Der blev fundet 212 produkter som matchede din søgning efter governance i 1 butikker:
Governance Of Enterprise It Based On Cobit 5 - Geoff Harmer - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 434.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Governance - Mark Bevir - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 119.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The word 'governance' is ubiquitous. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund make loans conditional on 'good governance'. Climate change and avian flu appear as issues of 'global governance'. The European Union issues a White Paper on 'Governance'. The U.S. Forest Service calls for 'collaborative governance'. What accounts for the pervasive use of the term 'governance' and to what does it refer? It has a bewildering set of answers. The word 'governance' is used in a variety of contexts, but at a general level, it refers to all forms of social coordination and patterns of rule. In this Very Short Introduction, Mark Bevir considers not only the main theories of governance, but also their impact in a variety of areas including corporate, public, and global affairs. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Governance And Politics Of The Netherlands - Tom Louwerse - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 419.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The new fifth edition of this leading textbook provides a clear and comprehensive account of governance and politics in the Netherlands. The book has been revised throughout to provide full coverage of recent developments and events, including the latest proposals for constitutional reform. The Netherlands has often been characterized as a place of political calm, with a culture of cooperation and compromise in dealing with key political issues. Now, at a time when climate change and immigration are high on the political agenda, the electorate is growing ever more unpredictable and political fragmentation makes forming majority coalitions increasingly difficult, it is vital to question how the Dutch system will continue to achieve consensus. With this in mind, the authors take a comparative and analytical approach as they examine the features of the country's political system that have long made it a subject of study for political scientists. Governance and Politics of the Netherlands provides both students and scholars with a complete and reliable introduction to a country whose small size belies its importance in comparative political analysis.
Governance, Risk Management, And Compliance - Richard M. Steinberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 309.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)An expert's insider secrets to how successful CEOs and directors shape, lead, and oversee their organizations to achieve corporate goals Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance shows senior executives and board members how to ensure that their companies incorporate the necessary processes, organization, and technology to accomplish strategic goals. Examining how and why some major companies failed while others continue to grow and prosper, author and internationally recognized expert Richard Steinberg reveals how to cultivate a culture, leadership process and infrastructure toward achieving business objectives and related growth, profit, and return goals. Explains critical factors that make compliance and ethics programs and risk management processes really work Explores the board's role in overseeing corporate strategy, risk management, CEO compensation, succession planning, crisis planning, performance measures, board composition, and shareholder communications Highlights for CEOs, senior management teams, and board members the pitfalls to avoid and what must go right for success Outlines the future of corporate governance and what's needed for continued effectiveness Written by well-known corporate governance and risk management expert Richard Steinberg Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance lays a sound foundation and provides critical insights for understanding the role of governance, risk management, and compliance and its successful implementation in today's business environment.
Governance - Mark Bevir - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 44.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The word 'governance' is ubiquitous. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund make loans conditional on 'good governance'. Climate change and avian flu appear as issues of 'global governance'. The European Union issues a White Paper on 'Governance'. The U.S. Forest Service calls for 'collaborative governance'. What accounts for the pervasive use of the term 'governance' and to what does it refer? It has a bewildering set of answers. The word 'governance' is used in a variety of contexts, but at a general level, it refers to all forms of social coordination and patterns of rule. In this Very Short Introduction, Mark Bevir considers not only the main theories of governance, but also their impact in a variety of areas including corporate, public, and global affairs. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Governance, Politics And The State - Jon Pierre - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 334.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Having started out as a new and alternative way of thinking about policy making and governing more broadly, governance is now established as a dominant paradigm in understanding national, subnational and global politics.The long-awaited second edition of this textbook takes into account the significant growth and proliferation of the field in recent years and offers a state of the art introduction to how governance is being theorised and studied today.Written by two leading political scientists, Governance, Politics and the State considers how societies are being, and can be, steered in a complex world where states must increasingly interact with and influence other actors and institutions to achieve results. It is a valuable book for all students of governance.New to this Edition:- A fully updated and revised set of chapters, including four new chapters on multilevel governance, global governance, metagovernance and populism and governance. - A postscript on how to study governance
Sales Governance - Torben Ulrich - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 149.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Wow, sikke en bog! SALES GOVERNANCE – FREMTIDENS SALGSLEDELSE er en helt ny bog, der vil revolutionere udviklingen af salgsorganisationer og sætte helt nye standarder for ledelse af salget og relationerne til den øvrige organisation. Bogen har været på vej længe – og ”snakken” om, at salget stod foran en nyudvikling, har vi haft længe. Den største europæiske analyse af salgsorganisationers effektivitet og barrierer for dens udvikling gav os det sidste skub til at få skrevet vores drømmebog. Og nu sidder du med den i hånden! Og den handler om ledelse af salget, opad, nedad, til siden og ikke mindst af salget selv. Salg er en forudsætning for enhver virksomheds eksistens og udvikling. Derfor skal salget placere sig centralt i virksomhedens værdiskabelse – og det kan kun ske ved at integrere salget bedre internt og konkretisere kundernes udbytte. Et udbytte, som skal kunne styrke kundernes konkurrencekraft. Vi udfordrer virksomhedernes ledelser på deres måde at tænke vækst, og hvordan de skal drive salget. Sales Governance-tankesættet kommer til at blive et helt nyt tema i virksomhederne, på CBS, i bestyrelsesuddannelserne, i regnskaberne, og hvor organisk vækst og god selskabsledelse er et relevant tema. Sales Governance kan supplere og fylde din værktøjskasse med salgsledelse og -redskaber helt op. Der er rigeligt at tage fat på – og det positive ved de indsatser er, at der er en gevinst. Omfanget af redskaber og modeller er meget omfangsrigt: Infinity-modellen, 3Battlefield Analyzer™, 3Battlefield Strategy™, 4D-tænkning, The Value Calculator, Model for Primary Concerns, Sales Management Model, The Sales Value Formular, The Value Dashboard, Købs- og Salgscentrene, Sales Healthcheck™, Business knowledge, ZMOT, The Value Footprint, Process Value Footprints, Solution Value Footprint og en række af de mere klassiske redskaber nu med et tvist og alt samlet under Sales Governance-tankesættet. Som titlen antyder, så udfordrer vi ledelserne i forhold til strategigrundlaget og deres evne til at udnytte de kapabiliteter, det er muligt at rette mod markedet for at skabe organisk vækst. Salg er strategisk, og det er en intellektuel opgave at håndtere med en dyb forståelse af de forskellige algoritmer, der driver indsatser og kundebearbejdning – og i den forståelse er der også en spejling i forhold til indhentning og bearbejdning af de data, som implementering og arbejdet i sig selv med kundeløsningen afdækker. Her ligger nøglen til både at synliggøre værdiskabelsen og sikre input til fremtidig udvikling af både produkter og services. Fil størrelse: 5547 KB
Data Governance - John Ladley - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 399.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Managing data continues to grow as a necessity for modern organizations. There are seemingly infinite opportunities for organic growth, reduction of costs, and creation of new products and services. It has become apparent that none of these opportunities can happen smoothly without data governance. The cost of exponential data growth and privacy / security concerns are becoming burdensome. Organizations will encounter unexpected consequences in new sources of risk. The solution to these challenges is also data governance; ensuring balance between risk and opportunity. Data Governance, Second Edition, is for any executive, manager or data professional who needs to understand or implement a data governance program. It is required to ensure consistent, accurate and reliable data across their organization. This book offers an overview of why data governance is needed, how to design, initiate, and execute a program and how to keep the program sustainable. This valuable resource provides comprehensive guidance to beginning professionals, managers or analysts looking to improve their processes, and advanced students in Data Management and related courses. With the provided framework and case studies all professionals in the data governance field will gain key insights into launching successful and money-saving data governance program.
Risk Governance - Brugt Bog- Ortwin Renn
Sælger: Pris: 124.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'Risk Governance is a tour de force. Every risk manager, every risk analyst, every risk researcher must read this book - it is the demarcation point for all further advances in risk policy and risk research. Renn provides authoritative guidance on how to manage risks based on a definitive synthesis of the research literature. The skill with which he builds practical recommendations from solid science is unprecedented.' Thomas Dietz, Director, Environmental Science and Policy Program, Michigan State University, USA 'A masterpiece of new knowledge and wisdom with illustrative examples of tested applications to realworld cases. The book is recommendable also to interested students in different disciplines as a timely textbook on 'risk beyond risk'.' Norio Okada, Full Professor and Director at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Japan 'There are classic environmental works such as The Tragedy of the Commons by Hardin, Risk Society by Beck, The Theory of Communicative Action by Habermas, and the seminal volumes by Ostrom on governing the commons. Renn's book fits right into this series of important milestones of environmental studies.' Jochen Jaeger, Professor at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada 'Risk Governance provides a valuable survey of the whole field of risk and demonstrates how scientific, economic, political and civil society actors can participate in inclusive risk governance.' Jobst Conrad, Senior Scientist, Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany 'Renn offers a remarkably fair-minded and systematic approach to bringing together the diverse fields that have something to say about 'risk'. Risk Governance moves us along the path from the noisy, formative stage of thinking about risk to one with a stronger empirical, theoretical, and analytical foundation.' Baruch Fischhoff, PhD, Howard Heinz University Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA 'I cannot describe how impressed I am at the breadth and coherence of Renn's career's work! Written with remarkable clarity and minimal technical jargon... [this] should be required reading in risk courses!' John Graham, former director of the Harvard Risk Center and former deputy director of the Office of Budget and Management of the Unites States Administration This book, for the first time, brings together and updates the groundbreaking work of renowned risk theorist and researcher Ortwin Renn, integrating the major disciplinary concepts of risk in the social, engineering and natural sciences. The book opens with the context of risk handling before flowing through the core topics of assessment, evaluation, perception, management and communication, culminating in a look at the transition from risk management to risk governance and a glimpse at a new understanding of risk in (post)modern societies.
Corporate Governance - Thomas Clarke - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 189.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The recognition of the profound impact of corporations on the economies and societies of all countries of the world has focused attention on the growing importance of corporate governance. There is an ongoing diversity of corporate governance systems, based on historical cultural and institutional differences that involve different approaches to the values and objectives of business activity. Sound corporate governance is universally recognised as essential to market integrity and efficiency, providing a vital underpinning for financial stability and economic growth. As the adequacy of the existing dominant paradigms of corporate governance are increasingly challenged, the search for coherent new paradigms is a vital task for corporate governance in the future.
Environmental Governance - James Evans - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 414.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Climate change is prompting an unprecedented questioning of the fundamental bases upon which society is founded. Businesses claim that technology can save the environment, while politicians champion the role of international environmental agreements to secure global action. Economists suggest that we should pay developing countries not to destroy their forests, while environmentalists question whether we can solve ecological problems with the same thinking that created them. As the process of steering society, governance has a critical role to play in coordinating these disparate voices and securing collective action to achieve a more sustainable future. Environmental Governance is the only book to discuss the first principles of governance, while also providing a critical overview of the wide-ranging theories and approaches that underpin policy and practice today. It places governance within its wider political context to explore how the environment is controlled, manipulated, regulated and contested by a range of actors and institutions. This book shows how network and market governance have shaped current approaches to environmental issues, while also introducing approaches such as transition management and adaptive governance. In so doing, it highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches currently in play, and considers their political implications. This second edition has been comprehensively updated to build upon the success of the acclaimed first edition, with a new chapter on the environmental governance of outer space and updated analysis of international climate change summits. It provides a ground-breaking overview of dominant and emerging approaches of environmental governance, forging critical links between them. Each chapter has been updated with new case studies, key debates and figures, and includes questions for discussion and further reading. It is essential reading for students of the environment, politics and sociology, and, indeed, anyone concerned with changing society to secure a more sustainable future.
Risk Governance - Elizabeth Sheedy - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 444.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Biases, blind spots and bonuses (or incentives more broadly) have led to numerous risk management disasters. Risk governance is a potential solution to these problems yet is not always as effective as we would like it to be. One reason for that is the current dearth of risk governance expertise. This book seeks to address this issue, providing: Understanding of the fundamental forces that cause disasters: the biases, blind spots and bonuses. This understanding is drawn from the disciplines of economics/finance and psychology; Explanation of the structures of risk governance and common challenges experienced in their use e.g. board risk committee, risk/compliance function, assurance function, risk appetite statement, risk disclosures; Thorough investigation of risk culture and its importance in risk governance, including the assessment of risk culture; Understanding of the mechanisms of executive compensation and how they link to risk management - one of the most difficult challenges confronting both risk and remuneration committees; Explanation of the risk management process (based on international standards ISO31000), including practical guidance on risk communication, analysis and treatment; Guidance on the management of strategic risk, emphasising the importance of scenario analysis; Application of these principles to cyber risk, climate risk - two pervasive risks affecting almost every organisation; Numerous case studies and examples drawn from various industries around the world; and Discussion of what has been learned about risk governance from the COVID-19 experience. The book is an essential guide for postgraduate students; participants in professional education programs in governance and risk management; directors; senior executives; risk, compliance and assurance professionals as well as conduct and prudential regulators worldwide.
Corporate Governance And Board Decisions - Brugt Bog- Steen Thomsen
Sælger: Pris: 281.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Corporate Governance and Board Decisions takes the reader on an exciting journey through the principles and practice of corporate governance. Written by two internationally respected experts, this book explains how corporate governance contributes to value creation for both business and society, and how transparency, checks and balances, incentive alignment, and stewardship are essential when trying to reduce decision errors and opportunism. This advanced introduction is aimed at master’s level courses in corporate governance. It addresses students who wish to understand both corporate governance and the directors who practice it. It combines academic rigor with practical recommendations in an informal style. Corporate Governance and Board Decision s is a thoroughly revised and updated replacement of Corporate Governance: Mechanisms and Systems (2012). Steen Thomsen is Professor of Corporate Governance at Copenhagen Business School. He specializes in corporate governance as a teacher, researcher, director and commentator. His main research focus is foundation ownership of business companies. Martin Conyon is a Trustee Professor at Bentley University. He is also a Senior Fellow and Lecturer at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. His main research focus is board effectiveness, executive compensation, and incentives. Table of Contents Part 1. Introduction Chapter 1. What is corporate governance? Chapter 2. Theories of Corporate Governance Appendix: Optimal Contracts and Agency Problems Chapter 3. The Mechanisms of Governance Chapter 4. International Corporate Governance Chapter 5. Corporate Governance Codes and Regulations Part 2. Mechanisms Chapter 6. Compliance Chapter 7. Performance Measurement Chapter 8. Corporate Social Responsibility Chapter 9. Corporate Ownership Chapter 10. Board Theory and Board Structure Chapter 11. Board Behaviour Chapter 12. Executive Compensation Part 3. Board decisions Chapter 13. The Board and Strategy Chapter 14. The Board and Succession Chapter 15. Supervision and Support Appendix: Value Creation Chapter 16. IT Governance
Data Governance For Dummies - Jonathan Reichental - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)How to build and maintain strong data organizations—the Dummies way Data Governance For Dummies offers an accessible first step for decision makers into understanding how data governance works and how to apply it to an organization in a way that improves results and doesn't disrupt. Prep your organization to handle the data explosion (if you know, you know) and learn how to manage this valuable asset. Take full control of your organization’s data with all the info and how-tos you need. This book walks you through making accurate data readily available and maintaining it in a secure environment. It serves as your step-by-step guide to extracting every ounce of value from your data. Identify the impact and value of data in your business Design governance programs that fit your organization Discover and adopt tools that measure performance and need Address data needs and build a more data-centric business culture This is the perfect handbook for professionals in the world of data analysis and business intelligence, plus the people who interact with data on a daily basis. And, as always, Dummies explains things in terms anyone can understand, making it easy to learn everything you need to know.
Risk Governance - Elizabeth Sheedy - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 414.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Biases, blind spots and bonuses (or incentives more broadly) have led to numerous risk management disasters. Risk governance is a potential solution to these problems yet is not always as effective as we would like it to be. One reason for that is the current dearth of risk governance expertise. This book seeks to address this issue, providing: Understanding of the fundamental forces that cause disasters: the biases, blind spots and bonuses. This understanding is drawn from the disciplines of economics/finance and psychology; Explanation of the structures of risk governance and common challenges experienced in their use e.g. board risk committee, risk/compliance function, assurance function, risk appetite statement, risk disclosures; Thorough investigation of risk culture and its importance in risk governance, including the assessment of risk culture; Understanding of the mechanisms of executive compensation and how they link to risk management – one of the most difficult challenges confronting both risk and remuneration committees; Explanation of the risk management process (based on international standards ISO31000), including practical guidance on risk communication, analysis and treatment; Guidance on the management of strategic risk, emphasising the importance of scenario analysis; Application of these principles to cyber risk, climate risk – two pervasive risks affecting almost every organisation; Numerous case studies and examples drawn from various industries around the world; and Discussion of what has been learned about risk governance from the COVID-19 experience. The book is an essential guide for postgraduate students; participants in professional education programs in governance and risk management; directors; senior executives; risk, compliance and assurance professionals as well as conduct and prudential regulators worldwide.
Public Governance As Co-Creation - Christopher Ansell - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 259.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)We need new governance solutions to help us improve public policies and services, solve complex societal problems, strengthen social communities and reinvigorate democracy. By changing how government engages with citizens and stakeholders, co-creation provides an attractive and feasible approach to governance that goes beyond the triptych of public bureaucracy, private markets and self-organized communities. Inspired by the successful use of co-creation for product and service design, this book outlines a broad vision of co-creation as a strategy of public governance. Through the construction of platforms and arenas to facilitate co-creation, this strategy can empower local communities, enhance broad-based participation, mobilize societal resources and spur public innovation while building ownership for bold solutions to pressing problems and challenges. The book details how to use co-creation to achieve goals. This exciting and innovative study combines theoretical argument with illustrative empirical examples, visionary thinking and practical recommendations.
Collaborative Governance Regimes - Kirk Emerson - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 289.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Whether the goal is building a local park or developing disaster response models, collaborative governance is changing the way public agencies at the local, regional, and national levels are working with each other and with key partners in the nonprofit and private sectors. While the academic literature has spawned numerous case studies and context- or policy-specific models for collaboration, the growth of these innovative collaborative governance systems has outpaced the scholarship needed to define it. Collaborative Governance Regimes breaks new conceptual and practical ground by presenting an integrative framework for working across boundaries to solve shared problems, a typology for understanding variations among collaborative governance regimes, and an approach for assessing both process and productivity performance. This book draws on diverse literatures and uses rich case illustrations to inform scholars and practitioners about collaborative governance regimes and to provide guidance for designing, managing, and studying such endeavors in the future. Collaborative Governance Regimes will be of special interest to scholars and researchers in public administration, public policy, and political science who want a framework for theory building, yet the book is also accessible enough for students and practitioners.
Cloud Governance - Steven Mezzio - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 269.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Cloud computing is at the vanguard of the Metaverse-driven digital transformation. As a result, the cloud is ubiquitous; emerging as a mandate for organizations spanning size, sectors, and geographies. Cloud Governance: Basics and Practice brings to life the diverse range of opportunities and risks associated with governing the adoption and enterprise-wide use of the cloud. Corporate governance is uniquely disrupted by the cloud; exacerbating existing risks, and creating new and unexpected operational, cybersecurity, and regulatory risks. The cloud further extends the enterprise's reliance on cloud service providers (CSPs), fueling an urgent need for agile and resilient business and IT strategies, governance, enterprise risk management (ERM), and new skills. This book discusses how the cloud is uniquely stressing corporate governance. Cloud Governance is a user-friendly practical reference guide with chapter-based self-assessment questions. The chapters in this book are interconnected and centered in a cloud governance ecosystem. This book will guide teachers, students and professionals as well as operational and risk managers, auditors, consultants and boards of directors. Events around the book Link to a De Gruyter online event where authors Steven Mezzio & Meredith Stein discuss the interplay of cloud computing and corporate governance functions with Jacqueline de Rojas, president of techUK and chair of the board of Digital Leaders. The event will be moderated by Richard Freeman, founder and CEO of always possible:
Arctic Governance In A Changing World - Rachael Lorna Johnstone - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 399.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This comprehensive text explains the relationship between the Arctic and the wider world through the lenses of international relations, international law, and political economy. It is an essential resource for any student or scholar seeking a clear and succinct account of a region of ever-growing importance to the international community. Highlights include:*;Broad coverage of national and human security, Arctic economies, international political economy, human rights, the rights of indigenous people, the law of the sea, navigation, and environmental governance*;A clear review of current climate-related change*;Emphasis on the sources of cooperation in the Arctic through international relations theory and law*;Examination of the Arctic in the broader global context, illustrating its inextricable links to global processes
Public Governance Paradigms - Jacob Torfing - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 329.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This enlightening book scrutinizes the shifting and overlapping governance paradigms that inform public administration reforms. Exploring the models that shape and reshape the daily operation of public organizations, it explains the core features of public bureaucracy and professional rule in the modern day. From the rise to supremacy of New Public Management to the growing preference for alternatives, such as Digital Era Governance, Public Value Management and New Public Governance, four world-renowned authors launch a powerful and systematic comparison of the competing and co-existing paradigms. Advancing the 'public governance diamond' as a critical tool for comparing the core features of governance paradigms, this insightful book discusses the underlying behavioural assumptions of these models and the challenges faced by leaders when managing in a public sector. Informed by both key theory and empirical analysis, this book will be crucial reading for students and researchers seeking an authoritative voice on competing and co-existing modes of governance. Public leaders and managers, as well as public employees, will also benefit from its insights into the varying and multifaceted dynamics of public governance.
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