Der blev fundet 280 produkter som matchede din søgning efter theological i 8 butikker:
Theological Essays - Eberhard Jüngel - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 374.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Eberhard Jungel is widely recognised as one of the most important and original theologians of the twentieth-century. Although his essays comprise some of his best critical and constructive writing, few have been available in English. These eight essays have been carefully chosen to illustrate the wide range of Jungel's current concerns - the ontological implications of the doctrine of justification, the nature of metaphorical and anthropomorphic language, theological anthropology, Christology and ecclesiology, and natural theology.
Analysis of Biological Data
Sælger: Pris: 756.00 dkrThe evolution of a classicThe new 12th edition of Introduction to Genetic Analysis takes this cornerstone textbook to the next level.
Theological Territories - David Bentley Hart - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 334.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Publishers Weekly Best Book in Religion 2020 Foreword Review's INDIES Book of the Year Award, Religion In Theological Territories , David Bentley Hart, one of America's most eminent contemporary writers on religion, reflects on the state of theology "at the borders" of other fields of discourse—metaphysics, philosophy of mind, science, the arts, ethics, and biblical hermeneutics in particular. The book advances many of Hart's larger theological projects, developing and deepening numerous dimensions of his previous work. Theological Territories constitutes something of a manifesto regarding the manner in which theology should engage other fields of concern and scholarship. The essays are divided into five sections on the nature of theology, the relations between theology and science, the connections between gospel and culture, literary representations of and engagements with transcendence, and the New Testament. Hart responds to influential books, theologians, philosophers, and poets, including Rowan Williams, Jean-Luc Marion, Tomáš Halík, Sergei Bulgakov, Jennifer Newsome Martin, and David Jones, among others. The twenty-six chapters are drawn from live addresses delivered in various settings. Most of the material has never been printed before, and those parts that have appear here in expanded form. Throughout, these essays show how Hart's mind works with the academic veneer of more formal pieces stripped away. The book will appeal to both academic and non-academic readers interested in the place of theology in the modern world.
Epic - Cerberus Dildo Mythological Fire
Sælger: Pris: 359.00 dkrSlip kraften fra græsk mytologi løs med Cerberus, silikonedildoen fra mærket EPIC CYBERSILICOCK! Med dristige farver, der fremkalder det tre-hovedede udyrs vildskab, vil dette legetøj tage dig væk. til en rejse med uovertruffen fornøjelse. Funktioner:45 mm glans for en stimulerende indgang. 45 mm topfortykkelse for en gradvis følelse af fylde. 40 mm mellemlængde for præcis stimulering. 60 mm bundfortykkelse for en intens oplevelse. 90 mm base for nem håndtering og brug med sele. Introduktionslængde på 185 mm og total længde på 215 mm. Vægt på 462 g for en balanceret og en tilfredsstillende følelse.Opdag mytologisk nydelse med Cerberus af EPIC CYBERSILICOCK. EPIC CYBERSILICOCKVelkommen til universet af EPIC CYBERSILICOCK, hvor passion møder innovation og græsk mytologi kommer til live på en måde, som aldrig er set før. Vi er mere end blot et sexlegetøjsmærke; Vi er indbegrebet af moderne fornøjelse, og forener exceptionelt håndværk med uhæmmet fantasi.Fordyb dig i en verden af guddommelig begær med vores silikone-onanister og dildoer, der vil transportere dig til de episke historier i det antikke Grækenland. Hvert EPIC CYBERSILICOCK-produkt er omhyggeligt designet til at tilbyde en unik sanseoplevelse ved at bruge den mest avancerede silikoneteknologi for at sikre en uovertruffen følelse af blødhed og realisme.Vores kollektion er inspireret af myterne og legenderne fra den græske mytologi, hvor guder og mytiske skabninger kommer til live i mærkelige og chokerende former. Vores designs udfordrer konventionerne om konventionel fornøjelse og inviterer dig til at udforske nye ekstasehorisonter.Men innovation stopper ikke der. Nogle af vores produkter har avancerede funktioner, såsom fjernbetjening, der giver dig mulighed for at tilpasse din fornøjelsesoplevelse med et enkelt tryk. Forestil dig at kontrollere intensiteten og rytmen af dine fornemmelser med et tryk på en knap, overgive dig til nydelse med en guds dygtighed.Og selvfølgelig er æstetik lige så vigtig for os. Vores produkter er tilgængelige i en række dristige farver, der vækker dine sanser, fra solens gyldne skær til det mystiske blå i Det Ægæiske Hav. Og vores former er lige så slående som historierne om græsk mytologi med sensuelle kurver og dristige konturer, der inviterer dig til at udforske dine vildeste fantasier.Gør dig klar til en episk oplevelse som ingen anden. Tag med os på rejsen til ultimativ nydelse med EPIC CYBERSILICOCK, hvor græsk mytologi møder moderne teknologi for at skabe en verden af uendelig begær. Er du klar til at gå ind i fornøjelsesgudernes rige?
Theological Education At Finkenwalde - Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
D´Aveia Soothing Gynecological 200mL
Sælger: Pris: 152.23 dkrSoothing Gynecological 200mL
Theological Essays Ii - Eberhard Jüngel - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 374.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Covering the major topics in Christian dogmatics and philosophical theology, this work includes a comprehensive survey of Jungel's own theology; interpretative studies of Kierkegaard and the work of Heinrich Vogel; dogmatic studies of the historical Jesus, the hiddenness of God, the sacrifice of Christ, justification and ethics, aesthetics and theological anthropology. Throughout, the work is characterised by Jungel's acute analysis of texts and themes in theology and philosophy, and by lively engagement with the intellectual heritage of modernity.
D´Aveia Gynecological Menopause 200mL
Sælger: Pris: 151.18 dkrGynecological Menopause 200mL
Theological Interpretation Of The New Testament – A Book–by–book Survey - Kevin J. Vanhoozer - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 239.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This convenient text utilizes material from the award-winning Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible ( DTIB ) to introduce students to the Bible and theological interpretation through a comprehensive book-by-book survey of the New Testament. The articles, authored by respected scholars, make unique contributions to the study of theological interpretation of Scripture. Theological Interpretation of the New Testament provides a history of interpretation and covers major theological ideas for each book of the New Testament. Contributors include David E. Garland, Robert H. Gundry, I. Howard Marshall, Francesca Aran Murphy, Max Turner, and N. T. Wright. Students of the New Testament, pastors, and lay readers will appreciate this affordable volume. It will also serve as an excellent supplementary text in New Testament/Bible survey courses.
Uriage Extra-Rich Dermatological Gel Soap-Free 500mL
Sælger: Pris: 80.23 dkr (+85.81 dkr)Extra-Rich Dermatological Gel Soap-Free 500mL
Theological Anthropology - Patout J. Burns - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 259.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Uriage Extra-Rich Dermatological Gel Soap-Free 1000mL
Sælger: Pris: 109.78 dkr (+120.49 dkr)Extra-Rich Dermatological Gel Soap-Free 1000mL
Theological Violence In The 21st Century - Dr. Scott T. Kelso - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 174.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)YOU HOLD IN YOUR HAND an analysis of two central truths. First, the betrayal of theological education in America leaving the vast majority of clergy bereft of the supernatural element in the Bible and in life. Upon entering active ministry in the local church, too many clergy are ill-prepared to meet the challenges of modern ministry, lacking very little power or confidence in the authority of the Bible to meet basic human needs. Secondly, having been absent in the most topsy-turvy period of the twentieth century, the 1960s Church all but caved in to the '60s revolution, changing America for generations to come. We are still seeing fruit from that seed sown from the sexual revolution, to the presentday political turmoil in government and in the streets, to the call of Socialism to govern our lives. It's all there in embryo in the 1960s. This book analyzes a path forward from the '60s chaos to a clear message of repentance while turning to the supernatural power of God as we enter a last-days' scenario. Anyone wondering why the Church has wobbled on the most important social issues of the day when the Bible is crystal clear on many of them will come away with a new perspective of understanding and a clear vision of how the individual Christian can make a real difference in the spiritual landscape of America. Come join the new revolution!
Musik och teologi
Sælger: Pris: 145.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Boken är en antologi med bidrag av en rad författare från olika discipliner och yrkesområden, som alla belyser temat musik och teologi utifrån olika utgångspunkter. Några artiklar är översikter, till exempel om Augustinus och om sång och musik i Gamla och Nya testamentet; några är historiska, till exempel vad vi kan lära av Bach, Luther och Rosenius; några är reflekterande utifrån musikerperspektiv, till exempel om musik för olika generationer. I en avslutande del ställs tre frågor till fyra personer om gudstjänst och musik med anknytning till Svenska kyrkans nya handbok. ”Ingenting större än detta musikens lov kan tänkas … För oavsett om du önskar uppmuntra de nedstämda, avskräcka de muntra, gjuta mod i de tvivlande, förmana de stolta, lugna de älskande, eller stilla de hatiska … vad kan du finna mer kraftfullt i detta avseende än musiken själv?” – Martin Luther Om författaren: Kjell O. Lejon är bokens redaktör. Han är professor i religionsvetenskap med inriktning mot historisk teologi vid Linköpings universitet, f.d. rektor och numera vice-rektor vid Johannelunds teologiska högskola. Övriga medverkande i volymen är: Carl Magnus Adrian Lars Beckman Anna Backman Bister Anders Ekenberg Beth Elness-Hanson LarsOlov Eriksson Carl Gyllermark Maria Helena Karlqvist Hans Lindetorp Kristine Arapovic Lindetorp Maria Lindberg Stefan Lindholm Mattias Lundberg Tomas Nygren Birger Olsson Margareta Westin Olsson
Theological Anthropology In The Anthropocene - Jan-Olav Henriksen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,049.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The Anthropocene presents theology, and especially theological anthropology, with unprecedented challenges. There are no immediately available resources in the theological tradition that reflect directly on such experiences. Accordingly, the situation calls for contextually based theological reflection of what it means to be human under such circumstances. This book discusses the main elements in theological anthropology in light of the fundamental points: a) that theological anthropology needs to be articulated with reference to, and informed by, the concrete historical circumstances in which humanity presently finds itself, and b) that the notion of the Anthropocene can be used as a heuristic tool to describe important traits and conditions that call for a response by humanity, and which entail the need for a renewal of what a Christian self-understanding means. Jan-Olav Henriksen explores what such a response entails from the point of view of contemporary theological anthropology and discusses selected topics that can contribute to a contextually based position.
Uriage Bariéderm Dermatological Cica-Oil 100mL
Sælger: Pris: 100.28 dkr (+44.03 dkr)Bariéderm Dermatological Cica-Oil 100mL
The Theological Origins Of Liberalism - Ismail Kurun - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 409.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This eye-opening book offers a critical survey of the true origins of liberalism. It challenges the widely held belief among social scientists that liberalism was developed in opposition to Christianity. Beginning with the Protestant Reformation, it illustrates how Christian thinkers reinterpreted Christianity and used a set of indemonstrable biblical presuppositions from their reinterpretations to develop the first liberal ideas, starting a process that culminates in the birth of the first liberal political theory in the writings of a devout Christian philosopher, John Locke. It explains how the Protestant Reformation, covenant theology, anti-trinitarianism and medieval Christian natural law theories formed the foundations of liberalism. Thus, the central claim of this book is that liberalism is better understood as a radical reinterpretation of Christianity that emerged in the post-Reformation and early modern period. As a logical consequence of revealing the hitherto generally neglected roots of liberalism, it eventually proposes that a legally pluralist liberal political theory is the best way to maintain human dignity and peace in multi-religious societies of today's globalized world.
Isdin Cicapost Post Scar Dermatological Care Cream 50g
Sælger: Pris: 131.27 dkr (+44.03 dkr)Cicapost Post Scar Dermatological Care Cream 50g
Philosophical And Theological Writings - Franz Rosenzweig - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 219.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This volume brings together Rosenzweig's central essays on theology and philosophy, including two works available for the first time in English: the conclusion to Rosenzweig's book Hegel and the State, and Rosenzweig's famous letter to Rudolph Ehrenberg known as the Urzelle of the Star of Redemption, an essential work for understanding Rosenzweig, Weimar theology and philosophy, and German idealism and the existential reaction of the period. Additional selections are presented in new or revised translations. Introduction and notes by Franks and Morgan set Rosenzweig's works in context and illuminate his role as one of the key thinkers of the period.
Sisley Ecological Compound Advanced Formula (60 ml)
Sælger: Pris: 908.00 dkrEcological Compound Advanced Formula er Sisleys essentielle og universelle hudplejeprodukt, der kan anvendes af alle, uanset hudtype, alder og køn. Huden afbalanceres, styrkes og tilføres ny energi, så den bliver mere modstandsdygtig og synligt smukkere. Ecological Compound Advanced Formula: - Balancerer hudens bakterieflora og stimulerer hudens naturlige forsvarsmekanismer, så huden bliver mere modstandsdygtig og dermed bedre kan forsvare sig mod skadelige miljøpåvirkninger. - Bidrager til, at hudens vigtige funktioner fungerer optimalt. Huden tilføres ny energi, og dens farve og glød genoprettes. - Fugter og nærer huden varigt, så den føles mere behagelig og smidig. pH-værdien i Ecological Compound er så tæt på hudens pH-værdi som muligt. Den har en flydende, behagelig og ikke-fedtende konsistens. Den kan anvendes som dagcreme alene, eller som base før andre hudplejeprodukter for at optimere resten af hudplejerutinen
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