Der blev fundet 7 produkter som matchede din søgning efter thieme i 1 butikker:
Thieme Atlas Of Anatomy: Head And Neuroanatomy* - Brugt Bog- Michael Schünke
Sælger: Pris: 300.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Head and Neuroanatomy, the third book in the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series, combines concise explanatory text with stunning illustrations and key applications for the clinical setting including Latin nomenclature. A stepwise organization guides the reader through the anatomy of the head, from cranial bones, ligaments, and joints to muscles, cranial nerves, topographical anatomy, and the anatomy of sensory organs. Comprehensive coverage of neuroanatomy describes isolated structures and also situates these structures within the larger functional systems. Special features of this atlas: * An innovative format in which each two-page spread presents a self-contained guide to the specific topic *1,200 brilliant images created exclusively for this atlas * Hundreds of clinical applications emphasize the vital link between structure and function * Clearly labeled images help identify each structure * Summary tables throughout which are ideal for reference and review
Thieme Atlas Of Anatomy, Latin Nomenclature, Three Volume Set, Third Edition - Michael Schuenke - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)THIEME Atlas of Anatomy, Latin Nomenclature, Three Volume Set, Third Edition by renowned educators Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher, along with consulting editors Cristian Stefan, Nathan Johnson, Wayne Cass, and Hugo Zeberg expands on the award-winning prior editions with hundreds of new images and significant updates to the content of each volume.Key FeaturesLabels and anatomic terminology are in Latin nomenclatureMore than 5,000 images including extraordinarily realistic illustrations by Markus Voll and Karl Wesker, photographs, diagrams, radiographs, tables, and descriptive text make this the perfect study and teaching resourceThe introduction of clinical applications, which provide knowledge that trainees can apply in practiceOnline images with "labels-on and labels-off" capability are ideal for review and self-testingThis visually stunning set of atlases is an essential companion for medical students or residents interested in an in-depth study of anatomy and neuroanatomy for laboratory dissection and clinical reference. A must-have for allied health students, instructors, and practicing physical and massage therapists, it also serves as a wonderful anatomic reference for professional artists and illustrators.The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series includes three volumes, General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System, Internal Organs, and Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy, PLUS a stable slip case and four nearly life-size THIEME Atlas of Anatomy Learning Posters of anatomy, bones, and muscles, PLUS complimentary access to a digital copy of each volume on
Internal Organs (Thieme Atlas Of Anatomy) - Michael Schuenke - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 674.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"Internal Organs (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy)" (3. udgave) af Udo Schumacher, Erik Schulte, og Michael Schuenke er et detaljeret medicinsk atlas over kroppens indre organer. I "Internal Organs (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy)" finder du et exceptionelt detaljeret, klinisk relevant og anatomisk korrekt atlas over de indre organer og lymfesystemerne. Bogen er opdelt efter kropsregioner og indeholder 1375 nøjsomt detaljerede og realistiske illustrationer, diagrammer, tabeller, og beskrivende tekster, som giver et enormt indblik i den menneskelige anatomis indre organer. Derudover følger en række opsummerende faktabokse, som overskueligt gennemgår de mest væsentlige pointer omkring organerne. "Internal Organs (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy)" er et unikt redskab for alle medicinstuderende og andre med interesse for kroppens organer, som ønsker visuelle afbildninger og faktuelle oplysninger.
Head, Neck, And Neuroanatomy (Thieme Atlas Of Anatomy) - Michael Schuenke - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 719.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)3. udgave af "Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy)" skrevet af Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte og Udo Schumacher er et smukt og detaljeret anatomisk atlas om hovedet, nakken og neuroanatomi. "Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy)" kombinerer højdetaljerede og præcise illustrationer, fotos, modeller, tabeller og diagrammer om menneskets hoved og nakke-region med kliniske beskrivelser. I bogen findes illustrationer og beskrivelser af både knogler, ligamenter, muskler, lymfesystem, organer, neurovaskulære strukturer og centralnervesystemets anatomi. Bogen er et essentielt illustrativt værktøj for alle medicinstuderende, tandlægestuderende og andre, som ønsker et grundigt overblik og indsigt i menneskets anatomi.
Head, Neck, And Neuroanatomy (Thieme Atlas Of Anatomy), Latin Nomenclature - Michael Schuenke - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 729.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Remarkable atlas provides exceptionally detailed, clinically relevant anatomic knowledge! Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy, Third Edition, Latin Nomenclature, by renowned educators Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher, along with consulting editors Cristian Stefan and Hugo Zeberg, expands on prior editions with hundreds of new images and significant updates to the neuroanatomy content. Head and neck sections encompass the bones, ligaments, joints, muscles, lymphatic system, organs, related neurovascular structures, and topographical and sectional anatomy. The neuroanatomy section covers the histology of nerve and glial cells and autonomic nervous system, then delineates different areas of the brain and spinal cord, followed by sectional anatomy and functional systems. The final section features a glossary and expanded CNS synopses, featuring six new topics, from neurovascular structures of the nose to the pharynx. Key Features Labels and anatomic terminology are in Latin nomenclature Nearly 1,800 images including extraordinarily realistic illustrations by Markus Voll and Karl Wesker, photographs, diagrams, tables, and succinct clinical applications make this the perfect study and teaching resource Expanded clinical references include illustrated summary tables and synopses of motor and sensory pathways Neuroanatomy additions include an in-depth overview and content focused on functional circuitry and pathways Online images with "labels-on and labels-off" capability are ideal for review and self-testing This visually stunning atlas is an essential companion for medical students or residents interested in pursuing head and neck subspecialties or furthering their knowledge of neuroanatomy. It will also benefit dental and physical therapy students, as well as physicians and physical therapists seeking an image-rich clinical resource to consult in practice. The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series also includes two additional volumes, General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System and Internal Organs . All volumes of the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series are available in softcover English/International nomenclature and in hardcover with Latin nomenclature. This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on
General Anatomy And Musculoskeletal System (Thieme Atlas Of Anatomy), Latin Nomenclature - Michael Schuenke - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 729.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Remarkable atlas provides exceptionally detailed, clinically relevant anatomic knowledge! Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System, Third Edition, Latin Nomenclature, by renowned educators Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher, along with consulting editors Nathan Johnson and Hugo Zeberg, expands on the award-winning prior editions with updated spreads and added information on joints, muscle actions, and functional muscle groups. Organized by region, the book begins with an introduction on basic human embryology and development and an overview of the human body. Subsequent general anatomy chapters explore surface anatomy, the bones, joints, muscles, vessels, lymphatic system and glands, and general neuroanatomy. The next section delineates the trunk wall, functional musculature, and the neurovascular system, while the last two sections are dedicated to the upper limb and lower limb. Key Features Labels and anatomic terminology are in Latin nomenclature Nearly 2,100 images including extraordinarily realistic illustrations by Markus Voll and Karl Wesker, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, diagrams, tables, and descriptive text provide an unparalleled wealth of information about muscle structure and bones Musculoskeletal, vascular, and nervous system structures are presented systematically first, then topographically, thereby supporting classroom learning and active laboratory dissection Emphasizes important relationships between anatomic structure and function in addition to introducing clinical applications, providing knowledge trainees can apply in practice Online images with "labels-on and labels-off" capability are ideal for review and self-testing This visually stunning atlas is a must have for medical, allied health, and physical therapy students, instructors, and practicing physical and massage therapists. It is also a wonderful anatomic reference for professional artists and illustrators. The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series also includes two additional volumes, Internal Organs and Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy . All volumes of the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series are available in softcover English/International nomenclature and in hardcover with Latin nomenclature. This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on
n/a Cochlear Implants - Ukendt Forfatter - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 914.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The latest on cochlear implantation Thieme congratulates author Dr. J. Thomas Roland, Jr. for being chosen by New York magazine for its prestigious 'Best Doctors 2018' list. Praise for the previous edition: Cochlear Implants, Third Edition , has been completely revised to include the most up-to-date information on the clinical and translational sciences related to this rapidly evolving technology. It contains chapters on the latest developments in the field, including those in: genetics, neuroplasticity, expanding criteria for implantation, the application of implant technology to tinnitus and vestibular issues, music perception, and intraoperative monitoring. Key Features: Covers basic techniques as well as new concepts and areas of expansion, making it appropriate for beginners as well as experienced practitioners Includes information on the latest advancements in cochlear implant programming concepts Written by experts in the field who are spearheading advancements in cochlear implant technology This book will be a valuable reference for otolaryngologists – head and neck surgeons, audiologists, neurotologists, speech pathologists, and all professionals involved in the design and usage of cochlear implants as well as an essential text for audiology students.
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