Der blev fundet 3850 produkter som matchede din søgning efter responsive i 17 butikker:
Salewa Women's Puez Dry Responsive Cargo Tights Electric, 40
Sælger: Pris: 577.00 dkrKvinders Puez Dry Responsive Cargo Tights fra Salewa er udendørsbukser til kvinder, der strækker sig i 4 retninger. Bukserne er i en tightsmodel og har en tæt pasform, men giver god bevægelsesfrihed. Kvinders Puez Dry Responsive Cargo Tights har en elastisk talje, forskellige tekniske funktioner afhængigt af området og er åndbare. Materiale 175% Polyamid, 25% ElastanMateriale 289% Polyamid, 11% Elastan
2 stk. LED Yoyo Legetøj LED Lys Yoyo Responsiv Kugleleje Yoy
Sælger: Pris: 117.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Stabilt plastmateriale: LED-legetøjet er lavet af stabilt plast og kan bruges flere gange. Denne selvreturnerende bold hjælper med at forbedre motorikken og hånd-øje-koordinationen, et nyttigt legetøj til at udvikle intelligens for teenagere. Bemærk: Dette legetøj er aftageligt, vær opmærksom på at kontrollere, om det har stramme skruer, når du modtager det. LED-lys Yoyo: Denne underholdende yoyo anvender attraktiv og innovativ LED-lysteknologi. Når yoyoen snurrer, vil LED-lysene lyse op og blinke, hvilket vil være mere iøjnefaldende og interessant i mørket Interessant legetøj: Den responsive kugleleje yoyo er et ideelt legetøj til teenagere og voksne. Kombinationen af lyse farver og elegant design kan tiltrække folks opmærksomhed, let og bærbar, så folk kan lege med den uden meget pres, men det er et sundt og aktivt spil Responsiv yo-yo: ideel yo-yo til begyndere, enkel at bruge, stabil og nem at hænge på yo-yoen. Størrelsen på hver plastik yoyo er 5,5 x 5,5 x 4 cm/ 2,2 x 2,2 x 1,6 tommer, denne automatiske yoyo-retur vil hjælpe dig med at forbedre dine færdigheder og selvtillid, når du lærer nye færdigheder Hvad du får: Hvert sæt indeholder 2 responsive yo-yo-bolde. Bemærk, at farverne sendes tilfældigt. De er vidunderlige fødselsdagsfestgaver, kreative klasseværelsespræmier, plysset juleferie-strømpe- og skattekistelegetøj, sjove slikposefyld og meget mere
Responsive Web Design With Html5 And Css - Fourth Edition - Ben Frain - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 499.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Harness the latest capabilities of HTML5 and CSS to create a single UI that works flawlessly on mobile phones, tablets, and desktops - plus everything in-between - now with color images! Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF format. Key Features: Understand what responsive web design is and its significance for modern web developmentExplore the latest developments in responsive web design and CSS, including layout with Grid and Subgrid, CSS Cascade Layers, Wide Gamut colors, and CSS FunctionsGet to grips with the uses and benefits of new HTML elements and attributes Book Description: Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS, Fourth Edition, is a fully revamped and extended version of one of the most comprehensive and bestselling books on the latest HTML5 and CSS techniques for responsive web design. It emphasizes pragmatic application, teaching you the approaches needed to build most real-life websites, with downloadable examples in every chapter. Written in the author's friendly and easy-to-follow style, this edition covers all the newest developments and improvements in responsive web design, including approaches for better accessibility, variable fonts and font loading, and the latest color manipulation tools making their way to browsers. You can enjoy coverage of bleeding-edge features such as CSS layers, container queries, nesting, and subgrid. The book concludes by exploring some exclusive tips and approaches for front-end development from the author. By the end of the book, you will not only have a comprehensive understanding of responsive web design and what is possible with the latest HTML5 and CSS, but also the knowledge of how to best implement each technique. Read through as a complete guide or dip in as a reference for each topic-focused chapter. What You Will Learn: Use media queries, including detection for touch/mouse and color preferenceLearn HTML semantics and author accessible markupFacilitate different images depending on screen size or resolutionWrite the latest color functions, mix colors, and choose the most accessible onesUse SVGs in designs to provide resolution-independent imagesCreate and use CSS custom properties, making use of new CSS functions including 'clamp', 'min', and 'max'Add validation and interface elements to HTML formsEnhance interface elements with filters, shadows, and animations Who this book is for: Are you a full-stack or back-end developer who needs to improve their front-end skills? Perhaps you work on the front-end and you need a definitive overview of all modern HTML and CSS has to offer? Maybe you have done a little website building but you need a deep understanding of responsive web designs and how to achieve them? This is the book for you! All you need to take advantage of this book is a working understanding of HTML and CSS. No JavaScript knowledge is needed.
Responsiv Yoyo K1-plus med Yoyo-sæk + 5 strenge og Yo-yo handske-gave, blå
Sælger: Pris: 150.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Lysende responsiv Yoyo, yoyo-kugler gløder K1-Plus leveres med almindeligt flydende leje \nfremstillet af ABS, Style String Trick (1A, 3A, 5A), holdbar og har høj ydeevne \nHold den lysende yoyo under lyset eller i sollys i et par minutter for at oplade glødeeffekten \nTungere end , og har mere uden vægteringe. Et perfekt legetøj , venner, familier osv.; Anbefalet daglig øvelse eller konkurrence. \nHvis der sidder en streng fast: 1.Fjern 2.Se, om kuglen er løs, og de to halvkugler skal strammes godt 3. Fastgør korrekt.(Det vigtigste) \nAnvendelige bevægelser: (1A, 3A, 5A) \nVægt: 65g \nDiameter: 51,03mm \nKuglebredde: 41,01mm \nAksbredde: 4,38mm \nLeje: 8-kugle U-formet aksel \nSkrue: *16mm \nFarve:blå \nMateriale:ABS \nPakkens indhold: \n1 * kugle \n1 * handsker \n1 * fløjlspose \n5 * reb (tilfældig farve, specificeret farve accepteres ikke) \nKun ovenstående pakkeindhold, andre produkter er ikke inkluderet. \nBemærk: Lys og forskellige skærme kan forårsage, at farven på varen på billedet er lidt anderledes end den ægte vare. Den tilladte målefejl er +/- 1-3cm.
LEIGELE Professionel Yo-yo Konkurrence Aluminiumlegering Metal Yo-yo Spil Responsiv Yoyo Legetøj Børnegave[GL] A
Sælger: Pris: 139.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Professionel Yo-yo Konkurrence Aluminiumlegering Metal Yo-yo Spil Responsiv Yoyo Legetøj Børnegave \n \nFunktioner: \n1. Høj kvalitet overfladeYo-yoen i metal er lavet af høj kvalitet og miljøvenligt materiale, som er stabilt og afbalanceret. \n2. Højhastigheds rutiner. Ultra-glat sandblæsningsbehandling, overfladen vil aldrig falme, ikke let at ridse. \n3. En fremragende gave til børn - denne smukke legering yo-yo gavepose er en perfekt gave til børn, familie og venner. Det anbefales, at børn øver sig eller leger hver dag. \n4. Den dobbeltfunktionelle responslegering yo-yo er udstyret med højpræcisions 10-kugle u lejer, som kan accepteres af spillere fra begyndere til avancerede yo-yoer. \n5. Fantastisk til daglig brug. Men den er ret tung for størrelsen, på grund af hvor kantvægtet den er. Dette gør den meget stabil og behagelig at lege med. Lidt tungere vægt gjorde yo yoen har stor balance og længere spinnetid også. \n \nMateriale: Aluminiumlegering + ABS \n \nPakken indeholder: \n1 * Magic Yoyo \n \nBemærkninger: \n1. Tillad venligst 1-2 cm fejl på grund af manuel måling, pls sørg for, at du ikke har noget imod det, før du bestiller. \n2. På grund af forskellen mellem forskellige skærme, kan billedet muligvis ikke afspejle den faktiske farve på varen.
MAC Eye Fast Response Eye Cream (15 ml)
Sælger: Pris: 244.00 dkrFast Response Eye Creme fra MAC Cosmetics er en supereffektiv øjencreme med koffein, der giver en øjeblikkelig virkning. Huden omkring øjnene føles strammere og de specielle optiske lysspredere mindsker synligheden af de fine linjer og mørke rander. Huden efterlades smidig og blød, og du vil opleve, at du får et mere friskt udtryk. Øjencremen anvendes på ren hud, inden du påfører din makeup. Den er testet af øjenlæger, og den passer derfor til alle hudtyper.
Responsive Teaching - Harry Fletcher-Wood - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 209.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This essential guide helps teachers refine their approach to fundamental challenges in the classroom. Based on research from cognitive science and formative assessment, it ensures teachers can offer all students the support and challenge they need and can do so sustainably. Written by an experienced teacher and teacher educator, the book balances evidence-informed principles and practical suggestions. It contains: A detailed exploration of six core problems that all teachers face in planning lessons, assessing learning and responding to students, Effective practical strategies to address each of these problems across a range of subjects, Useful examples of each strategy in practice and accounts from teachers already using these approaches, Checklists to apply each principle successfully and advice tailored to teachers with specific responsibilities. This innovative book is a valuable resource for new and experienced teachers alike who wish to become more responsive teachers. It offers the evidence, practical strategies and supportive advice needed to make sustainable, worthwhile changes.
Mac Fast Response Eye Cream 15ml
Sælger: Pris: 236.00 dkr (+25.00 dkr)Fast Response øjencreme fra MAC Cosmetics giver en øjeblikkelig virkninger. Huden føles strammere.
Complex Responsive Processes In Organizations - Ralph Stacey - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 459.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The past decade has seen increasing focus on the importance of information and knowledge in economic and social processes, the so-called 'knowledge economy'. This is reflected in the popularity amongst practicing managers and organizational theorists of notions of learning, sense-making, knowledge creation, knowledge management and intellectual capital in organizations and more recently, of emotional intelligence as an important management skill. This insightful book: argues that the information processing view of knowledge creation held by systems thinkers is no longer tenable develops the alternative perspective of Complex Responsive Processes of relating, drawing on the complexity sciences as a source for analogies with human action places self-organizing interaction at the centre of the knowledge creating process in organizations. Learning and knowledge creation are seen as qualitative processes of power relating that are emotional as well as intellectual, creative as well as destructive, enabling as well as constraining, and the result is a radical questioning of the belief that organizational knowledge is essentially codified and centralized. Instead, organizational knowledge is understood to be in the relationships between people in an organization and has to do with the qualities of those relationships.
Boss Responsible short-sleeved top with ribbed trims
Sælger: Pris: 1,099.00 dkrRegular fitCrew neckFastening top: Slip-onShort sleevesFit back length: 62 cm
Culturally Responsive Teaching - Geneva Gay - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 449.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Geneva Gay is renowned for her contributions to multicultural education, particularly as it relates to curriculum design, professional learning, and classroom instruction. Gay has made many important revisions to keep her foundational, award-winning text relevant for today’s diverse student population, including: new research on culturally responsive teaching, a focus on a broader range of racial and ethnic groups, and consideration of additional issues related to early childhood education. Combining insights from multicultural education theory with real-life classroom stories, this book demonstrates that all students will perform better on multiple measures of achievement when teaching is filtered through students’ own cultural experiences. This perennial bestseller continues to be the go-to resource for teacher professional learning and preservice courses. While retaining its basic organization and structure, the Third Edition features: New research that validates the positive effects of culturally responsive teaching. Examples that broaden the racial and ethnic groups that can benefit from culturally responsive teaching. More information on the needs and benefits of culturally responsive teaching with young children. More attention to the quality of life for students of color in colleges and universities. The addition of Practice Possibilities at the end of chapters that describe how culturally responsive teaching can be implemented. She received the 2023 AERA Division B (Curriculum Studies) Lifetime Achievement Award.
Sælger: Pris: 194.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Article number: 0093624999898Artist: MICHAEL BUBLÉBarcode: 0093624999898Distributor: Warner MusicLabel: REPRISEMedia: CDRelease date: 2007-04-23Tracks: 1. THE BEST IS YET TO COME2. IT HAD BETTER BE TONIGHT (MEGLIO ST3. ME AND MRS. JONES4. I'M YOUR MAN5. COMIN' HOME BABY (DUET WITH BOYZ II6. LOST7. CALL ME IRRESPONSIBLE8. WONDERFUL TONIGHT (DUET WITH IVAN L9. EVERYTHING10. I'VE GOT THE WORLD ON A STRING11. ALWAYS ON MY MIND12. THAT'S LIFE13. DREAMUnits in packaging: 1
Responsible Responsive Design - Scott Jehl - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 219.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Responsive design has immeasurably improved multi-device, multi-browser visual layout-but it's only the first step in building responsively. Learn how to turn a critical eye on your designs as you develop for new contexts (what does mobile really mean?) and screen features, speedy and lagging networks, and truly global audiences. Serve the right content across platforms, and tune for performance. Scott Jehl tackles those topics and more, ensuring that the sites and apps you build today last far into the future.
adidas Sko - Response CL Grøn Male XL
Sælger: Pris: 1,079.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)adidas, response, cl, sko, sneakers. Delvist fremstillet af genanvendt materiale. Overdel af tekstil og mesh med påsyede overlejringer i ruskind.
The Responsive Leader - Erik Korsvik Ostergaard - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 154.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The world is changing. The world has changed already. But have you changed with it? The change in technology in the last century has driven a massive development in organizations and in society. The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution demands new approaches to leaders and to leadership. A paradigm shift is emerging, putting engagement, relations, inclusion, freedom, and engagement in the centre; both towards employees and customers. We need to be responsive in order to be relevant to employees and to customers, and in order to adapt to a changing world. We need to be The Responsive Leader. Erik Ostergaard introduces a proven model (called PICO leadership) for engaging in the transformation, covering: purpose and direction, innovation, culture, organizing, and leadership.
adidas Sko - Response CL Grøn Male M
Sælger: Pris: 1,079.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)adidas, response, cl, sko, sneakers. Delvist fremstillet af genanvendt materiale. Overdel af tekstil og mesh med påsyede overlejringer i ruskind.
Trauma-Informed And Trauma-Responsive Yoga Teaching - Catherine Cook-Cottone - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This essential manual meets the increasing need for yoga teachers to be trauma-informed and trauma-responsive, and aware of how poses, breathwork, and meditation can impact the body. In detailing all aspects of trauma as it relates to yoga teaching, this guide lays a strong foundation in fostering trust and building authentic connections with students safely and confidently. Yoga teachers will benefit from a number of yoga practices for self-regulation, self-determination, and agency, as well as guidance on polyvagal theory, communication, setting boundaries, and yoga teacher self-care. It also includes a de-escalation protocol for in-session trauma responses and how to cultivate a trauma-informed teaching environment. Written by an internationally renowned author duo, this is a universal resource for yoga teachers looking to empower themselves and their clients from all demographics and in all settings.
Bengans Better Lovers - Highly Irresponsible (CD)
Sælger: Pris: 160.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Article number: 4065629731823Artist: Better LoversBarcode: 4065629731823Distributor: Warner MusicLabel: Nuclear BlastMedia: CDRelease date: 2024-11-22Units in packaging: 1
Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework For Culturally And Historically Responsive Literacy - Gholdy Muhammad - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 284.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Muhammad's Historically Responsive Literacy Framework is essential for all students, especially youth of colour, who traditionally have been marginalized in learning standards, school policies, and classroom practices. The framework promotes four learning goals-or pursuits: identity development, skill development, intellectual development, criticality. It is a work of considerable strength and raises significant questions for all white practitioners to ask themselves about their unconscious biases. Rachel Clarke, Independent Reading Consultant
adidas Sko - Response CL Brun Unisex EU 38 2/3
Sælger: Pris: 1,079.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)adidas, response, cl, sko, sneakers. Delvist fremstillet af genanvendt materiale. Overdel af tekstil og mesh med påsyede overlejringer i ruskind.
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