Der blev fundet 178 produkter som matchede din søgning efter prediction i 7 butikker:
Uhlsport Prediction Soft Flex Frame Målmandshandsker 6
Sælger: Pris: 292.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)UHLSPORT Prediction Soft Flex Frame målmandshandsker i Navy / Hvid / Gul er designet til målmænd, der ønsker maksimal fleksibilitet og komfort. Disse handsker har en blød flexramme, der tillader naturlig bevægelse af hånden, hvilket sikrer en sikker og behagelig pasform. Den marineblå, hvide og gule farvepalet tilføjer et stilfuldt touch til disse højtydende handsker. Latexpalmen giver fremragende greb i alle vejrforhold, mens den justerbare håndledsrem sikrer en sikker og tilpasningsdygtig pasform. Uanset om du er nybegynder eller erfaren professionel, vil UHLSPORT Prediction Soft Flex Frame målmandshandsker hjælpe dig med at lave afgørende redninger på banen.
Afnan Edict Ouddiction Edp 80ml
Sælger: Pris: 624.67 dkrAfnan Edict Ouddiction eau de parfum 80ml er en magisk fusion af oud, raffinerede krydderier og en sød grundtone. Denne unisex-duft omfavner natten med sin varighed, elegance og dybde – perfekt til at skabe mindeværdige øjeblikke under stjernerne.
Prediction, Learning, And Games - Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 594.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This important text and reference for researchers and students in machine learning, game theory, statistics and information theory offers a comprehensive treatment of the problem of predicting individual sequences. Unlike standard statistical approaches to forecasting, prediction of individual sequences does not impose any probabilistic assumption on the data-generating mechanism. Yet, prediction algorithms can be constructed that work well for all possible sequences, in the sense that their performance is always nearly as good as the best forecasting strategy in a given reference class. The central theme is the model of prediction using expert advice, a general framework within which many related problems can be cast and discussed. Repeated game playing, adaptive data compression, sequential investment in the stock market, sequential pattern analysis, and several other problems are viewed as instances of the experts' framework and analyzed from a common nonstochastic standpoint that often reveals new and intriguing connections.
Uhlsport Prediction Soft Flex Frame Målmandshandsker 6
Sælger: Pris: 292.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)UHLSPORT Prediction Soft Flex Frame målmandshandsker i Navy / Hvid / Gul er designet til målmænd, der ønsker maksimal fleksibilitet og komfort. Disse handsker har en blød flexramme, der tillader naturlig bevægelse af hånden, hvilket sikrer en sikker og behagelig pasform. Den marineblå, hvide og gule farvepalet tilføjer et stilfuldt touch til disse højtydende handsker. Latexpalmen giver fremragende greb i alle vejrforhold, mens den justerbare håndledsrem sikrer en sikker og tilpasningsdygtig pasform. Uanset om du er nybegynder eller erfaren professionel, vil UHLSPORT Prediction Soft Flex Frame målmandshandsker hjælpe dig med at lave afgørende redninger på banen.
Predictions 2016 And Beyond - Betsey Lewis - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 114.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"Betsey has the amazing gift of prophecy. She has proven time and time again how gifted she is, like my friend, the late famous psychic Armand Marcotte."- Ann Druffel, author of best-selling book THE TUJUNGA CANYON CONTACTS International Psychic Betsey Lewis predicted April of 2016 after receiving a powerful vision that Donald J. Trump would become the 45th President of the United States while other psychics maintained that Hillary Clinton would win. She foresaw terrorist attacks increasing through the year, and envisioned blood flowing in the streets of the world. She predicted extreme weather worldwide--floods, wildfires and winter cold. She even accurately predicted celebrity deaths, including the possible murder of Justice Scalia. Again, her amazing predictions have proven accurate time and time again. What did the ancient prophets foresee for this time period? Some believe Apostle John described Planet X in his visions two thousand years ago and a shift of Earth's poles or a nuclear holocaust? Oddly, on January 20, 2016, the world was stunned when CalTech scientists Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin held a press conference and claimed they had discovered a giant planet in our distant solar system, possibly the long-sought after Planet X. Prophets through the centuries have given us similar apocalyptic visions of the future (St. Hildegard, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Padre Pio, Black Elk, ET contactee Billy Meier and other ET abductees), but were those visions of a distant time line or events that will transpire in the present? The Indigenous elders worldwide say "Sky Beings" have told them that a great Earth cleansing is coming due to humanity's greater orientation to the material world and technology and now the prophecies are being fulfilled. Already we are witnessing the signs-the opening of the Seventh Seal described by Apostle John with mysterious booms and horn-like sounds heard worldwide, sink holes forming and giant cracks in the Earth, animals and sea creatures dying, increased earthquake and volcanic activity and extreme weather. These are the signs we are going from the Fourth world into the Fifth world, they say. Discover the predictions and prophecies through the centuries, and Betsey's own accurate predictions since childhood. Although the prophets describe a dire future, they say Earth's changes will bring about an awakening of spiritual consciousness where a beautiful Golden Age awaits us. The author believes that when we finally honor and respect all life and Mother Earth, the disastrous Earth changes predicted will not be as destructive.
Salomon Predict Hike Mid GTX Mens, Black
Sælger: Pris: 1,119.95 dkrSporty GoreTex Vandrestøvle
Prediction Machines - Joshua Gans - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Named one of "The five best books to understand AI" by The Economist The impact AI will have is profound, but the economic framework for understanding it is surprisingly simple. Artificial intelligence seems to do the impossible, magically bringing machines to life-driving cars, trading stocks, and teaching children. But facing the sea change that AI brings can be paralyzing. How should companies set strategies, governments design policies, and people plan their lives for a world so different from what we know? In the face of such uncertainty, many either cower in fear or predict an impossibly sunny future. But in Prediction Machines, three eminent economists recast the rise of AI as a drop in the cost of prediction. With this masterful stroke, they lift the curtain on the AI-is-magic hype and provide economic clarity about the AI revolution as well as a basis for action by executives, policy makers, investors, and entrepreneurs. In this new, updated edition, the authors illustrate how, when AI is framed as cheap prediction, its extraordinary potential becomes clear: Prediction is at the heart of making decisions amid uncertainty. Our businesses and personal lives are riddled with such decisions. Prediction tools increase productivity-operating machines, handling documents, communicating with customers. Uncertainty constrains strategy. Better prediction creates opportunities for new business strategies to compete. The authors reset the context, describing the striking impact the book has had and how its argument and its implications are playing out in the real world. And in new material, they explain how prediction fits into decision-making processes and how foundational technologies such as quantum computing will impact business choices. Penetrating, insightful, and practical, Prediction Machines will help you navigate the changes on the horizon.
Addiction - Crystal Addiction Clear Dong 18 cm
Sælger: Pris: 207.00 dkrAddiction - Crystal Addiction Clear Dong 18 cmPræsenterer Crystal Addiction dildoen med bolde fra BMS Factory. Denne klare dong fra Crystal Addiction-kollektionen er realistisk formet og 7 tommer i længden fra base til spids. Crystal Addiction er utroligt naturtro med en sexet glat spids, realistiske bolde og årefulde detaljer.Den er lavet af kropssikkert TPE-materiale og er fri for phthalat og latex. Den er fuldstændig vandtæt, hvilket gør den perfekt til noget brusesjov!Denne plys 7" dildo bøjer og bøjer efter behag og føles tæt på den ægte vare. Boldene i bunden giver et præcist greb til manøvrering, og dette sele-kompatible sexlegetøj har en super stærk sugekop. Den kan nemt fastgøres til de fleste glatte, flade overflader eller bruges med en kompatibel sele eller strap-on system. Sørg for at rengøre denne dildo grundigt med en legetøjsrens før og efter hver brug. Brug altid et vandbaseret glidecreme sammen med dette produkt for maksimal fornøjelse.Dimensioner: - Længde - 7 tommer - Indsætbar længde - 5 tommer - Omkreds - 4,5 tommerNøglefunktioner: - Inkluderer vibrerende kugle - Liv som årer, kamme og hoved - Gennemsigtig farve for ekstra sjov - Lavet af kropssikker TPE - Sele kompatibel - Stærk sugebund - Vandtæt - Let at rengøre og vedligeholde - Phthalat- og latexfri - Dimensioner: Længde - 7" Indsætbar længde - 5" Omkreds - 4,5"
Prediction Machines - Joshua Gans - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"What does AI mean for your business? Read this book to find out." -- Hal Varian, Chief Economist, Google Artificial intelligence does the seemingly impossible, magically bringing machines to life--driving cars, trading stocks, and teaching children. But facing the sea change that AI will bring can be paralyzing. How should companies set strategies, governments design policies, and people plan their lives for a world so different from what we know? In the face of such uncertainty, many analysts either cower in fear or predict an impossibly sunny future. But in Prediction Machines, three eminent economists recast the rise of AI as a drop in the cost of prediction. With this single, masterful stroke, they lift the curtain on the AI-is-magic hype and show how basic tools from economics provide clarity about the AI revolution and a basis for action by CEOs, managers, policy makers, investors, and entrepreneurs. When AI is framed as cheap prediction, its extraordinary potential becomes clear. Prediction is at the heart of making decisions under uncertainty. Our businesses and personal lives are riddled with such decisions. Prediction tools increase productivity--operating machines, handling documents, communicating with customers. Uncertainty constrains strategy. Better prediction creates opportunities for new business structures and strategies to compete. Penetrating, fun, and always insightful and practical, Prediction Machines follows its inescapable logic to explain how to navigate the changes on the horizon. The impact of AI will be profound, but the economic framework for understanding it is surprisingly simple.
Addiction - Crystal Addiction Clear Dong 15 cm
Sælger: Pris: 199.00 dkrAddiction - Crystal Addiction Clear Dong 15 cmPræsenterer Crystal Addiction dildoen med bolde fra BMS Factory. Denne klare dong fra Crystal Addiction-kollektionen er realistisk formet og 6 tommer i længden fra base til spids. Crystal Addiction er utroligt naturtro med en sexet glat spids, realistiske bolde og årefulde detaljer.Den er lavet af kropssikkert TPE-materiale og er fri for phthalat og latex. Den er fuldstændig vandtæt, hvilket gør den perfekt til noget brusesjov!Denne plys 6" dildo bøjer og bøjer efter din vilje og føles tæt på den ægte vare. Boldene i bunden giver et præcist greb til manøvrering, og dette sele-kompatible sexlegetøj har en super stærk sugekop. Den kan nemt fastgøres til de fleste glatte, flade overflader eller bruges med en kompatibel sele eller strap-on system. Sørg for at rengøre denne dildo grundigt med en legetøjsrens før og efter hver brug. Brug altid et vandbaseret glidecreme sammen med dette produkt for maksimal fornøjelse.Dimensioner: - Længde - 6 tommerNøglefunktioner: - Liv som årer, kamme og hoved - Gennemsigtig farve for ekstra sjov - Lavet af kropssikker TPE - Sele kompatibel - Stærk sugebund - Vandtæt - Let at rengøre og vedligeholde - Phthalat- og latexfri - Inkluderer vibrerende kugle
Clinical Prediction Models - Ewout W. Steyerberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 474.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The second edition of this volume provides insight and practical illustrations on how modern statistical concepts and regression methods can be applied in medical prediction problems, including diagnostic and prognostic outcomes. Many advances have been made in statistical approaches towards outcome prediction, but a sensible strategy is needed for model development, validation, and updating, such that prediction models can better support medical practice. There is an increasing need for personalized evidence-based medicine that uses an individualized approach to medical decision-making. In this Big Data era, there is expanded access to large volumes of routinely collected data and an increased number of applications for prediction models, such as targeted early detection of disease and individualized approaches to diagnostic testing and treatment. Clinical Prediction Models presents a practical checklist that needs to be considered for development of a valid prediction model. Steps include preliminary considerations such as dealing with missing values; coding of predictors; selection of main effects and interactions for a multivariable model; estimation of model parameters with shrinkage methods and incorporation of external data; evaluation of performance and usefulness; internal validation; and presentation formatting. The text also addresses common issues that make prediction models suboptimal, such as small sample sizes, exaggerated claims, and poor generalizability. The text is primarily intended for clinical epidemiologists and biostatisticians. Including many case studies and publicly available R code and data sets, the book is also appropriate as a textbook for a graduate course on predictive modeling in diagnosis and prognosis. While practical in nature, the book also provides a philosophical perspective on data analysis in medicine that goes beyond predictive modeling. Updates to this new and expanded edition include: * A discussion of Big Data and its implications for the design of prediction models * Machine learning issues * More simulations with missing 'y' values * Extended discussion on between-cohort heterogeneity * Description of ShinyApp * Updated LASSO illustration * New case studies
Addiction - Crystal Addiction Clear Dong 20 cm
Sælger: Pris: 223.00 dkrAddiction - Crystal Addiction Clear Dong 20 cmPræsenterer Crystal Addiction dildoen med bolde fra BMS Factory. Denne klare dong fra Crystal Addiction-kollektionen er realistisk formet og 8 tommer i længden fra base til spids. Crystal Addiction er utroligt naturtro med en sexet glat spids, realistiske bolde og årefulde detaljer.Den er lavet af kropssikkert TPE-materiale og er fri for phthalat og latex. Den er fuldstændig vandtæt, hvilket gør den perfekt til noget brusesjov!Denne plys 8" dildo bøjer og bøjer efter din vilje og føles tæt på den ægte vare. Boldene i bunden giver et præcist greb til manøvrering, og dette sele-kompatible sexlegetøj har en super stærk sugekop. Den kan nemt fastgøres til de fleste glatte, flade overflader eller bruges med en kompatibel sele eller strap-on system. Sørg for at rengøre denne dildo grundigt med en legetøjsrens før og efter hver brug. Brug altid et vandbaseret glidecreme sammen med dette produkt for maksimal fornøjelse.Dimensioner: - Længde - 8 tommerNøglefunktioner: - Liv som årer, kamme og hoved - Gennemsigtig farve for ekstra sjov - Lavet af kropssikker TPE - Sele kompatibel - Stærk sugebund - Vandtæt - Let at rengøre og vedligeholde - Phthalat- og latexfri - Inkluderer vibrerende kugle
The Prediction - Faith Gardner - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 184.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A new marriage. A perfect home. A machine that says it's all a lie. Rowena Snyder has the life she's always wanted. So why is everything falling apart? Moving to the suburbs was supposed to be easy. Instead, Rowena struggles with panic attacks, a husband who wants her on medication, and the isolation of new motherhood. Then a suspicious house fire at her baby's birthday party threatens to send her over the edge. When Rowena's husband brings home a product in beta testing at his Silicon Valley tech firm, it's a godsend. She uses it for everything. A digital assistant, a mental health supporter, even a friend. But "Maxine" is more than a digital assistant. Its algorithm collects data to predict future events. And soon Maxine delivers a bone-chilling warning that threatens to shatter Rowena's new suburban life to pieces: "Your husband is going to try to kill you." Who can she trust? Herself? Her man? Or her eerily accurate new friend, Maxine? Formerly published as Amen Maxine
Addiction - Fantasy Addiction 14 cm Unicorn Pink
Sælger: Pris: 186.00 dkrAddiction - Fantasy Addiction 14 cm Unicorn PinkNøglefunktioner:Unik ribbet tekstur Sugekop base 100% silikone materiale Bonus PowerBullet inkluderet *Kun eksternt brug Silkeblød på huden Sele kompatibel Vandtæt Vandbaseret smøremiddel anbefales Dimensioner: Længde: 5,5" / 13,9 cm Indsætlængde: 5" / 12,7 cm Bredde: 2,7" / 7 cm Diameter: 1,4" / 3,5 cm Træd ind i drømmeland med Addiction Fantasy - en fascinerende linje af smukt farvede dongs, der bringer alle dine vildeste drømme ud i livet!Denne elegante 5,5" dong har en fantastisk kildet pink nuance med en unik ribbet tekstur, der løber ned ad skaftet og toppet med et fremtrædende hoved til penetration. Den rene omkreds af dette produkt vil tage dig til en anden dimension... Men fantasien stopper ikke kun ved dens udseende! Fremstillet af 100 % silikone føles dette produkt silkeblødt mod huden og er 100 % certificeret kropssikkert at bruge på alle dine sarte områder.Nyd håndfri sjov med enten den ekstreme sugebase, der kan fastgøres til næsten enhver flad overflade, eller ved at fastgøre den til din yndlingssele!Da dette er et rent silikoneprodukt, anbefaler vi at bruge et vandbaseret glidecreme for en fornøjelig oplevelse og for altid at huske at rense din dong før og efter hver brug.
Divination, Prediction And The End Of The Roman Republic - Federico Santangelo - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 244.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book offers a comprehensive assessment of the intersection between Roman politics, culture and divination in the late Republic. It discusses how the practice of divination changed at a time of great political and social change and explores the evidence for a critical reflection and debate on the limits of divination and prediction in the second and first centuries BC. Divination was a central feature in the workings of the Roman government and this book explores the ways in which it changed under the pressure of factors of socio-political complexity and disruption. It discusses the ways in which the problem of the prediction of the future is constructed in the literature of the period. Finally, it explores the impact that the emergence of the Augustan regime had on the place of divination in Rome and the role that divinatory themes had in shaping the ideology of the new regime.
Addiction - Fantasy Addiction 20 cm Unicorn Blue
Sælger: Pris: 356.00 dkrAddiction - Fantasy Addiction 20 cm Unicorn BlueNøglefunktioner: Unik ribbet tekstur Sugekop base 100% silikone materiale Bonus PowerBullet inkluderet Silkeblød på huden Sele kompatibel Vandtæt Vandbaseret smøremiddel anbefales Dimensioner:Længde: 8" / 20,3 Indsætbar længde: 7,5" / 19 cm Bredde: 3,5" / 8,9 cm Diameter: 1,7" / 4,4 cm Træd ind i drømmeland med Addiction Fantasy - en fascinerende linje af smukt farvede dongs, der bringer alle dine vildeste drømme ud i livet!Denne elegante 8" dong har en fantastisk indigo blå nuance med en unik ribbet tekstur, der løber ned ad skaftet og toppet med et fremtrædende hoved til penetration. Den rene omkreds af dette produkt vil tage dig til en anden dimension... Men fantasien stopper ikke kun ved dens udseende! Fremstillet af 100 % silikone føles dette produkt silkeblødt mod huden og er 100 % certificeret kropssikkert at bruge på alle dine sarte områder.Nyd håndfri sjov med enten den ekstreme sugebase, der kan fastgøres til næsten enhver flad overflade, eller ved at fastgøre den til din yndlingssele!Da dette er et rent silikoneprodukt, anbefaler vi at bruge et vandbaseret glidecreme for en fornøjelig oplevelse og for altid at huske at rengøre din dong før og efter hver brug
The Dire Predictions Of Baba Vanga For 2025 And 2026 - Losvania Pereyra - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 99.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Discover Baba Vanga's Shocking Prophecies for 2025 and 2026!
Addiction - Tom 18 cm Hot Pink
Sælger: Pris: 323.00 dkrAddiction - Tom 18 cm Hot PinkMød Tom: Addictions 7" silikone-ribdildo, der er dårlig til benet! Dette ultrastimulerende legetøj er designet til de fornøjelsessøgende og har en dramatisk forhøjet ribbet tekstur, der vil tage dig med på en vild tur med forbløffende stimulering!Fremstillet af førsteklasses silikonemateriale, der er 100 % kropssikkert at bruge, samtidig med at du får den blødeste fornemmelse for din komfort. Denne tykke og omkransede dildo vil arbejde sit bedste for at tilfredsstille alle dine behov og nå alle dine konturer.En ekstrem sugekopbase giver dig mulighed for at klæbe din dildo på næsten enhver flad overflade og forblive fastgjort gennem selv den vildeste leg.Selekompatibel, fastgør dit legetøj til din yndlingssele for endnu mere sjov og muligheder.Overgiv dig selv til Addiction Tom ribbed dildo; det ultimative inden for betagende fornøjelse.Nøglefunktioner:• Ribbet dildo • Forhøjet ribbet tekstur • Premium kvalitet silikone • Ekstrem sugebase • Sele kompatibel • Kropssikker • Omkredset • Dimensioner: Længde - 7" ; Indsætbar længde - 5,5" ; Diameter - 1,75"
Power And Prediction - Joshua Gans - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Disruption resulting from the proliferation of AI is coming. The authors of the bestselling Prediction Machines can help you prepare. Artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted many industries around the world-banking and finance, pharmaceuticals, automotive, medical technology, manufacturing, and retail. But it has only just begun its odyssey toward cheaper, better, and faster predictions that drive strategic business decisions. When prediction is taken to the max, industries transform, and with such transformation comes disruption. What is at the root of this? In their bestselling first book, Prediction Machines, eminent economists Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb explained the simple yet game-changing economics of AI. Now, in Power and Prediction, they go deeper, examining the most basic unit of analysis: the decision. The authors explain that the two key decision-making ingredients are prediction and judgment, and we perform both together in our minds, often without realizing it. The rise of AI is shifting prediction from humans to machines, relieving people from this cognitive load while increasing the speed and accuracy of decisions. This sets the stage for a flourishing of new decisions and has profound implications for system-level innovation. Redesigning systems of interdependent decisions takes time-many industries are in the quiet before the storm-but when these new systems emerge, they can be disruptive on a global scale. Decision-making confers power. In industry, power confers profits; in society, power confers control. This process will have winners and losers, and the authors show how businesses can leverage opportunities, as well as protect their positions. Filled with illuminating insights, rich examples, and practical advice, Power and Prediction is the must-read guide for any business leader or policymaker on how to make the coming AI disruptions work for you rather than against you.
Salomon Predict Hike GTX Mens, Black / Trooper
Sælger: Pris: 1,119.95 dkrLet GoreTex Trailsko
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