Der blev fundet 71 produkter som matchede din søgning efter ludlum i 10 butikker:
Robert Ludlums Bourne-Forræderiet - Brugt Bog- Robert Ludlum
Sælger: Pris: 99.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
CNC Racing Låg m. Udlufter
Sælger: Pris: 259.00 dkr (+79.00 dkr)CNC- fræste universale udluftere af letmetal, med en farvet anodiseret overfladefinish.Sættet består af 6 hætter til montering på udluftningsskruen på Brembo- hovedcylindere, - bremsekalibere og - slavecylindere
Robert Ludlum'S™ The Treadstone Rendition - Joshua Hood - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 119.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)From the explosive world of Jason Bourne emerges a new hero. The final days of the American presence in Afghanistan bring Adam Hayes a summons he can't ignore in the new electrifying thriller from the world of Robert Ludlum. Adam Hayes has stepped away from the field for the very last time. He's promised his wife that he won't put his life on the line any more, and nothing will make him break that promise. Well... almost nothing. With America withdrawing from Afghanistan and the Taliban closing in, Abdul Nassir reaches out to his old partner, Hayes. Ten years ago, Nassir saved the American's life, and the time has come for repayment. Nassir is desperate to get his family out of the country. He is scared of the Taliban... but he can't trust the Americans either: his daughter witnessed a massacre committed by rogue CIA contractors. That only leaves one man who can get them out of the country: Adam Hayes. Reviews for Joshua Hood 'A worthy addition to the Ludlum bookshelf' Mark Greaney 'The perfect high-octane thriller' Simon Gervais
vidaXL udluftningsrør 6 m 12,5 cm PVC
Sælger: Pris: 244.00 dkrDenne udluftningskanal med fleksibilitet og holdbarhed er ideel til ventilationsbehov i hydroponik, toiletter, badeværelser, kontorer, værksteder og garager. Udluftningskanaler tillader, at vanddamp fortsætter med at strømme fra tørretumblere, mobile klimaanlæg og andre ventilationssystemer.
Robert Ludlum'S The Bourne Sacrifice - Brian Freeman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 114.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Jason Bourne tackles a global media conspiracy in the latest electrifying entry in Robert Ludlum's #1 New York Times bestselling series. Jason Bourne has faced many killers before, but none as dangerous or as cruelly inventive as the assassin who calls himself Lennon. Bourne thought he had Lennon cornered in Iceland, only to have the killer escape in a fiery explosion. Now Lennon's trail leads Bourne to New York and then to Washington - and the body count rises with each deadly encounter. But who is Lennon working for? Bourne believes the assassin has a shadowy new employer called the Pyramid. The only clue to the group's agenda is a young German woman murdered in Washington on her way to a covert meeting. But the woman's entire identity turns out to be a lie, and news reports of her death have been strangely twisted and suppressed. Finding the truth about this woman may be Bourne's only chance to catch Lennon - and uncover the conspiracy behind the Pyramid. But the chase comes with high stakes. Bourne's former lover, journalist Abbey Laurent, is digging into the mystery too, and Jason's perilous battle against Lennon and the Pyramid will soon put Abbey in the assassin's crosshairs. Bourne will need to use every bit of his tradecraft and his genius for mayhem to expose this web of lies and murder before Lennon kills the woman he loves.
vidaXL udluftningsrør 6 m 10 cm PVC
Sælger: Pris: 185.00 dkrDenne udluftningskanal med fleksibilitet og holdbarhed er ideel til ventilationsbehov i hydroponik, toiletter, badeværelser, kontorer, værksteder og garager. Udluftningskanaler tillader, at vanddamp fortsætter med at strømme fra tørretumblere, mobile klimaanlæg og andre ventilationssystemer.
Robert Ludlum'S The Bourne Sanction - Eric Van Lustbader - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'A new breed of spy - yes, he's highly trained and proficient at killing people, but he's still a normal guy' EMPIRE 'Olympic style, all-out espionage' DAILY EXPRESS University professor David Webb - forever caught between two identities - is still haunted by the splintered nightmares of his former life as Jason Bourne. Soon he finds himself embroiled in a CIA operation to hunt down a terrorist organisation, and is plunged into the deadliest and most tangled assignment of his double life. With his own side trying to take him down, all the while an assassin as brilliant and damaged as himself is getting closer by the minute...
20 stk. Kunstnerisk broderet kludlap, tegneserie krabbe lap, snegl
Sælger: Pris: 127.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Ideel til påføring af reparationslapper på jakker, rygsække, jeans, kjoler, tøj, dekorationsprojekter, håndlavet osv. DIY Craft specialplaner til julegave, Thanksgiving-feriegave, fødselsdagsgave, mors dag, fars dag, bedstemors dag osv. Applikationer er lavet med følgende materialer: polyesterbroderi, filt og med. Nem og hurtig trykning af figurer garanteret til strygning eller syning på dit tøjpleje og elg inkluderet.
Robert Ludlum'S™ The Bourne Defiance - Brian Freeman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 189.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Jason Bourne is back... and this time he's the hunted one. The latest electrifying entry in Robert Ludlum's #1 New York Times bestselling series. Around the world, Treadstone agents are being hunted down and murdered... and Jason Bourne may be next on the list. Someone high up in the U.S. government is erasing all evidence of a shocking mission from Bourne's past, known as Defiance – and that evidence includes Bourne himself. Staying one step ahead of a team of killers, Bourne follows a global trail that leads him to one of the government's darkest secrets. But exposing the truth about the Defiance mission will also bring Bourne face to face with his arch-enemy, the assassin known as Lennon, for a final deadly confrontation. 'The action is relentless but expertly rendered, and Bourne remains a fascinating creation more than 40 years into his life on the page. Series fans will leave this entry exhausted, satisfied, and hungry for more.' Publishers Weekly on The Bourne Defiance Reviewers on Brian Freeman: 'Freeman has a firm grasp of Bourne's tangled background plus the skills to keep the action front and center. Bourne fans will hope for an encore from this talented author.' Publishers Weekly 'This guy can tell a story.' Michael Connelly 'Some of the most literate and stylish writing you'll find anywhere today.' Jeffery Deaver
vidaXL Bremse- og koblingsudlufter
Sælger: Pris: 226.00 dkrBremseudluftning på egen hånd er nemt med denne håndholdte 1 l vakuumpumpe! Den bruger almindeligt værkstedsluft (6-12 bar) og kan effektivt udlufte og genopfylde bremsesystemet på de fleste køretøjer. Bremseudlufteren trækker væske ud fra udluftningsnippelen. En slange til ekstra udtagning er også
Robert Ludlum'S The Bourne Deception - Robert Ludlum - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Jason Bourne is back! 'Olympic style, all-out espionage' Daily Express 'Watch your back 007 - Bourne is out to get you' - Sunday Times Jason Bourne's nemesis Arkadin is still hot on his trail and the two continue their struggle, reversing roles of hunter and hunted. When Bourne is ambushed and badly wounded, he fakes his death and goes into hiding. In safety, he takes on a new identity, and begins a mission to find out who tried to assassinate him. Meanwhile, an American passenger airliner is shot down. Bourne's search for the man who shot him intersects with the search for the people that brought down the airliner, leading him into one of the most deadly and challenging situations he has ever encountered. With the threat of a new world war brewing, Bourne finds himself in a race against time to uncover the truth and find the person behind his assault, all the while being stalked by his unknown nemesis...
Radiatorer i rustfrit stål Udluftningsnøgle VVS Udluftningsnøgle nøgle 5 mm hulkerne
Sælger: Pris: 133.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Funktioner: Helt ny og høj kvalitet Materiale: Radiatornøglen er lavet af højkvalitets 304 rustfrit stål, som ikke er let at bryde, holdbart, ikke bøjet og kan bruges i lang tid. Anvendelse: Gælder de radiatorer, der er svære at komme til, og gælder for alle 5x5 mm standardventiler. Transportabel: Let at bære, god hjælper i værktøjskasserne. Størrelse: Radiatornøgle er omkring 70 mm lang, lille og praktisk. Bemærk: Hvis der er et problem med produktet, bedes du kontakte os, og vi vil give dig et tilfredsstillende svar så hurtigt som muligt. Specifikationer: Materiale: 304 rustfrit stål Længde: Ca. 70 mm/2,76 tommer Bemærk: 1. Tillad venligst 1-2 cm fejl på grund af manuel måling, sørg for at du ikke har noget imod det, før du bestiller. 2.På grund af forskellen mellem forskellige skærme afspejler billedet muligvis ikke varens faktiske farve. Pakken inkluderer: 1 x nøgle
Robert Ludlum'S The Bourne Dominion - Robert Ludlum - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Jason Bourne - the most famous thriller series of all time. 'Watch your back 007 - Bourne is out to get you' - Sunday Times 'A killer of a thriller' USA TODAY Bourne's enemies are gathering force. Severus Domna, a secret and ancient cabal, has called forth its members from around the globe, with one objective: to vanquish the last person capable of destroying their bid to destabilize the world economy - Jason Bourne. But how can they possibly succeed where so many others have failed? By turning Bourne's most trusted friend into his greatest and most deadly enemy. Now Bourne finds himself in a world where friend and foe go hand in hand. Bourne's journey will lead him down a path of brutal murder and destruction - one from which there is no escape...
BBB - Bremseudlufterkit Bleedkit Shimano/sram - BBS - 101
Sælger: Pris: 249.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Dette Er Et Universal Bleederkit Til At Udlufte Dine Bremser. Dette Kit Passer Både Til Shimano, Sram Og Avid Bemærk Du Blot Skal Tilkøbe Minieral Oil Til Enten Shimano Eller Sram
Robert Ludlum'S The Bourne Betrayal - Eric Van Lustbader - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'Ludlum stuffs more surprises into his novels than any other six-pack of thriller writers combined' New York Times 'Move over 007, Bourne is back' Daily Mirror Jason Bourne takes a mission to rescue his only friend in the CIA, Martin Lindros, who disappeared in Africa while tracking shipments of yellowcake uranium. Once safely back in America, Lindros persuades Bourne to help track the money trail of terrorists buying the nuclear material. Bourne agrees - but soon suffers from confusing flashbacks of unfamiliar places and events. Is someone brainwashing him in order to throw him off the trail? Worse still, is the man he saved really Martin Lindros? Now Bourne is on his own - gathering evidence, while trying to stay one step ahead of the terrorists who are determined to destroy the USA...
30 stk. radiatornøgle - radiatorudluftningsventilnøgle - udluftningsventilnøgle
Sælger: Pris: 200.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)30 stk. radiatornøgle - radiatorudluftningsventilnøgle - udluftningsventilnøgle - radiatorluftventilnøgle VVS-ventilnøgle til radiatorer og vandhaner (sølv)Robust materiale: Disse radiatornøgler er lavet af zinklegering af høj kvalitet, robust og holdbar, forhindrer vandlækage. Anti-korrosion og praktisk, holdbar og robust, ikke let at bryde, nem at holde og dreje, selv efter at have skruet i et par hårde ventiler, er der stadig ingen deformation på nøglen. Firkantede åbningsnøgler: Radiatorknøglen er ca. 3 x 2,2 cm/1,18 x 0,866 tommer, den indvendige firkantede kant er 5 mm/0,197 tommer og den udvendige diameter er 8 mm/0,315 tommer, én størrelse passer til de fleste radiatorer på markedet, nem at bruge og praktisk til dit liv. Præcisionsbelægning: Massive radiatorafluftningsnøgler er præcisionsbelagt i flere lag, syre- og vandafvisende, forbliver rene i fugtige omgivelser i lang tid. Strukturen er tæt og kan forhindre eksplosion, så den kan garantere sikkerheden, når du bruger den. Antal pr. pakke: Du modtager 5 radiatorknøgler, gode til udskiftning, forhindrer centralvarmesystemet i at bryde sammen i vintermånederne. Letvægts og holdbare radiatorknøgler, nemme at installere og bære, der er runde huller på nøglen, som kan fastgøres til nøglering og bæres med dig, både indendørs og udendørs kan bruges. Bemærk: Dataene er alle manuelle målinger, tillad venligst 1-3 cm fejl, på grund af lys- og skærmforskellen vil der være en vis farveforskel, afhængigt af den fysiske vare, der modtages.
Robert Ludlum'S The Bourne Treachery - Brian Freeman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 114.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The world's most ruthlessly efficient assasin, Jason Bourne, has carved a bloody swathe through all his opponents but now he's facing the one force he can't defeat--his own past--in the latest thrilling entry in Robert Ludlum's New York Times bestselling series. Three years ago, Jason Bourne embarked on a mission in Estonia with his partner and lover, a fiery Treadstone agent code-named Nova. Their job was to rescue a Russian double agent who'd been smuggled out of St. Petersburg in the midst of an FSB manhunt. They failed. The Russian died at the hands of a shadowy assassin known only by the nickname Lennon. Now everything has changed for Bourne. Nova is gone, killed in a mass shooting in Las Vegas. Bourne is a lone operative, working in the shadows for Treadstone, when he's called in for a new mission in London--to prevent another assassination masterminded by Lennon. But nothing about this mission is what it seems. As Bourne engages in a cat-and-mouse game with Lennon across the British countryside, he discovers that everything he thought he knew about the past was a lie. And with the body count rising, he comes to an inevitable conclusion: Some secrets should stay buried.
Festa Kølerudluftningsnøgle Med Vandtank
Sælger: Pris: 99.00 dkr (+99.00 dkr)Info: Festa Kølerudluftningsnøgle med vandtankBeskrivelse: Nøgle til udluftning af varmelegemer med en beholder til opsamling af væske. Sikker og ren udluftning af varme systemet. For korrekt cirkulation af varmt vand i varme systemet, er det tilrådeligt at udlufte regelmæssigt, eller i det mindste før fyringssæsonen - luft i varme systemet forhindrer cirkulation af varmt vand. Metode: Sæt nøglen på udluftningsventilen - metaldelen med den indre firkant. Drej håndbetjeningen for at frigøre ventilen. Efter frigivelse - på grund af trykket i systemet vil luft og væske begynde at slippe ud. Så snart kun væske begynder at strømme, spænd ventilen. Vær ekstra forsigtig, hold øje med mængden af væske i opsamlingsbeholderen - hvis beholderen er fuld, STRAM VENTILEN og tøm beholderen, om nødvendigt gentag processen, indtil der kun kommer vand ud af ventilen på varmeelementet. Vægt: 0.04 kg
Robert Ludlum'S (Tm) The Bourne Sacrifice - Brian Freeman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 189.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Jason Bourne tackles a global media conspiracy and a murderous tech giant in the latest electrifying entry in Robert Ludlum's New York Times bestselling series. Bourne is back... Jason Bourne has faced many killers before, but none as dangerous as the assassin who calls himself Lennon. Bourne thought he had Lennon cornered in Iceland, only to have the killer escape in a fiery explosion. Now Lennon's trail leads Bourne to New York and then to Washington D.C. - and the body count rises with each deadly encounter. Bourne believes the assassin has a shadowy new employer called the Pyramid. The only clue to the group's agenda is a young German woman, murdered in D.C. on her way to a covert meeting. But the woman's entire identity turns out to be a lie, and news reports of her death have been strangely twisted and suppressed. Finding the truth about this woman may be Bourne's only chance to catch Lennon - and uncover the conspiracy behind the Pyramid. But the chase comes with high stakes. Bourne's former lover, journalist Abbey Laurent, is digging into the mystery too, and the battle against Lennon and the Pyramid will soon put Abbey in the assassin's crosshairs. Bourne will need to use every bit of his tradecraft and his genius for mayhem to expose this web of lies and murder before Lennon kills the woman he loves. Praise for Brian Freeman's Bourne books: 'Freeman has a firm grasp of Bourne's tangled background plus the skills to keep the action front and center. Bourne fans will hope for an encore from this talented author' Publishers Weekly 'Freeman's first Jason Bourne thriller is a treat for fans of the late Robert Ludlum' Kirkus Reviews
vidaXL bremseudlufter og vakuumpumpesæt
Sælger: Pris: 291.00 dkrDette vakuumpumpe- og bremseudluftersæt kombinerer to funktioner i én enhed. Det er ideelt til at kontrollere stramheden af rør, ventiler, sugning og udluftning af bremsesystemer eller hydraulisk koblingssystemer. Bremseudluftning kan gøres særdeles nemt og hurtigt af blot én person med denne
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