Der blev fundet 155 produkter som matchede din søgning efter fascist i 8 butikker:
Fascister I Fåreklæder? - Mathias Hee Pedersen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 279.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Den identitære bevægelse er domineret af unge, internetkyndige aktivister og præsenterer sig selv som en ny type højrebevægelse, der endegyldigt har kappet båndene til højreradikalismens fascistiske fortid. Men gør de rent faktisk op med højreradikalismens mørke fortid, eller er de ikke andet end fascister i fåreklæder? Mathias Hee Pedersen analyserer de identitæres ideologi og opridser de idéhistoriske spor, der fører fra Generation Identitærs Greenpeace-inspirerede aktivisme og alt-right-bevægelsens internetcentrerede kulturkamp via Det Nye Højre til mellemkrigstidens fascistiske tænkere. Bogen viser, hvordan den identitære bevægelse forsøger at påvirke den politiske samtale og sporer bevægelsens indflydelse i store højrenationalistiske partier som Dansk Folkeparti, Lega Nord og Alternativ für Deutschland. For den, der vil forstå hvilken trussel, højreradikalismen udgør i det 21. århundrede, er der ingen vej udenom den identitære bevægelse og dens idéhistoriske fundament.
The Anatomy of Fascism
Sælger: Pris: 149.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Fascism was the major political invention of the twentieth century and the source of much of its pain. How can we try to comprehend its allure and its horror? Is it a philosophy, a movement, an aesthetic experience? What makes states and nations become fascist?Acclaimed historian Robert O. Paxton shows that in order to understand fascism we must look at it in action - at what it did, as much as what it said it was about. He explores its falsehoods and common threads; the social and political base that allowed it to prosper; its leaders and internal struggles; how it manifested itself differently in each country - France, Britain, the low countries, Eastern Europe, even Latin America as well as Italy and Germany; how fascists viewed the Holocaust; and, finally, whether fascism is still possible in today's world.Offering a bold new interpretation of the fascist phenomenon, this groundbreaking book will overturn our understanding of twentieth-century history.
Fascist Pigs - Tiago Saraiva - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 414.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)How the breeding of new animals and plants was central to fascist regimes in Italy, Portugal, and Germany and to their imperial expansion. In the fascist regimes of Mussolini's Italy, Salazar's Portugal, and Hitler's Germany, the first mass mobilizations involved wheat engineered to take advantage of chemical fertilizers, potatoes resistant to late blight, and pigs that thrived on national produce. Food independence was an early goal of fascism; indeed, as Tiago Saraiva writes in Fascist Pigs, fascists were obsessed with projects to feed the national body from the national soil. Saraiva shows how such technoscientific organisms as specially bred wheat and pigs became important elements in the institutionalization and expansion of fascist regimes. The pigs, the potatoes, and the wheat embodied fascism. In Nazi Germany, only plants and animals conforming to the new national standards would be allowed to reproduce. Pigs that didn't efficiently convert German-grown potatoes into pork and lard were eliminated. Saraiva describes national campaigns that intertwined the work of geneticists with new state bureaucracies; discusses fascist empires, considering forced labor on coffee, rubber, and cotton in Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Eastern Europe; and explores fascist genocides, following Karakul sheep from a laboratory in Germany to Eastern Europe, Libya, Ethiopia, and Angola. Saraiva's highly original account-the first systematic study of the relation between science and fascism-argues that the "back to the land" aspect of fascism should be understood as a modernist experiment involving geneticists and their organisms, mass propaganda, overgrown bureaucracy, and violent colonialism.
Emir Fascination Edp 100ml
Sælger: Pris: 279.33 dkr (+49.00 dkr) -
Fascist Mythologies - Federico Finchelstein - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 394.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)For fascism, myth was reality-or was realer than the real. Fascist notions of the leader, the nation, power, and violence were steeped in mythic imagery and the fantasy of transcending history. A mythologized primordial past would inspire the heroic overthrow of a debased present to achieve a violently redeemed future. What is distinctive about fascist mythology, and how does this aspect of fascism help explain its perils in the past and present? Federico Finchelstein draws on a striking combination of thinkers-Jorge Luis Borges, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Schmitt-to consider fascism as a form of political mythmaking. He shows that Borges's literary and critical work and Freud's psychoanalytic writing both emphasize the mythical and unconscious dimensions of fascist politics. Finchelstein considers their ideas of the self, violence, and the sacred as well as the relationship between the victims of fascist violence and the ideological myths of its perpetrators. He draws on Freud and Borges to analyze the work of a variety of Latin American and European fascist intellectuals, with particular attention to Schmitt's political theology. Contrasting their approaches to the logic of unreason, Finchelstein probes the limits of the dichotomy between myth and reason and shows the centrality of this opposition to understanding the ideology of fascism. At a moment when forces redolent of fascism cast a shadow over world affairs, this book provides a timely historical and critical analysis of the dangers of myth in modern politics.
Fascination (Blu-ray) (Import)
Sælger: Pris: 199.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Jealousy, vengeance, obsession, cannibalism, and blood-drinking collide in Fascination, director Jean Rollin's decadent fantasy of sex and death. When a thief holes up in a remote château, taking two beautiful chambermaids' hostage, the arrival of his accomplices and the château's aristocratic owners leads to an orgy of violence and ritualistic bloodletting. With its standout performance from Brigitte Lahaie (The Night of the Hunted), as the scythe-wielding Eva, and an evocative score from Philippe D'Aram (The Living Dead Girl), Fascination is one of the purest expressions of Rollin's unique fantastique aesthetic.ExtrasINDICATOR LIMITED EDITION BLU-RAY SPECIAL FEATURESNew 4K restoration from the original negative by Powerhouse FilmsOriginal French mono soundtrackAudio commentary with Sylvia Kristel: From 'Emmanuelle' to Chabrol author Jeremy Richey (2023)Jean Rollin Introduces 'Fascination' (1998): filmed appraisalRituals (2023): updated documentary on the making of Fascination by Rollin's personal assistant, Daniel Gouyette, including interviews with key collaborators Natalie Perrey and Brigitte LahaieThe Music of 'Fascination' (2023): new presentation of an interview with composer Philippe D'AramNewly edited archival interview with assistant director Natalie Perrey (2023)Critical appreciation by the author and film historian Virginie Sélavy (2023)Alternative sequences: two extended sex scenesOriginal theatrical trailerImage galleries: promotional and publicity material, and behind the scenesVirgins and Vampires (1999): documentary on Rollin, produced and directed by Andy Starke and Pete Tombs, featuring contributions from actors Monica Swinn and Brigitte Lahaie, Nigel Wingrove of Redemption Films, and RollinNew and improved English translation subtitlesLimited edition exclusive 80-page book with a new essay by Vanessa Morgan, an archival introduction by Jean Rollin, a previously untranslated archival interview with Rollin, an archival interview with actor Fanny Magier, critic Daniel Bird on the film's soundtrack, and full film creditsLimited edition of 10,000 individually numbered units (6,000 4K UHDs and 4,000 Blu-rays) for the UK and US
American Fascists - Chris Hedges - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 174.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Twenty-five years ago, when Pat Robertson and other radio and televangelists first spoke of the United States becoming a Christian nation that would build a global Christian empire, it was hard to take such hyperbolic rhetoric seriously. Today, such language no longer sounds like hyperbole but poses, instead, a very real threat to our freedom and our way of life. In American Fascists, Chris Hedges, veteran journalist and author of the National Book Award finalist War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, challenges the Christian Right's religious legitimacy and argues that at its core it is a mass movement fueled by unbridled nationalism and a hatred for the open society. Hedges, who grew up in rural parishes in upstate New York where his father was a Presbyterian pastor, attacks the movement as someone steeped in the Bible and Christian tradition. He points to the hundreds of senators and members of Congress who have earned between 80 and 100 percent approval ratings from the three most influential Christian Right advocacy groups as one of many signs that the movement is burrowing deep inside the American government to subvert it. The movement's call to dismantle the wall between church and state and the intolerance it preaches against all who do not conform to its warped vision of a Christian America are pumped into tens of millions of American homes through Christian television and radio stations, as well as reinforced through the curriculum in Christian schools. The movement's yearning for apocalyptic violence and its assault on dispassionate, intellectual inquiry are laying the foundation for a new, frightening America. American Fascists, which includes interviews and coverage of events such as pro-life rallies and weeklong classes on conversion techniques, examines the movement's origins, its driving motivations and its dark ideological underpinnings. Hedges argues that the movement currently resembles the young fascist movements in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and '30s, movements that often masked the full extent of their drive for totalitarianism and were willing to make concessions until they achieved unrivaled power. The Christian Right, like these early fascist movements, does not openly call for dictatorship, nor does it use physical violence to suppress opposition. In short, the movement is not yet revolutionary. But the ideological architecture of a Christian fascism is being cemented in place. The movement has roused its followers to a fever pitch of despair and fury. All it will take, Hedges writes, is one more national crisis on the order of September 11 for the Christian Right to make a concerted drive to destroy American democracy. The movement awaits a crisis. At that moment they will reveal themselves for what they truly are -- the American heirs to fascism. Hedges issues a potent, impassioned warning. We face an imminent threat. His book reminds us of the dangers liberal, democratic societies face when they tolerate the...
Sissel myofascial-rulle 40 cm blå SIS-162.082
Sælger: Pris: 360.00 dkrSissel myofascial release-rullen er ideel til målrettet lindring og afslapning af muskler og fascie. Den er designet til forbedring af muskelfunktion, regenerering og fleksibilitet og forebyggelse af muskelømhed. Myofascial release-rullen virker på nakke, skuldre, overarm og rygmuskler, hofte- og
Suffragette Fascists - Simon Webb - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 34.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Emmeline Pankhurst is seen today as a valiant champion of democracy, but in the 1930s certain prominent former suffragettes were comparing her to Hitler and Mussolini. It was suggested that Mrs Pankhurst and her Women's Social and Political Union could be viewed as a proto-fascist movement; an idea likely to strike the modern reader as grotesque. Yet the WSPU certainly had much in common with the fascist parties that emerged after the end of the First World War. The group was financed by wealthy and aristocratic backers, and terrorism, in the form of bombing and arson, was widely used against working-class men and women. This, together with the rampant anti-Semitism and ambivalent attitude to democracy, all indicate that there was more to the suffragettes than we now realize. Few people today, for example, know that Emmeline Pankhurst was an advocate of ethnic cleansing and the use of concentration camps, nor that her daughter was imprisoned during the Second World War for pro-Nazi activities. This helps to explain how former suffragettes came to hold such important positions in the British Union of Fascists in the years before the Second World War. After all, the ideology and structure of Oswald Mosley's fascist party was so eerily similar to that of Emmeline Pankhurst's Women's Social and Political Union. In this book, Simon Webb explores the real world of the suffragettes and the woman they idolized as 'the Leader', discovering that the movement indeed foreshadowed the rise of fascism during the 1930s.
Fascination (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray) (Import)
Sælger: Pris: 329.00 dkrJealousy, vengeance, obsession, cannibalism, and blood-drinking collide in Fascination, director Jean Rollin's decadent fantasy of sex and death. When a thief holes up in a remote château, taking two beautiful chambermaids' hostage, the arrival of his accomplices and the château's aristocratic owners leads to an orgy of violence and ritualistic bloodletting. With its standout performance from Brigitte Lahaie (The Night of the Hunted), as the scythe-wielding Eva, and an evocative score from Philippe D'Aram (The Living Dead Girl), Fascination is one of the purest expressions of Rollin's unique fantastique aesthetic."ExtrasINDICATOR LIMITED EDITION 4K UHD SPECIAL FEATURESNew 4K HDR restoration from the original negative by Powerhouse Films4K (2160p) UHD presentation in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)Original French mono soundtrackAudio commentary with Sylvia Kristel: From 'Emmanuelle' to Chabrol author Jeremy Richey (2023)Jean Rollin Introduces 'Fascination' (1998): filmed appraisalRituals (2023): updated documentary on the making of Fascination by Rollin's personal assistant, Daniel Gouyette, including interviews with key collaborators Natalie Perrey and Brigitte LahaieThe Music of 'Fascination' (2023): new presentation of an interview with composer Philippe D'AramNewly edited archival interview with assistant director Natalie Perrey (2023)Critical appreciation by the author and film historian Virginie Sélavy (2023)Alternative sequences: two extended sex scenesOriginal theatrical trailerImage galleries: promotional and publicity material, and behind the scenesVirgins and Vampires (1999): documentary on Rollin, produced and directed by Andy Starke and Pete Tombs, featuring contributions from actors Monica Swinn and Brigitte Lahaie, Nigel Wingrove of Redemption Films, and RollinNew and improved English translation subtitlesLimited edition exclusive 80-page book with a new essay by Vanessa Morgan, an archival introduction by Jean Rollin, a previously untranslated archival interview with Rollin, an archival interview with actor Fanny Magier, critic Daniel Bird on the film's soundtrack, and full film creditsWorld premiere on 4K UHDLimited edition of 10,000 individually numbered units (6,000 4K UHDs and 4,000 Blu-rays) for the UK and US
The Fascist Revolution - George L. Mosse - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The Fascist Revolution is the culmination of George L. Mosse's groundbreaking work on fascism. Originally published posthumously in 1999, the volume covers a broad spectrum of topics related to cultural interpretations of fascism from its origins through the twentieth century. In a series of magisterial turns, Mosse examines fascism's role in the French Revolution, its relationship with nationalism and racism, its use by intellectuals to foment insurrection, and more as a means to define and understand it as a popular phenomenon on its own terms. This new edition features a critical introduction by Roger Griffin, professor emeritus of modern history at Oxford Brookes University, contextualizing Mosse's research as fascism makes a global resurgence.
Fascinatorer til Kvinder Bryllups Fascinator Hat Blomst Mesh Fjer Pandebånd QB-Hvid
Sælger: Pris: 161.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Størrelse: One size passer de fleste kvinder med hårklips og et let bøjeligt pandebånd.\nUnik: Denne klassiske hovedbeklædning gør dig mere charmerende og unik og giver et mere retro look. Et fantastisk tilbehør til din festival eller andre outfits.\nPolyester\nLukning: Spænde\nFascinator\nNem at bære: Sits sikkert og fast med et metalhårklips og et pandebånd, der hjælper dig med at bære det, som du ønsker.\nAnledning: Velegnet til bryllup, te-selskab, cocktailparty, 1920'er-fest, kirke, karnevaler, påske, halloween osv.\nMateriale: Mesh, fjer og kunstige perler. Desuden gør mesh-båndene og de elegante fjer dit outfit mere glamourøst og fancy.
The Wannabe Fascists - Federico Finchelstein - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 224.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Meet today's almost fascists and learn the warning signs to intercept them on the road from populism to dictatorship. With The Wannabe Fascists , historian Federico Finchelstein offers a precise explanation of why Trumpism and similar movements across the world belong to a new political breed, the last outcome of the combined histories of fascism and populism: the wannabe fascists. This new type of populist politician is typically a legally elected leader who, unlike previous populists who were eager to distance themselves from fascism, turns to totalitarian lies, racism, and illegal means to destroy democracy from within. Drawing on almost three decades of research on the histories of fascism and populism around the world, this book lays out in clear language what the author calls the "four pillars of fascism"--xenophobia, propaganda, political violence, and ultimately dictatorship. Finchelstein carefully explains how and why wannabe fascists like Trump, Bolsonaro, and Modi embrace the first three pillars but don't quite succeed in dictatorship and total suppression of the popular vote. The Wannabe Fascists stresses the importance of preventing despots from reaching this tipping point and offers a clear warning for what's at stake.
Scholl Med Insoles Plantar Fasciitis Str. L 1 par
Sælger: Pris: 224.95 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Plantar fasciitis smertelindrende indlægssål har en klinisk dokumenteret 3-i-1-virkning. Trykfordeling, Stødabsorbering, Stabilisering. Anvendelse Før brug skal du sørge for, at produktet passer godt i skoen. Fjern eventuelt den eksisterende indersål. Hælen på indlægssålen skal placeres mod bagsiden af skoen, og om nødvendigt trimmes enden til den ønskede størrelse efter de vejledende linjer på produktet. For nogle kan det tage tid at vænne sig til smertelindrende indlægssåler. Fødderne skal vænne sig til indlægssålens strukturelle egenskaber, så det kan være nødvendigt at holde en pause med sålerne. Om nødvendigt kan du opbygge brugen gradvist ved at bruge in-Balance smertelindrende indlægssåler i et stigende antal timer hver dag, indtil du kan have dem på hele dagen. Hvis produktet viser tegn på slid eller nedbrydning skal det udskiftes. Stop brugen, hvis du føler ubehag eller irritation. Hvis du fortsat oplever smerte, ubehag eller irritation, skal du kontakte en sundhedsfaglig person for at få råd. Tilføjelse eller udskiftning af komponenter i certificerede sko kan påvirke certificeringen.
We Fight Fascists - Daniel Sonabend - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 154.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In 1946 many Jewish soldiers returned to their homes in England imagining that they had fought and defeated the forces of fascism in Europe. Yet in London they found a revived fascist movement inspired by Sir Oswald Mosley and stirring up agitation against Jews and communists. Many felt that the government, the police and even the Jewish Board of Deputies were ignoring the threat; so they had to take matters into their own hands, by any means necessary. Forty-three Jewish servicemen met together and set up a group that tirelessly organised, infiltrated meetings, and broke up street demonstrations to stop the rebirth of the far right. The group included returned war heroes; women who went undercover; and young Jews, such as hairdresser Vidal Sassoon, seeking adventure. From 1947, the 43 Group grew into a powerful troop that could muster hundreds of fighters turning meetings into mass street brawls at short notice. The history of the 43 Group is not just a gripping story of a forgotten moment in Britain's postwar history; it is also a timely lesson in how to confront fascism, and how to win.
Scholl Med Insoles Plantar Fasciitis Str. M 1 par
Sælger: Pris: 224.95 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Plantar fasciitis smertelindrende indlægssål har en klinisk dokumenteret 3-i-1-virkning. Trykfordeling, Stødabsorbering, Stabilisering. Anvendelse Før brug skal du sørge for, at produktet passer godt i skoen. Fjern eventuelt den eksisterende indersål. Hælen på indlægssålen skal placeres mod bagsiden af skoen, og om nødvendigt trimmes enden til den ønskede størrelse efter de vejledende linjer på produktet. For nogle kan det tage tid at vænne sig til smertelindrende indlægssåler. Fødderne skal vænne sig til indlægssålens strukturelle egenskaber, så det kan være nødvendigt at holde en pause med sålerne. Om nødvendigt kan du opbygge brugen gradvist ved at bruge in-Balance smertelindrende indlægssåler i et stigende antal timer hver dag, indtil du kan have dem på hele dagen. Hvis produktet viser tegn på slid eller nedbrydning skal det udskiftes. Stop brugen, hvis du føler ubehag eller irritation. Hvis du fortsat oplever smerte, ubehag eller irritation, skal du kontakte en sundhedsfaglig person for at få råd. Tilføjelse eller udskiftning af komponenter i certificerede sko kan påvirke certificeringen.
The Nazi-Fascist New Order For European Culture - Benjamin G. Martin - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 324.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Following France’s crushing defeat in June 1940, the Nazis moved forward with plans to reorganize a European continent now largely under Hitler’s heel. While Germany’s military power would set the agenda, several among the Nazi elite argued that permanent German hegemony required something more: a pan-European cultural empire that would crown Hitler’s wartime conquests. At a time when the postwar European project is under strain, Benjamin G. Martin brings into focus a neglected aspect of Axis geopolitics, charting the rise and fall of Nazi-fascist “soft power” in the form of a nationalist and anti-Semitic new ordering of European culture. As early as 1934, the Nazis began taking steps to bring European culture into alignment with their ideological aims. In cooperation and competition with Italy’s fascists, they courted filmmakers, writers, and composers from across the continent. New institutions such as the International Film Chamber, the European Writers Union, and the Permanent Council of composers forged a continental bloc opposed to the “degenerate” cosmopolitan modernism that held sway in the arts. In its place they envisioned a Europe of nations, one that exalted traditionalism, anti-Semitism, and the Volk . Such a vision held powerful appeal for conservative intellectuals who saw a European civilization in decline, threatened by American commercialism and Soviet Bolshevism. Taking readers to film screenings, concerts, and banquets where artists from Norway to Bulgaria lent their prestige to Goebbels’s vision, Martin follows the Nazi-fascist project to its disastrous conclusion, examining the internal contradictions and sectarian rivalries that doomed it to failure.
Scholl Med Insoles Plantar Fasciitis Str. S 1 par
Sælger: Pris: 224.95 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Plantar fasciitis smertelindrende indlægssål har en klinisk dokumenteret 3-i-1-virkning. Trykfordeling, Stødabsorbering, Stabilisering. Anvendelse Før brug skal du sørge for, at produktet passer godt i skoen. Fjern eventuelt den eksisterende indersål. Hælen på indlægssålen skal placeres mod bagsiden af skoen, og om nødvendigt trimmes enden til den ønskede størrelse efter de vejledende linjer på produktet. For nogle kan det tage tid at vænne sig til smertelindrende indlægssåler. Fødderne skal vænne sig til indlægssålens strukturelle egenskaber, så det kan være nødvendigt at holde en pause med sålerne. Om nødvendigt kan du opbygge brugen gradvist ved at bruge in-Balance smertelindrende indlægssåler i et stigende antal timer hver dag, indtil du kan have dem på hele dagen. Hvis produktet viser tegn på slid eller nedbrydning skal det udskiftes. Stop brugen, hvis du føler ubehag eller irritation. Hvis du fortsat oplever smerte, ubehag eller irritation, skal du kontakte en sundhedsfaglig person for at få råd. Tilføjelse eller udskiftning af komponenter i certificerede sko kan påvirke certificeringen.
Putin'S Fascists - Robert Horvath - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The Putin regime and its propagandists have long claimed to be fighting the heirs of Nazi Germany. From its crackdown on domestic dissent to its aggression on the international stage, the Kremlin has regularly smeared its adversaries as fascists and fascist collaborators. Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which Putin claimed would achieve its 'denazification', brought this propaganda to a new level of intensity. This book shines a spotlight on the disturbing reality behind Putin's anti-fascist posturing. It shows how his regime mobilised neo-nazis as proxies during Russia's descent into authoritarianism. Using court records and extensive media and internet sources, it analyses the relationship between the Kremlin and Russkii Obraz, a neo-nazi organization that became a major force on Russia's radical nationalist scene in 2008-10. It shows how Russkii Obraz’s rise was boosted by the regime’s policy of ‘managed nationalism,’ which mobilised radical nationalist proxies against opponents of authoritarianism. In return for undermining moderate nationalists and pro-democracy activists, Russkii Obraz received official support and access to public space. This collaboration became politically hazardous for the Kremlin because of Russkii Obraz's neo-Nazi ideology and its connections to BORN, a terrorist group responsible for a series of high-profile killings. When security forces captured the ringleader of BORN, they precipitated the destruction of Russkii Obraz, but veterans of the organisation went on to play a prominent role in Russia's attack on Ukraine in 2014.
1 stk. Kvinder Dame Fascinator Hat Med Slør Bryllup Hat Fest Hat
Sælger: Pris: 147.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Dot fascinator slør: Den er lavet af mesh, er blød, let, fashion dot ornament. Uanset om du har en smuk frisure eller ej, vil det være et fantastisk sidste touch. Vil få dig til at se mystisk og charmerende ud. \nHåndlavet minihat på klip: Hatten er lavet af linnedmesh, let, åndbar, fastgjort med hårklemme og sløjfedekoration, nem at tage på og af, er et elegant håraccessoire til piger eller mor. \nIdeelt brude-slør: Det vil ikke ødelægge din smukke bruds frisure og vil ikke falde af på grund af vinden. Kan være et godt match til brudekjolen eller andre kjoler \nMultifunktionelt håraccessoire: Ikke kun egnet til bryllupper, men også til andre formelle fester, banketter såsom fødselsdagsfest, maskerade, dans, aften, kirke, løb, rejser eller afslappede lejligheder. Kan bruges som et modeelement, nemt at matche dine\nforskellige kjoler, gør dig iøjnefaldende offentligt
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