Der blev fundet 138 produkter som matchede din søgning efter unfolding i 11 butikker:
Unfolding The Napkin - Dan Roam - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 289.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Athene Noctua The Unfolding Path Tarot Cards
Sælger: Pris: 289.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Denne produktbeskrivelse er automatisk oversat.Athene Noctua The Unfolding Path Tarot Cards. Materiale: karton. Højde: 13 cm. Bredde: 8 cm. 100% Officielt licenseret. Indhold: 78 kort, 1 guidebog. Emballage: i kasse.English: Athene Noctua The Unfolding Path Tarot Cards. Material: Cardboard. Height: 13cm. Width: 8cm. Design: Artwork, Printed, Text. 100% Officially Licensed. Contents: 78 Cards, 1 Guidebook. Packaging: Boxed. Ref: UTSD5899
The Unfolding Now - A. H. Almaas - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 264.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
SOG - F10N - Folding Saw - Hand saw
Sælger: Pris: 267.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)SOG Folding SawA saw is an essential piece of survival equipment. The longer the saw, the easier to use, but the harder to carry. We achieved a nice balance between the two. The Folding Saw has a 8.25" blade of hardened and tempered steel that makes short order of branches, small logs, and brush. A comfortable handle helps to cut deep and true on each and every pull stroke. The extremely sharp teeth are differentially tempered for long life and work on hard wood.Overall length: 17.25"Product weight: 9.2 ozBlade length: 8.25"Product type: SawCountry of origin: ChinaBlade steel type: High Carbon SteelEdge type: SawHandle color: BlackSheath included: YesSheath color: Black, SatinSheath material: Ballistic NylonSheath attachment type: Belt LoopSheath closure type: Hook and Loop
The Unfolding - Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 194.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In The Unfolding , Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer startles us with the wonder, beauty, and sacred connection that blossom out of living wholeheartedly. Here the aching heart goes dancing. Written after the deaths of her son and father, these poems embody paradox-simultaneously somber and playful, brokenhearted and uplifting, even solemn and sexy. Trommer wades heart-deep in the broken world and finds in the rubble these honest, surprising invitations to praise.
Maxxis Ikon DC Folding Tire, 29-Inch
Sælger: Pris: 253.53 dkrRenn-Gewinner-Reifen Wird von Profis und Amateuren gleichermaßen verwendet Auf Langlebigkeit getestet
Life Unfolding - Jamie A. Davies - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 154.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Where did I come from? Why do I have two arms but just one head? How is my left leg the same size as my right one? Why are the fingerprints of identical twins not identical? How did my brain learn to learn? Why must I die? Questions like these remain biology's deepest and most ancient challenges. They force us to confront a fundamental biological problem: how can something as large and complex as a human body organize itself from the simplicity of a fertilized egg? A convergence of ideas from embryology, genetics, physics, networks, and control theory has begun to provide real answers. Based on the central principle of 'adaptive self-organization', it explains how the interactions of many cells, and of the tiny molecular machines that run them, can organize tissue structures vastly larger than themselves, correcting errors as they go along and creating new layers of complexity where there were none before. Life Unfolding tells the story of human development from egg to adult, from this perspective, showing how our whole understanding of how we come to be has been transformed in recent years. Highlighting how embryological knowledge is being used to understand why bodies age and fail, Jamie A. Davies explores the profound and fascinating impacts of our newfound knowledge.
Ruike M11-N Folding knife Brown
Sælger: Pris: 261.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)M series multi-functional knives are expected to offer excellent combination of both substantial functionality and good portability. These knives fits for everyday carrying for daily use or back-up methods to kinds of outdoor tools. Overall Length: 165 mm / 6.45" Weight: 60 g / 2.12 oz Blade Length: 71 mm / 2.79" Blade Thickness: 2.5 mm / 0.10" Blade Material: 12C27 stainless steel (57~59 HRC) Finish: Mirror Handle Material: G10 w/ 420 stainless steel liner Opening: Nail nick Locking: Slip joint (no lock)
The Unfolding Of Language - Guy Deutscher - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 239.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Blending the spirit of Eats, Shoots & Leaves with the science of The Language Instinct , an original inquiry into the development of that most essential-and mysterious-of human creations: Language Language is mankind's greatest invention-except, of course, that it was never invented." So begins linguist Guy Deutscher's enthralling investigation into the genesis and evolution of language. If we started off with rudimentary utterances on the level of "man throw spear," how did we end up with sophisticated grammars, enormous vocabularies, and intricately nuanced degrees of meaning? Drawing on recent groundbreaking discoveries in modern linguistics, Deutscher exposes the elusive forces of creation at work in human communication, giving us fresh insight into how language emerges, evolves, and decays. He traces the evolution of linguistic complexity from an early "Me Tarzan" stage to such elaborate single-word constructions as the Turkish sehirlilestiremediklerimizdensiniz ("you are one of those whom we couldn't turn into a town dweller"). Arguing that destruction and creation in language are intimately entwined, Deutscher shows how these processes are continuously in operation, generating new words, new structures, and new meanings. As entertaining as it is erudite, The Unfolding of Language moves nimbly from ancient Babylonian to American idiom, from the central role of metaphor to the staggering triumph of design that is the Semitic verb, to tell the dramatic story and explain the genius behind a uniquely human faculty.
ABUS Folding Lock Bordo 6000/90 cm, black, 0
Sælger: Pris: 745.52 dkrGood protection against medium theft risk. Recommended for the protection of bicycles. 5 mm thick rods made of hardened special steel. Extra soft two-component coating to prevent damage to paintwork. The hinge design allows the lock to be compactly folded.
The Unfolding Of Language - Guy Deutscher - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'A persuasive and beautifully written take on how languages are constantly evolving... an enthralling read about human psychology and anthropology as well as linguistics.' ALEX BELLOS ___________________________________ ' Language is mankind's greatest invention - except of course, that it was never invented '. So begins Guy Deutscher's fascinating investigation into the evolution of language. No one believes that the Roman Senate sat down one day to design the complex system that is Latin grammar, and few believe, these days, in the literal truth of the story of the Tower of Babel. But then how did there come to be so many languages, and of such elaborate design? If we started off with rudimentary utterances on the level of 'man throw spear', how did we end up with sophisticated grammars, enormous vocabularies, and intricately nuanced shades of meaning? Drawing on recent, groundbreaking discoveries in modern linguistics, Deutscher exposes the elusive forces of creation at work in human communication. Along the way, we learn why German maidens are neuter while German turnips are female, why we have feet not foots, and how great changes in pronunciation may result from simple laziness... _____________________ 'Powerful and thrilling' SPECTATOR 'Really ought to be read by anyone who persists in complaining that the English language is going to the dogs' SUNDAY TELEGRAPH 'I was enthralled' A.S. Byatt, for GUARDIAN 'Books of the Year' 'Highly original... clever and convincing... this book will stretch your mind' INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY 'Fascinating' BOSTON GLOBE
Ruike P108-SB Folding knife Black
Sælger: Pris: 359.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Crafted almost exclusively of Stainless Steel, this simple yet elegant knife is of utmost quality. The neatly stonewashed metallic body is complimented by little details making this an exquisite EDC pocket knife. The frame lock is additionally enhanced by a “Beta Plus” lock which is more reliable and secure in preventing accidental blade closure. Overall Length: 210 mm / 8.27" Weight: 118 g / 4.16 oz Blade length: 88 mm / 3.46" Blade Thickness: 3.0 mm / 0.12" Blade Material: 14C28N stainless steel (58~60 HRC) Finish: Black stonewash Handle Material: 420 stainless steel Opening: Flipper Locking: Frame lock w/ "Beta Plus" safety system Sandvik 14C28N Stainless Steel, Cryogenic Treatment Sandvik 14C28N is a martensitic stainless chromium steel with a chemistry optimized for high quality professional knife applications which put very high demands on edge sharpness, edge stability and corrosion resistance. As to this knife, the 14C28N is intensively processed by Ruike using quenching and cryogenic treatment, which features an ideal hardness of 58~60 HRC. 420 Stainless Steel Handle The stainless steel features high standard in toughness, abrasive resistance and corrosion resistance. "Beta Plus" Safety Lock Deploying the blade and pushing the "Beta Plus" lock up can transform your pocket-size folding knife into an fixed-blade knife to handle more harsh conditions. Thrust Ball Bearing/ Ball Bearing Washer The built-in lubricated balls are made of specialized high-carbon chromium bearing steel and are finely machined. The balls feature excellent hardness, wear resistance and fatigue durability.
Grace Unfolding - Ronald S. Kurtz - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 179.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)illustrations
Ray-Ban Folding Wayfarer RB4105 710 50
Sælger: Pris: 1,029.00 dkrDet verdenskendte Ray-ban-mærke anses med rette for at være det bedste blandt solbriller. Kollektionen fra Ray-ban garanterer høj kvalitet med tidløst design og fås i mange former og farver. De ikoniske Ray-ban solbriller er også populære blandt berømtheder, hvilket har gjort dem berømte over hele verden. Ray-Ban Folding Wayfarer RB4105 710 50 er herresolbriller. Se, hvordan du ser ud i disse solbriller med Lentiamos Virtual Try-On-funktion. Solbrille ramme Rammens brune farve matcher perfekt en varm hudtone og lys brunt, sort eller mørkeblondt hår. Firkantede solbrillerammer er et ideelt valg for dem med runde, ovale eller trekantede ansigtsform. Solbrillernes stel er lavet af plastik af høj kvalitet, som giver stor holdbarhed og komfort. Solbrillerne kan nemt foldes til minimum størrelse, hvilket betyder at de ikke fylder meget, og risikoen for at de går i stykker undgås. Sammenlignet med standard solbriller er sammenfoldede solbriller ikke bare mindre, men også lettere. Solbrille linse De brune linser blokerer en smule det blå lys, filtrerer refleksioner og sikrer klarere syn. De er alsidige og anbefales til personer med nærsynethed. Linserne er fremstillet af mineralglas af høj kvalitet, hvilket er en ubestridelig fordel ved er dets usædvanlige modstandsdygtighed over for ridser. Mineralglas er kendetegnet ved sine fremragende optiske egenskaber sammenlignet med andre materialer, der anvendes til fremstilling af solbrillelinser. Solbrillerne har UV 400-beskyttelse, som giver 100 % beskyttelse mod sollys. Solbrillernes linser er udstyret med et solfilter i kategori 3 (lys gennemsigtighed 8 - 18 %). De er velegnede til intens solpåvirkning på stranden eller i byen. Tilbehør Vi leverer solbrillerne i deres originale etui. Etuiets farve og dens design kan variere. Den medfølgende klud er ideel til rengøring og pleje af solbriller. Nogle modeller kan leveres med en tekstiltaske i stedet for en klud. Find flere solbriller fra populære mærker i hele vores sortiment.
Athene Noctua The Unfolding Path Tarot Cards
Sælger: Pris: 289.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Denne produktbeskrivelse er automatisk oversat.Athene Noctua The Unfolding Path Tarot Cards. Materiale: karton. Højde: 13 cm. Bredde: 8 cm. 100% Officielt licenseret. Indhold: 78 kort, 1 guidebog. Emballage: i kasse.English: Athene Noctua The Unfolding Path Tarot Cards. Material: Cardboard. Height: 13cm. Width: 8cm. Design: Artwork, Printed, Text. 100% Officially Licensed. Contents: 78 Cards, 1 Guidebook. Packaging: Boxed. Ref: UTSD5899
Ray-Ban Folding Wayfarer RB4105 601
Sælger: Pris: 839.00 dkrDet verdenskendte Ray-ban-mærke anses med rette for at være det bedste blandt solbriller. Kollektionen fra Ray-ban garanterer høj kvalitet med tidløst design og fås i mange former og farver. De ikoniske Ray-ban solbriller er også populære blandt berømtheder, hvilket har gjort dem berømte over hele verden. Ray-Ban Folding Wayfarer RB4105 601 er herresolbriller. Se, hvordan du ser ud i disse solbriller med Lentiamos Virtual Try-On-funktion. Solbrille ramme Rammens sorte farve matcher perfekt en kølig hudfarve og lys blond, lysebrun eller sort hår. Firkantede solbrillerammer er et ideelt valg for dem med runde, ovale eller trekantede ansigtsform. Solbrillernes stel er lavet af plastik af høj kvalitet, som giver stor holdbarhed og komfort. Solbrillerne kan nemt foldes til minimum størrelse, hvilket betyder at de ikke fylder meget, og risikoen for at de går i stykker undgås. Sammenlignet med standard solbriller er sammenfoldede solbriller ikke bare mindre, men også lettere. Solbrille linse De grønne linser reducerer lysets intensitet uden at påvirke den kontrast eller forvrænger farverne. Linserne er fremstillet af mineralglas af høj kvalitet, hvilket er en ubestridelig fordel ved er dets usædvanlige modstandsdygtighed over for ridser. Mineralglas er kendetegnet ved sine fremragende optiske egenskaber sammenlignet med andre materialer, der anvendes til fremstilling af solbrillelinser. Solbrillerne har UV 400-beskyttelse, som giver 100 % beskyttelse mod sollys. Solbrillernes linser er udstyret med et solfilter i kategori 3 (lys gennemsigtighed 8 - 18 %). De er velegnede til intens solpåvirkning på stranden eller i byen. Tilbehør Vi leverer solbrillerne i deres originale etui. Etuiets farve og dens design kan variere. Den medfølgende klud er ideel til rengøring og pleje af solbriller. Nogle modeller kan leveres med en tekstiltaske i stedet for en klud. Find flere solbriller fra populære mærker i hele vores sortiment.
StarGadgets Dry Drying Net Beef Vegetable Food Fruit Fish Meat Dehydrator
Sælger: Pris: 252.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Made of high quality nylon and steel wires sturdy & wearableQuality metal two-way zipper on the front for easy opening and closeFolding design for easy storage more space saving than unfolding rack3 layers foldable space for better drying vegetables/herbs/fish/meat/clothes etcMesh net good for air circulation and fast drying can protect food from insects/animalsAdopts scientific and environmental way to keep foods/vegetables clean and hygienic when dryingFolding design is helpful for easy storage and takes less space than unfolding rackMaterial: Polyester & SteelSize: Approx. 35 * 35 * 65 cm / 13.77 * 13.77 * 25.69 inchWeight: Approx. 620 g
Maxxis Cross Mark Folding Tyre Size:29 x 2,10
Sælger: Pris: 288.88 dkrColour: black Fast rolling centre bar - front or rear Raised side buttons for better cornering race winner tires
n/a Political Economy And The Changing Global Order - Brugt Bog- Ukendt Forfatter
Sælger: Pris: 896.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Political Economy and the Changing Global Order, Third Edition introduces undergraduate students to the rapid changes taking place in the global economy. This edited collection from top scholars in political economy examines how the economic global order is unfolding and how it will evolve over the next decade.
Sea to Summit Folding Bucket 20 Liter, Red
Sælger: Pris: 359.95 dkr (+49.00 dkr)Letvægt Foldespand
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