Der blev fundet 150 produkter som matchede din søgning efter reformation i 2 butikker:
Reformation - Diarmaid Macculloch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 214.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'A masterpiece ... In its field it is the best book ever' Guardian Winner of the Wolfson Prize for history, Reformation: Europe's House Divided 1490-1700 charts a seismic shift in European culture that marked the beginning of the modern world. At a time when men and women were prepared to kill - and be killed - for their faith, the Reformation tore the western world apart. Acclaimed as the definitive account of these epochal events, Diarmaid MacCulloch's history brilliantly re-creates the religious battles of priests, monarchs, scholars and politicians, from the zealous Martin Luther nailing his Theses to the door of a Wittenburg church to the radical Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order; from Thomas Cranmer, martyred for his reforms, to the ambitious Philip II, unwavering in his campaign against Europe's 'heretics'. Weaving together the many strands of Reformation and Counter-Reformation, ranging widely across Europe and even to the new world, MacCulloch also reveals as never before how these upheavals affected everyday lives - overturning ideas of love, sex, death and the supernatural, and shaping the modern age. 'Magisterial and eloquent' David Starkey 'A triumph of human sympathy' Blair Worden, Sunday Telegraph 'From politics to witchcraft, from the liturgy to sex; the sweep of European history covered here is breathtakingly panoramic. This is a model work of history' Noel Malcolm, Sunday Telegraph Books of the Year 'Monumental ... Reformation is set to become a landmark' Lisa Jardine, Observer Diarmaid MacCulloch is Professor of the History of the Church at Oxford University. His Thomas Cranmer won the Whitbread Biography Prize, the James Tait Black Prize and the Duff Cooper Prize. He is also the author of A History of Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years .
GMT Games Here I Stand: Wars of the Reformation 1517-1555 - 500th Anniversary Edition
Sælger: Pris: 847.00 dkrDe politiske og religiøse konflikter i det tidlige 16. århundredes Europa.
Reformation England 1480-1642 - Peter Marshall - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 299.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Now in its third edition, Reformation England 1480-1642 provides a clear and accessible narrative account of the English Reformation, explaining how historical interpretations of its major themes have changed and developed over the past few decades, where they currently stand, and where they seem likely to go. This new edition brings the text fully up-to-date with description and analysis of recent scholarship on the pre-Reformation Church, the religious policies of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I, the impact of Elizabethan and Jacobean Puritanism, the character of English Catholicism, the pitfalls of studying popular religion, and the relationship between the Reformation and the outbreak of civil war in the seventeenth century. With a significant amount of fresh material, including maps, illustrations and a substantial new Afterword on the Reformation's legacies in English (and British) history, Reformation England 1480-1642 will continue to be an indispensable guide for students approaching the complexities and controversies of the English Reformation for the first time, as well as for anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of this fascinating and formative chapter in the history of England.
Reformation Europe - Brugt Bog- Ulinka Rublack
Sælger: Pris: 167.81 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Here are two of the most tantalising questions in Western history: how could the Protestant Reformation take off from a tiny town in the middle of Saxony, which contemporaries regarded as a mud hole? How could a man of humble origins who was deeply scared by the devil become a charismatic leader and convince others that the pope was the living Antichrist? Martin Luther founded a religion which up to this day determines many people's lives in intimate ways, and so did Jean Calvin in Geneva one generation later. This is the first book which uses the approaches of the new cultural history to describe how Reformation Europe came about and what it meant. It also challenges the idea that Protestantism was a more rational religion of the Word, providing a unique and lively discussion of Protestant everyday culture across Europe.
Reformationen. - Brugt Bog- Per Ingesman
Sælger: Pris: 329.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Da Martin Luther den 31. oktober 1517 offentliggjorde 95 teser mod den pavelige afladshandel, gav han startskuddet til 1500-tallets kulturrevolution – reformationen. Luther ville give kirken tilbage til menigheden og brød med den middelalderlige kirke, magthaverne og præsteskabet. Nu skulle mennesket frelses ved sin tro alene. Med reformationsbevægelsen kom nye protestantiske kirker i Nordeuropa - og en bølge af forandringer. Præster måtte gifte sig, helgendyrkelse blev afskaffet og gudstjenesten afholdt på nationalsprogene. I stort som småt blev den middelalderlige kirkes gods verdsligt. Det samme blev skole og uddannelse, hjælp til samfundets svage og regulering af ægteskab og seksualitet. Helt frem til oplysningstiden påvirkede reformationen politik, retsvæsen og økonomi, og den satte spor ikke kun i tænkning, kunst og videnskab, men også i ægteskab, familieliv og børneopdragelse. Reformationen - 1500-tallets kulturrevolution er et vægtigt storværk om Luther og den revolution, hans ideer og budskaber satte i gang. Værket er i to bind, der sælges samlet.
Reformationen. - Brugt Bog- Per Ingesman
Sælger: Pris: 329.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Da Martin Luther den 31. oktober 1517 offentliggjorde 95 teser mod den pavelige afladshandel, gav han startskuddet til 1500-tallets kulturrevolution – reformationen. Luther ville give kirken tilbage til menigheden og brød med den middelalderlige kirke, magthaverne og præsteskabet. Nu skulle mennesket frelses ved sin tro alene. Med reformationsbevægelsen kom nye protestantiske kirker i Nordeuropa - og en bølge af forandringer. Præster måtte gifte sig, helgendyrkelse blev afskaffet og gudstjenesten afholdt på nationalsprogene. I stort som småt blev den middelalderlige kirkes gods verdsligt. Det samme blev skole og uddannelse, hjælp til samfundets svage og regulering af ægteskab og seksualitet. Helt frem til oplysningstiden påvirkede reformationen politik, retsvæsen og økonomi, og den satte spor ikke kun i tænkning, kunst og videnskab, men også i ægteskab, familieliv og børneopdragelse. Reformationen - 1500-tallets kulturrevolution er et vægtigt storværk om Luther og den revolution, hans ideer og budskaber satte i gang. Værket er i to bind, der sælges samlet.
Reformations - Carlos M. N. Eire - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 259.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A lively, expansive history of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations and the momentous changes they set in motion This fast-paced survey of Western civilization’s transition from the Middle Ages to modernity brings that tumultuous period vividly to life. Carlos Eire, popular professor and gifted writer, chronicles the two-hundred-year era of the Renaissance and Reformation with particular attention to issues that persist as concerns in the present day. Eire connects the Protestant and Catholic Reformations in new and profound ways, and he demonstrates convincingly that this crucial turning point in history not only affected people long gone, but continues to shape our world and define who we are today. The book focuses on the vast changes that took place in Western civilization between 1450 and 1650, from Gutenberg’s printing press and the subsequent revolution in the spread of ideas to the close of the Thirty Years’ War. Eire devotes equal attention to the various Protestant traditions and churches as well as to Catholicism, skepticism, and secularism, and he takes into account the expansion of European culture and religion into other lands, particularly the Americas and Asia. He also underscores how changes in religion transformed the Western secular world. A book created with students and nonspecialists in mind, Reformations is an inspiring, provocative volume for any reader who is curious about the role of ideas and beliefs in history.
Reformationen - Bo Kristian Holm - Lydbog
Sælger: Pris: 49.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Demokrati og velfærdsstat, nazisme og jødehad. Alt sammen følger det i hælene på den rodebunke til reformationen, som vel ikke engang Vorherre kan hitte rede i. Mange af os tror sågar, at det var den kriseramte munk Martin Luther, som slog de 95 teser mod kirkens afladshandel op på kirkedøren i Wittenberg og dermed for evigt forandrede alt mellem himmel og jord. Men det er løgn og latin - det var pedellen, der gjorde det. Gudskelov kan Bo Kristian Holm, ganske systematisk teolog ved Aarhus Universitet, skabe lidt orden i det herrens til roderi. Fil størrelse: 59519 KB Indlæst af: John Christian Langeberg
Reformationen - Bo Kristian Holm - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 69.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Reformationen har haft en afgørende indflydelse på Europas kulturelle og religiøse udvikling, lige siden Martin Luther hamrede sine 95 teser op på kirken i Wittenberg. Men det var altså ikke Luther der slog teserne op, det var pedellen. I "Reformationen" tager teolog Bo Kristian Holm et kærligt livtag med Reformationen og får rådet opklaret de mange store og små misforståelser der eksisterer omkring denne vigtige periode. Den er en kolossal rodebunke af begivenheder og fortolkninger, der nu bliver forsøgt at ordnes. "Reformationen" er, ligesom de andre bøger i Tænkepauser-serien, henvendt til alle nysgerrige sjæle.
Reformationen - Carsten Bo Mortensen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 239.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Læs om . Reformationen fandt sted i 1500-tallet. Det var en voldsom tid, hvor kristendommen blev delt. Læs om Martin Luthers farlige oprør mod paven i Rom og omhvordan reformationen kom til Danmark. Opgaver på:
Reformationen I Danmark - Martin Schwarz Lausten - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 149.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Forfatteren redegør for reformationens officielle indførelse i Danmark og for den nye lutherske kirkes organisation og religiøse indhold, samt de følger, som reformationen fik i det danske samfund inden for statsstyret, undervisnings- og retsvæsenet, den sociale forsorg og hele samfundsmoralen. Illustreret med motiver fra samtiden. Fil størrelse: 25293 KB
Den Danske Reformation - Morten Fink-Jensen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 114.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)I 1517 hamrede Luther ifølge myten 95 teser op på døren til slotskirken i Wittenberg og sparkede gang i reformationen. Også i Danmark. Nu skulle det være slut med aflad, bod og pave, og kun troen på Gud kunne retfærdiggøre mennesket. Mange steder i Europa greb folk til våben. I Danmark sloges adel med borgere og bønder i 1534-1536 i borgerkrigen Grevens Fejde, der mundede ud i den danske reformation. Ved 500-års jubilæet i 2017 var der også kampe. Dog kun på ord. Var Luther frelser eller forræder? Stod han bag det danske velfærdssamfund, turisme og uformel omgangstone eller jødeforfølgelser, heksebål og kvindeundertrykkelse? Bliv døbt i protestantisk vievand, og få konfirmeret din katolske viden af lektor på Saxo-Instituttet ved Københavns Universitet Morten Fink-Jensen, der tager dig med på pilgrimsrejse i Danmark og omegn.
The Reformation - Peter Marshall - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 124.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The Reformation transformed Europe, and left an indelible mark on the modern world. It began as an argument about what Christians needed to do to be saved, but rapidly engulfed society in a series of fundamental changes. This Very Short Introduction provides a lively and up-to-date guide to the process. It explains doctrinal debates in a clear and non-technical way, but is equally concerned to demonstrate the effects the Reformation had on politics, society, art, and minorities. Peter Marshall argues that the Reformation was not a solely European phenomenon, but that varieties of faith exported from Europe transformed Christianity into a truly world religion. The complex legacy of the Reformation is also assessed; its religious fervour produced remarkable stories of sanctity and heroism, and some extraordinary artistic achievements, but violence, holy war, and martyrdom were equally its products. A paradox of the Reformation - that it intensified intolerance while establishing pluralism - is one we still wrestle with today. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
The Reformation As Renewal - Matthew Barrett - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 519.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A holistic, eye-opening history of one of the most significant turning points in Christianity, The Reformation as Renewal demonstrates that the Reformation was at its core a renewal of evangelical catholicity. In the sixteenth century Rome charged the Reformers with novelty, as if they were heretics departing from the catholic (universal) church. But the Reformers believed they were more catholic than Rome. Distinguishing themselves from Radicals, the Reformers were convinced they were retrieving the faith of the church fathers and the best of the medieval Scholastics. The Reformers saw themselves as faithful stewards of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church preserved across history, and they insisted on a restoration of true worship in their own day. By listening to the Reformers' own voices, The Reformation as Renewal helps readers explore: The Reformation's roots in patristic and medieval thought and its response to late medieval innovations. Key philosophical and theological differences between Scholasticism in the High Middle Ages and deviations in the Late Middle Ages. The many ways sixteenth and seventeenth century Protestant Scholastics critically appropriated Thomas Aquinas. The Reformation's response to the charge of novelty by an appeal to the Augustinian tradition. Common caricatures that charge the Reformation with schism or assume the Reformation was the gateway to secularism. The spread of Reformation catholicity across Europe, as seen in first and second-generation leaders from Luther and Melanchthon in Wittenberg to Zwingli and Bullinger in Zurich to Bucer and Calvin in Strasbourg and Geneva to Tyndale, Cranmer, and Jewel in England, and many others. The theology of the Reformers, with special attention on their writings defending the catholicity of the Reformation. This balanced, insightful, and accessible treatment of the Reformation will help readers see this watershed moment in the history of Christianity with fresh eyes and appreciate the unity they have with the church across time. Readers will discover that the Reformation was not a new invention, but the renewal of something very old.
The Reformation Of The World As Overseen By A Realist Demon King, Vol. 5 (Manga) - Ryosuke Hata - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Astaroth has been reincarnated into a strange new land as the seventy-second Demon King with a mission from a mysterious goddess to unite the world under his banner and reform its chaotic ways. With two demon lords now crushed beneath his heel, Astaroth's power is only increasing, but he's got no time to rest on his laurels. In search of a means to bolster his army even further, he heads to an abandoned ruin, where he comes across a mysterious boy…
The Reformation Of Welfare - Tom Boland - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 254.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Western culture has ‘faith’ in the labour market as a test of the worth of each individual. For those who are out of work, welfare is now less of a support than a means of purification and redemption. Continuously reformed by the left and right in politics, the contemporary welfare state attempts to transform the unemployed into active jobseekers, punishing non-compliance. Drawing on ideas from economic theology, this provocative book uncovers deep-rooted religious concepts and shows how they continue to influence contemporary views of work and unemployment: Jobcentres resemble purgatory where the unemployed attempt to redeem themselves, jobseeking is a form of pilgrimage in hope of salvation, and the economy appears as providence, whereby trials and tribulations test each individual. This book will be essential reading for those interested in the sociology and anthropology of modern economic life. Chapters 1 and 3 are available Open Access via OAPEN under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.
The Reformation Of Ritual - Susan Karant-Nunn - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 524.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In The Reformation of Ritual Susan Karant-Nunn explores the function of ritual in early modern German society, and the extent to which it was modified by the Reformation. Employing anthropological insights, and drawing on extensive archival research, Susan Karant-Nunn outlines the significance of the ceremonial changes. This comprehensive study includes an examination of all major rites of passage: birth, baptism, confirmation, engagement, marriage, the churching of women after childbirth, penance, the Eucharist, and dying. The author argues that the changes in ritual made over the course of the century reflect more than theological shifts; ritual was a means of imposing discipline and of making the divine more or less accessible. Church and state cooperated in using ritual as one means of gaining control of the populace.
The European Reformations - Carter Lindberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 344.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Rediscover the Reformations in Europe with this insightful and comprehensive new edition of a long-time favorite Amongst the authoritative works covering the European Reformation, Carter Lindberg's The European Reformations has stood the test of time. Widely used in classrooms around the world for over twenty-five years, the first two editions of the book were enjoyed and acclaimed by students and teachers alike. Now, the revised and updated Third Edition of The European Reformations continues the author's work to sketch the various efforts to reform received expressions of faith and their social and political effects, both historical and modern. He has expanded his coverage of women in the Reformations and added a chapter on reforms in East-Central Europe. Comprehensively covering all of Europe, The European Reformations provides an in-depth exploration of the Reformations' effects on a wide variety of countries. The author discusses: The late Middle Ages and the historical context in which the Reformations gained a foothold Martin Luther, the theological and pastoral responses to insecurity, and the theological implications of those responses The implementation of reforms in Wittenberg, Germany Zwingli's reform program, the Reformation in Zurich, Switzerland, and the impact of medieval sacramental theology The Genevan Reformation and "The Most Perfect School of Christ" Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students in courses on Reformation studies, history, religion, and theology, this edition of The European Reformations also belongs on the bookshelves of theological seminary students and anyone with a keen interest in the Reformation and its ongoing impact on faith and society.
Kvindernes Renæssance Og Reformation - Grethe Jacobsen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 259.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Martin Luthers opslag af en række teologiske teser i Wittenberg indledte reformationen i 1517, og knap 20 år senere blev den indført i Danmark. Samtidig med og ofte tæt knyttet til reformationen kom en anden europæisk bevægelse til Danmark: renæssancen. Mens reformationen som kongeligt indført lov omfattede alle, var renæssancen et fænomen blandt samfundets elite, der kunne engagere sig i tidens kunstneriske, litterære og filosofiske spørgsmål. Kvindernes renæssance og reformation undersøger, om kvinder var en del af disse bevægelser, og hvordan det i så fald gav sig udtryk. I bogens to dele, "Kvindernes renæssance" og "Kvindernes reformation", præsenterer forfatterne et bredt udsnit af periodens kvinder og deres bedrifter med hovedvægt på perioden 1500-1650. De to dele indledes begge med en introduktion, der opridser den europæiske kontekst med særligt fokus på centrale kvindeskikkelser i samtidens Europa. Bogens artikler repræsenterer forskellige faglige tilgange til periodens musik, litteratur og arkitektur, såvel som til dens sociale, politiske og religiøse liv. Artiklerne i Kvindernes renæssance og reformation udgør således tilsammen en omfattende mosaik over kvinders betydning for renæssancen og reformationen i Danmark. Grethe Jacobsen , dr.phil., er seniorkonsulent og fhv. Førstebibliotekar ved Det Kongelige Bibliotek. Ninna Jørgensen , lic.theol., er lektor emerita ved Afdeling for Kirkehistorie, Københavns Universitet Bogens bidrag er skrevet af Marianne Alenius, Charlotte Appel, Rasmus H.C. Dreyer, Anne Mette Hansen, Grethe Jacobsen, Birgitte Bøggild Johannsen, Ninna Jørgensen, Birgitte Jørkov, Bjarke Moe, Vibeke A. Pedersen, Hanne Kolind Poulsen og Mette Smed.
Die Fremde Reformation - Volker Leppin - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 134.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Die Reformation gilt als Zäsur, mit der das Mittelalter endet. Volker Leppin zeigt demgegenüber, dass der junge Luther einer von vielen mystischen Schriftstellern war, und führt uns eine Reformation vor Augen, die viel mittelalterlicher und fremder ist, als es die Meistererzählungen von diesem „Umbruch" wahrhaben wollen. Der Thesenanschlag zu Wittenberg, die Urszene der Reformationsgeschichte, hat nicht stattgefunden. Vielmehr hat Luther an diesem Tag ein „Disputationszettelchen" verschickt, so wie es akademischer Brauch war. Diese und viele andere überraschende Erkenntnisse lassen sich gewinnen, wenn man Luther konsequent in seinem spätmittelalterlichen Umfeld betrachtet. Rechtfertigungslehre und „Priestertum aller Gläubigen", Predigtgottesdienst, Papstkritik und landesherrliches Kirchenregiment - all dies war selbstverständlicher Teil des spätmittelalterlichen Spektrums an Positionen und Protesten. Neu war allerdings die Art, wie Luther diese Elemente miteinander verband und von unterschiedlichen Interessengruppen zum Vordenker erhoben wurde. Erst diese Gemengelage führte zur Zuspitzung des Konflikts mit Rom. Vergessen und verdrängt wurden dabei Luthers mystische Wurzeln. Volker Leppin ruft sie anschaulich in Erinnerung und gibt Luther den spätmittelalterlichen Kontext zurück, der ihm von Protestanten wie Katholiken seit Jahrhunderten vorenthalten wird.
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