Der blev fundet 40 produkter som matchede din søgning efter güde i 4 butikker:
I Guds rige
Sælger: Pris: 319.00 dkrI Guds rige er en stærk og rørende fortælling om familien, og om at turde søge ned i barndommens fortrængninger og møde sig selv på ny. Da Anne-Grethes otteårige søn bliver alvorlig syg, forandrer hendes liv sig fra en velfungerende tilværelse til en næsten uoverskuelig krise. Ægteskabet bliver sat på prøve, familie og venner forsvinder, og bønnerne til Gud bliver flere og flere. At se sin lille dreng være syg af cancer, og vide han kan risikere at dø, er for en mor en umenneskelig situation. Anne-Grethes søn overlever, men samtidig med sønnens langvarige behandling på Rigshospitalet, sniger følelser af ensomhed og svigt sig ind i Anne-Grethes hjerte. Fortrængte hændelser og brudstykker fra hendes egen barndom dukker nu op i erindringen og sætter forholdet til hendes mor i et nyt og klart lys. Parallelt med sønnens helbredelse i nutiden, møder vi den otteårige Anne-Grethe og hendes familie, da de flytter fra det civiliserede Herning og ud til de øde og vindomblæste brunkulslejer i Søby i 70’ernes Midtjylland. Familiehemmelighederne krakelerer og tragikomiske episoder udspiller sig midt i det gudsforladte sted blandt skæve skæbner, svineavl og kviksand og åbenbarer, at de usunde mønstre og afstumpede konflikter nedarves og gentager sig gennem generationerne. Romanen er en livsbekræftende beretning, som opfordrer til at tro på håb og kærlighed trods livets modstand. En universel fortælling om at tilgive og være taknemmelig for livet.
Helse fra Guds apotek
Sælger: Pris: 226.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Helse fra Guds apotek
Nordiske guder
Sælger: Pris: 273.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)En verden født af is og ild. Ni riger, hvor jætter, monstre og guder lever i verdenstræets skygge. En storslået kamp mod en uundgåelig skæbne.En smukt illustreret bog, som rummer de mest spændende og fantasifulde eventyr fra den nordiske mytologi i Johan Egerkrans’ fortolkning – guder, jætter, dværge, valkyrier, monstre og helte i en mørk, blodig, fantastisk og til tider humoristisk rejse gennem den nordiske gudeverden.Med forord af Peter Madsen, skaber af tegneserieklassikerne VALHALLA og MENNESKESØNNEN.
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 18 cm
Sælger: Pris: 1,402.65 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in over 40 manual operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster A thin blade running from top to bottom, with a special blade shape, distinguishes the Santoku knife. The Japanese chef's knife is designed for fish, meat and vegetables. The groove edge prevents the food from sticking With a blade length of 18 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Gewicht: 0.4739938633 pounds, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 16 cm
Sælger: Pris: 1,139.50 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in over 40 manual operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster The Chai Dao is the Chinese chef's knife and is not to be confused with a chopper or kitchen hatchet. The universal kitchen knife is the chef in China. Millions of Asians cut and chop meat, vegetables, herbs, fish and much more With a blade length of 16 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 16 cm
Sælger: Pris: 912.17 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in over 40 manual operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster The small chef's knife with 16 cm blade is an ideal kitchen tool for chefs who prefer smaller blades. The knife can be used universally for meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and herbs. The small universal kitchen knife from GÜDE With a blade length of 16 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Gewicht: 0.440924524 pounds, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 9 cm
Sælger: Pris: 522.26 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in over 40 manual operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster A small utility knife is the vegetable knife from Güde. Whether vegetables, fruit or for small precise cuts, the small kitchen knife with double bolster is a professional kitchen tool. It is of the highest quality With a blade length of 9 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Gewicht: 0.1543235834 Pounds, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 32 cm
Sælger: Pris: 1,738.99 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in over 40 manual operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster The world-renowned Güde serrated edge rightly finds its place in the history of knife production. A special technique in the serrated edge, makes the bread knife from Güde an unrivalled saw knife on the market With a blade length of 32 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Gewicht: 0.7495716908 Pounds, Hersteller: Güde Solingen
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 6 cm
Sælger: Pris: 585.68 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in over 40 manual operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster The small paring knife from Güde is a perfect kitchen tool for touring. Special peeling techniques are no problem thanks to the curved blades. The forged tournament knife is also used in decorative food processing With a blade length of 6 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 10 cm
Sælger: Pris: 1,014.68 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in numerous operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster The cheese enjoyment of Parmesan, Greyerzer, Cheddar and other gourmet hard cheeses need a robust knife. The Doppelkropf Güde cheese knife is an ideal companion for various cheeses. Cut and serve with pleasure! With a blade length of 10 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 15 cm
Sælger: Pris: 793.91 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in numerous operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster The cheese enjoyment of Brie, Camembert, Géramont and other gourmets soft cheeses need a matching knife. The Doppelkropf Güde cheese knife is an ideal companion for various cheeses. Cut and serve with pleasure! With a blade length of 15 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Gewicht: 0.1763698096 Pounds, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 13 cm
Sælger: Pris: 559.57 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in over 40 manual operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster The paring knife with 13 cm blade length, fits perfectly in the hand. The knife is used as a small kitchen knife universally in any kitchen. Precise cuts, unique decorations or easy peeling, is a pleasure thanks to the sharp blade With a blade length of 13 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Gewicht: 0.3 Kilograms, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 13 cm
Sælger: Pris: 768.47 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in over 40 manual operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster Boning requires practice and special knowledge. The goal is to injure the meat as little as possible while separating the bone from the meat. The very sharp boning knife is used for this. A perfect cut With a blade length of 13 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 13 cm
Sælger: Pris: 738.63 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition The knife forged from one piece in the die is transformed by hand in over 40 manual operations into a unique masterpiece. This passion, equipped with elegant pear wood, makes culinary hearts beat faster Slipping with a knife on food with a special skin/crust becomes a thing of the past thanks to the tomato knife. The tomato knife easily penetrates fruit, vegetables or other foods. A serrated utility knife With a blade length of 13 cm and a hardness of approx. 58 HRC, the Güde tool leaves nothing to be desired. An ideal compromise for long-lasting sharpness and strength. An enrichment and quality promise for your life The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Alpha-Birne Bread Knife, 26 cm
Sælger: Pris: 1,029.60 dkrThe Alpha Pear series was launched with the recording as "Preferred Supplier" of the Association of Young Chefs "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". The velvety and finely textured pear wood underpins the matching expression of quality and tradition As one of the last German knife manufacturers, Güde relies on perfect handwork. The sharpening rod is made of alloy tool steel (chrome vanadium), rust-proof and hard chrome-plated. By regular resharpening with a sharpening steel, you maintain the extreme sharpness of the Güde knives. Remove your knives regularly with the sharpening rod and the joy of a sharp knife will not leave you Thanks to its 26 cm long sharpening surface, all types of knives can be removed on the sharpening steel. The hard chrome-plated steel ensures that the blade of the knife straightens up and thus the knife stays sharp The knife manufacturer Güde has received numerous awards for special achievements in recent years. This is thanks to the outstanding team of the blacksmiths. A family business that has been binding its employees for genrations
Instängd : mina år i sekten Guds barn och hur jag blev fri
Sælger: Pris: 107.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Håvard Lillethun var bara tonåring när han för första gången mötte Guds barn - och en medelålders man när han till slut slet sig loss ur sektens grepp. Under många år levde han instängd i en sluten värld där Guds ord, och ledarnas, var allt som räknades. Där omvärlden sågs som fienden och där man inte fick vara kritisk eller tänka själv. Medlemmarna förväntades ge upp allt, både ägodelar, karriär och familj, för att leva på existensminimum i sektens kollektiv. Man förespråkade fri sexualitet, även med minderåriga, använde sex för att värva medlemmar och satte barnen i särskilda skolor där de uppfostrades åtskilda från sina föräldrar.Vad är det som får att en människa att välja - och acceptera - en sådan tillvaro? Hur finner man styrkan och modet att bryta sig loss? Och vad händer när man väl lämnat sekten och inser att det bara är början på en livslång process?Instängd: Mina år i sekten Guds barn och hur jag blev fri är Håvard Lillethuns egen berättelse. Här skriver han personligt om åren i sektens kolonier i Sverige, Norge, Danmark, Nepal, Indien och Thailand, vad som fick honom att lämna Guds barn och kampen för att bygga upp sitt liv på nytt.“En välskriven och intressant inblick i sekten Guds barn utifrån Lillethuns perspektiv. Han är en skicklig författare som skildrar sitt annorlunda liv på ett underhållande vis.” Daniel Gustavsson, BTJ-häftet“Boken känns som att sitta och höra honom berätta. Den var så engagerande att det gick snabbt att läsa den.” Kulturbloggen" ... en sårbar inblick i en av de moderna tidernas största sekt.” VildisbokvraHåvard Lillethun föddes i Addis Abeba 1953. Han växte upp i Chicago och Genève, och flyttade hem till Norge när han var elva. Som tonåring kom han i kontakt med sekten Guds barn, Children of God, och anslöt sig till deras koloni i Oslo. Under många år levde och arbetade han inom sekten runtom i världen, och bröt sig loss först efter 40 år. Som ett sätt att gå vidare och bearbeta sina upplevelser började han arbeta som coach, företagsutbildare och föreläsare, bland annat på TEDx Stockholm. Det var där han till slut “kom ut” efter att ha hemlighållit sin bakgrund i många år.
Güde Larding Knife, ALPHA Series, 12 cm
Sælger: Pris: 340.22 dkrThe Alpha series offers the largest variety of models from the Güde brand from Solingen. The distinctive double goiter is the trademark of the Güde series. The finely polished black handle is made of robust Hosta shape and is very easy to clean As one of the last German knife manufacturers, Güde relies on perfect handwork. The knife has been produced in numerous processes in the traditional way. The optimised ice-hardened chrome vanadium-molybdenum knife steel is used The steak knife from Güde is a perfect companion for all meat lovers. The enjoyment of meat goes hand in hand with a high-quality knife. The serrated edge at the beginning of the blade improves the cutting property of the knife The knives forged from one piece have been cut to approx. 58 HRC hardened and thus offer ideal cutting properties. Due to the many manual operations, there may be minimal deviations in the measurements. The blade length is 12 cm The traditional company Güde has been producing small quantities with high quality standards since 1910. Today, knives are known all over the world for unique and outstanding quality. Awards and awards confirm success, Gewicht: 67.0 grams, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Larding Knife, ALPHA Series
Sælger: Pris: 642.38 dkrThe Alpha series offers the largest variety of models from the Güde brand from Solingen. The distinctive double goiter is the trademark of the Güde series. The finely polished black handle is made of robust Hosta shape and is very easy to clean As one of the last German knife manufacturers, Güde relies on perfect handwork. The fork has been produced in numerous operations in the traditional way. The optimised ice-hardened chrome vanadium-molybdenum knife steel is used The meat fork from Solingen is an important tool for carving. The meat piece is held in place and minimises the leakage of the meat juice. Then serve the perfectly cut piece of meat The knives forged from one piece have been cut to approx. 58 HRC hardened and thus offer ideal cutting properties. Due to the many manual operations, there may be minimal deviations in the measurements. The blade length is 18 cm The traditional company Güde has been producing small quantities with high quality standards since 1910. Today, knives are known all over the world for unique and outstanding quality. Awards and awards confirm success, Gewicht: 0.3 Kilograms, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Larding Knife, ALPHA Series
Sælger: Pris: 797.57 dkrThe Alpha series offers the largest variety of models from the Güde brand from Solingen. The distinctive double goiter is the trademark of the Güde series. The finely polished black handle is made of robust Hosta shape and is very easy to clean As one of the last German knife manufacturers, Güde relies on perfect handwork. The knife has been made in up to 55 operations in the traditional way. The optimised ice-hardened chrome vanadium-molybdenum knife steel is used The salmon knife is a must have for any fish lover. Wafer-thin slices and a perfect cut are guaranteed. Glide through the fish with the sharp blade as if by itself. A culinary experience The knives forged from one piece have been cut to approx. 58 HRC hardened and thus offer ideal cutting properties. Due to the many manual operations, there may be minimal deviations in the measurements. The blade length is 32 cm The traditional company Güde has been producing small quantities with high quality standards since 1910. Today, knives are known all over the world for unique and outstanding quality. Awards and awards confirm success, Gewicht: 0.15 Pounds, Hersteller: Güde
Güde Larding Knife, ALPHA Series
Sælger: Pris: 484.96 dkrThe Alpha series offers the largest variety of models from the Güde brand from Solingen. The distinctive double goiter is the trademark of the Güde series. The finely polished black handle is made of robust Hosta shape and is very easy to clean As one of the last German knife manufacturers, Güde relies on perfect handwork. The knife has been made in up to 55 operations in the traditional way. The optimised ice-hardened chrome vanadium-molybdenum knife steel is used As the name suggests, the Solingen boning knife is designed for removing bones and skinning meat and poultry. Due to its sharpness, you guide the knife on the bone like a pro The knives forged from one piece have been cut to approx. 58 HRC hardened and thus offer ideal cutting properties. Due to the many manual operations, there may be minimal deviations in the measurements. The blade length is 16 cm The traditional company Güde has been producing small quantities with high quality standards since 1910. Today, knives are known all over the world for unique and outstanding quality. Awards and awards confirm success, Gewicht: 0.00220462262 Pounds, Hersteller: Güde
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