Der blev fundet 90 produkter som matchede din søgning efter volatility i 8 butikker:
Volatility Trading, + Website - Euan Sinclair - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 454.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Popular guide to options pricing and position sizing for quant traders In this second edition of this bestselling book, Sinclair offers a quantitative model for measuring volatility in order to gain an edge in everyday option trading endeavors. With an accessible, straightforward approach, he guides traders through the basics of option pricing, volatility measurement, hedging, money management, and trade evaluation. This new edition includes new chapters on the dynamics of realized and implied volatilities, trading the variance premium and using options to trade special situations in equity markets. Filled with volatility models including brand new option trades for quant traders Options trader Euan Sinclair specializes in the design and implementation of quantitative trading strategies Volatility Trading, Second Edition + Website outlines strategies for defining a true edge in the market using options to trade volatility profitably.
Stochastic Volatility Modeling
Sælger: Pris: 1,054.00 dkrPacked with insights, Lorenzo Bergomi’s Stochastic Volatility Modeling explains how stochastic volatility is used to address issues arising in the modeling of derivatives, including:Which trading issues do we tackle with stochastic volatility? How do we design models and assess their relevance? How do we tell which models are usable and when does calibration make sense?This manual covers the practicalities of modeling local volatility, stochastic volatility, local-stochastic volatility, and multi-asset stochastic volatility. In the course of this exploration, the author, Risk’s 2009 Quant of the Year and a leading contributor to volatility modeling, draws on his experience as head quant in Société Générale’s equity derivatives division. Clear and straightforward, the book takes readers through various modeling challenges, all originating in actual trading/hedging issues, with a focus on the practical consequences of modeling choices.
Stochastic Volatility Modeling
Sælger: Pris: 1,054.00 dkrPacked with insights, Lorenzo Bergomi’s Stochastic Volatility Modeling explains how stochastic volatility is used to address issues arising in the modeling of derivatives, including:Which trading issues do we tackle with stochastic volatility? How do we design models and assess their relevance? How do we tell which models are usable and when does calibration make sense?This manual covers the practicalities of modeling local volatility, stochastic volatility, local-stochastic volatility, and multi-asset stochastic volatility. In the course of this exploration, the author, Risk’s 2009 Quant of the Year and a leading contributor to volatility modeling, draws on his experience as head quant in Société Générale’s equity derivatives division. Clear and straightforward, the book takes readers through various modeling challenges, all originating in actual trading/hedging issues, with a focus on the practical consequences of modeling choices.
FOX Crosshjelm V3 Volatile, Grå/Rød
Sælger: Pris: 2,329.00 dkrV3 Volatile MX- hjelm. Udstyret med Multi- Directional Impact Protection System (Mips). Mips tilføjer et lavfriktionslag mellem hjelmen og hovedet Glasfiberkompositskal giver øget slagfasthed og reducerer samtidig vægten 3- positions skygge med afbrækkelige skruer MDEPS™ EPS- foring er beregnet til at yde beskyttelse ved at fordele stødkræfterne over et større overfladeareal Patentbeskyttet Eject- kompatibelt kindpudefjernelsessystem Ionic+® fugttransporterende interiør Højttalerfordybningsrum er kompatible med de fleste kommunikationssystemer til hjelme Hydreringsføringssystem giver dig mulighed for at drikke, mens du er på farten Titanium D- ringslukning Aftagelig skyggeforlænger inkluderet Opfylder standarderne DOT og ECE 22.06
Option Volatility And Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies And Techniques - Sheldon Natenberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 644.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)WHAT EVERY OPTION TRADER NEEDS TO KNOW. THE ONE BOOK EVERY TRADER SHOULD OWN. The bestselling Option Volatility & Pricing has made Sheldon Natenberg a widely recognized authority in the option industry. At firms around the world, the text is often the first book that new professional traders aregiven to learn the trading strategies and risk management techniques required for success in option markets. Now, in this revised, updated, and expanded second edition, this thirty-year trading professional presents the most comprehensive guide to advanced trading strategies and techniques now in print. Covering a wide range of topics as diverse and exciting as the marketitself, this text enables both new and experiencedtraders to delve in detail into the many aspects of option markets, including: The foundations of option theory Dynamic hedging Volatility and directional trading strategies Risk analysis Position management Stock index futures and options Volatility contracts Clear, concise, and comprehensive, the second edition of Option Volatility & Pricing is sure to be an important addition to every option trader's library--as invaluable as Natenberg's acclaimed seminars at the world'slargest derivatives exchanges and trading firms. You'll learn how professional option traders approach the market, including the trading strategies and risk management techniques necessary for success. You'll gain afuller understanding of how theoretical pricing models work. And, best of all, you'll learn how to apply the principles of option evaluation to create strategies that, given a trader's assessment of market conditions and trends, have the greatest chance of success. Option trading is both a science and an art. This book shows how to apply both to maximum effect.
FOX Crosshjelm V3 Volatile, Sort/Blå
Sælger: Pris: 2,329.00 dkrV3 Volatile MX- hjelm. Udstyret med Multi- Directional Impact Protection System (Mips). Mips tilføjer et lavfriktionslag mellem hjelmen og hovedet Glasfiberkompositskal giver øget slagfasthed og reducerer samtidig vægten 3- positions skygge med afbrækkelige skruer MDEPS™ EPS- foring er beregnet til at yde beskyttelse ved at fordele stødkræfterne over et større overfladeareal Patentbeskyttet Eject- kompatibelt kindpudefjernelsessystem Ionic+® fugttransporterende interiør Højttalerfordybningsrum er kompatible med de fleste kommunikationssystemer til hjelme Hydreringsføringssystem giver dig mulighed for at drikke, mens du er på farten Titanium D- ringslukning Aftagelig skyggeforlænger inkluderet Opfylder standarderne DOT og ECE 22.06
Option Volatility & Pricing Workbook: Practicing Advanced Trading Strategies And Techniques - Sheldon Natenberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 284.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Raise your options investing game to a new level through smart, focused practice For decades, Sheldon Natenberg’s Option Volatility & Pricing has been helping investors better understand the complexities of the option market with his clear and comprehensive explanation of trading strategies and risk management. Now, you can raise your performance to a higher level by practicing Natenberg’s methods before you enter the market. Filled with hands-on exercises designed to dramatically increase your knowledge and build your confidence, The Option Volatility and Pricing Workbook provides the necessary tools from which to build a successful options portfolio. Each exercise is preceded by clear description of the principle at hand, and each concludes with in-depth explanations of the correct answers. Hundreds of exercises cover such topics as: •Contract Settlement and Cash Flow•Expiration Profit & Loss•Theoretical Pricing•Volatility•Dynamics of Risk•Synthetic Pricing and Arbitrage•Hedging Strategies•Models and the Real World Success in option markets requires the ability to adapt to constantly changing market conditions. This ability can only be achieved through a full and intimate understanding of the principles of option evaluation, strategy selection, risk management, and market dynamics. Whether you’re a professional or novice trader, a market maker or training manager— The Option Volatility and Pricing Workbook is an invaluable tool for achieving success in this famously tough market.
FOX Boardshorts Volatile 18", Sort
Sælger: Pris: 399.00 dkr (+79.00 dkr)Boardshorts til mænd med konstruktion uden stræk, snørelukning foran og baglomme i højre side.
Crude Volatility - Robert Mcnally - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 344.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)As OPEC has loosened its grip over the past ten years, the oil market has been rocked by wild price swings, the likes of which haven't been seen for eight decades. Crafting an engrossing journey from the gushing Pennsylvania oil fields of the 1860s to today's fraught and fractious Middle East, Crude Volatility explains how past periods of stability and volatility in oil prices help us understand the new boom-bust era. Oil's notorious volatility has always been considered a scourge afflicting not only the oil industry but also the broader economy and geopolitical landscape; Robert McNally makes sense of how oil became so central to our world and why it is subject to such extreme price fluctuations. Tracing a history marked by conflict, intrigue, and extreme uncertainty, McNally shows how-even from the oil industry's first years-wild and harmful price volatility prompted industry leaders and officials to undertake extraordinary efforts to stabilize oil prices by controlling production. Herculean market interventions-first, by Rockefeller's Standard Oil, then, by U.S. state regulators in partnership with major international oil companies, and, finally, by OPEC-succeeded to varying degrees in taming the beast. McNally, a veteran oil market and policy expert, explains the consequences of the ebbing of OPEC's power, debunking myths and offering recommendations-including mistakes to avoid-as we confront the unwelcome return of boom and bust oil prices.
FOX Boardshorts Volatile 18", Indigo
Sælger: Pris: 399.00 dkr (+79.00 dkr)Boardshorts til mænd med konstruktion uden stræk, snørelukning foran og baglomme i højre side.
Options Volatility Trading: Strategies For Profiting From Market Swings - Adam Warner - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 364.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)How to collect big profits froma volatile options market Over the past decade, the concept ofvolatility has drawn attention fromtraders in all markets across theglobe. Unfortunately, this scrutiny has alsocreated a proliferation of myths about whatvolatility means and how it works. Options Volatility Trading deconstructs someof the common misunderstandings about volatilitytrading and shows you how to successfullymanage an options trading account andinvestment portfolio with expertise.This reliable guidebook provides an in-depthlook at the volatility index (VIX) and demonstrateshow to use it in conjunction withother analytical tools to determine an accuratemeasure of investor sentiment. However,recognizing a trend isn't enough. In order togive you everything you need to profit in theoptions market, Options Volatility Tradingalso features: Detailed analysis of historicalvolatility patterns in the contextof trading activityInsights into the behavioral psychologyof trading volatilityRevealing examinations of marketnoise that distorts exploitable anomalies Author Adam Warner, a recognized tradingstrategist and financial writer, sheds lighton the required mathematics by thoroughlycovering options Greeks and building a solidfoundation for more advanced optionsand volatility concepts. He explains how to diversify your investment choices using thelatest trading vehicles on the market, includingexchange traded funds (ETFs), whichoffer exceptional money-earning potentialfor volatility traders. Applying the conceptual lessons in thisin-depth book, you will be able to identify,collect, and process the abundance of dataavailable every day in order to time the marketslike a pro, as well as develop your owntoolbox of best practices and time-testedstrategies for locking in big profits fromdramatic shifts in investor sentiment.Most importantly, Options Volatility Tradingprovides you with a go-to resource of dependableguidelines that will help you become asuccessful volatility trader in options and anyother market.
Utility Woven Short chocolate 40 Female
Sælger: Pris: 250.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Parade your pins in a pair of shortsA versatile day-to-night option, new season shorts aren't all about showing some leg - think mid-length culottes and borrowed-from-the-boy longline styles for a more conservative take on the cropped length. But flesh-baring styles are still big for nights out, with shouty sequin shorts statement and denim hotpants easy to wear for cool-casual evenings. Dress down embellished designs with a slogan tee for added edge.
The Option Volatility And Pricing Value Pack - Sheldon Natenberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 609.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Save big! The knowledge and practice investors need to conquer the options market—two powerful guides in one affordable package You don’t need to enroll in an expensive investing course to get the theory, instruction, and practice you need to conquer the options market. This priced-to-move combo includes two unbeatable guides that will get your portfolio where you want it to be: the new edition of Sheldon Natenberg’s Option Volatility and Pricing —which offers the information, background, and investing techniques you need to navigate the market—along with his Options Volatility and Pricing Workbook , which provides a wide range of hands-on exercises readers can use to practice their methods before entering the market.
Utility Woven Short chocolate 38 Female
Sælger: Pris: 250.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Parade your pins in a pair of shortsA versatile day-to-night option, new season shorts aren't all about showing some leg - think mid-length culottes and borrowed-from-the-boy longline styles for a more conservative take on the cropped length. But flesh-baring styles are still big for nights out, with shouty sequin shorts statement and denim hotpants easy to wear for cool-casual evenings. Dress down embellished designs with a slogan tee for added edge.
Dynamic Models For Volatility And Heavy Tails - Andrew C. Harvey - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 314.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The volatility of financial returns changes over time and, for the last thirty years, Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models have provided the principal means of analyzing, modeling and monitoring such changes. Taking into account that financial returns typically exhibit heavy tails - that is, extreme values can occur from time to time - Andrew Harvey's new book shows how a small but radical change in the way GARCH models are formulated leads to a resolution of many of the theoretical problems inherent in the statistical theory. The approach can also be applied to other aspects of volatility. The more general class of Dynamic Conditional Score models extends to robust modeling of outliers in the levels of time series and to the treatment of time-varying relationships. The statistical theory draws on basic principles of maximum likelihood estimation and, by doing so, leads to an elegant and unified treatment of nonlinear time-series modeling.
Utility Woven Short chocolate 36 Female
Sælger: Pris: 250.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Parade your pins in a pair of shortsA versatile day-to-night option, new season shorts aren't all about showing some leg - think mid-length culottes and borrowed-from-the-boy longline styles for a more conservative take on the cropped length. But flesh-baring styles are still big for nights out, with shouty sequin shorts statement and denim hotpants easy to wear for cool-casual evenings. Dress down embellished designs with a slogan tee for added edge.
Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility, And Prediction - Brugt Bog- Stephen J. Taylor
Sælger: Pris: 281.25 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book shows how current and recent market prices convey information about the probability distributions that govern future prices. Moving beyond purely theoretical models, Stephen Taylor applies methods supported by empirical research of equity and foreign exchange markets to show how daily and more frequent asset prices, and the prices of option contracts, can be used to construct and assess predictions about future prices, their volatility, and their probability distributions. Stephen Taylor provides a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic behavior of asset prices, relying on finance theory and statistical evidence. He uses stochastic processes to define mathematical models for price dynamics, but with less mathematics than in alternative texts. The key topics covered include random walk tests, trading rules, ARCH models, stochastic volatility models, high-frequency datasets, and the information that option prices imply about volatility and distributions. Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction is ideal for students of economics, finance, and mathematics who are studying financial econometrics, and will enable researchers to identify and apply appropriate models and methods. It will likewise be a valuable resource for quantitative analysts, fund managers, risk managers, and investors who seek realistic expectations about future asset prices and the risks to which they are exposed.
Utility Woven Short chocolate 42 Female
Sælger: Pris: 250.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Parade your pins in a pair of shortsA versatile day-to-night option, new season shorts aren't all about showing some leg - think mid-length culottes and borrowed-from-the-boy longline styles for a more conservative take on the cropped length. But flesh-baring styles are still big for nights out, with shouty sequin shorts statement and denim hotpants easy to wear for cool-casual evenings. Dress down embellished designs with a slogan tee for added edge.
Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility, And Prediction - Stephen J. Taylor - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 549.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book shows how current and recent market prices convey information about the probability distributions that govern future prices. Moving beyond purely theoretical models, Stephen Taylor applies methods supported by empirical research of equity and foreign exchange markets to show how daily and more frequent asset prices, and the prices of option contracts, can be used to construct and assess predictions about future prices, their volatility, and their probability distributions. Stephen Taylor provides a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic behavior of asset prices, relying on finance theory and statistical evidence. He uses stochastic processes to define mathematical models for price dynamics, but with less mathematics than in alternative texts. The key topics covered include random walk tests, trading rules, ARCH models, stochastic volatility models, high-frequency datasets, and the information that option prices imply about volatility and distributions. Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction is ideal for students of economics, finance, and mathematics who are studying financial econometrics, and will enable researchers to identify and apply appropriate models and methods. It will likewise be a valuable resource for quantitative analysts, fund managers, risk managers, and investors who seek realistic expectations about future asset prices and the risks to which they are exposed.
Utility Woven Short chocolate 34 Female
Sælger: Pris: 250.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Parade your pins in a pair of shortsA versatile day-to-night option, new season shorts aren't all about showing some leg - think mid-length culottes and borrowed-from-the-boy longline styles for a more conservative take on the cropped length. But flesh-baring styles are still big for nights out, with shouty sequin shorts statement and denim hotpants easy to wear for cool-casual evenings. Dress down embellished designs with a slogan tee for added edge.
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