Der blev fundet 180 produkter som matchede din søgning efter hebrew i 13 butikker:
Hebrew For Dummies - Jill Suzanne Jacobs - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 264.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Discover Hebrew with the world's most straightforward guide to one of the world's most beautiful languages. Shalom! Are you ready to dive into an ancient-yet-modern and rich language full of nuance? Then open up Hebrew For Dummies and get started learning your way around Hebrew by immersing yourself in its sounds and rhythms. You'll start with the basics—like simple grammar and the Hebrew alphabet—before you move onto commonly used phrases and small-talk. This book gets you used to the more unfamiliar sounds of the Hebrew language—like gutturals—that English speakers aren't used to seeing. It will also help you: Recognize what Hebrew has in common with English (and what it doesn't) Learn to read from right to left, get a handle on the basics of Hebrew grammar, and pick up your first few phrases Discover commonly used expressions that help you get around, shop, eat, and have fun Complete with online resources that help you pick up Hebrew by listening to real speakers have actual conversations, Hebrew For Dummies is the perfect companion to help you work your way towards Hebrew fluency!
The Oxford English-Hebrew Dictionary
Sælger: Pris: 579.00 dkrThe Oxford English-Hebrew Dictionary is a landmark in the description of modern Hebrew. Hailed by the Jewish Chronicle as a `tremendous advance over previous works', it provides a unique description of Hebrew language as it is encountered and used today, covering formal and poetic Hebrew as well as current idioms and phrases, slang and colloquialisms. Descriptive not prescriptive The first dictionary to describe rather than prescribe contemporary Hebrew. Exceptionally wide coverage Coverage of technical and scientific terminology; academic discourse; vocabulary from fields such as law and medicine, as well as slang and colloquialisms. Clear labelling system The labelling system allows quick identification of context, register, and usage. Essential reference A reference tool for students, scholars, translators and business professionals.
The Oxford English-Hebrew Dictionary
Sælger: Pris: 579.00 dkrThe Oxford English-Hebrew Dictionary is a landmark in the description of modern Hebrew. Hailed by the Jewish Chronicle as a `tremendous advance over previous works', it provides a unique description of Hebrew language as it is encountered and used today, covering formal and poetic Hebrew as well as current idioms and phrases, slang and colloquialisms. Descriptive not prescriptive The first dictionary to describe rather than prescribe contemporary Hebrew. Exceptionally wide coverage Coverage of technical and scientific terminology; academic discourse; vocabulary from fields such as law and medicine, as well as slang and colloquialisms. Clear labelling system The labelling system allows quick identification of context, register, and usage. Essential reference A reference tool for students, scholars, translators and business professionals.
Viga Føle- Og Matchebræt, Sansekasse
Sælger: Pris: 156.25 dkr (+81.19 dkr)VIGA Føle- og matchebræt, Sansekasse Dette følebræt fra VIGA er en sjov aktivitet, der styrker dit barns følesans. Barnet skal ved at føle overfladen på de 10 brikker forsøge at matche brikkerne med de rigtige huller på brættet – og det kan gøres med både åbne og lukkede øjne. Brikkerne kan også bruges til at snakke om og beskrive de forskellige overflader. Specifikationer: Produkttype: Føle- og matchebræt 10 brikker med forskellige overflader og farver Mærk de forskellige overflader og match dem med hullerne i brættet Styrker barnets sansemotorik og finmotorik Stimulerer barnets følesans (taktile sans) Oplagt til børn fra 3 år Størrelse: 27,5 x 11 x 4 cm Sansestimulation og finmotorik Barnets sansemotorik bliver i høj grad styrket, når barnet ved at føle sig frem skal finde ud af, hvilke brikker der hører til hvilke huller på træpladen. Desuden trænes barnets finmotorik, når barnet skal flytte brikkerne og putte dem ned i hullerne. Ordforråd og leg Når dit barn har fået styr på de 10 forskellige brikker, kan sværhedsgraden øges ved at gøre det med lukkede øjne eller bind for øjnene. Herved kan barnet kun bruge sin følesans. Brikkerne kan også bruges til at snakke om de forskellige overflader og konturer. Hvordan føles den? Er den glat, blød eller ru? Dette åbner op for en god snak om menneskets sanser i det hele taget.
Hebrew Version Between Egypt And Canaan - Yamit Armbrister - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 169.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)It was the Lord's way to make His people forget their sorrow with new sorrow. Lying at the banks of an insignificant sand dune in the desert, struck by hunger and thirst, fifteen years old Ana'el knows that she would not be able to conceal her secret for much longer. Against an historical background, Ana'el and Ithamar's love is against the laws dictated by the High Priests, Moses, and the Lord himself. Of one thing Ana'el is certain, the everlasting journey to Canaan teaches her that it was not the Lord's stunning miracles, divine performances, or moral commandments that kept her in line, rather His punishments that did. Between Egypt and Canaan is a historical fiction set while the Israelites crossed the desert for 40 years. It is a story about a forbidden love between a Cohen, an Israelite priest, and a mixed multitude, a daughter of an Egyptian slave.
Ere Perez Arnica All-Cover Pot Brew 5 G
Sælger: Pris: 269.00 dkr (+25.00 dkr)Arnica All-Cover Pot er en naturlig concealer, der dækker urenheder og mørke rander under øjnene. Den naturlige kosmetiske concealer plejer huden, lindrer betændelser og dækker små ufuldkommenheder og alderspletter.
Hebrew For Beginners: A 10-Week Self-Study Program - Ahmet Murat Taşer - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 259.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)With a chapter for every week, you'll develop the necessary skills to reach the intermediate level in Hebrew. With original dialogues, easy-to-understand grammar, extensive vocabulary, and engaging exercises with transliteration; this book provides its students the necessary skills to communicate well in Hebrew. This book is designed to equip the students in reading and speaking. Learners will be able to lay the foundations for further Hebrew language studies with this book. This book consists of 10 regular chapters covering Beginner level Hebrew Language material. All sections are given with the original written Hebrew form, English Transliteration and English translation. Each chapter touches upon a different setting; from staying at a hotel to visiting friends for dinner and traveling. In this intensely designed book, we embark on a journey with David and Malka while they are getting acquainted with the land, culture and people of Israel. Additional Study Materials for Beginner level learnersPractical Hebrew Grammar (979-8559907055) is a reference book for Hebrew learners.Hebrew Learners' Dictionary: with Conjugation & Declension Tables, Fully Transliterated - A1 (979-8695228137) is a beginner level dictionary with words and phrases essential for elementary level learners.With the experience of teaching more than 20 years, the author's other works include Hebrew and Turkish self-study books and complementary materials. They've proven successful with their new editions and over 8 years in the market.* Pronunciation symbols (Nekudot) are not usually present in Modern Hebrew texts. They are mostly printed in Biblical scriptures. Therefore, in Hebrew, it's crucial to remember the correct pronunciation of each word. Some coursebooks include these pronunciation symbols to facilitate learning, however, this causes confusion in real life for foreign students. To prevent such confusion and prepare the students to reading and writing Hebrew without a hassle, in this book all Hebrew words are given without the Nekudot, except for those that require the use of these symbols for grammatical reasons. To provide students with a more convenient and practical approach, in this book all Hebrew words are transliterated. The English transliteration shows the correct pronunciation of each word. Please take a look at other works of the author. They include;Hebrew Reading ClassHebrew Reading EssentialsComprehensive Hebrew for BeginnersPractical Hebrew Grammar for BeginnersThe Logic of Hebrew Verb ConjugationsMost Common Hebrew Verb Conjugations with Transliteration (Simple and Complex Verbs)Hebrew Learners' Dictionary with Conjugation & Declension Tables, Fully Transliterated - A1Hebrew Learners' Dictionary for Intermediate & Advanced Levels
Mr Bear Family Beard Brew Citrus 30 Ml
Sælger: Pris: 161.00 dkr (+25.00 dkr)Skægolien gør skægget meget blødt og har også en plejende effekt på huden.
Modern Hebrew Verbs Step By Step: The Textbook. - Rut Avni - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 279.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Most students consider the binyanim - the Hebrew verb structure - the biggest obstacle to learning the language properly. Much time and effort are spent on learning verbs by heart. This textbook offers a comprehensive step by step approach suitable for the self-study, a separate work book with drill sheets guarantees the success. The reader learns how to form the infinitive, past tense, future tense and imperative. This is a milestone in the acquisition of the Hebrew language. Learning by heart is not necessary any longer. Once the student has understood the logic of verb structure, he can freely navigate in Ivrit. A video series of the contents is available here: https: //
HAY French Press Brewer 1 L - Clear
Sælger: Pris: 599.00 dkrHAY French Press Brewer 1 L - Clear HAYs French Press Brewer er en farverig version af en køkkenklassiker. Den er lavet af borosilikatglas der kan modstå ekstreme temperaturer og så har det en meget let vægt. Frisk kaffeserveringen op med lidt ekstra farve og charme fra HAY. Design: HAY Materiale: Borosilikatglas Rustfri stål Silikone Mål: Ø: 15 cm H: 19,5 cm Kan indeholde 1 L Farve: Clear
The Hebrew Workbook - Miiko Shaffier - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 259.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Learn to write Hebrew in both block and cursive script using this fun, easy workbook. There are detailed instructions and practice pages to learn each letter first by tracing and then by writing on your own. After you have learned letters, you get to practice your skills on useful vocabulary words. The fun illustrations and helpful tips make learning to write Hebrew easy!
Mr Bear Family Beard Brew Citrus 60 Ml
Sælger: Pris: 232.00 dkr (+25.00 dkr)Beard Brew Citrus er en skægolie fremstillet af naturlige olier, som mandel og arganolie.
Modern Hebrew: An Essential Grammar - Lewis Glinert - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,259.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This new edition of Modern Hebrew: An Essential Grammar is an up-to-date and practical reference guide to the most important aspects of modern Hebrew as used by contemporary native speakers of the language. It presents an accessible description of the language, focusing on the real patterns of use today. The Grammar aims to serve as a reference source for the learner and user of Hebrew irrespective of level, by setting out the complexities of the language in short, readable sections that are clear and free from jargon. It is ideal either for independent study or for students in schools, colleges, universities and adult classes of all types. Features of this new edition include: • Much expanded coverage of a large part of the syntax and morphology • Reformulation and clarification of many details • Enrichment of the vocabulary to mirror the digital and Internet age.
Mr Bear Family Beard Brew Citrus
Sælger: Pris: 131.00 dkrEn skægolie, der er fremstillet af 100% naturlige olier.Den blødgør og plejer både skæg og hud, og hjælper med at lindre rødme, irritation, kløe og tør hud. Olien fugter og gør skægget let at rede og giver desuden et blødt og mere frodigt look. Denne variant dufter af friskplukkede citrusfrugter. Anvendelse: - Vask ansigtet- Tag et par dråber olie ud i hånden- Gnid mellem håndfladerne- Massér det ind i skægget - Og dit skæg vil resten af dagen se sundt og velplejet ud
Assimil Hebrew - Roger Jacquet - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 309.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Lehrbuch mit 804 Seiten, 85 Lektionen, Übungen mit Lösungen - Niveau A1 - B2 Dieser progressiv aufgebaute Assimil-Selbstlernkurs bietet englisch Sprechenden einen leichten Einstieg in die hebräische Sprache. In 85 Lektionen erlernen Sie umfassend die Grundlagen des Hebräischen und einen Wortschatz von ca. 2.000 Vokabeln. Der Sprachkurs richtet sich an Einsteiger, die die hebräische Sprache gerade erst für sich entdeckt haben sowie an Fortgeschrittene, die ihre Kenntnisse auffrischen und vertiefen möchten. Am Ende erreichen Sie das sprachliche Niveau der Stufe B2; dies entspricht ungefähr 4-5 Semestern VHS. Die in den Lektionen vermittelten Strukturen und der erlernte Wortschatz machen Sie fit für die mühelose Kommunikation mit hebräisch Sprechenden in allen Alltagssituationen. In weniger als einem Jahr werden Sie sich fließend auf Hebräisch unterhalten können, und das ganz ohne Auswendiglernen und Grammatikpauken. Kurze Lektionen in übersichtlicher Gestaltung fördern Ihren Lernerfolg durch: - lebensnahe Dialoge - vereinfachte Lautschrift/Aussprachehilfe - Erklärungen und Lerntipps - Verständnis- und Lückentextübungen mit Lösungen - Einführung in die Schrift "Hebrew" ist auch als Audio-Sprachkurs mit Lehrbuch + 4 Audio-CDs + 1 mp3-CD (ISBN 978-2-7005-8060-0) erhältlich.
Ere Perez Oat Milk Foundation Brew 30 Ml
Sælger: Pris: 349.00 dkr (+25.00 dkr)Oat Milk Foundation er en oliefri, fugtgivende og langtidsholdbar foundation lavet af naturlig kosmetik som giver huden et strålende og fugtet udseende.
Modern Hebrew For Intermediate Students - Esther Raizen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 299.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Modern Hebrew for Intermediate Students —which is now revised and updated—and Modern Hebrew for Beginners are the core of a multimedia program for the college-level Hebrew classroom developed at the University of Texas at Austin in the early 2000s. Within an intensive framework of instruction that assumes six weekly hours in the classroom, the program provides for two semesters of instruction, at the end of which most successful students will reach the intermediate-mid or intermediate-high levels of proficiency in speaking and reading, and some will reach advanced-low proficiency, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). In addition to a variety of written exercises, the workbook includes vocabulary lists, reading selections, discussions of cultural topics, illustrations of grammar points, notes on registers, suggestions for class and individual activities, and glossaries. The workbook is complemented by a website ( that provides short video segments originally scripted and filmed in Israel and the United States, vocabulary flashcards with sound, interactive exercises on topics included in the workbook, sound files parallel to the reading selections in the workbook, and additional materials that enhance the learning experience. The stability of the workbook, combined with the dynamic nature of the website and the internet searches the students are directed to conduct, allows language instructors to reshape the curriculum and adapt it to the needs of their students and the goals of their programs.
Plugged Sweden Kitty's Brew 14cm
Sælger: Pris: 200.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)This Witch Cat Cauldron Box features a cute little cat sitting peacefully on top of a cauldron, the Tripe Moon symbol on the front. Perfect for keeping all your trinkets safe, cast in the finest resin before being expertly hand-painted this Witch Cat Cauldron Box would make a great gift for any lover of witchcraft.
The Hebrew Bible And Environmental Ethics - Mari Joerstad - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 264.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The environmental crisis has prompted religious leaders and lay people to look to their traditions for resources to respond to environmental degradation. In this book, Mari Joerstad contributes to this effort by examining an ignored feature of the Hebrew Bible: its attribution of activity and affect to trees, fields, soil, and mountains. The Bible presents a social cosmos, in which humans are one kind of person among many. Using a combination of the tools of biblical studies and anthropological writings on animism, Joerstad traces the activity of non-animal nature through the canon. She shows how biblical writers go beyond sustainable development, asking us to be good neighbors to mountains and trees, and to be generous to our fields and vineyards. They envision human communities that are sources of joy to plants and animals. The Biblical writers' attention to inhabited spaces is particularly salient for contemporary environmental ethics in their insistence that our cities, suburbs, and villages contribute to flourishing landscapes.
Redken Brews Molding Paste 150 Ml
Sælger: Pris: 141.00 dkr (+25.00 dkr)Redken Brews Molding Paste giver ekstra stærkt hold og har en naturlig finish.
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