Der blev fundet 473 produkter som matchede din søgning efter tolkien i 8 butikker:
Tolkien: Maker Of Middle-Earth - Catherine Mcilwaine - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 454.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This richly illustrated book explores the huge creative endeavour behind Tolkien’s enduring popularity. Lavishly illustrated with over 300 images of his manuscripts, drawings, maps and letters, the book traces the creative process behind his most famous literary works – 'The Hobbit', 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Silmarillion' and reproduces personal photographs and private papers,some of which have never been seen before in print. Tolkien drew on his deep knowledge of medieval literature and language to inform his literary imagination. Six introductory essays cover some of the main themes in Tolkien’s life and work including the influence of northern languages and legends on the creation of his own legendarium; his concept of ‘Faërie’ as a literary construct; the central importance of his invented languages in his fantasy writing; his visual imagination and its emergence in his artwork; and the encouragement he derived from the literary group known as the Inklings. This book brings together the largest collection of original Tolkien material ever assembled in a single volume. Drawing on the archives of the Tolkien collections at the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford, and Marquette University, Milwaukee, as well as private collections, this exquisitely produced catalogue draws together the worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien – scholarly, literary, creative and domestic – offering a rich and detailed understanding and appreciation of this extraordinary author.
Tolkien and the Great War
Sælger: Pris: 168.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien's wartime experiences, this biography details their impact on his life and his writing of "The Lord of The Rings".
Tolkien and the Great War
Sælger: Pris: 168.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien's wartime experiences, this biography details their impact on his life and his writing of "The Lord of The Rings".
Ginza Tolkien (Blu-ray)
Sælger: Pris: 117.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)I denna film får vi följa den legendariska författaren J.R.R. Tolkien under de år som formade honom och hans författarskap. Under tonåren blir Tolkien vän med en grupp likasinnade författare och konstnärer. Han inleder också ett förhållande med Edith Bratt, tills starten av fösta världskriget hotar att bryta deras band.Följ med på en resa du sent kommer att glömma. Här får vi följa mannen bakom de största böckerna i världshistorien och hur han fick sina idéer till Sagan om ringen mm.SKÅDESPELARE:Nicholas HoultLilly CollinsDerek JacobiColm MeaneyAnthony BoyleGenevieve O'ReillyPatrick GibsonOwen TealeLaura DonnellyTom Glynn-CarneyCraig RobertsPam FerrisÖVRIGT:Mediatyp: Blu-rayProduktionsår: 2019Produktionsland: USARegi: Dome KarukoskiÅldersgräns: 15 årRegion: 2Distributör: FoxBild: 2.39:1 HDSpråk: EngelskaText: Svenska, Norska, Danska, FinskaLjud: 5.1 dts HDLängd: 1 tim 51 minStreckkod: 7340112750473SKU: 403100EXTRAS:Se baksida film
Tolkien On Chaucer, 1913-1959 - John M. Bowers - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 714.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Tolkien on Chaucer, 1913-59 traces J. R. R. Tolkien's critical engagements with Geoffrey Chaucer from his undergraduate Oxford essays in 1913 to remarks in his retirement lecture in 1959. Reprinted with both Tolkien's own annotations and new notes from the authors, this book analyses his major articles such as ^"Chaucer as a Philologist: The Reeve's Tale", as well as his unpublished edition of the Reeve's Tale and his lectures on the Clerk's Tale and the Pardoner's Tale. Though his scholarship was best known for his work on Beowulf, Tolkien was also an expert on Geoffrey Chaucer. He lectured on Chaucer, edited Chaucer, and published essays on Chaucer. Tolkien on Chaucer, 1913-59 reprints many of these works for the first time, and documents Tolkien's career-long engagement with the poet and traces his influence in Tolkien's own works. Bowers and Steffensen reveal how the Reeve's Tale was a source for Tolkien's description of Merry and Pippin's battle with Saruman, and how the Pardoner's Tale influenced Tolkien's own story of men fighting to the death over a gold treasure. Chaucer emerges as a major source of inspiration for Tolkien's creative writings and profoundly formative in the creation of The Lord of the Rings.
Recipes from the World of Tolkien
Sælger: Pris: 253.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Experience Middle-earth like never before with over 75 recipes inspired by foods from J.R.R. Tolkien's epic Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien: Lighting Up The Darkness - Willy Duraffourg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 174.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)JRR Tolkien was not always the old Oxford professor, pipe in the mouth, refining his extraordinary work. In 1915, at age 23, he left for the front with his high school friends, whom he loved like brothers. They take part in the Battle of the Somme which will kill 450,000 people. The horror of war will brand his relationship to friendship, love and creation. This graphic novel explores the youth of the author of The Lord of the Rings, and his traumatic experience of the battlefields of the First World War, which will forge the imagination of his literary work. For fans of The Hobbit & Lord of The Rings looking to learn more about the genius behind their favorite epics.
Tolkien's Hidden Pictures
Sælger: Pris: 205.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)J.R.R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy is not only a seemingly inexhaustible source of wonder and excitement, it is also a profound tale, relevant to our times and to the vital question: what is it to be a human being? Why have these books proved so captivating since their publication, discovered anew by each generation? Is there a deeper aspect to the stories that speaks directly to something within us?Many scholars and commentators have asked these or similar questions, delving into his unique use of language, his deep knowledge of the aesthetics of story within the heritage of mythic storytelling, and his ability to weave together myriad themes. However, few if any have approached the deeper aspects of Tolkien's work with the spiritual esoteric insights of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy as their basis. Mark McGivern adopts this approach while also building upon the work of Tolkien scholars such as Verlyn Flieger.This is an illuminating guidebook to the forms and depths of Tolkien's master work.
Tolkien Og Det Mytiske Jylland - Casper Clemmensen - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)I "Tolkien og det mytiske Jylland" udfolder Casper Clemmensen nye og overraskende perspektiver på Tolkiens fantastiske univers, der viser sig at en dyb forbindelse til Jyllands ældste historie. Tolkiens hovedværker om Hobittet og Ringenes Herre er nogle af kulturhistoriens allerstørste, og som næst efter Biblen og Koranen er de mest læste bøger. I "Tolkien og det mytiske Jylland" udforsker historikeren Casper Clemmensen Tolkiens fortællinger med en søgen efter svar på, hvor disse magiske fortællinger stammer fra og hvad han ville med dem. Hans dybdegående research viser, hvorledes Tolkien som professor ved Oxford Universitetet havde et indgående kendskab og en levende interesse for Jylland og Danmarks ældste historie. Heriblandt en forglemt saga om Jyllands fald og vandringer, der første til grundlæggelsen af det Angel-Saksiske England! "Tolkien og det mytiske Jylland" er rigt illustreret med fotografier fra Tolkiens liv samt med illustrationer af Esben Hanefelt.
MediaTronixs Tolkien Dvd [2019] DVD Pre-Owned Region 2
Sælger: Pris: 224.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Tolkien Dvd [2019] DVD Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.
Tolkien On Fairy-Stories - J. R. R. Tolkien - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 109.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A new expanded edition of Tolkien’s most famous, and most important essay, which defined his conception of fantasy as a literary form, and which led to the writing of The Lord of the Rings. Accompanied by a critical study of the history and writing of the text. J.R.R. Tolkien's "On Fairy-stories" is his most-studied and most-quoted essay, an exemplary personal statement of his views on the role of imagination in literature, and an intellectual tour de force vital for understanding Tolkien's achievement in the writing of The Lord of the Rings. "On Fairy-stories" comprises about 18,000 words. What is little-known is that when Tolkien expanded the essay in 1943, he wrote many more pages of his views that were originally condensed into or cut from the published version. An estimate is difficult, but these unpublished passages perhaps amount to half again as much writing as the essay itself. These passages contain important elaborations of his views on other writers, and their publication represents a significant addition to Tolkien studies. Included in this new critical study of the work are: An introductory essay setting the stage for Tolkien's 1939 lecture (the origin of the essay) and placing it within a historical context. A history of the writing of 'On Fairy-stories', beginning with coverage of the original lecture as delivered, and continuing through to first publication in 1947. The essay proper as published in corrected form in Tree and Leaf (1964). Commentary on the allusions in the text, and notes about the revisions Tolkien made to the text as published in Tree and Leaf. Important material not included in the essay as published, with commentary by the editors. Contained within “On Fairy-stories” are the roots of the tree of tales that bore such glittering fruit in Tolkien’s published and unpublished work. Here, at last, Flieger and Anderson reveal through literary archaeology the extraordinary genesis of this seminal work and discuss, in their engaging commentary, how what Tolkien discovered during the writing of the essay would shape his writing for the rest of his life.
Om monarkien
Sælger: Pris: 165.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Dante Alighieri var inte bara en stor diktare på folkspråket italienska utan också en lärd som skrev avhandlingar på latin. En sådan avhandling är De Monarchia, där Dante prövar att utreda hur världens nationer bör regeras för att två för mänskligheten centrala värden ska kunna förverkligas: fred och frihet. Han rekommenderar ett världsomspännande imperium styrt av en kejsare. En komponent i hans utredning gäller hur den världslige härskaren ska förhålla sig till den andlige ledaren, påven. Dante bjuder en skarp vidräkning med kyrkans världsliga maktanspråk. Hans avhandling fördes av inkvisitionen upp på listan över förbjudna böcker, Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Arnold Norlind var en geografidocent och polyhistor i det tidiga 1900-talets Lund. Han hade målsättningen att till svenska översätta allt som Dante skrivit, att åstadkomma ett samlade verk som kund inspirera samtiden till bättre tänkande. Hans översättning av De Monarchia har förblivit uoutgiven i ungefär 100 år. Här publiceras den med dels en fyllig introduktion om den fascinerande översättaren, dels kommentarer till det aktuella verket.
Tolkien And The Great War - John Garth - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)* TOLKIEN * Now a major motion picture Acclaimed as ‘the best book about Tolkien’, this award-winning biography explores J.R.R. Tolkien’s wartime experiences and their impact on his life and his writing of The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings . “To be caught in youth by 1914 was no less hideous an experience than in 1939 … by 1918 all but one of my close friends were dead.” So J.R.R. Tolkien responded to critics who saw The Lord of the Rings as a reaction to the Second World War. Tolkien and the Great War tells for the first time the full story of how he embarked on the creation of Middle-earth in his youth as the world around him was plunged into catastrophe. This biography reveals the horror and heroism that he experienced as a signals officer in the Battle of the Somme and introduces the circle of friends who spurred his mythology to life. It shows how, after two of these brilliant young men were killed, Tolkien pursued the dream they had all shared by launching his epic of good and evil. John Garth argues that the foundation of tragic experience in the First World War is the key to Middle-earth’s enduring power. Tolkien used his mythic imagination not to escape from reality but to reflect and transform the cataclysm of his generation. While his contemporaries surrendered to disillusionment, he kept enchantment alive, reshaping an entire literary tradition into a form that resonates to this day. This is the first substantially new biography of Tolkien since 1977, meticulously researched and distilled from his personal wartime papers and a multitude of other sources.
Gabby´s Walkie Talkie Walkie Talkie 3d Rosa
Sælger: Pris: 196.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Walkie Talkie 3D Gabby´s Dollhouse.Størrelse:17,5x24cm.
Tolkien'S Faith - Holly Ordway - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 364.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Tolkien described The Lord of the Rings as "a fundamentally religious and Catholic work" and declared, "I am a Christian (which can be deduced from my stories)." Yet he insisted his writings were not allegories, and Middle-earth is loved by millions who do not share his religious beliefs. How were his faith and his fiction related? Holly Ordway answers that question biographically, focusing on Tolkien's spiritual development, a dramatic story that previous accounts of his life have left largely unexplored. Here we find that Tolkien's faith was hard won. His Anglican upbringing was overturned when his mother converted to Catholicism. Soon afterward, she died, leaving Tolkien under the guardianship of a Catholic priest, who forbade him to see his Protestant girlfriend, whom nonetheless he eventually married. The Great War, in which most of his close friends were killed, deepened Tolkien's reliance on his faith, but then for a decade he "almost ceased to practise" his religion. Friendship with C.S. Lewis and success with The Hobbit were followed by another war and by turmoil in the Church that sternly tested Tolkien's commitments. The challenges and triumphs in his religious life are reflected in his masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings , that epic tale of endurance against the odds. As Ordway shows in her expertly researched and richly illustrated study, Tolkien's faith and Tolkien's fiction are intimately related, though in subtle and complex ways. This long-overdue spiritual biography gives new insight into his works by shedding fresh light on their author's deepest-held convictions.
Walkie-Talkie - 3 km Pink
Sælger: Pris: 229.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Effektive BellSouth T-388 walkie-talkies med 3 km rækkevidde, lommelygte og nødalarm. Perfekte til udendørs- og arbejdsbrug. Sig hej til den ultimative kommunikationsløsning! BellSouth T-388 walkie-talkies er dine pålidelige ledsagere med en rækkevidde på op til 3 km i åbent terræn. Uanset om du er på campingtur eller har brug for at holde kontakt på arbejdspladsen, tilbyder disse tovejskommunikationsradioer enkel og effektiv kommunikation. Udstyret med en kraftig lommelygte og en integreret nødalarm er de designet til at sikre, at du altid er synlig og tryg. Denne model har et frekvensområde mellem 400-470 MHz og tilbyder 8 kanaler at vælge imellem for en stabil forbindelse. Med 10 ringetoner, VOX-kontrol og en LCD-skærm, der viser batteriniveauet, får du fuld kontrol og fleksibilitet. Walkie-talkien drives af batterier, hvilket gør den ideel til brug uden behov for opladerkabler. De mange funktioner, herunder scanningsfunktion og låsefunktion, gør dette til et uundværligt værktøj til alle dine kommunikationsbehov. To-vejs radio til udendørs og arbejdsbrug99 underkanaler for sikker kommunikationFrekvensområde: 400-470 MHzKanaler: 8/20/22Kanalafstand: 12,5/25 kHzSendestyrke: ≤ 500 mW ERPModulationstype: FM - F3ERækkevidde: op til 3 km (åbent terræn)Strømforsyning: 4 x AAA batterier (medfølger ikke)Størrelse: 14 x 5,5 x 2,5 cmAntal: 2 stk.Farve: vælg mellem pink, sort og blåMedfølger: 2 stk. walkie-talkies og manual10 forskellige ringsignalerIndbygget lommelygte og nødalarmLCD-display til batteriniveau
Tolkien Og Det Mytiske Jylland - Casper Clemmensen - Lydbog
Sælger: Pris: 159.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Under 1. Verdenskrig i skyttegravene omkring Somme tænkte Tolkien, at krigen skyldtes, at vi ikke ved, hvem vi i er. Krigen bundede i en en kollektiv ubevidsthed om vores identitet. Han tænkte på englænderne! Og han havde tid til at tænke, hjemsendt fra krigen, som han var, vistnok med et såkaldt ”granatchock”. Hvem er vi? Det bliver de første tanker bag hans eventyrlige fortællinger Hobitten og Ringenes herre. Og han fortsætter på sengekanten, når han fortæller godnathistorier for børnene. Det er måske værd at nævne, at næst efter Bibelen og Koranen er Tolkiens værker de overhovedet meste læste. I verden. Udover at forstå Tolkien så at sige forfra dokumenterer historikeren Casper Clemmensen Tolkiens forhold til særlig Jyllands ældste historie. I det nuværende Østjylland finder Tolkien en tabt saga, nærmest en glemt fødselsberetning om Danmark. Den glemte saga fortæller om Jyllands fald under Danernes erobring i jernalderen og beretter om Jydernes vandringer, grundlæggelsen af det Angel-Saksiske England og faktisk om den vestlige civilisations fødsel, 350 år før vikingetidens begyndelse! Bogen beskriver hvorledes Tolkien som professor ved Oxford Universitetet trækker nysgerrighed og interesse til Jylland og Danmark. Tolkien arbejdede ud fra den teori, at Jylland var et rige, der lå i krig med Danerne, der angreb Jylland fra Sjælland og Lejre. Dette medførte ultimativt den Jyske udvandring i år 450 a.d, hvor den Jyske folkestamme grundlagde et nyt Jylland i den Engelske provins Kent. Men der er mange flere aspekter i historikeren Casper Clemmensens pionerarbejde. Blandt andet pointerer han, at vores ustyrlige fascination af maskinernes effektivitet vil blive ødelæggende for vores samspil med naturen og medføre de miljø- og klimaproblematikker vi som moderne samfund står overfor i dag. I øvrigt forstærkes denne destruktive udvikling af en forkastelse af de traditionelle værdier og dyder, som har konstitueret samfundene. Fil størrelse: 371745 KB Indlæst af: Claus Vedel
Walkie-Talkie - 3 km Blue
Sælger: Pris: 229.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Effektive BellSouth T-388 walkie-talkies med 3 km rækkevidde, lommelygte og nødalarm. Perfekte til udendørs- og arbejdsbrug. Sig hej til den ultimative kommunikationsløsning! BellSouth T-388 walkie-talkies er dine pålidelige ledsagere med en rækkevidde på op til 3 km i åbent terræn. Uanset om du er på campingtur eller har brug for at holde kontakt på arbejdspladsen, tilbyder disse tovejskommunikationsradioer enkel og effektiv kommunikation. Udstyret med en kraftig lommelygte og en integreret nødalarm er de designet til at sikre, at du altid er synlig og tryg. Denne model har et frekvensområde mellem 400-470 MHz og tilbyder 8 kanaler at vælge imellem for en stabil forbindelse. Med 10 ringetoner, VOX-kontrol og en LCD-skærm, der viser batteriniveauet, får du fuld kontrol og fleksibilitet. Walkie-talkien drives af batterier, hvilket gør den ideel til brug uden behov for opladerkabler. De mange funktioner, herunder scanningsfunktion og låsefunktion, gør dette til et uundværligt værktøj til alle dine kommunikationsbehov. To-vejs radio til udendørs og arbejdsbrug99 underkanaler for sikker kommunikationFrekvensområde: 400-470 MHzKanaler: 8/20/22Kanalafstand: 12,5/25 kHzSendestyrke: ≤ 500 mW ERPModulationstype: FM - F3ERækkevidde: op til 3 km (åbent terræn)Strømforsyning: 4 x AAA batterier (medfølger ikke)Størrelse: 14 x 5,5 x 2,5 cmAntal: 2 stk.Farve: vælg mellem pink, sort og blåMedfølger: 2 stk. walkie-talkies og manual10 forskellige ringsignalerIndbygget lommelygte og nødalarmLCD-display til batteriniveau
Tolkien'S Lost Chaucer - John M. Bowers - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Tolkien's Lost Chaucer uncovers the story of an unpublished and previously unknown book by the author of The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien worked between 1922 and 1928 on his Clarendon edition Selections from Chaucer's Poetry and Prose, and though never completed, its 160 pages of commentary reveals much of his thinking about language and storytelling when he was still at the threshold of his career as an epoch-making writer of fantasy literature. Drawing upon other new materials such as his edition of the Reeve's Tale and his Oxford lectures on the Pardoner's Tale, this book reveals Chaucer as a major influence upon Tolkien's literary imagination.
Walkie-talkie til børn i 2-pak, blå
Sælger: Pris: 113.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Walkie-talkie til børn i 2-pak, blåEt par walkie-talkies til børn i en blå og cool farve. Disse walkie-talkies er specielt designet og skabt til børn og leg. Produktspecifikationer:Frekvens: 409-410MHZPower: 0,5WBatteri: 3x AAA-batteri (ingår ej)Räckvidd: Utomhus: 100-200 m, Inomhus: 40-50 m, Öppet fält: 800 mStorlek: 33 x 7,5 cm (Unvikt antenn)Material: plastFärg: Blå
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