Der blev fundet 4350 produkter som matchede din søgning efter illustrationer i 5 butikker:
Nordal Hand Illustration 40x30 cm - Black Frame OUTLET
Sælger: Pris: 499.00 dkr (+49.00 dkr)Nordal Hand Illustration 40x30 cm - Black Frame Artistisk indrammet plakat fra Nordal - Kunstneren Jesper Boe Nordal har tegnet tre forskellige illustrationer med sort blæk og papir. Der er i alt trykt 100 eksemplarer af hvert billede, som alle er signeret af Jesper. Billederammen er af sortlakeret fyrretræ, som skaber en smuk kontrast til billedets enkelte udtryk. Serien af billeder hænger flot sammen som trio, eller enkeltvis. Designer: Nordal Materiale: Sortlakeret fyrretræ med glas Papir Mål: H: 40 cm B: 30 cm
Illustration School: Let'S Draw A Story - Sachiko Umoto - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 174.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Illustrate your own storybooks with cute and playful characters, animals, and more, using the enjoyable techniques in Illustration School: Let’s Draw a Story . Sachiko Umoto, one of Japan's most popular artists, teaches you how to create a fantasy world filled with animals, characters, castles, rainbows, and much more, all in the popular Japanese character style . No drawing experience is necessary to sketch playful elements and designs that make up these whimsical stories. Start with basic tools and supplies, then get tips for how to start and build a drawing. Learn how to create your own heartfelt stories featuring children and adults, animals, buildings, objects, and landscapes, all infused with your style. Be inspired by Sachiko’s stories of a journey into the desert, a king and queen in a castle, and a monster island filled with cute creates. Trace or copy the drawings to invent your own tales and infuse them with color and details to make them unique. What better wayto creatively express yourself?Make connections with friends and family by showing them your creations. As Sachiko says, “It’s bound to make everyone happy.” With this book you’ll discover fun ways to: Add weather elements such as rain, wind, and dramatic skies Draw villages and towns with detailed doors, windows, balconies, and roofs Sketch facial expressions that give characters depth Become an imaginative storyteller Use your imagination to create vibrant fantasy worlds with no limits Illustration School: Let’s Draw a Story will help you bring to life the stories you want to tell! Discover how the Illustration School series of books makes drawing enjoyable and stress-free. Using Sachiko Umoto’s fun, easy techniques for sketching quirky animals, plants, landscapes, and people in the Japanese character style, you’ll fill pages with charming illustrations that are uniquely you.
Jewellery Illustration and Design
Sælger: Pris: 348.00 dkrThis book analyzes the fundamental aspects of graphically depicting a wide variety of jewelry. The relationships of volume, balance between full and empty, treatment of metal surfaces, warm and cool materials and the relationship between the support and the stone are explained in depth along with ways to illuminate jewelry, treatment of light and chiaroscuro play to add depth. The book begins with simple geometric structures and moves on to explore more complex forms through a range of distortions and multiplications. The goal is not to show finished pieces of jewelry but to provide the tools that will enable readers to acquire a work method that allows them to represent their ideas effectively. From orthogonal and axonometric projections to techniques (watercolor, tempera, ink, mixed technique) and different possible supports, readers will find a source of inspiration for developing their own designs. Rings, tiaras, precious stones, bracelets and chains) are graphically represented in this book as if they were real, along with effects such as depth, gloss and transparency.
Spectrum noir Diy Kit Illustration, Himmelske Jomfruer
Sælger: Pris: 298.75 dkr (+81.19 dkr)DIY Kit til kreativ farvelægning med kvalitetstusser Bring din indre kunstner frem med dette eksklusive illustrationskit. Kittet er til dig, der gerne vil skabe fine illustrationer i ægte manga-stil. Ved hjælp af kvalitetstuscher og vejledning lærer du spændende farveteknikker, som bringer dybde og dimension til kendte universer og dets karakterer. Sættet indeholder: 5 x dual-tip classique art markers 5 x dual-tip illustrator art markers 1 x 0,3 point artliner 6 x forprintede illustrationer i sort 6 x forprintede illustrationer i grå 1 x vejledning Lær kreative farveteknikker og farvelæg som en professionel Hvert kit indeholder originale værker fra flere forskellige kunstnere, og du kan nemt farvelægge dem med de medfølgende kvalitetstuscher fra Spectrum noir. Tusserne er af bedste kvalitet – og perfekt til dig, der gerne vil farvelægge som en professionel. Med en smal spids i den ene ende og en penselspids i den anden, kan du farvelægge med præcision og med fuld kontrol over dine streger. Brug også den medfølgende vejledning, som guider dig til flotte skygger og spændende lag-på-lag-teknikker. Resultatet bliver de vildeste illustrationer med imponerende detaljer og farvespil.
Spectrum noir Diy Kit Illustration, Eventyrlig Farvelægning
Sælger: Pris: 336.25 dkr (+81.19 dkr)DIY Kit til kreativ farvelægning med kvalitetstusser Bring din indre kunstner frem med dette eksklusive illustrationskit. Kittet er til dig, der gerne vil skabe fine illustrationer i ægte manga-stil. Ved hjælp af kvalitetstuscher og vejledning lærer du spændende farveteknikker, som bringer dybde og dimension til kendte universer og dets karakterer. Sættet indeholder: 5 x dual-tip classique art markers 5 x dual-tip illustrator art markers 1 x 0,3 point artliner 6 x forprintede illustrationer i sort 6 x forprintede illustrationer i grå 1 x vejledning Lær kreative farveteknikker og farvelæg som en professionel Hvert kit indeholder originale værker fra flere forskellige kunstnere, og du kan nemt farvelægge dem med de medfølgende kvalitetstuscher fra Spectrum noir. Tusserne er af bedste kvalitet – og perfekt til dig, der gerne vil farvelægge som en professionel. Med en smal spids i den ene ende og en penselspids i den anden, kan du farvelægge med præcision og med fuld kontrol over dine streger. Brug også den medfølgende vejledning, som guider dig til flotte skygger og spændende lag-på-lag-teknikker. Resultatet bliver de vildeste illustrationer med imponerende detaljer og farvespil.
Spectrum noir Diy Kit Illustration, Samurai
Sælger: Pris: 298.75 dkr (+81.19 dkr)DIY Kit til kreativ farvelægning med kvalitetstusser Bring din indre kunstner frem med dette eksklusive illustrationskit. Kittet er til dig, der gerne vil skabe fine illustrationer i ægte manga-stil. Ved hjælp af kvalitetstuscher og vejledning lærer du spændende farveteknikker, som bringer dybde og dimension til kendte universer og dets karakterer. Sættet indeholder: 5 x dual-tip classique art markers 5 x dual-tip illustrator art markers 1 x 0,3 point artliner 6 x forprintede illustrationer i sort 6 x forprintede illustrationer i grå 1 x vejledning Lær kreative farveteknikker og farvelæg som en professionel Hvert kit indeholder originale værker fra flere forskellige kunstnere, og du kan nemt farvelægge dem med de medfølgende kvalitetstuscher fra Spectrum noir. Tusserne er af bedste kvalitet – og perfekt til dig, der gerne vil farvelægge som en professionel. Med en smal spids i den ene ende og en penselspids i den anden, kan du farvelægge med præcision og med fuld kontrol over dine streger. Brug også den medfølgende vejledning, som guider dig til flotte skygger og spændende lag-på-lag-teknikker. Resultatet bliver de vildeste illustrationer med imponerende detaljer og farvespil.
Nordal Wreath Illustration 40x30 cm - Black Frame OUTLET
Sælger: Pris: 499.00 dkr (+49.00 dkr)Nordal Wreath Illustration 40x30 cm - Black Frame Artistisk indrammet plakat fra Nordal - Kunstneren Jesper Boe Nordal har tegnet tre forskellige illustrationer med sort blæk og papir. Der er i alt trykt 100 eksemplarer af hvert billede, som alle er signeret af Jesper. Billederammen er af sortlakeret fyrretræ, som skaber en smuk kontrast til billedets enkelte udtryk. Serien af billeder hænger flot sammen som trio, eller enkeltvis. Designer: Nordal Materiale: Sortlakeret fyrretræ med glas Papir Mål: H: 40 cm B: 30 cm
Nordal Rocaille Illustration 40x30 cm - Black Frame OUTLET
Sælger: Pris: 375.00 dkr (+49.00 dkr)Nordal Rocaille Illustration 40x30 cm - Black Frame Artistisk indrammet plakat fra Nordal - Kunstneren Jesper Boe Nordal har tegnet tre forskellige illustrationer med sort blæk og papir. Der er i alt trykt 100 eksemplarer af hvert billede, som alle er signeret af Jesper. Billederammen er af sortlakeret fyrretræ, som skaber en smuk kontrast til billedets enkelte udtryk. Serien af billeder hænger flot sammen som trio, eller enkeltvis. Designer: Nordal Materiale: Sortlakeret fyrretræ med glas Papir Mål: H: 40 cm B: 30 cm
Spectrum noir Diy Kit Illustration, Manga Og Tegneseriehelte
Sælger: Pris: 298.75 dkr (+81.19 dkr)DIY Kit til kreativ farvelægning med kvalitetstusser Bring din indre kunstner frem med dette eksklusive illustrationskit. Kittet er til dig, der gerne vil skabe fine illustrationer i ægte manga-stil. Ved hjælp af kvalitetstuscher og vejledning lærer du spændende farveteknikker, som bringer dybde og dimension til kendte universer og dets karakterer. Sættet indeholder: 5 x dual-tip classique art markers 5 x dual-tip illustrator art markers 1 x 0,3 point artliner 6 x forprintede illustrationer i sort 6 x forprintede illustrationer i grå 1 x vejledning Lær kreative farveteknikker og farvelæg som en professionel Hvert kit indeholder originale værker fra flere forskellige kunstnere, og du kan nemt farvelægge dem med de medfølgende kvalitetstuscher fra Spectrum noir. Tusserne er af bedste kvalitet – og perfekt til dig, der gerne vil farvelægge som en professionel. Med en smal spids i den ene ende og en penselspids i den anden, kan du farvelægge med præcision og med fuld kontrol over dine streger. Brug også den medfølgende vejledning, som guider dig til flotte skygger og spændende lag-på-lag-teknikker. Resultatet bliver de vildeste illustrationer med imponerende detaljer og farvespil.
Tarotkort med moderna illustrationer
Sælger: Pris: 129.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Tarotkort med moderne illustrationer I dette spil tarotkort er billederne malet af kunstneren Lisa Sterle, og er tydeligt inspireret af Rider Waite-spillet, men med lidt mere moderne billeder med selvsikre kvinder på. Motiverne modsvarer den klassiske Rider Waite, men viser en helt ny billedverden. Figurerne på kortene er selvsikre kvinder i alle aldre, alle hudtoner og fra forskellige kulturer. De anvender f. ex. mobltelefoner og har sneakers på. Og alligevel genkender vi arketyperne fra Den Store Arkana og de symbolske ledetråde på kortene. Spillet har 78 kort, fordelt på den Store og Lille Arkana. Den store Arkana indeholder 22 kort med rigelig symbolik på hvert kort. Den Lille Arkana er inddelt i fire suiter: stave, bægre, mønter/pentagrammer og sværd, også den har rigeligt med klassisk symbolik. Størrelsen på kortene er 10,5 x 6,2 cm
1 stk. 40X50cm yoga pose plakat illustration yoga studio
Sælger: Pris: 144.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)1 stk. 40X50cm yoga pose plakat illustration yoga studio baggrund vægdekoration rammeløs vægkunst soveværelse vægdekoration lærred maleri Leveringsmængde: 1 stk. vægkunst (ramme ikke inkluderet, kun kernen) \nStørrelse: 40X50cm \nBemærk: Dette inkluderer ikke andet indhold, farven er baseret på det første billede, de andre billeder viser kun effekten \nPå grund af forskelle mellem forskellige skærme afspejler billedet muligvis ikke varens faktiske farve. \nØnsker dig et godt liv ~ \n100% Tilfredshed: Vores kunder er vores højeste prioritet. Hvis du finder nogen produktproblemer efter at du har modtaget varen, såsom beskadigelse og forkert mængde af varer, bedes du kontakte sælgeren straks. Vi gør vores bedste for at give dig tilfredsstillende eftersalgsservice.
Plugged Sweden The Cure Unisex T-Shirt: Robert Illustration (Small)
Sælger: Pris: 238.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)An official licensed high quality cotton unisex tee.
Illustrations Of The Book Of Job - William Blake - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 119.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Illustrations Of The Book Of Job - William Blake - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 154.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Illustrations of The Book of Job William Blake Illustrations of the Book of Job Invented and Engraved by William Blake William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job primarily refers to a series of twenty-two engraved prints (published 1826) by Blake illustrating the biblical Book of Job. It also refers to two earlier sets of watercolours by Blake on the same subject (1806 and 1821). The engraved Illustrations are considered to be Blake's greatest masterpieces in the medium of engraving, and were also a rare commercial and critical success for Blake. As early as 1785 Blake had sketched several ink studies of an illustration to Job. In 1793 Blake engraved a composition based upon these drawings, which he offered for sale in the Prospectus to the Public for twelve shillings. This, alongside an engraving of Ezekiel, are the only extant examples of an intended series of biblical illustrations that were never completed. Blake reworked the Job plate sometime after 1804, but the resulting print was not included in the Illustrations. Blake's next illustration was the tempera painting Job and his Daughters (1800), commissioned by Thomas Butts. This has similarities to plate 20 of the engraved illustrations, but it is unclear whether the print was directly based upon it.
Illustration Research Methods - Rachel Gannon - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 274.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)**Shortlisted for the 2021 British Book Design and Production Awards for the Best Jacket / Cover Design** For years illustration has lacked a strong critical history in which to frame it, with academics and media alike assessing it as part of design rather than a discipline in its own right. Illustration Research Methods addresses this void and adds to a fast-emerging discipline, establishing a lexicon that is specific to discussing contemporary illustration practice and research. The chapters are broken down into the various roles that exist within the industry and which illustration research can draw from, such as 'Reporting' and 'Education'. In doing so, users are able to explore a diverse range of disciplines that are rich in critical theory and can map these existing research methodologies to their own study and practice. Supported by a wealth of case studies from international educators, student projects sit alongside those of world-renowned illustrators. Thus allowing users the opportunity to put what they have learnt into context and offering insight into the thinking and techniques behind some of illustrations’ greats.
Plugged Sweden Oasis Unisex T-Shirt: Be Here Now Illustration (Medium)
Sælger: Pris: 199.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)An official licensed high quality 'Soft Style' cotton unisex tee.
Plugged Sweden Billie Eilish Unisex T-Shirt: Purple Illustration (Medium)
Sælger: Pris: 199.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)An official licensed high quality eco friendly cotton unisex tee.
Jewellery Illustration And Design - Manuela Brambatti - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 339.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book analyzes the fundamental aspects of graphically depicting a wide variety of jewelry. The relationships of volume, balance between full and empty, treatment of metal surfaces, warm and cool materials and the relationship between the support and the stone are explained in depth along with ways to illuminate jewelry, treatment of light and chiaroscuro play to add depth. The book begins with simple geometric structures and moves on to explore more complex forms through a range of distortions and multiplications. The goal is not to show finished pieces of jewelry but to provide the tools that will enable readers to acquire a work method that allows them to represent their ideas effectively. From orthogonal and axonometric projections to techniques (watercolor, tempera, ink, mixed technique) and different possible supports, readers will find a source of inspiration for developing their own designs. Rings, tiaras, precious stones, bracelets and chains) are graphically represented in this book as if they were real, along with effects such as depth, gloss and transparency.
Science Illustration. A History Of Visual Knowledge From The 15th Century To Today - Anna Escardó - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 619.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Science and illustration have always walked hand in hand, and not only the scientific community but the general public as well have used images since early history to understand natural phenomena. Moreover, from Galileo to Einstein, our modern history has been written with the key support of art and with all the insights it contributes. This XL-sized book collects more than 300 graphic works that range from original sketches to technical drawings, and from meticulous hand illustrations to computer-generated images. The Western scientific revolution that started in the 14th century catapulted humankind into a completely new way of understanding how nature and the world around us behaved. Whether it was diseases caused by viruses or the vast galaxies of the cosmos, a new army of professionals turned their minds to unlocking and reshaping the universe of our experience with a dialectic positioned between theory and evidence. The field of illustration and the development of knowledge became inseparably intertwined, as can be seen by the majestic works shown in this book that were produced by the scientists and artists who specialized in this combined field. Explore here the work of more than 700 scientists and over 300 discoveries in anatomy, physics, chemistry, astronomy, mechanics, and many other scientific fields, through the visual works that bring them to life. Combined with detailed texts explaining their scientific significance, the illustrations in this book introduce the work of such pionieering scientists as Andreas Vesalius, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, and Rosalind Franklin. The visualizations themselves present game-changing ideas and discoveries from the 15th century to the present day, notably including Galileo's watercolors of the moon, Bourgery's unparalleled Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery, Florence Nightingale's statistical diagrams to indicate war casualties, and Einstein's quickly scribbled ideas for his general theory of relativity. Many discoveries in science take place as the result of counterintuitive thinking, and in order to visualize their work scientists have to connect with the resources of collective knowledge and in turn convey new information back to people. This book is for everyone who is continually amazed by the wonders of our world and who wants to find out more about it through the remarkable illustrations used to present advances in scientific understanding.
Fashion Illustration Book - Tanaka - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 284.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Full Colour
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