Der blev fundet 615 produkter som matchede din søgning efter storytelling i 4 butikker:
Storytelling Exhibitions - Philip Hughes - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Storytelling Exhibitions describes the role and practice of modern ‘spatial storytellers’ and looks at the potential of exhibitions to shape our understanding of the world. It explains how curators, designers, artists and scientists combine to tell powerful stories through exhibition design. Exhibition designer and educator Philip Hughes shows how contemporary tools and technologies - digital reconstruction, 3D scanning and digital archives – interweave with traditional forms of informing, displaying and promoting to create powerful narrative spaces. Whether telling stories of politics, trends, society, war, science or history, Storytelling Exhibitions provides inspiration and guidance on designing installations which change the way we think. Examples included from: Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington, USA Weltmuseum Wien, Austria Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, US Lascaux: Centre International de l'Art Pariétal in Montignac, France Stapferhaus, Lenzburg, Switizerland Micropia, Amsterdam, Netherlands …and many more
Jeffy Dukke Plys Legetøj Dukke, Jeffy Dukker Sml Legetøj, Fræk Sjov Dukke Legetøj med Fungerende Mund, Til Børn Drenge Piger Rollespil, Storytelli Junior Junior 50CM
Sælger: Pris: 176.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Funktioner 1. Drengedukke Legetøj: Ikke sikker på, hvilken gave du skal give til den vigtigste person? Du tænker altid på, hvordan du kan stimulere deres læring, udvikling og kreativitet. Denne charmerende drengedukke vil vinde børns hjerter og kreative opmærksomhed. 2. Blødt materiale: Hånddukkelegetøjet er lavet af superblødt stof + sundt PP-bomuldsmateriale, omhyggeligt designet, realistisk form, let at rengøre. 3. Dreng hånddukke legetøj: Vi kan åbne eller lukke drengens mund ved at røre ved vores fingre, lege med barnet med denne realistiske hånddukke dreng. 4. Fuld af sjov: Hånddukke drengen er som en rigtig karakter. Hans tøj, hatte, bleer, sko og sokker kan tages af eller på. Den kan bruges som et tidligt pædagogisk værktøj til børn for at hjælpe dem med at organisere deres tøj og udøve deres uafhængighed. 5. Børns ledsager: Den realistiske hånddukke dreng er perfekt til at give børn til at ledsage dem, uanset hvornår og hvor, den er velegnet til mange steder, de kan lege i fødselsdagsfest, forlystelsespark, familie, børnehave og folkeskole osv. Pakkeliste: 1 stk Køb af vores produkter betyder ikke kun at eje varer af høj kvalitet, men også at nyde vores omhyggelige kundeservice. Vores kundeserviceteam står klar til at give dig hjælp og support.
Storytelling With Data - Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 264.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Influence action through data! This is not a book. It is a one-of-a-kind immersive learning experience through which you can become—or teach others to be—a powerful data storyteller. Let’s practice! helps you build confidence and credibility to create graphs and visualizations that make sense and weave them into action-inspiring stories. Expanding upon best seller storytelling with data ’s foundational lessons, Let’s practice! delivers fresh content, a plethora of new examples, and over 100 hands-on exercises. Author and data storytelling maven Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic guides you along the path to hone core skills and become a well-practiced data communicator. Each chapter includes: ● Practice with Cole: exercises based on real-world examples first posed for you to consider and solve, followed by detailed step-by-step illustration and explanation ● Practice on your own: thought-provoking questions and even more exercises to be assigned or worked through individually, without prescribed solutions ● Practice at work: practical guidance and hands-on exercises for applying storytelling with data lessons on the job, including instruction on when and how to solicit useful feedback and refine for greater impact The lessons and exercises found within this comprehensive guide will empower you to master—or develop in others—data storytelling skills and transition your work from acceptable to exceptional. By investing in these skills for ourselves and our teams, we can all tell inspiring and influential data stories!
Jeffy Puppet Plys Legetøjsdukke, Jeffy Puppets Sml Legetøj, Fræk Sjov Dukke Legetøj med Fungerende Mund, Til Børn Drenge Piger Rollespil, Storytelli Jeffy 40CM Jeffy 40CM
Sælger: Pris: 239.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Funktioner 1. Drengedukke Legetøj: Ikke sikker på, hvilken gave du skal give til den vigtigste person? Du tænker altid på, hvordan du kan stimulere deres læring, udvikling og kreativitet. Denne charmerende drengedukke vil vinde børns hjerter og kreative opmærksomhed. 2. Blødt materiale: Hånddukkelegetøjet er lavet af super blødt stof + sundt PP-bomuldsmateriale, omhyggeligt designet, realistisk form, let at rengøre. 3. Dreng hånddukke legetøj: Vi kan åbne eller lukke drengens mund ved at røre ved vores fingre, lege med barnet med denne realistiske hånddukke dreng. 4. Fuld af sjov: Hånddukke drengen er som en rigtig karakter. Dens tøj, hatte, bleer, sko og sokker kan tages af eller på. Den kan bruges som et tidligt pædagogisk værktøj til børn for at hjælpe dem med at organisere deres tøj og udøve deres uafhængighed. 5. Børns ledsager: Den realistiske hånddukke dreng er perfekt til at give børn til at ledsage dem, uanset hvornår og hvor, den er velegnet til mange steder, de kan lege i fødselsdagsfest, forlystelsespark, familie, børnehave og folkeskole osv. Pakkeliste: 1 stk
Storytelling, Hvad Er Din Fortælling? - Helle Rosendahl - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Der findes kun én version af dig. Til gengæld kan der findes mange fortællinger om dig. Nogle af dem bidrager positivt til din selvforståelse; andre arbejder direkte imod dig og det, du tror på. I denne bog får du konkrete værktøjer til at skabe din egen fortælling med kant og autenticitet, så den flugter med dine ambitioner og dit livssyn. Jeg tror på, at kreativitet, produktivitet og resultater bliver bedre, når du bringer din passion i spil. Derfor går min tilgang ud på at skabe en professionel og personlig fortælling med afsæt i netop det, du gør bedst. En række personer bidrager med perspektiver til din inspiration * Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy * Esben Dalgaard Andersen * Charlotte Alexandra Pedersen * Louise Busch Storgaard * Jonathan Richter * Kenth Kærhøg. Helle Rosendahl (f. 1985) har finpudset sine bedste tips fra ti års arbejde med strategisk rådgivning af talspersoner og ledere i blandt andet Mærsk og Microsoft og samlet dem i bogen Storytelling - hvad er din fortælling? Personlig branding reshaped. Hun er stifter af Storytelling Akademiet
Jeffy Puppet Plys Legetøjsdukke, Jeffy Puppets Sml Legetøj, Fræk Sjov Puppet Legetøj med Fungerende Mund, Til Børn Drenge Piger Rollespil, Storytelli Jeffy Jeffy 40CM
Sælger: Pris: 238.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Funktioner 1. Drengedukke Legetøj: Ikke sikker på, hvilken gave du skal give til den vigtigste person? Du tænker altid på, hvordan du kan stimulere deres læring, udvikling og kreativitet. Denne charmerende drengedukke vil vinde børns hjerter og kreative opmærksomhed. 2. Blødt materiale: Hånddukkelegetøjet er lavet af superblødt stof + sundt PP-bomuldsmateriale, omhyggeligt designet, realistisk form, let at rengøre. 3. Dreng hånddukke legetøj: Vi kan åbne eller lukke drengens mund ved at røre ved vores fingre, lege med barnet med denne realistiske hånddukke dreng. 4. Fuld af sjov: Hånddukke drengen er som en rigtig karakter. Hans tøj, hatte, bleer, sko og sokker kan tages af eller på. Den kan bruges som et tidligt pædagogisk værktøj til børn for at hjælpe dem med at organisere deres tøj og udøve deres uafhængighed. 5. Børns ledsager: Den realistiske hånddukke dreng er perfekt til at give børn til at ledsage dem, uanset hvornår og hvor, den er velegnet til mange steder, de kan lege i fødselsdagsfest, forlystelsespark, familie, børnehave og folkeskole osv. Pakkeliste: 1 stk Køb af vores produkter betyder ikke kun at eje varer af høj kvalitet, men også at nyde vores omhyggelige kundeservice. Vores kundeserviceteam står klar til at give dig hjælp og support.
Storytelling With You - Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 279.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Be heard. Change minds. Get people to act. (Inspire them to clap.) Whether presenting in a meeting, delivering a keynote on stage, or simply talking with your colleagues about your latest project, you play a critical role in how information is shared. You determine whether people engage, understand, and take action. In storytelling with you , best-selling author and world-renowned speaker Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic prepares you to develop your story and deliver it with prowess. She unlocks the secrets that have propelled her from self-described introvert to sought-after presenter, distilling lessons learned into this immensely powerful and practical guide. The journey starts by building the foundation for effective communication: gaining an understanding of your audience and message. You’ll then learn to transform your ideas into compelling stories and illustrative content. Once the materials are set, you’ll turn your attention inward and explore strategies to hone your delivery and communicate with confidence, preparing you for exceptional meetings and knockout presentations. Give your hard work a voice and amplify your impact by communicating in a way that makes people want to listen and respond— storytelling with you will help you do it.
Triumph Stellina W Women's T-Shirt (Stellina W) Black (Black), size: 90E
Sælger: Pris: 379.22 dkrCups completely surround the breasts Cups give hold and shape High bridge
Storytelling I Terapi Og Supervision - Brugt Bog- Grethe Bruun
Sælger: Pris: 99.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Historier i den mundtlige fortælletradition bevæger sig hele tiden og bevæger både fortælleren og tilhøreren, gør os klogere på livet og giver mulighed for spejling og refleksion. Historier taler til vores endnu ikke udfoldede resurser og forstærker det menneskelige fællesskab. I denne bog præsenteres historiemetoden som et håndværk, der bygges trinvist op, så alle kan lære det uden at have særlige fortælleforudsætninger, og bogens historier rækker ud over terapi og supervision og er blevet brugt i mange andre sammenhænge: til personalekurser, i grundskolen, til taler i forbindelse med mærkedage og i det hele taget til at finde inspiration i. Storytelling i terapi og supervision indfører læseren i, hvordan historier kan bruges som ’det fælles tredje’ mellem klient og terapeut og mellem supervisand og supervisor. Der er et stort register af historier bagerst i bogen samt mange anvisninger til hvordan man bruger historierne i praksis. Grethe Bruun er psykolog og specialist og supervisor i psykoterapi og i børnepsykologi. Hendes inspirationskilder er det levede liv med alle dets fortællinger fra opvækst, familie og hverdag – og med hypnoterapi, narrativ terapi og psykodrama som de vigtigste faglige kilder.
Triumph Stellina W Women's T-Shirt (Stellina W) Black (Black), size: 85F
Sælger: Pris: 332.90 dkrCups completely surround the breasts Cups give hold and shape High bridge
Storytelling With Data - Hans-Wilhelm Eckert - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 514.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book shows the role data plays in communication and marketing and how it can be used as an important source for storytelling. Because data, as a raw material of the digital age, inspires corporate strategy. Provided it is collected, interpreted and processed properly, it provides new and sometimes surprising insights into contexts and offers the opportunity to develop exciting stories from it. Stories that also create relevance with regard to corporate goals, spark dialogues and make communication effective. The author explains in an easy-to-understand way how data-based communication strategies can be turned into gripping stories. He also provides useful tools and shows why data can lie, how important its visual processing is, where its use meets ethical limits and why data protection is also a business opportunity. Using practical examples, the book offers marketing and communication experts - but also interested managers from other disciplines - numerous inspirations and new perspectives.
Triumph Stellina W Women's T-Shirt (Stellina W) Black (Black), size: 90D
Sælger: Pris: 323.12 dkrCups completely surround the breasts Cups give hold and shape High bridge
Storytelling And The Sciences Of Mind - David Herman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 489.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)An transdisciplinary exploration of narrative not just as a target for interpretation but also as a means for making sense of experience itself. With Storytelling and the Sciences of Mind, David Herman proposes a cross-fertilization between the study of narrative and research on intelligent behavior. This cross-fertilization goes beyond the simple importing of ideas from the sciences of mind into scholarship on narrative and instead aims for convergence between work in narrative studies and research in the cognitive sciences. The book as a whole centers on two questions: How do people make sense of stories? And: How do people use stories to make sense of the world? Examining narratives from different periods and across multiple media and genres, Herman shows how traditions of narrative research can help shape ways of formulating and addressing questions about intelligent activity, and vice versa. Using case studies that range from Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to sequences from The Incredible Hulk comics to narratives told in everyday interaction, Herman considers storytelling both as a target for interpretation and as a resource for making sense of experience itself. In doing so, he puts ideas from narrative scholarship into dialogue with such fields as psycholinguistics, philosophy of mind, and cognitive, social, and ecological psychology. After exploring ways in which interpreters of stories can use textual cues to build narrative worlds, or storyworlds, Herman investigates how this process of narrative worldmaking in turn supports efforts to understand-and engage with-the conduct of persons, among other aspects of lived experience.
Triumph Stellina W Women's T-Shirt (Stellina W) Black (Black), size: 85d
Sælger: Pris: 337.82 dkrCups completely surround the breasts Cups give hold and shape High bridge
Storytelling - Klaus Fog - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 264.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)As a business concept "storytelling" has had a significant impact on how companies can build strong corporate cultures and credible brands. Yet many corporations are still confused as to how exactly storytelling can make a difference: Why should we tell stories at all? What makes a good story? And how do we tell it in a way that advances our company both culturally and fiscally while strengthening our brand? The second edition of this successful book presents ten new case studies. Written by practitioners for practitioners and students and filled with simple tools for putting corporate storytelling into practice, it provides knowledge and inspiration for using storytellingas a strategic tool for releasing your company’s potential. Check ‘Em Out! (...) it’s a detailed guide to the creation of powerful sagas that move customers to engage the brand. Tom Peters, Bestselling Author and CEO, Tom Peters Company It’s a big deal to compress your company’s story into a brand. This book is the first step on that long journey. Kevin Kelly, Founder and Editor-at-Large, Wired Magazine The book carries branding to the next step, which is storytelling. Philip Kotler, Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University One of the very best marketing books of the year... Seth Godin, Bestselling Author and Marketing Expert The book accurately portrays the value of storytelling in the business context. Dr. Roger Schank, Former Professor in Learning and Psychology, Northwestern University and Yale University Fil størrelse: 56961 KB
Triumph Stellina W Women's T-Shirt (Stellina W) Black (Black), size: 95D
Sælger: Pris: 435.23 dkrCups completely surround the breasts Cups give hold and shape High bridge
Storytelling Workbook For Beginners - B. Rain Bennett - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 139.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)You do not just have one story to tell. You have endless stories inside of you, just waiting to be told. The goal of the Storytelling Workbook for Beginners is to help you work your storytelling muscles on a daily or weekly basis, so you can be able to spot storytelling opportunities at any given time and know which story will be the most effective to use. By setting up a simple story structure for you to understand and follow, as well as a routine practice of working that storytelling muscle, you can create up to 100 stories with this one workbook. And soon, you will be well on your way to becoming a compelling storyteller From filmmaker and storytelling expert Rain Bennett, this workbook establishes the "Four Ps" that serve as the framework of his award-winning stories -- People, Problem, Purpose, and Platform.This workbook is perfect for entrepreneurs, marketers, communication directors, small to medium business owners, nonprofit communicators, influencers, competitive storytellers, and people who know that stories create human connections
Triumph Stellina W Women's T-Shirt (Stellina W) Black (Black), size: 75E
Sælger: Pris: 323.12 dkrCups completely surround the breasts Cups give hold and shape High bridge
Storytelling At Work - Mitch Ditkoff - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 194.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Storytelling at Work is a groundbreaking book about the power of personal storytelling to spark insight, meaning, and innovation - especially in the modern day workplace where data and information have too often supplanted knowledge and wisdom. The author of the book, Mitch Ditkoff , has been an "innovation provocateur" to some of the world's most forward thinking organizations since 1987 and has come to realize that the single most effective way to jump start wisdom in the workplace is via the sharing of well told stories - first person "moments of truth" that have embedded within them the DNA of what it really takes to be a positive force for change, on or off the job. Part One of Storytelling at Work includes 37 of the author's own stories from the front lines of business, both as the Co-Founder of Idea Champions - a leading innovation consultancy - and earlier in his life, as a young entrepreneur trying to find his way in the world. The stories are entertaining, evocative, and mind opening. Each one is followed by a brief reflection - a simple way for readers to apply the message of the story to their own lives. Part Two of the book is a collection of 16 essays on the art and science of storytelling, a thought provoking exploration of why stories are such a powerful communication medium and how the reader can make best use of stories to have the most possible positive impact on others. "I truly LOVE this book Mitch Ditkoff has delivered a modern classic on how to communicate with wisdom. Kudos " --Rowan Gibson, author of The Four Lenses of Innovation "Storytelling at Work is filled with Eureka moments that will spark your creativity and ignite your motivation. Original and deeply insightful " -- Marshall Goldsmith, author of Triggers, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller "Mitch Ditkoff's powerfully written book shows us how storytelling, well done, humanizes the world of work and helps us tune into the deep well of timeless wisdom within." --Tim Gallwey, author of The Inner Game of Tennis
Triumph Stellina W Women's T-Shirt (Stellina W) Black (Black), size: 95B
Sælger: Pris: 308.13 dkrCups completely surround the breasts Cups give hold and shape High bridge
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