Der blev fundet 55 produkter som matchede din søgning efter mediation i 2 butikker:
Mediation - Martin Lavesen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 669.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Mediation – ret og rammer, 3. udgave Mediation er – i modsætning til retssagsbehandling – en frivillig proces, hvor en neutral tredjeperson, en mediator, hjælper personer eller virksomheder i konflikt til selv at nå frem til tilfredsstillende løsninger gennem en særlig procesledelse. Mediation har i de sidste 20 år haft en positiv udvikling som konfliktløsningsmodel i Danmark. Mediation er i dag et reelt alternativ til den mere traditionelle behandling af konflikter. Derfor bør særligt mediator, men også mediationens andre aktører, kende til mediationens retlige og etiske grænser. Der er ikke lovgivet om mediation, men der er en vifte af lovregler og andre regelsæt, der er relevante ved mediation. Bogen beskriver de mange forskellige regler, der kan have berøring med mediation, heraf både vedrørende mediationens tilrettelæggelse og gennemførelse, men også de omkringliggende begrænsninger i form af krav til god mediationsskik, uafhængighed, fortrolighed og efterfølgende fuldbyrdelse af den aftale, som ofte er resultatet af mediationen. Nyt i 3. udgave Denne udgave af bogen udkommer 10 år efter anden udgaven. Der er derfor foretaget en ajourføring af stoffet, indarbejdet ny relevant praksis og tilføjet henvisning til ny litteratur. Bogen indeholder endvidere et kapital med status på mediation anno 2022. Målgruppe Bogen henvender sig til jurister og andre, der beskæftiger sig med mediation, men den kan læses af alle med interesse for mediation. Det anvendte sprog gør bogen læsevenlig – også de steder hvor juridiske emner behandles. Om forfatterne Lars Økjær Jørgensen og Martin Lavesen er begge advokater og mediatorer.
Mediation - Brugt Bog- Martin Lavesen
Sælger: Pris: 150.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Konfliktløsning gennem mediation bliver mere og mere udbredt i Danmark. Mediation - ret og rammer beskriver etiske rammer og eksisterende regelsæt for mediation og kommer med bud på, hvad der bør gælde på de områder, hvor de eksisterende regler ikke slår til. Bogen behandler spørgsmål om, hvilke krav der bør stilles til mediators uddannelse, om en kontraktbestemmelse om mediation tvinger parterne til at mediere, om oplysninger givet under mediation altid skal hemmeligholdes og hvornår en mediators interesser medfører inhabilitet. Bogen introducerer god mediationsskik, giver bud på, hvordan forligsaftalen skal udfærdiges og rådgiver om, hvordan mediator skal aflønnes.
Reflexive Mediation - Vibeke Vindeløv - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 439.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)How does mediators keep their enthusiasm and prevent their work from becoming dull and just a job like any other job? How do they avoid falling into the trap of doing exactly the same as those they want to provide an alternative to? How do they maintain the qualities of mediation? The author of this book believes it is time for mediators to look further than merely discussing skills, techniques and models, and to take up the personal challenge and responsibility of being conscious of the deeper values and beliefs that drive them, and then constantly, during and after each mediation, to evaluate what they did and how they did it. Just as they, in mediation, believe that the ultimate responsibility for reaching a satisfactory outcome to a conflict belongs to the parties, so the mediators must be willing to take the responsibility for preserving mediation as a unique process, as it was when they started. Even though, naturally, mediation cannot save the world , an approach to conflicts in which one recognises the needs both of the individual and of society and the essential connection between them - in both major and minor conflicts - is a necessary development. The reflexive model thereby takes a longer view and has a sustainable perspective. Table of Contents Foreword Chapter 1. Conflict mediation with a reflexive approach an introduction Chapter 2. Underlying values and assumptions Part 1. Key concepts for mediation Chapter 3. An overview Chapter 4. Conflicts and their escalation Chapter 5. Truth, dialogue and culture Chapter 6 Active listening and movement in communication Chapter 7. Negotiation Chapter 8. Voluntariness and confidentiality Chapter 10. Power and justice Chapter 11. Reconciliation Chapter 12. Mediation in international conflicts and the link between major and minor conflicts . Chapter 13. Ethics and liability Part 2. A practical step by step description of mediation Chapter 14. Before the meeting Chapter 15. Stage 1: Opening - The first joint meeting Chapter 16. Stage 2: The submissions of the parties and dialogue Chapter 17. Stage 3: Defining the problem areas and setting the agenda Chapter 18. Stage 4: Generating possible solutions Chapter 19. Stage 5: Negotiating the agreement Chapter 20. Stage 6: The agreement must be checked and approved Chapter 21. After the meeting Chapter 22. The parties do not keep to the agreement Chapter 23. Problematic mediations Chapter 24. Lawyers and other professional advisers in mediations Postscript. Mediation in the Nordic countries - past, present and future Annexes Litterature Index Figures
Reflexive Mediation - Vibeke Vindeløv - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 489.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)I denne bog opfordrer Vibeke Vindeløv, jurist og professor i konfliktmægling ved Det juridiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet, alle mediatorer til at tage den udfordring op det er, at sikre at mediation vedbliver at være en proces til bæredygtig konfliktløsning. Det gøres ved at se ud over modeller og teknikker og ved at indtage en refleksiv tilgang til processen med fokus på de grundlæggende værdier og overbevisninger, der driver dem i deres arbejde med mediation og gennem kontinuerlig evaluering af egen indsats. Reflexive Mediation er unik på den måde, at den kæder de praktiske elementer fra mediationsprocessen sammen med mediatorens værdier. Fil størrelse: 2298 KB
Narrative Mediation - Brugt Bog- John Winslade
Sælger: Pris: 31.05 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In this groundbreaking book, John Winslade and Gerald Monk -- leaders in the narrative therapy movement-introduce an innovative conflict resolution paradigm that is a revolutionary departure from the traditional problem-solving, interest-based model of resolving disputes. The narrative mediation approach encourages the conflicting parties to tell their personal "story" of the conflict and reach resolution through a profound understanding of the context of their individual stories. The authors map out the theoretical foundations of this new approach to conflict resolution and show how to apply specific techniques for the practical application of narrative mediation to a wide-variety of conflict situations.
Narrative Mediation - Brugt Bog- John Winslade
Sælger: Pris: 256.88 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In this groundbreaking book, John Winslade and Gerald Monk -- leaders in the narrative therapy movement-introduce an innovative conflict resolution paradigm that is a revolutionary departure from the traditional problem-solving, interest-based model of resolving disputes. The narrative mediation approach encourages the conflicting parties to tell their personal "story" of the conflict and reach resolution through a profound understanding of the context of their individual stories. The authors map out the theoretical foundations of this new approach to conflict resolution and show how to apply specific techniques for the practical application of narrative mediation to a wide-variety of conflict situations.
Conflict Mediation In The Arab World - Peter Wallensteen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 559.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The Middle East and North Africa region has been plagued with civil wars, international interventions, and increasing militarization, making it one of the most war-affected areas in the world today. Despite numerous mediation processes and initiatives for conflict resolution, most have failed to transform conflicts from war to peace. Seeking to learn from these past efforts and apply new research, Fraihat and Svensson present the first comprehensive approach to mediation in the Arab world, taking on cases from Yemen to Sudan, from Qatar to Palestine, Syria, and beyond. Conflict Mediation in the Arab World focuses on mediation at three different levels of analysis: between countries, between governments and armed actors inside single countries, and between different communities. In applying this holistic method, the editors identify similarities and differences in the conditions for conflict resolution and management. Drawing upon the work of experts in the field with a deep understanding of the increasing complexities and changing dynamics of the region, this volume offers a valuable resource for academics, policy makers, and practitioners interested in conflict resolution and management in the Middle East and North Africa.
The Mediation Of Touch - Luce Irigaray - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 269.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The first communication between human beings, the one between the newborn and the mother, happens through touch. Strangely this first way of relating to each other has barely been considered by our education and our culture, which have favoured sight to the detriment of touch. And yet touching and being touched means experiencing ourselves as living beings. For lack of such a touch, we do not perceive the limits nor the sensitive potential of our bodies. Then we remain immersed in a natural or a cultural universe, incapable of reaching our own individuation and of knowing our fundamental difference from the other(s). Desire, in particular sexuate desire, is a call for touching one another anew. But this touch requires us to have gained our autonomy and to be able to open up to and commune with the other as transcendent to ourselves while staying in ourselves. This book unveils and explores how touch can act as a basic living mediation in love and,more generally, in our comprehensive individual and collective human becoming. It also considers how touch can contribute to founding a culture respectful of difference instead of subjecting them to an ideal of sameness. We need touch as mediation to fulfil our humanity and to build a truly human thinking and world.
The Mediation Of Jesus Christ - C. Baxter Kruger - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"Union or Separation? It is an important question. Many of us, maybe most of us, started with separation from God because the Western Church has preached separation for so long we didn't even realize there was an alternative way of looking at things. But, once you take off the glasses of separation and put on the glasses of Union, Oh My! How everything changes. Dr. C. Baxter Kruger has been making this point for over 30 years. His new book "The Mediation of Jesus Christ" is the result of a life-time of study, preaching, discussion and living life from the vantage point of union. Union of the Father, Son and Spirit, union of Jesus with all humanity, indeed, union with all creation. We hope this book will help you to see things through a different set of lenses. The lenses through which the early Church Fathers viewed Jesus, His Father and the Spirit. Let the words of the book sink in deeply, but before you begin to read, ask the Spirit to open your eyes and ask the Spirit if this is true."
Practicing Narrative Mediation - Brugt Bog- John Winslade
Sælger: Pris: 229.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Practicing Narrative Mediation provides mediation practitioners with practical narrative approaches that can be applied to a wide varietyof conflict resolutionsituations. Written by John Winslade and Gerald Monk—leaders in the narrative therapy movement—the book contains suggestions and illustrative examples for applying the proven narrative technique when working with restorative conferencing and mediation in organizations, schools, health care, divorce cases, employer and employee problems, and civil and international conflicts. Practicing Narrative Mediation also explores the most recent research available on discursive positioning and exposes the influence of the moment-to-moment factors that are playing out in conflict situations. The authors include new concepts derived from narrative family work such as "absent but implicit," "double listening," and "outsider-witness practices."
Introduction To Mediation, Moderation, And Conditional Process Analysis, Third Edition - Andrew F. Hayes - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 734.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Acclaimed for its thorough presentation of mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis, this book has been updated to reflect the latest developments in PROCESS for SPSS, SAS, and, new to this edition, R. Using the principles of ordinary least squares regression, Andrew F. Hayes illustrates each step in an analysis using diverse examples from published studies, and displays SPSS, SAS, and R code for each example. Procedures are outlined for estimating and interpreting direct, indirect, and conditional effects; probing and visualizing interactions; testing hypotheses about the moderation of mechanisms; and reporting different types of analyses. Readers gain an understanding of the link between statistics and causality, as well as what the data are telling them. The companion website ( ) provides data for all the examples, plus the free PROCESS download. New to This Edition *Rewritten Appendix A, which provides the only documentation of PROCESS, including a discussion of the syntax structure of PROCESS for R compared to SPSS and SAS. *Expanded discussion of effect scaling and the difference between unstandardized, completely standardized, and partially standardized effects. *Discussion of the meaning of and how to generate the correlation between mediator residuals in a multiple-mediator model, using a new PROCESS option. *Discussion of a method for comparing the strength of two specific indirect effects that are different in sign. *Introduction of a bootstrap-based Johnson–Neyman-like approach for probing moderation of mediation in a conditional process model. *Discussion of testing for interaction between a causal antecedent variable [ital]X[/ital] and a mediator [ital]M[/ital] in a mediation analysis, and how to test this assumption in a new PROCESS feature.
Kort & Godt Om Mediation & Konflikter - Marianne Spandet Jakobsen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 209.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Hvordan kan vi forstå konflikter og deres udviklingsmønstre? Hvad er mediation? Hvordan adskiller mediation sig fra andre konflikthåndteringsmetoder? Kan en fastlåst konflikt virkelig vendes til noget positivt og konstruktivt? Kort & godt om MEDIATION & KONFLIKTER handler om, hvordan vi lever bedre med de konflikter, som uundgåeligt opstår, når vi arbejder sammen. Mediation er en dialogbaseret tilgang til konflikthåndtering, hvor begge parters behov så vidt muligt tilgodeses. Gennem en målrettet indsats med mediation kan konflikter omdannes til udviklingsveje for nye planer, strategier og visioner. Kort & godt om MEDIATION & KONFLIKTER er skrevet til alle, som ønsker at vide mere om konflikter, og om, hvordan de kan løses, så relationen mellem parterne forbliver intakt. Særligt henvender bogen sig til dem, som på forskellig vis arbejder med at styrke samarbejde, motivation og det psykiske arbejdsmiljø i organisationer. Her tilbyder bogen konkrete tips og metoder til at komme godt i gang med den medierende tilgang. Om forfatterne: Finn Sten Jakobsen er optaget af mediationstilgangen som organisatorisk værktøj i strategi- og forandringsprocesser. Sideløbende med arbejdet som strategisk rådgiver og mediator i konsulenthuset reCome er han lektor ved Aarhus Universitet inden for strategi og økonomi. Marianne Spandet Jakobsen grundlagde i 2007 konsulenthuset reCome, hvor hun i dag er direktør. Hun har mere end 25 års erfaring som leder, mediator, konsulent og underviser. Marianne har en uddannelse som psykoterapeut og en master i NLP. Hun er endvidere IMI-certificeret mediator og certificeret coach.
Conflict Management And Mediation - Martin C. Euwema - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 894.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This textbook explores the complex nature of conflict and provides concrete tools for how it can be managed. Martin Euwema and Ellen Giebels highlight the importance of effective analysis to conflict management, developing novel frameworks for understanding the structure and process of interpersonal conflict. Specially designed for practical use, the textbook integrates theories and models of conflict with cutting-edge practical research and outlines the diverse skills and strategies necessary for competent conflict management. Key Features: Presents six different perspectives used to analyse conflict All chapters conclude with group exercises tailored to training settings Introduces the 7-I model, combining conflict analysis and the identification of specific angles for intervention Extensive reflection exercises and quiz questions throughout to aid development of conflict management skills Chapters dedicated to key practical competencies including mediation, negotiation, and responding to violence and aggression Conflict Management and Mediation is an essential guide for both undergraduate and postgraduate students in business and management, psychology, and human resource sciences. It is also an important resource for professional mediators, negotiators and trainers seeking a deeper understanding of effective conflict resolution.
n/a The Mediation Handbook - Ukendt Forfatter - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 619.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The Handbook of Mediation gathers leading experts across fields related to peace, justice, human rights, and conflict resolution to explore ways that mediation can be applied to a range of spectrums, including new age settings, relationships, organizations, institutions, communities, environmental conflicts, and intercultural and international conflicts. The text is informed by cogent theory, state-of-the-art research, and best practices to provide the reader with a well-rounded understanding of mediation practice in contemporary times. Based on four signature themes—contexts; skills and competencies; applications; and recommendations—the handbook provides theoretical, applicable, and practical insight into a variety of key approaches to mediation. Authors consider modern conflict on a local and global scale, emphasizing the importance of identifying effective strategies, foundations, and methods to shape the nature of a mediation mindfully and effectively. With a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives, the text complements the development of the reader’s competencies and understanding of mediation in order to contribute to the advancement of the mediation field. With a conversational tone that will welcome readers, this comprehensive book is essential reading for students and professionals wanting to learn a wide range of potential interventions for conflict.
Conflict Management And Mediation - Martin C. Euwema - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This textbook explores the complex nature of conflict and provides concrete tools for how it can be managed. Martin Euwema and Ellen Giebels highlight the importance of effective analysis to conflict management, developing novel frameworks for understanding the structure and process of interpersonal conflict. Specially designed for practical use, the textbook integrates theories and models of conflict with cutting-edge practical research and outlines the diverse skills and strategies necessary for competent conflict management. Key Features: Presents six different perspectives used to analyse conflict All chapters conclude with group exercises tailored to training settings Introduces the 7-I model, combining conflict analysis and the identification of specific angles for intervention Extensive reflection exercises and quiz questions throughout to aid development of conflict management skills Chapters dedicated to key practical competencies including mediation, negotiation, and responding to violence and aggression Conflict Management and Mediation is an essential guide for both undergraduate and postgraduate students in business and management, psychology, and human resource sciences. It is also an important resource for professional mediators, negotiators and trainers seeking a deeper understanding of effective conflict resolution.
The Promise Of Mediation - Brugt Bog- Robert A. Baruch Bush
Sælger: Pris: 177.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The award-winning first edition of The Promise of Mediation , published ten years ago, is a landmark classic that changed the field's understanding of the theory and practice of conflict intervention. That volume first articulated the "transformative model" of mediation, which greatly humanized the vision of how the mediation process could help parties in conflict. In the past decade, the transformative model has proved itself and gained increasing acceptance. It is now being used in such diverse arenas as workplace, community, family, organizational, and public policy conflicts, among others. In this new edition, the authors draw on a decade of work in theory development, training, practice, research, and assessment to present a thoroughly revised and updated account of the transformative model of mediation and its practical application, including a compelling description of how the field has moved toward increasing acceptance of the transformative model a new and clearer presentation of the theory and practices of transformative mediation, with many concrete examples a new case study that provides a vivid picture of the model in practice, with a commentary full of new information about how to use it effectively clarifications of common misconceptions about the model a vision for the future that shows how the model can coexist with other approaches and where the "market" for transformative mediation is emerging This volume is a foundational resource on transformative practice, for both readers of the first edition and new readers - including mediators, facilitators, lawyers, administrators, human resource professionals, policymakers, and conflict resolution researchers and educators. More generally, this book will strike a chord with anyone interested in humanizing our social institutions and building on a relational vision of society.
n/a Rethinking Peace Mediation - Ukendt Forfatter - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,014.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Written by international practitioners and scholars, this pioneering work offers important insights into peace mediation practice today and the role of third parties in the resolution of armed conflicts. The authors reveal how peace mediation has developed into a complex arena and how multifaceted assistance has become an indispensable part of it. Offering unique reflections on the new frameworks set out by the UN, they look at the challenges and opportunities of third-party involvement. With its policy focus and real-world examples from across the globe, this is essential reading for researchers of peace and conflict studies, and a go-to reference point for advisors involved in peace processes.
Tin Box Light Seers Tarot Kort Profeti Spådom Deck Selskabsspil Kort W/manual
Sælger: Pris: 157.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Produkt introduktion:Et rigt illustreret tarotdæk med mytologiske væsner og naturbaseret symbolik.Hvert af disse kort er blevet kærligt og omhyggeligt håndillustreret specielt til Tarot.Hvert kort er et produkt af specialiseret mediation, manifestation og magi.Materiale: højkvalitets coated papirProces: Guldbelagt kantprocesAntal: 78 stk.Størrelse:11*6.7*4cmcmKortstørrelse:10.3*6cmEmballage: jernkasseemballageFavoritten for både begyndere og tarotelskere.Nem at bære.Funktioner:Nem at lære.Enkel at mestre.Forudsig enhver tanke om kort.Brug et hvilket som helst lånt dæk.Ingen kig, duplikater osv.Pakken indeholdt:1Box Tarot Deck CardsBemærk:Emnefarven, der vises på fotos, kan variere en smule på din computerskærm, da skærme ikke er kalibreret ens.Brugsanvisningen er inkluderet i spilæsken.
FMYSJ Te-blad Fortune-kort Tarot Oracle-kort Familie-selskabsspil Skæbne-spådom (FMY) Multicolor
Sælger: Pris: 199.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Produkt introduktion: \nA richly illustrated tarot deck by featuring mythological creatures and nature based symbolism. \nHvert af disse kort er blevet kærligt og omhyggeligt håndillustreret specielt til Tarot. \nHvert kort er et produkt af specialiseret mediation, manifestation og magi. \nMateriale: Papir \nMængde: 200 stk. \nStørrelse: Højde 16,3 cm/6,4 tommer, Længde 8,3 cm/3,2 tommer, Bredde 3,3 cm/1,3 tommer \nFavoritten for begyndere såvel som tarot-entusiaster. \nNem at bære. \nFunktioner: \nNem at lære. \nEnkel at mestre. \nForudsig enhver tænkt på kort. \nBrug enhver lånt bunke. \nIngen kig, duplikater osv. \nPakken indeholder: 1 kasse Tarot-kort \n1. Tillad venligst 5-10 mm forskelle på grund af manuel måling, tak. \n2. Den faktiske farve på produktet kan være lidt anderledes end billedet, og hjemmesiden skyldes forskellige faktorer såsom skærmens lysstyrke og lysets lysstyrke.
Te-blad Fortune-kort Tarot Oracle-kort Familie Fest Brætspil Vulture Multicolor Multicolor one size
Sælger: Pris: 143.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Produkt introduktion: Et rigt illustreret tarotdæk med mytologiske væsner og naturbaseret symbolik. Hvert af disse kort er blevet kærligt og omhyggeligt håndillustreret specielt til Tarot. Hvert kort er et produkt af specialiseret mediation, manifestation og magi. Materiale: Papir Antal: 200stk Størrelse: Højde 16,3 cm/6,4 tommer, Længde 8,3 cm/3,2 tommer, Bredde 3,3 cm Begyndere såvel som tarotentusiaster. Nem at bære. Funktioner: Nem at lære. Nem at mestre. Forudsig alle tænkte kort. Brug alle lånte dæk. Ingen kig, duplikater osv. Pakken indeholder: 1 æske Tarot Deck-kort 1. Tillad venligst 5-10 mm forskelle på grund af manuel måling, tak. 2. Den faktiske farve på produktet kan afvige en smule fra billedet, og hjemmesiden skyldes forskellige faktorer såsom skærmens lysstyrke og lysets lysstyrke.
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