Der blev fundet 471 produkter som matchede din søgning efter israel i 2 butikker:
Hiprock Flag - Israel
Sælger: Pris: 139.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Længde: ca. 150 cmBredde: ca. 90 cmMateriale: 100% polyester
Israel - Anita Shapira - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 174.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Written by one of Israel's most notable scholars, this volume provides a breathtaking history of Israel from the origins of the Zionist movement in the late 19th century to the present day. Anita Shapira's gripping narrative explores the emergence of Zionism in Europe against the backdrop of relations among Jews, Arabs and Turks, and the earliest pioneer settlements in Palestine under Ottoman rule. Weaving together political, social and cultural developments in Palestine under the British mandate, Shapira creates a tapestry through which to understand the challenges of Israeli nation-building, including mass immigration, shifting cultural norms, the politics of war and world diplomacy, and the creation of democratic institutions and a civil society. References to contemporary diaries, memoirs and literature bring a human dimension to the story of Israel, from its declaration of independence in 1948 through successive decades of waging war, negotiating peace, and building a modern state with a vibrant society and culture. Based on archival sources and the most up-to-date scholarly research, this authoritative history is a must-read for anyone with a passionate interest in Israel and the Middle East. ISRAEL: A HISTORY will be the gold standard in the field for years to come.
Israel,Et Mislykket Samfund, En Mislykket Stat - Morten Thing - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 99.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Jeg er vokset op med en jødisk mor og en selvfølgelig positiv holdning til Israel. Selvfølgelig tog jeg på kibbutzophold, da jeg var 20. Efter1967 gik det op for mig, at Israel var blevet til ved, at jøderne havde fordrevet landets indbyggere, palæstinenserne. At forstå det medførteen enorm skam i mit sind. Men da det gik op for mig, at der fandtes en jødisk fascisme, som havdeværet helt afgørende for fordrivelsen, var det endnu hårdere. Og at indse, at hele konstruktionen af den jødiske stat hvilede på racisme, den opfattelse, at ikke blot palæstinenserne, men også de arabiske jøder, stod på et lavere civilisationstrin end os europæiske jøder, var et bjerg at komme over. Morten Thing, kulturhistoriker, født 1945 er forfatter til bøger om bl.a. jødisk historie: Næste år i Jerusalem, 1999; Forsøg til en lille personlig jødisk ordbog, 2000; Den historiskejøde. Essays & ordbog, 2001; Anti. Begreberne antikommunisme– antisemitisme og deres historie, 2003; Jiddish bogfortegnelse, Jiddish tryk i Danmark, 2004; Alfred Nossig– en mærkelig mand. Et essay om jødisk modernitet, 2006; Jiddishland i København. Den jødiske indvandring 1905-14,2005; De russiske jøder i København 1882-1943, 2008; Min mors historie, 2009; Jiddish teater i København 1906-56,2012; Jyllands-Posten, diktaturet, krystalnatten og jøderne,2013; Antisemitismens bibel. Historien om smæde skriftet Zions Vises Protokoller, 2014; Min jødiske familie. En indvandringshistorie,2021.
Israel Falk - Lars Kjædegaard - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 89.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)En ældre mandlig platugle med et let tag på kvinder og en svaghed for gamle Volvoer. En ung mekaniker med en altopslugende interesse for jødernes historie i Helsingør. En gammel jøde, der har overlevet Holocaust. Omkring disse tre drejer Lars Kjædegaards intense psykologiske roman sig, et gruppebillede af to mænd der endnu har det virkelige liv til gode – og af én som kun har oplevet det alt for tæt på. Deres liv strejfer tilfældigt hinanden med såvel tragiske som overraskende positive konsekvenser. Tvunget af omstændighederne må de tre meget forskellige mænd tage deres forhold til både omverdenen, fortiden, fremtiden og kvinderne op til revision - hver for sig og sammen. Hvor meget og hvordan skal man erindre? Hvad betyder kærligheden og familien? Og hvad vil det i det hele taget sige at høre hjemme et sted og hos nogen? På én gang underfundig, melankolsk og sitrende dramatisk, er det Lars Kjædegaards hidtil mest ambitiøse roman. "Gedigen og driftsikker fortællekunst" – Knud Bjarne Gjesing, Fyens Stiftstidende "Lars Kjædegaard kan kunsten at få sine personer til at fremstå realistiske og sympatiske, han føler med dem. Med fare for at lyde højstemt kan man sige, at der løber en følelse af kærlighed gennem bogen." – Bo Bjørnvig, Weekendavisen "Hans velturnerede realisme er både poetisk og præcis ... Man holder af hans personer og læser side efter side for at vide mere om dem." – Bo Tao Michaelis, Politiken Fil størrelse: 794 KB
Israel'S Silent Defender - Ephraim Lapid - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 289.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Israeli intelligence has been known for decades, for its effectiveness, imagination and bravery, while its determined willingness to fight against global terrorism has witnessed some spectacular and audacious results. But what is it really like inside the Israeli intelligence community? What drove it to become one of the premier Intelligence services in the world? Who are the men and women behind it? In this observant and enthralling book, Israel's Silent Defender: An Inside Look at Sixty Years of Israeli Intelligence Ephraim Lapid and Amos Gilboa take you on a journey which looks at the history of Israeli Intelligence; How it was created How it works The leaders who drove it forward The defining moments of the service throughout history Areas of activity The secrets of its success Taken from over sixty years of the works and accounts of previous serving officers this isn't just a work of research, but a living memory of people who were there and who worked tirelessly to protect a country surrounded by enemies. Israel's Silent Defender is the first book of its kind and a unique look at the Israeli intelligence community over the last sixty years. Its pages are likely to surprise and enthral you in equal measure.
Israel, Winner Of The 2003 Iraq Oil War - Gary Vogler - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 219.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)It has been two decades since the decision was made to invade Iraq. Even with 4,489 killed in action, 32,223 wounded in action, and more than $2 trillion sunk into Iraq between 2003 and 2011, our country has seen no benefit. Gary Vogler believes that those impacted by that war deserve an honest response to the question "Why did we do it?" This book details the truth about one part of that honest response: the Israeli oil agenda. This book recounts how neoconservatives inside the Bush administration worked secretly with the Israeli lobby and the Israeli government to satisfy Israel's energy needs. Israel has significantly benefited since the 2003 Iraq War, while our country has incurred significant costs. The events, assessments, and conclusions described in this book are from Mr. Vogler's personal experience.
Israel - Kampen For Staten - Søren Harslund - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 314.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Den arabisk-israelske konflikt Der ligger mange forhold til grund for konflikten mellem Israel og den arabiske verden, og for at kunne forstå denne konflikt, må man kende til historien bag og vide, hvorfor de historiske begivenheder har udviklet sig til den virkelighed, som vi ser i dag. Det er netop denne vigtige baggrundsviden, som gives her - med dansk oversættelse af historisk materiale, heriblandt vigtige dokumenter, aftaler, en historisk årstalsoversigt og meget mere - alt sammen samlet i én bog! Der gives en grundig gennemgang af begivenhederne fra zionismens spæde start i slutningen af 1800-tallet og indtil staten Israels oprettelse i 1948. Der gives også et indblik i konflikten mellem israelerne og palæstinenserne fra 1948 og frem til de seneste forsøg på at stifte fred i Mellemøsten, samt en kort introduktion til den kristne verdens forhold til Israel. Herefter følger oversættelsen af de vigtigste dokumenter i forbindelse med Israels oprettelse og tiden derefter, ledsaget af forfatterens dybdegående kommentar samt en udførlig historisk årstalsoversigt - der giver et godt overblik over de vigtigste begivenheder i den arabisk-israelske konflikt. Der er forord af Bent Melchior og Flemming Kofod-Svendsen Bent Melchior: "Selv velinformerede læsere vil blive klogere ved at læse denne bog." Flemming Kofod-Svendsen: "Harslund afslører både et enestående overblik over de store linjer og samtidig over de mindste detaljer. En uhyre nyttig opslagsbog."
Israel - Daniel Gordis - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 369.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Israel And The Church - Amir Tsarfati - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"Amir Tsarfati tells the prophetic story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and in the process helps his readers to comprehend God's unique purpose and plan for both Israel and the Church. His refutation of Replacement Theology is profound and yet easy to understand. This book answers a lot of questions many prophetic writers are afraid to ask." --Dr. David Jeremiah As the day of the Lord rapidly draws near, we must appreciate God's plans for all His people To truly grasp Bible prophecy, we must first understand how God's promises to Israel complement His vision for the church. While some believe God has forsaken Israel for the church, this goes against the nature of the faithful Lord we find in Scripture. In his latest book, native Israeli and bestselling author Amir Tsarfati makes clear what the Bible says about God's unique master plans for His two chosen groups, Israel and the church. Amir gets to the heart of key questions, such as... Do the promises God made to the Old Testament nation of Israel still apply to the Jewish people today? Has God replaced rebellious Israel with the church? Now that the church exists, does Israel possess a distinct role in the present age? How are current events in Israel relevant to the church? What should the church's attitude be toward Israel? Israel and the Church provides a fascinating look at all that God has prepared for His two peoples--and why it's so relevant to us today
Israel - Noa Tishby - Lydbog
Sælger: Pris: 264.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)AUDIO EXCLUSIVE: INCLUDES THE SONG ';ELATION STATION' BY INFECTED MUSHROOM!A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A ';fascinating and very moving' (Aaron Sorkin, award-winning screenwriter of The West Wing and The Social Network) chronological timeline spanning from Biblical times to today that explores one of the most interesting countries in the worldIsrael.Israel. The small strip of arid land is 5,700 miles away but remains a hot-button issue and a thorny topic of debate. But while everyone seems to have a strong opinion about Israel, how many people actually know the facts? Here to fill in the information gap is Israeli American Noa Tishby. But ';this is not your Bubbie's history book' (Bill Maher, host of Real Time with Bill Maher). Instead, offering a fresh, 360-degree view, Tishby brings her ';passion, humor, and deep intimacy' (Yossi Klein Halevi, New York Times bestselling author of Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor) to the subject, creating an accessible and dynamic portrait of a tiny country of outsized relevance. Through bite-sized chunks of history and deeply personal stories, Tishby chronicles her homeland's evolution, beginning in Biblical times and moving forward to cover everything from WWI to Israel's creation to the disputes dividing the country today. Tackling popular misconceptions with an abundance of facts, Tishby provides critical context around headline-generating controversies and offers a clear, intimate account of the richly cultured country of Israel.
Israel/palestine And The Queer International - Sarah Schulman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 254.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In this chronicle of political awakening and queer solidarity, the activist and novelist Sarah Schulman describes her dawning consciousness of the Palestinian liberation struggle. Invited to Israel to give the keynote address at an LGBT studies conference at Tel Aviv University, Schulman declines, joining other artists and academics honoring the Palestinian call for an academic and cultural boycott of Israel. Anti-occupation activists in the United States, Canada, Israel, and Palestine come together to help organize an alternative solidarity visit for the American activist. Schulman takes us to an anarchist, vegan café in Tel Aviv, where she meets anti-occupation queer Israelis, and through border checkpoints into the West Bank, where queer Palestinian activists welcome her into their spaces for conversations that will change the course of her life. She describes the dusty roads through the West Bank, where Palestinians are cut off from water and subjected to endless restrictions while Israeli settler neighborhoods have full freedoms and resources. As Schulman learns more, she questions the contradiction between Israel's investment in presenting itself as gay friendly—financially sponsoring gay film festivals and parades—and its denial of the rights of Palestinians. At the same time, she talks with straight Palestinian activists about their position in relation to homosexuality and gay rights in Palestine and internationally. Back in the United States, Schulman draws on her extensive activist experience to organize a speaking tour for some of the Palestinian queer leaders whom she had met and trusted. Dubbed "Al-Tour," it takes the activists to LGBT community centers, conferences, and universities throughout the United States. Its success solidifies her commitment to working to end Israel's occupation of Palestine, and it kindles her larger hope that a new "queer international" will emerge and join other movements demanding human rights across the globe.
Israel - Monty Noam Penkower - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 359.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The chapters in this volume examine a few facets in the drama of how the beleaguered Jewish people, as a phoenix ascending of ancient legend, achieved national self-determination in the reborn State of Israel within three years of the end of World War II and of the Holocaust. They include the pivotal 1946 World Zionist Congress, the contributions of Jacob Robinson and Clark M. Eichelberger to Israel's sovereign renewal, American Jewry's crusade to save a Jewish state, the effort to create a truce and trusteeship for Palestine, and Judah Magnes's final attempt to create a federated state there. Joining extensive archival research and a lucid prose, Professor Monty Noam Penkower again displays a definitive mastery of his craft.
Israel'S Billions: Jewish Swindlers And International Financiers - Herve Ryssen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 289.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Jews have a very particular relationship with money. This is not a hateful "anti-Semitic prejudice", but a tangible reality, as Jews are vastly overrepresented among the world's billionaires. Since time immemorial, scattered in all countries, they are famous for having dedicated themselves to the great international trade. They are also, for centuries, the masters of banking and speculation. Naturally, all international financiers are not Jews - far from it -, and conversely, all Jews do not exercise these trades. But it is undeniable that they have played and continue to play a crucial role. They are also the kings of swindles. The records in the field are continually being pulverized by them; not simply surpassed, but actually "pulverized" in an astonishing way, to such an extent that the cases described above in The Jewish Mafia (2008) seem distant cases from another era. Again, it must be emphasized that all swindlers are not Jews, and all Jews are not swindlers. But one cannot easily hide the fact that the vast majority of international scammers are members of this community. These considerations become more understandable once one knows the intellectual basis of the phenomenon and understands the moral foundations underpinning Judaism. The Millards of Israel (2014) is Hervé Ryssen's tenth book. It completes a series of books published since 2005 that represents the most important study ever undertaken on the Jewish spirit and cosmopolitan mentality.
Israel - Amy Rechner - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 154.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Considered the Holy Land for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Israel is a sacred place that holds a rich history. This small country is filled to the brim with diverse cultures and varied landscapes. Readers will discover all that Israel has to offer in this exciting title.
Israel'S Black Panthers - Asaf Elia-Shalev - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 264.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"Compelling . . . offers a richly detailed account of Israel's Black Panthers in the 1970s.”― Haaretz "Forces us to confront the sometimes vast distance between constitutional aspiration and social and political practice."― Jewish Book Council The powerful story of an activist movement that challenged the racial inequities of Israel. Israel's Black Panthers tells the story of the young and impoverished Moroccan Israeli Jews who challenged their country's political status quo and rebelled against the ethnic hierarchy of Israeli life in the 1970s.Inspired by the American group of the same name, the Black Panthers mounted protests and a yearslong political campaign for the rights of Mizrahim, or Jews of Middle Eastern ancestry. They managed to rattle the country's establishment and change the course of Israel's history through the mass mobilization of a Jewish underclass. This book draws on archival documents and interviews with elderly activists to capture the movement's history and reveal little-known stories from within the group. Asaf Elia-Shalev explores the parallels between the Israeli and American Black Panthers, offering a unique perspective on the global struggle against racism and oppression. In twenty short and captivating chapters, Israel's Black Panthers provides a textured and novel account of the movement and reflects on the role that Mizrahim can play in the future of Israel.
Israel Victory - Daniel Pipes - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 234.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The Palestinian-Israeli conflict will come to an acceptable conclusion only with a Palestinian sense of defeat. A leading historian applies his deep understanding of the Middle East to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict-the most intractable, emotive clash of the past century. Daniel Pipes argues that this long struggle pits two unique and doomed mentalities that exist outside of normal politics against each other, making it so difficult to comprehend. One mentality consists of rejectionism, or the Palestinians' negation of Jews, Judaism, Zionism, and Israel. Rejectionism accounts for their enduring goal of genocide, their refusal to take yes for an answer, their unwillingness to seek improved living circumstances, and their determination to defame the Jewish state. The other mentality consists of conciliation, or the Zionists' attempt to win Palestinian acceptance not by defeating their enemy, but by enriching and placating it. Pipes argues against this anomalous Zionist approach, advocating instead the traditional method of ending a war- through victory: Palestinians give up, Israel wins. In a brilliant essay that brings surprisingly fresh insights and original policy recommendations to a well-worn topic, Pipes draws lessons from past "peace process" failures, delves into the universal nature of defeat and victory, and offers practical advice on how Israel can win: through minimal violence and maximal messaging. Both sides need an Israel Victory to break with the static pull of outdated mentalities. For Israel, it means acceptance, especially among Muslims and on the global Left. For the Palestinians, Israel Victory means liberation from a destructive obsession, enabling them finally to build a polity, economy, society, and culture worthy of their skills and ambitions.
Israels Apartheid - Ben White - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 99.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)’En meget stærk og klar røst, som ikke viger tilbage for uden forbehold og på en meget tilgængelig måde at udstille kernen i zionismen og Israels politik i Palæstina. I en verden, som er forvirret over de mange konkurrerende fortællinger, misinformation og forfalskninger, er denne bog en fortræffelig guide til forståelse af omfanget af de forbrydelser, der bliver begået mod palæstinenserne, og til forståelse af, hvilke lidelser og hvilken undertrykkelse de udsættes for.’ Professor Ilan Pappe, Exeter Universitet, israelsk historiker og forfatter ’Denne bog beskæftiger sig rationelt og vidende med et emne, der næsten altid skaber temmelig meget ophidselse også, når det blot er titlen på en bog. Det kan godt være, at læseren ikke er enig i alt, hvad White påstår, men det er en meget prisværdig anstrengelse at kaste lys over et så belastet emne.’ Ærkebiskop Desmond Tutu, vinder af Nobels Fredspris Nærværende bog, der udkom i 2014, er anden udgave af hans første bog ’Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide’, som udkom i 2009 på Pluto Press med forord af John Dugard, sydafrikansk professor og tidligere særlig rapportør for FN om menneskerettigheder i de besatte, palæstinensiske områder.
Israel - Noa Tishby - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A “fascinating and very moving” (Aaron Sorkin, award-winning screenwriter of The West Wing and The Social Network ) chronological timeline spanning from Biblical times to today that explores one of the most interesting countries in the world—Israel. Israel. The small strip of arid land is 5,700 miles away but remains a hot-button issue and a thorny topic of debate. But while everyone seems to have a strong opinion about Israel, how many people actually know the facts? Here to fill in the information gap is Israeli American Noa Tishby. But “this is not your Bubbie’s history book” (Bill Maher, host of Real Time with Bill Maher ). Instead, offering a fresh, 360-degree view, Tishby brings her “passion, humor, and deep intimacy” (Yossi Klein Halevi, New York Times bestselling author of Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor ) to the subject, creating an accessible and dynamic portrait of a tiny country of outsized relevance. Through bite-sized chunks of history and deeply personal stories, Tishby chronicles her homeland’s evolution, beginning in Biblical times and moving forward to cover everything from WWI to Israel’s creation to the disputes dividing the country today. Tackling popular misconceptions with an abundance of facts, Tishby provides critical context around headline-generating controversies and offers a clear, intimate account of the richly cultured country of Israel.
Israel – A History - Anita Shapira - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 324.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Written by one of Israel's most notable scholars, this volume provides a breathtaking history of Israel from the origins of the Zionist movement in the late nineteenth century to the present day. Organized chronologically, the volume explores the emergence of Zionism in Europe against the backdrop of relations among Jews, Arabs, and Turks, and the earliest pioneer settlements in Palestine under Ottoman rule. Weaving together political, social, and cultural developments in Palestine under the British mandate, Shapira creates a tapestry through which to understand the challenges of Israeli nation building, including mass immigration, shifting cultural norms, the politics of war and world diplomacy, and the creation of democratic institutions and a civil society. References to contemporary diaries, memoirs, and literature bring a human dimension to this narrative history of Israel from its declaration of independence in 1948 through successive decades of waging war, negotiating peace, and building a modern state with a vibrant society and culture. Based on archival sources and the most up-to-date scholarly research, this authoritative history is a must-read for anyone with a passionate interest in Israel. Israel: A History will be the gold standard in the field for years to come.
Israel Lobby And Us Foreign Policy - John J. Mearsheimer - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 89.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Does America s pro-Israel lobby wield inappropriate control over US foreign policy? This book has created a storm of controversy by bringing out into the open America s relationship with the Israel lobby: a loose coalition of individuals and organizations that actively work to shape foreign policy in a way that is profoundly damaging both to the United States and Israel itself. Israel is an important, valued American ally, yet Mearsheimer and Walt show that, by encouraging unconditional US financial and diplomatic support for Israel and promoting the use of its power to remake the Middle East, the lobby has jeopardized America s and Israel s long-term security and put other countries including Britain at risk.
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