Der blev fundet 3569 produkter som matchede din søgning efter making i 3 butikker:
150 stk Charm Armbånd Making Kit Charm Armbånd Beaded Smykker Making Kit Armbånd Charms Halskæde DIY Crafts Gaver
Sælger: Pris: 220.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Pakken indeholder: DIY charme armbåndssæt kommer med 60 stk europæiske perler med store huller, 40 stk charms og 40 stk perleøreringe, 5 stk kærlighedskæde armbånd, 5 halskæde snore og 1 gaveæske Gør-det-selv-sæt til piger: Enhjørning/sæt, skaber et unikt smykke-charmehåndværk, dingler, armbånd, nøglering, fodlænke. Det kan være et sjovt festhåndværk for piger. Nem at bruge - Skru af for at fjerne hætten. Når du har spændt perlerne, skal du blot skrue hætten godt på igen. Intet andet værktøj er nødvendigt. Udsøgt gaveæske: Forskellige charmeperler med armbånd kommer pakket i en smuk og bærbar gaveæske, hvilket gør det til en fantastisk gaveidé og en festgavepose til piger. Meningsfuldt håndværk til børn: Mix og match perler og charms for at personliggøre og skabe et stilfuldt armbånd til enhver lejlighed og stemning. Nyd den lykkelige tid med DIY håndlavede smykker med venner.
Making Classic Toys That Teach - Doug Stowe - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 249.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Froebel Gifts are perhaps the world's first educational toys. Developed in the early 1800's by Friedrich Froebel, inventor of Kindergarten, the Gifts appear deceptively simple but represent a sophisticated approach to child development. Over the last 180 years these intricately conceived playthings have had a widespread impact, becoming interwoven with the history of art/design, popular culture, and education. Inspiring and informing the work of Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner, and others, Froebel's Gifts influenced Frank Lloyd Wright, Albert Einstein, Kandinsky, Klee, and more while Mattel used them in designing Tinker Toys, Color Cubes, and Unit Blocks. In Making Classic Toys That Teach, Doug Stowe, a professional woodworker and teacher, presents the history and valuable benefits of each gift while providing step-by-step instruction on how to build each toy and the box to hold them. Each of the 10 Froebel Gifts are featured: 1) balls of yarn, introducing color, shape and motion; 2) sphere, cylinder, and cubes on a hanging device; 3) divided cube building blocks; 4) rectangular blocks; 5) wooden cubes and triangular blocks; 6) geometric building blocks in various shapes; 7) colorful geometric shapes; 8) sticks and rings; 9) points - small colorful objects, like beads - that can be connected to create dotted lines, etc; 10) framework in the form of fiddlesticks or tinker toys. As the backlash towards our overly technological world increases, the philosophy of Froebel and an understanding of the value of his Gifts is part of the trend of more focused playtime and creative thinking for younger children that will help them make connections on their own regarding the world around them.
Making Kids Cleverer
Sælger: Pris: 335.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Foreword by Paul A. Kirschner. Given the choice, who wouldn’t want to be cleverer? What teacher wouldn’t want this for their students, and what parent wouldn’t wish it for their children? When David started researching this book, he thought the answers to the above were obvious. But it turns out that the very idea of measuring and increasing children’s intelligence makes many people extremely uncomfortable: “If some people were more intelligent, where would that leave those of us who weren’t?” The question of whether or not we can get cleverer is a crucial one. If you believe that intelligence is hereditary and environmental effects are trivial, you may be sceptical. But environment does matter, and it matters most for children from the most socially disadvantaged backgrounds – those who not only have the most to gain, but who are also the ones most likely to gain from our efforts to make all kids cleverer. And one thing we can be fairly sure will raise children’s intelligence is sending them to school. In this wide-ranging enquiry into psychology, sociology, philosophy and cognitive science, David argues that with greater access to culturally accumulated information – taught explicitly within a knowledge-rich curriculum – children are more likely to become cleverer, to think more critically and, subsequently, to live happier, healthier and more secure lives. Furthermore, by sharing valuable insights into what children truly need to learn during their formative school years, he sets out the numerous practical ways in which policy makers and school leaders can make better choices about organising schools, and how teachers can communicate the knowledge that will make the most difference to young people as effectively and efficiently as possible. David underpins his discussion with an exploration of the evolutionary basis for learning – and also untangles the forms of practice teachers should be engaging their students in to ensure that they are acquiring expertise, not just consolidating mistakes and misconceptions. There are so many competing suggestions as to how we should improve education that knowing how to act can seem an impossible challenge. Once you have absorbed the arguments in this book, however, David hopes you will find the simple question that he asks himself whenever he encounters new ideas and initiatives – “Will this make children cleverer?” – as useful as he does. Suitable for teachers, school leaders, policy makers and anyone involved in education.
Gør-det-selv Charms Armbånd Making Kit Gaver Til Piger Charms Beads Armbånd & Halskæder Til Smykke Making Kit
Sælger: Pris: 148.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)SMYKKESÆT - Lancerede unicorn-seriens smykkesæt til teenagepiger. Enhjørning, regnbue, svane, stjerner søde dingle charms og farverige, regnbue, krystal perler er fyldt med enhjørning gaveæske i dette DIY armbånd smykkesæt. Dine piger vil helt sikkert elske denne gave. FANTASTISKE GAVER TIL PIGER - En smuk pink enhjørning gaveæske godt pakket med udsøgt bånd. Pink, farverige, smukke smykker, søde enhjørninger er alt, hvad pigerne elsker. Gaveæsken med høj kvalitet, den kan også bruges som smykkeæske. Det er den bedste gaveide til dine unge piger til fødselsdag, Valentinsdag, påske. BLOMMENDE KREATIVITET - Gør-det-selv charme armbåndene til piger hjælper med at udvikle børnenes fantasi og kreativitet til at lave deres egne smukke armbånd med fantastiske charms og farverige perler For at forbedre unge piger øve evner, dyrke deres sans for farve, mode sans og også hjælpe med at fokusere deres opmærksomhed. NYD GIRLS TIME - En letlæselig instruktionsmanual er inkluderet i sættet til smykkefremstilling. Det vil tydeligt guide pigerne, hvordan de laver deres egne designede armbånd og halskæder trin for trin med billeder. Så dine piger kan nyde deres helt uafhængige gør-det-selv-tid uden forældres hjælp. Ingen skruer og justerbart elastisk armbåndsdesign vil være nemmere for selv små unge piger. ALT INKLUDERET - Gør-det-selv-armbåndssæt inkluderer: 3 slangeknoglekæder, 15 vedhæng, 10 lyserøde glasperler, 5 lyserøde diamantperler, 20 perler med store huller, 6 positioneringsperler, 1 lille lyserød firkantet æske
Long Pole Candle Mould Plastic Pillar Candle Making DIY Craft Form - Perfet
Sælger: Pris: 106.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Long Pole Candle Form Form Candle Making DIY Craft Form Produktnavn: Form Materiale: Plast Pakke inkluderet: 1* Form Funktioner: Denne genanvendelige form har et nyt design, blød tekstur, alsidige stilarter, let at fjerne og rengøre. Klare forme giver attraktive dekorative farvede stearinlys. Lavet af højkvalitets plastmateriale, mere holdbart. Genbruges mange gange, nem at bruge og rengøre. Høj temperaturbestandighed, langsigtet formfastholdelse. Perfekt til fremstilling af tørrede blomsterlys, små stearinlys, duftlys og meget mere. Bemærk venligst på grund af manuel måling, tillad venligst 2-3 cm forskel. Bortset fra at forskellige computere viser forskellige farver. Den faktiske farve kan være lidt anderledes end billederne nedenfor, tak for din forståelse. (1 tomme = 2,54 cm)
Farver Naturlige ædelsten Perler Kit Ørekrog Armbånd Ørering Making DIY Crafts
Sælger: Pris: 106.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Funktioner: Dette perlesæt er vidunderligt til alle former for smykkefremstilling, DIY-håndværk, navnearmbånd til nøglering, kan bruges som gave til familie og venner. Disse stenperler kan bruges til at lave halskæder, armbånd, øreringe, fodlænker og nogle små dekorative vedhæng. Ikke kun kan udøve folks praktiske evner, men også stimulere kreativitet og fantasi og forbedre evnen til farvematchning. Uregelmæssig form og slags farver kan frit kombineres for at tilfredsstille din fantasi. Der er 10 gitter, som er klassificeret efter farven på perlerne, hvilket er nyttigt for farvevalget i den manuelle proces. Specifikationer: Materiale: Natursten Størrelse på æske: 6,6x13x2,1cm/2,60x5,12x0,83incn (ca.) Farve: Som billeder viser Bemærk: 1. Tillad venligst 1-2 cm fejl på grund af manuel måling, sørg for at du ikke har noget imod det, før du bestiller. 2.På grund af forskellen mellem forskellige skærme afspejler billedet muligvis ikke varens faktiske farve. Pakken inkluderer: 300 stk stenperler (30 stk pr. gitter) Ca.+1 x 10 gitre opbevaringsboks
WINE 20 stk Cookie Press Making Biscuits Kageform Sæt
Sælger: Pris: 134.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Funktioner: 1. Lavet af højkvalitets PS + PP, holdbart og ikke-giftigt. 2. Leveres med 13 tips af forskellige mønstre, hjælper med at lave forskellige cookies. 3. Småkagepressesæt med letgrebshåndtag i ABS-plast. 4.god til at lave småkager eller bage selv, nem at bruge og rengøre. 5. Smart design til praktisk bagning af småkager. 6. Hurtig at afforme, undgå spild af materiale. Specifikationer: 1. Materiale: PP+ABS+PE+PS 2.Farve: Hvid 3. Størrelse på småkagedekoration: 22 * 14,5 cm 4. Størrelse på blomsterdekorationsskive Form: 4,9 * 4,9 cm 5.Størrelse af blomsterdyse: 4,8 * 5,5 cm Pakkeliste: 1 * Sukkerpasta-ekstruder 13 * Blomsterdekorationsskiveform 6 * Blomstermundstykke
Sushi Maker Kit 10 Komplet Sushi Making Kit DIY Sushi Sæt Til
Sælger: Pris: 176.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)ProduktbeskrivelseSpecifikation: 10 stk/sæt DIY Sushi Making Kit Køkken DIY Sushi Værktøj Form. Materiale: Plast . pakken indeholder: 10 værktøjer til at lave sushi. 1*Engelsk manualSættet indeholder forme til at lave forskellige former, trekanter, hjerter, klassisk runde. Lav din egen sushi derhjemme og nyd lækre spiseoplevelser med din familie og venner. Selv en begynder kan mestre kunsten at lave sushi med dette sæt. Fremstillet af plast, sikkert og ikke-giftigt. Nem at rengøre og genbrugelig. Lav smuk sushi hurtigt og bekvemt derhjemme med vores kreative Sushi Maker Kit!!
Sushi Maker Kit 10 Komplett Sushi Making Kit DIY Sushi Sæt Til
Sælger: Pris: 132.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)ProduktbeskrivelseSpecifikation:\n 10 stk/ sæt DIY Sushi Making Kit Køkken DIY Sushi Værktøj Form.\n Materiale: Plast. pakken indeholder:\n 10 værktøjer til at lave sushi.\n 1*Engelsk manualSættet indeholder forme til at lave forskellige former, trekanter, hjerter, klassiske runde.\n Lav din egen sushi derhjemme og nyd lækre madoplevelser med din familie og dine venner.\n Selv en nybegynder kan mestre kunsten at lave sushi med dette sæt.\n Fremstillet af plast, sikker og giftfri. Nem at rengøre og genanvendelig.\n Skab smuk sushi hurtigt og bekvemt derhjemme med vores kreative Sushi Maker Kit!!
YANGFEIYU 20 stk Hjerte Krystal Chakra Perler DIY Halskæde Smykker Making Stones
Sælger: Pris: 122.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Materiale: kunstig chakra sten, krystal vedhæng Hjertevedhæng: Disse stenvedhæng er meget smukke og dejlige. Du kan bruge dem til halskæder, armbånd, øreringe og andet kunsthåndværk. Form: hjerteform, 20 forskellige farver, du kan bære forskellige for at matche dine forskellige tøjstile. Praktisk velvære: Stenprodukter kan give dig dyb positiv energi, fred i sindet, balance, healing, meditation, balance, teenagerenergi for begyndere, yogatilbehør, kunstsamling, charme til smykker og tilbehør Pakke: 20 x vedhæng
Sushi Maker Kit 10 Komplett Sushi Making Kit DIY Sushi Set För
Sælger: Pris: 180.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)ProduktbeskrivelseSpecifikation: 10 stk/sæt DIY Sushi Making Kit Køkken DIY Sushi Tool Form. Materiale: Plast. Pakken indeholder: 10 værktøjer til at lave sushi. 1*Engelsk manualSættet indeholder forme til at lave forskellige former, trekanter, hjerter, klassiske runde. Lav din egen sushi derhjemme og nyd lækre madoplevelser med din familie og dine venner. Selv en nybegynder kan mestre kunsten at lave sushi med dette sæt. Fremstillet af plast, sikker og giftfri. Let at rengøre og genanvendelig. Skab smuk sushi hurtigt og bekvemt derhjemme med vores kreative Sushi Maker Kit!!
Making Things Happen - Richard Raskin - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 249.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Why was Humphrey Bogart’s screen presence and persona so vital a factor for American morale during World War II? How did Casablanca unintentionally mislead American audiences regarding U.S. policy toward the pro-German Vichy regime, and the Free French who continued the fight against the Nazis? Why was Alain Resnais reluctant to make his documentary film Night and Fog and why did he ultimately decide to overcome that reluctance? (Answered here in his own words, with the decisive interview published in English for the first time.) How did overcoming her anti-German feelings make it imperative for the Jewish performer Barbara to write the haunting song Göttingen ? What did a spin-doctor in New York have to do with the story of the Danish king wearing a Star of David during the German occupation? These are just a few of the questions dealt with in this book, which should interest anyone who remains fascinated by films, songs, photos and other representations of the Second World War. The studies assembled here focus whenever possible on meaningful, purposive choices designed to make things happen, to change the course of events or to enable a character or creative artist to shape more fully his or her own story.
Making Ideas Happen - Scott Belsky - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Thomas Edison famously said that genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration. Every day new solutions, revolutionary cures, and artistic breakthroughs are conceived and squandered by smart people. Along with the gift of creativity come the obstacles to making ideas happen: lack of organisation, lack of accountability and a lack of community support. Scott Belsky has interviewsed hundreds of the most productive creative people and teams in the world, revealing one common trait: a carefully trained capacity for executing ideas. Implementing your ideas is a skill that can be taught, and Belsky distills the core principles in this book. While many of us obsess about discovering great new ideas, Belsky shows why it is better to develop the capacity to make ideas happen - using old-fashioned passion and perspiration. Making Ideas Happen reveals the practical yet counterintuitive techniques of 'serial creatives' - those few who make their visions a reality.
Making Sense Of Expertise - Reiner Grundmann - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 354.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Current debates about experts are often polarized and based on mistaken assumptions, with expertise either defended or denigrated. Making Sense of Expertise instead proposes a conceptual framework for the study of expertise in order to facilitate a more nuanced understanding of the role of expertise in contemporary society. Too often different meanings of experts and expertise are implied without making them explicit. Grundmann’s approach to expertise is based on a synthesis of approaches that exist in various fields of knowledge. The book aims at dispelling much of the confusion by offering a comprehensive and rigorous framework for the study of expertise. A series of in-depth case studies drawn from contemporary issues, including the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, provide the empirical basis of the author’s comprehensive approach. This thought-provoking book will be of great interests to students, instructors and researchers in a range of fields in the humanities, social sciences, and science and technology studies.
Making History - Richard Cohen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)MAKING HISTORY is an epic exploration of who writes about the past and how the biases of certain storytellers - whether Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare or Simon Schama - continue to influence our ideas about history (and about who we are) today. In this authoritative and entertaining book, Richard Cohen reveals how professional historians and other equally significant witnesses (such as the writers of the Bible, major novelists, dramatists, journalists and political propagandists) influence what become the accepted records of human experience. Is there, he asks, even such a thing as 'objective' history? The depth of Cohen's inquiry and the delight he takes in his subjects includes the practitioners of what he calls 'Bad History,' those thieves of history who twist reality to glorify themselves and conceal their or their country's behaviour. Cohen investigates the published works and private utterances of our greatest historical thinkers to discover the agendas that informed their views of the world, and which in so many ways have informed ours. From the origins of history-writing, when such an idea seemed itself revolutionary, through to television and the digital age, MAKING HISTORY abounds in captivating figures brought to vivid life, from Thucydides and Tacitus to Voltaire and Gibbon, from Winston Churchill to Mary Beard. Rich in character, complex truths and surprising anecdotes, the result is a unique exploration of both the aims and craft of history-making. It will lead us to think anew about our past and ourselves.
Making Peace Last - Robert Ricigliano - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 409.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The international community invests billions annually in thousands of projects designed to overcome poverty, stop violence, spread human rights, fight terrorism and combat global warming. The hope is that these separate projects will 'add up' to lasting societal change in places like Afghanistan. In reality, these initiatives are not adding up to sustainable peace. Making Peace Last offers ways of improving the productivity of peacebuilding. This book defines the theory, analysis and practice needed to create peacebuilding approaches that are as dynamic and adaptive as the societies they are trying to affect. The book is based on a combination of field experience and research into peacebuilding and conflict resolution. This book can also be used as a textbook in courses on peace-building, security and development. Making Peace Last is a comprehensive approach to finding sustainable solutions to the world's most pressing social problems.
Making Videogames - Duncan Harris - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 284.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)An in-depth visual guide presenting the captivating creative journeys behind the world’s leading videogames. Making Videogames is an unprecedented snapshot of modern interactive entertainment, with insight from true pioneers about the most important games in the world. Illustrated with some of the most arresting in-game images ever seen in print, the book explores the unique alchemy of technical and artistic endeavour that constitutes the magic of videogames, striking a captivating balance between insight and accessibility. Across eleven chapters, each focusing on a specific game from AAA blockbusters such as Control and Half-Life: Alyx to cult breakthrough games including No Man’s Sky and Return of the Obra Dinn , the book will document the incredible craft of videogame worldbuilding and visual storytelling via the world’s most popular, but seldom fully understood, entertainment medium. The book’s text orbits breathtaking, specially created imagery ‘photographed’ in-engine by the author, demonstrating the magic and method behind each studio’s work. A book not only for die-hard videogame fanatics, but also for designer-creatives and the visually curious, Making Videogames is a thrilling showcase of the boundless creativity of this amazing industry.
Making Parents - Charis Thompson - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 379.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Assisted reproductive technology (ART) makes babies and parents at once. Drawing on science and technology studies, feminist theory, and historical and ethnographic analyses of ART clinics, Charis Thompson explores the intertwining of biological reproduction with the personal, political, and technological meanings of reproduction. She analyzes the "ontological choreography" at ART clinics-the dynamics by which technical, scientific, kinship, gender, emotional, legal, political, financial, and other matters are coordinated-using ethnographic data to address questions usually treated in the abstract. Reproductive technologies, says Thompson, are part of the increasing tendency to turn social problems into biomedical questions and can be used as a lens through which to see the resulting changes in the relations between science and society. After giving an account of the book's disciplinary roots in science and technology studies and in feminist scholarship on reproduction, Thompson comes to the ethnographic heart of her study. She develops her concept of ontological choreography by examining ART's normalization of "miraculous" technology (including the etiquette of technological sex); gender identity in the assigned roles of mother and father and the conservative nature of gender relations in the clinic; the naturalization of technologically assisted kinship and procreative intent; and patients' pursuit of agency through objectification and technology. Finally, Thompson explores the economies of reproductive technologies, concluding with a speculative and polemical look at the "biomedical mode of reproduction" as a predictor of future relations between science and society.
Making Your Way - Marion Debruyne - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)What does success mean? Is it just climbing the ladder? Does the perfect job exist? Do you have to plan everything in advance, preferably before your 30th birthday? And what about that work-life balance? Making important career and life choices is a struggle for many people. In this book, the authors examine 15 persistent myths and popular beliefs that hold us back, and share valuable tips based on their own experiences, outsider testimonials, and academic research. This is the book the authors, both business school professors, wish they could have read before they started their own careers. “We often meet people with amazing potential, who don’t realise that potential because of some limiting beliefs they have about what a career and happiness should look like. We want to encourage people to set themselves free from such myths and pursue their dreams with confidence.” - the authors.
Making Bags - Jessica Barrera - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Create professional-looking bags to fit your style and practical needs with guidance on bag-making techniques, materials, and types. You can make trendy baguette bags, duffle bags, saddle bags, and more!
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