmologists and mathematicians. Their discoveries, set over two hundred years, kick-started the industrial revolution, changed the course of world wars and informed modern understanding of black holes. This book captures the thrill of discovery and the power of revolutionary science to change the world forever.
Baby Einstein Aktivitetsstation Glow & Discover Light Bar Flerfarvet
Sælger: Pris: 317.00 dkrOplysninger:- Lys op baby´s sanseoplevelse under mavetid eller siddende leg med Baby Einstein Glow & Discover Light Bar Activity Station. Denne kompakte, multisensoriske legetøj har 3 lærings- og aktiveringsindstillinger og glæder baby, når de udforsker musik, dyr og farver. Dansende lys og musik fascinerer spædbørn under mavetid. Når baby trykker på knapper eller drejer rattetrommen, lyser lysbaren op, og klassiske melodier spiller! Ældre babyer og småbørn kan lære farvenavne, dyrenavne og lyde, lys op hver knap eller oprette xylofonlyde under siddende leg. Unisex-design gør dette til et fremragende læringsgave til drenge eller piger i alderen 3 måneder til 3 år. Kræver 3 AA-batterier (ikke inkluderet). Dimensioner: 8,94 x 12,6 x 5,94 inches. Rengøres let med en fugtig klud.Features: - Baby Einstein Glow & Discover Light Bar Activity Station er et multisensorisk legetøj, der engagerer baby med farverige lys, klassiske melodier og dyrelyde under gulvleg eller mavetid.- 3 tilstande: Xylofontilstand hjælper baby med at skabe en sang. Animal Mode lærer dyrenavne og lyde. Farve tilstand lærer 6 farvenavne på 3 sprog - engelsk, spansk og fransk.- Når baby trykker på en knap eller drejer rattetrommen, reagerer legetøjet med musik og lys for at engagere, støtte finmotorik og fremme årsags- og virkninglæring.- 2 måder at engagere baby på, når de vokser: Bar ligger flad til mavetid og støttes op til siddende leg. Unisex design til baby dreng eller pige i alderen 3 måneder til 36 måneder.- Samlede dimensioner: 8,94 x 12,6 x 5,94 inches. Rengøres let med en fugtig klud. Kræver 3 AA-batterier.Specifikationer: - Dimensioner (i): 8,94 ´´ (H) x 12,6 ´´ (W) x 5,94 ´´ (D)- Brugeraldersområde (måneder): 3 - 36 måneder- Batterier: 3 AA-alkalinebatterier kræves- Materialer: 90% plast, 10% metalVedligeholdelse: - Tør af med en fugtig klud og mild sæbe.- Lad tørre.- Må ikke dyppes i vand.
Baby Einstein Ocean BABY EINSTEIN Playmat Opus Ocean of Discovery Tummy Time Water Mat
Sælger: Pris: 219.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Ditt barn kommer att upptäcka undervattensvärlden tyst liggande på sin lekmatta, fylld med vatten, Opus's Ocean of Discovery (TM). Timmar med spel med Baby Einsteins Octopus Opus. Enkel fyllning av mattans mittdel med kranvatten och uppblåsning av kanterna. När han ligger eller sitter utvecklar barnet sina små muskler och flyttar de sex havsdjurna under havets yta. En trevlig gåva för nyfikna små som upptäcker beröringen och orsak-effekt-förhållandet mellan dessa havsdjur som simmar och rör sig över. mattan. Baby lär sig sitta och ha kul medan han utvecklar finmotorik. Lätt att städa. Töm vattnet och töm madrassen, kör sedan en svamp innan du förvarar den i din resväska eller i garderoben. Perfekt för spel hemma eller på språng. Ditt förvånade barn upptäcker havets magi och väcker sina sinnen i timmar!
Baby Einstein - Lekmatta - Musik & lärande
Sælger: Pris: 541.00 dkrBaby Einstein, Kickin 'Tunes Play Matta, 4 spellägen, flyttbara leksaker, från födseln
BABY EINSTEIN Neighborhood Symphony Rebound Awakening Area
Sælger: Pris: 814.00 dkrSkapa söt musik tillsammans med det här studsande lekområdet Baby Einstein (TM) fyllt med engagerande musikaliska aktiviteter som säkert kommer att underhålla din lilla nyblivna låtskrivare. Stoppningsområdet Neighborhood Symphony (TM) erbjuder bongor utrustade med ljus och ljud, allt på flera olika språk.
BABY EINSTEIN Neptuns Ocean Discovery Rebound Awakening Area
Sælger: Pris: 1,135.00 dkrMed Neptuns Ocean Discovery (TM) Rebound Awakening Area (TM), upptäcker baby världen i 360 ° och utforskar marina aktiviteter eller skatter gömda tjugo tusen ligor under havet. Din lilla dykare gör ett äventyr och simmar från leksak till leksak i den här höjdjusterbara bygeln.
Baby legetøj Baby Einstein Toddler Jams
Sælger: Pris: 331.00 dkrBørn fortjener det bedste, og derfor vil vi gerne præsentere dig for Baby legetøj Baby Einstein Toddler Jams, der er ideel til dem, som gerne vil have kvalitetsprodukter til deres mindste! Få Baby Einstein til de bedste priser!Type: LegetøjFunktioner: MusikLysMateriale: Plastik
Baby Einstein Ocean BABY EINSTEIN Octopus Octopush Toudou - Blå
Sælger: Pris: 231.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)BABY EINSTEIN Bläckfisk Toudou - Färgglad - Stimulerar barnets sinnen - Musikspel - Varje tentakel reproducerar namnet på motsvarande färg på engelska, franska eller spanska - Blå - Pojke och flicka - Från 3 månader - Levereras till Single
BABY EINSTEIN Ocean 3-delad musikleksak - BABY EINSTEIN - Small Symphony - Barn från 3 månader och uppåt
Sælger: Pris: 283.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)BE74451130753
Professor Puzzle Einstein Lock Puzzle
Sælger: Pris: 153.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Bare et stykke fra Einstein-puslespillet. Hvordan vil du klare det imod denne hjernetænker?
Einstein - Walter Isaacson - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 124.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The definitive, internationally bestselling biography of Albert Einstein from the author of The Innovators , Steve Jobs and Benjamin Franklin . **Now the basis of Genius, the ten-part National Geographic series on the life of Albert Einstein, starring the Oscar, Emmy, and Tony Award-winning actor Geoffrey Rush** How did Einstein’s mind work? What made him a genius? Isaacson’s biography shows how Einstein’s scientific imagination sprang from the rebellious nature of his personality. His fascinating story is a testament to the connection between creativity and freedom. Isaacson explores how an imaginative, impertinent patent clerk – a struggling father in a difficult marriage who couldn't get a teaching job or a doctorate – became the locksmith of the mysteries of the atom, and the universe. His success came from questioning conventional wisdom and marvelling at mysteries that struck others as mundane. This led him to embrace a morality and politics based on respect for free minds, free spirits and free individuals. Einstein , the classic No.1 New York Times bestseller , is a brilliantly acclaimed account of the most influential scientist of the twentieth century, ‘An illuminating delight’ New York Times ‘Dramatic and revelatory’ Sunday Times ‘Beautifully written’ Sunday Telegraph ‘Astonishing’ Mail on Sunday
Einsteins Hirn - Franzobel - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 309.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Wie im "Floß der Medusa" erzählt Franzobel eine neue erfundene wahre Geschichte: Der Pathologe Thomas Harvey stiehlt Einsteins Hirn und behält es sein Leben lang. Am 18. April 1955 kurz nach Mitternacht stirbt Albert Einstein im Princeton Hospital, New Jersey. Seinem Wunsch entsprechend wird der Körper verbrannt und die Asche an einem unbekannten Ort verstreut. Vorher jedoch hat der Pathologe Thomas Harvey Einsteins Hirn entfernt, danach tingelt er damit 42 Jahre durch die amerikanische Provinz. Mit ihm erlebt Harvey die Wahl John F. Kennedys zum Präsidenten und die erste Landung auf dem Mond, Woodstock und Watergate und das Ende des Vietnamkriegs; und irgendwann beginnt das Hirn, mit Harvey zu sprechen. Franzobels neuer Roman ist ein hinreißender Trip durch wilde Zeiten und zugleich die Lebensgeschichte eines einfachen, aber nicht gewöhnlichen Mannes, den Einsteins Hirn aus der Bahn wirft.
Einstein, Einstein - Tor Nørretranders - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 69.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)HJERNE, HJERTE, SØGENDE SJÆL. Hvem var Albert Einstein egentlig? - genial fysiker? - glødende socialist? - tidligere tysker? - glad violinspiller? - jøde i eksil? - utro ungpigeelsker? - fortaler for fred? - teknisk nørd? - langhåret flipper? - en der fik ret? - en der tog fejl? - agitator for ikkevold? - ensom romantiker? - dybsindig filosof? - ikketroende religiøs? - Niels Bohrs modstander? - Niels Bohrs ven? Eller måske det hele på en gang? Det er en af verdenshistoriens helt store personligheder, der er emnet for denne biografi, som både fortæller om Einsteins videnskab og verdensforståelse. Einsteins bidrag til det moderne verdensbillede var af kolosal betydning. Men det var hans indsats for en bedre verden også. Verden har brug for selvstændigt tænkende mennesker som den uortodokse og oprøske violinspillende vismand Albert Einstein. EINSTEIN, EINSTEIN er oprindeligt udgivet i 2005. Fil størrelse: 34416 KB
Einstein In Time And Space - Samuel Graydon - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)DROPOUT. PACIFIST. PHYSICIST. CASANOVA. REFUGEE. REBEL. GENIUS. THINK YOU KNOW EINSTEIN? THINK AGAIN His face is instantly recognisable. His name is shorthand for genius. Today, he's a figurehead as much as a man, symbolic of things larger than himself: of scientific progress, of the human mind, even of the age. But who was Einstein really? The Nobel Prize-winning physicist who discovered relativity, black holes and E = mc2, dined with Charlie Chaplin in Hollywood and was the inspiration for (highly radioactive) element 99, Albert Einstein was also a high school dropout with an FBI file 1,400 pages long. In this book, Samuel Graydon brings history's most famous scientist back to life. From his lost daughter to escaping the Nazis, from his love letters to unlikely inventions, from telling jokes to cheer up his sad parrot Bibo to refusing the Presidency of Israel, through the discoveries and thought experiments that changed science, Einstein in Time and Space tells 99 unforgettable stories of the man who redefined how we view our universe and our place within it.
Einstein On Politics - Albert Einstein - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 194.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The most famous scientist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein was also one of the century's most outspoken political activists. Deeply engaged with the events of his tumultuous times, from the two world wars and the Holocaust, to the atomic bomb and the Cold War, to the effort to establish a Jewish homeland, Einstein was a remarkably prolific political writer, someone who took courageous and often unpopular stands against nationalism, militarism, anti-Semitism, racism, and McCarthyism. In Einstein on Politics, leading Einstein scholars David Rowe and Robert Schulmann gather Einstein's most important public and private political writings and put them into historical context. The book reveals a little-known Einstein--not the ineffectual and naive idealist of popular imagination, but a principled, shrewd pragmatist whose stands on political issues reflected the depth of his humanity. Nothing encapsulates Einstein's profound involvement in twentieth-century politics like the atomic bomb. Here we read the former militant pacifist's 1939 letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt warning that Germany might try to develop an atomic bomb. But the book also documents how Einstein tried to explain this action to Japanese pacifists after the United States used atomic weapons to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki, events that spurred Einstein to call for international control of nuclear technology. A vivid firsthand view of how one of the twentieth century's greatest minds responded to the greatest political challenges of his day, Einstein on Politics will forever change our picture of Einstein's public activism and private motivations.
Einstein'S Unfinished Revolution - Lee Smolin - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'Quantum mechanics is perhaps the most successful theory ever formulated. The only problem with it, argues Lee Smolin, is that it is wrong ... a fount of provocative ideas ... lucid, upbeat and, finally, optimistic' Graham Farmelo, Nature Human beings, says Lee Smolin, author of The Trouble With Physics , have always had a problem with the boundary between reality and fantasy, confusing our representations of the world with the world itself. Nowhere is this more evident than in quantum physics, which forms the basis for our understanding of everything from elementary particles to the behaviour of materials. While quantum mechanics is currently our best theory of nature at an atomic scale, it has many puzzling qualities - qualities that preclude realism and therefore give an incomplete description of nature. Rather than question this version of quantum mechanics, however, whole groups of physicists have embraced it as correct and rejected realism. Subscribing to a kind of magical thinking, they believe that what is real is far beyond the world we perceive: indeed, that the 'true' world is hidden from our perception. Back in the 1920s Einstein, both a realist and a physicist, believed that it was necessary to go beyond quantum mechanics to discover what was missing from a true theory of the atoms. This was Einstein's unfinished mission, and it is Lee Smolin's too. Not only will this new model of quantum physics form the basis of solutions to many of the outstanding problems of physics, but, crucially, it is a theory that is realist in nature. At a time when science is under attack, and with it the belief in a real world in which facts are either true or false, never has the importance of building science on the correct foundations been more urgent.
Einstein'S Lost Key: How We Overlooked The Best Idea Of The 20th Century - Alexander Unzicker - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 209.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)One hundred years after the completion of the General Theory of Relativity, conferences, meetings, and celebrations are taking place all around the world. Yet a decisive consideration on the subject by Albert Einstein has completely fallen into oblivion. Already in 1911, he held the key to an even greater discovery in his hands: a theory concerning the variable speed of light that would have explained the origin of gravity by referring to distant masses in the universe. Eventually, the consequences for modern cosmology would be revolutionary: the picture of an expanding universe and the Big Bang would need to be revised. Sadly, Einstein's ingenious idea came twenty years too early. For it took until the 1930s before the true size of the universe was revealed, which would have confirmed his formula about the variable speed of light. Due to a series of accidents, the theory remained practically unknown, although the Nobelists Erwin Schr dinger and Paul Dirac had worked on similar ideas. Einstein's Lost Key is a description of relativity comprehensible for lay people, a vividly exposed history of science, and a serious, though controversial input for modern research. Dr. Alexander Unzicker is a German physicist and award-winning science writer. His books Bankrupting Physics and The Higgs Fake have generated controversy in the physics community. With Einstein's Lost Key, Unzicker gives an account of his long-lasting pursuit of Einstein's ideas. KIRKUS REVIEWS: ...the author's ideas are engaging and he presents them well. ...] turns into a screed against the scientific establishment.
Einstein - Torben Kuhlmann - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 249.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Time is relative! Award-winning illustrator Torben Kuhlmann's brilliant new book bends time and imagination. Bank Street 2022 Best Children's Books of the Year list September/October Indie Next Kids Pick, 2021 Society of Illustrators Original Art, 2021 National Science Teachers Association 2022 Best STEM Books, December 2021 Bronze Winner- INDIES Book of the Year Award, 2021 When an inventive mouse misses the biggest cheese festival the world has ever seen, he's determined to turn back the clock. But what is time, and can it be influenced? With the help of a mouse clockmaker, a lot of inventiveness, and the notes of a certain famous Swiss physicist he succeeds in traveling back in time. But when he misses his goal by eighty years, the only one who can help is an employee of the Swiss Patent Office, who turned our concept of space and time upside down. From the creator of Lindbergh-The Tale of a Flying Mouse , Moletown, Armstrong - The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon , and Edison - The Mystery of the Missing Mouse Treasure comes Einstein . Torben Kuhlmann, in his fourth mouse adventure, explores the question: Suppose Albert Einstein's famous theories first came into being through an encounter with a little mouse? Rave Reviews for Einstein: His unique ability to combine fun, facts, science and biography makes Einstein a real triumph. BookPage, Starred Review "As in Armstrong (2016) and Edison (2018), Kuhlmann employs a mix of narrative and fantastically detailed mouse's-eye-view pencil-and-watercolor scenes to portray a small, furry investigator intrepidly tackling scientific and technological challenges in a human-sized world--here involving old records in a certain Swiss patent office, clock gears and computer parts, trial and error, and equations on chalkboards." - Kirkus, Starred Review
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