Der blev fundet 539 produkter som matchede din søgning efter soviet i 3 butikker:
Poster - Tintin au pays de Soviets - Tintin i Sovjet
Sælger: Pris: 213.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Ny affisch / poster / plansch / ca: 50cm x 70cm.Tintin i Sovjet, fransk originaltitel: Les Aventures de Tintin, reporter du Petit "Vingtième", au pays des Soviets, eller Tintin au pays de Soviets, är det första av seriealbumen om den unge reportern Tintin, skrivna och illustrerade av den belgiske serietecknaren Hergé.Albumet gjordes i svartvitt som beställningsverk på uppdrag av Norbert Wallez, abbot och redaktör och chef för av den belgiska tidningen Le Vingtième Siècle. Wallez stod politiskt mycket långt till höger och Hergé, som aldrig satt sin fot i Sovjetunionen, fick pussla ihop sin fiktiva handling med bakgrundsinformation från boken Moscou sans voiles, sv: "Moskva utan slöjor", av Joseph Douillet, en före detta diplomat.Historien publicerades ursprungligen som följetong i barnsektionen av Le Petit Vingtième under perioden 10 januari 1929–11 maj 1930 och har därför ett klassiskt följetongsupplägg; något spännande eller överraskande händer nästan undantagslöst i slutet av varannan sida, vilket alltså motsvarade slutet av veckans avsnitt. År 1930 gavs berättelsen ut som seriealbum. Sovjetunionen beskrivs som fallfärdigt och bland annat visas det upp industrier som egentligen är bluff och så kallade potemkinkulisser.Albumet kom först ut på svenska 1975 i boken Från Hergés arkiv[1] översatt av Karin och Allan B. Janzon. I samma bok fanns också Hergés första serie, Totor, lämlarnas patrulledare med. Till skillnad från de andra tidiga svartvita albumen tecknades detta inte om senare och gavs ut i färg. 1984 gavs den ut som ett enskilt faksimilalbum som inte ingick i den svenska numreringen av albumen. 2004, lagom till 75-årsjubileet av serien Tintin, gavs albumet ut i nyöversättning, gjort av Björn Wahlberg och med den korrekta numreringen nummer 1.Den 11 januari 2017 gav förlaget Casterman för första gången ut albumet i färg på den franskspråkiga marknaden.Licensierad och officiell poster!
30cm Polenbold Plys Legetøj Udstoppet Blødt Anime Land Bold Plys Pude Børn Gif Soviet ball eye
Sælger: Pris: 122.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Højdepunkter:\nHøj kvalitet Pp Bomuld, Sikker Og Ikke-giftig.\nKan Bruges Som Vedhæng, \nPude Og Hovedpude\nLandbold Plys Dukke Kan Være En Superb Gave Til Elskere Af Landbold Manga.\nDen Kan Bruges Som Kontor Lur Pude, Plys Legetøj Eller Tegneserie Con Rekvisitter.\n10/30/40cm Plys Legetøj \n\nStørrelse: Landbold plysdyr fås i 3 størrelser, 10cm/30cm/40cm eller 4in/12in/16in. Du kan vælge den størrelse, du ønsker at købe\nForskellige anvendelser: Polenbold kan bruges som værelsesdekoration, taskevedhæng, nøglering, landbold plysdyr. Vis dit plysdyr til verden, eller giv det til dem som jule- eller fødselsdagsgave\nIdeel gave til børn:Landbold plysdyr er deres sjælevenner, og de er også meget unikke boligindretninger. Når du har brug for en meningsfuld gave, er det en ideel gave til fødselsdage, jul og værelsesdekoration \nFunktioner:\nMateriale: blødt plys u0026 PP bomuld\nFarve: Multicolor\nStørrelse: 10cm, 30cm, 40cm ELLER 4in/12in/16in \nPakken indeholder:\n1x Landbold Plys Legetøj\n(Andet tilbehør er ikke inkluderet) \nBemærkninger:\n1: Måling af varen, der ligger på bordet, kan forårsage 1-3 cm forskel, vær opmærksom på størrelserne, da den ikke passer til alle mennesker. Se venligst detaljerne i størrelsesinformationen før dit køb.\n2: Den rigtige farve på varen kan være lidt anderledes end billederne vist på hjemmesiden forårsaget af mange faktorer såsom lysstyrken på din skærm og lysstyrken, når du tager billeder.\n3: Hvert produkt er unikt og lavet i hånden, derfor er små afvigelser fra billederne i opslaget mulige.
Soviet And Russian Lunar Exploration - Brian Harvey - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 334.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book tells the story of the Soviet and Russian lunar programme, from its origins to the present-day federal Russian space programme. Brian Harvey describes the techniques devised by the USSR for lunar landing, from the LK lunar module to the LOK lunar orbiter and versions tested in Earth's orbit. He asks whether these systems would have worked and examines how well they were tested. He concludes that political mismanagement rather than technology prevented the Soviet Union from landing cosmonauts on the moon. The book is well timed for the return to the moon by the United States and the first missions there by China and India.
Poster - Tintin au pays de Soviets - Tintin i Sovjet VIT
Sælger: Pris: 213.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Ny affisch / poster / plansch / ca: 50cm x 70cm.Tintin i Sovjet, fransk originaltitel: Les Aventures de Tintin, reporter du Petit "Vingtième", au pays des Soviets, eller Tintin au pays de Soviets, är det första av seriealbumen om den unge reportern Tintin, skrivna och illustrerade av den belgiske serietecknaren Hergé.Albumet gjordes i svartvitt som beställningsverk på uppdrag av Norbert Wallez, abbot och redaktör och chef för av den belgiska tidningen Le Vingtième Siècle. Wallez stod politiskt mycket långt till höger och Hergé, som aldrig satt sin fot i Sovjetunionen, fick pussla ihop sin fiktiva handling med bakgrundsinformation från boken Moscou sans voiles, sv: "Moskva utan slöjor", av Joseph Douillet, en före detta diplomat.Historien publicerades ursprungligen som följetong i barnsektionen av Le Petit Vingtième under perioden 10 januari 1929–11 maj 1930 och har därför ett klassiskt följetongsupplägg; något spännande eller överraskande händer nästan undantagslöst i slutet av varannan sida, vilket alltså motsvarade slutet av veckans avsnitt. År 1930 gavs berättelsen ut som seriealbum. Sovjetunionen beskrivs som fallfärdigt och bland annat visas det upp industrier som egentligen är bluff och så kallade potemkinkulisser.Albumet kom först ut på svenska 1975 i boken Från Hergés arkiv[1] översatt av Karin och Allan B. Janzon. I samma bok fanns också Hergés första serie, Totor, lämlarnas patrulledare med. Till skillnad från de andra tidiga svartvita albumen tecknades detta inte om senare och gavs ut i färg. 1984 gavs den ut som ett enskilt faksimilalbum som inte ingick i den svenska numreringen av albumen. 2004, lagom till 75-årsjubileet av serien Tintin, gavs albumet ut i nyöversättning, gjort av Björn Wahlberg och med den korrekta numreringen nummer 1.Den 11 januari 2017 gav förlaget Casterman för första gången ut albumet i färg på den franskspråkiga marknaden.Licensierad och officiell poster!
Soviet Defectors - Kevin Riehle - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)An analysis of the insider information and insights that over eighty Soviet intelligence officer defectors revealed during the first half of the Soviet period Identifies 88 Soviet intelligence officer defectors for the period 1917 to 1954, representing a variety of specializations; the most comprehensive list of Soviet intelligence officer defectors compiled to date. Shows the evolution of Soviet threat perceptions and the development of the "main enemy" concept in the Soviet national security system. Shows fluctuations in the Soviet recruitment and vetting of personnel for sensitive national security positions, corresponding with fluctuations in the stability of the Soviet government. Compiles for the first time corroborative primary sources in English, Russian, French, German, Finnish, Japanese, Latvian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish.When intelligence officers defect, they take with them privileged information and often communicate it to the receiving state. This book identifies a group of those defectors from the Soviet elite - intelligence officers - and provides an aggregate analysis of their information to uncover Stalin's strategic priorities and concerns, thus to open a window into Stalin's impenetrable national security decision making. This book uses their information to define Soviet threat perceptions and national security anxieties during Stalin's time as Soviet leader.
Soviet Conduct Of Tactical Maneuver - David Glantz - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 559.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)First Published in 1991. This book addresses a critical aspect of Soviet maneuver theory that has been almost totally neglected in Western analysis, specifically, Soviet concern for tactical maneuver. Since the 1930s, the Soviets have consistently argued that operational maneuver can be successful only if conducted in conjunction with equally successful tactical maneuver, carried out primarily by forward detach-ments. Forward detachments, the primary tactical maneuver forces tasked with performing critical combat functions, emerged in theory in the 1930s and flourished on the basis of virtually untested concepts until the initial phases of Operation Barbarossa, when the Soviet mobile force structure was destroyed in a matter of weeks. Forward detachments again emerged after the Stalin- grad Operation in 1943, when the Soviet General Staff required their use to spearhead all operations by mobile forces. After mid-1943, forward detach-ments led the operations of all tank armies and tank and mechanized corps, particularly during exploitation operations. By war's end all forces, mobile and rifle alike, employed forward detachments to lead their operations during the exploitation stage of operations. Forward detachments preempted enemy defenses and collectively formed a coordinated network of forward mobile units which provided coherence to the vast array of advancing Soviet mobile and rifle forces. In the late 1960s, the forward detachment received renewed attention as a critical element which could assist in the conduct of operational maneuver. Today, the Soviets believe that forward detachment operations are the key to conducting successful operations on a battlefield increasingly threatened by deadly high-precision weaponry. Tailored, flexible, battalion-size forward detachments, along with their operational counterparts (corps and brigades), may, in fact, be the model upon which the future Soviet force structure will be based. This volume surveys in detail the conceptual and organizational evolution of the forward detachment as the premier Soviet tactical maneuver force. It vividly demonstrates why forward detachments are suited by their versatile nature to be a precursor of future restructured Soviet units in general.
Soviet Bus Stops Volume Ii - Christopher Herwig - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 259.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Illustrated in colour throughout
Soviet Military Operational Art - Colonel David M. Glantz - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 529.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)David Glantz examines the Soviet study of war, the re-emergence of the operation level and its connection with deep battle, the evolution of the Soviet theory of operations in depth before 1941, and its refinement and application in the European theatre and the Far East between 1941 and 1945.
Soviet Mind - Isaiah Berlin - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 259.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Isaiah Berlin's response to the Soviet Union was central to his identity, both personally and intellectually. Born a Russian subject in Riga in 1909, he spoke Russian as a child and witnessed both revolutions in St. Petersburg in 1917, emigrating to the West in 1921. He first returned to Russia in 1945, when he met the writers Anna Akhmatova and Boris Pasternak. These formative encounters helped shape his later work, especially his defense of political freedom and his studies of pre-Soviet Russian thinkers. Never before collected, Berlin's writings about the USSR include his accounts of his famous meetings with Russian writers shortly after the Second World War; the celebrated 1945 Foreign Office memorandum on the state of the arts under Stalin; his account of Stalin's manipulative 'artificial dialectic'; portraits of Osip Mandelshtam and Boris Pasternak; his survey of Soviet Russian culture written after a visit in 1956; a postscript stimulated by the events of 1989; and more. This collection includes essays that have never been published before, as well as works that are not widely known because they were published under pseudonyms to protect relatives living in Russia. The contents of this book were discussed at a seminar in Oxford in 2003, held under the auspices of the Brookings Institution. Berlin's editor, Henry Hardy, had prepared the essays for collective publication and here recounts their history. In his foreword, Brookings president Strobe Talbott, an expert on the Soviet Union, relates the essays to Berlin's other work. The Soviet Mind will assume its rightful place among Berlin's works and will prove invaluable for policymakers, students, and those interested in Russian politics, past, present and future.
Soviet Military Deception In The Second World War - David M. Glantz - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 434.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Published in 1989, Soviet Military Deception in the Second World War is a valuable contribution to the field of Military & Strategic Studies.
Soviet Space Dogs - Marianne Van Den Lemmer - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 269.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book is dedicated to the Soviet Space Dogs, who played a crucial part in the Soviet Space programme. These homeless dogs, plucked from the streets of Moscow, were selected because they fitted the programme’s criteria: weighing no more than 7kg, measuring no more than 35cm in length, robust, photogenic and with a calm temperament. These characteristics enabled the dogs to withstand the extensive training that was needed to prepare them for suborbital, then for orbital space fights. On 3 November 1957, the dog Laika was the first Earth-born creature to enter space, making her instantly famous around the world. She did not return. Her death, a few hours after launching, transformed her into a legendary symbol of sacrifice. Two further strays, Belka and Strelka, were the first beings to make it back from space, and were swiftly immortalized in children’s books and cartoons. Images of the Space Dogs proliferated, reproduced on everyday goods across the Soviet Union: cigarette packets, tins of sweets, badges, stamps and postcards all bore their likeness. This book uses these unique items to illustrate the story (in fact and fiction) of how they became fairy-tale idols. Monuments now commemorate their pioneering role in conquering the ‘final frontier’: their heroism will never be forgotten.
Soviet Milk - Nora Ikstena - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 144.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The literary bestseller that took the Baltics by storm now published for the first time in English. This novel considers the effects of Soviet rule on a single individual. The central character in the story tries to follow her calling as a doctor. But then the state steps in. She is deprived first of her professional future, then of her identity and finally of her relationship with her daughter. Banished to a village in the Latvian countryside, her sense of isolation increases. Will she and her daughter be able to return to Riga when political change begins to stir? 'At first glance this novel depicts a troubled mother-daughter relationship set in the the Soviet-ruled Baltics between 1969 and 1989. Yet just beneath the surface lies something far more positive: the story of three generations of women, and the importance of a grandmother giving her granddaughter what her daughter is unable to provide - love, and the desire for life.' Meike Ziervogel, Peirene Press Publisher
Soviet T-55 Main Battle Tank - James Kinnear - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 224.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A highly illustrated study of the T-55 Main Battle Tank and its variants that formed the backbone of the Soviet Army during the years of the Cold War. The T-55 is one of the most iconic weapons created by the Soviets during the Cold War and also one of the most widely deployed weapons in history. Like its younger brother, the T-54, the T-55 enjoyed a long career in the Red Army and even into the early days of the reformed Russian Army. Under their control it saw very little combat use or deployments, but it was widely sold to other nations and participated in many of the wars and combat operations from the mid-1960s to the present. The T-55 has been employed in almost every conflict in the Middle East and Africa from its introduction into service. Even today the tank is still employed by both sides in the Syrian Civil War, and they are also in service with Kurdish forces in the struggle against ISIS in the northern part of Iraq. Containing more than 400 stunning contemporary and modern photographs, and written by two experts on Soviet armour, this authoritative book tells the complete story of the T-55, one of the most widely produced tanks of all time.
Soviet Leaders And Intelligence - Raymond L. Garthoff - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 324.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)During the Cold War, the political leadership of the Soviet Union avidly sought intelligence about its main adversary, the United States. Although effective on an operational level, Soviet leaders and their intelligence chiefs fell short when it came to analyzing intelligence. Soviet leaders were often not receptive to intelligence that conflicted with their existing beliefs, and analysts were reluctant to put forward assessments that challenged ideological orthodoxy. There were, however, important changes over time. Ultimately the views of an enlightened Soviet leader, Gorbachev, trumped the ideological blinders of his predecessors and the intelligence service's dedication to an endless duel with their ideologically spawned "main adversary," making it possible to end the Cold War. Raymond Garthoff draws on over five decades of personal contact with Soviet diplomats, intelligence officers, military leaders, and scholars during his remarkable career as an analyst, senior diplomat, and historian. He also builds on previous scholarship and examines documents from Soviet and Western archives. Soviet Leaders and Intelligence offers an informed and highly readable assessment of how the Soviets understood-and misunderstood-the intentions and objectives of their Cold War adversary.
Soviet Metro Stations - Christopher Herwig - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 284.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Stunning photographs of Soviet Metro Stations from across the former states of the USSR and Russia itself, many of which have never previously been documented For us, said Nikita Khrushchev in his memoirs, ‘there was something supernatural about the Metro’. Visiting any of the dozen or so Metro networks built across the Soviet Union between the 1930s and 1980s, it is easy to see why. Rather than the straightforward systems of London, Paris or New York, these networks were used as a propaganda artwork – a fusion of sculpture, architecture and art, combining Byzantine, medieval, baroque and Constructivist ideas and infusing them with the notion that Communism would mean a ‘communal luxury’ for all. Today these astonishing spaces remain the closest realisation of a Soviet utopia. Following his best-selling quest for Soviet Bus Stops, Christopher Herwig has completed a subterranean expedition – photographing the stations of each Metro network of the former USSR. From extreme marble and chandelier opulence to brutal futuristic minimalist glory, Soviet Metro Stations documents this wealth of diverse architecture. Along the way Herwig captures individual elements that make up this singular Soviet experience: neon, concrete, escalators, signage, mosaics and relief sculptures all combine build an unforgettably vivid map of the Soviet Metro. The photographs are introduced by leading architecture, politics and culture author and journalist Owen Hatherley.
Soviet Atomic Project, The: How The Soviet Union Obtained The Atomic Bomb - Lee G. Pondrom - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 619.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'Political intrigue, the arms race, early developments of nuclear science, espionage and more are all present in this gripping book … The book is crisply written and well worth the read. The text includes a number of translated segments of official documents plus extracts from memoirs of some of the people involved. So, although Pondrom sprinkles his opinions throughout, there is sufficient material to permit readers to make their own judgements. 'CERN The book describes the lives of the people who gave Stalin his weapon — scientists, engineers, managers, and prisoners during the early post war years from 1945-1953. Many anecdotes and vicissitudes of life at that time in the Soviet Union accompany considerable technical information regarding the solutions to formidable problems of nuclear weapons development. The contents should interest the reader who wants to learn more about this part of the history and politics in 20th century physics. The prevention of nuclear proliferation is a topic of current interest, and the procedure followed by the Soviet Union as described in this book will help to understand the complexities involved.
Soviet Bus Stops - Christopher Herwig - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 269.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Illustrated in colour throughout
Soviet Motor Gunboats Of World War Ii - Przemyslaw Budzbon - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 154.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A compelling account of the heavily armed and highly mobile Soviet river gunboats which took on the Germans during World War II. Russia's enormous river system has long been its highway and, as early as 1908, the Tsar's armies were developing armoured riverboats that brought tank-like mobility, firepower and survivability to Russian battlefields. This book, the first history of these vessels in English, explains how this concept led to one of the most remarkable naval weapons of World War II, the Soviet 'river tank', or Armoured Motor Gun Boat (AMGB). Highly mobile, capable of carrying up to 20 infantrymen directly into action and providing immediate firepower from their tank turrets, machine guns or Katyusha rockets, their military value was widely recognized. They were versatile enough to be used in naval landing operations off the Gulf of Finland, the Azov Sea and the Black Sea, and their capabilities were prized by local commanders. Using meticulously researched new colour profiles, rare photos and spectacular artwork, this book uncovers the history of river warfare on the Eastern Front, and the boats that played such a key part in the fighting.
Soviet Tank Units 1939-45 - David Porter - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Soviet Tank Units 1939–45 offers an highly-illustrated guide to the main armoured fighting vehicles used by the Red Army during World War II. This compact volume includes sample unit structures and orders of battle from company up to corps level, providing an organizational context for key campaigns throughout the war. Organised chronologically, the book offers a comprehensive survey of Soviet-employed armoured fighting vehicles by campaign, including the German invasion of 1941, the defence of Moscow, the Stalingrad counter-offensive, the battles of Kharkov and Kursk, Operation ‘Bagration’, and the final defeat of Axis forces in Berlin, Vienna and Budapest in May 1945. All the major and many minor tank that saw action on the Eastern Front is featured. The guide also includes numerous Lend-Lease Armoured fighting vehicles well as many examples of Soviet light vehicles, self-propelled guns, tractors and trucks. Packed with 250 full-colour artworks and photographs with exhaustive specifications, Soviet Tank Units 1939–45: Identification Guide is a key reference source for military modellers and World War II enthusiasts.
Soviet Defense Against Operation Barbarossa: A Possible Model For Future Soviet Defensive Doctrine - Major Terry B. Wilson - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 14.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This monograph examines the historic attack by Adolf Hitler's Germany against the Soviet defenses in 1941. It examines actions of both armed forces to analyze what went wrong and what went right for each side. It focuses on Soviet defenses to determine the usefulness of defensive planning and operations of 1941 to today's announced policy of reasonable sufficiency and non-offensive defense. The monograph begins with an analysis of current Soviet military doctrine and President Gorbachev's stated political ideal of 'reasonable sufficiency' and his goal for the military of a doctrine of 'non-offensive defense.' The monograph continues with an examination of Soviet military theory, an historical analysis of Operation Barbarossa, and an analysis of the usefulness of the campaign for modern doctrinal development. The Soviets use historical models in the scientific development of their doctrine.
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