Der blev fundet 1751 produkter som matchede din søgning efter organizations i 12 butikker:
Northio Desk Organizer Kontoropbevaringsboks Med 2 Skuffer, Organization & Order, Natural, L33 X B20,5 X H15,5 Cm
Sælger: Pris: 339.00 dkrEndelig ryddet op! Hold dit skrivebord ryddeligt med denne praktiske organizer fra. Takket være 2 store skuffer og 7 rum har alle kontorartikler en fast plads her og kan hurtigt findes igen, når der er brug for dem. Bambusen er et robust naturprodukt, og takket være den høje kvalitet er arrangøren særlig holdbar. Den naturlige bambusfarve bringer et hjemligt og moderne design. Arrangøren er ideel som gave til kaoselskere eller til at holde dit eget skrivebord pænt.Beskrivelse:✔ Hyggeligt og moderne design✔ Hjælper med at holde orden på tingene✔ 2 store skuffer og 7 rum giver masser af opbevaringsplads✔ Lavet af naturlig bambus Tekniske data: ✔ Farve: Naturlig bambusfarve ✔ Materiale: Bambus ✔ Samlede mål: L33 x B20,5 x H15,5 cm ✔ Skuffemål: L10 x B19 x H4 cm ✔ Vægt: 2,1 kg ✔ Bæreevne: 3 kg Leveringsomfang:✔ 1 x skrivebordsarrangør;
Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition
Sælger: Pris: 765.00 dkrComputer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Sixth Edition, the leading, award-winning textbook from Patterson and Hennessy used by more than 40,000 students per year, continues to present the most comprehensive and readable introduction to this core computer science topic. Improvements to this new release include new sections in each chapter on Domain Specific Architectures (DSA) and updates on all real-world examples that keep it fresh and relevant for a new generation of students.
Organizations - Brugt Bog- Mary Jo Hatch
Sælger: Pris: 56.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Most of us recognize that organizations are everywhere. You meet them on every street corner in the form of families and shops, study in them, work for them, buy from them, pay taxes to them. But have you given much thought to where they came from, what they are today, and what they might become in the future? How and why do they have so much influence over us, and what influences them? How do they contribute to and detract from the meaningfulness of lives, and how might we improve them so they better serve our needs and desires? This Very Short Introductions addresses all of these questions and considers many more. Mary Jo Hatch introduces the concept of organizations by presenting definitions and ideas drawn from the a variety of subject areas including the physical sciences, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, literature, and the visual and performing arts. Drawing on examples from prehistory and everyday life, from the animal kingdom as well as from business, government, and other formal organizations, Hatch provides a lively and thought provoking introduction to the process of organization. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Nite Ize Nite-ize Unisex's Gear Line Organization System, Assorted, 4 ft
Sælger: Pris: 208.48 dkr (+29.76 dkr)Countless mounting options on a strong nylon lead The GearLine is made of robust, wear-resistant nylon and includes several S-Biner double carabiners made of plastic, each of which hangs in its own sturdy loop. There is a gear tie at both ends. The GearLine can either be hung vertically or horizontally attached to two points, so that all attached instruments and devices are always easily accessible.
Organizations In Depth - Brugt Bog- Yiannis Gabriel
Sælger: Pris: 27.15 dkr (+29.95 dkr)`The book is a good read. Gabriel has an engaging writing style, liberally interspersed with vignettes, cases, and quotes…. While the reader may not agree with some of what Gabriel is espousing, the author presents his material in a non-judgemental manner…. And who knows ? Maybe Gabriel is foreshadowing some new directions in organizational theory and even new research methodology′ - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology This book is a comprehensive and systematic examination of the insights psychoanalysis can offer to the study of organizations and organizational behaviour. Richly illustrated with examples, Yiannis Gabriel′s exhaustive study provides fresh understandings of the role of creativity, control mechanisms, leadership, culture, and emotions in organizations. Core theories are explained at length and there is a chapter on research strategies. Extensive reference is made to practical cases, and there is a review of the key debates.
Northio Desk Organizer Kontoropbevaringsboks Med 2 Skuffer, Organization & Order, Natural, L33 X B20,5 X H15,5 Cm
Sælger: Pris: 339.00 dkrEndelig ryddet op! Hold dit skrivebord ryddeligt med denne praktiske organizer fra. Takket være 2 store skuffer og 7 rum har alle kontorartikler en fast plads her og kan hurtigt findes igen, når der er brug for dem. Bambusen er et robust naturprodukt, og takket være den høje kvalitet er arrangøren særlig holdbar. Den naturlige bambusfarve bringer et hjemligt og moderne design. Arrangøren er ideel som gave til kaoselskere eller til at holde dit eget skrivebord pænt.Beskrivelse:✔ Hyggeligt og moderne design✔ Hjælper med at holde orden på tingene✔ 2 store skuffer og 7 rum giver masser af opbevaringsplads✔ Lavet af naturlig bambus Tekniske data: ✔ Farve: Naturlig bambusfarve ✔ Materiale: Bambus ✔ Samlede mål: L33 x B20,5 x H15,5 cm ✔ Skuffemål: L10 x B19 x H4 cm ✔ Vægt: 2,1 kg ✔ Bæreevne: 3 kg Leveringsomfang:✔ 1 x skrivebordsarrangør;
Organization Theory And Design - Brugt Bog- Richard L. Daft
Sælger: Pris: 7.85 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
The leadership model : the art of matching individual and organizational characteristics
Sælger: Pris: 343.00 dkrThe central hypothesis of the Leadership Model is that leadership is shaped through an interplay between the characteristics of the leader and the external social and cultural context. The Model consists of three main components: leader characteristics, contextual characteristics and leadership styles. The complex interplay between these components is described in detail and illustrated using a large number of examples. The Model also serves as the basis for three of the most widespread leadership programs in Sweden based on academic research: Developmental Leadership (DL), Understanding Group and Leader (UGL) and Indirect Leadership (IL).
Organizations In Action - Brugt Bog- James D. Thompson
Sælger: Pris: 28.75 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Organizations act, but what determines how and when they will act? There is precedent for believing that the organization is but an extension of one or a few people, but this is a deceptively simplified approach and, in reality, makes any generalization in organizational theory enormously difficult. Modern-day organizations-manufacturing firms, hospitals, schools, armies, community agencies-are extremely complex in nature, and several strategies, employing a variety of disciplines, are needed to gain a proper understanding of them. Organizations in Action is a classic multidisciplinary study of the behavior of complex organizations as entities. Previous books on the subject focused on the behavior of people in organizational contexts, but this volume considers individual behavior only to the extent that it helps explain the nature of organizations. James D. Thompson offers ninety-five distinct propositions about the behavior of organizations, all relevant regardless of the culture in which they are found. Thompson classifies organizations according to their technologies and environments. That organizations must meet and handle uncertainty is central to his thesis. Organizations in Action is firmly grounded in concepts and theories in the social and behavioral sciences. While it does not offer an actual theory of administration, the book successfully extends the scientific base upon which any emerging administrative theory must rest. This classic work is of continuing value to organizational and management specialists, behavioral scientists, sociologists, administrators, and policymakers.
2K Games Civilization VI (6) (ps4)
Sælger: Pris: 277.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)2K Games
Organizations - Brugt Bog- Mary Jo Hatch
Sælger: Pris: 65.13 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Most of us recognize that organizations are everywhere. You meet them on every street corner in the form of families and shops, study in them, work for them, buy from them, pay taxes to them. But have you given much thought to where they came from, what they are today, and what they might become in the future? How and why do they have so much influence over us, and what influences them? How do they contribute to and detract from the meaningfulness of lives, and how might we improve them so they better serve our needs and desires? This Very Short Introductions addresses all of these questions and considers many more. Mary Jo Hatch introduces the concept of organizations by presenting definitions and ideas drawn from the a variety of subject areas including the physical sciences, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, literature, and the visual and performing arts. Drawing on examples from prehistory and everyday life, from the animal kingdom as well as from business, government, and other formal organizations, Hatch provides a lively and thought provoking introduction to the process of organization. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Seng Organizer Oxford Bil Organizer Bagsæde til Børn Multifunktionel Barnevogns Organizer Senge Lomme
Sælger: Pris: 130.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Omfattende anvendelser - Scenarie 1: En sengearrangør i kollegiesalen, du kan have dine lærebøger og diverse lige ved hånden. Scenarie 2: Perfekt til mødre, holder din babys flasker, frugt og snacks friske, mens du er på farten. Scenarie 3: Den kan hænges ved babys seng, og babys ting kan placeres godt til enhver tid. Scenarie 4: Den kan også placeres som en bilopbevaringsarrangør, og det er praktisk at lægge nogle diverse. Premium kvalitet - Vores sengepose bruger vandtæt Oxford-stof med ensfarvet farve, som også er holdbar. I mellemtiden giver bagsiden og bunden af hængeposen den mulighed for at stå fast med en maksimal bæreevne på 20 pund. Pladsbesparende, stor kapacitet - Der er 8 lommer i forskellige størrelser for at imødekomme behovene for forskellige opbevaringsformål. Du kan også opbevare fjernbetjeningen, telefonen, tabletten og lommelygten i denne opbevaringslomme ved siden af sengen, så du nemt kan finde disse ting, når du vågner om natten. Den er også fantastisk til at hænge i en klapvogn eller barneseng for at organisere, hvad din baby har brug for. Justerbar hængende sengearrangør - 3 justerbare kraftige velcrostropper er meget klæbrige, du kan nemt hænge dem hvor som helst du vil, f.eks. sengekanter, siden af et sæde eller på en klapvogn. Stroppen kan tilpasses efter dine behov, da den kan justeres til forskellige højder. En lille velcrostrop i bunden er designet til at hænge nøgler, bluetooth-hovedtelefoner eller andre ting. Nem at hænge - Vores sengeopbevaringsposer er nemme at installere, kræver ingen samling og er meget nemme at bruge, bare fastgør de 3 velcrostropper til enhver hovedgavl eller sengekant, hvilket sparer dig tid og kræfter.
Organization Theory & Design - Richard Daft - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 549.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The fourth edition of Organization Theory & Design provides students with an understanding of the different approaches to designing and managing an organization. Illustrated with many enlightening global examples drawn, this book combines classic ideas and contemporary theories to reflect the challenges faced by managers. Developed for students in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, it provides an up-to-date, international perspective to Richard L. Daft’s landmark text.
Sofa Organizer Sofa Armlæn Organizer SORT black
Sælger: Pris: 159.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Hæng bare opbevaringstasken på sofaen eller hæng den ind i åbningen. Meget velegnet til familie, soveværelse, stue. Sofaarmlænet hængende opbevaringstaske er meget velegnet til opbevaring af alle små genstande, såsom mobiltelefoner, fjernbetjeninger, Velegnet til de fleste sofaer og lænestole, organiser dit hjem og hold det ryddeligt. Lavet af taft og polstret bomuldsmateriale, slidstærkt, støvtæt, skridsikkert, fugttæt, pladsbesparende, blødt og nemt at rengøre. Sofaopbevaringsposen har 14 lommer, 14 forskellige størrelser, i forskellige lommer, du kan nemt og hurtigt lægge de ting du skal bruge. Specifikationer: Navn: Opbevaringspose til sofaarmlæn Farve: grå kaffe sort marine lilla Materiale: bomuld Vægt: 0,165 kg Pakke inkluderet: 1 x sofa opbevaringstaske
Organization In The Mind - David Armstrong - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 389.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)David Armstrong has been a leading figure internationally in the fields of organizational consultancy and group relations for many years. Robert French and Russ Vince have gathered together, for the first time, his key writings in this area. This is essential reading for managers and leaders, as well as organizational consultants, academics and students of organizations. Part of the Tavistock Clinic Series.
Baseus OrganizeFun Car Organizer til Bilsæde - Grå
Sælger: Pris: 229.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Baseus OrganizeFun Car Organizer til Bilsæde gør det nemt at holde styr på dine ting i bilen uden rod. Denne praktiske bilorganizer tilbyder ekstra opbevaringsplads til alt, hvad du har brug for på lange køreture eller hvis du bare ønsker mere plads. Med Baseus OrganizeFun Car Organizer til Bilsæde kan passagererne på bagsædet nemt opbevare deres ejendele sikkert og bekvemt mellem sæderne. Udover den ekstra opbevaringsplads har denne organizer også en praktisk kopholder, så du kan have dine drikkevarer lige ved hånden under kørslen.
Organization Theory - Jesper Blomberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 444.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In Organization Theory: Management and Leadership Analysis , Jesper Blomberg explores the fields of organization theory and management, making sense of complex theories and encouraging critical thinking. The book analyses organizations through four theoretical frameworks, offering students a clear structurethey can use to understand complex organizational issues: ·the structural framework ·the Human Resources framework ·the power framework ·the symbolic framework Each framework is explored by a chapter covering the basics, followed by a more advanced chapter so that students can deepen their understanding. A case study at the end of the book draws together theory and practice, giving students the opportunity to apply what they have learnt to a real management situation. This book is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Organization Theory and Management. The book is complemented by a range of online resources including PowerPoint slides, an Instructor’s Manual and Testbank. Jesper Blomberg is Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.
Baseus OrganizeFun Car Organizer til Bilsæde - Grå
Sælger: Pris: 159.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Baseus OrganizeFun Car Organizer til Bilsæde gør det bekvemt og effektivt at organisere alle dine ejendele i bilen uden rod. Denne bilorganizer giver dig ekstra plads til alt, hvad du behøver på lange køreture eller hvis du bare har brug for mere opbevaringsplads end sædvanligt. Baseus OrganizeFun Car Organizer til Bilsæde er specielt designet til at skabe ekstra opbevaringsplads mellem bilsæderne, hvilket giver passagererne på bagsædet mulighed for at opbevare deres ejendele sikkert og bekvemt. Udover ekstra opbevaringsplads indeholder organisatoren også en praktisk kopholder, der gør det nemt at have drikkevarer med på turen. Produktet passer til stort set alle personbiler, da det blot skal klemmes ned i mellemrummet ved siden af sædet.
Organization Theory - Mary Jo Hatch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 684.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Organization Theory offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the study of organizations and organizing processes. Through the unique three-perspective approach, students are challenged to explain, explore, and evaluate organizational theory, drawing on their own experiences as well as the book's diverse practical examples. The fourth edition includes a host of new learning features, which examine the practicality of theorizing and encourage students to broaden their intellectual reach. 'Theory to Practice' boxes and case studies highlight organizing processes in a range of settings, either through real-life, business examples or through exercises that encourage students to apply the theory to organizations they know or organizing experiences of their own. 'Think like a Theorist' and 'Exercise Those Perspectives' boxes then encourage students to actively theorize and evaluate, developing essential critical thinking skills and a greater understanding of the complex knowledge with which organization theorists grapple. By taking theory off the page, students can learn through doing and adopt a reflexive stance to the world around them. Mary Jo Hatch draws on her extensive experience in the field to produce a trusted and accessible introduction to the subject that provides academic depth, engaging pedagogy, and a practical focus. This book is accompanied by a collection of online resources: For students: Multiple-choice questions For lecturers: PowerPoint slides Figures and tables from the book Lecturers' guide Additional case studies
Baseus OrganizeFun Car Organizer til Bilsæde - Grå
Sælger: Pris: 229.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Baseus OrganizeFun Car Organizer til Bilsæde gør det bekvemt og effektivt at organisere alle dine ejendele i bilen uden rod. Denne bilorganizer giver dig ekstra plads til alt, hvad du behøver på lange køreture eller hvis du bare har brug for mere opbevaringsplads end sædvanligt.Baseus OrganizeFun Car Organizer til Bilsæde er specielt designet til at skabe ekstra opbevaringsplads mellem bilsæderne, hvilket giver passagererne på bagsædet mulighed for at opbevare deres ejendele sikkert og bekvemt. Udover ekstra opbevaringsplads indeholder organisatoren også en praktisk kopholder, der gør det nemt at have drikkevarer med på turen. Produktet passer til stort set alle personbiler, da det blot skal klemmes ned i mellemrummet ved siden af sædet.
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